How to satisfy a woman so that she screams from orgasm. How to prepare the female genital organs for sex, women preparing for sex, girl preparing for sexual intercourse

A woman is ready, as they always say! Except for the phrases: “I have a headache, I’m tired.”) But before sex, and in general, a woman should be clean, and a man too! Long live scented soap. Women often use gels for intimate hygiene for washing, and, by the way, you need to wash yourself twice a day, and after sexual intercourse, it is advisable to do this with boiled water and wash your hands with soap, and wipe only with a separate towel and blotting movements, since the skin is delicate. But Napoleon, for example, wrote letters to his Josephine: “I’ll be there soon! Stop washing!” He liked the natural smell of a woman. In principle, one can only guess

whether he took baths at all and bathed as often as he would like. but it’s unlikely that now there will be a man who likes an unwashed girl or woman. So, ideally, a man and a woman should still have a wash :) and enjoy each other’s bodies.

The question “how to cook” sounds funny; you can cook food, not female genitals.

It seems to me that every woman, before going to bed, takes a bath, shower, or simply washes herself, and not because she is preparing for sex, but simply for herself, for hygiene.

I personally have never liked sex for which you need to prepare in advance and think through what, how and why. It’s cool to make love when you didn’t expect it at all, in a hurry! It’s only when I’m going on a trip that I think through and analyze how and what to do correctly.

A woman, if she is a woman, must always be in combat readiness so that the “enemy” does not take him by surprise!!

Attention to a woman, gifts, kisses, tender words - all this tunes a woman up and stimulates her desire for intimacy. If she has such a desire, then the genitals begin to prepare - they swell, blood flows to them, they become moisturized, etc.

If for men the desire for intimacy comes quickly and they are ready for it right away, then for many women the state of “wanting” comes slowly. That is why, if a man wants to please her, bring her to orgasm, he must prepare her.

Women are different, they are always ready, they are in a state of readiness, they are slightly aroused. And actually category 4, these are those who are in a state of illness, it is better to stay away from them. There are aphrodisiacs for arousal. Women are aroused by a good mind and a cheerful character. And, in fact, all sexual interest depends on how much you correspond to the stereotypes of her ideal. This could be a literary hero, a film or TV series hero, etc. Sometimes, because you don’t have it in “soap reality (operas),” you have to be like your father. The rest is a matter of technique; there is nothing complicated in physical caresses. Regarding washing and other things, this is simply a hygienic and preventive necessity.

Usually, many women take a shower completely from head to toe, including intimate areas in the morning and evening (In the morning it invigorates and relieves drowsiness, gives freshness, since the body is clean and putting clothes on a clean body is very pleasant, and even if the husband suddenly bothers you, then We seem to be always ready and take a shower in the evening before bed, relax afterwards from various thoughts, remove negativity, find freshness, put on a clean shirt before going to bed, get out of the bath), that is, we can say that a woman is generally always ready for unexpected advances.

There is no need to even talk much about washing - this is a natural, normal process. This can be done using special gels for intimate hygiene. But to prepare the female genital organs for sex, I advise you to try lubricants. Lubricants are different, you can choose the action you need in a specialized store. Their main purpose is to moisturize the genitals, they speed up the process of arousal.

Of course, women (and not only them, men too) need hygiene procedures - several times a day (usually more often in the summer). They create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Therefore, before regular, planned sex, most women take a shower. The rules for washing are simple - the stream of water in the perineum should be directed from front to back, and not vice versa.

But I don’t think that this condition is so necessary if a situation has arisen for spontaneous sex. Of course, with a partner you don’t know well, you need to take care of a condom, but in the case of a regular partner, a condom is not necessary.

Well, then - along the well-known path of rapprochement, but do not forget about the foreplay. For a woman, sexual intercourse is especially pleasant when she is very excited. By the way, the body is designed in such a way that women often need visual pictures - I mean erotica. Organs usually react positively to visual objects)))

Prepare female genital organs for sex It’s possible and necessary, but it doesn’t always work out and there’s not always time for it :) Although this is not good.

Female genital organs must be prepared. Before sex, you need to wash them thoroughly, or even syringe them, so that they are clean. You can also lubricate it a little with a special cream to improve the process of sliding the male genital organ into the vagina.

On thematic sites, men often ask this question. Before you take action, first ask yourself: are you ready to see your beloved in the arms of another man? Do you want to see how she will squirm and moan under him?

Almost every woman will be shocked at first by the proposal to diversify her sex life with other partners. But, as you know, water wears away stones. I know a couple (virtually) in which the husband persuaded his wife for 10 (!) years. One can envy his patience, but now everyone is happy, and his wife first of all.

But still, not everyone will agree. Sometimes a wife agrees to swing because it seems to her that it is easier to control her husband. Like, if she refuses him, then he will cheat secretly, it would be better if it was in front of her eyes. Such a woman does not need other partners, she simply tolerates them. Experienced swingers figure out such couples at once and don’t want to have anything with them, there’s no pleasure in it.

Sometimes women experience fallen woman syndrome, this is when the wife first participates in group sex, she really likes it, she gets a lot of pleasure and orgasms, and the next day she suffers from the feeling that she was doing something dirty and immoral. And so on until the next orgy.

The husband must be prepared for the fact that a woman has more sexual resources than a man. Therefore, when you are already exhausted, your wife will still be able to continue. Think about what you will do while your wife is having sex with other partners?

It is often advised to offer your wife not swing, that is, the classic: a couple for a couple, but a threesome with another man. Indeed, for a woman (if she is not bisexual) accepting another man in bed is psychologically easier than seeing her man with another woman. Women have a much more developed sense of possessiveness than men. Many times I read on a thematic forum that a couple only dates men because the wife is jealous of her husband’s other women.

That is why in some families they turn a blind eye to betrayal, because it is psychologically simpler: the so-called “intrafamily decency” is preserved. And there are more benefits for a woman in betrayal - courtship, flirting, gifts; in swing there is practically no such thing. The man from the other couple will not give flowers to your wife because he is not sure that you will give flowers to his wife. A single man will not give as a gift because he does not know how his husband will react to this.

Naturally, you can’t offer it head-on. If you say: “Darling, I was thinking, we need to start swinging,” then your dear one may imagine that you cheated on her and thus are trying to “cover up” the guilt; or that this is a test of her loyalty; or even that you are going to leave her for someone else and are trying to make it seem like she is not satisfying you sexually, women's fantasies are wild in this regard. It is important here that your wife can trust you completely. Let her feel how much you love her, that she is the only one for you.

So how can you persuade your wife to swing? They give practical advice in their article. o_bl .
1. We get used to two penises (using a dildo).
2. Getting used to having fingers in the mouth (Some bloggers wrote in the comments that they don’t like it. Take into account individuality!)
3. We shift the Overton window towards your lack of a second penis in order to give your wife more pleasure with living organs.
4. During sex, a woman agrees that two is better than one (and three is even better than...). Therefore, using borderline states, when sex has already ended and the brain has not yet returned to decency (the whore is in bed, the housewife is in the kitchen), we affirm the idea of ​​​​the lack of toys compared to living organs. Let the woman begin to doubt. Let this become the norm. Two members are better than one.
The first 4 points may take months or years. What's your hurry? :)
5. We try to make dreams come true. Tell them that there are many men who love sex with married couples. Or you can try a new (for you) entertainment - soft swing - two couples having sex in close proximity, without contact with other people's partners. This is live porn.

My husband and I, however, did not have any vibrators or fingers in our mouths (I don’t like fingers in my mouth). It’s different for us: once during sex, my husband whispered: “Imagine that now another man is lying next to you, turn to him and kiss him,” and with these words he turned my head towards the imaginary man, and this turned me on .


The reasons for most quarrels and disagreements between guys and girls, oddly enough, are based on intimate relationships. And don’t think that this applies to anyone but you. Do you know why? Yes, because the girl would never admit that her bad mood and irritability are associated with dissatisfaction in sex.

And, without a doubt, leadership in this matter should be taken by a representative of the stronger sex. After all, it was not for nothing that Balzac said: “He who can control a woman can handle the state.”

First of all, you need to realize this key point - men and women have a diametrically opposed approach to the process of courtship, romantic relationships and, as a result, to intimacy. I'll explain it in my hands.

Why is there misunderstanding

The main paradigm that blinds guys’ eyes and occupies a dominant place in their heads is to quickly physically take possession of the girl they like. This persistent thought pulsates in our brain, whether we want it or not. This is how the male body works; he doesn’t think about how to prepare a girl for sex.

All our courtship, compliments and other techniques are aimed at one, clear and specific goal: to organize the act of fertilizing the female as soon as possible.

For girls the situation is the opposite. For them, emotions, a feeling of attachment to a partner, aesthetic considerations come first, and then bed, as a result of previous efforts.

And don’t think that guys are primitive, and girls are perfection. It just so happened that since ancient times the main task of the male was to fertilize a large number of females, while the female chose a partner for her own protection.

Fortunately, we live in a modern developed world with liberal and democratic rules. But genes, at the level of ancestral memory, determine our behavior with the opposite sex and give us the treasured key to managing female emotions - knowledge of how to build our intimate relationships and how to prepare a girl for sex.

A few tricks for properly preparing a girl

You can be one hundred percent Don Juan, an alpha male and a sex giant all rolled into one. You can know a million tricks in bed and learn a ton of rules for courtship. But all this will be in vain if the girl is not ready for sex.

Yes, by nature, it takes a woman much longer to reach the desired level of arousal and prepare for sexual intercourse than a man. In addition, this preparation takes place in slightly different aspects, as I mentioned above. Let's look at a few simple tips on how to prepare a girl for sex:

  • Given that the key moment for women is emotional, make an effort to create a romantic mood. Prepare her breakfast with an unusual design (you know what it is), get creative, shape boiled vegetables or eggs. It will be better if, after preparing breakfast, you go to work while she is still sleeping.
  • Give her a spicy gift. This could be lace erotic lingerie or perfume with pheromones. Just don’t give her a house, do it at a convenient moment in a restaurant or cafe (you can give it under the table, you can be sure she’ll like it), this will create the necessary aura.
  • Forget about SMS and MMS for a while, send her a letter on paper or a small hand made postcard with spicy content to her work. Believe me, this is much more original than a bouquet of flowers delivered by courier. It would seem like a small thing, but in the evening in bed you will be rewarded.
  • According to most sexologists, public intimate flirting between a guy and a girl is very important. You can ask her at a party what color her underwear is, and if possible, even put your hand under her skirt. Naturally, this needs to be done so that no one notices. Then she will like it.
  • Decorate the evening somehow unusual. In principle, a traditional candlelit dinner will have the same effect, but it will be better if you use your imagination. For example, you can organize dinner in a bubble bath. True, chicken is not suitable for such a situation - replace it with chocolate, fruit and champagne.
  • If you want to know how to properly prepare a girl for sex, be sure to try to unobtrusively find out whether she likes the brutality and somewhat dominant (but not rude!) behavior of a man in bed. Usually girls love such things, so you can safely pounce on her in the hallway and press her against the wall.
  • Try to make your foreplay as long and emotionally intense as possible. Do you remember that a girl needs more time to warm up? So don't rush. Give her a massage, it's actually not difficult at all.
  • Often girls have complexes about their appearance, so they cannot completely relax in bed. Offer to blindfold yourself and give her complete freedom of action - let her do what she wants. That's when you'll see what she's capable of.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with accessories from a sex shop. You don’t have to start right away with dildos and other, more serious things, but a pair of stockings or a nurse’s costume will only bring positive things to your bed life, believe me. To begin with, use lubricants (possibly with a fruity taste and smell), pheromones, and aphrodisiacs. Your girlfriend will appreciate such variety.

And most importantly, do not forget that the moment of emotional affection and attention is very important for women. You can perfectly prepare a girl for sex and end up almost at the finish line, but one extra rudeness or inappropriate joke that hurts her feelings can ruin everything and nullify your efforts. Therefore, be attentive, gentle, affectionate - and the treasured key will be in your pocket!

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Greetings, dear friend! My name is Egor Sheremetyev. On my website you can find answers to many questions regarding dating, dating and building relationships with girls. Please give your opinion about my article. For me it is very important, because... I made the blog for you and I want it to be really useful. Your opinion will allow me to verify this or become an idea for a new article.

6 ways to liberate a girl in bed

Of course, most of us have this unpretentious opinion: the best thing a woman can do in our bed is to end up there. And somehow we can handle everything else ourselves. Nevertheless, Samantha Bichez, the author of a considerable number of books devoted to female sexuality, and a regular correspondent for the American MAXIM, is sure: “Only by fully liberating herself and revealing her sensuality, having achieved a certain professionalism in matters of sex, does a woman begin to truly receive joy from it.. “And Professor Samantha also knows well how to achieve this professionalism. So we’ll just give the floor to her, and we’ll unobtrusively step aside. And we’ll eavesdrop - just to know what they’re talking about, and, if necessary, to help our lady in mastering new important skills.

“Dear ladies! Every Miss Becky Modesty hides a sexy lioness, it’s just that sometimes the animal sits behind very strong bars. I once told this whole zoo to go to hell, and my lioness is walking free, licking her lips carnivorously. What about you? Hurry before the Humane Society bombards you with lawsuits. These few lectures will help you understand what your body wants and what your man wants. (By the way, surprise! - for the most part, they want the same thing.) » Samantha Bichez

Lecture No. 1 The most depraved lingerie

What stops the hand of a woman who was about to take off a black belt with rhinestones and transparent panties from the hanger? Usually this is the question “why do I need such a cheeky little thing?” The following is traditionally a list of contraindications: a boyfriend who won’t notice what I’m wearing even if I’m wearing a life vest, cellulite or strict moral principles. In particularly advanced cases, everything works at once. Next, a dozen practical cotton plain ones are purchased... I don’t know what to call it, the product being purchased clearly does not qualify for such an exquisite phrase as “lingerie”.

What is the mistake of such a buyer? In a basic misunderstanding of arithmetic. Here your lifestyle should not be added to this linen, but, on the contrary, subtracted from it. Once on a woman’s body, frivolous underwear is quickly dealt with first by moral principles, and then by the lack of sex. And at the same time with cellulite: once we start paying attention to our appearance, it is difficult for us to stop on the path of improvement.

Your help Everything is clear here. Buy this most depraved underwear - and give it as a gift. (No, of course, not on the first day of meeting, otherwise she may suspect that you are a licentious, lustful animal. Such intimate gifts can only be given to those women with whom you already have very close relationships and who know for sure that you are something the animal itself is.)

Lecture No. 2 Unbridled passion

There is no need to depict something that does not exist. Only one in a hundred women died of the great Sarah Bernhardt - the rest should not try on the role of a dramatic actress. But to honestly say: “Darling, you now evoke in me no more sexual ecstasy than a sandwich with boiled sausage,” would be a mistake. It is important to be able to awaken desire within yourself. For some ladies, of course, porn films or “dirty talk” can help with this, but this does not always work. Still, we are much more complex than men - our sexuality does not react so vividly to visual or sound images. Personally, I have always used this trick. I went to the bathroom, dimmed the light there, let the water flow from the tap and, under its measured murmur, caressing myself, I remembered something that had ever excited me. (You ladies will understand me - sometimes these were very strange images. Perhaps there would be absolutely no need for a man to know that his girlfriend came to him from the arms of Boris Karloff in the role of Frankenstein's monster.)

Your help Don't sleep, don't sleep, don't sleep!!! Pinch your calf. (What is she doing there, in that bathroom?!) Run around the room, but just hold on! It’s scary to think what will happen when she now appears all so... Frankensteined and finds you peacefully snoring into the pillow.

Lecture No. 3 Highly talented oral sex

Yes, this is also art! I insist on this. And a woman who has thoroughly mastered this art can not only twist ropes out of her man - she herself moves to a new, fundamentally different stage of sexual development (I once saw such a turn in the newspaper, and I liked it so much that I certainly decided insert it somewhere if necessary. For example, here).

The most important thing is to understand that all men are different. Some people like to be treated quite harshly, others wince in pain, as soon as you pull the bridle a little harder. One likes frantic speed and deep penetration, the other likes when his penis is only slightly tickled with the tongue. Therefore: try and try, carefully monitoring his reaction. But there is another, perhaps equally significant aspect - the woman herself should really like it. In fact, it is not so difficult - our lips, palate and the area of ​​​​the throat closer to the tonsils are saturated with nerve receptors. If we regularly train them, for example by touching them with a finger or a pencil, our brain learns to record these signals and classify them as exciting.

Your help Don't be silent like a good guy during interrogation, give compliments when you really like what she does. But avoid excessive activity yourself: if the girl loses control over the situation, she may like the process much less. But supporting her head or chin with your palm so that her neck muscles do not become stiff will be a good thing.

Lecture No. 4 Quickies - quick pleasure

All modern sociological literature unanimously reports: a woman needs a lot of time to enjoy sex. Is this true? Not really. 90 percent. But you, dear ladies, undoubtedly know what sometimes we want - an instant hug, an impulse, so to speak, passion, five minutes that will stretch for eternity... It’s a shame that these desires usually lie in wait for us in the middle of a Viennese ball in the third round of the country dance or at a business lunch with the lady trustees of a home for the mentally retarded elderly. But is there really not a single lockable toilet in this entire shelter? If your partner is a person of broad views, then there is no need to restrain such impulses; this is quite important for your relationship. After all, a modern man is already accustomed to the fact that sex is at least two hours with mandatory preliminary ceremonies such as slow unbuttoning and gentle stroking. And this man, in the depths of his wild nature, still sometimes yearns for those times when ladies were taken unceremoniously, jumping out of the bushes, and quickly, until that toothy creature in the tree became interested in what was happening here. When such unsatisfied instincts roam in your man’s body, there is no guarantee that they will not be realized quite suddenly, with the help of some impudent woman who winked at him in the elevator.

Your help Under no circumstances drop your jaw and whisper “Are you crazy?”, pushing her playful little hands away from your fly. After all, you always have to hope that the president of your company and the two thousand eight hundred and sixty-three employees gathered here today are suffering from especially severe attacks of night blindness and intermittent deafness.

Lecture No. 5 Exciting spanking

This method of combating female frigidity, dear ladies, was widely known both in ancient times and in the Middle Ages. Some may find it humiliating... especially since it is. This is what is so exciting! And the fact that during spanking on the buttocks, blood circulation in the lower part of the body increases, stimulating sexual activity, can be considered as an additional bonus. By the way, female anorgasmia is caused by a feeling of guilt and the realization that sex is a dirty business (up to 30% of all cases of anorgasmia in our country are caused by these mistakes in childhood upbringing), and so, it is in such cases that spanking sometimes turns out to be the most effective remedy. It seems that the punishment has already been received, which means that with a clear conscience we can take on the crime itself. No, there are ladies who organically do not accept such sexual games - then, of course, there is no point in overdoing yourself. But even those women who get excited at the thought of being put on their knees and spanked should not think that there is something wrong with them. According to research by scientists at the Stanford Institute, up to 40-45% of women are prone to such mild masochism during sex.

Your help Don't wait for an invitation - you most likely won't get one. Still, it’s very awkward to admit such things. Just try spanking a girl a couple of times during foreplay as a joke. If she demonstrates that she likes it - she arches her body and moans with pleasure - you can slowly move forward. Buy, for example, a fly swatter with a flexible handle and try to start a conversation with the young lady about who behaved so disgustingly today... Just don’t force things. This matter must be purely voluntary, otherwise you can get caught between the ears with this very fly swatter.

Lecture No. 6 Lesbos

Men like to watch us hug and kiss. Indeed, how can you not like it: not one woman, but two. Or three. And everyone kisses. I don’t know, I personally try not to kiss women just like that. Only for an important matter, for example, teaching your friend to listen to the Hidden World of Her Desires. Still, it’s much easier to master some skills with a woman: we are so leisurely, so attentive to each other, we have such sensitive fingers... It’s better not to practice with close friends - the fact that bed destroys friendship is true for all genders . But a sweet, but not very close acquaintance with a good figure and a willingness to experiment can make the heart of even a heterosexual like me beat faster. And so that we are less embarrassed, it is better to place some familiar, calming object in bed. For example, a man. True, I wouldn’t do this with my husband or regular boyfriend; after all, I, like many women, am a terrible owner, and it is absolutely not a fact that after such adventures I will ever be able to forget what his lips look like when they grasp someone else's nipple... But my ex-husband or the person with whom I have a close but non-binding relationship... in his company this night can become a wonderful event in the lives of all three.

Your help Share affection fairly, unless otherwise provided by the script. By concentrating your attention on one lady, you can seriously offend another. And - forgive the prose of life - condoms need to be changed before each redeployment.

How to prepare a girl for sex | Society

A real man should know how to bring a girl to orgasm. We will tell you about this in this article.

So, to get an orgasm, a girl needs strong arousal, and before sexual intercourse begins. You shouldn’t reach below the waist area with your hands; it’s also better to leave your chest alone to begin with. Initially, we believe that the girl is predisposed to sex.

In particular, experts recommend dealing with a clean girl, and kissing her is more pleasant, and she is more relaxed that she is after a shower. The majority of girls have a complex about this. If you have known each other for several years, you can immediately press your elastic penis against her, she will like it. You can also tell her what you are going to do with her, in all colors, a pleasant whisper in her ear, hot kisses on the neck, and actions as described.

It is best to linger on the kisses of the neck and ears, and it is better to quickly change the position to a lying position. Just don’t dump her immediately if you have doubts that she wants this. Be sure to kiss her neck, ears, earlobes, suck a little, or bite, but not painfully.

You can caress the inside of the ears with your tongue, penetrate the ear hole with the tip of your tongue, gently breathe into the ear, speak pleasant words to her, repeat her name, then go back to the lips, caressing the neck, ears with your hands, kiss again on the lips, neck, you see that she is already excited, start kissing her neck harder. Hide your teeth behind your lips, bite her neck, you can also gnaw her ears a little with your teeth, but not too much, don’t forget to whisper and caress with the tip of your tongue.

Sometimes there is an erogenous zone at the back of the head, but not every girl, try it, it might work. Gently stroke her with your fingers first, then harder, and press her breasts with your chest. You shouldn’t grab with your hands, it’s better to let her get so excited that she herself will ask or clearly indicate it. When she presses her hips against you, let her, but do not rush to press her, do it gently and gradually. Kiss her constantly, in this state, forget about the lips, switch entirely to the neck and ears, the breathing is already deep, hot, but don’t be an animal, it’s too early. When she starts pressing closer and closer to you, you can put your hands on her chest, or on her butt, depending on how tightly she presses...

And now! Breasts, be sure to find out if she likes such affection. If not, it’s better not to try to caress her like that. You need to be careful with your breast nipples; don’t squeeze your breasts first, only if she asks for it, or you see for yourself that she wants it. It is better to caress the breast counterclockwise, with your fingers; you should not grab it with your whole palm. It is better to start from the edge of the breast, with your fingers, and, having made a small circle, move to the nipples, stroke it with the tips of your fingers, then, as if pass them inside your fingers, and grab the nipples while moving.

One more thing, in the process of all this, do not forget about kisses on the neck, and phrases, and try to move your leg closer to her, stick it between her legs and press your excited penis against her. Next, you can try to clasp it with your entire palm, as if picking it up from the bottom, stroking the nipples with your thumb and forefinger. Then the caresses should intensify, you can grab and squeeze her breasts more strongly. When you kiss the breast, try to lick the nipples from bottom to top with your tongue, suck it, you shouldn’t take the whole breast into your mouth, just the nipple and the nearest area will be enough. Using the back of the tongue, move the nipple in a circular motion, then tease the nipple with the tip of your tongue, let the girl see it herself, try to portray pleasure on her face. It is better to caress the other breast with your hand; you should not linger on one breast for a long time; also run your tongue between the breasts when kissing.

Any tongue movements, sucking kisses are allowed, but not strong ones. Collarbone, shoulders, sucking kisses, biting with teeth, if the girl likes a little pain. Just don't get carried away. If you stroke her shoulders, it is better not to use strong movements; light movements will only calm her down.

It’s better to caress your butt like this: in the middle of each buttock there are 2 erogenous places, it’s better to kiss them with your tongue. With your hands, squeeze the butt with medium and stronger caresses, fingers, palm, but not too much, marks may remain and it will hurt.

15 Ways to Prepare for the Hottest Night of Her Life


Change of seats

Did you like it when she let you look up her skirt at the party when no one was looking? So return kindness for kindness. Saying “Look what I have” and unbuttoning your pants is not necessary. You can just tell her you're not wearing panties. And even offer to touch and check. "It's another element of a kind of sexual mischief that is highly desirable in a relationship," says British sexologist Emily Dubberley.

Berry again

Forget chops for dinner. Replace them with hot chocolate (a known aphrodisiac), raspberries and strawberries. Berries replenish zinc, which you lose during ejaculation (5 mg, a third of the daily value) - plus, it will make your dinner today stand out from the crowd.

Tie her up

Determined and authoritative male behavior will make her feel like a woman. Long before the expected evening sex, press her with your body against the wall, hug her tightly but gently. When it comes to sex, take the initiative, attack her, she will reciprocate.

Friction force

Give her a massage, but do it in a unique way: 1. In hot weather, roll a chilled can of soda along her thighs. 2. In cold weather, warm a towel in the microwave for 10 seconds and massage it. 3. Rub a little salt on her stomach and slowly lick it off, wash it down with tequila. Any other food combinations you like are also allowed. 4. Turn your winter gloves inside out and massage with the soft side. Your touch will become more sensual.

Like in a car wash

Pour the shower gel into a flower spray bottle and mix it with water. Spray it with foam and rub gently, then rinse off the soap. Spray it, then rub it. Going to the bathroom together is an exciting experience in itself, but you can combine it with an equally exciting massage.


Go blind

Women who are not completely confident in their bodies often become fixated on the missionary position, assuming that in such a position you will not be able to see their flaws. Let her blindfold you and do whatever she wants - you won’t see anything in any case.

Help yourself

Don't be afraid to use extra tools in sex. No, now we are not talking about vibrating silicone sticks (although there is nothing reprehensible about them). Use pillows to facilitate penetration in one position or another. Try having sex in front of a mirror to both get rid of that shyness that we talked about in the previous paragraph.

Second try

After you've gotten into it for the first time, don't rush into classic high-speed pounding. Tease her: freeze for a moment, pull out of her completely and enter again, but very, very slowly. One way or another, make her beg you to continue. Anticipation is one of the best aphrodisiacs. Use it, but don't be too cruel.

tips and tricks, reasons, ways and means, features, types and methods

The first sexual experience always remains in the memory; this is quite normal and natural. In order for him to leave only positive memories, it is necessary to prepare for this event.

Intimacy is an integral part of the relationship between two loving people. If platonic relationships have moved to a new level and the partners are ripe for closer love contact, you should make sure that such a connection is psychologically and physically ready.

The girl needs to understand that intercourse can be painful for her, but this uncomfortable state quickly passes, opening an interesting path into the world of erotica.

Physiological readiness for first sex

Young people often ask the main question for them, what is the optimal age for first sex, worrying about the physical maturity of the body for sexual intercourse.

It is known that during a scientific experiment that scientists carried out over 10 years, the ideal age of a woman for her first intimate relationship was established - 18–19 years. At the same time, early contacts before 17 and late contacts after 22, according to researchers, are fraught with health complications.

Intercourse is not recommended until the menstrual cycle is stable, and this requires 2-3 years after the onset of menstruation. But given that they can begin at 9–10 years of age, the period of time before the onset of sexual activity should be much longer.

According to statistics, 36% of teenagers enter into sexual relations before the age of 16, and more than half of them regret it later.

Early sexual activity has a number of negative consequences:

  • the danger of sexually transmitted and infectious diseases due to poor awareness of contraceptive methods and the absence of a regular partner;
  • the onset of an unplanned pregnancy;
  • increased risk of cervical cancer;
  • psychological problems associated with a perverted idea of ​​sex or, conversely, its denial.

Speaking negatively about early sexual intercourse, sexologists do not advise delaying it, because this is fraught with hormonal disorders, mental disorders, and lack of orgasm in women.

Psychological readiness for first sex

In the life of every girl, defloration (breaking the hymen) opens up access to a full sexual life, which can acquire both a positive connotation and leave a negative memory. The age for first sex has dropped significantly today.

For psychological comfort, intimate intimacy is possible only in the most familiar environment, where you can feel more relaxed and use familiar objects. You need to go through your wardrobe and put on familiar things so as not to feel additional discomfort from new clothes, which can be very uncomfortable in a piquant situation.

It often happens that after penetration of the penis into the vagina there is no bleeding. This may happen because defloration is not completed due to the good extensibility of the hymen. Representatives of the fair sex should know how to prepare for the first sex and, taking into account all the factors, calmly take the reproaches of an inexperienced partner, patiently explaining the situation and maintaining emotional calm.

How to properly prepare for first sex?

The beginning of sexual activity requires the creation of an intimate atmosphere, romantic lighting, and slow, inviting music. Only pleasant memories of this date should remain, so you need to follow the recommendations of sexologists and psychologists.

Often young people think that taking a small dose of alcohol will help them relax by lowering their pain threshold. This opinion is fundamentally wrong. Strong drinks serve as catalysts that increase pain.

Intimacy does not tolerate fuss, especially at this crucial moment. Until a man sufficiently arouses a woman using stimulation of erogenous zones, defloration is not recommended.

Knowing how to prepare yourself for sex, you should not forget about additional lubricants that are most suitable for such a moment.

Consultation with a sexologist on preparing for first sex

Doctors, teachers and psychologists rightly believe that the younger generation needs to undergo a course of sex education before intimate intimacy. The knowledge gained will protect you from mistakes and form a correct understanding of sexual culture.

When entering into sexual activity, it is advisable to combine theory with practice. Theoretical knowledge can expand the emotional spectrum of partners, enriching intimate life.

preparing a girl for sex

Read the article with new secrets on how to enhance your orgasm!

Many experts call this phase the stage of foreplay, others - the majority of them today - consider it a legal and integral part of sexual intercourse. The fact is that, although at this stage there is no penetration, no woman - even a fantastically temperamental one - can enter into intimacy without words, caresses, stroking and touching. Of course, there are women so excitable that a minimum of words and affection is enough for them, but this is still necessary. Therefore, the expression “foreplay”, common 20-30 years ago, is practically not used by specialists today, and the beginning of sexual intercourse is counted precisely from the arousal phase.

Most men don’t need words, touches or strokes - just the sight of a naked (or better half-naked!) partner gives us an erection. But intimate relationships are the interaction of a man and a woman, and we know that beautiful ladies need 3-5, or even 10-15 minutes of the first stage. We men carry out this stage mainly for our partners (what can we do - that’s how they, these women, are designed!), although after 40 years, as a rule, we ourselves need it.

At this stage, the woman is adequately stimulated, as a result of which her sexual arousal awakens, forms and increases. By adequate stimulation we mean words, caresses, touches, stroking and other actions that this particular woman needs in a given situation. The range of sexual influences here is unusually wide: most representatives of the fair sex need gentle words about love for her and her beauty, touching, stroking and kisses.

For the minority - tight hugs, passionate expressions more about the desire to possess her than about love, strong kisses that leave marks on the skin. A very minority (but this, by the way, is every eighth woman!) need remarks that are not at all censored (but at the same time sexy!) and caresses that outwardly resemble aggression. It is important to keep in mind that both the one and the other, and the third way to excite a woman can be called adequate if it matches the sexual style of a particular partner. Thus, the most gentle stroking with the most affectionate speeches (You are my good one... You are my sweetheart... You are my beloved girl...) will not become adequate stimulating actions for a woman who feels the need for strong, painful, compression of the chest and sharp passionate words.

Seven rules for preparing girls for sex: freedom

What should a girl do before a date to make her want to have sex with her again and again? Did intimate details evoke only pleasant memories for the guy? Let's imagine that a young man, sexually hungry, like a tiger, comes to visit a girl. After reading the post about Barmin’s Five Rules for Men, I decided to write my own for girls.

1. I vote for always taking a condom with you or having one in your nightstand. Of course, in this case, they usually rely on the guy, but if he forgets his “clothes,” it is always convenient to help him out from his own supplies and thereby stop the panic. The right guy will always appreciate your thriftiness.

2. If the date takes place at your home and involves quick sex, I think it would be a good idea to do a cleansing enema. You never know what kind of sex he dreams of, and neglecting to cleanse the intestines can make it very difficult to fulfill his desires and lead to all sorts of “ensuing” troubles

3. It is necessary to remove from the bed teddy bears, pillows, cats, and toy bunnies given in first grade, if any. In my experience, guys perceive the entire plush collection as an army of peeping perverts, not to mention that they make it very difficult to move around in bed

4. There is no need to talk about showering and depilation of all secrets. A rare bird dreams of getting lost in the jungle, eating hair and mastering braiding...

5. I would keep wet wipes next to the bed so that you don’t rush around the apartment screaming if a mysterious substance accidentally gets into your eye!

6. It’s worth thinking about the outfit you’ll wear to meet your man. It is better to wear stockings, not tights, unless he asks otherwise, and high-heeled shoes. Firstly, you can have sex without taking them off at all, and not waste precious time on it. Secondly, it’s very exciting - it’s not for nothing that porn actresses are always dressed in stockings and shoes. And thirdly, it’s just beautiful! The outfit will be complemented by a sexy corset.

7. It’s worth discussing separately what a girl should do with her hair and nails. It would seem that everything is simple - long nails are beautiful. But there's one catch. If he wants you to caress yourself with your fingers and put one of them in your pussy, or if you want to caress his anus with your fingers, then nails will get in the way. Not to mention those cases when you need to lubricate your ass before anal sex. Hair is also a problem. On the one hand, you want to please your loved one with a hairstyle - perfectly straightened strands or beautiful curls. But, on the other hand, hair gets into your mouth during a blowjob. And during a hard blowjob, they get into your mouth so much that mom don’t worry. And during sex, some guys grab and hold them, especially from the doggy style position. What to do? What should I do? Focus on the situation!

How do you prepare for sex when you go on a date?

© Enjoy your Saturday evening and unforgettable sexual adventures! With you morena_morana, the meanest girl in all of LiveJournal

Girls are mysterious creatures, they have their own quirks. Yesterday your significant other was all upset, today she is already having fun, and tomorrow - who knows what she will be like tomorrow.

However, no matter what happens in a woman’s head, her mistress still remains a tender, sentimental, vulnerable person. If any event/activity is planned, you need to know how to prepare a girl to such a plot twist that there are no unpleasant surprises.

Take your time

It’s better not to put things off until the last minute, but you shouldn’t rush, so as not to make people laugh, as one famous proverb says. First, think about how the girl might react to your decision/news, be it a statement that you need to break off the relationship, or the news that your mother is coming to your home to stay. In this case, does something depend on it or are there some external forces that it cannot influence? Will she cope on her own? Will she need help? You definitely need to answer these questions for yourself, and then draw the appropriate conclusions.

Explain from a rational position

For girls, feelings usually play the “first fiddle”; they easily succumb to them, so it is necessary to explain how significant this or that event is from a rational position. This way there will be a greater chance that your listener’s mind will override her feelings. Put everything on your shelves for her: what, how, where, when and why.

Put pressure on feelings

If your reasoning does not prevail over your feelings, then you need to act differently. Pressure on feelings Women do it best, but what can you do - you should learn this technique too. If this is not useful in life, then it will not be superfluous either. Show what pain the current situation can bring, and also tell how you want to get out of it.

How to prepare a girl for first sex

If we are talking about how to prepare a girl for first sex, we must remember that any pressure is contraindicated, since the effect can be the opposite. The guy should do the opposite - Provide every possible support to the girl, be as delicate as possible. She may be stopped from first intimacy by fear of pain. I must say that a lot depends on you. Be as gentle and restrained as possible - then your partner will only enjoy the first sex. AND don't forget about trust V

Many experts call this phase a stage, others - the majority of them today - consider it a legal and integral part of sexual intercourse. The fact is that, although at this stage there is no penetration, no woman - even a fantastically temperamental one - can enter into intimacy without words, caresses, stroking and touching. Of course, there are women so excitable that a minimum of words and affection is enough for them, but this is still necessary. Therefore, the expression “foreplay”, common 20-30 years ago, is practically not used by specialists today, and the beginning of sexual intercourse is counted precisely from the arousal phase.

Most men don’t need words, touches or strokes - just the sight of a naked (or better half-naked!) partner gives us an erection. But this is the interaction between a man and a woman, and we know that beautiful ladies need 3-5, or even 10-15 minutes of the first stage. We men carry out this stage mainly for our partners (what can we do - that’s how they, these women, are designed!), although after 40 years, as a rule, we ourselves need it.

At this stage, the woman is adequately stimulated, as a result of which her sexual arousal awakens, forms and increases. By adequate stimulation we mean words, caresses, touches, stroking and other actions that this particular woman needs in a given situation. The range of sexual influences here is unusually wide: most representatives of the fair sex need gentle words about love for her and her beauty, touching, stroking and kisses.

For the minority - tight hugs, passionate expressions more about the desire to possess her than about love, strong kisses that leave marks on the skin. A very minority (but this, by the way, is every eighth woman!) need remarks that are not at all censored (but at the same time sexy!) and caresses that outwardly resemble aggression. It is important to keep in mind that both the one and the other, and the third way to excite a woman can be called adequate if it matches the sexual style of a particular partner. Thus, the most gentle stroking with the most affectionate speeches (You are my good one... You are my sweetheart... You are my beloved girl...) will not become adequate stimulating actions for a woman who feels the need for strong, painful, compression of the chest and sharp passionate words.