How to get rid of dandruff? Why does dandruff appear on the head? Causes of dandruff, treatment methods, folk remedies What causes dandruff on the head

According to sociological surveys, one of the most upsetting and annoying problems that both men and women unsuccessfully try to solve on their own is dandruff. Thanks to numerous advertisements for anti-dandruff products, many people have the misleading idea that white specks scattered throughout the hair are just a small cosmetic defect that can be eliminated with shampoo. Absence positive result creates doubt - about the shampoo itself, but not about the correctness of the measures taken. So maybe it’s worth thinking about the fact that dandruff doesn’t just happen, it’s just an external symptom signaling that certain internal problems have arisen in your body?

Where does dandruff come from?

Dandruff is nothing more than horny scales that periodically flake off the surface of the scalp. A complete change of cells in the upper (horny) layer of the skin occurs every 4 weeks, so mild dandruff is a completely normal physiological phenomenon.

However, not everything is so simple. In addition to such banal dandruff, which naturally appears every 4 weeks and is not associated with pathological changes in the scalp, dandruff can be a sign of various skin diseases, for example, psoriasis.

Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic skin diseases; it is characterized by rashes, including on the scalp. This usually manifests itself in the form of pink-red inflammatory formations - nodules rising above the skin level, prone to merging into large plaques, covered with silver-white scales, which are easily separated and look like dandruff.

So the definition the real reason The occurrence of dandruff in each specific case requires consultation with a specialist - a dermatologist or trichologist, as well as a special medical examination.

Dandruff as a sign of seborrhea

As observations have shown, in most cases, dandruff is one of the manifestations of seborrhea. What is it?

Seborrhea (from Latin sebum - fat and Greek rrhea - flow) is a disease of the skin of the face, scalp, back, chest, the main symptom of which is a disorder in the process of sebum formation in the skin. This may be due to changes in both the excretory function of the sebaceous glands and the chemical composition of sebum. With seborrhea, most often the skin of the affected areas shines, becomes porous, the hair is greasy, the mouths of the sebaceous glands are clogged with exfoliated skin cells and, as a result, acne appears on open areas of the skin, and dandruff appears on the scalp. Less commonly, with seborrhea, the skin looks dry, while it is very sensitive and irritable, and dandruff is abundant and easily falls off. This disease is also characterized by a chronic course with frequent exacerbations.

The normal process of sebum formation in the skin is as follows. The main components of sebum are substances that, released onto the surface of the skin, mix with the secretion of the sweat glands, forming a water-fat layer - this is what protects the skin, suppressing the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sebum depend on the general condition of the body, especially on the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, gender, age, diet, concomitant diseases, climate and time of year play an important role here - all this may well change the composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, reducing the protective properties of sebum, which, in turn, creates conditions for the proliferation of microbes and development of the disease. In addition, a hereditary predisposition to the development of this disease is of significant importance in the occurrence of seborrhea.

The largest amount of sebum is formed and secreted during puberty. Therefore, seborrhea most often develops between the ages of 14 and 25 years as a result of an imbalance in the body between female and male hormones.

In addition, seborrhea can develop due to improper care of the scalp - when washing with low-quality, especially alkaline shampoos, frequent hair dyeing and bleaching, perm etc., as well as due to a lack of vitamins in food, overwork, influence of atmospheric factors and other things.

If you take a sample of skin and examine it under a microscope, you will find the following: characteristic signs seborrhea: excessive thickening of the superficial (horny) layer of the skin - hyperkeratosis or keratinization, and therefore increased peeling of the skin, hence dandruff; enlargement (hypertrophy) of the sebaceous glands; signs of inflammation around the hair and blood vessels. As a result of increased keratinization, the secretion of secretions becomes difficult, nutritional disturbances occur, and then the death of the sebaceous glands and hair papillae occurs.

Types of seborrhea

Analyzing the signs of the disease and its course, seborrhea is distinguished as oily, dry and mixed. Oily seborrhea is divided into thick and liquid seborrhea. What are their characteristic features?

Thick form of oily seborrhea

In this case, the skin is thickened and its elasticity is reduced. The skin color is brownish-gray, the mouths of the sebaceous glands are significantly enlarged, the hair is thick, coarse, and hard. Often the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland becomes clogged with sloughing skin cells soaked in sebum. If this element is squeezed, a thick greasy mass is squeezed out. This is how a comedon (blackhead) appears - a horny plug. With this form of seborrhea, sebaceous glands (atheromas) are quite common, and when opened, a mass similar to cottage cheese is released. In case of inflammation of the atheroma, it is opened, pus is released, and then a scar is formed.

Complications of this form of seborrhea are pustular skin diseases caused by staphylococci and streptococci, for example, boils.

Liquid form of oily seborrhea

With this form of seborrhea, the skin resembles orange peel: the pores are enlarged, the skin is shiny, sebum is secreted in excess from the dilated ducts of the sebaceous glands. The hair on the head shines, has the appearance of being lubricated with oil, is saturated with sebum already 2-3 days after washing it, and sticks together into strands. The hair is covered by tightly clinging abundant yellowish scales of skin. Itching of the skin may occur, as well as the development of baldness. Complications in this case are the same purulent skin diseases, but already pronounced and more severe, such as furunculosis - multiple boils, impetigo - damage to the hair follicles with the formation of pustules in their place, which, when opened, turn into thick crusts honey color; after falling off, pigment spots may remain.

Dry seborrhea

With this form of the disease, it appears that although sebum is produced, it is distinguished by its viscosity. It is poorly secreted from the sebaceous glands, so the surface layers of the epidermis look dry. In this case, the skin is very sensitive and easily irritated. Dandruff completely covers the scalp and hair, falls off easily, and itches. Sometimes dandruff is layered on top of each other, forming crusts of grayish-white or yellowish-gray color. Peeling develops either in the occipital-parietal region or over the entire surface of the scalp. Hair is dry, thin, brittle, with split ends.

With dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, a microscopic fungus is activated - Pityrosporum ovale, which is present in many people and does not cause the disease, but under certain conditions - intense physical work, decreased immunity, the postpartum period, etc. - it becomes dangerous to health and intensifies seborrhea.

Mixed seborrhea

It is characterized by a combination of signs of oily and dry seborrhea, for example, the skin of the face - forehead, nose, chin - is oily, and on the cheeks - dry. In addition, cases of mixed forms of oily seborrhea can be observed: signs of a liquid form of oily seborrhea are expressed on the face, and a thick form on the scalp.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a common complication of seborrhea of ​​the scalp as seborrheic alopecia (baldness). It appears as a result of improper or completely absent treatment in approximately 25% of people. Most often this process develops as follows. At first, hair loss is moderate and does not go beyond the normal state, in which increased sebum secretion begins (physiological seborrhea). In some patients, physiological seborrhea disappears on its own after 2-5 years and the amount of sebum secreted becomes normal. In other cases, this process does not normalize on its own and persistent seborrhea subsequently forms, ultimately leading to hair loss. The lifespan of new hair is shortened, it becomes thin, thins out and is gradually replaced by vellus hair. Itching, pain, discomfort and a feeling of tightness of the scalp appear. In women, hair thinning most often occurs in the frontal region, in contrast to men, whose hair falls out heavily in the frontoparietal region and thins at the temples and back of the head. There is pronounced flaking (dandruff) on the scalp; the scales are grayish-yellow, greasy, easily separated when scraped, some of them are located on the hair. When examining the skin of the scalp under a microscope, it is clear that the root sheath of the hair, papilla and bulb are strongly, and sometimes irreversibly, changed, and therefore the renewal of lost hair is almost impossible. In such cases, women often experience menstrual irregularities.

Treatment of seborrhea

How can seborrhea be cured? First of all, treatment should begin with eliminating the causes of the disease. At the first stage, a thorough examination by a specialist (trichologist or dermatologist) and normalization of the functioning of those organs and systems in which pathology is detected (endocrine glands, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system) are necessary.

General restorative treatment

An important place in the treatment of seborrhea is given to general strengthening treatment: adequate sleep, walks in the fresh air, and exercise. In food you should limit the amount of animal fats, carbohydrates, table salt, spicy and smoked foods, and alcohol. Food should be rich in vegetables, dairy products, and vitamins. Vitamin therapy must be combined with the intake of microelements; if necessary (this is decided only by a doctor), vitamins can be prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections in certain courses. For neurosis and mental depression, preparations of valerian, motherwort, etc. are indicated. In this case, sanatorium-resort treatment gives good results.

For oily seborrhea, it is recommended to take hormonal drugs that have the ability to suppress the excessive production of male hormones in the female body - thereby reducing the secretion of sebum (for example, the contraceptive drug "DIANE-35"),

Local treatment

It is definitely worth noting that using widely advertised anti-dandruff shampoos, so to speak, by trial and error, can only provoke irritation of the scalp, as well as aggravate the course of the disease.

To combat it, it is necessary to use medicated shampoos, which are selected by the doctor individually for each patient after a preliminary examination, depending on the type of seborrhea. They are conventionally divided into:

  • antifungal shampoos: they contain ketoconazole (another, more well-known name is nizoral);
  • antibacterial shampoos: they contain antibacterial substances - octoprirox, zinc pyriton;
  • exfoliating shampoos that act as a kind of scrub for the scalp: they contain exfoliating components - salicylic acid, sulfur;
  • shampoos with plant extracts, for example, tar, which effectively remove excess oil from the scalp, have antiseborrheic, antibacterial and antifungal effects, as well as some others.

In addition, medicated shampoos can restore the structure damaged hair, slow down the accelerated division and reproduction of scalp cells; they, as a rule, do not contain fragrances, dyes and preservatives, therefore they do not provoke allergies and do not irritate the scalp.

How to use medicated shampoos? In the first two to four weeks, they should be used to wash your hair at least twice a week, then 1-2 times a week for 1.5-2 months. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated. To consolidate and maintain the therapeutic effect after the main course, it is recommended to use shampoos with a neutral acidity level (pH).

There are other dosage forms of drugs that can be used as external agents in the treatment of seborrhea, for example, aerosols, lotions that prevent the proliferation of microorganisms on the skin, eliminating burning, itching and excessive peeling.

One of the traditional methods of treating dry seborrhea, which can still be found today, is rubbing sulfur-salicylic ointment into the scalp, as well as lotions containing salicylic, boric acids, resorcinol, sulfur, and creams containing vitamins A, E and F. prepared in a pharmacy according to a doctor's prescription.

A special place in the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp is occupied by treatment with medicinal herbs, but only on condition that the patient is not allergic to herbs.

Here are some of her recipes that you can use yourself.

For dry seborrhea: pour sea buckthorn pomace olive oil in a ratio of 1:3, heat in a water bath for up to 30 minutes. Then leave it for one night and rub it into the hair roots. At the same time, the skin and hair are nourished with vitamins contained in sea buckthorn oil.

For oily seborrhea: tansy flowers (100g) are heated in a water bath for 10 minutes in 3 liters of water, infused for one night and the hair is washed with a warm solution that has disinfectant properties. You can use burdock roots: 2 tablespoons of dry crushed roots are poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes in a water bath, filtered and rubbed 2-3 times a week into the hair roots for a month. This procedure helps with hair loss.

Stinging nettle leaves are good at strengthening hair roots and restoring blood circulation to the scalp. A mixture of 50 g of crushed nettle leaves and 50 g of nettle rhizomes is poured into 0.5 liters of table vinegar and 0.5 liters of water, boiled in a water bath for 30 minutes. The strained broth is massaged onto the scalp 1-2 times a week.

To wash and rinse your hair, use chamomile and marigold flowers, which have disinfectant properties, rub in a mixture of onion and garlic, which suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms and improve blood circulation.

To treat the skin of the scalp, a wide variety of physical treatment methods are widely used, for example, massage of the scalp with liquid nitrogen (cold treatment), which, due to the low temperature, activates the metabolic process in the skin, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, stimulates the functioning of the blood and lymphatic systems. vessels.

Hand massage for 10-15 minutes improves blood circulation in the scalp very well. This type of massage can be done independently at home. Massage movements are carried out with the pads of 2-5 fingers along the partings in various directions: longitudinal, transverse, circular. It is convenient to do this in a sitting position with your head slightly tilted towards your chest. Movements begin from the forehead to the back of the head, and along the transverse partings - from bottom to top (from the ears and neck to the middle of the parietal region). It is better to start the massage with combing your hair. massage brush in all directions for 2-3 minutes. When self-massaging the scalp, the following techniques are used:

  • superficial stroking with fingertips;
  • rubbing (straight, spiral);
  • intermittent pressure with rake-like fingers on the scalp.

In order to prevent seborrhea, it is recommended to destroy the combs that you used during illness, change or treat hats. If the fabric of the headdress allows, it can be boiled with detergents, and also irrigated with a solution of vinegar essence, followed by placing it in hermetically sealed plastic bags for 24-48 hours. If such manipulations cannot be done, then it is better to change the headdress.

Let us say once again that the treatment program for seborrhea should be selected strictly individually by a doctor - a trichologist or a dermatologist, depending on the manifestations and the results of a thorough examination. After the prescribed treatment and compliance with all medical recommendations, the skin condition is normalized, dandruff disappears, and a balanced diet and restorative procedures do not allow them to return again.

Very often, the appearance of dandruff is a consequence of vitamin deficiency. More precisely, a lack of vitamin A and a complex of B vitamins in the body. It is not without reason that hair deteriorates after grueling diets.
In addition, dandruff in the form of fatty large flakes appears when the scalp is overgreasy. In such a “fat” element, yeast-like fungi are activated. The consequences of their rapid reproduction immediately settle on the hair and clothes.
The cold season contributes to the rapid proliferation of dandruff. Microorganisms feel great under hats. In addition, in winter, few people do not experience a lack of vitamins and overwork.
At the initial stage, the problem can be solved with the help of mass cosmetics. They are sold in pharmacies and in any store that sells hair care products on its shelves.
When using anti-dandruff shampoos, do not forget: - they are all intended for prevention rather than treatment, and therefore can only help at the initial stage of the appearance of dandruff.
Powerful and effective means dandruff treatments are shampoos containing two percent ketoconazole. And such shampoos can only be bought at a pharmacy.
As a rule, manufacturers of medicinal shampoos are not cosmetic, but pharmaceutical companies. Some of the most famous are Nizoral from Janssen-Cilag (Johnson and Johnson Corporation) and its inexpensive analogue Quezoral-Ox from ELFA Laboratories. It destroys the fungus that causes dandruff. In order to completely get rid of flaking and itching, it is recommended to use shampoo 2 times a week for a month, and for the purpose of prevention - once every two weeks.

07/12/2007 14:15:18, Alexey

Many people regard the appearance of dandruff as a temporary cosmetic inconvenience. They do not ask themselves how to get rid of dandruff, believing that it does not require treatment and will go away on its own. Meanwhile, dandruff can be one of the symptoms of scalp diseases or other disorders in the body and cause restrictions in communication and psychological disorders as a result of social discomfort.

What is dandruff

Dandruff is a symptom of a pathological condition in which desquamation (squamation) of dead cells of the horny epithelium of the scalp is disrupted in the form of increased scaly, pityriasis-like exfoliation. It consists of clusters of grayish or grayish scales on the scalp. white. Some authors consider dandruff and seborrhea to be different diseases, although seborrhea is accompanied by dandruff. However, most experts, based on modern data, argue that dandruff is just a mild clinical form of seborrhea, which under certain conditions becomes more severe in the form. The latter has the same etiology and pathogenesis that are characteristic of dandruff, but more pronounced clinical manifestations.

Depending on the chemical and physical composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the disease is usually divided into dry seborrhea, or (dry dandruff), and oily seborrhea (oily dandruff).

Dry dandruff

It occurs as a result of poor secretion of sebaceous glands due to its high viscosity, despite sufficient sebum production. The possibility of insufficient secretory activity of the glands cannot be excluded. This type of dermatosis most often occurs before puberty, but with some diseases or disorders it also affects adults.

With dry seborrhea, the upper layers of the skin epidermis become dry, the hair becomes brittle, thinned, with split ends. The skin becomes more sensitive and irritable. Excessive fine-plate dandruff and hair loss and severe peeling of the skin occur. Epithelial scales in some cases stick to each other, forming grayish-white or yellowish-gray crusts. These phenomena are often accompanied by a feeling of skin tightness and itching, especially after washing. Pink or reddish spots (seborrhoids) may appear on the scalp and body in various places.

Oily dandruff

The main feature of this option is a shiny, greasy surface of the skin and hair. There are two forms of oily seborrhea - liquid, when the consistency of the secretion of the sebaceous glands resembles the consistency of vegetable oils due to the high content of free fatty acids, and thick - the secretion has a “doughy” consistency.

In the liquid form, large-plate, oily dandruff appears, which sticks together into large flakes and covers shiny, oily hair. The latter stick together in strands, seem to be greased with oil already 1 day after washing your hair, and quickly become dirty. Heavy physical work, mental stress, and increased ambient temperature lead to even greater sebum secretion.

It is possible that areas of skin inflammation (which sometimes even “ooze”), itching and the development of alopecia may occur. The course of the disease can be complicated by blockage of hair follicles, the development of staphylococcal infection and purulent inflammation. After opening the pustules, yellowish-brown crusts form, followed by the formation of age spots.

With a thick form of oily seborrhea, the skin thickens, its elasticity decreases, the mouths of the glands expand, they become clogged with fatty cells of the desquamated epithelium, comedonal elements and atheromas are formed, which can fester, leaving scars after their resolution.

Etiopathogenesis of the disease

Brief physiology of the scalp

Understanding the mechanisms of the disease is important not only for the trichologist or cosmetologist, but also for the patient. A general understanding of the physiological processes in the skin, their disorders and consequences makes it possible to carry out prevention, choose the right anti-dandruff remedy and eliminate provoking factors.

The causes and pathogenesis of the disease consist of a violation of the basic mechanisms of the following physiological conditions and processes:

  1. Functions of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Epithelial desquamation processes.
  3. Microbiocenosis.

Sebaceous glands

The scalp is one of the areas of maximum accumulation of sebaceous glands, the ducts of which open in the hair follicles. Fats, as a result of mixing with the secretion of the sweat glands and undergoing emulsification, form a water-emulsion film. Thus, a water-lipid protective barrier is created on the skin surface. It prevents excess water loss and protects against negative factors external environment- solar radiation, waterlogging, exposure to aerosol chemical compounds, pathogenic microorganisms. In healthy people, the fat glands produce from 100 to 200 ml of fat within 1 week.

The number of sebaceous glands reaches several hundred per 1 cm2. Their size and quantity depend on neurogenic factors, age, gender and hormonal levels, and heredity. Throughout life, the sebaceous glands undergo changes several times.

In children they are large in size and are functionally at rest. During growth and old age, the glands decrease, and during puberty they quickly increase. IN puberty at the same time, the secretory function of the sebaceous glands sharply increases and dandruff appears for the first time. IN adolescence it is physiological in nature. In men, the normal amount of secretion produced directly depends on the size of the sebaceous glands, and in women, the amount of sebum secreted corresponds to the phases of the menstrual cycle. Its maximum production occurs during the ovulation phase.

Desquamation of the epithelium

In addition to producing large amounts of sebum, the scalp differs from other areas of the skin in the high degree of desquamation of non-nuclear keratinized epithelial cells from its surface. As a result of a normally occurring development cycle, basal keratinocytes (cells of the lower epidermal layer) gradually shift to the upper layer over the course of 25-30 days, lose water, undergo keratinization and disappear. The stratum corneum consists of 25-35 layers of epithelial cells adjacent to each other and interconnected by intercellular lipids. The processes of growth and desquamation are a physiological renewal of the skin that occurs continuously.


The microbiocenosis of the scalp is a collection, an association of microorganisms - saprophytes, conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria, filamentous, mold and yeast-like lipophilic (fat-eating) fungi. Of the latter, the main importance is given to the yeast fungi Malasseziafurfur, Pityrosporumovale and Pityrosporumorbiculare, which are various options one species (Malassezia), as well as Malasseziarestricta and Malasseziaglobosa, living only on the scalp.

In one form or another, this type of fungus is occasionally or constantly present in 90% of people. The place of their localization is the superficial and middle sections of the stratum corneum, between and inside the horny plates, hair follicles. Some of the fungi are not only lipophilic, but also completely dependent on the presence of fat. In this regard, they settle and live mainly in skin areas with a large number of sebaceous glands and their highest activity - the skin of the scalp, back, especially the interscapular area, the upper parts of the anterior surface chest. Fungi are involved in the breakdown of dead cells and the conversion of saturated fatty acids into cholesterol esters and cholesterol, which they feed on. If the skin is healthy and there are no conditions for the activation and reproduction of microorganisms, they do not cause diseases.

Constantly occurring and interconnected physiological mechanisms contribute to:

  • maintaining the acid-base state of the scalp;
  • constancy of cellular metabolism and tissue respiration;
  • normal functioning of the lymphocytic and intraepidermal phagocytic systems, performing immune, protective functions and self-sterilization processes;
  • ensuring skin microbiocenosis.

Causes of dandruff and mechanisms of its formation

The decisive role in the occurrence of the disease belongs to yeast-like fungi of the Malassezia species, which are part of the constantly present (resident) flora of microorganisms on the scalp. They are activated when at least one of the physiological conditions is violated:

  • the ratio of microorganisms that make up the skin microbiocenosis;
  • changes in the function of the sebaceous glands;
  • changes in the acid-base state on the skin surface;
  • premature maturation of epithelial cells - their life cycle during dandruff is shortened by 2-3 times (from 5 to 14 days), the number of cell layers decreases and does not exceed ten, and cells that do not have time to dry completely stick together and turn into yellowish-white dandruff. The cells and layers themselves lose their consistent arrangement and are placed chaotically.

These disorders, as well as the anatomical features of the scalp (abundance of hair and sebaceous glands, high level of desquamation of epithelial cells and secretion of the sebaceous glands of the head, retention of sweat and sebum in the hair and on the surface, favorable temperature and humidity) provide conditions that are optimal for the life and reproduction of microorganisms permanently and temporarily located here.

In particular, Malassezia fungi multiply rapidly. At the same time, having high lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fats) activity, they break down a large amount of triglycerides in sebum. As a result, a significantly larger amount of fatty acids, which cause irritation, is formed compared to the normal state of the skin. This, in turn, leads to inflammatory processes, excessive flaking and dandruff formation.

In addition, sebum contains oleic acid, which itself can cause desquamation of the epithelium. Its high content as a result of excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands also causes dandruff and itching of the scalp, and additional sebum secretion.

All these processes, as well as mechanical damage to the skin (from scratching) cause disruption of the epidermal barrier, the formation of scaly crusts, inflammation, infection by constantly present pathogenic microorganisms, suppuration, etc. This forms a vicious circle of the chronic course of the disease.

Dandruff is a set of causes (or syndrome) that is characterized by accelerated process detachment of skin particles (in the form of scales) over a relatively long period. Dandruff is most common on the scalp, which is covered with hair.

Dandruff should not be confused with just dry scalp. During human life, skin cells constantly die and slight flaking of the scalp is normal (about 487,000 cells per 1 cm2).

Dandruff is a common scalp condition and affects almost half of the population of different ages, gender and ethnicity.

Causes of dandruff

Dandruff typically occurs as a result of three factors or combinations thereof:

1. Improper functioning of the sebaceous glands (or seborrhea)

Seborrhea - the general concept of dandruff, is a disease. In a general sense, this is an imbalance of sebum production, which leads to a decrease or increase in sebum production and a change in the chemical composition of the sebaceous secretion. This process can occur due to chronic metabolic disorders, the general state of the immune system, age and gender, nutritional habits and skin contamination.

Seborrhea is distinguished between oily (liquid and thick) and dry.

With oily liquid seborrhea, the pores are enlarged, the skin is shiny, and the hair on the head looks oiled and often sticks together in strands. The hair is covered with yellowish scales, and pustules often appear on the scalp.

With oily, thick seborrhea, the elasticity of the skin decreases, possibly causing comedones (horny plug, blackhead). The hair on the head is hard and coarse.

2.Skin infection by fungus

With reduced sebum secretion, scales abundantly cover the hair and scalp. This process is called dry seborrhea (dandruff). This phenomenon is associated with the process of activation of the fungus, which is called “Pityrosporum Ovale”, or “Malassezia Furfur”.

At good immunity, the fungus behaves stably. With severe physical and mental imbalance, with prolonged disruption of the diet, the fungus is activated, which leads to accelerated growth of epidermal cells. The period of skin exfoliation takes from 5 to 7 days (in the absence of disease, this period lasts about one month).

As a result, a large number of scales exceeding the norm. If this process is accompanied by irritation of the scalp, itching and isolated areas of redness, then we can talk about seborrheic dermatitis. Hair, in in this case, become brittle, thin and dry.

3.Individual characteristics of the body

These include the characteristics of skin secretion and its structure, hereditary predisposition and seasonal changes. Other features include the following reasons:

  • People with certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, are more likely to experience dandruff than others.
  • Adults with Parkinson's disease and certain other neurological diseases are more likely than others to develop dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Patients of any age who have had heart attacks or strokes, and some people with weak immune system, are susceptible to dandruff more often than others.
  • Some experts believe that people who do not consume enough foods containing zinc, vitamins and certain types of fats are more prone to dandruff.
  • Mental stress. Many experts believe that there is a connection between frequent stress and many skin problems.
  • The study found that 10.6% of people with HIV are susceptible to seborrheic dermatitis.

All of the above allows us to conclude that all processes and phenomena that lead to the appearance of dandruff are manageable and controllable.

Anti-dandruff products

Fortunately, these processes can be controlled. In mild cases, it is enough to find a suitable anti-dandruff shampoo of a certain composition and stabilize your lifestyle.

In most cases, mild dandruff does not require a visit to the doctor. However, if the condition of the scalp worsens, and the use of a treatment shampoo does not bring the desired result, then you should consult a doctor. A doctor may diagnose seborrheic dermatitis or another related disease, which requires certain treatment conditions.

Most anti-dandruff products or anti-fungal shampoos (anti-dandruff shampoos) contain at least one of the following active ingredients:

  1. Zinc pyrithione is an antibacterial agent.
  2. Selenium sulfide – is responsible for reducing the rate of cell production.
  3. Sulfur – helps remove dandruff flakes.
  4. Ketoconazole is a very effective antifungal component. Most people who use products containing ketoconazole are happy with the results. Shampoo with this ingredient can be used by both young and old people.
  5. Salicylic acid is an exfoliating agent.
  6. Oil tea tree– This oil is extracted from the Australian tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia). We can say that nowadays, shampoo manufacturers are increasingly including tea tree oil in their composition. Tea tree oil is antifungal and antiseptic. However, some people may be allergic to this type of oil.

The ideal solution would be to choose a shampoo that contains two or three of the above components.

In addition to shampoos, creams are also used to combat seborrhea:

  1. Cortisone creams – reduce inflammation. This cream can be bought without a prescription in 0.5% or 1% concentration. The cream is used twice a day, the result will appear only after a few days. This type of cream is available as a scalp lotion. Apply once a day, preferably on wet hair after washing your hair. Can be used together with medicated shampoos.
  2. Antifungal creams. The action of such creams is aimed at reducing the number of yeast organisms living on the skin. Available over the counter are clotrimazole cream 1% and miconazole cream 2%. Antifungal creams are applied once or twice a day.

How to get rid of dandruff

Medicated dandruff shampoos, like medicated creams, should be used during the active stage of seborrhea. As the manifestation of the disease decreases, it is necessary to reduce the use of medications and, subsequently, switch to the use of everyday hygiene products. In case of the next appearance of the disease, creams and shampoos can be reused.

It may happen that if the disease reappears, the remedies that you used in previous times may now be ineffective. In this case, it will be necessary to use other shampoos and/or creams with the above components.

Basic rules for using medicated shampoos. The shampoo should be applied to damp hair and left on the scalp for about five minutes. If the shampoo is rinsed off too quickly, the active ingredients will not have enough time to work.

Basic rules for using medicinal creams (masks, lotions). Healing creams used in combination with medicated shampoos. Leave masks and lotions on the scalp for 20-30 minutes.

In parallel with the use medicinal products, you need to follow the following simple diet. The food you eat should be rich in vitamins and fiber. The diet should include fermented milk products. Consumption of fatty and sweet foods should be limited. It is also recommended to drink at least two liters of clean water daily.

Folk remedies for dandruff

Treating dandruff at home, can be as effective as treatment with expensive dandruff products.

Egg based mask. You need to beat two eggs in a small amount of warm water. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair for about ten minutes, then rinse. This procedure helps prevent dandruff.

Mask based on orange juice and aloe. You need two teaspoons of aloe juice and two teaspoons of orange juice, one egg yolk. Mix all ingredients until smooth and apply to scalp. Rinse off with warm water after 40 minutes. After using such a mask, you should rinse your hair with a decoction prepared from horsetail (which can be bought at the pharmacy).

Calendula based mouthwash. Pour one tablespoon of calendula (take inflorescences) into two glasses of 80% boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. After washing your hair, rub the resulting infusion into the scalp, then put it on your head. plastic bag, remove the package after 30 minutes, do not rinse your hair. This procedure is recommended to be carried out two or three times a week.

Chamomile based mouthwash. Pour two tablespoons of chamomile (inflorescences) into one liter of water and boil for five minutes. After cooling, rub the broth into the scalp.

Chamomile based rinse. Prepare an infusion of chamomile inflorescences in a ratio of 1 to 10. Wash your hair with the infusion two or three times a week, the number of procedures is from 10 to 15. This course can be repeated after two or three weeks.

Thyme based mouthwash. Pour four tablespoons of thyme into 0.5 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Cool the broth and strain, apply to damp hair, wetting it completely. There is no need to rinse off with water. You can use it after every hair wash.

Anti-fungal rinse. One tablespoon should be dissolved in 0.5 liters of warm water sea ​​salt. Apply the solution to clean, damp hair and rinse well after 5 minutes. Then rinse your hair in another solution (add one teaspoon of lemon juice to 0.5 liters of water).

Hair oils. Mix one tablespoon with ten tablespoons of calendula alcohol tincture (sold at the pharmacy). Use to rub into the scalp twice a day.

When using any medication, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Dandruff on the head can appear as a result of both external and internal factors. At the same time, there is a so-called risk group - people who are more susceptible to the disease.

Dandruff on the head (the medical name is “seborrhea”) is not only a cosmetic problem, it can appear for a number of reasons and requires professional consultation with a trichologist or dermatologist.

In the absence of timely treatment, white flakes form a dense crust, which blocks the access of oxygen to the scalp. The nutrition of the follicle is disrupted and hair begins to fall out.

Symptoms and clinical picture of the problem

When the disease occurs, dead skin particles flake off and become bran-like. Actually, this is how it is translated from Latin language name of the disease. Dandruff becomes noticeable only when hundreds of keratinized epidermal cells stick together. About 1000 of them make up just one tiny white plate.

The following symptoms indicate the appearance of dandruff:

  • the formation of fine “powder” on the hair, shoulders and outerwear, which are exfoliated cells of the epidermis;
  • dry or, conversely, oily scalp, as a result of metabolic disorders;
  • dull, brittle hair;
  • itching on the scalp and the appearance of a yellow-gray crust.

Dandruff can appear due to improper scalp care, hormonal imbalances, certain diseases or an unsuitable diet.

Types of Dandruff

Depending on the intensity of sebum secretion by the scalp, two types of dandruff are distinguished: dry flakes appear on dry hair, while white flakes have a shiny appearance on hair that is prone to oiliness.

This type of disease occurs when the intensity of sebum secretion is low. At the same time, the exfoliated particles of the epidermis are small and dry. They have the appearance of powder and are usually “scattered” throughout the hair or localized in the forehead and crown area.

Dry dandruff can also appear when sensitive skin a head prone to irritation not only from the use of unsuitable hygiene and cosmetic products, but even from dry indoor air. In this case, the phenomenon goes away on its own, after the external sources of its occurrence are eliminated.

The cause of dry seborrhea may be an impaired water balance in the body. The human body constantly loses moisture, to replenish it it is recommended to drink on average about two liters of warm, clean still water per day.

The situation with the disease can be aggravated by: stress, overheating or hypothermia of the hair, prolonged fatigue, taking hormonal medications, lack of vitamins B6, B12, F and selenium, as well as the use of inappropriate hair care products.

Oily dandruff

Oily dandruff appears when there is increased sebum production from the scalp. It looks like large fat flakes that stick together, cling to the hair and are difficult to comb out.

The hair becomes greasy and the skin itches. This happens because fat fills the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands and provokes irritation of the nerve endings. When fat breaks down and oxidizes, fatty acids are released, which also cause the itching sensation.

If you notice a tendency to oily scalp, especially if this phenomenon has appeared recently, consult a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will identify the causes of changes in skin properties and prescribe appropriate treatment. Unqualified therapy can harm the health of curls.

Frequent washing oily hair does not solve the problem, but, on the contrary, can aggravate it, since it provokes increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

For home care use shampoos for oily hair. Apply the product directly to their roots. Wash your hair with warm water, avoiding intense massaging movements. When combing your strands, try not to touch your scalp.

External factors for the appearance of dandruff

Improper scalp care

One of the common reasons for the appearance of “white flakes” is improper hair care, including:

  • Washing them frequently.
    There should be moderation in the frequency of hygiene procedures. When washed, the protective lipid film is washed off from the skin. After some time, the sebaceous glands form a new protective barrier, but if you wash your hair too often, they do not have time to fully perform their function. As a result, the skin dries out, which provokes the disease. Wash your hair according to the degree of contamination. The optimal frequency is once every 2-4 days. The more often you wash, the softer the shampoo should be.
  • Excessive use and incorrect selection of hair care products.
    Regular application of styling products and dyes to your hair can dry out your hair and cause dandruff. Incorrectly selected cosmetics can also cause illness.

    Remember that styling products are not intended for daily use.

  • Poorly washed hair.
    The scalp is exposed to the irritating effect of poorly washed off small particles of shampoo or balm. Hard water is another reason why white spots may occur. Any acidic rinse can soften its effect. Hygiene products must be thoroughly rinsed under a large stream of warm water.
  • Hot styling.
    Regular styling of hair using a straightening iron and hair dryer contributes to dryness of the epidermis. Therefore, as a preventive measure, and especially if you have the first signs of the disease, avoid hot styling.
  • Using artificial or dirty combs.
    The best option is a wooden comb or brush with natural bristles - such devices will not harm the skin. Cleanliness of the instrument is an important means of preventing seborrhea.


Poor ecology is another factor for the appearance and development of the disease. The influence of polluted air and consumption of foods treated with pesticides and toxic chemicals provoke a whole chain of diseases, including dandruff. If the environment is poor, scalp fungus can develop. At the same time, the skin itches and the hair becomes brittle.

Indoor plants, air conditioners with good filters, and air purifiers can help reduce your exposure to indoor air pollution. Ventilate your living space regularly and drink only filtered water.

As for nutrition, if you live in a contaminated area, you will have to follow strict rules when choosing and preparing foods:

  • After boiling, drain the broth from meat and fish twice.
  • Soak vegetables for 3-4 hours in salt water.
  • Cook the mushrooms for 10 minutes in boiling water, then drain the water. Repeat twice.

Such simple actions reduce the risk of contamination of the body with radionuclides, insecticides, herbicides and other poisons.

Hypothermia or overheating of the scalp

Regular walks in the cold with your head uncovered, as well as overheating of the skin, lead to disruption of the nutrition of the hair follicles. Hair becomes thin, dry and begins to fall out.

Therefore, when going outside in hot or frosty weather, do not forget to wear an appropriate hat.

Internal causes of dandruff

Problems with the immune system

A favorable foundation for the active development of the fungus that lives on the scalp is also reduced immunity. Normally, the life cycle of cells lasts a month, but with a fungal infection it is reduced to one week. As a result, a large number of them accumulate on the scalp, and they form white flakes.

To strengthen the immune system:

  • Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals: A, B5, C, D, F, PP, selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine and manganese. They are found in yellow and red plant foods, as well as black currants, rose hips, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains. Don't forget to consume seafood, dairy products and green tea.
  • Take herbal infusions and decoctions of lemongrass, echinacea, ginseng and licorice. This can be done for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.
  • Toughen up. Swimming, dousing and contrast showers greatly strengthen the body.
  • Choose an active lifestyle. For moderate physical activity Any sport, dancing or exercise equipment is suitable.
  • Give your body a rest. Find time every day to relax and think about something pleasant or just be in silence. It's soothing nervous system and is a good stress preventative.

Disturbances in the hormonal system

One of the reasons for the appearance of dandruff is hormonal changes in the body during puberty - in both sexes, as well as during pregnancy and menopause - in women. Interestingly, as a result of changes in the hormonal system, white scales can either appear or, conversely, disappear if they were previously a cause of concern.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Many diseases have their origin in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Dandruff is no exception. If the cause is a fungus, you must follow a strict diet. Favorite for the fungus: sweet, floury, fatty, fried and smoked foods. That is why problems with the scalp more often occur in people with the listed taste preferences.

An unbalanced diet, a lack of certain vitamins and microelements, an excess of proteins and fast carbohydrates all lead to the same dandruff.

Risk groups for dandruff

For any disease there are risk groups. People at risk for dandruff include:

  • men, since their sebaceous glands produce more oil than women’s;
  • owners of oily scalp;
  • people with bad habits, since alcohol and nicotine disrupt metabolism;
  • people aged 10-14 to 40 years – this is due to the production of hormones;
  • people with reduced immunity or those who have recently suffered severe stress.

These people are more susceptible to the disease and should take preventive measures to prevent it.

You definitely need to fight dandruff. This is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a signal of a disruption in the functioning of the body. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, do not be lazy to consult a doctor, find out the cause of the phenomenon and get rid of it in time.

Why dandruff appears on the head: video

The problem of dandruff affects every person at least once in their life, for some of us it is a daily problem. We have prepared a video for which a dermatologist will explain in detail the cause of this disease and methods of combating it.

Reading time: 9 minutes. Views 5.1k.

Everyone has healthy person Once a month the stratum corneum of the skin is renewed. However, for a number of reasons this process may accelerate. That's when dandruff appears.

Seborrhea, or dandruff, is a process in which there are too many exfoliated skin particles on the surface of the head. When the number of such scales exceeds the norm, they “decorate” clothes and bring with them many inconveniences such as itching and redness, a serious problem arises.

Dandruff can be contagious. That's why You should not use other people’s combs and other hygiene items. scalp.

It’s just impossible, especially if you’re only self-medicating. Important problems and based on it, select .

It is believed that the root of the disease is the activity of a special fungus due to a number of reasons. But in reality everything is not so simple. Everything needs to be considered possible options occurrence of seborrhea. And it’s worth starting with the most basic.

A sebum production disorder is something that causes either too much or too little sebum production. In the first case, the skin becomes too oily, clogged pores and acne appear, and oily dandruff then appears on the head. In the second case, the skin lacks hydration, it dries out and flakes off more. This is also leads to dandruff formation.

Normally, sebum creates a protective layer on the skin and prevents microorganisms, including fungi, from developing. When some kind of failure occurs and these processes are disrupted, fungal activity may increase.

Hormonal levels, especially in women, are very unstable. Any stress, changes in diet, or in the environment can lead to its disorders.

Ages 14 to 25 a stable hormonal background of the body develops. It is during this period that seborrhea can develop. Due to the constant shift in the balance of hormones, the process of sebum production may also be disrupted. Therefore, problems with the skin, including the scalp, appear. The same thing happens in pregnant women.

Such problems also occur in adulthood., both in men and women. In this case, before treating symptoms such as seborrhea imbalanced hormones should be rebalanced.


The main factor that causes dandruff is the excessive activity of the fungus Malassezia Furfur on the surface of the skin. It is this that leads to the appearance of “snow” on clothes. How does this happen?

Excessive sebum production creates a favorable environment for microorganisms. This fungus thrives in such an environment. And when it begins to multiply quickly, it irritates the scalp. The renewal cycle of scalp cells, which do not have time to properly exfoliate, accelerates. And this manifests itself in the form of dandruff.

Its reproduction is also influenced by the predominance of male hormones in the body.. Immunity disorders due to poor nutrition, stress, and illness can also cause seborrhea.

There are many reasons for the development of fungus. They are mainly associated with disruptions in the immune system and hormonal levels as the root cause.

But not only the reasons listed above affect the appearance of white scales. Many skin diseases can also cause them.. But in this case, we are still not really dealing with dandruff.

For example, psoriasis. This chronic, non-contagious disease causes silvery, clearly defined scales to appear on the skin in different places, which itch and peel off. If there are lesions on the scalp, hair loss may begin. It also occurs for various reasons, but they are often much more serious than seborrhea.

With dermatitis and eczema, the skin also becomes red, itchy and flaky.. But the external manifestations are different from dandruff. Another thing is that dermatitis and eczema may underlie the appearance of seborrhea. Then, having cured this root cause, you will get rid of dandruff.

Other factors

In addition to the main reasons listed above, a number of additional ones can be identified. These include:

  • unsuitable water and care products;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals obtained from food;
  • violation of hair drying conditions and caring for them;
  • presence of hereditary diseases and predisposition to the appearance of seborrhea;
  • permanent being under stress.

The appearance of signs of seborrhea is always based on internal or external causes associated with improper care. It is important to find out in each specific case what leads to its development, and based on this, select treatment.

Symptoms and types of dandruff

The symptoms of seborrhea are always approximately the same:

  • the appearance of skin flakes;
  • skin redness;
  • in some cases - a violation of the integrity of the skin, the appearance of acne and scratching.

All this indicates the presence of a seborrhea problem.. However, we should not forget that the course of the disease is always individual. Also exists depending on the root causes.

Let's look at them in order.

You should not let the course of the disease take its course, because this is fraught with the appearance of more serious problems in the form of baldness and infection of the body with various infections.

Identifying the cause of each type of seborrhea requires comprehensive studies of the body.

Dandruff treatment and what can help

It is important to distinguish the symptoms of seborrhea from other diseases. And in order to find a solution to the problem for each specific case - you should consult a dermatologist and trichologist. A complete examination of the body will reveal the root cause and will eliminate it and its consequences in the form of dandruff.

These can be hormonal drugs if the general background is disturbed, as well as drugs aimed at the problem.

A special diet and vitamin and mineral supplements are also prescribed. A external manifestations are removed with the help of hair and skin care products.


It is useful not only to relieve symptoms and treat the body from the inside, but also to undergo some procedures.

  • For example, it dries out the skin, which is useful for oily seborrhea.
  • helps improve blood circulation and destroys fungus.
  • And it can even boost immunity.

So, if the doctor has prescribed you to attend these procedures, you should listen to his opinion and go through them completely. They will not only relieve dandruff problems, but also improve the overall condition of the scalp and hair.

Traditional methods of treatment

Phytotherapy- a good aid for getting rid of dandruff. This method is time-tested and has proven itself on the positive side.

For example, for oily seborrhea, essential oils and natural oils in the composition and as additional components to care products.

Rinsing your hair with a variety of herbal decoctions also helps get rid of the effects of seborrhea. Herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, calendula and others work best.

sea ​​salt and apple cider vinegar as components of masks help exfoliate the skin, destroy fungus and its manifestations. But the main thing here is not to harm yourself, so the holding time on the hair must be strictly observed.


In order to prevent the recurrence of seborrhea, you can use both special care products such as hair masks and.

It is important to choose prevention methods that work in a particular case. However, too strong drugs should not be used without a doctor's permission.

Features of the use of medicated anti-dandruff shampoos

When choosing hair care products for dandruff, it is important that they contain the following substances:

  • - a fungus-killing substance;
  • - a product with similar properties with a big advantage - it does not become addictive, unlike the previous one;
  • - an exfoliating component that also prevents the reappearance of dandruff;
  • - exfoliating and skin cleansing components.

At the beginning of treatment, the frequency of use of such shampoos and hair products is at least twice a week, then it is reduced to once every 1.5-2 weeks.

Scalp hygiene

When washing, you should use products suitable for your hair type. The frequency of washing your hair is at least once every two days. Pillowcases and towels need to be changed regularly, and ideally, the pillow needs to be replaced. It is also useful to comb your hair with a fine comb and massage the scalp when applying care products and masks.

If your hair is not very dirty, you can get rid of dandruff much faster. That's why it's like that it is important to monitor their hygiene.


So, there are many reasons for the appearance of seborrhea, as well as ways to treat it. The main thing is to find the root of the problem and, in accordance with it, select methods for getting rid of dandruff. With a competent approach and following all the instructions of the treating specialist, this delicate problem will quickly become a thing of the past and will never return.