How to beautifully tie a stole using a ring. How to tie a stole around your neck, head, coat, jacket in different ways? Photos of fashionable stoles

A stole is a rather feminine wide scarf that looks good with a classic coat. But, in the conditions of modern fashion, when it is simply necessary to be able to combine incompatible things, girls have learned to wear a stole with various models of jackets. A scarf is not just meant to keep you warm in cold weather..

With its help, you can create an interesting look that will add femininity and a little romance to your image. Let's talk about all the subtleties and nuances that will help you look stylish in the fall by wearing a stole over your jacket.

A beautiful rectangular scarf tied over a jacket will complement the look, making it brighter and more sophisticated. Most of us know how to tie a scarf on a coat and create a harmonious look. But what to do if the situation requires you to wear a jacket, but you don’t want to give up your favorite stole? Learn to tie a scarf on a jacket.

If the jacket and stole are made in the same color scheme, the image will turn out boring.

How can you not wear them together?

Some rules will help you avoid mistakes in combinations:

Ways to tie beautifully

You can leave the ends of the scarf hanging out, you can hide it inside, make a beautiful knot out of them, or casually throw the fabric over your shoulders. An elegantly knitted scarf will show that you understand fashion and can create your own unique style.

But before we talk about how to tie a stole, we want to note the main rule - it won't look good on a hunched back. Any scarf provides for a proud, straight posture. So wear it with dignity and don't slouch. Let's look at different ways of tying a stole depending on the model and style of the jacket.

For a leather jacket

Silk fabrics or cotton scarves with bright prints look good with a leather jacket. You can tie a scarf elegantly using these simple methods.

French knot

One of the fashionable ones is the French knot:


The second method has a beautiful name - necklace.

  1. Straighten the stole and fold it in half lengthwise. Tie the diagonal ends together into a knot.
  2. Place the scarf around your neck with the knot at the back. Wrap the stole around your neck several times, throwing it over your head. As a result, the knot should be in front.
  3. It can be hidden under the drapery or left open. A stole tied in this way with a beautiful border or large beads looks very original.


The third method we will consider is called wrapping. It provides for hidden ends of the stole inside. The result is a neat collar around the neck, which will add a little charm and sophistication to the image.


Another method is called weaving. Like wrapping, it involves tying a collar with the ends hidden inside the fabric. But unlike the previous method, the scarf does not cover the neck, but rather opens it up and emphasizes its elegance. You will need a long scarf that you need to carefully lay around your neck.

  1. We tie the ends of the scarf approximately in the middle of the chest.
  2. We thread one end into the loop that is formed between the neck and the knot.
  3. We make a light knot again.
  4. We perform these movements until the short ends of the scarf remain in your hands. They can be left hanging freely or hidden under fabric. You can adjust the length of the clamp at your discretion.

For a jacket with a hood

Let's start with a simple, classic way of tying a stole on a jacket with a hood.

For the second method you will need a short stole. If your scarf is too long, fold it in half.

  1. Wrap the hood around your neck several times.
  2. Under the throat, insert the ends of the scarf into the loop as many times as the length of the scarf allows.
  3. Leave the ends 10-12 cm long and tie them in a nice loose knot. If desired, the remaining fabric can be hidden under the fabric.

Do not put the stole over the hood, otherwise it will look like you have a hump.

For a jacket with a collar

If you decide to tie a scarf on a jacket with a collar, then it is better to raise it, that is, make a stand out of the collar. And tie a scarf on top. This will not only warm your neck in windy and cool weather, but will also allow you to tie the stole beautifully, creating a fashionable look. The method is called “necklace with a knot.” It is quite simple, but original, suitable for early spring, when it is not yet warm enough for the neck to be left open.

  1. Take a light stole and wrap it around your neck.
  2. Wrap one end of the scarf around your palm and insert it inside the resulting loop to make a knot. Leave it free.
  3. Pull the other end of the scarf through the loop. As a result, you will get an interesting knot at chest level, and the ends of the stole will hang carelessly.

Another interesting way involves having a double-sided stole with different patterns in your wardrobe. This kind of scarf is now at the peak of popularity; with its help you can create a magnificent look.

  1. Twist the scarf into a light rope so that both sides are visible.
  2. Wrap it around your neck and jacket collar.
  3. The ends of the stole can be left hanging on the chest, or can be tied in a knot.

For a jacket

With a puffed jacket, a scarf looks beautiful not with the ends hanging loosely, but with the ends tucked inside or beautifully tied. Let's consider one of the methods, which is called the wild west. Fold the fabric into a triangle and drape it around your neck with the ends remaining at the back. Cross the ends over your neck, bring them forward and tie a knot. Next, there are two options:

  • leave a knot above the main fabric;
  • hide the knot inside.

A stole tied in a careless way looks very original with a puffy jacket:

  1. Drape the fabric around your neck so that the ends hang over your chest, with one end ending in the middle of your chest and the other being twice as long.
  2. Take the long end of the fabric and wrap it around your neck until the length reaches the middle of your chest.
  3. Cross both ends of the scarf over your shoulder and tie it in a loose, light knot. As a result, you will get tips no more than 12–13 cm long. This method of tying looks especially interesting if you use a stole with beads or muslin threads.

For a jacket without a collar

Let's look at several ways to tie a scarf over a jacket without a collar

Double loop

The first method allows you to leave hanging ends, which, if desired, can be thrown over one shoulder. You need to wrap the scarf around your neck several times. Take one tip in your hand and insert it inside the loop. Then tie a loose knot with the other tip. Slightly move the structure to the side. If desired, one hanging end can be thrown back over the shoulder.

Inner loop

No less beautiful is the way of tying a scarf with an internal loop. Take the fabric in your hands and wrap it around your neck several times. We make the last turn so that the ends of the fabric hang carelessly on the chest. We overlap them and insert them into the loop on the neck from the inside.

A stole is a very wide and long scarf; it can be made of different materials and used from early autumn until the end of spring. Considering the variety of options for the accessory, as well as the length of the wearing period, you need to know how to tie a stole on a coat in order to be able to look stylish and avoid monotony in appearance.

The choice of accessory should be justified in terms of the combination of colors, style, textures, as well as the time of year.

  • In cold weather, coats are combined with warm knitted, fur, cashmere or similar scarves.
  • In autumn and spring, you can use thinner fabrics
  • If the whole look is chosen in a romantic way, you should not wear a heavy stole made of coarse fabric, and if you are using a “casual” or “military” style, a delicate stole with a floral print or ornate ornament will obviously not work.
  • It would be ideal to buy a double-sided accessory; it will be easier to combine it with wardrobe items
  • Cashmere goes with almost everything.
  • The drape will clearly be disharmonious with an accessory made of lurex or silk.
  • Knitted items will look good on a smooth coat fabric, while they will “overload” clothes with a complex surface texture.
  • It is better to wear a stole made of smooth, plain material with a fur collar.
  • A combination of tones is selected based on the harmony of the color wheel.
  • Black and gray are considered universal; they will go with almost everything.
  • Brighter tones are combined with calm colors of coats, less saturated colors are combined with outerwear in flashy tones.
  • Usually the fabric is chosen to be a couple of shades lighter or darker than the coat, but designers note that you can wear the accessory exactly in tone, so the chest will appear larger

How to tie a stole on a coat with a stand

A coat with a stand-up collar is one of the best options for wearing a stole, since the silhouette is not overloaded, does not interfere with anything and does not stick out from under the accessory. One of the suitable tying models is the “braid knot”.

The technique of its execution involves the following actions:

  1. The stole is slightly gathered in waves along the width.
  2. Place the fold loosely in front and the ends on the back. From the side of the neck, a slight arc should form, descending approximately to the area where the ribs join.
  3. Throw the stripes of the accessory forward, moving them towards the shoulders.
  4. Twist the arc of fabric at the neck once, forming something like a figure-of-eight loop.
  5. Place your right hand into the bottom of the loop and use it to pull out the left strip of the stole.
  6. The right part of the accessory is also threaded through the hole, passing it over the left.
  7. If the length of the product allows, you can repeat the steps, continuing to weave the “spikelet”.
Step-by-step instructions on how to beautifully tie a stole on a coat.

Styling the accessory using the “Bow” method, which has the following steps, will also look beautiful:

  1. Place the scarf on the neck, lowering both stripes in front.
  2. Fold the left half in half.
  3. Take this part in the middle with your left hand, you should get something like a bow tie.
  4. With your right hand, take the free end of the product, place it under the fold, throw it from the bottom up through the center of the bow, and bring it down under the neck.
  5. Straighten out the folds and, if desired, turn the bow to one side.

To create a bright image, use the “Puff” tie. To perform it, you need two accessories in contrasting shades.

Work progress:

  1. Tie the ends of a pair of stoles on both sides.
  2. Place the ring on the neck so that the center of one of the products falls on the back of the head.
  3. Throw both products over your head several times in turn until the length runs out.
  4. Hide the tied ends inside.

An excellent option for a stand-up collar would be “Cascade”. It looks better on products with a contrasting pattern in a geometric style.

Done this way:

  1. Throw it from front to back.
  2. Spread the ends over your chest.

This option also looks great:

  1. Make a loose loop from the scarf at the front.
  2. Cross the ends of the accessory located on the back and bring it forward.
  3. Tie them in a tight knot, forming a collar.
  4. Hide the ends under the wide part of the stole and pin.
  5. Straighten the loop, adding volume and airiness.

On a coat without a collar and with a collar

On a coat without a collar, the stole not only performs a decorative function, but also protects the body from the cold. Just like stand-up clothing, the collarless model can be combined with almost any tying option. An excellent option for a product without a collar would be “Cascade”. It looks best on accessories with a contrasting geometric pattern.

Done this way:

  1. Form wide folds along the width of the product.
  2. Throw it from front to back.
  3. Cross the ends and bring them to the chest.
  4. Loosely tie the ends together.
  5. Give the shape volume by pulling parts of the structure up.
  6. Spread the ends over your chest.

The following tying method is also combined with clothes without a collar:

  1. Wrap the scarf around your neck.
  2. Bring the ends forward.
  3. Tie a knot on one strip of the product.
  4. Thread the second part of the scarf through it.
  5. Tighten the knot slightly, but leave it loose.
  6. Straighten the folds, leaving the design asymmetrical.

A coat with a collar, especially a fur one, is already decorated and does not require the use of a stole. If you wish, it is better to tie a scarf on your head or use the simplest techniques for twisting a neck accessory and placing them inside your clothes.

This model is in harmony with the collar:

  1. The material of the scarf, preferably approximately equal in width and length, is folded diagonally.
  2. Wrap the neck in several turns.
  3. Bring the ends forward and hide them under the collar.

The following extended version is also used:

  1. Fold the scarf in half lengthwise.
  2. Throw it around your neck.
  3. Pass the ends of the accessory through the bending part.
  4. Cross the drawn edges and the folded loop and thread the strips through the hole again. It should look like a complex tie.
  5. Straighten the edges.

On a coat with a hood

The method of tying depends on how this part of the coat will be used during the day. If the hood will be worn over the head, it is better to place the stole under it; if not, you can put a scarf on top. All designs should involve placing the ends of the scarf in the front, or hidden inside the wrap, so as not to overload the back area.

How to tie a stole on a coat in the simplest way called the “Hidden Knot” is described below:

  1. Place the scarf on the front of your neck and place the ends on your back.
  2. Place both halves over your chest.
  3. Bring the left part over the right, dive under it, pull it up and tighten the knot.
  4. Straighten the left strip straight.
  5. Pull the inner ring around the neck outward, covering the nodal part with it.

The asymmetrical method also looks good on outerwear with a hood.

The creation technique is as follows:

  1. Tie a loose knot around the neck, it should go below the collarbone.
  2. Move the ligament area to one side.
  3. Twist each tip of the stole around a loop. Fold the edges down or hide them under the wrapping.

You can put a stole under a belt or belt. The bend zone is distributed over the shoulders, and the ends are lowered down to the chest, unfolding and straightening along the entire length. A belt is fastened over the scarf. The asymmetrical execution of this method will look beautiful.

The execution is as follows:

  1. Throw the stole over one shoulder.
  2. Form oblique folds.
  3. Place a belt over the stole.
  4. Straighten the lower part, stretching it to the middle of the thigh of the opposite side.

Tying methods

There are several ways to tie an accessory, depending on the thickness and quality of the fabric, the required volume, and the individual taste of the woman.


This option is well suited for a coat without a collar; in the final form, the stole resembles a raised snood.

To execute this option, perform the following steps:

  1. Fold the scarf diagonally, connecting the upper left corner to the lower right corner, creating a shape resembling a triangle.
  2. Tie the adjacent ends that were connected when folding.
  3. Make a knot from the loose ends (which formed the outer corners of the triangle).
  4. Taking the stole by the knitted part, throw it around the neck, threading the head through the hole formed. The knots should be at the back, under the hair.
  5. Wrap the hanging part of the scarf around your neck again.
  6. Place the folds nicely, making sure that the knots are not visible.

How to tie a stole in volume?

One of the voluminous methods of tying an accessory is “Jabot”.

The creation technique is as follows:

  1. Place the scarf around your neck with the ends hanging forward. The right edge should be significantly shorter.
  2. Bring the left strip over the right (top), then bring it under it, as close to the neck as possible, and pull it up.
  3. Pull a fragment of the left part (not the tip, the beginning will be closer to the middle of the strip) through the loop.
  4. Distribute the frill evenly, covering the right half of the product.

You can use another voluminous tie model called “Braided”:

  1. Fold the product in half.
  2. Place the fold on the side of the left shoulder, the ends on the right.
  3. From bottom to top, insert your left hand into the fold loop.
  4. Grab one of the right ends and pull it through the loop.
  5. Repeat the process, only lowering your hand from top to bottom, and pull the second tip to the left side.
  6. Place the knot in the center of the chest, straighten the folds.

How to tie a stole with a waterfall?

It is better to choose a product for this method from a thin material - silk, cotton, chiffon, so that the scarf can fall in beautiful “waves”. Its length should be more than 3 distances from the shoulders to the waist.

The procedure for laying the stole:

  1. Place the product around your neck, the ends should be in front.
  2. Pull one edge of the scarf so that it becomes shorter and reaches only to the waist.
  3. Wrap the long part of the stole around the neck and bring it to the chest.
  4. Pull any of the free ends of the long fragment to the back of the neck, tuck it under the wrapped half of the product, so that it is not noticeable.
  5. Straighten the folds and create a beautiful “wave”.

How to tie a stole in the form of a hood?

For this method, wide products made of warm fabrics, knitted or fur, are often used.

There are several execution techniques, for example, you can do the following:

  1. Place a scarf over your head.
  2. Place the ends of the product in front of your face.
  3. Place one edge on your back, leave the other on your chest, styling should be loose.

The second technique looks like this:

  1. Cover your head with a stole.
  2. Place both ends on your chest.
  3. Bring them behind the neck, stretching the left edge to the right, the right edge to the left.
  4. Tie a knot at the back of your head.
  5. Distribute the hanging parts along the back.

How to tie a stole on a coat in the third way:

  1. Take a very long scarf and throw it over your head.
  2. Lower both hanging parts onto the chest so that one of them is shorter.
  3. Place the long edge behind the opposite shoulder, wrap it around the neck and return it forward. Now both parts should be the same length.
  4. Pass the tip of the used stole fragment through the loop wrapped around the neck from top to bottom and leave it on the chest.
  5. Take the short part of the scarf and pull it through the same loop around the neck from top to bottom.
  6. Spread the ends over your chest.

Fake tie

An excellent option for a coat with a hood or turn-down collar.

To form a “fake tie,” perform the following steps:

  1. The scarf is draped around the neck, making one side a little longer.
  2. Make a knot on this half, but do not tighten the loop all the way.
  3. The tail of the shorter part is pulled through the loop.
  4. Tighten the knot, lifting it higher if necessary.
  5. Straighten the ends of the product.


To lay a stole using this method, it is better to choose very thin materials of bright colors - chiffon, silk, and so on.

Execution steps:

  1. Place the product around your neck.
  2. Place both ends on the chest, twist each other until the end of the length.
  3. Lift the resulting tourniquet up by the tip.
  4. At a level just above the chest, pull the scarf slightly to the side with your second hand, forming a circle of rope around it with your other hand.
  5. Pass the tip of the twisted stole through the center of the circle and tighten the knot.
  6. Straighten the ends of the product on the chest.


“Ring” is an option for clothes with a stand-up collar.

It's quite simple to do:

  1. Hang the stole around your neck.
  2. Tie the ends of the thing together, you should get a closed “ring”.
  3. The two lines of the scarf are crossed so that the “ring” forms a “figure eight”.
  4. Put the bottom circle of the figure eight over your head.
  5. Distribute the folds.

It is permissible to slightly twist the stole into a rope before starting the process.


How to tie a stole on a coat using the “Mira” method:

  1. Drape the scarf so that one of the ends reaches just to the collarbone.
  2. Wrap the long tail twice around the neck.
  3. Hide the ends of both halves under the wrap ring and smooth out the folds.


Looks better on wide stoles made of thin materials.

The “butterfly” is performed in this way:

  1. A scarf is placed around the neck.
  2. The ends of the products cross each other on the chest a couple of times.
  3. One strip of the stole is draped over the left shoulder, the other over the right.
  4. The edges are straightened to look like spread wings of a butterfly and secured with pins.

Warm way

This technique involves maximizing the coverage of the surface of outerwear using a stole. The fabric of the product should be dense or knitted, the width should be as wide as possible.

Done this way:

  1. The scarf is thrown over the right shoulder.
  2. A piece of material located on the back side is thrown over the left shoulder and directed down along the arm.
  3. The front fragment of the scarf is also directed to the left shoulder and either thrown over the back, or both parts are connected in the collarbone area with a brooch or pin.

For stoles with tassels

A wardrobe accessory decorated with tassels is decorative in itself, so you should not hide the ends of the product under wraps, but rather leave them hanging freely.

The following tying option is suitable:

  1. Hang the product around your neck, leaving one edge a little longer.
  2. Wrap this part around the neck and bring it to the chest.
  3. Bring the tip of the long fragment over the resulting hoop around the neck.
  4. Thread it through, moving from top to bottom, but do not pull it all the way through, leaving a loop.
  5. Pull the second part of the accessory through the loop.
  6. Pull both ends to tighten the knot and align them in length.

Loose ends

How to tie a stole on a coat this way:

  1. Wrap the scarf around your neck without pulling it tight. The wrapped part should not fit tightly, it is better to leave it hanging slightly.
  2. Throw the ends of the product over your shoulders, leaving the rest hanging freely on your chest, carefully distributing it. Both parts must be the same length.

This option can be used on coats with a stand-up or without a collar; the fabric can be of any density and type. The product must be long enough.

Long tail

Performing this technique involves the following steps:

  1. Throw a wide stole over your shoulders and distribute it.
  2. Throw one end of the item over your shoulder, preferably to hip level.
  3. Distribute the second edge over the chest, or hide it in the folds if the fabric is thin.

For a casual style, careless styling is used; for a romantic style, the ends of the scarf are not pulled tightly, forming beautiful “waves” from the loose folds. The “tail” can be thrown not only over the back, you can place it in front, and turn the short part back.


How to tie a stole on a coat using this method is described below:

  1. The stole is folded in half.
  2. Throw it over the shoulders, holding the “loop” on one side, the ends on the other.
  3. Both edges of the product are threaded through the “loop”.
  4. Tighten around the neck, distribute the ends and fringe of the scarf.

You can decorate the junction of the halves with a brooch or a small artificial flower, polymer berries.

Reverse loop

The method is similar to the previous one, but the technique is slightly different.

Execution steps:

  1. Fold the stole in half.
  2. Throw the item over your shoulders.
  3. Thread only one end of the scarf through the “loop”, which is closer to the face.
  4. Thread the second edge of the stole into the new “loop” that was created during the previous step (the line that the other end of the scarf forms under the neck, until it enters the first “loop”).
  5. Tighten both arches closer to the neck and straighten the ends.


The method can only be performed on wide scarves; narrow ones will not provide volume and will look like a tourniquet or rope. The material of the product does not matter.

The creation process involves the following actions:

  1. Twist the scarf slightly along its axis.
  2. Place both ends behind your back.
  3. Wrap them around your neck, crossing them, and bring them to your chest.
  4. Tie a knot from the ends, hide the edges in the folds.


The “hood” requires a very long stole, made from not the densest fabric.

To style a scarf using this method, follow the steps:

  1. Place the stole over your shoulders.
  2. Wrap around your neck twice.
  3. Tie the ends into a knot at the back of your head and tuck the edges into a fold.
  4. Pull one of the layers from the back side to form a wave.
  5. If necessary, place the elongated fragment over the head as a hood.

Volume arc

One of the simplest options. It looks more advantageous on knitted items, especially with complex textures, several rows of braids, Christmas trees, and so on. Looks beautiful on a coat with a turn-down collar, especially open.

Performing a “volumetric arc” is simple; you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Tie the ends of the scarf.
  2. Place them on the back of your head.
  3. Lower the arc formed in the middle of the scarf when folded onto the chest.
  4. Straighten or twist the scarf, adding folds.

The right choice of stole ensures the ability to combine it with different wardrobe items. Knowing how differently you can tie a stole on a coat, a girl guarantees herself a fashionable look for every day, even if there is only one accessory option.

Useful videos about different ways to tie a stole

10 stylish options for tying a stole:

How to beautifully tie a stole on a coat:

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Why is the stole again taking a place in the women's wardrobe today? Because it is a universal accessory, it is appropriate both in the theater and in the office, and goes well with outerwear and casual wear. Having mastered the art of tying a stole in all possible ways, you will look new every day and amaze others with an elegant and sophisticated look.

Every woman who has this cape in her arsenal should be able to tie a stole beautifully. It’s not in vain that for centuries it hid gentle women’s shoulders from the prying eyes of men and warmed them on cold days. In addition, it would be good to know how to wear a stole on your head; in the cold season it can replace a hat.

The Duchess of Bavaria became the trendsetter of this accessory back in the 17th century. It was this person who first threw a cape over her fragile shoulders to keep warm from the cold. Her name (Isabella Palatine) was immortalized in the name of the accessory - a stole.

But time passes, everything changes... And if Duchess Isabella covered her graceful shoulders with a narrow strip of sable skins, then in the modern world it is made from a variety of materials: chiffon, cashmere, lace, fur, wool. One thing remains unchanged - it is a rectangular shape, the width of which varies from 50 to 75 cm, and the length can reach 2 meters.

How to choose a stole?

If you have not yet managed to purchase this accessory, then when choosing a model, consider the following nuances and follow the rule: select a stole taking into account the proportions of your body. So:

  1. tall, large ladies should avoid wearing a fur cape with long pile (fox or arctic fox), as it will add additional volume. Opt for a model made from skins with short fur (mink, sable, marmot). At the same time, choose a narrow cape made of solid fur;
  2. Small-sized models are suitable for petite representatives of the fairer sex. In voluminous, large ones, they will “drown” and look ridiculous;
  3. A pattern on a stole can also visually correct your figure. So, a cape with horizontal stripes will visually reduce your height, while vertical stripes, on the contrary, will increase and make your figure slimmer. A large pattern suits ladies with curvy figures, and a small one suits petite women.

Has the stole been selected and purchased? It's time to learn how to wear it correctly with clothes and always look beautiful and elegant.

Tandem with a coat

A stole made of cashmere or with fur decor is perfect for a coat. How to wear a stole with a coat? If you choose it to match your outerwear, it will create a visual effect of breast enlargement. Coats with simple types of collars look good with it: classic, round or stand-up.

It will be enough to throw the stole over your shoulders or around your neck, tie a voluminous knot at one end, and fix the other end under the resulting knot. Another option is to throw the stole over one shoulder and tie the ends into a knot at the hips or secure it with a brooch on the shoulder. The image of lady elegance is guaranteed to you!

Tandem with a jacket or down jacket

Cashmere or knitted capes with coarse knitting and smaller models can be worn with a jacket.

A stole in the form of a vest looks good with elongated jackets. The French knot is suitable for voluminous jackets. It is easy and simple to tie. Fold the cape in half, wrap it around your neck, and lower the ends to your chest, or wrap it again and secure it. This method resembles a voluminous scarf-collar.

A fur coat is a fur coat

The fur coat itself is already a decoration; hiding it under a stole, no matter how beautiful it is, is simply blasphemous. In addition, by tying something over fur, you jeopardize its safety. Therefore, it is recommended not to wear a stole as a cape with a fur coat. But how then to wear a stole with a fur coat? A headdress from it can be made with ease, and it will be a very feminine option, believe me.

Headdress: how to make and wear?

The following version of the headdress is suitable for a fur coat: cross the ends of the stole thrown over the head under the chin and tie them at the back of the head. It will fit tightly around your head, now neither the wind nor the cold are scary for you. The cape in the form of a loose hood looks beautiful. Its ends are wrapped loosely around the neck or simply thrown back.

Lovers of more intricate headdresses should pay attention to this option: we throw a cape over the head so that the ends are the same length. We pull them together at the back of the head and twist them into a tourniquet. Now we either wrap the tourniquet like a braid around the head, fastening the ends under the beginning of the tourniquet, or tie it into a knot and straighten the ends.

The drapery “A la the East” looks elegant. The stole is draped so that the ends are of different lengths. Under the chin, the edges are secured with a hairpin. Then the longer end is wrapped around the neck and chin, and secured with a pin at the back of the head.

Add color to your business style

A stole is a true friend of business clothes. It is better to choose a silk model in a single color. How to wear a stole in a business casual manner? There are several ways to wear it:

"Vest". The stole is wrapped around the neck, the ends are lowered to the chest and secured with a thin strap. For a more elegant option, you can pin on a brooch.

"Butterfly". There are several options. One of them is to throw a cape over the shoulders, cross the ends at the front on the chest and throw it back over the shoulders, securing them with brooches.

"Flower". For this method you will need a model with fringe around the edges. It is placed on the shoulders, the ends are lowered in front. One edge, straightening the fringe, is secured with a pin on the shoulder. The second, shorter edge is left to hang freely.

You can purchase special hairpins for the stole - brooches, which will give your look a more elegant look and secure the ends of the cape. As well as a ring clasp suitable for thin fabrics. It serves to clamp the ends and adjust their length.

These wearing methods can be applied to blouses and classic dresses. If you choose, for example, a bright accessory for a black dress, your image will sparkle in a new way. You can tie a stole at the waist over a dress, shirt and trousers.

A charming addition to an evening outfit

Of course, the cape is ideal for evening wear. How to wear a stole with such a dress? If your evening dress has an open back, then a stole is necessary. For the dress, choose models of a single color from airy, light-transmitting fabric (chiffon) or silk in deep dark tones, which should be in the same color scheme as the dress.

A hat, handbag or gloves matched to the cape will help complete the look. After all, the main purpose of this amazing accessory is to make a woman’s image elegant and luxurious.

Finally, the long-awaited warmth has arrived, and down jackets have been replaced by light raincoats and jackets. But to make your mood especially “spring,” you need to complement your everyday look with a bright accessory. In today's material, we have collected 17 visual photo instructions on how to correctly and beautifully drape a scarf, stole or headscarf.

1. Hidden node

A beautiful, simple and quite original way to tie a long, warm scarf. An accessory tied in this way will not only reliably protect the neck, but will also decorate a coat or turtleneck.

2. Pretzel

A silk scarf folded into a triangle can be wrapped into a charming, intricate pretzel. A scarf tied in this way will become an effective detail of a business or romantic look, and will also protect the throat from the wind.

3. Braid knot

A simple and very effective way to protect the back of your head from the wind and turn a warm scarf into a beautiful accessory.

4. Tourniquet

Today, scarves are designed not only to protect against the cold, but also to decorate an elegant and beautiful neck. For example, simple manipulations will help you turn a light long scarf into a beautiful cord necklace.

5. Wild West

An original finish to your everyday look will be a scarf tied in the wild west style. To do this, fold the scarf into a triangle and place it so that the ends are at the back of the head. Cross the ends at the back, bring them to the front and tie.

6. Flower

Instead of a regular knot, you can weave a charming flower from a light chiffon scarf. To do this, you need to twist the scarf into a bundle and do the manipulations shown in the picture, leaving the ends of the scarf hanging freely.

7. Big bow

A long, warm scarf tied in a large, beautiful bow will be an original decoration for a winter down jacket or coat.

8. Cute bow

The ends of a light silk scarf can be tied into a small, neat bow, which will be secured with a small elastic band. A scarf tied in this way will add a touch of elegance and French charm to your look.

9. Carelessness

A simple way to create a stylish casual look with a touch of casualness using just a stole.

10. Cascade

Another simple way that will help turn a faceless scarf into a highlight. In addition, a scarf wrapped in this way will protect your neck from cold and wind.

11. Stylish simplicity

Perhaps the easiest way to tie a scarf, which even a child can handle. It looks quite impressive.

12. Variety

As many as eight ways to wear a scarf that will help you create different looks and moods with the help of one single detail.

13. Under the belt

Want to freshen up your appearance? Place a neatly folded stole over your shoulders, securing it at your waist with a thin strap.

Oh women, how many accessories, gadgets, features, jewelry, combinations exist in a woman's wardrobe? Designers are constantly inventing something to make beautiful ladies always look beautiful, elegant, attractive, and taking into account all the features of their figure and taste.

But some things remain in a girl's wardrobe forever, like the legendary little black dress. These are the ones without which a woman’s outfit loses its charm and is doomed to dullness and plainness.

So, an accessory with the romantic and beautiful name of a stole can add zest to a suit and emphasize the subtle taste of its owner.

Modern stoles are created from a wide variety of materials: lace, viscose, linen, wool, satin and others. Previously, a stole was called an openwork woolen knitted product.

This part of the toilet was worn both as a cape over the shoulders and as a hat. However, even today no one will stop you from throwing such a scarf on a fashionista’s wonderful head, on her thin neck, or elegantly covering her shoulders with it.

The photo shows a knitted stole

How to tie a stole in different ways

How to tie a stole The design on the neck has long been invented by both famous clothing designers and the owners of the stole themselves. Combining, inventing, trying, this is how several options were born that could be a godsend for your outfit.

The simplest, but no less elegant option is as follows: you need to throw the accessory around your neck so that the ends are behind your back, the middle of the stole should be in the middle of your neck.

After this, you need to carefully cross the ends from behind and return them to the front. Its ends can simply be left, as if in flight, or tied together. Straighten the stole in front, arrange it as needed and you can go on a date.

There are several more options how to tie a scarf stole on one of the most attractive parts of the body in women. Tie the ends of the stole together in advance, and then wrap it around your neck, hiding the knot. This option is suitable for wearing a stole both over a sweater and over a coat or jacket.

If the stole is not too heavy, but is made of light, flowing fabric, then it can be casually tied around the neck, throwing one edge of the stole behind the back, and leaving the other hanging in front. The silhouette is airy and relaxed.

To secure a stole around your neck or its ends together, you can always pick up beautiful brooches, hairpins or pins with beads. Then the stole will not only acquire the function of, let’s say, insulation, but will also become a decoration for your suit or dress.

Stole for an evening dress

By the way, regarding the dress, a stole can become a wonderful decoration for an evening dress. Choose a fabric that matches the dress, as well as the texture of the stole, and experiment ahead: either slightly open your shoulders, or just one shoulder and fasten it with a beautiful brooch. Sometimes it’s enough just to throw a stole with an original print on a plain dress and the outfit begins to “play” differently.

We use a stole to decorate the head

Ways to tie a stole also on the head they are very diverse and original. By the way, using a stole as a cape on your head, you can create a nice look that will make you stand out from the crowd and help you always be fashionable and unique.

When tying a stole on your head, it is better to use a product of light flowing fabrics: silk, satin, chiffon. One of the very beautiful and elegant types of placing a stole on the head is called “Charleston”, remember the dance of the same name?

This option for using the accessory just came into fashion along with the era of Charleston dance. So, you need to cover your head with a stole, then at the back of the head, pull the ends of the stole as tightly as possible and twist it into a tourniquet.

Then, again at the back of the head, this tourniquet must be tied into a knot, and the ends should be unraveled so that they develop in the wind. It turns out very original and even extravagant, especially if you choose a noble color for the stole.

Once you get the hang of tying a stole in the Charleston style, it won’t be difficult to master another method—Tea Party. The stole must be placed on the head in the same way, twist the ends into a tourniquet, but then wrap it around the head and secure the end of the tourniquet under its beginning.

This versatile scarf can be tied using the so-called “oriental” style. How to tie a stole beautifully, given the oriental theme, read on.

You will need a wide stole, preferably made of light fabric and long. The stole needs to be folded lengthwise and, as it were, thrown over the head so that the ends hang down on the sides of the head.

Then you need to cross the ends of the product on the forehead and take them back, tying them in a knot, if the length allows. By the way, the following option of using a stole to decorate the head also belongs to this oriental style.

Cover your head with a stole so that one end outweighs the other. Under the chin, we connect the edges with a pin, then wrap the long end around the chin and neck.

In the area of ​​the back of the head we secure the remaining end of the product with a pin. If the stole is too long, then you will have folds in the chest area, you just need to smooth them out nicely and now, the image of an oriental beauty is ready.

The stole can also be draped in the style of a classic scarf, but for this you will need a square stole of a lighter texture. For those with long hair, it can be gracefully woven into.

We create a strip of medium width from a stole, tie it over the head, and then weave the ends of the stole into it. It turns out very original and convenient. A stole made of light fabrics is also suitable for this option. A stole with a bow looks very beautiful. It is enough to take an accessory of a rich, bright tone, cover your head with it, and turn the ends on the side or back into a beautiful butterfly bow.

And another option for using a light stole as a head accessory is a head scarf. Take the stole and roll it lengthwise so that it is not too wide.

We apply the stole to the back of the head and, as it were, wrap the head with its ends crosswise, then again. Literally on the crown of your head you should have a kind of knot.

We bring the ends of the scarf back to the back of the head and secure with hairpins or pins. This option is suitable for hair of any length and will decorate the head at any celebration, suitable for any outfit.

Stole as an outerwear accessory

Very, very often, especially on cold days, a stole is used as a cape over outerwear. In this case, they use a product made of warm materials, wear knitted wide scarves, double stoles and various others. In any case, you still need to know how to wear a stole on your outerwear! It requires skills and imagination.

Let's look at the options how to tie scarves stoles on outerwear. The simplest and most common option is to throw a stole over your coat, but so that its ends are on your shoulder.

For reliability, you can secure them with a beautiful massive brooch. The stole in the chest area should be beautifully draped in the form of careless folds.

Another simple option is to throw a scarf over your shoulders, cross the ends in front of the neck and send them back, making a knot at the back. In this case, the stole will warm your shoulders and act as a scarf.

A stole on a coat, jacket, or fur coat should not always be worn solely for insulation. For example, it can decorate a strict plain coat.

Hang a bright, but at the same time noble shades of stole around your neck so that its edges hang down in front. Then pass the ends under the belt of the coat and carefully smooth along the entire length.

The same option is suitable for an accessory with an original pattern, only now align it not along the length, but across the width to demonstrate the beauty of the accessory. There you have it, your new coat is ready! Buy several stoles of different colors and experiment at least every day!

By the way, the option with a strap is also suitable for the spring-summer season. All you need to do is buy a suitable stole, throw it over a shirt-jeans ensemble and secure it with a suitable belt.

This option is suitable for a disco or an evening walk on the beach. You can even make a separate blouse from a stole. To do this you will need a fairly long and wide accessory.

You can throw it over a T-shirt like a jacket and secure it with a strap in the same way, carefully straighten it so that the T-shirt is not visible. The outfit is ready.

In general, as you understand, a stole can be called one of the most versatile accessories in the wardrobe of any fashionista. It is practical, convenient, multifunctional and quite durable. The main thing is that it allows you to fantasize and experiment with the image!