How to measure foot length in cm

Every year, before the start of the season, runners and athletes prepare to purchase new running shoes. They read reviews, communicate on thematic forums, go to the websites of sneaker manufacturers and understand the abundance of models and new technologies.

But, often, they forget that brands and technologies are secondary in the matter of convenient, effective and safe shoes The primary thing is the correct selection of shoes for individual characteristics your legs.

What stages does the correct selection consist of? There are only three of them:

  • Determination of the type of leg biomechanics
  • Correct foot measurement
  • Trying on shoes

MEASURE YOUR FOOT AT THE END OF THE DAY OR IMMEDIATELY AFTER TRAINING, when your foot length is close to its maximum length.

Prepare a sheet of paper 40cm long (or fasten 2 A4 sheets with tape or paper clips).

Fold the edge of the sheet to create a border (as shown in the picture).

Apply the sheet to any corner of the wall and floor where there is no baseboard (ideally a room door).

Put on your feet the socks that you will wear during running training and prepare a pencil.

First place one foot on a piece of paper so that your heel snuggled up to the door behind her.

Shift your body weight to this leg, bend over and place a mark (1mm) near your longest toe (big or second).

IMPORTANT! Hold a pencil strictly vertical and don’t get it under your fingers! Deviation of the pencil from the vertical immediately changes the location of the mark and makes the measurement incorrect.

Measure the second foot in the same way, because the length of the right and left foot sometimes differs by up to 10 millimeters.

Using a ruler, measure the distance from the fold of the sheet to the marked point.

Record the length in millimeters for the largest leg.

IMPORTANT! If you are heavy and your feet tend to swell towards the end of workouts, or you run more than 15 km in one workout, or already have chronic diseases of the joints of your big toes (for example, bursitis) before choosing a size ASICS or MIZUNO add 0.5cm to your foot length. This is necessary to minimize mechanical compression of the joints during training and avoid fatigue injuries or their recurrence. After all, after a distance of 15 km, the foot “adds” up to 5-6 mm in size, and after 40 km it can increase up to 1cm (!)

The length of your foot is 274 millimeters.

  • Select the closest size, for example ASICS for men = 9.5 US, for MIZUNO = 8.5 UK.
  • Add 0.5 (half) size if you are purchasing shoes for running distances over 15 km.
  • Thus, you need to indicate in the notes to the order: foot 275 + 5mm reserve and the consultant will select the size for you. Or, you can immediately indicate the resulting size 10 US size for ASICS or 9 UK size for MIZUNO.


Put on and lace up your sneakers.

The big toe should not rest inside the toe of the shoe.

If you are trying on running shoes, between thumb and the toe of the sneaker should remain a distance equal to approximately the width of your index finger or - 1 cm of “air”.

Shrinkage of mesh shoes along the foot, according to the manufacturer, takes place within one day.

Shrinkage on the foot of leather shoes, according to the manufacturer, takes place within three days.


Determine the length of the insole. Place a piece of paper on the floor and step on it with one foot with a thin sock on it. Trace the foot with a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen. Place the other leg next to it and do the same operation.

Use a ruler to measure the distance at the two extreme points on the heel and big toe. Usually the data from both legs does not match, this is normal. Most often, the length of the left and right legs is different. For the original length, take the data from the leg that turned out to be longer.

Define size children's shoes. If measuring your leg based on a drawing on paper seems unconvincing to you, try another method that is suitable for children. Take regular plasticine and warm it well in your hands. Make a flat rectangular cake out of plasticine. Place the child's foot on the plasticine - a deep, clear mark will remain on it. Measure the length of the foot print with a ruler.

Table size ov shoes in Russia it is based on the mass system. Per unit of measurement size and the length of the insole is taken in stiches. To determine size shoes , divide the length of the insole by one piece equal to 0.67 cm. For example, if a woman has a sole length of 24 cm, then her Russian size shoes calculated as follows: 24/0.67=35.8 – this is 36 size.

European size shoes also count in pieces, but you need to add 1 cm for allowance to the length of the insole. In the example it would be like this: (24+1)/0.67=37.3. This size 37 or 37.5. In English and American size e shoes measure along the insole, but in inches. 1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm.

There is an additional division shoes for men's, women's, children's and teenagers. Each system has its own mark, taken as zero. In the English nursery shoes null size equals 10 cm or 4 inches, and in American - 9.8 cm refers to the second size u. Floor mark size and in the US and UK it is 0.84 cm or 1/3 inch.

When going on a summer tourist trip on foot, by car or kayak, it is advisable to know in advance the distance that will need to be covered. To measure length paths, you can’t do without a map. But using a map it is easy to determine the direct distance between two objects. But what about, for example, measuring the length of a winding water route?

You will need

  • Area map, compass, strip of paper, curvimeter


Technique one: using a compass. Set a compass angle suitable for measuring length, otherwise known as its pitch. The step will depend on how sinuous the line to be measured is. Typically, the pitch of the compass should not exceed one centimeter.

Video on the topic


  • How to measure distance in 2017

Probably everyone knows their size shoes. But, as a rule, only the one that operates in our country. But in America the system size ov is completely different. And if suddenly you decide to order shoes online, or you happen to buy shoes or boots in the United States of America, you need to correctly identify your American size shoes.

You will need

  • - a sheet of paper,
  • - pencil,
  • - ruler


You will need a sheet of paper, preferably a checkered one, and a pencil. Place your foot on the paper and trace your foot, holding the pencil perpendicular to the paper. The presence of socks when measuring is mandatory, because you will not be wearing shoes on your bare feet. If you are choosing boots for the cold season, then wear a thicker sock when measuring. Even if you once knew your size, it is still better to take the measurement again, because the leg may change over time in size ah, salt deposits, corns, and swelling may appear. All this must be taken into account.

In the resulting drawing, mark the most protruding part of the big toe and the extreme point of the heel. Measure the distance between these points with a ruler. Then measure the distance between the rightmost and leftmost points. It is better to take the measurement in the evening, because the leg “tramples” during the day. The same rule applies if you have one foot wider or longer than the other - in this case, you should choose slightly larger shoes. It's better to err a little on the side of more size and then why suffer in a cramped shoes.

Now that you know the length, compare it with the table below. For example, if your foot length is 25 cm, then your American size 7.5 for a man or 8.5 for a woman. If the resulting value is between two size ami, then choose the larger one. To determine the width of your foot in inches, divide the resulting number of centimeters by 2.54. When choosing, consider the lining in shoes. If it's Gore-Tex, take it. size more, Thinsulate with Gore-Tex - even more. The same applies to the thickness of the insoles, although they are the easiest to change.

In the American system size ov shoes You can choose the exact width of your shoes. There is also a special table for this. The width is indicated by letters. There are size s AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, E, EE, EEED are considered average width. Difference between neighboring size ami width is 3/16 inch.


  • how to find out your shoe size in 2017

To choose for yourself comfortable shoes, sometimes it’s enough to do a few fittings in the store. However, sometimes you have to make a purchase based on preliminary measurements, for example, when ordering a product online or in an orthopedic salon. In this case, it is necessary to clarify size shoes According to accepted standards, it will depend on the length feet(insole) and its width (fullness).

You will need

  • - two sheets of paper;
  • - socks;
  • - scotch;
  • - pencil;
  • - ruler;
  • - table of shoe sizes.


Get started with calculations size It is recommended to wear shoes in the evening, since by this time your legs, tired during the day, may become slightly larger and even swollen. Be sure to wear socks of the same thickness that you plan to choose for your new shoes or boots.

Draw a straight vertical line along the centimeter ruler in the center of the sheet. Construct a perpendicular at the bottom of the line. Mark the intersection of two lines, for example, with point A.

Place your right foot on the future template so that the vertical line runs in the middle feet. Point A is the most convex part of your heel. Stand straight so that both legs bear equal weight. Press your thumb to the floor to find out the maximum length feet.

Find the place on the foot that will be as far away from point A as possible - this is point B, located at the top of the most protruding toe. It can be large (with the so-called “Egyptian” or “Roman” types of feet), or second in a row (with the “Greek” foot).

Draw the top perpendicular line. The distance between points A and B is the length of the right feet.

Using this sample, make a template for the left leg - this is necessary, since feet may differ slightly from each other size y and structure.

Indicate the width (also called fullness) feet. To do this, find the most protruding points of the toe part of the foot and mark them with the letters C and D. Now you can outline the perimeter of the foot with a pencil, holding it strictly vertically.

Measure the distance between points A and B, then C and D. If one leg is larger than the other, the maximum length and fullness values ​​will be important to you. Remember these numbers and find yours size according to a standard table that can be found on the Internet or in a shoe store.

Study the standards of different shoe manufacturers. In the international metric system, length feet indicated in centimeters; between adjacent size Manufacturers leave an interval of 0.5 cm. For example, an insole 22 cm long corresponds to size 34.5; with a length of 22.5 cm - 35 size; 23cm - 36, etc. In Europe, a length equal to 2/3 cm is used as a measure of length. In England and America size s are measured in inches and spaced at 1/3 inch intervals.

Check the shoe packaging to see if the width is indicated on the shoe packaging. Most manufacturers produce boots, shoes and boots in narrow, medium and wide widths. However, this data is not always indicated, more often - for hard shoes (boots for skis and skates). For domestic manufacturers, completeness indicators are numbers from 1 to 12 mm; European – from 1 to 8; American and English, respectively, are letters from A to F. The interval between size The width of shoes in Russia is 4 mm, in most other countries it is 5 mm.

Please note

When trying on shoes, make sure there is a small amount of space between the end of your longest toe and the toe. To do this, stand up straight and ask the seller to press firmly on the nose. To find out if the boot fits snugly around the instep, squeeze the tops - the parts of the upper that cover the back of the foot. Shoes should not be too tight; but the boots should also not diverge widely. Don't forget that natural materials wear out over time.

Useful advice

If you do not have a size chart at hand, divide the maximum length of your foot (for example, 26 cm) by 2. Then add the result (13 cm) to the original number: 13 + 26 = 36 shoe size you should try on in the store.


  • “Individual production and repair of shoes”, I.N. Ledeneva, 2004.

It is not always possible to take your baby with you to the store for shopping. But before you buy shoes for baby, you need to know size his legs. You can find out the parameters of his leg using simple methods.


Please note

We measure our foot correctly. Before you start directly measuring, here are some useful tips. Measurements are best taken at the end of the day, when the size of the leg increases due to blood flow. Outline the foot with a pencil. The pencil should be in a strictly vertical state, without losing contact with the foot. Measure the distance between the outermost points of the drawing (Fig. 2). Round the resulting value up.

Useful advice

How to determine size and fullness. To optimally choose a shoe model, you need to know two main parameters: foot length and fullness. The difference between sizes is 5 mm. *When measuring your feet, outline your feet like an insole, that is, start outlining your feet with We recommend measuring both legs and taking the largest result as a basis. Outline the foot with a pencil. The pencil should be in a strictly vertical state, without losing contact with the foot. Measure the distance between the outermost points of the drawing (Fig. 2).

Online shopping is becoming more and more popular among people every year. They significantly save time on shopping and allow you to buy an exclusive item. To order clothes or shoes, you need to know your own sizes. The more accurate the measurements, the greater the chances of being satisfied with the purchase.

You will need

  • - measuring tape.


It often happens that a person who is confident in his own size indicates exactly that size when ordering clothes, without paying attention to size chart seller. Then, after receiving the parcel, he discovers with horror that the item turned out to be small or, conversely, large, although the required number appears on the label. The fact is that clothes made in English, American, Chinese or some other way may differ in parameters. This is why most sellers indicate its measurements in the product description.

To measure your own height, take off your shoes and stand with your back to the wall. The heels, shoulder blades and back of the head should be in line and touching the vertical surface. Place a simple pencil on the top of your head and make a mark on the wall. Measure the distance from the floor to the resulting line. The girth of the forearm is determined at a distance of 10 cm from the armpit. In this case, the hand should be located along the body, and the tape should be parallel to the floor.

Chest circumference is measured at the most protruding points. To do this, you need to exhale and place the measuring tape parallel to the floor. To measure your underbust circumference, pass the tape between your arms and place it under your breasts at the widest point. The waist circumference is determined at the narrowest point. If you have trouble finding it, place your hands on your sides so that your little fingers are on the most protruding areas of your hip bones. The waist line will be at the level of the index fingers. Do not suck in your stomach or tighten the band too much. It's nice to see small values, but you're only fooling yourself.

To measure your hip circumference, stand with your feet together. Position the measuring tape so that it passes through the fullest part of the buttocks. There is no need to measure your hips in the riding breeches area. Sometimes you need to know the volume of one thigh. To do this, place your foot on a chair with your knee bent at a right angle. Step back 5-7 cm from the groin area and, without straining your hips, determine its girth. The lower leg is measured at the widest point when standing. If you need to know the length of the side seam, it is better to take measurements from the pants you are wearing. Measure the distance from the waistband to the bottom edge of the pant leg. If this is not possible, place the beginning of the measuring tape on your hip bone and the end on your foot.

To know own size legs can be done in two ways. First: Place your foot on a piece of paper and trace around your foot using a marker. Second: wet your feet well and stand with them on paper (preferably dark in color). Use a ruler to measure the distance between the furthest points. If you get a value, for example, 22.8 cm, round it to big side up to 23 cm.

The volume of the neck is measured at its base. The volume of the wrist is where the hand ends. To order gloves, you will need to measure the circumference of your hand at the widest part, excluding your thumb. To buy a new ring, take the old one that fits you best and use a ruler to determine its inner diameter.

To choose shoes for your baby, you need to know the size of his feet down to the millimeter. Rely on in this case It is necessary only to look at objective factors, since otherwise the child will experience discomfort in incorrectly selected shoes. You can measure your child’s feet using simple and proven methods.


It is important to remember that measuring a baby’s legs should be done in a standing position, because the length increases under the weight of the body. The procedure itself should be carried out in the evening, at which time the size of the leg is maximum due to the rush of blood to the lower extremities. Before measuring, put socks on your child’s feet; this is necessary for subsequent selection of shoes. Be sure to measure both legs and subsequently be guided by larger measurement indicators. Round the measurement results up, as otherwise problems may arise when choosing shoes.

Measure your child's foot by drawing the outline of the foot. To do this, place the baby’s foot on a sheet of cardboard lying on a smooth surface and outline the foot with a pencil. After this, measure the contour from heel to toe and get the length of the child’s foot. A certain length will correspond to a specific size, and you can easily find comfortable shoes.

The most accurate and informative way is to measure the child's wet footprint. To do this, first wet the baby’s feet, then place the wet foot on a white sheet of paper. As a result of this procedure, you will receive a foot print that can be easily measured and obtained the necessary data.

In addition to foot size, this method informs parents about the structure of the child’s foot, its thickness and instep. This will help you more accurately select the necessary shoes, as well as prevent

How many problems and difficulties used to stand in the way of a person who decided to buy himself a new pair of shoes. Now everything is much simpler: a large number of shoe stores, a rich assortment - all this helps the buyer to make right choice and purchase the most suitable model, at a decent price and with good quality.

However, to buy shoes you need to know one more thing - no less important information regarding size. It would seem that what is so difficult about this? But nowadays, online shopping is becoming increasingly popular, and from foreign countries, where, as you know, the numerical sizes do not coincide with Russian ones. In the current situation, there is no way to do without knowledge, how to determine foot size.

TO ak without knowledge determine your foot size

Because measure your foot size correctly so that the ordered shoes arrive on time and do not cause problems such as refusal, shipment, etc.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several measurement systems, namely:

  1. CIS numbers;
  2. French method system;
  3. inch system.

CIS involves measuring the foot from the most prominent part of the heel to the tips of the toes. Measurements must be taken on bare feet, determining foot size in cm ( Even thin socks are not allowed). It is this method that is resorted to in most cases in order to obtain the most accurate results. In the future, mm are converted into sizes of a particular country, and the buyer, no matter what country he is from, can choose shoes in the most convenient way for himself. That is, this option gives a clear answer, How to determine your foot size by cm.

The second method - insoles - is not very convenient because the unit of measurement in this case is a stroke of 2/3 cm. In addition to the size, you have to take into account the extra 10 mm allocated for decorative finishing. As a result, many people simply get confused and give up what they started without finishing it. Maybe 2/3 cm is understandable for the French, but other peoples prefer determine your foot size by cm.

The inch system is based on the length of a baby's foot, but also causes a lot of confusion and often confuses people with the correct calculations.

That is why, wanting to make the work of those who wanted to know the length of their feet easier, people compiled special tables in which a comparison of the sizes of different countries is clearly visible.

How to determine a child's foot size

How to determine a child's foot size is a common question that young mothers usually ask. Foot height in childhood happens very quickly, and it can be extremely difficult to keep track of this process, so mothers often have to carry out calculations.

And to get the right results, you just need to know how to accurately determine your foot size.

The most accurate method, which can give the most accurate results, will look like this:

1) With bare feet you need to place the child on blank slate paper

2)Next, carefully outline the outline of his foot using with a simple pencil(so that you can correct the contour if something happens). For a more accurate result, you should press the pencil a little harder, pressing it firmly against the paper.

3) It happens that one leg may be longer than the other, then you should focus on a larger value.

4) The size obtained during the measurement should be rounded to 5 mm (up) - the final result is ready.

How to accurately determine your foot size

Thus, there is nothing difficult in determining the size of the foot. You just need to do the work carefully and painstakingly, and also follow a few simple rules:

  1. When measuring your feet, you must stand and under no circumstances sit;
  2. tucking your fingers is also prohibited (this primarily applies to children);
  3. The obtained values ​​must be rounded up, guided by the principle “big is not small.”

There is one more rule regarding measuring a child’s feet and subsequently purchasing shoes for him. How Correctly determine the size of a child's feet? – measure it immediately before the moment of purchase (remembering that a child’s foot grows very, very quickly).

How to determine your foot size by cm

Finding out your foot size based on cm is the easiest way. This method does not require much thought and is quite understandable for most people. Russian cm are much more familiar to many than English inches, and this really makes the process of buying shoes simple.

It is enough to know your numerical parameters (in other words, the length of the foot), and then it will be easy to buy shoes in any country and in any online stores. And, having mastered the rules of measuring your feet yourself, you can teach this to all your friends and acquaintances, find out the sizes of your loved ones and buy shoes not only for yourself, but also for them.