English shoe size in Russian for men. Shoe sizes US - Euro size

IN different countries Shoe size has different meanings. Thus, in Russia, shoe size is considered to be the length of the foot in absolute terms or in fractions of a centimeter (divided by 2/3 cm). In many countries, shoe size refers to the length of the shoe insole in fractions of an inch or centimeter (dimension systems).

Basic shoe size designation systems

International standard ISO 3355-77. According to it, shoe size is the size of the foot, measured in millimeters (although it is usually converted to centimeters, rounded to the nearest 0.5 cm).

European system. Centimeter, calculated according to the length of the insole. The unit of measurement is the shich, which is equal to 2/3 cm (6.7 mm). Since the length of the insole is usually slightly longer than the length of the foot (by 10-15 mm), European shoe size designations are usually larger than in the international standard.

English system. Inch, calculated by the length of the insole. Minimum (original) size = 4 inches (newborn baby foot size). Further numbering is every 1/3 inch (8.5 mm).

American system. Similar to the English one, but the original size in the American system is smaller. Numbering is also in 1/3 inch increments. The numbering of men's and women's shoe sizes in the American system is different.

Sizing chart women's shoes
Centimeters 21,5 22 22,5 23 23,5 24 24,5 25 25,5 26
Russia 34 34,5 35 35,5 36 36,5 37 37,5 38 38,5
Europe 35 35,5 36 36,5 37 37,5 38 38,5 39 39,5
USA 5 5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5
Sizing chart men's shoes
Centimeters 25 25,5 26 26,5 27 27,5 28 28,5 29 29,5 30 31 32
Russia 39 39,5 40 40,5 41 41,5 42 42,5 43 43,5 44 45 46
Europe 40 40,5 41 41,5 42 42,5 43 43,5 44 44,5 45 46 47
USA 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5 10 10,5 11 11,5 12 13 14
Children's shoe size chart
Centimeters 20 20,5 21,5 22 23 24
Russia 31 32 33 34 36 37
Europe 32 33 34 35 37 38
USA 1 2 3 4 5 6

Shoes, in addition to their size, also have additional parameters - the fullness and width of the foot, as well as the height of the instep of the foot. These parameters are usually indicated on the lining of the shoe and in its price tag.

Fullness of the foot

This term refers to the circumference of the foot in centimeters at its widest toe. Digital numbering of the fullness of the foot is used by shoe manufacturers from all over the world. Usually buyers don’t even know the fullness of their feet, because... for most people it is standard.

The fullness of the foot in the American and English systems is indicated as follows:

  • B- low foot fullness
  • D- average, standard foot fullness
  • E- above average fullness
  • E.E.- high fullness of the foot
You can determine the fullness of your feet using the formula:

W = 0.25 B - 0.15 C - A

  • W- completeness number
  • IN- foot circumference in mm
  • WITH- foot length in mm
  • A- constant coefficient determined from the table below
The foot circumference is measured at the widest point of the toe box (as shown in the picture).
Type of shoes Size Completeness A
Women's 21-27.5 1-12 16
Men's 24.5-30.5 1-12 17

So, suppose you are a man, your foot length is 220 mm, foot circumference - 205 mm. Thus:

  • IN = 205
  • WITH = 220
  • A = 17

W = 0.25 * 260 - 0.15 * 220 - 17 = 1,25 . Your completeness according to the Russian system will be 1 . If you need to convert the resulting leg fullness to another system, use the table:

In the Gabor range of women's shoes, both the pan-European size system, familiar to Russia, from 35 to 42, and the German size system, from 2.5 to 8, are used. You will find the correspondence of these sizes in the table.

2,5 35 23
3 35,5 23,5
3,5 36 24
4 37 24,5
4,5 37,5 25
5 38 25,5
5,5 38,5 26
6 39 26,5
6,5 40 27
7 40,5 27,5
7,5 41 28
8 42 28,5

For your convenience, the table also shows size values ​​in centimeters. To determine your size in centimeters, place your foot on a piece of paper and trace the outline of your foot, holding the pencil strictly vertically. In the resulting figure, draw a line from the big toe to the heel and measure this distance. Do the same with the second leg. If the length of the foot on one leg is different from the other, focus on the larger figure. Find in the table the resulting size in centimeters and the corresponding shoe size to order.

In addition to the usual size, when choosing the most comfortable shoes Gabor will help by having different completeness values. In our catalog, shoes with increased fullness are marked with the icon

Particularly comfortable fullness “G” and “H”

Shoes with increased fullness G and especially comfortable extra fullness H are designed for wide feet. Such shoes provide additional volume in the area of ​​the ball of the foot, in the toes, and in the instep. This gives either leg the space it needs. The Fullness Best Fitting is another fit option designed to fit standard width feet, but with more room in the toe area.

When choosing Gabor boots, pay attention to the width of the shaft. In our catalog, on the model description pages, both the size of the boot and its width in centimeters are indicated.

Size S – for narrow calves

The Gabor company is one of the few shoe manufacturers that has boots with narrow tops in its program. Even with thin calves, boots look attractive if they fit snugly to the leg.

Large fullness L

Every woman's foot has its own shape and characteristics. Many Gabor wide-top boots are equipped with additional features to ensure an optimal fit to the shape of the foot: rubber stoppers, stretch materials or adjustable flaps all provide the greatest feeling of comfort.

Extra wide XL and XXL

The particularly wide cut shaft ensures maximum comfort with a full and firm calf. Both wide-top and extra-wide-top boots are often equipped with additional features to ensure the best fit to the shape of the foot: threaded elastic, stretch materials, adjustable flaps, anything that creates a feeling of greatest comfort.

Variable completeness

Variable width Vario provides a flexible system for individual boot shaft widths. The width, depending on the model, can be changed using elastic inserts, adjustable buckles or fasteners, or by lacing. Thus, the boot suits different calf shapes, and also suggests different wearing occasions: for example, depending on your mood or style, you can tuck your trousers into the boots or let them out. The boot always fits perfectly!

US size

Euro size

Length, cm

US Men's Shoe Size Chart

IN modern world, when clothing and shoes in particular are increasingly purchased from online stores, the buyer is faced with a problem - the inability to try them on. And taking into account the fact that there is no uniform approach to the sizing system in the world, sometimes it is simply impossible to figure out which pair will be appropriate. To avoid having to return your purchase later, you need to understand the correspondence between shoe sizes in Russia and the USA. So, for example, US men's shoe size legs, varies from 7 to 13, Russia from 39 to 45 . To do this, you need to measure the length of your own foot in centimeters and compare it with the values ​​​​given in the table:

US size

Euro size

Length, cm

US Children's Shoe Size Chart (6 – 10 years)

US size

Euro size

Length, cm

Most often, the foot length indicator will not have an integer value. In this case it is necessary to round it. It is best to round big side to have a small reserve. that is, if the length of the child’s foot is 18.4 centimeters, then it is better to purchase child size USA 13, because in a large number of cases 18.4, even if it fits the size, will not be comfortable for a child to walk on. It is worth remembering that if the purchase does not fit in size or for any other reasons, it can always be returned within two weeks.

US Shoe Size Chart for Toddlers (1-5 Years)

US size

Euro size

Length, cm

US Shoe Size Chart for Newborns (0-12 months)