Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Dimensions of the baby at 28 weeks

28th week of pregnancy: what happens during this period?

By the twenty-eighth week, the woman has already experienced many new sensations associated with her “interesting situation.” Now most of her experiences related to the need to maintain pregnancy and normal development the fetus is left behind: more and more often her thoughts are occupied by the upcoming birth, especially since childbirth at the 28th week of pregnancy can already happen and occur without dire consequences for the baby.

The level of development of modern medicine is such that the chances of a successful delivery and survival of a child born at twenty-eight weeks are high.

And yet, it is necessary to continue to carefully monitor your well-being: after all, nature provides for gestation of the fetus for 9 months - so the baby will be born fully prepared for life.

  1. 28th week of pregnancy: fetal development - what happens to the baby?
  2. Discharge at 28 weeks of pregnancy

28 weeks of pregnancy - how many months is it?

Week 28 means entering the last, third trimester of pregnancy. How many months expectant mother is in the process of waiting? Calculations will show that it is 7 months.

A child born during this period in official medicine will be called a newborn, that is, the process of fetal rejection is no longer spontaneous abortion, but childbirth, which should end with the birth of a viable baby. Knowing what month is the 28th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother will already accept premature birth a little more calmly: in the 7th month it should pass without disastrous consequences.

28th week of pregnancy: fetal development - what new happens to the baby?

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the baby? At this stage, the child has a set of reflexes characteristic of an infant:

  • hears perfectly;
  • begins to see;
  • touches.

He feels the taste of amniotic fluid: so, as soon as the mother eats some sweet piece - for example, a chocolate bar - the movements in the lower abdomen become more active, the baby happily swallows the water.

At week 28, the baby begins to have real sleep, but it is not yet similar to the sleep of an adult. It resembles the REM sleep phase, during which the baby's facial expression changes and the movement of the eyeballs occurs. NREM sleep will form by. The fetus sleeps most of the day, waking up occasionally.

The formation of centers of perception and reproduction occurs in the cerebral cortex. B - you can determine which hemisphere of the cerebral cortex predominates, so that parents know who they will have: right-handed or left-handed, and are prepared for the fact that the baby will become dominant, for example, left hand. By the way, left-handers are usually very talented and versatile people, so there is no need to be upset that the child is not like others and try to retrain him.

But this already refers to a rather distant future, but for now let’s talk about pregnancy at 28 weeks:

  • what's happening to mom;
  • what is the normal movement rate?
  • what should be the position of the fetus;
  • Should you worry if you have a small belly?
  • what should be the size of the mother's belly;
  • what her weight gain will be, and let's pay attention to a number of other issues.

Pregnancy 28 weeks: baby development

At 28 weeks, the child’s weight and height are slightly closer to those of a normal full-term baby: for example, the height of the future inhabitant of the Earth is about 39 cm, the child’s weight can be a kilogram or a little more. However, the child’s weight norm is relative, because, for example, in the case multiple pregnancy this figure will be less. If genetically a woman has a large fetus, then future baby weighs a little more.

What happens to the fetus? A fetus at 28 weeks of gestation is already an almost fully formed little person. At the 28th obstetric week of pregnancy, what does the baby look like? He looks like an ordinary newborn, only he is still too small and too “skinny.” His main task for the remaining couple of months is to gain weight. In addition, at this stage of the child’s development, his respiratory system is actively developing, going through the last preparatory “steps” before the upcoming birth.

Baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy: preventing complications

If the baby is developing normally at the 28th week of pregnancy, the mother should not experience acute pain or other unpleasant sensations. However, as the fetus develops, the woman’s sensations will still change. What can be considered normal, and what should be a reason to see a doctor and undergo additional examinations?

The 28th week of pregnancy is characterized by the following sensations:

  • periodically pulls the stomach (more precisely, pulls the lower abdomen);
  • sometimes the stomach becomes hard;
  • pulls the lower back;
  • colostrum is released;
  • , constipation;
  • lower back pain;
  • possible .

All of these are normal phenomena that have physiological causes: the weight of a child at 28 weeks of pregnancy is already quite noticeable, and if we add the weight of amniotic fluid, it turns out that the woman is constantly carrying an additional load with her. Naturally, such a load affects the condition of the spine, causing pain in the lower back.

On an ultrasound, the doctor will notice the tone of the uterus (Utrozhestan may be prescribed to normalize the situation), determine how the baby is lying, see the reasons why the baby began to move less, tell whether the baby’s development is normal, whether the weight of the fetus is normal, what are the chances of a premature birth child. In addition, he will see a short cervix - if it has undergone such changes long before the expected due date, measures will need to be taken to maintain the pregnancy.

Tests ordered may include amniotic fluid analysis. A special smear will be taken from the woman, which will contain fetal scales, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and hormones. Based on the results, they will give a conclusion about possible pathologies.

They will also take blood and urine tests. If detected, this may indicate the development of gestosis, especially in combination with edema. Exacerbation of pyelonephritis will also cause protein to enter the urine, but in combination with. All of these conditions require hospitalization and treatment.

If amylase in the blood is elevated, then most often this indicates problems with the pancreas and the threat of development. Mothers need to be converted close attention for your food.

Movements at 28 weeks of pregnancy

By 28 weeks, the baby often bothers his mother. Regular movements are a sign of normal development of the baby.

How long should a baby move? On average, there are 8 to 10 movements per hour. But this is if the child is awake. If it seems to you that the child is not moving much, wait a few hours - perhaps your future heir is simply sleeping. And he can sleep for quite a long time. However, this is quite individual: children are all different.

Some features of the “interesting situation”

So, you've reached the 28 week mark. What do you need to know to behave correctly during this period?

You should find out what the mother’s normal weight gain is (most likely, the doctor will give a figure of up to 11 kg), so as not to “overdo it”: this will lead to a difficult birth, a large fetus can cause ruptures. It is important to know the rate of fetal movements so as not to miss the moment when they become weaker for some reason.

It is advisable to know the position of the child: the breech position of the fetus at this stage is still subject to adjustment.

How should an expectant mother sleep? It is best to lie on your side so that there is no pressure on the inferior vena cava. It is necessary to treat any condition and observe bed rest during treatment to avoid complications.

And finally, about the most interesting thing: pregnancy with a boy and a girl: are there any differences? If nothing is visible on the ultrasound due to the baby’s reluctance to turn around “correctly”, pay attention to folk signs:

  • The abdominal volume is small, the weight has gone to the sides?
  • Cravings for sweets?

You're probably pregnant with a girl!

The belly is “spicy”, you want more salty food, is the expectant mother blooming with beauty like a May rose? Most likely, you will have a boy!

Regardless of whether you are expecting a girl or a boy, try to be as positive as possible, think only about the good and lead the right lifestyle. A new stage in your life will soon begin - difficult, incomprehensible, filled with troubles, but very happy. Health and patience to you!

28 week of pregnancy - video

28 week of pregnancy. The fetus weighs 1100-1300 grams, its height is 34-37 cm. The baby's muscle tissue is intensively developing. If there is a possible Rh conflict between mother and fetus, the doctor must take special measures.

Organizational issue

28 weeks is a special time for moms pregnant with twins. The long-awaited vacation begins. It is needed in order to calmly, without going to work, carry a pregnancy to term, give birth and recover after childbirth. Those women who are expecting one baby go on vacation two weeks later.

What month?

The twenty-eighth obstetric week is the end of the seventh lunar month of pregnancy. This means that it is approximately the 26th week from the conception of the fetus. .

Fetal development

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, differences in height and body weight are clearly visible in children. They will become especially noticeable after childbirth, when babies are measured and weighed for the first time in their lives. In the first five months of pregnancy, these differences are almost absent. And now each future baby shows its individuality. In multiple pregnancies, children are usually born smaller in height and weight than in singleton pregnancies. And now twins and triplets under the hearts of their mothers are just a little behind in height and body weight from the only babies.

The fetal head circumference is now 24-28 cm, and the length of the arms and legs is slightly more than 10 cm, height 35 cm, weight 110 g.

Continue to develop and improve:

  • Subcutaneous fat. Its layer becomes thicker, so that the skin of the fetus gradually straightens.
  • External protective lubricant. It prevents the fetal skin from swelling from constant exposure to water.
  • The ability to blink. The muscles of the fetal eyelids are very tiny, but they are the ones that will help the newborn baby open his eyes.
  • Muscle tissue. Our muscles are very complex. These are special fibers that are connected into bundles and attached to the bones by ligaments. The fetal muscles develop until birth.
  • Strengthening bones. Calcium, which enters the mother’s blood with food and then to the fetus, goes to the mineralization of the entire skeleton. Human bones fully develop after adolescence.
  • Cerebral cortex. New convolutions are formed in it.
  • Hair on the head, eyelashes, eyebrows, nails. They are growing up little by little. This does not happen in every fetus. Many babies are born with virtually no hair; it grows back later.

This is what the fetus looks like at 28 weeks:

The brain activity of the fetus never stops. Even in his sleep, the baby moves, makes breathing movements, winces, frowns and blinks. In addition, the fetus trains sucking and grasping reflexes. One of the baby's hands is more active than the other. This means that the brain has already decided whether you will be born right-handed or left-handed.

It is too early to worry about how the fetus is positioned. At one examination, the doctor may report that the baby is positioned head down as expected. The next time the baby is able to roll over backwards and even across. This is only unpleasant if premature labor begins at the 28th week.

In this case, doctors will act according to the circumstances. Perhaps they will decide to stop labor. There are special means for this. Then the pregnant woman will be carefully observed until the dangerous situation disappears. If labor cannot be stopped (for example, when amniotic fluid breaks), the newborn will definitely need special equipment to help him survive. The main thing is that now the fetus’s lungs are developed enough so that in the event of premature birth he can breathe on his own.

Blood type and Rh factor

Surely you remember: in one of the first weeks of pregnancy, the antenatal clinic doctor sent you to have your blood tested for blood type and Rh factor. You needed to find out the same indicator in relation to the child’s father. Now comes the time when this knowledge will be especially important.

What exactly are positive and negative Rh blood factors? This is the presence or absence of specific protein molecules on the surface of red blood cells. If they are present, the Rh factor is positive, if not, the Rh factor is negative. This feature was once discovered in a monkey, the rhesus monkey, hence the term. Knowing your group and Rh factor is necessary when donating, blood transfusion, and during pregnancy.

If one parent is Rh positive and the other Rh negative blood, the same opposite can occur in mother and fetus. The woman’s body will sense foreign components in the circulatory system shared with the fetus and begin to fight, that is, produce antibodies. This is dangerous for the fetus due to complications.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, doctors should take measures to eliminate a possible Rh conflict. The woman will be given immunoglobulin. This substance suppresses the mother’s immunity so that antibodies are not produced and there is no attack on the fetus’s body. The same will be done after childbirth and in case of any unavoidable surgical interventions - for example, if the mother needs to have amniotic fluid analyzed.

Woman's feelings

Many mothers look in the mirror at this time and say that their belly is growing literally before their eyes. Don't tease yourself with a kolobok, unless you love it. The idea that a pregnant woman is completely unattractive is a big mistake.

Your uterus is growing and the skin on your abdomen is stretching. Because of this, you may often feel itchy. Do not comb your skin under any circumstances, use special ones. They will make the skin more elastic and relieve irritation.

Your heart is now pumping just a huge amount of blood. Because of this, it does not always cope with the work, and you may often lack air; when walking normally, you may suffocate. Another reason for shortness of breath is an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the diaphragm.

Your baby's movements are now felt almost constantly. Sometimes it can be unpleasant due to the force of the shocks. Don't slouch when sitting. This way you will give your baby a little more space and at least slightly weaken the most unpleasant jolts to the ribs.

Sometimes it’s as if the stomach itself is moving. Its entire surface tenses and then relaxes again. These are training fights. They should be irregular, otherwise consult a doctor.

In the third trimester, special hormones are produced in a woman’s blood that make her calmer. If you are still experiencing emotional breakdowns, check your surroundings - perhaps you find yourself in stressful situations too often. Do everything possible to avoid nervous shocks, they harm you and the baby.


This week you can add up to half a kilogram. If you gain more, you will have to adjust your diet. Now you need to strictly control your weight. However, there is no need to starve yourself if the scale shows more. Significant weight gain may indicate internal edema, which may not appear for a very long time, but seriously complicates pregnancy.

Photos of bellies at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Preeclampsia and preeclampsia

Most often, these pregnancy complications occur in the third trimester, although they may appear several weeks earlier.

Gestosis is a late toxicosis. .

Preeclampsia is a very serious condition that is life-threatening for mother and child. In case of complications, a woman may develop cerebral edema, impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart. An alarming signal is a noticeable increase in blood pressure. Especially for those women who previously did not have such problems at all. It is equally important to know other symptoms of this complication:

  • severe headaches;
  • “flies” before the eyes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • convulsions.

If all these signs appear in you, call an ambulance. Preeclampsia can develop very quickly from mild to severe. As a last resort, you may be advised to give birth early. This will be done to save two lives at once.

Why does this happen?

It is never possible to accurately predict whether a woman will experience either of the two complications. The main factors that can lead to gestosis and/or preeclampsia are the following:

  • heredity (ask your mother and sisters how they carried their children);
  • excess weight;
  • age over forty years;
  • chronic diseases, primarily kidney dysfunction;
  • autoimmune diseases (that is, impaired immune function);
  • complications in the third trimester during a previous pregnancy.

Only full attention to your health and regular examinations of women at risk help prevent complications or at least their serious consequences.

Pain and discharge

Remember that nothing should really hurt you. Normally, only unpleasant sensations are possible. If your chest, back, lower back, ankles or lower abdomen ache a little, this is normal.

Pay close attention to the discharge:

  • Bloody - possible placental abruption, premature birth.
  • Transparent, watery, abundant - amniotic fluid is leaking, this is due to cracks in the fetal bladder.
  • Curds are most often associated with the development of thrush.
  • Yellow, purulent signals of infection.

If you have any symptoms, go to your doctor for further examination. Normal vaginal discharge should be light, without an unpleasant odor, and not abundant.

Colostrum will be released from the breast until the birth and for some time after it. You can't express it. If there is heavy discharge, use bra pads.

When else to go to the doctor

If you have no complaints, then simply follow the visiting calendar. If complications are suspected, the doctor may prescribe blood and urine tests, ultrasound, and CTG (checking the activity of the fetal heart). During the ultrasound scan, if the doctor's equipment allows, ask to take a photo. Such pictures evoke a lot of positive emotions and will be very interesting to the child’s father, older children and other relatives.

Go to the doctor immediately if you have a cold. Self-medication is unacceptable, even if you went to the pharmacy and consulted with a pharmacist. No one at the pharmacy will take into account all the features of your condition. Only a doctor can do this.

  1. Do not deviate from your diet under any circumstances. Fractional meals 5-6 times a day is much better than three times a day. Completely avoid pickles, canned food and spicy foods. If you really want something sweet, then you can only afford fruit.
  2. Help prevent constipation fermented milk products and prunes.
  3. To prevent hemorrhoids, wash with warm water after bowel movements.
  4. Shake, lift, and stretch your arms frequently to improve blood circulation and prevent swelling.
  5. To prevent swelling in the legs, do not walk for a long time, do contrast douches.
  6. Compression socks and knee socks will help with dilated blood vessels in the legs.
  7. Talk to the child's father and other relatives. Decide who will help you after the baby is born. Perhaps you are planning to go back to work soon after giving birth - it is advisable to decide all this now.
  8. If you haven't taken a birth preparation course yet, sign up. It’s good if you are accompanied by the child’s father. Discuss with him possible presence at the birth. This is a very delicate question for which not everyone is ready.
  9. Your sex life may remain the same. Restrictions: Avoid sudden movements and any pressure on the abdomen. Contraindications: expecting twins, severe complications (described above), oligohydramnios, threat of premature birth.
  10. Wear comfortable clothes and underwear. No pressure or tightness, as this impedes your blood flow and can make you feel worse.
  11. Don't forget about moderate physical activity. Go to the pool just to swim or do water aerobics for pregnant women, study a special yoga complex, do Kegel exercises.
  12. Wear a bandage, it will help you feel less of the weight of your growing tummy.

The most important and in many ways difficult time of pregnancy is coming for you. Be strong and healthy so that your baby develops safely until birth.

Video guide: 28 week of pregnancy fetal development, gestosis, Rh factor, preeclampsia

Partner birth

The 28th week of pregnancy is the last week of the second trimester. There is less than half of the due date left. In accordance with the pregnancy calendar, the baby in the womb already feels different tastes and weighs about a kilogram. His eyes open and his hair grows faster.

At week 28, a pregnant woman may feel discomfort when the baby turns over. What other unpleasant sensations can a woman experience? Why does heartburn occur? Pregnancy 28 obstetric weeks - how many months?

What does a baby look like and develop at the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy?

According to the pregnancy calendar, at 28 weeks the baby is light in weight and therefore looks wrinkled, but the subcutaneous fat layer has already begun to form. Every day the baby’s brain develops, more and more convolutions are formed.

From approximately 27 weeks from conception, babies dream, make breathing movements, hear sounds, frown, and recognize their mother’s voice. In addition, they distinguish between light and shadow: for example, during an ultrasound, babies often try to turn away from the device.

At week 28, the baby acquires another important skill - the ability to blink, thanks to which he will be able to open his eyes. From 28 weeks, grasping and sucking reflexes develop. At the same time, the baby makes more movements of one of the arms, that is, at week 28 it is determined whether the child will be left-handed or right-handed.

The muscle tissue of the fetus develops right up to birth. Every day the baby’s bones become stronger, and all the calcium that enters the mother’s circulatory system with food goes to the mineralization of the skeleton.

Don't worry about how your baby is positioned. It may roll over repeatedly before it is born. The only thing is that placing the head up can become a problem if premature labor occurs at 28 weeks.

What's happening to mom?

Pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months? The twenty-eighth week of pregnancy is equivalent to seven calendar months. There are 12 obstetric weeks left before giving birth, and the female body is intensively preparing for this event. The need for oxygen and iron increases significantly, and the adrenal glands work at full capacity. The mother increasingly feels her baby moving. The twitching of the abdomen is visible even to outside observers.

The child grows and gains weight, and the center of gravity shifts, which is why the pregnant woman increasingly feels aching pain in the lower back at the end of the day. The expectant mother should rest as much as possible and allow herself to lie down for at least 10 minutes several times a day.

Lower back pain, similar to radiculitis, appears due to softening of the joints and ligaments and an enlargement of the tummy.

If a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen or notices unusual vaginal discharge, she should not hesitate to contact a gynecologist. Delay in in this case can have the most dire consequences.

Condition of the uterus

At the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel tension in the uterus - as if the tummy is turning to stone. If the pain is not severe, and the contractions do not last long and do not have a clear interval, there is no cause for concern. Most likely these are training contractions.

You need to pay attention to the nature of the sensations and their duration. False contractions should not occur more than ten times a day, and their duration should not exceed two minutes. If the abdomen becomes hard and the woman experiences significant pain or heavy discharge, she should immediately consult a doctor. Premature labor may have begun.

At this stage of pregnancy, the uterus has already shifted considerably and is located at a distance of eight centimeters from the navel and twenty-eight from the symphysis pubis. It will increase in size before the baby is born.

What does the belly look like?

The noticeably rounded tummy begins to itch. This happens due to stretching of the skin, which threatens the expectant mother with the appearance of stretch marks.

Normal weight gain during this period is considered to be from 6 to 9 kilograms. In the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman should gain about 0.5 kg weekly. During this period, weight should be monitored with special care. Both with underweight and with excessive weight gain, the mother needs to reconsider her diet.

How does the woman feel?

At week 28, the baby moves actively, especially at night and when the mother is hungry. When the baby moves, the mother can understand what position he is in.

Regular movements of the baby - important indicator health status of the baby. Doctors recommend closely monitoring the baby’s periodic activity, recording his movements in the morning and evening. While the baby is awake normal indicator It is considered from 8 to 10 movements per hour.

A woman may notice that she has become calmer and slower, this is explained by hormonal changes in the body. Nighttime spasms of the lower extremities indicate that the mother’s body is experiencing a lack of magnesium and calcium.

Pain and discharge

Normally, a pregnant woman should not have any pain. It is not considered a deviation if the expectant mother experiences discomfort or aching sensation in the back, lower back, abdomen, or chest. Sudden and quickly subsiding pain under the rib is most likely caused by the baby moving. If pain in the hypochondrium does not go away within several hours, is accompanied by heartburn, belching, and a nagging pain is felt in the abdomen, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. In such cases, it is necessary to exclude the development of pathology in time.

There is no need to worry about colostrum leaking from your breasts before your baby is born. There is no need to express it until the baby is born. Light, not abundant, odorless vaginal discharge is considered normal. A pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor if the following discharge occurs:

  • spotting brown or bloody indicates placental abruption and the onset of premature labor;
  • curdled ones often indicate candidiasis and are accompanied by a sour, pungent odor, itching and burning in the vagina;
  • yellow purulent mucous discharge indicates the presence of infection;
  • watery, transparent, abundant appear as a result of leakage of amniotic fluid.

Psycho-emotional state

At the twenty-eighth week, the female body experiences hormonal changes, which are accompanied by emotional outbursts. Often, unmotivated aggression is replaced by the crying of the expectant mother.

The nervousness and irritability of a pregnant woman is associated not only with the fear of the upcoming birth, but also with the end of her work, because in a couple of weeks she will have to go to work. maternity leave. In addition, a woman may not get enough sleep due to constant trips to the toilet or overexertion in general.

Analyzes and examinations

If the pregnancy is not multiple and there are no abnormalities, in the seventh month the woman must undergo a standard examination by a doctor. The gynecologist will listen to the fetal heartbeat, record the pregnant woman’s weight, measure blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, and abdominal circumference.

An ultrasound at this time is not included in the routine examination, but if the mother is not feeling well, the doctor can issue a referral to make sure that everything is fine with the child and to see the position of the fetus. During the study, parents can see their baby on video and ask a specialist to take a photo. The gynecologist can also give you a referral for urine and blood tests. Details of the test result will reveal abnormalities in glucose or hemoglobin levels.

If you have a negative Rh factor, you are regularly tested for antibodies. If an immune conflict is confirmed, at week 28 the woman needs to receive an injection of immunoglobulin. It is important to give the injection in a timely manner; this is the only way the baby will be protected in the womb, during childbirth and after it.

What are the risks?

After the 27th week, when the development of the fetus has reached its final stage, the risks are mainly associated with the mother (more details in the article: 27-28 weeks of pregnancy: fetal development and the woman’s sensations). If she takes care of her health, the likelihood of complications developing is minimal. However, when she does not take care of herself, works hard and spends all the time on her feet, the result will be high blood pressure, lumbar pain, and problems with the veins. Excessive physical stress and fatigue threatens placental abruption, as a result of which fetal growth will slow down or stop altogether.

A pregnant woman should know that she should not sleep or simply lie on her back. Due to the heaviness of the uterus, the vena cava will be pressed, and the flow of blood to the heart will be impaired. As a result, the pregnant woman's blood pressure will drop and she will lose consciousness.

A significant threat to the life of a child occurs when a woman smokes, drinks alcohol, or takes drugs or medications without a doctor’s permission. An insufficient amount of vitamin D in the mother’s body will not only affect the development of rickets in the baby, but can also cause hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Premature birth

The impetus for the birth of a baby ahead of time can be any overexertion or stress, an infectious disease, Rh conflict with the fetus or abnormalities of its development. At twenty-eight weeks, the risk of preterm birth is especially high if twins are expected. The baby's organs are already formed, they can survive. The mortality rate at birth at this stage is small.

The baby's lungs are still unable to work independently; in case of premature birth, he will need bronchial tubes for some time. The baby’s body is already producing a substance that separates air bubbles in the lungs, and blood vessels supply oxygen in the required volume.

Rapid labor ahead of schedule pose a threat not only to the child, but also to the mother in labor. The body is not yet ready for childbirth, which causes ruptures in the birth canal and bleeding. If painful, frequent contractions and discharge occur, you should contact your obstetrician as soon as possible; timely assistance will help stop premature birth.

Anemia in a woman

Anemia in pregnant women is not uncommon; it occurs due to an increase in the volume of blood plasma and a decrease in the concentration of all components in it. If previously doctors considered it necessary to prescribe iron-containing medications to all pregnant women, now many are inclined to believe that this way blood passes through the placenta more easily. Therefore, it is recommended to take medications after checking your iron level.

A sign of anemia is constant fatigue. Also, dietary adjustments and vitamin intake are necessary for two pregnancies in a row, heavy periods before conception, a history of anemia and severe toxicosis in the first trimester.

Oligohydramnios (lack of amniotic fluid)

Oligohydramnios is a dangerous complication of pregnancy that occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder and leakage of amniotic fluid. Normally, the amniotic fluid index is 146–228 mm; at a level of 86–94, moderate oligohydramnios is established, and with a lower coefficient, pronounced oligohydramnios.

With severe oligohydramnios, the risk for the baby is quite high. Worst of all, if a pregnant woman does not notice periodic leakage of amniotic fluid, and premature labor does not begin, there is a risk of infection of the fetus.

Mom's nutrition

At this stage, heartburn becomes a problem for pregnant women. It appears as a result of pressure from the diaphragm on the stomach. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to avoid bending over and review your diet. It is better to eat little by little, about six times a day. Preference should be given to dairy products that are rich in calcium. The latter is especially necessary for the formation of the child’s bones.

A pregnant woman's table should have enough fruits and vegetables and a minimum of flour products. Oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, wholemeal bread, fish and lean meats must be included in the menu. To drink, it is better to choose weak tea, fruit juice, compote and plain water.

Physical activity

If a woman is a lover of exercise, she can continue to engage in her favorite sports, but monitor her well-being and avoid intense exercise that can harm the fetus. Those who are not very fond of sports should give preference to walking in the fresh air and swimming.

Activity is essential for the health of mother and baby; in addition, exercise will help eliminate muscle pain and lift your spirits. You can study in groups for pregnant women or at home using videos.

Intimate life

According to doctors, sex in the seventh month is not only not contraindicated, but also has a beneficial effect on the pregnant woman’s body. This is due not only to the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother, but also to the effect of sperm on the cervix. It softens the latter, thereby preparing the female body for the upcoming birth.

The 28th week of pregnancy has arrived, and there is very little left before meeting the baby. What happens during this period, how the child develops and possible problems.

What happens at 28 weeks of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is approaching, and you are preparing to go on maternity leave. Many women already find it difficult to work due to rapid growth stomach and various ailments. Although you are still leading your usual lifestyle, you should take care, not lift heavy things, and not engage in work that tires you and makes you nervous.

Childbirth is approaching, and you may feel fearful about the upcoming event. To get your anxiety under control, start preparing for childbirth now. Follow the link: Five steps to a successful birth >>>

  • You will find recommendations for changing your diet for a better birth$
  • Important actions needed to create peace of mind;
  • Breathing exercises.

What's happening to mom?

  1. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the uterus rises 8 cm above the navel, and the length of the umbilical cord itself ranges from 30 to 60 cm. It contains the umbilical vein and two arteries;
  2. During a 28-week pregnancy, the cervix should be 35 mm, this is its permissible value. If they see a shortening of the cervix on an ultrasound, they will definitely send you for a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist;
  3. It is this week that fat begins to be deposited on the buttocks, abdomen and thighs, so you will have to control your weight and carefully monitor your gains;
  4. The kidneys and liver already bear a heavy load, as they remove the baby’s metabolic products and you may hear from the doctor a ban on large amounts of drinking. Before following this recommendation, thoroughly study the information on this issue and read the article on the topic: Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy >>>;
  5. If you have the Rh factor, you will be prescribed an additional blood test for antibodies, which will show whether there is a conflict between the child and the mother. Also, read the article on the topic: What tests are taken during pregnancy?>>>);
  6. From this period you will have to visit the gynecologist twice a month, even if nothing bothers you;
  7. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, stretch marks may appear on the skin (current article: Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>), leg cramps, pigmentation on the face, constipation, varicose veins, anemia, insomnia and heartburn;

Many problems in your condition are quite reasonable and natural. Many of them can be corrected by changing your diet.

  • Step-by-step instructions on what your diet should be;
  • How to solve the most common pregnancy problems not with pills, but proper nutrition, you will find in the e-book Nutrition Secrets of an Expectant Mother >>>.
  1. It is very important to monitor the placenta. If the placenta at 28 weeks of pregnancy has a thickness of less than 22 - 37 mm. – this is already a reason to think about your lifestyle.

Nutrition, physical activity, a good supply of oxygen to the body - all this allows you to maintain the placenta. good level and give the opportunity to carry the child to term.

Know! There is no proven evidence that you can somehow influence the degree of aging of the placenta with pills or injections. Only healthy image life, in the broadest possible sense of the word, can slow down the process.

A low placenta during pregnancy at 28 weeks is not a reason to worry. This information will once again be confirmed by the doctor at an ultrasound scan at 32-33 weeks. Only after this can we talk about low placentation and decide what type of birth will be available to you: natural or caesarean section.

Baby development at 28 weeks of gestation

  • At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is about a kilogram and its height is 33-34 cm;
  • The child continues to grow, the uterus tightly hugs the baby and this position is the most comfortable and safe for him;
  • The child develops a certain routine in which he either pushes or sleeps, and you already feel these actions well;
  • From this week of pregnancy, the baby feels and tugs on the umbilical cord, his tactile sensations continue to develop, and the baby begins to recognize his mother's voice.

What happens to the baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy? What is characteristic of fetal development during this period? The fetus at this stage:

  1. the lungs continue to develop;
  2. the adrenal glands begin to produce hormones;
  3. sucking and grasping reflexes are formed;
  4. During this period, the child gains weight and gets better, accumulates fat;
  5. His skin becomes soft and smooth, eyelashes lengthen, pigment appears that colors the hair, and nails actively grow;
  6. The muscles finish developing, strength appears in them, the bones begin to harden and accumulate calcium;
  7. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, you already have a full-fledged little person inside you;
  8. During this period, the baby's brain becomes larger. On the surface of the brain, grooves and convolutions are already visible;
  9. Movements become more active;
  10. He can close and open his eyes and blink;
  11. The baby reacts to the voice with its heartbeat, the fetal heart rate is 150 beats per minute, and when it doesn’t like something, the heartbeat increases, and when the voice is calm or the baby is sleeping, the heart rate calms down;
  12. The baby shudders from sharp sounds, and from loud sounds, he begins to actively move;

After the birth of a baby, many young fathers joke that they hear notes of mother’s dissatisfaction during pregnancy in the baby’s cry.

  1. The child already reacts to light, distinguishes emotions and feels pain;

It is very important to listen to the movements of the fetus, since during this period the child is usually very active and any disturbance in movement should alert expectant mother. In the morning, babies usually roll from side to side, and in the evening they begin to be more active.

There are situations when a child’s activity increases:

  • the woman lies in a comfortable position, but the child is uncomfortable;
  • mom ate sweets (find out what you can and shouldn’t eat in the article Sweets during pregnancy >>>);
  • the mother has overeaten and has discomfort in the intestines, which also makes the child uncomfortable;
  • the mother got scared or upset and the child got stress hormones.

Sensations in the body of the expectant mother

The uterus puts pressure on nearby organs, causing pain and discomfort.

  1. During this period, nausea may appear - late toxicosis, which is corrected by nutrition;
  2. With a lack of vitamins and microelements, dizziness and weakness may occur. In this case, tests and specific treatment are prescribed;
  3. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach may feel a little tight because training contractions are appearing. Due to the growth of the abdomen, lower back pain appears, which can radiate to the hip, ankle or knee;
  4. You need to pay attention to the discharge at the 28th week of pregnancy, it should not change and should be uniform. A woman should be alerted to the following discharge:
  • With unpleasant smell And unusual color which may be a sign of infection;
  • bloody, which signal placental abruption;
  • watery, which may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid.

Bloody discharge can be spotting, slight or profuse. Color: brown and scarlet.

Attention! If heavy bleeding occurs, you should urgently call an ambulance, as this is a risk of premature birth.

With other bleeding, if the stomach hurts at the 28th week of pregnancy, this is also a threat to pregnancy.

Due to the fact that the uterus has grown, it begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, causing heaviness when breathing and shortness of breath.

Interesting! When the baby moves a lot, stroke the belly and sing a song or read him a fairy tale, the baby in the tummy will immediately calm down. Tested by many mothers.

Examinations of the pregnant woman and child

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, you can already actively prepare for childbirth.

This can be done either in face-to-face courses on preparation for childbirth, or use the opportunities modern world and take courses online.

This is in many ways more convenient than face-to-face training because:

  • no need to waste time on the road;
  • adjust your schedule to your class schedule;
  • experience fatigue and discomfort from prolonged sitting. At home, you turn on videos whenever it’s convenient for you, even with your spouse. Listen to theory and do practical tasks.

Our Easy Childbirth course will help you with this. Click on the link to see how detailed and extensive the program is for you: Easy childbirth >>>.

During this period, routine ultrasound is not performed, only according to indications, if there is any pathology or problem with pregnancy.

However, this week the gynecologist may order a CTG of the fetus to rule out hypoxia. You shouldn't agree to this right away.

In general, each prescription must be accompanied by strict indications for it.

Know! The doctor can assess the efficiency of the fetal heart, its growth and development through an external, visual examination and listening to the heartbeat with a stethoscope.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

The expectant mother, during the period of gestation, may be alarmed by various aspects in life. She may worry whether a cold with a fever, intimacy and alcohol will harm the child. Let's look at these questions together.

Colds and fever

A pregnant woman has a weak immune system and is susceptible to viruses and colds, which are dangerous at any stage of pregnancy.

Treatment during this period is permitted only with medications that are safe during pregnancy.

Can be treated folk remedies. To do this you need to drink:

  1. tea with honey, raspberries and linden;
  2. warm green tea and cranberry juice;
  3. warm milk.

Also useful:

  • gargle with chamomile and sea salt;
  • do inhalations;
  • ventilate the room and constantly moisten it.

If you have a fever, you need to draw up a temperature chart, and you can only bring it down above 38 degrees with paracetamol.

In critical cases, the pregnant woman is admitted to a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed if they cannot be avoided. But they select ones that are less harmful to the child.

Prevention is very important colds. To do this, it is necessary, when planning pregnancy and during it, to carry out the following activities:

  1. strengthen immunity;
  2. take a contrast shower;
  3. do not freeze or overheat;
  4. replenish the body with vitamin C;
  5. walk more in the fresh air;
  6. do not contact sick people.


As for intimate relationships during this period, they are not prohibited. If there is no threat of premature birth, then sex at 28 weeks of pregnancy will add only positive emotions to a woman.

For a child, sexual contact has no effect, much less harm. The main thing is to choose the right position so as not to put pressure on the stomach. For such a case, a suitable position is when the woman is on top or the man is on his side from behind.

During pregnancy, the sensitivity of a woman's breasts and body may change. Be sure to tell your partner this to adjust your affection. Be sure to make sure that you feel comfortable and comfortable during sexual intercourse.


Even when planning a child, a woman should take into account the fact that alcohol is prohibited during pregnancy. It has a bad effect on the development of the unborn child and his health.

The alcohol that the mother drinks penetrates the placenta in full and reaches the fetus. Then this ethyl alcohol begins to influence the embryo, leading to very bad consequences. Even the smallest dose of wine can be fatal for a child.

Lifestyle at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, a woman should follow a daily routine, walk more, stop smoking, eat right and take care of her body. Let's talk about this a little more.


  • Your diet should be varied, nutritious and not harmful. Every day you need to eat meat and fish, dairy products and fruits and vegetables (read the current article