How to celebrate the New Year in Chad. New Year in different countries of the world

Due to different time zones, the time of the new year may differ from ours by as much as 25 hours. From this article you will find out when the New Year begins in different countries world and what are the features of celebration in some countries

We have already talked in detail about the history of the New Year and traditions. Now let's talk about when this day comes in different countries of the world. The very first to celebrate the New Year are the residents of the island of Kiritimati, which is part of the Christmas Islands, as well as the residents of the city of Nuku'alofa (the capital of the Kingdom of Tonga). These islands are located in Oceania

+0.15 - Chatham Island (New Zealand), located away from the main islands of New Zealand, celebrates the New Year second. It has a special time zone

+1.00 - Then the New Year begins in New Zealand. At the same time, he was also met by polar explorers from the South Pole in Antarctica

+2.00 - Next to celebrate are the residents of extreme eastern Russia (Anadyr, Kamchatka), the Fiji Islands and some other Pacific islands (Nauru, Tuvalu, etc.)

+2.30 - Norfolk Island (Australia)

+3.00 - Part of eastern Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra) and some Pacific islands (Vanuatu, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, etc.)

Australia is worth talking about separately. In Sydney there is always a huge celebration. On New Year's Eve, the city looks like a brightly decorated Christmas tree, with branches sagging from the decorations. Numerous fireworks scatter in the sky over Sydney, which are visible from a distance of 16-20 kilometers from the city. Notice how gorgeous the fireworks are against the backdrop of the famous Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House

After a festive night, Australians often go somewhere outdoors, as the climate always allows it

+3.30 - South Australia (Adelaide)

+4.00 - Queensland state in Australia (Brisbane), part of Russia (Vladivostok) and some islands (Papua New Guinea, Mariana Islands)

+4.30 - Northern Territories of Australia (Darwin)

+5.00 - Japan and Korea

In Japan, New Year is celebrated on January 1st. The custom of seeing off the Old Year with lavish receptions and visits to restaurants is obligatory. As the New Year begins, the Japanese begin to laugh. They believe that laughter brings them good luck in the new year. On the first New Year's Eve, it is customary to visit the temple, where the bell is struck 108 times. With each blow, everything bad goes away, and will not happen again in the New Year. Among New Year's accessories, lucky amulets - miniature rakes - are popular. Every Japanese person definitely buys them so that they have something to rake in happiness for the New Year. Bamboo rakes - kumade - are made from 10 cm to 1.5 meters in size and decorated with rich paintings. Rice cakes and tangerines are placed prominently in homes to symbolize happiness, health and longevity.

+6.00 - China, parts of Southeast Asia and the remaining territories of Australia

Chinese New Year is celebrated between January 17 and February 19, during the new moon. Street processions are the most exciting part of the holiday. Thousands of lanterns are burning to illuminate the path to the New Year. The Chinese believe that New Year surrounded by evil spirits. Therefore, they scare them away with firecrackers and firecrackers. New Year in China is strictly a family holiday, so everyone strives to spend it with their loved ones. In the evening, each family gathers in the living room for a festive dinner. During this dinner, which took place under the sign of the unity of the clan, and above all the unity of its living and deceased members, its participants eat dishes that are first offered to the spirits of their ancestors. At the same time, family members forgive each other old grievances

+7.00 - Indonesia and the rest of Southeast Asia

+7.30 - Myanmar

+8.00 - Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Part of Russia (Novosibirsk, Omsk)

+8.15 - Nepal

+8.30 – India

In India, New Year is celebrated in different ways. In one part of the country, the holiday is considered open when a paper kite is struck by a flaming arrow. In northern India, people decorate themselves with flowers in shades of pink, red, purple, or white. Mothers of southern India place sweets, flowers and small gifts on a special tray, and on the morning of the New Year, children are led to the tray with their eyes closed

+9.00 - Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and part of Russia (Ekaterinburg, Ufa).

+9.30 - Afghanistan

+10.00 - Armenia, Azerbaijan, part of Russia (Samara), some islands in the Indian Ocean.

+10.30 - Iran

+11.00 - Part of East Asia, part of Africa, part of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg)

+12.00 - Eastern Europe (Romania, Greece, Ukraine, etc.), Türkiye, Israel, Finland, part of Africa.

In Finland, families gather around a variety of dishes New Year's table. Children expect a huge basket of gifts from Joulupukki, the name of the Finnish Father Frost. On New Year's Eve, Finns often tell fortunes, trying to find out their future. If you decide to visit this country for the New Year, there is nothing better than a trip to Finland on comfortable buses from

In Greece, New Year is St. Basil's Day. Saint Basil was known for his kindness, and Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that Saint Basil will fill the shoes with gifts. It is also customary here to launch fireworks into the sky. In the photo there are New Year's fireworks over the Acropolis

+13.00 - Western and Central Europe (Belgium, Italy, France, Hungary, Sweden, etc.), part of Africa.

As soon as the New Year begins, Italians rush to get rid of things that have already served their purpose, sometimes throwing them straight out of the window or burning them. In Italy, the custom of bringing clean water from a spring on the first morning of the new year has been preserved, as it is believed that water brings happiness.

The French, even before Christmas, hang a branch of mistletoe over the door of their houses, believing that it will bring good luck next year. They decorate the whole house with flowers and always put them on the table. In every house they try to place a model depicting the scene of the birth of Christ. According to tradition, a good winemaker should clink glasses with a barrel of wine on New Year’s Eve, congratulate it on the holiday and drink to the future harvest. The photo shows New Year's fireworks against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower.

+14.00 - Prime Meridian (Greenwich), Great Britain, Portugal, part of Africa

Let's move on to the UK. The ringing of a bell announces the New Year in England; the British have a tradition of releasing old year from the house, before the bell rings, they open the back doors of the houses, and then open the front doors to let in the New Year. New Year's gifts in the English family circle, they are distributed according to the old tradition - by lot. The photo shows New Year's fireworks against the backdrop of the famous London Eye.

+15.00 - Azores

+16.00 – Brazil

On New Year's Eve, residents of Rio de Janeiro go to the ocean and bring gifts to the Goddess of the Sea Yemanja. Traditionally, Brazilians dress in white clothes, which symbolizes a prayer for peace addressed to the goddess of the Sea. Believers bring all kinds of gifts to the goddess: flowers, perfumes, mirrors, jewelry. Gifts are placed in small boats and sent out to sea as a sign of gratitude for the past year and as a request for protection in the coming year. Notice how many people gathered on Rio beach to watch festive fireworks

+17.00 - Argentina and part of eastern South America

+17.30 - Newfoundland Island (Canada)

+18.00 - Eastern Canada, many Caribbean islands, part of South America

+19.00 - Eastern parts of Canada (Ottawa) and the USA (Washington, New York), western part of South America.

USA. In New York, in Times Square, the traditional ceremonial descent of the famous Ball, sparkling with thousands of neon lights, takes place.

+20.00 - Central parts of Canada and the USA (Chicago, Houston), Mexico and most Latin American countries.

+21.00 - Part of Canada (Edmonton, Calgary) and USA (Denver, Phoenix, Salt Lake City)

+22.00 - Western parts of Canada (Vancouver, and the USA (Los Angeles, San Francisco)

+23.00 - State of Alaska (USA)

+23.30 - Marquesas Islands as part of French Polynesia

+24.00 - Hawaiian Islands (USA), Tahiti and Cook Islands

+25.00 - Residents of Samoa are the last to celebrate the New Year

This is how the New Year is celebrated in a big way all over the world, in different countries in different ways, but everywhere there is common feature- you need to meet him cheerfully and on a grand scale

During one year, different religions and different nations around the world celebrate the New Year on different days.

January 1 The New Year officially begins in most countries around the world that follow the Gregorian calendar.

January 14 The Old New Year is celebrated throughout the CIS; it is considered the beginning of the year in Greece. This is the day of St. Basil, who was once famous for his kindness and special love for children.

On the first new moon after January 21(in different years it is celebrated between January 21 and February 20) the New Year begins according to the eastern calendar, which is followed by countries such as China, Vietnam, Singapore, Korea, Mongolia, Malaysia, etc.

On the first day of the holy month of Muharram in Islamic countries, the Hijri New Year begins (starting from July 16, 622 according to the Gregoran calendar, each subsequent Hijri New Year begins 11 days earlier than the previous one). The 1st Mukharam is not included in the list of Islamic holidays and, accordingly, in most Muslim countries, the New Year is not celebrated as a holiday in the secular sense. On this day, a sermon is read in mosques dedicated to the move of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina.

February 24 Indian New Year holiday Holi. (In India, New Year is celebrated several times on different days).

March 10 The people of Kashmir begin to celebrate the New Year in India and continue to celebrate it until the end of the New Year celebrations in all Indian states.

On the night of March 21-22 New Year comes to countries living according to the Persian calendar: Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, Azerbaijan. March 22 is called “Novruz” - the first day of the New Year.

On the first day of the waxing moon of the month of Chaitra according to the Hindu calendar (late March - early April according to Gregorian), the Indian New Year Gudi Padwa is celebrated.

From 12 to 17 April New Year is celebrated in Burma. It falls on the hottest and hottest days there. The exact day of the celebration is announced by the Ministry of Culture by a special decree, and the celebrations last three days.

April 13 The Thai New Year is celebrated, Songkran. On the same day, residents of West Bengal celebrate the New Year in India.

April 14 New Year comes to Laos. This is the eve of the long-awaited rainy season. On the same day, Hindus from the state of Tamil Nadu celebrate the arrival of the New Year, and this day coincides with the official onset of spring.

1st and 2nd of the month of Tishri according to the Jewish calendar(usually in September Gregorian) New Year is celebrated in Israel, where it is called Rosh Hashanah.

September 11 The Ethiopian New Year is coming, which marks the end of the rainy season in Ethiopia.

October 7 New Year holidays are coming to Gambia and Indonesia. For local residents, this is a special date - you can put on your best clothes, preen yourself, ask each other for forgiveness for all offenses and enter the New Year with a clear conscience.

Night from October 31 to November 1, known in Catholic countries as "Halloween", is considered the beginning of the New Year among the Celtic peoples, and it is called "Samhain". This date is especially important in Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man, where the descendants of the ancient Celts still live and maintain centuries-old customs.

November 18 one year gives way to another in the Hawaiian Islands, Oceania and Yemen. In these regions, the New Year is celebrated later than everyone else, when other countries are already preparing to celebrate the next year.

Interesting New Year traditions.
Very soon, as the chimes strike, we will open champagne, raise our glasses and make a wish. The smell of tangerines, fireworks on the street, sparklers, the president's speech - these are the typical attributes of the Russian New Year.
Let's take a trip to other countries of the world and get to know the local traditions of the most beloved holiday of Russians.


New Year comes early to Australia. Australians are among the first in the world to welcome the New Year.
At this time, hot summer is raging here, because December and January are the summer months. All kinds of free shows and concerts are held here. In Sydney, one of the largest fireworks displays in the world is launched at midnight in Sydney Harbor.

And at exactly midnight, all the parties are interrupted and people honk, whistle, and ring bells. This is how you are invited to visit the New Year.

On New Year's Eve, the good Fairy Befana flies in on a magic broom. She opens doors with a little golden key and fills socks with gifts. For those who have studied poorly or been naughty, Befana leaves a pinch of ash or coal.
In Italy, it is believed that the New Year should begin, freed from everything old. Therefore, on New Year's Eve it is customary to throw old things out of windows - irons, chairs.
Italian Santa Claus - Babbo Natale.


In Sweden, before the New Year, children choose the Queen of Light, Lucia. She is dressed in a white dress, and a crown with lit candles is placed on her head. Lucia brings gifts for children and treats for pets: cream for the cat, a sugar bone for the dog, and carrots for the donkey. On a festive night, the lights in the houses do not go out, the streets are brightly lit.


In England, Father Christmas is called Santa Claus. On New Year's Day, it is customary to stage performances for children based on the plots of old English fairy tales. Lord Disorder leads a cheerful carnival procession, in which fairy-tale characters take part: the March Hare, Humpty Dumpty, Punch and others. Throughout New Year's Eve, street vendors sell toys, whistles, squeakers, masks, and balloons.
Before going to bed, children put a plate on the table for the gifts that Santa Claus will bring them, and put hay in their shoes - a treat for the donkey.
The bell heralds the arrival of the New Year. True, he starts calling a little earlier than midnight and does it in a “whisper” - the blanket with which he is wrapped prevents him from demonstrating all his power. But at exactly twelve the bells are stripped and they begin to ring loudly in honor of the New Year.


In Vietnam, New Year is celebrated between January 21 and February 19, when early spring. Instead of a Christmas tree, they decorate tangerine trees, apricot and peach branches. The branches of a blossoming peach - a symbol of the New Year - should be in every home.
Children eagerly wait for midnight, when they can start firing small homemade firecrackers.
New Year is considered a family holiday and is always celebrated with family. Children are the first to congratulate the older generation, and parents, in turn, give their children money in bags. Banknotes and coins must be new.
Before the New Year, it is customary to collect rich gifts for Buddha and bring them to the temple. Various entertainment events take place on the streets for three days, which end with a bright, magnificent dragon procession at night.
At dusk, Vietnamese people light bonfires in parks, gardens or on the streets, and several families gather around the bonfires. Special rice delicacies are cooked over coals.
On this night all quarrels are forgotten, all insults are forgiven. On New Year's Day, the Vietnamese sometimes buy live carp and then release it into a river or pond.


French Santa Claus - Père Noel - comes on New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. The one who gets the bean baked into the New Year's pie receives the title of "bean king" and on the festive night everyone obeys his orders.

Finland. Homeland of Santa Claus

In snowy Finland the main winter holiday Christmas is considered to be celebrated on December 25th. On Christmas night, having overcome a long journey from Lapland, Santa Claus comes to homes, leaving a large basket of gifts for the joy of the children.
New Year is a kind of repetition of Christmas. Once again the whole family gathers around the table. On New Year's Eve, Finns try to find out their future and tell fortunes by melting wax and then pouring it into cold water.

Germany. Santa Claus comes to the Germans on a donkey

In Germany, they believe that Santa Claus appears on a donkey on New Year's Day. Before going to bed, children put a plate on the table for the gifts that Santa Claus will bring them, and put hay in their shoes - a treat for his donkey.


Water is poured from the windows.
Children's New Year's holiday in Cuba is called Kings Day. The day before, children write letters to them in which they tell them about their cherished desires.
On New Year's Eve, Cubans fill all the dishes in the house with water, and at midnight they begin to pour it out of the windows. This is how all the residents of Liberty Island wish the New Year a bright and clear path, like water. In the meantime, while the clock strikes 12 strokes, you need to eat 12 grapes, and then goodness, harmony, prosperity and peace will accompany you all twelve months.


Back in the late 80s, the Chinese custom came to us to associate the arrival of the New Year with one of the animals eastern calendar. A little later, traditional European figures of Santa Claus and deer appeared, Russians began to decorate their houses with Christmas wreaths, and from the beginning of the 21st century it became customary to set off fireworks.
In China, the New Year's tradition of bathing Buddha has been preserved. On this day, all Buddha statues in temples and monasteries are respectfully washed in clean water from mountain springs. And the people themselves douse themselves with water at the moment when others say to them new year wishes happiness. Therefore, on this holiday, everyone walks the streets in thoroughly wet clothes.
Judging by the ancient Chinese calendar, the Chinese are entering the 48th century. According to him, this country is entering the year 4702. China switched to the Gregorian calendar only in 1912. The date of Chinese New Year varies from January 21 to February 20 each time.


Once upon a time, the Japanese celebrated New Year in Chinese lunar calendar. But from the 19th century they began to celebrate according to the generally accepted Gregorian calendar.
Preparations for the holiday take a long time and carefully.
In Japan there is a tradition " greeting card" Such congratulations are necessarily sent to all friends and acquaintances. Moreover, if a Japanese person has ever written a postcard, he is obliged to do so every year. Back in elementary school Japanese children are taught the craft of signing cards. Wishes are written 2-3 weeks before the New Year, but they are always dated January 1st. Postmen try to deliver the postcard on the 1st.

I wish everyone a happy New Year!

New Year- a magical holiday celebrated all over the world. We all know and honor the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country, but other countries of the world have their own traditions, many of which are very unusual and interesting, and we will tell you about them.


Very beautiful rituals of celebrating the New Year in India. People of northern India decorate themselves with white, pink, red and purple flowers. In central India, buildings are decorated with multi-colored, mostly orange, flags. In western India, small lights are lit on the roofs of houses. Hindus have their own rules for giving gifts. For example, gifts for children are placed on a special tray. In the morning, the children close their eyes and are brought to this tray.


In Ireland, on the evening before the New Year, the doors of houses open wide; anyone who wishes can enter any house and become a welcome guest there. He will be seated in a place of honor, treated to a glass of good wine, not forgetting to say: “For peace in this house and in the whole world!” At half past twelve, the Irish go out to the central square, sing, dance, and have fun.


In Italy, on New Year's Eve, no one is surprised if someone gets rid of unnecessary things. Old flower pots, unnecessary furniture, clothes and trinkets fly right out of the window. Italians believe that the more things left on the street, the more luck and money a generous New Year will bring.


In Cuba, before the New Year, everyone fills glasses with water, and when the clock strikes twelve, they splash it through the open windows onto the street. This means that the old New Year has ended happily and Cubans wish each other that the new year will be as clear and pure as water. And of course, happy! The clock in Cuba only strikes 11 times on New Year's Day. Since the 12th strike falls just on the New Year, the clock is allowed to rest and calmly celebrate the holiday with everyone.


The “face of the holiday” in Finland is represented by old man Frost, or, as the Finns themselves call him, Joulupukki. According to Finnish tradition, this winter old man brings rods to naughty children and gifts to obedient children. In addition, housewives cook festive plum jelly. Unmarried girls throw a shoe over their shoulder on New Year's Day. If he falls with his toe towards the door, there will be a wedding.


In the Netherlands and Belgium, the first day of the new year is taken very seriously. People try to behave correctly, not borrow money and wear only new things. It is believed that a person himself determines his future for the entire next year. If you spend the first day of the New Year having fun, then the whole year will be like that.
Another tradition that the residents of these countries adhere to is the election of the king of the holiday. Women prepare a cake in which a bean or pea is placed. It is the person who gets a piece of baked goods with a bean who becomes king for the entire New Year's Eve, then chooses the queen and retinue.


Since the New Year is at its hottest time in Burma, its arrival is celebrated with a water festival. The spectacle, I must say, is very funny: when people meet, they pour water on each other from different dishes. But pouring water does not offend anyone, because this ritual is a kind of wish for happiness in the New Year.


In Denmark, on New Year's Day, it is customary to protect the forest from poachers. On the eve of the holiday, foresters treat forest spruce trees with a special composition, which has absolutely no odor in the cold. and at room temperature it emits a suffocating odor.


In Austria, it is considered an unwritten commandment to hear the solemn sound of the “Peace Bell” installed on St. Stephen’s Cathedral on New Year’s Day in Vienna. Thousands of people gather on Cathedral Square on December 31. In the old days, in this country it was considered a good omen to meet a chimney sweep, touch him and get dirty. This was believed to bring great happiness and good luck.


Very exotic New Year celebrations take place in Australia. Due to the lack of snow, Christmas trees, deer and other usual attributes of the holiday, Father Frost appears in a swimming suit, on a special brightly decorated surfboard on the beaches of Sydney. Moreover, observing the traditions of the Old World, his clothes always include a white beard and a red cap with a pompom at the end.


In Bulgaria, on New Year's Eve, dogwood sticks are purchased - an indispensable attribute. New Year's holiday. On the first of January, children approach their family and friends, lightly hitting them with chopsticks, and congratulate them on the holiday. With the last stroke of the clock of the passing year, the lights in all houses go out for 3 minutes: these are the minutes of New Year's kisses that replace toasts. Bulgarians are happy if someone sneezes at the table. They say it brings good luck.


In Japan, New Year is celebrated on January 1st. The Japanese are afraid that along with happiness and wealth, evil spirits will enter the house. To protect themselves from troubles, people hang bundles of straw in front of the entrance to their houses. As soon as the New Year comes, the Japanese laugh joyfully.


On New Year's Eve in Brazil, thousands of candles light up on the sand on the ocean beach. Women in long dresses they go into the water and throw flower petals into the ocean surf.


On New Year's Eve in Vietnam, it is customary to release live carp into rivers and ponds. According to legend, a god swims on the back of a carp, who goes to heaven on New Year’s Day to tell how people live on Earth.


In Greece, there is a custom according to which, at exactly midnight, the head of the family goes into the yard and breaks a pomegranate fruit against the wall. If its grains scatter throughout the yard, the family will live happily in the New Year. When going to visit, the Greeks bring with them a mossy stone as a gift and leave it in the hosts’ room. They say: "Let the owners' money be as heavy as this stone."


In Portugal, on the eve of Christmas, it is customary to give a “Christmas cake” with almonds and candied fruits. By the way, surprises are also baked into such baked goods - a figurine or a medal. The finder will have good luck all year, peace and tranquility will reign in the house!


In Spain, before the New Year, boys and girls draw lots - the names of people of both sexes are written on pieces of paper. Girls learn the names of their “grooms,” and young men learn the names of their “brides.” Sometimes the drawing of lots is done near churches, and the resulting couples behave like lovers until the end of Christmas.


In Sweden, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to break dishes at your neighbors' doors.

New Year is one of the few holidays that is celebrated with equal enthusiasm all over the world. However, this happens differently in each country. Sometimes they come across interesting traditions, sometimes very familiar, and sometimes more unexpected. Today we will talk about them.

England. Celebrating the New Year here is associated with home comfort and hospitality. The British believe that the first guest brings happiness for the next 365 days. Or misfortune. If a person comes in first and brings traditional gift, good luck for the whole year is guaranteed.

Denmark. On the thresholds of houses you can see a pile of broken dishes. People usually break plates on their friends' doors. Old dishes are not thrown away, but stored specifically for this purpose. It is believed that whoever has more broken plates at the door has more friends. There is also a tradition of jumping off chairs at midnight. This is how they “jump” into the new year.

China. The Chinese always paint their entrance doors with red paint, symbolizing happiness and good luck. On this day, all knives are hidden so that no one gets cut, because this way you can “cut off” luck for the whole family for the whole next year.

Brazil . Prosperity and wealth in the country are symbolized by lentils. Topic traditional dishes New Year's table dishes are prepared from legumes or with the addition of legumes. The priests dress in blue and white robes and perform a ceremony in honor of the water goddess. And in Rio de Janeiro, a boat with candles, flowers and symbolic values ​​is launched into the water, into the ocean. For health, happiness, prosperity.

Austria. No celebration is complete without roasted pig and mint ice cream for dessert. Some local version of Olivier and tangerines.

Belgium. New Year's Eve is called the Evening of St. Sylvester. The celebration takes place mainly within the family circle, where everyone exchanges gifts and wishes.

Egypt. Here they believe that the real New Year comes only when the new moon is visible in the sky. The New Year's atmosphere is very festive and cheerful.

Greece. The Greeks revere St. Basil, one of the founders of the Greek Church. They bake bread with coins inside. Whoever comes across one should take it all year long.

Wales. At midnight, when the clock begins to strike, the front doors open and close for a second. This is how the old year and misfortune are released from the house. When the clock strikes for the last time, the door is opened again, this time letting in the New Year and all good things.

Japan. The Japanese do it too family holiday, starting with decorating the home and inviting happiness and good luck. They do spring cleaning, pay off all debts, fulfill all unfulfilled promises. It’s not just the Christmas tree that is associated with the New Year. Not even a Christmas tree at all, to be precise. Traditional plants in New Year's compositions are pine branch (for long life), bamboo (abundance) and plum blossom (nobility). And if there are bells in the house, then you need to ring every 108 times to get rid of all 108 misfortunes.

Philippines. All round objects bring good luck. Therefore, you need to eat grapes, have at least a few coins in your pocket, wear polka dot dresses and the like. Then next year will be full of happiness and prosperity. It is also customary to make noise here - the New Year should be celebrated as loudly as possible in order to scare away all the evil spirits.

Spain. You need to eat 12 grapes for each chime. One for happiness, luck and luck for each month. The tradition, which originated in Spain, subsequently spread to Latin America.

Puerto Rico. A bucket of water may spill on you from a window. Don't be alarmed. It's just Puerto Ricans clearing their house and street of all the bad things that happened in the past year.

Chile. IN New Year's Eve Mass takes place and people visit deceased relatives in the cemetery. Often the New Year is celebrated there.

Italy. Perhaps it won’t even surprise you that cheerful Italians celebrate the New Year for three days in a row. Houses are decorated with greenery and lights, and gifts are chosen very carefully. And sometimes at midnight, hateful objects fly out of windows that have no place next year.

USA. The kiss at midnight is traditional; and if you are standing under the mistletoe, you must also kiss the one who is standing next to you.

Ecuador. At midnight, Ecuadorians burn an effigy of the old year. It may have different type- from an ordinary garden scarecrow to a whole monument with photographs of famous actors, singers, politicians and everyone associated with the year that is passing.

In Mexico, Argentina And Peru You definitely need to wear colored underwear, and you also need to remember that each color symbolizes something, and choose accordingly.

And of course Ukraine . We have New Year's traditions there are many, but everyone believes in one thing: how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. So let your New Year's Eve will be unforgettable!