How does mineral water affect facial skin? The benefits of water for the beauty of women's skin

The benefits of water for our body, health, beauty of the skin and weight loss are beyond doubt, because more than 80 percent of a person consists of water. Thanks to water, all processes in the body occur, metabolism occurs, waste and toxins are eliminated. What else is water useful for, why and how much water you need to drink daily - our material.

The benefits of water for the body as a whole

Cleansing the body is perhaps the most important quality of water that the body needs. Impurities, toxins, allergens, free radicals destroy our youth, beauty and health. Water is able to remove all harmful substances accumulated in the body. This helps with weight loss and natural renewal of the body. If you don't drink enough water, an excess of water accumulates in your body. harmful substances, which causes serious intoxication, all life processes slow down, health problems arise and overweight, the condition of the skin worsens. Pills, diets, chemical cosmetics - we are trying to solve our problems in very expensive and ineffective ways, although there is water, a product that alone can replace all these measures and return the body to normal.

Many people don't understand why we get fat when we don't have enough water. It's very simple. If there is little water, then a large amount of harmful substances accumulate in the body that have not been eliminated naturally. To protect our organs from their negative influence, the body creates a special barrier inside itself, consisting of just water and a fat layer. That is why, after procedures to cleanse the body of toxins, a person begins to rapidly lose weight, because there is no point in keeping excess fat tissue in him. Nutritionists note that if you drink the required amount of water daily, you can lose up to 3 kilograms in a month without dieting and physical activity. This is an experimentally proven fact! In addition to the above, clean water accelerates fat metabolism, and excess fat is not deposited in problem areas, but is burned. For information on how to drink water correctly for weight loss and how much water you need to consume at a given weight, see the article water diet, where everything is described in detail.

The benefits of water for the skin of the face and body

  • Water helps the skin of the face and body stay young. Aging of the skin, especially the skin of the face, the appearance of wrinkles, dryness, and deterioration of skin tone are directly related to lack of water. This is why there are so many domestic and cosmetic procedures associated with filling the skin with moisture. Experts note that to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin, you need to help the body comprehensively, from the inside and outside, that is, drink enough water and do moisturizing face masks.
  • Water relieves swelling. Excess fluid accumulates in the body not at all because you drink a lot, but on the contrary, because little fluid enters the body. Moreover, tea, coffee, and other drinks are perceived by the body not as water, but as food. As a result, if there is little clean water entering the cells, the body begins to accumulate water contaminated by the body’s products that remains. As a result, swelling and laxity of the skin occurs, bags under the eyes. Therefore, the reviews and comments that people leave on the pages of the site, criticizing the consumption of water for edema, are extremely unfounded. But, alas, this is a very common myth that is difficult to fight.

Health Benefits of Water

  • Water prevents the risk of heart attack. With a lack of water, the blood begins to thicken. To “pump” thick blood, the heart begins to work actively. This leads to wear and tear of the heart muscle - the main cause of heart attack. It is for this reason that athletes. Those experiencing high stress on the cardiovascular system are advised to drink more water. If you want to have a healthy heart and vascular system, make it a rule to drink up to 2 liters of pure mineral water daily (in summer this amount increases to 3 liters or more).
  • Water improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, because the functioning of the intestines directly depends on the incoming liquid. With enough water in the body, more toxins are eliminated through the intestines. With a lack of water, on the contrary, constipation occurs, and “waste” enters the blood. Plus, digestion also depends on water. To improve digestion, you need to drink at least a glass of clean water 30 minutes before eating and an hour after.

  • Water saves nervous system. In order for the body to function normally, about 2 liters of water are spent on its functioning. Fluid deficiency leads to a slowdown in the functioning of all organs and systems. This undoubtedly affects the general condition - fatigue, irritability and general nervousness increase. Drink more water, take care of your nerves.
  • Water protects against colds. Lack of fluid in the body leads to dehydration, which reduces the body's protective functions, so you start to get sick much more often. Water has an antipyretic effect and removes all toxins that have accumulated in the body during illness. After treatment, especially with antibiotics, it is also advised to drink more fluids for the same reason.

For Arabio.RU - women's magazine
Olga Spasskaya All rights reserved

Beneficial properties of water for skin

Healthy skin always looks attractive and well-groomed. Improper functioning of the body negatively affects the condition of the skin. In particular, wrinkles and dryness may appear prematurely, and skin color may change. It turns out that the cause of such failures may be a simple lack of water in the body.

Benefits of water for skin:

  • cleansing the body;
  • prevention of premature aging;
  • getting rid of swelling.

The most important quality of water is its ability to cleanse the body. It removes impurities, allergens, toxins that negatively affect the condition of the skin. Thus, the body is naturally renewed.

Premature appearance of wrinkles, dry skin, deterioration of its tone - the reason for all this may be hidden in a lack of water. It’s not for nothing that there are a large number cosmetic procedures aimed at enriching the skin with moisture. According to experts, to obtain the highest effectiveness of moisturizing procedures, it is necessary to act simultaneously from the outside and from the inside. In other words, they recommend drinking water and also making special moisturizing masks.

Note! No matter how strange it may sound, water relieves swelling and does not contribute to its appearance.

It turns out that excess fluid begins to accumulate in the body not because there is a lot of it, but quite the opposite. Moreover, drinks such as coffee or tea are not considered water at all. When a woman makes such an unequal replacement, little of the required fluid enters the cells, which disrupts the processes occurring in them. As a result, swelling appears. The skin becomes sluggish, bags are often visible under the eyes, especially in the morning. Thus, the cause of edema is not excess water.

How to drink water to improve skin condition?

Maintaining water balance is important for women with any skin type. If it is dry, water will moisturize it and make it more elastic. For those who have oily skin and often experience acne, it is also necessary to replenish the body with moisture. The functioning of the sebaceous glands may be impaired due to lack of water. As a result, the pores cannot clean themselves and a shine appears on the face. To facilitate the functioning of the body, it is recommended to drink about seven glasses of pure still water per day so that the entire body (and the skin in particular) is cleansed.

As you know, to replenish fluid volume, you need to consume as much water as it is released from the body. From this we can conclude that the norms of water balance are individual for each woman. On average, it is recommended to drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day. Of the total volume, only a small part reaches the skin, however, this has a beneficial effect on its health.

As experts say, every woman's day should begin with a glass of clean water. It should be drunk on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. This will help start the digestive system and ensure its stable functioning throughout the day. The optimal solution is to drink 2 liters of water per day in combination with a moisturizer to be used at night.

In addition, it is recommended to swim in ponds more often. You don’t have to dive headfirst, you can just plunge into the water a couple of times. In such places, the air is saturated with moisture, which will benefit every organism. Women with oily skin You should visit the bathhouse periodically, which also has a beneficial effect on cleansing the pores.

High-quality water is the key to beauty and health

Today, the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. It contains harmful impurities that accumulate in the human body and negatively affect health. Even a regular filter does not help get rid of them.

It is much healthier to use water from natural sources, for example, Biovita. It is advisable that it does not contain salt, since it tends to retain moisture in the body. Also, don't use sparkling water.

Silicon water plays a significant role in maintaining health. You can make it yourself or buy it in a store. In the first case, you will need a mineral that can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is filled with clean water taken from natural sources. It is silicon that releases beneficial substances, thanks to which the infusion becomes “healing”.

The second option is to buy a finished product. Experts recommend using Sulinka mineral silicon water. It is of high quality, does not contain harmful impurities, and is suitable for treatment and daily use. Silicon water can be used not only internally, but also for washing.

The benefits of water for skin health: rules of consumption

  • You should not drink too cold water, it is advisable that it be warm or almost hot (ideally, the temperature of the water and the body should match);
  • it is better to drink table water or silicon water, which contains useful substances optimal;
  • It is not recommended to boil water, especially for too long, since under the influence of high temperatures it beneficial properties are decreasing.

Thus, if you restore the water balance of your body, you can improve your own health, which will have a positive effect on the condition of your internal organs and skin. Drink quality water and shine with natural beauty!

What is the importance of water for human skin?

To maintain the shape and nourishment of the skin, there are many products and cosmetics that you can safely do without. Water is good for facial skin and this is no secret to anyone.

But both cosmetic substances and this product can have negative properties. Application of funds poor quality or an unsuitable composition for the skin will never give any positive effect. On the contrary, you may even experience skin problems in the form of rashes of various shapes or allergies.

A huge role in skin care is given to washing the face, during which it is worth taking into account the temperature of H2O.

Cold water for the skin of the face acts as a contractile irritant which, when it comes into contact with the tissue, causes microvessels to contract and worsens the mechanical properties of the skin.

As for hot water, it also negatively affects the microvessels of the skin, causing them to expand and leading to blood stagnation.

In this case, the formation of red spots on the nose and cheeks is possible. You should wash your face with neither cold nor hot water; it is better to use water at room temperature (18-20°C).

What are the possible consequences of dehydration?

We must understand that every person’s body needs a constant supply of water. With age, the skin loses its ability to regularly maintain moisture, which leads to dryness, flaking, and redness.

These problems cannot be solved simply by taking water; moisture must come into the epidermis from the outside; it is for these purposes that they are used. various types water for face.

The modern cosmetics industry pampers its customers with a wide variety of products. One of the most important products is water for cleansing facial skin; this is a special product that removes makeup and nourishes the skin with beneficial substances, minerals and trace elements.

A colossal amount of moisturizing creams and balms are sold in stores. But you shouldn’t spend a lot of effort and money on buying branded cosmetic products. It is much easier to moisturize your facial skin with water. This method does not require much effort and has no side effects.

Water for facial skin: popular cosmetics

Lemon water for facial skin

Thanks to its long-known properties, lemon juice helps fight skin scars that form after acne (post-acne).

Lemon water is very useful both for washing and for ingestion.

However, when using such water, it is worth remembering that lemon juice can cause an allergic reaction, so you should carefully select the concentration.

Mineral water

You can also use a tool such as mineral water for facial skin, which has the ability to tighten and long-term degreasing of your skin. A feeling of dryness, smoothness and tone is created.

This substance is ideal for aging skin due to its rejuvenating effect.

Rose water

An equally effective “liquid” material for facial care is rose water, which has a large number positive feedback compared to many other types of facial cosmetic products.

Rose water for facial skin has disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties and helps fast healing rashes, acne.

Rose water, or as it is also called, rose water has a barrier nature, since it does not allow dirt and bacteria to penetrate the skin, and it also tightens pores. Therefore, it is ideal for aging skin, having a rejuvenating effect.

Micellar water

Micellar water is used for facial care: removing makeup, relieving irritation and inflammation, etc.

Micellar water has an unusual composition; it does not contain soap, alcohol, parabens, various fragrances and silicones.

Using micellar water is suitable for cleansing the skin around the eyes, lips, face and neck, and regular use of this product will replace many other skincare products.

Hyaluronic water

A cosmetic product such as hyaluronic water combines the properties hyaluronic acid and thermal water. It perfectly moisturizes the skin of the face, protects it from the harmful effects of conditions external environment.

Hyaluronic water can be used as needed throughout the day (even over makeup); it is also recommended to add it to cosmetic masks or use it as a toner.

Find out how you can use hyaluronic acid on your face by reading the article.

Thermal water

This is a new product in the world of cosmetology, which is created on the basis of natural mineral waters. Used in facial care as a finishing element in makeup, helps fix it and protects the skin from sun rays.

Contains beneficial substances that can rejuvenate and nourish the skin with beneficial substances.

Thermal water for oily skin contains many important and beneficial substances. For this reason, it is divided into combinations of this type: sulfate-bicarbonate, sulfate-calcium, and so on. This type of water perfectly nourishes the skin with the necessary salts and minerals, activates protection and soothes. For example, zinc stimulates a decrease in the production of sebaceous glands (sebum). Sulfate-bicarbonate and sulfate-calcium waters, they are universal.

Thermal water sprays

Nowadays, cosmetic companies have mastered the production of sprays filled with thermal water. Their purpose is as follows: to irrigate the face throughout the day, which helps to moisturize the skin and the durability of decorative cosmetics.

Such irrigation can be carried out using regular mineral water. To do this, take a bottle with a spray attachment and spray it on your face (as needed).

This is suitable for use in winter, when the room is hot and hot radiators dry the air, and also in summer - to moisturize the skin in constant heat, during fitness, after cosmetic procedures (peeling, cleansing), sunburn.

Cornflower water

It consists of cornflower hydrolate, has good cleansing properties, heals small wounds and various injuries, rashes on the facial skin.

The natural components of water will help relieve fatigue, moisturize and improve skin tone.

It is very important for every woman to have beautiful and healthy looking skin. Therefore, we hope that our article will help you, from all the variety of cosmetic products described, choose exactly your product for yourself.

Water for facial skin is an integral part of caring for your body, don’t forget about it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Olga, 25 years old
Tell me, how often should I use micellar water?

Expert comment:
Good afternoon, Olga. It is better to use this product every morning and evening (to remove makeup), as it cleanses the skin of the face, tones and moisturizes it.

Yana, 25 years old
Tell me how to use cornflower blue water correctly?

Expert's answer
Hello, Yana. Cornflower blue water is recommended for washing your face and removing makeup. You can also irrigate your face if you are sitting near a computer or the room is very hot.


The idea that you can improve your complexion by constantly drinking water is so common that it is surprising to find that there is no evidence to support it.

If you dream of smooth skin that glows with youth, you've probably heard the call once before. drink a lot of water to flush out harmful toxins and keep skin healthy.

The exact amount of fluid you take may vary. In the US, for example, the recommended limit is eight glasses a day (or two liters in our language), while in hotter climates people are advised to drink more to compensate for higher rates of sweating. But regardless of the exact volume of water offered, the principle behind the recommendations remains the same - taking extra water on your chest will keep your skin hydrated. In other words, water acts like a moisturizer, but from the inside.

With such popularity of the idea, you may be surprised by the lack of evidence to support it. One would expect countless studies in which people are divided into two groups, one in which they drink water all day long, and the other in which they drink a normal amount. Skin smoothness could then be assessed a month or so later to determine whether drinking more fluids resulted in smoother skin.

In reality, such research is rare, partly because water cannot be patented, and it is difficult to find anyone interested in funding such research unless there are any new drugs or cosmetics sold to offset the costs. Dermatologist Ronnie Wolfe of the Kaplan Medical Center in Israel found only one study that examined the effect of long-term water consumption on the skin. But the results were contradictory. After four weeks, the group that drank extra mineral water showed a decrease in skin density, while those who drank regular water showed an increase in skin density. But regardless of the type of water they drank, it had no effect on wrinkles or skin smoothness.

This does not mean that dehydration has no effect. We can measure any water effect by assessing skin turgor. Turgor determines how quickly the skin returns to its original state when you pinch it and lift the skin fold upward. In dehydrated skin, it will take longer to return to its original shape.

But this does not mean that drinking less water is harmful to the skin, and drinking more than average amounts is good. This is like saying that not eating enough food leads to exhaustion, but overeating is healthy. Or, if a car needs gasoline, then the more gasoline, the better.


Consequences of facial skin dehydration

Water is the basis of all life on earth, including humans. Our body needs a regular supply of water. With age, facial skin loses its ability to maintain a natural level of moisture and becomes dry, prone to peeling and redness. Wrinkles appear faster on dry skin. Simply drinking water inside is not enough to combat these problems. It is necessary to deliver moisture from the outside to the upper layers of the skin. And for this, different types of water are used for facial skin.

  1. Micellar water. Modern technologies allowed cosmetologists to create this amazing product, which contains tiny particles - lipids, which very carefully cleanse the skin and at the same time saturate the skin with moisture. Water is recommended to be used for makeup removal and washing; it refreshes the face, making the skin smoother and healthier. Micellar water for the face is indicated for use on dry and combination skin.
  2. Rose water. This hydrolate is created on the basis of rose flower extract and has a pleasant delicate aroma. Perfectly refreshes, moisturizes, slightly tones the skin and can be used instead of tonic, or as additional care. The product also helps fight skin inflammation and allergic rashes. Water can be sprayed on the face during the day to refresh the skin and applied as an application to the eyes to relieve swelling and redness.
  3. Mineral water. A natural source of moisture and nutrients can not only be drunk, but also successfully used in cosmetology. Mineral water is excellent for washing and aerating the skin during the day; it can be used to make ice for wiping your face. You need to choose water according to your skin type. A high salt content is more suitable for oily and combination skin; for dry and sensitive facial skin, low-mineralized water should be used.
  4. Cornflower water. Cornflower hydrosol has high cleansing properties and at the same time the water is very gentle on the skin and heals minor damage well. Natural hydrate from flowers helps relieve tired skin, improve its tone and moisturize it. Water is usually used in the procedure of washing and removing makeup; you can also irrigate your face with it during the day, especially if you have to stay in a heated room all day or near a computer.
  5. Thermal water. This is a new cosmetic product created on the basis of natural mineral waters. Today, cosmetologists recommend using such water for the face as the final element of applying makeup; it fixes it and also protects the skin from the negative radiation of the Sun. Water contains a large number of beneficial substances that help the skin be healthier and younger.
  6. Hyaluronic water. This cosmetic product combines the beneficial properties of thermal water, hyaluronic acid and various caring substances. It perfectly moisturizes the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of the external environment. You can use it to refresh your face even over makeup during the day and use it in masks and as a toner.

Are you drinking enough water?

The first sign of dehydration is a headache. This feature is especially relevant in the hot season. So, if you constantly suffer from headaches, simply increase the amount of fluid you consume. It is best to immediately, as soon as you feel discomfort, drink a volume of cool water or juice that is comfortable for the stomach.

The second sign of lack of water is increased constipation. Do not rush to take laxatives if this unpleasant problem begins to attract attention too often. First, pay attention to how much fluid you drink per day. It is quite possible that you are already accustomed to being thirsty, you have no time to drink, and you often have to be in hot rooms. Keep a bottle of water with you at all times and drink whenever the urge arises. Include soups and vegetable juices in your diet. Such liquids will not only replenish the water deficit in the body, but will also help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lack of water and disease

For people with autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases, allergies, lupus, joint diseases and many others, a lack of water can be more harmful than for healthy people. Dehydration should not become a problem that makes an already difficult situation worse. Make sure your children drink enough fluids when they have colds, flu, bronchitis, rubella and other illnesses.

Water and poisons

Why do you think you feel so thirsty the day after a party? There is even a special definition for such a hangover phenomenon among the people - “dry hangover”. Indeed, the next morning after mild alcohol poisoning, the body requires replacement of the lost fluid that it spent in the fight against the poison overnight.

In case of poisoning by any poison, for example, mushrooms or an excessive amount of medication, doctors advise to drink a lot of warm tea or water, along with activated carbon, after the necessary procedures.

Water is also necessary to flush out toxins and waste that constantly accumulate from the body.

Water and excess weight

In addition, water promotes efficient metabolism and the removal of excess fat cells.

Tasty water

What is the healthiest water to drink? Of course, first of all – clean. Unfortunately, not every city in our country has tap water suitable for drinking - it is both tasteless and unhealthy. Water filter jugs, which are affordable for every family, can help. Don't trust filters? Buy bottled water in stores or order it to your home.

To ensure that the water pleases your taste buds and is even more healthy, drink it pre-cooled to a pleasant temperature and add a little lemon juice to it.

How much water do we need?

Make it a rule to drink a glass of water in the morning, immediately after waking up and at night, before going to bed. If you wake up thirsty at night, keep a glass of water next to your bed so you can drink at night without interrupting your sleep.

During the day, drink whenever the urge arises. But be careful not to drink too much - the habit of drinking more than you need will stretch your stomach, which is not good for you at all.

Some people, having learned about the benefits of water in the amount of 2 liters per day, begin to drink more often than they want. The body experiences stress, constantly dispersing excess fluid, the kidneys work hard, and the stomach and intestines have a hard time. Besides water can be retained in the body, leading to swelling of the face and legs.

Therefore, I would like to repeat again: you need to drink as much as your body requires. That is, every time you feel thirsty, and no more, no less than that.

It is also not recommended to get carried away with large amounts of medicinal mineral water. This is why it is therapeutic, to treat certain types of diseases. Drink it only as directed by your doctor, or if you like the taste, in small doses.

Water and skin

You've probably noticed that lack of water causes your skin to become less elastic. It’s not surprising - our whole body needs water, because it consists of 80% water, and from its lack all organs “shrink” a little. It’s just that skin is what we see without special medical devices.

The first way to combat early wrinkles and dry skin is just enough water.

The skin also needs water “from the outside” - wash with water as often as possible, and to cleanse the skin, use warm water with a mild cleanser, and after washing, rinse your face, neck and décolleté with cold water to tighten the pores.

To ensure that water is always “near” your skin, be sure to use moisturizing creams and serums. The beauty of the skin largely depends on hydration and cleanliness.

Water gives life, gives strength, cleanses negative energy and dirt, near bodies of water we can breathe easier, and the moist air is pleasant for the whole body. Don't underestimate water, and you will be able to maintain your beauty and youth for a long time.

"article". Where we'll talk about what you should pay attention to when choosing water for cosmetological purposes. We'll try not to talk too abstrusely, but. If anything, write in the comments, we'll correct it! So:

What kind of water is needed for skin care? Water is necessary for all organs without exception. Including for the skin - if there is a lack of water in the body, it simply will not be possible to fully moisturize the skin with creams alone. Washing is carried out with water or water with special cosmetics. The washing procedure cleanses the skin of decorative cosmetics, fat and impurities. You should wash your face 2 times a day - morning and evening, taking into account the type and age characteristics skin, as well as water quality.

Thus, the first stage in facial skin care is cleansing with water. It seems so simple. But water can be different: cold water, hot, warm, tap water, rain, melt, soft, hard, etc. All cosmetologists recommend, regardless of skin type, to wash your face with soft water. Such water includes rain and melt water. However, due to modern environmental conditions, melt and rain water are not the best choice.

The first thing to consider in terms of water for skin care is water softening.

Water softening eliminates the aggressive effects of hard water. Water softening can be achieved if:

  • boil water (for more details, see the article “Thermal method of softening water”)
  • or, simply use purified water through a reverse osmosis system (for more details, see the “”) subsection.

So, you should wash your face with clean, soft water, without impurities and harmful salts. Distilled water or natural mineral water is best, but you can use river water - you just need to boil it (if, again, you are not afraid of what is in modern water).

The second is the acidity (pH) of the water for washing.

One of the most important indicators skin health - its acidity level. Or, scientifically, pH (read p-ash). pH reflects how acidic or alkaline water is. So, the lower the pH, the more acidic the water. The higher the pH, the more alkaline the water. Neutral water has a pH of 7.

Where does skin acidity come from? It's very simple: the sebaceous and sweat glands of our skin secrete various substances onto its surface. Mixing with exfoliated epidermal cells, these substances form a protective film on the skin - a lipid layer. And we take the pH of the lipid layer as the pH of the skin. pH is not the same in different parts of the body. On the scalp it varies from 4 to 6, on the skin of the upper body from 5 to 5.5, on the skin of the lower body from 5.5 to 6, on the palms from 6.2 to 6.5. Men's skin pH tends to be more acidic than women's.

Naturally, water is used for skin care. It must be taken into account that the water coming from our taps is not neutral, but, as a rule, alkaline due to the presence of chlorine and other hardness salts in it. Therefore, water for washing should be either distilled or softened by adding natural vinegar to it. That is, the pH of the water should be acidic.

There are several ways to make regular tap water acidic:

  • add 1 tsp lemon juice to 1 liter of water
  • add ¼ tsp baking soda to 1 liter of water
  • add 1 tbsp glycerin to 1 liter of water (this is for oily skin)
  • or simply use a reverse osmosis system.

By the way, please note: the reverse osmosis system is used both to make water soft and to make the water acidic.

Third, the temperature of the water when washing.

What is the optimal water temperature for washing? Cold water constricts blood vessels and disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands, due to which blood circulation in the skin decreases and it becomes pale, sluggish, and wrinkled. Hot water washes away impurities well, but expands pores and makes muscles weaker. The skin becomes flabby.

And for people with dilated capillaries, washing with hot water is generally contraindicated. And if you wash your face with soap and water, you will dehydrate and degrease your facial skin and cause blood to stagnate in the vessels (which can lead to red spots on the cheeks and nose). The best wash that is suitable for people with any skin is washing with water at room temperature.

Thus, for skin care you need clean, soft water at room temperature.

Happy skincare!

Water is a universal remedy for maintaining the cleanliness of our body. However, it can affect the skin in different ways and this depends not only on the chemical composition of the water, but also on its temperature, as well as on the condition of our skin.

Actually water irritates the skin. For example, hard water has a harmful effect not only on the more sensitive skin of the face, but even on the hands.

If you constantly wash your face with hard water, thin and dry, especially sensitive skin the face becomes rough, begins to peel, and often becomes inflamed.

It is best to wash yourself with the so-called soft, rain or snow water, which does not contain irritating substances. After using it, you can feel how the skin becomes velvety. Naturally, snow for such water should in no case be collected dirty, near highways.

However, we do not always have the opportunity to use environmentally friendly, soft water. And so that hard water, which you have to wash your face with every day, does not have such a destructive effect on our skin, soften it before use.

Ways to soften hard water

  • The easiest way to soften water is to boil. If your skin is hypersensitive, dilute boiled water at a temperature of 23-24 degrees with half milk.
  • Another way to soften water: add baking soda based on ¼ tsp. for 1 liter of water.
  • Boric acid also softens water (½ tsp per liter of water).
  • Option for oily skin type: add one tablespoon of glycerin to one liter of boiled water.

Water temperature when washing

Habit constantly wash with cold water, especially in cold weather, causes vasoconstriction and decreased blood circulation, and this leads to deterioration in skin nutrition.

Frequent washing with hot water leads to persistent dilation of blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin. Their walls weaken, and as a result the skin loses its elasticity.

That's why wash your face preferably water at room temperature(18-20 degrees).

Sometimes it's good to wash your face alternating warm and cool water. Such a rapid change in water temperature has a good effect on the nerve endings of the skin, reducing its sensitivity, and is gymnastics for the blood vessels - thus improving skin nutrition. End contrast wash need cool or cold water.

This stimulating wash is used more often the denser your skin and the deeper the blood vessels are located in it. And vice versa, you should not get carried away with it if you have thin skin with translucent veins of blood vessels.

How does cold water affect the skin?
By tempering the skin of the face by washing with cold water, we try to strengthen it, following the commandment “ IN healthy body- healthy spirit! " However, this does not bring the expected benefits to facial skin.

Habit every day, morning and evening, wash with cold water leads to the fact that the superficial vessels of the skin regularly and often narrow, the secretion of sebum and sweat onto the surface of the skin decreases. As a result, our skin does not have time to receive the necessary nutrition, becomes pale, dry, and loses its elasticity. Then it becomes flabby and covered with a network of wrinkles.

And we usually notice these consequences already too late.

When it’s warm outside, washing your face with cold water in the morning can even be useful, because warm air promotes the dilation of blood vessels, and a rapid flow of blood, and therefore nutrients, to the surface of the skin.

However, there is no need to equate the skin of your face with your body and constantly harden it by washing with cold water. Indeed, unlike the skin of the body, which in most cases is protected by clothing, the skin of the face is constantly exposed to the influence of the environment.

Cold water, when used correctly, actually strengthens the body, but regular washing your face with cold water leads to its premature aging.

If you have dry skin, then the habit of washing your face with cold water will only lead to further dryness and more flaking, because the secretion of natural sebum is already reduced, and cold water will further reduce its concentration on the surface.

In the evening, while getting ready for bed, it is not advisable to wash your face with cold water, because the cold temperature of the water causes a surge of vigor and will prevent you from falling asleep.

Why you shouldn't wash your face with hot water
Any water degreases the skin to one degree or another, leading to dryness. Hot water makes this even stronger.

Even with oily skin Daily washing with hot water leads to dilation of blood vessels, as a result, blood stagnates in the skin, and redness of the cheeks and nose begins.

Also, hot water temperature relaxes the superficial skin muscles, causing sagging skin and early appearance wrinkles.

By washing away dirt well from the surface of the skin, hot water helps to expand the pores, reducing its resistance.

Therefore, it is useful to wash your face with hot water no more than once a week, and do it in the evening. After using hot water, be sure to rinse your face with cool water.

If you have dilated capillaries on your face, washing with hot water is contraindicated for you!

For oily, rough skin, with enlarged pores, you will benefit from a gentle contrast wash. Start doing it gradually, at temperatures that are pleasant for the skin. Regular and correct use of contrast wash will not only make your skin cleaner, but also heal it.

As medicinal, this procedure is carried out 10-15 days in a row, in the morning or evening, but no later than an hour and a half before bedtime.

Both simple and contrasting, washing with warm water calms the nervous system and eases skin muscle tension. But the facial skin muscles should not always be in a relaxed state. Therefore, alternating warm, hot, cold water and contrasting washes promotes normal facial function.

The most reasonable, pleasant and useful way every day is to wash your face water at room temperature. Remember that the water must be soft or specially softened.

Have you noticed that models use only mineral water to wash their face? The rejuvenating effect of melt and mineral water on the body has long been known. Many celebrities use the secrets of the “correct” water. “To have beautiful skin, you need to drink a lot of mineral water,” says Claudia Schiffer. And the gorgeous Kim Basinger regularly takes mineral baths. Isn't this the secret of her beauty?..

Cosmetologists say that the best cosmetic product for moisturizing and nourishing the skin is mineral water. It is not for nothing that water in the form of a spray and cosmetics based on Vichy thermal water are so popular. It has long been known that it has a toning and firming effect on the skin.

Mineral water contains many beneficial chemical elements. Together they soothe and soften the skin, eliminating the feeling of dryness and tightness. They have an immunostimulating and strengthening effect. In combination with other medicinal preparations, mineral water is effective in the treatment of allergic and other skin diseases.

When using mineral water for skin care, you need to know that carbonated mineral water, before becoming cosmetic product, should stand for 30-40 minutes in an open container. This will remove carbon dioxide, which can dry out the skin and cause irritation. It is useful to wash your face with natural mineral water and prepare masks based on it. Of course, not all water is suitable for this.

Scientists' recommendations are as follows: “living” water should contain 200–500 mg of salts per liter (these are low-mineralized waters). Waters that are more saturated with salts are not suitable for washing. Oily, porous and combination skin should be washed with mineral water with a high salt content: it will help tighten pores and reduce oily shine. Low-mineralized ground water perfectly tones and softens normal or dry skin. If you use mineral water "Borjomi Classic", "Svalyava", "Mirgorodskaya", "Narzan", "Essentuki" for washing, this will help solve a lot of skin problems. After removing makeup, mineral water can be a good toner that will help prevent skin stretching.

Contrast washing is very useful: alternating cold and warm water. And to fill your face with freshness, wipe your skin with an ice cube of mineral water. Useful splashes. Many cosmetic companies today produce sprays with thermal water. If you spray your face with this spray throughout the day, your decorative cosmetics will stay on better. In addition, fine sprays produce micro-massage to the skin and perfectly moisturize it. Irrigation with ordinary mineral water has no worse effect on the skin.

Pour water into a spray bottle and mist your face every day. This is especially useful during the heating season, since hot radiators make the air in the room very dry, causing the skin to intensively lose moisture. Do your nails peel and break? Regular mineral baths will heal and strengthen them. Dip your fingers into a container of mineral water for 10 minutes. To consolidate the effects of mineral water, lubricate your nails with cedar or fir oil after the bath.

How to prepare lotion with mineral water: Bring 200-250 ml of mineral water to a boil and brew 2 tablespoons of herbs with it. For oily and combination skin take nettle, chamomile, or calendula. Dry and normal skin will prefer mint or birch leaves. The decoction should be infused in a closed container for 20-30 minutes and then strained. This lotion should be stored in the refrigerator, but not longer than 5 days. Wipe your skin with it every time after washing. You can also make ice from mineral water to wipe your skin. This ice massage, performed after washing, strengthens the muscles, and, as a result, wrinkles will not appear longer. In addition, this is also an excellent way to combat the expansion of blood vessels and pores.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

People identified the cause of aging back in ancient times: the body ages because it loses a lot of water and does not have enough of it. The first treatise on the rapid aging of a living organism without water was written by the scientist and physician Avicenna, who lived a thousand years ago. After observing a melon for several days, ripe and juicy, which after several days in the hot sun became wrinkled and dried out, Avicenna made a simple conclusion: old age is always dry. Modern scientists said it in slightly different words: old age is the loss of water by cells. Women feel this especially acutely: skin dehydration is the main cause of wrinkles.

Even if a person still feels very young and full of strength, deep wrinkles, and the skin becomes flabby, because the face is more susceptible to external influences and ages faster than the body.

"In order to maintain freshness and beauty in mature years, cosmetics alone are not enough; you must follow certain rules for drinking water."

Dry food is like a stone in the stomach, and in order to digest it, the body requires a large amount of water, and it takes it wherever it can. Including from the skin. It will be better if you give your stomach something to drink first. In Europe, it has long been customary to start not only breakfast with a glass of juice, but also lunch. In this case, the digestion process proceeds in accordance with the norms.

If we eat a lot of solid and well-seasoned food, then when we feel thirsty, we drink a lot. As a result, the face swells and bags appear under the eyes. Our vitality is determined by our reserves of energy, nutrients and water reserves. As a person ages, he loses more and more water. In order for the water not to run out and the flow of its supply not to weaken, our body needs to be helped.

The amount of water consumed is of great importance in the fight against extra pounds. Listen to your body and try to understand whether it wants to drink or eat. It is possible that you simply suppress your natural feeling of thirst and do not feel how much your body needs to drink. Many women who are overweight try to drink less fluid, believing that this is harmful to them. They forget that water not only removes thirst, but is also responsible for the quality of blood, providing the body with nutrients and greatly affects the condition of the skin. Premature loss of skin elasticity and clarity is often associated with insufficient water supply to your body. However, you should know that about a liter enters the body with other products.

The human body is made up of almost 60% water and requires an adequate supply of this invaluable fluid. We get about 0.4 liters of liquid back during metabolism. The amount of liquid consumed per day by a person in the form of water, tea, juice and other food products, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as first courses, must exceed its loss by the body through the excretory systems.

A sufficient amount of water entering the intestines promotes proper digestion and significantly reduces the number of harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Without water, the digestive system absorbs these harmful substances, narrowing blood vessels, increasing blood pressure and accumulating waste in the body. If the body does not constantly receive its dose of life-giving moisture in the required volume, then toxins accumulate in it, metabolism is disrupted, immunity decreases and the skin loses its healthy appearance.

In our body, every day from 1 to 3 liters of water passes through the kidneys and 2-3 million skin pores in the form of sweat. Sweat consists not only of water (99%), it contains salts, organic substances, for example, lactic acids, fatty acids, alkalis and minerals. All this pollutes the surface of the skin, and if you do not keep your body clean, then when the functional functioning of the skin deteriorates, many of these compounds enter back into our body and again pollute the lymph and blood.

When there is a strong loss of moisture without replenishing it, the body reacts to this as if there is a lack of energy, and tries to use less water and store it in case of unforeseen circumstances. Then the brain gives the command to create water “storehouses”, which can be expressed in the form of swelling of the face, legs and an increase in the entire body weight. It is only through the constant addition of fluid intake that the body switches again, so drink regularly throughout the day, and preferably drinks that do not quench your thirst. If this is neglected, it can cause dehydration and lead to more serious illness in the future.

An indicator of water balance is the difference between the water released by the body and the water absorbed. The ideal option is a constant amount of water. When there is an excess, the water balance is positive, and when there is a deficiency, it is negative. Both conditions are extremely undesirable and threaten serious health problems.

"A positive water balance is no less dangerous than a negative one. With an excess of water in the body, a person can lose consciousness, have a heart attack, swelling in the legs, gaining overweight etc. All this does not make us healthier and happier. "

Each person's water balance standards are completely individual., therefore the amount of water it consumes may also be different. Each person should take as much liquid (or food in the form of liquid) as it is excreted from the body.

Unfortunately, only a small amount of water reaches the skin, but water provides an invaluable service in improving circulation and removing toxins from the entire body, which subsequently affects the complexion and clarity of the complexion. Many beauty experts recommend starting the day with a full glass of water to help rid your skin of harmful substances.

Not all liquids that enter our body produce the same effect. Although there is an opinion that drinks such as tea or coffee worsen the complexion, they also contain caffeine, which our body needs, and are diuretics, therefore making the process of getting rid of harmful substances and toxins faster and more effective.

However, other liquids should still not be included in the mandatory norm - 2 liters of water, which must be drunk every day. For optimal hydration, the ideal combination is 2 liters of water with an intensive moisturizing day and night cream. Just as you brush your teeth every morning and apply a special cream under your eyes in the evening, your entire skin also needs “water” care.

But the most important thing is to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, since hydrating the body from the inside is much more effective and important than hydrating the body from the outside. With moist skin care on the outside and sufficient fluid intake inside, you can not only quickly improve appearance and elasticity of facial skin, but also to warn others possible problems with the entire skin. For example, with sufficient water consumption, the risk of cellulite is significantly reduced and the surface of problem areas of the skin is reduced. If you follow the correct water consumption regimen, then after just four weeks you will be surprised to find that the condition of your skin has changed significantly.

In general, try to go where there is water as often as possible: on the river, at the sea, go to the pool, go to the sauna or take baths. Remember the effect of a steam room, where under the influence of a wet broom and high temperature, the cells simply swell with water. After regular visits to the steam room, a person truly rejuvenates and delays the aging process.

You should not rush to dry yourself with a towel - it is better to put dry underwear on a damp body. Moisture and heat will be evenly distributed throughout the body.