English shoe size for Russian for men. How Russian shoe size is calculated

It is not always possible to try on your favorite shoe model right in the store. In this case, a size chart and a measuring tape will come to the rescue. Determining the required pair will not be difficult if you know the features of the measurement of the leg.

Russian shoe size is measured in centimeters.

It is calculated using parameters such as:

  • foot width;
  • foot length.

In the manufacture of footwear, the fullness of a person's foot is also taken into account, while average volumes are taken.

On the packaging and on the shoes themselves, the sizes are indicated in numbers, which indicate the length of the insole. Russian sizes range from 1 to 62 - these are for dwarfs, children, adults and gigantic sizes.

Important to remember! For each Russian manufacturer of various shoe models, the size in centimeters varies within 1 cm. If the store provides a free fitting, then both shoes are tried on at once.

The metric system allows you to buy without trying on not only Russian footwear, but also foreign ones.

How to take proper measurements to determine shoe size

Russian shoe size in centimeters is determined quite simply. To do this, you will need a white sheet of paper, a ruler or measuring tape, and a pencil.

How to determine Russian size shoes in centimeters, we will tell you in our article

Step-by-step instruction by definition required size:

  • A sheet of paper is placed on a flat surface and put your foot on it so that it stands firmly and evenly.
  • Draw the line neatly pencil around the leg, starting from the heel and ending with the toes. Alternatively, you can draw parallel lines: on the most prominent places of the heel and thumb.
  • Section, obtained between these lines, measure with a ruler and add another 0.5 mm to the result obtained for an adult and 1 cm for a child.
  • Increase is done so that a pair of shoes fits well, does not cause discomfort to the feet.

Note! If, after measuring both feet, they turn out to be different sizes, use the largest measure to select shoes.

To determine the size, all that remains is to open the table and find the result. This method is suitable for both adults and children. If in doubt, you can measure the width of the foot, this reduces the possibility of error.

Women's Russian shoe size: table

Knowing your Russian size for buying shoes will help you choose both domestic and foreign shoes or boots. Buying shoes in an online store is convenient and profitable, but it is important for a woman to know the size of the required model, especially for models with heels.

The table will help you easily find perfect couple shoes for every fashionista:

Russian shoe size in centimeters The size
feet in centimeters
35 21
35,5 22
36 22
36,5 23
37 23
37,5 24
38 24
38,5 24
39 25
39,5 25
40 25
40,5 26
41 27
41,5 27
42 27
42,5 28
43 28
43,5 29
44 29
44,5 29
45 30

First, the length of the foot is determined by tracing the leg on a piece of white paper with a pencil. After measurements have been made, referring to this table, a more suitable size is determined. It is important not to forget that when ordering shoes on the Internet, you must ask the seller size chart which corresponds to the manufacturer.

Male Russian shoe size: table

Modern men are increasingly using online ordering of shoes so as not to waste precious time on shopping trips.

Like women, they can use a sizing method that is based on measuring the length of the foot.

For men, it is recommended to round off the difference with the table in big side... This will give you the opportunity to find the right pair of shoes that will fit your foot well. Dimension table men's shoes Russian manufacturers.

Shoe size in centimeters Male foot size in centimeters Length
insoles in centimeters
35 21 22,8
36 22 23,5
37 23 24,1
38 24 24,8
39 25 25,4
40 25 26,3
41 27 27,6
42 27 28,3
43 28 29,2
44 29 29,8
45 30 36,6
46 31 31,4
47 31 32,2

For men, you need to remember that summer shoes and shoes are bought in size. Winter models and sports sneakers are recommended to be selected one size larger or to choose an intermediate one.

Children's Russian shoe size: table

For children, it is important to correctly select the Russian shoe size in centimeters, since at this age the bone skeleton is being formed. It is recommended to purchase models from natural materials with a high-quality insole.

Interesting fact! All countries except the UK have adopted the metric sizing system for shoes of all ages. In their production they use the "barley grain" system.

The range of children's shoes is quite large. This makes it possible to choose a model that suits the size, price and quality. To determine the size for a child under 5 years old, the table will help.

The size Foot length
21 12,5
22 13,5
23 14
24 14,7
25 15,5
26 16
27 16,5
28 17
29 17,8
30 18,1

Teenage sizes start at 31. When choosing shoes for a baby, be sure to pay attention to the fullness of the legs. Experts recommend purchasing models with a margin of 0.5 cm, so the leg will not be squeezed, and the child will be able to wear this pair of shoes for a long time.

How to choose the right shoes so as not to be mistaken with the size

Choosing the wrong shoe size can ruin the health of your feet and cause discomfort.

Simple tips from experts will help you not to make a mistake with the purchase and choose the right pair of shoes or boots:

  1. Choose a Russian size so that the insole in the shoe is 0.5 centimeters longer than the length of the foot.
  2. To make measurements accurate, it is necessary to stand on a flat surface so that the entire foot is in contact with the sheet of paper.
  3. When buying winter models take into account that they will be worn with a warm sock and get one size larger.
  4. For children winter shoes choose 2 sizes larger for warm sock, and also so that one pair is enough for the entire cold period.
  5. Before buying shoes on the Internet, it is recommended to carefully study the size chart.
  6. When buying shoes for children, especially under the age of 5, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimension, but also the quality of the material.

If it is not possible to try on shoes, we must not forget that each manufacturer has its own dimensional grid. The health of the feet and the comfort of wearing during the day depend on the correct choice of footwear. Always use a sizing guide for adult or child sizing.

Russian shoe size in centimeters:

Useful video about the correct measurement of the length of the foot in cm:

If the purchase is made not in Russia, but abroad, and exclusively using a virtual network; it is important to understand that the labeling of domestic footwear and products, for example, from the United States, is noticeably different. This means - you can unknowingly miscalculate with the right pair. To clarify this issue, you will need a special table. It indicates compliance American sizes Russian footwear, and it is important to take into account such important factors as the height of the rise, the fullness of the foot.

European shoe size for Russian

Having a pair of exclusive shoes from the UK or France is the dream of every fashionista, since on the school grade scale, such a shoe gets the highest point. The design of the model, the quality of the cut, the selected material, along with accessories are taken into account. Therefore, British, French, and other international Internet sites are so much in demand and popular with domestic buyers. Before making a purchase, you need to take into account the compliance of shoe sizes in Europe and Russia. For example, Europeans have a narrow foot, so a Russian will fit shoes one size larger than usual.

Chinese shoe size to Russian

To choose the pair you like from the stores in China, the determining criteria for selection becomes the length of the foot, and the size of the shoe will be identical to the obtained value. It is important to understand that people in this country are miniature, therefore, labeling and European standards do not apply to them. Chinese sizes shoes and Russians are different. To place an order from such a foreign site, you need to measure the length of the foot with a centimeter, find the same value in the size range. Nothing complicated - the dimension of an adult is determined correctly.

kids' shoe size chart

To choose a suitable pair of shoes for a child from a foreign site, you need the length of the insole of his shoe, or it is better to measure yourself how many centimeters are on the foot. Remember the obtained value, the decoding of which will be provided by a special table of correspondence between the sizes of children's shoes. So the question of how to determine the size of shoes for a child is resolved within two minutes. It remains only to find the tabular ratio and place your order.

Measurement of the foot, cm Russia USA Europe China
10,5 17 3 17 10,5
11,0 18 4 18 11
11,5 19 4,5 19 11,5
12,0 19,5 5 20 12
12,5 20 5,5 21 12,5
13,0 21 6 22 13
13,5 22 6,5 22 13,5
14,0 22,5 7 23 14
14,5 23 7,5 23 14,5
15,0 24 8 24 15
15,5 25 8,5 24 15,5
16,0 25,5 9 25 16
16,5 26 9,5 25 16,5
17,0 27 10 26 17
18,0 28,5 10,5 27 18
18,5 29 10,5 27 18,5
19,5 31 12,5 29 19,5
20,0 31,5 13 30 20

Men's shoe size chart

It is not enough to choose the sneakers or boots you like, even an adult man needs to measure the foot of his foot with a ruler and only after that choose the most suitable model of a sports or classic cut. The dimensional grid of men's shoes always comes to the rescue, which takes into account the smallest nuances of the structure, length, volume of the foot, and offers GOST standards generally accepted in the international market.

Measurement on the insole, cm Russia USA China Europe
25 39 7 38,5 40
25,5 39,5 7,5 39 40,5
26 40 8 39,5 41
26,5 40,5 8,5 40 41,5
27 41 9 41 42
27,5 41,5 9,5 42 42,5
28 42 10 43 43
28,5 42,5 10,5 44 43,5
29 43 11 45 44
29,5 43,5 11,5 46 44,5
30 44 12 47 45

Women's shoe size chart

Conditional classification size range provided for modern women as well. To find the right pair, again, an individual foot measurement is required. Only after that, a special table carries out a quick and clear translation into any international units of measurement, and size women's shoes upon purchase will be determined as accurately as possible. You can then visit a virtual shoe store and place an order. Below is a table on how to find out the size of a woman's feet.

Insole length, cm Russia USA China Europe
21,5 35 5 34 36
22 35,5 5,5 34 36,5
22,5 36 6 35 37
23 36,5 6,5 35 37,5
23,5 37 7 36-37 38
24 37,5 7,5 37-38 38,5
24,5 38 8 38 39
25 38,5 8,5 38-39 39,5
25,5 39 9 39-40 40
26 39,5 9,5 40 40,5

Shoe size on Aliexpress - table

Branded sneakers Adidas, Nike, eur, puma for children and adults can always be ordered on Aliexpress. When comparing prices, it becomes obvious that it is profitable and economical to make purchases on this international site. So, a child can determine the size range by age or also measure the length of a small leg. If there is a shoe size available, on Aliexpress - the table will help you make right choice... The exact table values ​​are included with each model range.

Leg fullness - table

The shoe size chart helps to make a purchase even without its future owner. The main thing is to know two main parameters. This is the length and width of the foot, so that after purchasing the pair you like, you do not overshoot with a choice, do not issue a refund, and do not spoil your mood. If the fullness of the leg is known, the table will tell you which pair with what length of the insole will be most appropriate in a particular case. To get the value, you can use the online calculator. Enter an indicator of length and width of the foot, the system will immediately give out the prevailing fullness of the foot and a suitable size range.

It is possible to convert the length and width of the foot into a real indicator of completeness without the help of the World Wide Web, you just need to make calculations using a simple formula, substitute already known parameters instead of unknown ones. Compare the resulting average value according to the standard table and find out which position from the size range corresponds to the obtained completeness. Such calculations can be used not only by adults, but also by teenagers, girls, boys.

How to find out your foot size

To determine your parameters when choosing a worthy pair, you need to measure the length of the foot, and then make a comparison with the proposed table values. Nothing complicated, you need a ruler, some free time. However, before you know your foot size, it is recommended to put on a nylon sock, measure in cool weather (for example, winter or spring months), preferably in the morning at home. The leg should not be swollen.

How to determine the size of children's shoes

By the same principle, you can quickly measure the foot of a small child. The difficulty arises in the restlessness, restlessness of the little person. Therefore, before determining the size of children's shoes, it is advisable to calm the baby down, to do something. Ideally, it is advisable to measure the measurement when the child is asleep; or use the insole of an already worn pair. Take a new thing with a margin, since children's legs grow quickly.

Video: how to choose the right shoe size

More and more people are choosing to buy shoes from overseas internet sites. But such purchases are not always successful, and all because of the discrepancy between the Russian dimensional grid European standards.

Shoes from many European manufacturers are of high quality and original design, which is why most modern shoppers prefer a foreign manufacturer.

But making the desired purchase can be very difficult due to the differences in the size grid.

European sizes are several centimeters larger when compared with domestic footwear.

Of course, it is best to check with a qualified consultant for such details, since some brands do not obey general rules and have their own dimensional grid.

Be careful! Shoe sizes from the same manufacturer may vary based on the model shown.

How Russian shoe size is calculated

To find out the size of the shoes of a Russian manufacturer, it is enough to calculate the length of the foot, and a few tips will help to do it correctly:

How European shoe size is calculated

Anyone can translate European shoe sizes to Russian tables: One must be added to the standard shoe size of a domestic manufacturer.

Most overseas developers rely on comfort and practicality, so the insole is 10 or even 15 mm larger.

How to take proper measurements to determine shoe size

So that the purchase of shoes via the Internet was successful, and the size was determined accurately, first of all, you need to take measurements correctly.

This can be done in a time-tested way:

  1. You need to take a blank cardboard sheet and outline the foot;
  2. Cut out the resulting trace;
  3. Take measurements of the footprint using a ruler or measuring tape.

This method allows you to find out the length of the foot in centimeters, which in the future will help to correctly determine first the Russian and then the European size.

Interesting fact! The cardboard trail will help not only to accurately determine European sizes shoes for Russians (the table is presented below), but also allows you to choose the correct width of the purchased shoes.

Women's European shoe sizes for Russians: table

Women's European size starts at 36.

In order not to be mistaken and not to be confused with the sizes, the ratio of Russian and European shoe markings is given in the table.

Russian size 35 36 37 38
European size 36 37 38 39

When choosing shoes, it is necessary to take into account only the compliance of European shoe sizes with Russian ones (as indicated in the table), but also its model.

For example, pumps can be slightly longer than the standard size due to the sock.

Men's European shoe sizes for Russians: table

The length of the insole of men's shoes is a few millimeters longer than the length of the foot, from this you can set the following parameters shown in the table.

Russian size 39 40 41 42 43 44
European size 40 41 42 43 44 45

Note! Intermediate shoe sizes are calculated according to the same principle, for example: 39.5 = 40.5; 40.5 = 41.5 and so on.

Children's European shoe sizes for Russians: table

The difference between the sizes of children's shoes of a European and Russian manufacturer is equal to one.

Shoes from European manufacturers are 1 size larger, but do not forget that shoes for children, first of all, should wear well and not create any discomfort.

That is why world-famous experts and well-known manufacturers of children's shoes recommend choosing practical models, the insole length of which is 15 mm longer.

Russian size 31 32,5 33,5 34 35
European size 32 33 34 35 36

How to choose the right shoes so as not to be mistaken with the size

Modern opportunities allow you to purchase your favorite things even on the other side of the earth, without leaving your home.

At first glance, making a purchase in an online store is easy, because nothing is easier than clicking on the selected product.

But when it comes to choosing a size, everything is complicated several times, because the wrong size can mean that money is wasted.

In order for the purchased product only to please, the following rules must be taken into account before purchasing it:

  • Sites with European goods have an appropriate size grid, but still, if you cannot find it, you should contact a consultant for help to clarify all the details;
  • European goods released for Russian consumers always have relevant information regarding the features of the model and size;
  • Before buying shoes, you need to try them on. How to do it? You can find shoes of the same brand in a boutique, while it is not necessary that it be the same model, but it is better if the shoes are as similar as possible;
  • European shoe sizes for Russians (the table is presented above) do not always coincide with a specific brand, so it is better to navigate by the markings provided by the seller.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to choose the right shoes over the Internet, and it can be not only in size, but also in fit, width, etc.

There are several ways to solve the problem of buying the wrong shoes:

  • Many online boutiques offer a return or exchange service, but the purchase must be in perfect condition, free from any signs of use, and the customer must present a receipt. In most cases, shoes purchased during the sale are non-refundable;
  • Shoes that do not fit in size can be sold, even a little more expensive;
  • A foreign pair of shoes that do not fit in size will be a wonderful gift for a holiday for a loved one;
  • Slightly tight shoes can be stretched both at home and in professional conditions.

When purchasing shoes over the Internet, you need to know your Russian size, correlate it with European markings and sizes of a particular brand.

Then a new pair of shoes will definitely fit and will be worn with comfort.