Hyaluronic acid in facial creams helps. Face cream with hyaluronic acid

With age, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, wrinkles and other signs of aging appear. Cream with hyaluronic acid copes quite effectively with such shortcomings.

In cosmetology, preparations that contain sodium hyaluronate are widely used for rejuvenation procedures. This substance is a synthetic substitute for natural hyaluronate, which the body actively produces throughout life, but with age, the synthesis of this protein slows down and its level decreases significantly.

Hyaluronic acid for youthful skin

Deficiency in the body affects the condition of the skin, muscle tissue, joints and blood vessels. This substance acts as an intercellular biological lubricant, which is found in the tissues of the epidermis and cartilage. For the face, the loss of this biofluid is fraught with withering, sagging appears, the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis disappears, pigmentation occurs and the first wrinkles appear.

Sodium hyaluronate in tissues acts as a kind of framework that maintains the shape and tone of facial muscles, which is why the loss of this substance causes sagging and sagging skin, the muscles on the cheekbones droop and tissue sagging occurs, many call them “age-related cheeks”, while quite pronounced nasolabial folds form, and the facial expression takes on a dissatisfied and sad look.

To combat such manifestations, high molecular weight is used. The beauty industry offers a fairly wide range of this product, but choosing the right one without certain knowledge is quite difficult, and experts warn that illiterate use of molecular cosmetics can lead to serious consequences.

First you need to know what types of synthetic analogues of hyaluronate exist, in which cosmetics ah they are used and how to use them correctly.

A variety of cosmetics with hyaluronic acid

In cosmetology, hyaluronic acid has been used for a long time for rejuvenation purposes: to eliminate wrinkles and correct the shape of the nose, lips and eyes. The composition and nature of the acid itself play a big role; the main difference is the size of its molecules and the method of production. Thus, in the beauty industry they use it for rejuvenation. the following types hyaluron:

  1. The low molecular weight species has the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and influence the natural production of collagen. Day cream with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is very popular, as it has a fairly pronounced and lasting result. The rejuvenation effect is achieved in a fairly short time.
  2. Due to the large size of its molecules, the high-molecular species is not able to penetrate into the dermis and therefore creates a surface film on the top layer of the skin. High-molecular hyaluronic face cream nourishes and moisturizes the skin, prevents flaking, thinning, dryness and fragility. For aging skin, such surface protection will help avoid loss of moisture and elasticity. This type of cosmetics is most often intended for home use.

They help moisturize and nourish the various layers of the epidermis, they are able to restore radiance and elasticity to the skin in a short time.

The origin of the active substance itself plays an important role in the quality of the product, since there are several ways to extract it:

  1. Products of animal origin are obtained through a complex technical process of extracting rooster comb, human umbilical cord, and cattle eyeball cells. Based on this type of hyaluron, cosmetic products are created that are used by professionals. In addition, there are a number of products with this active ingredient that can be used at home. You need to know that cosmetics with hyaluronic acid of animal origin can cause a severe allergic reaction, so before you start using it, you need to do an allergy test. To do this, simply apply a thin layer of hyaluronic acid cream to the inner part hands in the bend area and wait 30-40 minutes.
  2. Plant-based acid is used mainly to create products for the care of aging skin. As a rule, plant hyaluron is extracted from seaweed. This product may cause allergies and other unwanted reactions of the body. Therefore, you need to choose a product together with a cosmetologist, who will tell you which cream is needed in a particular case.
  3. The most common type is hyaluron, obtained through a complex process of biosynthesis of bacterial cultures. It is worth understanding that cosmetics with hyaluronic acid cannot have a low price, since high-quality products must undergo the most complex high-tech processing and purification from traces of bacteria. This type of hyaluronic acid is most often used in cosmetics intended for the skin of the face and décolleté.

Experts recommend choosing products with collagen and hyaluron carefully and with caution, since each product is designed to eliminate specific problems and work with a specific area of ​​the face. In addition, it is safer and more competent to select anti-aging cosmetics together with a professional dermatologist or cosmetologist who will diagnose the skin condition and give his recommendations.

Basic knowledge about the types of this type of drug will allow the patient to choose anti-aging products wisely and consciously.

When to use hyaluron

Can be used if the first signs of aging appear:

  • dryness, sagging and flaking of the skin;
  • the appearance of facial wrinkles in the forehead and outer corners of the eyes;
  • wrinkles in the nose and lips;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • drooping eyelid;
  • skin pigmentation.

Products containing this active ingredient are used to treat oily skin, hyaluron has the ability to influence the condition of the epidermis at the molecular level, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. For these purposes, a pharmaceutical multicomponent ointment is used, which can improve the health of the skin.

It is worth saying that a specific type of cosmetic product is intended for the care of each area of ​​the face. It is best to choose this product in a pharmacy, since the product is certified there and has a quality mark. , gels and serums are protected from counterfeiting. This product has a lighter and more delicate structure, and the effect of its use is achieved in a very short time.

Rating of the best cosmetics with hyaluron

You can purchase moisturizing cream for the eyelids and face with hyaluronic acid from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The cost of these products is quite high; products from well-known brands can cost an order of magnitude higher due to popularity. We choose a product at a pharmacy or beauty salons and plastic surgery clinics, where you can receive useful recommendations from a professional. The list of the best cosmetic anti-aging products is presented by products of foreign and domestic production.

Face cream with hyaluronic acid from “Vishy”

This manufacturer has released a whole line of products with a lifting effect, this group includes eye cream with hyaluronic acid. This drug has a mild and gentle effect, as it is intended for the delicate skin around the eyes. It contains excipients that are aimed at enhancing the effect of the active substance. The line includes day and night creams that contain low molecular weight hyaluronate. This manufacturer specializes in the production of an anti-aging product in the form of a serum, which is suitable for daily care of the skin of the face and neck.

"Libriderm" and "Merz"

The anti-aging drug from Libriderm can eliminate facial wrinkles, increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, relieve swelling and significantly tighten facial tissues. Hyaluronic acid in creams from this manufacturer is used of a low molecular weight type. The drug has the ability to penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis and saturate it with moisture, restoring natural process production of collagen fibers and elastin.

The drug produced by Merz has proven itself well. Day cream with hyaluronic acid for the face has a light and airy texture. The bottle states that this is a cosmetic cream-mousse containing collagen. The product includes not only sodium hyaluronate, but also seaweed, the properties of which allow the cream to penetrate deeply into the dermis and have a rejuvenating effect.

"Doliva" and "Loreal"

There is hyaluronic acid in the cream from the German brand Doliva. This product has a lifting effect, delicately fights fine expression wrinkles, eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin. Nourishes and restores the epidermis at the molecular level. The excipients in this product are shea butter, urea and olive oil. The uniqueness of the cream is that it can be used both during the day and at night.

Eye cream with hyaluronic acid is produced by the famous brand “Loreal”. The drug is designed to rejuvenate aging skin. The manufacturer specifies an age limit of 45 years, since the cream contains quite active substances that can affect the structure of the epidermis at the molecular level. This brand has a facial serum, the hyaluron in it can correct and smooth out wrinkles, restore a healthy appearance and radiance to the skin.


Cosmetics manufacturer Faberlic produces a whole series of products with hyaluronic acid. The line includes an anti-aging product in the form of a serum; it states at what age you can use it, since it has a highly concentrated content of active substances.

The use of serum allows you to eliminate defects such as drooping eyelids, sagging and dry skin. Day and night creams have a light and delicate texture, quickly restore a healthy appearance to the face, visibly tighten the skin and get rid of age spots.

"Lipharm" and "Shiseido"

Lipharm products have a multi-component composition; they are enriched with amino acids and contain collagen and vegetable oils. A cream with hyaluronic acid from this brand is used during the day and at night; it can maintain its effect for a long time and prevent skin aging.

Shiseido creams and serums are intended for comprehensive care of the face and décolleté. The products contain a low molecular weight type of hyaluronate, which penetrates deeply into the dermis and acts from the inside.

When choosing cosmetics for the care of aging skin, it is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of the body, age, severity of signs of skin aging, the presence of diseases and a tendency to an allergic reaction. Anti-aging products are available in a wide range of different forms: in balms and gels, these can be pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle ointments or serums, cream mousse or lotion. Choose the right one and effective drug it is possible if you familiarize yourself with its action, composition and contraindications.

Cream with hyaluronic acid, how to prepare at home:

What results to expect from a cream with hyaluronic acid, what criteria to use to choose cosmetic products with and without acids, and reviews of the most popular face creams with hyaluronic acid.

In the previous article, I talked in more detail about hyaluronic acid, where it comes from and, in fact, why it is used so widely in cosmetics. Therefore, I won’t repeat myself - read the article for details about hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid for the face - in cosmetics and cosmetology, and today we’ll talk about creams with hyaluronic acid, and also about ingredients in cosmetics.

Hyaluronic acid in cosmetics

Hyaluronic acid in cosmetics is one of the few ingredients whose effect can be felt after the first use, but do not be mistaken and expect more from a cream with hyaluronic acid than it actually can.

Often, cosmetics manufacturers promise that cream with hyaluronic acid will get rid of wrinkles, rejuvenate and much in the same spirit. In order not to fall victim to marketing strategies, it is enough to simply be informed and, by looking at the ingredients of the product, roughly understand what to expect from it.

Can hyaluronic acid get rid of wrinkles?

Maybe, but only when the wrinkles are not deep and are injected with thin needles directly into the deepest layers of the epidermis, as is done, for example, with biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid.

Effect of cream with hyaluronic acid:

  • Moisturizes, perhaps, better than many other products. This is the main task and what hyaluronic acid does best – deep hydration. Hyaluronic acid is present in our body, and it is responsible for preserving water in the intercellular space, but with age, the body produces less and less of this substance, which means that the skin loses moisture, becomes dry, and wrinkles appear.
  • Cream with hyaluronic acid will not get rid of existing wrinkles, but it is an excellent tool for preventing them. If you start using creams with hyaluronic acid from the age of 25, when the first wrinkles have not yet appeared, you will be able to maintain youthful skin for a long time.
  • In addition to moisturizing, hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen production and cell regeneration.
  • To enhance the effectiveness of products containing this ingredient, it is worth regularly thoroughly cleansing the skin and pores with scrubs and peels.
  • The effect of a good cream with hyalronic acid is felt almost immediately - the skin is saturated, moisturized and elastic.
  • Hyaluronic acid is for the skin like water for us. You need to use it regularly, especially after 25 years.
  • Hyaluronic acid itself is suitable for all skin types, so most often creams with this ingredient are not divided into categories according to this criterion.

So, hyaluronic acid is an important ingredient in anti-aging cosmetics. Although it does not smooth out wrinkles, it moisturizes and conditions the skin so that wrinkles become less noticeable. In addition, good moisturizing that does not clog pores, but simply gives the skin what it needs, cannot but preserve its youth and beauty.

How to choose a cream with hyaluronic acid

In addition to hyaluronic acid, in this part of the article we will discuss other ingredients in cosmetics, as they are also important. For example, a cream may contain very good and effective substances, but if the packaging is incorrect, then the cream is worthless. For example, a product with ingredients that degrade when exposed to light should be packaged accordingly.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a cream with hyaluronic acid:

  • Compare what is written on the package and in the list of ingredients. Most often, it is not hyaluronic acid itself that is added to creams, but its salt (sodium hyaluronate), and the presence of hyaluronic acid is indicated on the packaging. We must understand that this is completely legal, the difference is that the acid itself is preferable for us as a consumer, because it is more effective. So, if you have the opportunity to choose, choose a cream with hyaluronic acid and not with its salt.
  • Look for a cream that has a less pronounced scent. The more professionally made and result-oriented cosmetics are, the less perfume there is in it.
  • A good day cream, regardless of the ingredients, will contain a UV filter. Everyone has known for a long time that sun rays harm the skin and age it, and if the manufacturer has not added such a filter to the cream, it means that you will have to additionally buy a product with a UV filter or leave your skin without the most important protection. Believe me, protecting your skin from the sun will preserve its youth much better than any creams.
  • If, in addition to moisturizing, you also need anti-aging effects, look for ingredients such as vitamin E and C, AHA and BHA acids (lactic and glycolic acid, for example), and green tea extract.
  • If you need a more pronounced anti-aging effect, then use retinol cream for the night.

A good hyaluronic acid cream doesn't have to be expensive. There are many manufacturers who offer very good means at reasonable prices. The problem is that usually such products are not so widely advertised (which explains the low price).

Personal experience of using and reviews of the most popular products with hyaluronic acid

Over the past few years, I have tried many creams containing hyaluronic acid, and since I already had the first wrinkles when I started using them, I know exactly how hyaluronic acid cream acts on them, on normal skin prone to dryness in winter, as well as for problem skin.

Personal experience using hyaluronic acid cream

  • Planter's Acido Hialuronico

Compound: It contains hyaluronic acid and not its salt, which is why I purchased it

Action: A good moisturizer, leaves the skin soft and pleasant, does not clog pores, there is no shine or film effect on the face.

Price: Average. A couple of years ago a jar cost somewhere around 1000 rubles.

  • Cerave Moisturizing Lotion

Compound: Contains hyaluronic acid and not its salt. In addition, the composition contains ceramides and glycerin.

Action. One of my favorite products, as it is very effective and inexpensive. The composition is simple and clear.

Price. Unfortunately, products from this company can only be purchased on ebay.com where they cost no more than 12-16 dollars.

  • SeriesIt's skin Hyaluronic Acid

Compound: Despite the content of hyaluronic acid salt, both the cream and tonic from this series are very good.

Action: The skin is instantly hydrated, firmer and more pleasant. Free from parabens and mineral oil. I will buy more.

Price:$15.00 at ebay.com. We also have online stores of Korean cosmetics, but I bought products on ebay, since many of the sellers send parcels by mail for free.

The most popular creams with hyaluronic acid. Difference in composition

  • Eveline bio HYALURON 4D

This cream is among the most inexpensive, however, its composition is undoubtedly pleasing. Firstly, there is real hyaluronic acid and, moreover, it is in the list of ingredients at the very beginning, which means there is enough of it. Secondly, it contains panthenol, allantoin and vitamin E. The cream has good reviews, so I really wanted to try it, since the price is simply ridiculous compared to others.

  • Cream with hyaluronic acid D'Olive

The list of ingredients is not very long, which is good. Effective cosmetics usually have simple and straightforward ingredients. Contains panthenol in the first place, and this is a good restorative and caring ingredient. There is also vitamin E and linalol - the first anti-aging element, the second moisturizing. As for hyaluronic acid, it is present in the second part of the list, but not at the very end, and only in the form of a salt (sodium hyaluronate). Reviews of the cream are generally positive, although mixed.

  • VichyLiftactivRetinolhyaluronicacid

I would venture to say that VICHY is one of those companies that invests more in advertising than in products. Professional dermatologists, just reading the brochures for their products, burst out laughing. IN in this case This is just a good softening (not even moisturizing) cream for dry skin. Retinol and hyaluronic acid salt are in the last places in the list of ingredients, which means they are contained in negligible quantities and are unable to have any significant effect on the condition of the skin. All this combined with the promise of turning back time and getting rid of even deep wrinkles, it means only one thing - hide your wallet away, this product is not worth the money.

  • Loreal Derma Genesis

Unfortunately, despite the fact that the manufacturer proudly indicates the presence of hyaluronic acid on the packaging, it is contained in the form of a salt and only at the end of a long list of ingredients, which means that there is negligible amount of it in the cream. Thus, this product can hardly be called a cream with hyaluronic acid.

  • Librederm hyaluronic moisturizing cream

Reviews of this cream are very positive and against this background the composition declared by the manufacturer looks strange. There is hyaluronic acid, but it is not clear in what form it is; besides, it is in last place on the list. Also present is mineral oil and isopropyl myristate - known comedogens obtained during the processing of petroleum products.

  • La Roche-Posay Hydraphase UV Riche

There are much more silicones, mineral oil and shea butter in this cream than hyaluronic acid. The presence of these rather heavy oils in the composition means that the cream is suitable exclusively for very dry skin, but does not offer anything new. In general, the product has good reviews, however, the price is too high. The advantage of this cream is that it contains a UV filter.

Reviews of creams in this section are made only based on their composition and user reviews, since it is impossible to try all the products long enough to form an objective opinion.

If you have already tried some of the products discussed or other creams with hyaluronic acid, leave a review in the comments and share your experience. So, we will help each other in choosing the most effective cosmetics.

How to prepare hyaluronic acid cream at home:

  • Hyaluronic acid for the face - in cosmetics and…
  • Cream with acids for the face - types, features, how...
  • Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid. Photos BEFORE and...

Our skin needs liquid not only to maintain health and beauty, but also to prolong youth. To provide the required amount of moisture, drinking water will not be enough.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular components found in our body (for example, in joints, saliva, etc.) and is used in many cosmetic products aimed at skin rejuvenation.

The secret of its action lies in intense hydration, which is achieved due to the ability to retain moisture in the cells of the epidermis. This component thus solves the age-related problem of dehydrated skin. Experts believe that the best means for the prevention and elimination of wrinkles - these are creams with hyaluronic acid.

Cosmetic products containing it in their composition have a number of unique properties:

  • supplying the skin with moisture from the inside;
  • maintaining moisture in cells for a long time;
  • restoration of skin color;
  • softening;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • elimination of bruises and bags under the eyes;
  • increasing collagen production;
  • acceleration of cellular regeneration processes;
  • improving skin texture.

The best creams with hyaluronic acid also have a number of advantages: absolute safety for health, rapid absorption and a noticeable effect. This is possible due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause a rejection reaction , because it is perceived by him as already “familiar” natural material.

Guidelines for choosing the best hyaluronic acid cream

Currently, hyaluronic acid is in great demand, so the range of many manufacturers can lead the consumer into a dead end: there are so many products that the eyes begin to run wild.

In order not to miss and do right choice in favor the best cream with hyaluronic acid, which can successfully cope with all the stated tasks, you need to pay attention to the type of hyaluronic acid that it contains.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid consists of small particles that can penetrate the epidermis faster and deeper, which allows you to achieve the desired moisturizing effect very soon. While high molecular weight hyaluronic acid with large molecular sizes, it cannot penetrate deeply, so it remains on the surface of the skin and forms a thin invisible film that does not allow internal moisture to evaporate.

Experts do not exclude the effectiveness of the second type of this component, but usually give preference to low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

The following signs will indicate the high quality of the best cream with hyaluronic acid for the face:

  • light texture of the product;
  • visible results after just one application;
  • hyaluronic acid is listed first or one of the first in the list of components of the composition.

Review of the best creams with hyaluronic acid for the face

Most well-known brands producing anti-aging cosmetics make hyaluronic acid the main component of their products, so you can get confused in the range offered.

The unpronounceable name is borrowed from Greek language and means the word "glass". This is a transparent jelly-like substance between the cells of a living organism. It retains water, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the elasticity of the fibers. Applied to the skin, it turns into a film; it interferes with evaporation, but does not interfere with gas exchange. As an ingredient in medicinal preparations, it stimulates wound healing.

Over the years, the reserves of this substance in the body decrease, and the inability to retain moisture leads to loss of tone and the appearance of wrinkles. Synthetic analogue used in cosmetology

  • has the same uniqueness as natural hyaluron
  • behaves in relation to the body as a homogeneous substance
  • does not reject and does not provoke allergies.

Anti-aging products have always been in demand, and there has never been a shortage of them. Pharmacists and cosmetologists began to create creams with hyaluronic acid relatively recently, but today almost all manufacturers produce such products. They differ in the presence of additional ingredients, properties, and cost, but the benefits of using creams with hyaluronic acid are common - rejuvenation.

Names of creams with hyaluronic acid

Names of creams with hyaluronic acid of domestic and foreign production:

  • Planter's Acido Hialuronico.
  • Cerave Moisturizing Lotion.
  • It's skin Hyaluronic Acid.
  • Eveline bio HYALURON 4D.
  • Vichy Liftactiv Retinol acid.
  • Loreal Derma Genesis.
  • La Roche-Posay Hydraphase UV Riche.
  • Derma Genesis from L'Oreal.
  • NeOVADIOL from Vichy.
  • Lepharm No. 23.
  • Cream-gel Bark Anti-Age.
  • Lift Fill 3D Eveline.
  • Liftactiv Retinol Vichy.
  • Eurecin Hyaluron Filler.
  • Laura.
  • Libriderm.
  • Renaissance.
  • D'Oliva Hydro Care.

Cream with hyaluronic acid Libriderm

Libriderm hyaluronic acid cream is used for hypersensitive skin. The product is produced by a Russian company.

Cosmetics contain low molecular weight acid and other highly active ingredients.

  • The whey contains soy protein and enzyme filtrate.
  • The cream contains camelina oil (it softens, nourishes, saturates healthy fats; relieves irritation, activates renewal).

Libriderm cream is used for daily care. Valid throughout the day. Some consider the influence of comedogenic substances derived from petroleum products to be a disadvantage.

Cream Laura with hyaluronic acid

Laura cream with hyaluronic acid is an effective anti-aging product that makes problem skin velvety and soft.


  • vitamin complex;
  • extracts of wild yam and broom;
  • complex of fat-soluble esters, plant phospholipids;
  • soybean, castor oil;
  • additional ingredients.

The formula provides protection, hydration, acid-base balance, effectively affects the structure and shade, and increases the amount of collagen.

The manufacturer (Evalar) guarantees noticeable rejuvenation after three to four weeks of regular use. The effect is enhanced by parallel intake of capsules of the same substance.

Bark cream with hyaluronic acid

Bark cream with hyaluronic acid in the form of a mask moisturizes deeply and intensively. Applying the cream mask creates a feeling of comfort. A special feature is thermal water (France, Britain); the recipe includes:

  • algae - improves the condition of the epidermis, turgor and color;
  • lactic and succinic acids – smooth out fine wrinkles, stimulate the renewal of epidermal cells;
  • useful amino acids – actively participate in the production of proteins;
  • germs of oats, wheat, soybean oil - nourish, moisturize, tone.

The mask is used three times a week, for several minutes. This is enough to achieve maximum effect. Before application, it is useful (but not necessary) to cleanse your face with a scrub or peeling.

After the hyaluronic acid cream, the skin is washed and covered with a regular moisturizer. This application is beneficial for any skin. She breathes, wrinkles are evened out, color improves. The usefulness of the product under ultraviolet irradiation is emphasized.

Cream Doliva with hyaluronic acid

Cosmetics concern producing natural remedies, special attention pays attention to the composition of creams. Hyaluronic acid, panthenol, olive and shea butter, vitamin E, linalol, microelements - these beneficial substances with a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect form the basis of the Doliva recipe. Suitable for any age.

Doliva cream with hyaluronic acid is produced in Germany. It has rejuvenating properties - moisturizes, supports the skin, removes small wrinkles. The cream contains urea, olive and shea butter.

  • Urea creates a film with which it retains moisture and saturates the epidermis.
  • Natural oils provide nutrition, hydration, enrichment with minerals, vitamins, and beneficial acids.
  • All together creates a rejuvenating effect.

At the beginning of application, a feeling of tightness is felt, which quickly passes; then the skin softens, the complexion evens out.

Doliva produces, in addition to creams with hyaluronic acid, a balm, a gel, and a complex for restoring the structure of the dermis.

Creams with hyaluronic acid Doliva (there are day and night options) are suitable for all ages and types of problem skin. However, in case of increased oil content, a slight shine may remain.

A small number of components is considered a good indicator, since variety in cosmetics is not beneficial to quality. There are also disadvantages of adding cream with hyaluronic acid:

  • consistency too thin;
  • It is absorbed for a long time, and therefore is used only at night (although the annotation notes good absorption).

Merz cream with hyaluronic acid

Merz cream with hyaluronic acid is available in the form of a delicate mousse, ideal for problematic and moody skin. Perfectly moisturizes, stimulates renewal and production of your own hyaluron thanks to:

  • hyaluronic acid (low molecular weight);
  • algae;
  • marine glucosamines.

The low molecular structure affects the deep layers, collagen formation, enhances blood circulation, and saturates with nutrients. At the same time, it protects the epidermis from unfavorable external factors.

Algae are saturated with vitamins and minerals, glucosamines maintain a sufficient level of hyaluron formed in the skin.

The airy mousse lies on the face, leaving a pleasant feeling from the bubbles that burst upon touching the skin. But it remains oily for some time, so the cream should be applied either in the evening or well before leaving home.

Cream Evelyn with hyaluronic acid

The Polish company Evelyn produces a range of cosmetics, including cream with hyaluronic acid. According to cosmetologists, it has more pronounced moisturizing properties than anti-aging ones. But the undoubted advantages are good quality at a low price.

The natural Evelyn complex restores and stimulates cell growth. Deeply moisturizes and evens out the skin, having a double effect:

  • external - preventing loss of moisture using film;
  • internal - binding water molecules.

The innovative formula of the cream with hyaluronic acid promotes an immediate effect: smoothes, intensely moisturizes, tightens the skin, increases elasticity, and reduces wrinkles.

The cream is suitable for all skin types for women over 18 years of age. Apply until completely absorbed with gentle movements. The time of use is universal; if necessary, it is additionally used before bedtime.

Evelyn cream with hyaluronic acid is used for all skin types, it is suitable for different age categories.

  • Over 30: stops the aging process, moisturizes, refreshes, maintains youthful appearance.
  • Over 40: the concentrated product protects against the adverse effects of external factors, renews, nourishes and refreshes the face.
  • Over 50: with the addition of calcium and kelp extract, which enhance the effect of the main ingredient; improves structure, turgor, prevents aging.
  • Over 60: night and day concentrated product with a lifting effect; innovative formula includes calcium, stem cells; The cream slows down aging, strengthens contours, deeply moisturizes and renews tissue.

Vichy cream with hyaluronic acid

The French, sophisticated and expensive brand produces a series of Vichy creams with hyaluronic acid: Liftaktiv Retinol for use as a day, night and eyelid product.

The daily remedy combines low molecular weight acid and vitamin A. The first results are visible very quickly. Should be used with caution so as not to apply near the eyes.

Night cream with hyaluronic acid contains antihyaluronidase; removes problematic phenomena around the eyes.

Anti-aging eye cream produces a lifting effect. Quickly removes swelling and whitens bruises. Disadvantage: danger of allergies (after two weeks of use).

The entire series is used no earlier than after 30 years.

L'Oreal cream with hyaluronic acid

L'Oreal produces a lot of cosmetics for skin rejuvenation, in particular a daytime anti-aging volume restorer.

L’Oreal Paris experts have come up with an effective cream with hyaluronic acid that replaces its subcutaneous administration. Useful for intensive moisture enrichment, collagen fiber synthesis, and maintaining elasticity. Absorbs well and keeps the skin in excellent condition throughout the day. The face becomes younger, glows, wrinkles are smoothed out, the contour is corrected.

L'Oreal cream with hyaluronic acid is applied with massage movements. Suitable for different types skin, after 45 years.

Cream with hyaluronic acid Faberlic

The Faberlic company has launched a series of products with Prolixir hyaluronic acid. Creams with hyaluronic acid;

  • intensive daytime;
  • restorative night;
  • active for eyelids;
  • serum – protection of youthful skin 35+ concentrated.

Active ingredients of the Prolixir line:

  • peptide complex;
  • oxygen complex;
  • hyaluronic acid.

The composition is designed to remove toxins during stress, protect the skin, retain moisture, deliver oxygen deep into the skin, and activate additional components.

According to the expert, Faberlic creams with hyaluronic acid can be used from the age of 25, especially in dry climates. The serum is used for obvious signs of aging: the first wrinkles, high dryness of the skin.

Lepharm cream with hyaluronic acid

Lepharm produces a multi-component cream with hyaluronic acid. The uniqueness of the formulation allows the ingredients to have a powerful hydrating effect deep in the dermis. Contains beneficial amino acids:

  • arginine saturates cells with oxygen and improves blood supply to the upper layer;
  • serine is a natural moisturizer, increases elasticity;
  • linolenic acid is an ideal component for extreme dryness
  • Primrose oil restores water-fat balance, heals, restores cells;
  • vitamin E – antioxidant, regenerates skin, accelerates blood circulation;
  • Grape seed oil – combines antioxidant, softening, renewing, and vitaminizing properties.

Lepharm cream with hyaluronic acid is used morning and evening.

Eucerin Hyaluronic Acid Cream

Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler, a concentrated cream with hyaluronic acid in ampoules, is designed to smooth out deep wrinkles. Actively fights aging, smoothes the skin, restores damaged cells.

Apply twice a day on clean skin. One ampoule contains a serving for a week. Store hyaluronic acid cream in a cool place protected from the sun.

The German company produces similar anti-aging cosmetics Eucerin for day and night use, separately for different skin types, against wrinkles around the eyes. You can buy cosmetics in pharmacies.

Cream Evalar with hyaluronic acid

Evelar cream contains a complex of natural substances useful for aging skin, called vitamins and sources of youth:

  • vitamins E, F, A;
  • wild yam extract;
  • butcher's broom extract;
  • stabilized ester complex;
  • phospholipids;
  • castor and soybean oils

The price of this brand of cream with hyaluronic acid is relatively low.

Shiseido cream with hyaluronic acid

Shiseido cream with hyaluronic acid has a unique composition and structure that promote comprehensive care behind the skin of the face. The composition of the cream with hyaluronic acid includes a low-molecular version that affects deep folds. The cream evens out the contour, increases elasticity, and protects against harmful influence environmental factors.

Shiseido were the first in the history of cosmetology to find a way to produce hyaluronic acid. The Japanese continue to be the main suppliers of this substance on the world market; their products are of high quality and properties.

Shiseido also produces an anti-aging eye cream with hyaluronic acid. It is used day and evening, with this use the skin around the eyes becomes elastic and smooth.

Cream with hyaluronic acid Mirra

Myrrh is distinguished by the naturalness of its components. Cream with hyaluronic acid Mirra is a concentrate for intense hydration. Contains phytoestrogens, vitamin E, grape oil.

Natural plant estrogens increase the elasticity of blood vessels, immunity, and the rate of regeneration. Cream with hyaluronic acid evens out skin texture and tone. Protects skin cells from loss of moisture, improves hydration, and reduces the rate of aging.

Cream Renaissance with hyaluronic acid

The cosmetic series is created on a placental basis. Renaissance creams with hyaluronic acid are used in professional and home care– for nutrition, restoration, support of the skin. Useful for all skin types, women 25 – 40, after 40 years.

They produce three variants of cosmetics: day, evening, and night creams with hyaluronic acid.

  • Day

It has a long-lasting rejuvenation effect, tones, moisturizes, restores damaged cells, and eliminates swelling. Use morning and evening, as well as under makeup.

  • Evening

Retains moisture, activates metabolism, eliminates fine wrinkles and swelling, relieves fatigue, promotes freshness. Apply before bed or under makeup.

  • Night for normal to dry skin

An effective stimulant, slows down aging, restores the contour, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, removes harmful effects unfavorable environment. Cream with hyaluronic acid is applied before bedtime and used for massage.

Cream Uriage with hyaluronic acid

Cream Uriage with hyaluronic acid Isofil designed to correct signs of aging dry sensitive skin. Enriched with the bioactive complex ISO 3-R, thermal water from the Uriage spring, and the unique component antihyaluronidase. These ingredients:

  • enhance antioxidant effect;
  • enrich the cells of the epidermis and dermis with hyaluronic acid;
  • promote the production of collagen and elastin,

due to which withering and age-related aging skin healing slows down, its signs disappear, the skin becomes silky and soft.

Cream with hyaluronic acid Isofil does not provoke allergic reactions and does not contain comedogens. Apply to cleansed skin twice a day. According to the annotation, after a month of daily use, the face becomes fresher, the texture and color of the skin are evened out.

Matis cream with hyaluronic acid

Matis cream with hyaluronic acid, produced in France, is a universal anti-aging product for women over 30 with dry and normal skin.

Innovative formula of French cream with hyaluronic acid - inexpensive, but effective remedy against sagging, aging, unwanted facial changes.

Hyaluron renews the skin, slowing down the aging process. The cream is evenly distributed on the neck and face and left to absorb.

Cream Garnier with hyaluronic acid

Garnier pays special attention to innovation and the use of natural ingredients in its recipes. The result of long-term research in the laboratory was a real scientific discovery - the active molecule Pro-Xylan, obtained from beech wood extract. This formed the basis of the formula of Garnier anti-aging cream with hyaluronic acid.

Pro-Xylan has a unique effect on the epidermis; with its help, hyaluron is retained on the cells and is especially effective in moisturizing both the dermis and epidermis. The active substance enhances skin density, collagen formation and renewal.

Garnier offers creams with hyaluronic acid and Pro-xylan:

  • restorative daytime with immediate effect
  • roller lifting, combining care and massage.

A two-week course significantly renews cells, as if “pushing out” wrinkles from the depths of the skin.

Moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid

Evelyn Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer contains plant stem cells that promote rejuvenation. The company produces products for different age categories.

Moisturizing cosmetics Topping up an improved formula(six times more hyaluronic acid) provides optimal hydration, renews hyaluron reserves, and maintains tone. Ingredients include urea, olive oil cold pressed.

Now Foodscream, which restores skin moisture, is used as a night cream. It melts on the face and makes the skin look and feel perfect. It is used sparingly and retains its effect for a long time even after stopping use. Evens out and mattifies skin tone without any greasy residue.

Cream with hyaluronic acid Pani Walewska 45+ Gives elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles. Grapeseed oil and allantoin nourish and soothe the skin. Recommended as a universal (day and night) treatment for dry skin.

Cream mousse with hyaluronic acid

The action of cream mousses with hyaluronic acid is based on several principles:

  • intense penetration;
  • revival;
  • softening;
  • invisibility.

The cream fills the dermis with moisture, heals damage, evens out the water-lipid ratio, and smoothes out wrinkles.

Merz hyaluronic acid cream contains algae (seaweed), aloe, and glucosamine. This combination has both quick and long-term results, as well as a lifting effect. The skin becomes more youthful, wrinkles are noticeably reduced.

The light mousse texture allows for use on both dry and oily skin. The mousse is quickly absorbed. The improvement is noticeable after two weeks, with twice application (morning, evening). You can purchase the product in pharmacies.

Anti-aging cream with hyaluronic acid

All anti-aging creams with hyaluronic acid, as well as masks and lotions, perform a common function: retain moisture. Hyaluron, penetrating along with other beneficial components,

  • maintains and strengthens their influence;
  • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, on which the condition of the skin depends;
  • performs a sun protection function (ultraviolet radiation is detrimental to the production of hyaluronic acid in the body).

The anti-aging effect depends on the type of hyaluronic acid. High molecular weight retains moisture on the top layer, low molecular weight is able to penetrate much deeper.

Almost all creams with hyaluronic acid have anti-aging properties. They are used depending on the age, type and degree of skin aging.

Day cream with hyaluronic acid

Moisturizing day cream with hyaluronic acid Derma E is intended for dry and normal skin. This is a natural, environmentally friendly product without animal ingredients and parabens, artificial colors and other harmful substances.

The intensive moisturizing formula contains exclusively proven natural substances.

Day cream with hyaluronic acid:

  • protects the face from drying out for the whole day;
  • retains moisture, softens and tones the skin;
  • green tea, aloe, vitamins protect against free radicals and unfavorable environments;
  • delicate texture gives volume to fabrics;
  • reduces age-related facial wrinkles.

Apply to cleansed skin either in the morning or when needed to moisturize.

Night cream with hyaluronic acid

Faberlic presents restorative night cream with hyaluronic acid innovative cosmetics. The series was created for young women who lead an active lifestyle and want to look the part.

The texture of the product fits perfectly, softens and renews the skin at night. Indications for use of night cream:

  • age after 25;
  • the first symptoms of wilting (dullness, peeling, decreased turgor);
  • formation of facial wrinkles;
  • bruises around the eyes.

Natural hyaluronic acid retains moisture through a film, binds water and enriches the skin useful substances. Hyaluronic acid cream contains other beneficial components.

  • The peptide complex slows down aging, relieves young skin from stress, increases moisture, and protects against UV rays.
  • The oxygen complex enriches cells with oxygen, activates microcirculation, renewal, and collagen synthesis.

Foundation with hyaluronic acid

Foundation with hyaluronic acid (and vitamin E) produced in Spain combines perfect makeup with daily care. The cosmetic product is suitable for everyone over 18 years of age.

The foundation's formulation contains innovative components that can restore and protect the skin.

  • Hyaluronic acid moisturizes, vitamin E has an antioxidant effect.
  • Special ingredients protect against sun damage and free radicals.
  • Caviar extract nourishes and saturates with proteins, microelements, vitamins, phospholipids.

The cream perfectly performs anti-aging functions. It should be applied in portions to the cheeks, face, chin, rubbed with a sponge and fingers from the center to the periphery.

Foundations with hyaluronic acid are produced by Vichy, L'Oreal, Evelyn, and many other brands.

Cream with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

This is a unique substance - a real find for cosmetologists; It is produced from a high-molecular form and is successfully used for various procedures, the production of anti-aging creams, masks, lotions.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is especially beneficial for the skin as it acts both on the surface and in depth. Therefore, moisturizing creams with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid are doubly effective. Due to its low molecular weight, hyaluron:

  • easily penetrates into deep layers;
  • stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin;
  • moisturizes and softens the skin.

Hello, beauties. Cosmetologists offer another magical way that will help you avoid plastic surgery. This is a hyaluronic face cream. Read in the article how this cream differs from ordinary ones, what is its beauty and how it works. View the list of presenters cosmetic brands, their offerings on the market, names and prices.

Miracle acid

We are talking about hyaluronic acid, which has unique properties: saving facial skin from fading. Where do they get it from?

Thanks to special technology, it is obtained from:

  • cockscombs;
  • human umbilical cord;
  • eyeball of livestock (cattle);
  • bacterial cultures.

The cosmetic product uses a component obtained from bacterial cultures. It is perfectly absorbed by the epidermis and is harmless to health.

First of all, its unique moisturizing properties are appreciated. It penetrates the epidermis in a matter of seconds, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and gives the face freshness and charm.

To see this stunning effect with your own eyes, just buy a face cream with hyaluronic acid. Where can I buy it? It's best to go to the pharmacy. There you can choose any product you like without the risk of purchasing a fake. The assortment will be presented below.

Attention! The age for which this composition is intended is written on the packaging. Age is important!

The question arises: at what age can you use this unique cream? Experts advise from the age of 25, when the natural withering of the epidermis begins.

You can agree to injections with hyaluronic acid if facial wrinkles have appeared at the age of 30. And if your face is smooth, then use a cream, serum, or gel that contains acid.

Types of Hyaluronic Acid

When purchasing these cosmetic products at the pharmacy, study the type of hyaluronic acid used in it.

  1. Low molecular weight. It has tiny particles that provide hydration to the epidermis from the inside.
  2. Higher molecular weight - the cream has larger molecular sizes. That is, the drug cannot penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis, which means it remains on the skin, forming a coating. The film prevents moisture from evaporating from the skin surface and attracts it from the outside. Moisturizes well and does not clog pores.

The effectiveness of a cosmetic product

How does the cream work? The lightness of the texture and unique composition begin to smooth out wrinkles and moisturize the skin from the first use. Next, cell regeneration occurs, collagen production is enhanced, bags and dark circles under the eyes are eliminated

It is important to know that hyaluronic acid is present in the human body, and its lack makes the skin dry, flabby, and joints less flexible.

With age, the production of this element slows down and its deficiency occurs. You can replenish it by consuming certain foods, vitamins and using cosmetics.

Hyaluronic acid is the best moisturizer

It is this property that contributes to the fact that it is so actively used in cosmetology to rejuvenate the dermis.

Does it have any contraindications? Practically none! Only individual intolerance or allergy to the drug. But it should be taken into account that you cannot constantly use formulations with hyaluronic acid, so as not to “pamper” the skin.

With constant use, the skin quickly stops producing this element.

What happens after a woman stops using the drug? The skin becomes flabby, wrinkled, and requires a new portion of hyaluron.

To maintain the beauty and youth of the skin, only use a cosmetic product with this element in courses.

Famous brands guarding women's beauty


Against the backdrop of an abundance of products, it is worth highlighting the Libriderm cream from a Russian company. It has a truly airy consistency, so it is quickly absorbed. It does not contain harmful fragrances or parabens. The moisturizing effect lasts all day.

Girls with particularly sensitive skin choose Libriderm. It is based on a low-molecular element that moisturizes the deepest layers of the dermis and synthesizes collagen. And camelina oil included in its composition:

  • nourishes, moisturizes,
  • saturates with useful substances,
  • softens,
  • relieves inflammation on the face,
  • slows down cell aging.

BB cream from the company Libriderm has earned great popularity. All substances included in its composition are well absorbed by the skin, which makes it possible to get rid of many skin problems.

Libriderm hyaluronic acid cream has a convenient dispenser that allows you to squeeze out the product for one-time use only. Costs about 400 rubles.

Hyaluronic cream-mask “Bark”

Cream "Bark" with hyaluronic acid has a delicate consistency, reminiscent of cream. Easy to apply, quickly absorbed, leaving no greasy residue.

Eliminates the feeling of skin tightness, removes irritation, tones the skin, refreshes it and smoothes out shallow wrinkles. Saturates the skin with moisture.

Suitable for all skin types. A 100 ml jar costs about 450-550 rubles.

Cream "Lora" from "Evalar"

Look at what the Laura cream mask from the Russian company Evalar can do.

“Lora” attracts with its light texture and pleasant linden scent. It is quickly absorbed and contains important vitamins. Can be used for eyelids.

  1. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant.
  2. Vitamin F restores the structure of the epidermis and provides excellent hydration.
  3. Wild yam extract has a positive effect on the production of protein and essential hormones.
  4. Vitamins A and E accelerate collagen production and moisturize the epidermis. Can be used on all types of epidermis.

Laura cream with hyaluronic acid is packaged in a small plastic jar weighing 15 ml and costs about 250 rubles.

Cream mousse from the Merz company is suitable for combination skin. The product is created in the form of an airy foam, which, when applied to the skin, causes a pleasant sensation of bursting bubbles.

The cream mousse spreads easily, moisturizes well, restores the skin, promotes collagen production, and improves blood circulation.

Hyaluronic face cream D’Oliva

Many women were smitten by the light, pleasant-smelling product D’Oliva, made in Germany. Contains urea, hyaluronic acid, olive and shea oils. When applied, it is not absorbed instantly, but only after 5-6 minutes.

It is pleasant to observe how the complexion gradually improves and the skin becomes moisturized. Can be used even for oily skin. Endowed with a rejuvenating effect, used as a day cream.


VICHY is a world famous brand. This company produces both day and night anti-aging products, as well as for the delicate skin of the eyelids. It is famous for the fact that it delicately gets rid of the first wrinkles, quickly deals with the withering of the epidermis, and has a lifting effect.

The high cost is justified by getting a beautiful, youthful face.

Aquanti from Novosvit with collagen and hyaluronic acid

Another product used by millions of women is Aquanti from Novosvit with antioxidant effect. It has a pleasantly melting, airy consistency, perfectly moisturizes the dermis, and retains moisture in its cells. Ideal for summer period.

In addition, Novosvit relieves inflammation, prevents fading, and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

It is sold only in pharmacies and costs around 200 rubles.

Gift for women with problem skin

Skin Active cream provides care for dehydrated, weakened epidermis. This remedy has a wide spectrum of action.

  1. Its first action is to get rid of wrinkles, sagging, tightness and dryness of the dermis.
  2. Suitable for the treatment and prevention of rosacea.
  3. Restores the dermis after chronic and acute dermatitis.
  4. Easily eliminates the consequences that appear after cleansing the face.
  5. The drug has protective properties. After application to the face it forms a protective film.
  6. Nourishes, moisturizes, saturates the skin with useful components, normalizes metabolic processes, eliminates itching and burning.

As reviews show, if you follow all the recommendations given in the instructions, the drug allows you to quickly get rid of many problems of the dermis. It does not contain alcohol, parabens, dyes, or harmful fragrances.

Thanks to hyaluronic acid, Skin Active has unsurpassed moisturizing properties. Thanks to urea, the drug easily reaches the deep layers of the dermis.

Young skin without injections

Night face cream 3D works on your beauty during your night's sleep.

What happens during sleep:

  • Restoration, renewal of the dermis;
  • Moisture saturation;
  • Preventing the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • Giving your face a rested, radiant look.

Hyaluronic filler contains hyaluronic acid molecules of different masses, so hydration of the dermis occurs in all its layers.

How to get rid of crow's feet?

Global brands offer a special eye cream with hyaluron. The skin around the eyes is very thin, so it quickly becomes covered with fine wrinkles. Is it possible to get rid of them? If you start taking care of this “weak” area in time, you can prevent the appearance of wrinkled mesh around the eyes.

But it's never too late to start caring. Products from NIVEA will help reduce wrinkles under the eyes. The cream is instantly absorbed and perfectly moisturizes dry skin.

Humidifier from Libriderm contains high concentration of hyaluron, perfectly moisturizes, restores skin tone, fights dehydration and aging of the epidermis. Preparations from Vichy and Laura are excellent moisturizers. They are safe and effective.

Pay attention to the Kora cosmetics series around the eyes. It is designed specifically for aging dermis. Older women should definitely use this wonderful cosmetics.

The products fight puffiness under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, and restore the skin to its former youth. Bark products contain only natural ingredients.

In parting, I would like to know the reviews of cosmetologists about this wonderful moisturizer. But most often they suggest resorting to magic acid, this is much more effective than creams, but as an alternative, preparations with hyaluron are also good. The main thing is not to waste time; you need to start taking care of your skin from the age of 25. Those who have already crossed this line are not too late either!