Excursions to military-patriotic museums. Mini-museum in a dhow as a means of patriotic education Pedagogical functions of the museum

Relevance The draft "National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation" emphasizes that "the education system is designed to ensure" ... "the education of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal democratic state, respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual, and possessing high morality." Patriotic education at the present stage is an integral part of the pedagogical activities of kindergartens. The understanding of the Motherland in preschool age is unique: it is closely connected with specific ideas about what is close and dear to him, with love for his family, his home, and the surrounding nature. The social order of the state, humanistic trends in education, and the variability of the preschool education system allow the use of innovative approaches and methods in moral and patriotic education. One of these methods is the creation and use of a mini-museum in the educational process.

Objectives To form self-awareness, the formation of an active life position, the ability to successfully adapt to the outside world; Develop creative and organizational abilities, provide the opportunity to realize yourself in accordance with your inclinations and interests, and reveal your unique individuality; To form joint child-adult activities based on museum practice; To cultivate love for the native land and the people who care about its prosperity; Enrich the subject-development environment. To form ideas about the museum among preschoolers. Develop cognitive abilities and cognitive activity. Develop speech and expand vocabulary.

Hypothesis A museum exhibition can act as an effective means of moral and patriotic education if the following conditions are met: the museum exhibition is considered as an important and integral component of the system of moral and patriotic education; the authenticity of the exhibit is taken into account; variety of exhibitions, use of artistic and local history orientation; differentiated approach, taking into account age characteristics; modeling a problem situation; integrated forms of activity in the exhibition. the exhibition is considered as a poly artistic work, due to the integration of various types of art.

Principles of building a system of moral and patriotic education of preschoolers using a mini-museum The principle of scientificity. Any exhibition should be based on a scientific concept that is consistent with social development. The principle of objectivity. The basis of the exhibition is made up of authentic objects that vividly characterize the era, lifestyle, and active people. Communication and information principle. The design of the exhibition should be such that the information contained in it is easily perceived by visitors of different ages and all social groups. The principle of tolerance. It assumes the opportunity to see the diversity of life forms, traditions, and an equal right to exist..

Research methods: analysis of the results of moral and patriotic education of group children. pedagogical observation, conversations, questioning of parents; project activities with children and parents; analysis of art history, cultural studies, and museological literature; analysis and generalization of best practices in education using museum pedagogy

Expected results. With children With parents Increasing the level of children's knowledge about the museum, their hometown and the region Increasing the cognitive activity of children in learning about their hometown and region, in search and research activities. Development of children's creativity through the creation of creative works. Active participation of parents in the creation and design of a mini-museum in a group, in joint cognitive activities with the child. Increasing the level of parental knowledge in the field of museum pedagogy Joint creative work with children

Creation of a mini-museum “Merry dolls” Goal. Deeper acquaintance with the folk toy (what it is made of and how. distinguishing nesting dolls by pattern elements, enriching the plots of children's games) Expand and deepen children's knowledge about the folk toy Develop curiosity and creativity. To cultivate love and respect for folk craftsmen Objectives

Stages of work Preparatory Determining the theme and name of the mini-museum; Choosing a location for a mini-museum; Work on the design of the mini-museum; Selection of educational literature; Compilation of a catalog of equipment and exhibits; Drawing up a long-term work plan for a mini-museum.

The final (summarizing) stage All the nesting dolls are very fond of them. Multi-colored clothes: Always painted marvelously. Very bright and beautiful. They are noble toys, foldable and nice. We are nesting dolls, we are sisters, we are fat, small. As soon as he starts dancing and singing, you won’t be able to keep up with us.

In conclusion of my speech, I would like to say that mini museums are a form of organizing an educational space that promotes the development of creative cognitive thinking, search activity and selfless cognitive activity of every child, this is a real treasure trove for the development of speech creativity for the youngest, starting from 2-3 years , and for older children. The main thing is that excursions around the mini museum do not turn into a lesson, do not become overloaded with a large amount of information, but become a fun, exciting game, the continuation of which the kids would look forward to. would be a fun, exciting game, the continuation of which the kids would look forward to.

Anna Khlyzova
Mini-museums in preschool educational institutions as a means of patriotic education

At every age stage patriotic education has its own characteristics. Patriotism a child of preschool age is expressed in his need to participate in all matters for the benefit of the people around him, representatives of wildlife, the presence of such qualities as compassion, empathy, self-esteem, awareness of himself as part of the world around him.

The search and development of innovative approaches to solving problems is of great importance patriotic education of preschool children. So, one of them in the preschool educational institution was the work on creating mini-museums, which took place in three stages with the participation of teachers, pupils and their parents.

As part of the preparatory stage, at a meeting of the pedagogical council, teachers discussed what mini-museum, what is its purpose in a preschool educational institution. The main tasks of the upcoming work were formulated. Teams of each age group (educators, children and their parents) determined the topic and title mini-museum, its location, a model of the future exhibition was developed. At the same stage, interaction with museums was established.

The practical stage included direct creation by teachers, children and their parents mini-museums: collecting exhibits, their grouping, design, making games, layouts.

In the process of creation mini-museums the following were taken into account principles:

Integrations - mini-museums must take into account the content of the educational program of the preschool educational institution and help in the implementation of its general objectives and the objectives of individual educational areas, in particular, "Socialization", By instilling patriotic feelings in children;

Activities and interactivity - mini-museums must provide pupils the opportunity to realize oneself in various types of children's activities (use exhibits in role-playing games, create crafts and include them in the general exhibition, etc.);

Natural conformity - mini-museums should be created taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children of different ages and provide conditions for unleashing the creative potential of each child;

Scientific - the exhibits presented must reliably reflect the topic mini-museum, explain various processes and phenomena within the chosen topic in a language that is scientific and at the same time accessible to the child;

Humanization and partnerships - mini-museums must offer conditions for the comprehensive development of the child, encouraging his initiative, creative activity within the framework of subject-subject relations in the system "adult - child", "child - child";

Cultural conformity - mini-museums should be focused on introducing children to world culture and universal human values ​​through mastering the values ​​and norms of national culture during directly educational activities in the museum space;

Dynamism and variability - exposure mini- museums should be constantly supplemented and updated taking into account the age characteristics of the children in the group;

Diversity - filling mini-museums with exhibits, different in form, content, size, reflecting the historical, natural and cultural diversity of the surrounding world;

Regional component - mini-museums should provide for the organization of work with children to familiarize them with the cultural heritage of the region, as well as the culture of other peoples, which contributes to the development of tolerance and the formation of feelings patriotism. The final stage included summing up the results of the work, opening mini-museums in preschool educational institutions, organizing an exhibition for parents and guests of the kindergarten, reflecting the theme mini-museums and the content of work with children in the museum space.

Thus, as part of participation in the city competition of social and cultural projects, the project “Center of Folk Culture” was developed "Find your beginning.", during the implementation of which the preschool educational institution received mini-museums of the history of kindergarten, Russian life and dolls.

IN mini-the Museum of the History of the Kindergarten presents the exhibition “The Big History of the Little "Firefly"“, which introduces the history of the kindergarten, the formation of the team, and the achievements of teachers and children.

The purpose of this mini-museum - show children the main attraction of the history of the small Motherland - the person who lives nearby. This could be an acquaintance from a neighboring yard or a kindergarten employee.

The art studio of the kindergarten is decorated mini-museum of Russian life, the purpose of which is to awaken in a child a feeling of love for the Motherland through the creation of a special environment, allowing you to get acquainted with the cultural past of Russia.

Developmental environment of this mini-the museum was created together with parents and children who selected exhibits: household items, utensils, toys. As a result of the joint creative activity of the teacher, pupils and parents in mini-the museum received homemade dolls, painted nesting dolls, molded dishes and other amazing crafts made from a variety of materials.

There was also a place in the art studio for mini doll museum, the creation of which was facilitated by the production of a large number of crafts - dolls, made in the process of joint creative activity of children and parents. Over time in mini-factory dolls appeared in the museum. Currently it features dolls of different species: plastic, rag, straw, clay, papier-mâché dolls, waste material. The most honorable place is occupied by hand-made exhibits. pupils and parents.

The purpose of this mini-museum - to contribute to the preservation and revival of traditional culture, to support the talents of children and parents. Main tasks mini-museum are: revival and popularization of the art of making dolls, introducing preschoolers and their parents to arts and crafts.

Over time mini-museums appeared in every kindergarten group. Their content, design and purpose reflect the specific age of children in this group. Each exhibition tells the story of the origin of an object, what it was like in the old days or what it looks like in other countries. Visitors can get acquainted with the process of its manufacture, materials, purpose, variety of options for the item, and stories associated with it.

So, it was created for kids mini toy museum"Chicken Ryaba". It turned out to be no less interesting mini nature museum"Magic Pebbles", issued in a group middle aged, where preschoolers learn about the diversity of rock samples in their region.

In the group of senior preschool age, through the joint efforts of teachers, pupils and their parents was created mini-museum“We need different spoons, all kinds of spoons are important”, the main purpose of which is education of patriotic feelings of children through the development of interest in Russian folk culture and familiarity with folk trades: the history of the origin and development of the spoon.

Thanks to mini-at the museum, preschoolers learned how a spoon appeared, what it was made from, what types there are spoons: tableware, tearoom, dessert, special, made of steel, aluminum, plastic, wood, etc. Now in mini-the museum displays all types of spoons, reflecting, among other things, different historical times. Among exhibits: a spoon from 1879, a spoon with Olympic symbols from 1980. Albums about the history of spoons were also prepared “We want to know everything about the merry spoon as soon as possible.”, “The amazing spoon will reveal its secret to us” and homemade books dedicated to the spoon. In this mini-the museum has a theater on a spoon, where you can see Pinocchio, Karabas Barabas, Dunno, Thumbelina, etc. Children use the theater on a spoon to act out fairy tales and dialogues they have invented.

There is a museum in the preparatory group of the kindergarten "From samovar to kettle" where you can see the most unusual samovars: samovar-box, teapot-rose, teapot-duck, toy samovar, book in the form of a samovar. In addition, teachers and children collected information about the history of the samovar and its types; about how to brew tea correctly and about the tea ceremony, we compiled a fairy tale album “The Journey of a Teapot (samovar)».

Together with their parents, preschoolers draw and select pictures about samovars and teapots, come up with riddles, remember proverbs, sayings, and compose lines of poetry. I especially like pupils"getting together at the samovar", where they try different types of tea with jam, drink from saucers, as in the old days, biting with sugar. As a result of joint productive creative activity in mini-samovars and teapots made from salt dough and orange peel appear in the museum.

Mini museum"Postcard World", also created in the preparatory group, allows you to look into the historical past of our Motherland. Postcards from the last century and the present are collected here. And in mini-at the clock museum, children are immersed in different historical eras associated with time.

Tasks patriotic education are also solved using the example of material use mini-museum of nesting dolls, the creation of which was carried out by teachers in the group average age together with children and their parents. Exhibits, pictures, books, articles about nesting dolls were collected. Simultaneously teachers introduced pupils with the history of the origin of the nesting doll, the process of its manufacture, the variety and characteristic features of the Semyonovskaya, Zagorsk, Polkhov-Maidan nesting dolls. The children were especially interested in practical activities when they made nesting dolls themselves and decorated their crafts.

For guests and pupils from other groups, preschoolers went on excursions and holidays "Visiting the nesting dolls". Matryoshka serves as an important means emotional impact on children. Its diversity and uniqueness of appearance contribute to the manifestation of creativity in play and drawing. In addition, matryoshka as an element patriotic education preschoolers helps to draw an analogy between words: "matryoshka""mother" - "parent"- "genus" - "homeland" - "Russia".

In the process of creation mini-museums in groups, special attention educators paid attention to creating conditions for independent activity of preschoolers. Since the leading activity for a child is play, in every mini-the museum had a corner for independent activities, where pupils play various games.

Important Feature mini-museums in preschool educational institutions - participation in their creation by children and parents. Preschoolers feel involved in a common cause. In real museums you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums are not only possible, but also necessary. It’s convenient to visit them every day; you can change them yourself, rearrange the exhibits, pick them up and look at them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, the creator of the exhibition. And not only himself, but also his dad, mom, grandparents. Every mini-a museum is the result of communication and teamwork teacher, children and their families.

During the practical stage of the project, teachers developed the content of excursions around mini-museums, family activities that were included in the long-term plan for working with children and parents.

Important place in work mini-the museum is devoted to sightseeing and thematic excursions, educational conversations and events, and the organization of exhibitions. Much attention is paid to the training of young guides from senior preschool groups who, with the help of teachers, conduct excursions around the museum for parents and children of primary preschool age. This work helps to solve the following tasks:

Revealing children's creative abilities;

Expanding ideas about the content of museum culture;

Development of initial skills perception of museum language;

Creating conditions for creative communication and cooperation.

Parents and preschoolers try themselves as designers, artists, and tour guides. But before "immerse" children into the world of culture and art, teachers introduce them to the professions of museum workers and the purpose of excursions. For this purpose, meetings with interesting people and excursions to museums were organized at the preschool educational institution. Children were able to learn the rules of behavior in public places, feel intellectual, emotional and aesthetic experiences, prepare and mentally tune in to work on organizing their mini-museum.

Traditional forms of museum activity - monologue conversations in mini- museums of preschool educational institutions were replaced by educational activities with elements of play, creative tasks: "Find the hidden object", "Restore the interior", “Complete the picture”, "Dress the Hero" etc.

Interesting and exciting work on creating a museum space at the preschool educational institution continues. Active mini-Kindergarten museums continue to update their exhibitions. Teachers are looking for new forms of interaction with pupils, develop didactic and educational games on the topic mini-museums.

Thus, mini museums, created by the hands of teachers, pupils and their parents, become interactive, and therefore close and understandable to every child. All this allows bring up preschoolers have a sense of pride in a common cause, their group, kindergarten, family and small homeland.

A meeting with the museum as part of the activities of a preschool educational institution becomes joyful and unforgettable for children and adults.

Thus, the work carried out turned out to be effective and showed that with the help teacher In the process of joint activities using various forms of work, children are able to acquire knowledge about their native land and native nature.

Relevance of the topic. The problem of patriotic education of children is one of the most pressing. Educational institutions can play a big role in solving it, within the framework whose activities ensure the spiritual and moral development of the younger generation.

It is in kindergarten that our children receive their first information about various phenomena of life and absorb respect for their people, for their Motherland. They learn a lot of new and interesting things about their past and present, and get acquainted with the masters who create beauty. They learn to see not only beauty, but also to understand its value. In kindergarten, children learn a lot of interesting things about craftsmen, artists, sculptors who create original works of art.

Therefore, it is extremely important during this period to create an inspired environment around the child, to develop an aesthetic attitude towards it, to prepare him - not so much informationally as emotionally - for the perception of a work of art.

The concept of “museum pedagogy,” which appeared in the early 1980s, was borrowed from German terminology. Modern museum pedagogy is developing in line with the problems of museum communication and is aimed at solving the problems of moral and patriotic education and enhancing the creative abilities of the individual. The active use of museum technology in the educational process helps to introduce children to the origins of folk and national culture, contributes to the preservation of folk traditions, and instilling a sense of patriotism and spirituality.

Getting to know the museum allows preschoolers to develop their abilities for aesthetic contemplation and empathy, develop respect for other cultures, and the need and ability to independently master the world around them.

The search and development of innovative approaches to solving the problems of patriotic education of preschool children are of great importance. So, one of them in our kindergarten was the creation of mini-museums.

Text HTML version of the publication

Topic: “Museum as a means of moral and patriotic education of preschool children” Compiled by: Petushina Svetlana Gennadievna Teacher of the 1st qualification category Oksana Aleksandrovna Shklyar Teacher of the 1st qualification category Nizhny Tagil 2015
2 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………..……2 1. THEORETICAL PART 1. 1 Moral and patriotic education of preschool children………4 1. 2 The importance of museum pedagogy in the moral and patriotic education of preschool children……………………………………..7 2. PRACTICAL PART 3. Organization of a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution……… ………………………………………………………..10 4. Mini-museum “Russian Izba” in the senior preschool group …….….15 CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES APPENDIX
3 INTRODUCTION The museum is a mixture of art and history, philology and fable, document and novel, which sends us, after many years, a ray of light and brings uniquely valuable experience and knowledge. F. Dzeri The project “National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation” emphasizes that “the education system is designed to ensure... the education of Russian patriots, citizens of a legal democratic, social state who respect individual rights and freedoms, have high morality and show national and religious tolerance.” An analysis of pedagogical literature allowed us to assert that in recent years the best traditions have begun to be actively revived, and new approaches have emerged in solving the problems of moral and patriotic education of the younger generation. In addition, now no one doubts that familiarization with culture and history should begin from preschool age, when the child is on the verge of discovering the world around him. A mechanism for preserving and transmitting cultural achievements is a museum, the attractiveness of which is determined by the fact that it stores and presents to a person the materialized results of his creative potential, emphasizing the importance of the system of connections between a person and the world in their richness, diversity and inconsistency. Do our children often visit museums? We conducted a survey and found out that most of the kindergarten students had never been to the museum. The reasons are varied. Firstly, many parents believe that it is too early for preschoolers to attend such institutions: “They are small and will not understand anything, why waste time.” And, secondly, the idea of ​​such an excursion simply does not occur to many fathers and mothers.
4 How to attract the attention of parents to museums? Direct campaigning is unlikely to help here. Therefore, we decided to use elements of museum pedagogy in the educational process of our kindergarten.

Analysis of relevance allowed us to formulate the research topic: “The Museum as a means of moral and patriotic education of preschool children.” Object of study: the process of moral and patriotic education. Subject of research: pedagogical conditions for designing activities using the resources of a mini-museum within the framework of the organization of moral and patriotic education of preschool children.
to determine a system of work on the moral and patriotic education of preschool children through the organization of mini-museums.
 Consider the concept of moral and patriotic education;  Study the theoretical foundations of museum pedagogy;  Characterize the features of organizing mini-museums in a preschool educational institution;  Systematize and generalize the experience of creating a mini-museum “Russian Izba” in the senior preschool group.

5 1. THEORETICAL PART 1.1 Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. In the State Program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation,” patriotic education is interpreted as “the systematic and purposeful activities of government bodies and organizations to develop in citizens a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland.” In a broad sense, patriotism is interpreted as the personification of love for one’s Motherland, active involvement in its history, culture, nature, modern life, its achievements and problems. In understanding patriotism, we proceed from the traditional Russian philosophical idea, which considers patriotism as a moral category. By patriotic education we understand the interaction of an adult and children in joint activities and communication, which is aimed at revealing and forming in the child universal moral qualities of the individual, familiarization with the origins of national regional culture, the nature of the native land, nurturing an emotionally effective attitude, a sense of belonging, attachment to to others. At each age stage, manifestations of patriotism and patriotic education have their own characteristics. Patriotism in relation to a preschool child is defined by us as his need to participate in all matters for the benefit of the people around him, representatives of wildlife, the presence of such qualities as compassion, empathy, self-esteem; awareness of oneself as a part of the surrounding world.
6 Contents of patriotic education of preschool children:  introducing children to cultural heritage, holidays, traditions, folk applied arts, oral folk art, musical folklore, folk games.  getting to know the family, its history, relatives, family traditions, drawing up a pedigree; with the kindergarten, its children, adults, games, toys, traditions; with the city, village, its history, coat of arms, traditions, outstanding citizens, villagers of the past and present, sights;  conducting targeted observations of the condition of objects in different seasons of the year, organizing seasonal agricultural work in nature, sowing flowers, vegetables, planting bushes, trees, etc.;  organization of creative, productive, playful activities for children, in which the child shows sympathy and care for people, plants, animals in different seasons of the year in connection with adaptation to new living conditions and daily, as necessary. For more effective work on instilling patriotism in preschoolers, the following pedagogical conditions are necessary: ​​a heuristic environment in kindergarten and in the family, close cooperation between kindergarten teachers and family members, and the preparedness of teachers and parents to solve the problems of instilling patriotism in children. The heuristic environment is characterized by saturation with positive emotions and is a field for the child to demonstrate creativity, initiative, and independence. Close cooperation between kindergarten teachers and family members is expressed in the establishment of trusting business contacts with the families of pupils; providing parents with a minimum of psychological and pedagogical information, teaching them how to communicate with their child;
7 ensuring regular interaction between children, teachers and parents; involvement of family members in the pedagogical process; creating a subject-based developmental environment in kindergarten and family. The preparedness of teachers to carry out the process of forming patriotism presupposes that they have an appropriate level of professional competence, professional skill, as well as the ability for self-regulation and self-discipline to solve assigned tasks. All of the above pedagogical conditions are interconnected and interdependent.
The importance of museum pedagogy in moral and patriotic education. The concept of “museum pedagogy” appeared in the early 80s. and was borrowed from German terminology. During this short time, the term itself and the activity it denotes have firmly entered into pedagogical practice, as evidenced by museum and educational programs for students of educational institutions. The museum educational program has special methods and means of introducing people to cultural heritage with the help of priceless treasures stored in museums, as well as the surrounding object world. Museum educational programs include certain forms and methods of interaction between the museum and the child. Of course, children's audiences have traditionally been a priority category for museum services. Museum educational programs are actively being introduced into preschool and school practices and are used within the framework of the humanitarian, aesthetic and natural science profile. Including museums in the educational process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The museum guide and the teacher of the educational institution must be aware that the child is not prepared to perceive the complex symbolic language of the museum, to comprehend the hidden meaning of the things around him. A child begins to understand the world around him precisely by “deciphering” for himself this hidden meaning of things. The guide’s task is to help him in this difficult and very important cognitive activity. Requires a lot of preliminary
9 preparation for communication with the objective world of culture, this is directly related to the formation of a person’s museum culture. Interest in the world around us, in culture, awakens in a child at an early age, when its scope is limited by the walls of the house, loved ones, familiar objects, established rules and norms of behavior in the family. Museum pedagogy has many meanings and implications and provides rich food for thought and reflection. With its help, the child is “immersed” in the historical past of his native land, studying natural resources and the surrounding world. The museum and educational program of excursion work with children is designed to reveal and develop the potential creative abilities inherent in every child from birth; create conditions for full self-expression and realization of creative potential; bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual development of children, offer non-traditional forms of work, with elements of play, search and improvement. The means of museum pedagogy, mutual partnership, cooperation with parents during the educational process make it possible to expand the spiritual and moral ideas of children about their own spiritual closeness, the involvement of their “I” with other people living, working, nearby. There is an opportunity to “immerse” children in an informative, new subject environment for them, the opportunity to empathize with common impressions with parents, other children and adults, the opportunity to productively reflect received impressions, experiences in the nursery and joint creative activities with parents and teachers (visual, intellectual, speech – is formed
10 a fairly rich vocabulary, coherent speech, manual skills, thinking, etc. develop.
11 2. PRACTICAL PART 2.1 Organization of a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution. The word "museum" comes from the Greek word museion and the Latin museum - temple of the muses, a place dedicated to the sciences and arts. A museum is an institution that collects, studies, stores and displays objects and documents that characterize the development of nature and human society and are of historical, scientific or artistic value. In a kindergarten setting, it is impossible to create exhibitions that meet the requirements of museum work. That’s why museums in kindergarten are called “mini-museums.” The “mini” part of the word in our case reflects the age of the children for whom they are intended, the size of the exhibition, and a certain limitation of the topic. The purpose of the museum is the patriotic education of preschool children, the essence of which, from our point of view, is to cultivate in the child’s soul the seeds of love for their native nature, their home and family, the history and culture of their country, for everything that was created by the work of their relatives and friends people - those who are called compatriots. An important feature of mini-museums is the participation of children and parents in their creation. Preschoolers feel involved in the mini-museum. They can: participate in the discussion of its topics, bring exhibits from home, children from older groups conduct excursions for younger ones, and add their own drawings to them. In real museums you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums it’s not only possible, but also necessary! You can visit them every day, change them yourself, rearrange the exhibits, pick them up and look at them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, the creator of the exhibition. And not only himself, but also his dad, mom,
12 grandparents. Each mini-museum is the result of communication and joint work of the teacher, children and their families. In any kindergarten there is a problem of free premises. To locate mini-museums, you can use various parts of group rooms, “locker rooms”, bedrooms, walls at the entrance to the group, etc. The integration of predominantly visual fragments of the exhibition into the interiors of general purpose premises, right down to staircase landings, helps to recreate the material and figurative environment, immersion in which is so important for the child’s psyche. The content, design and purpose of the mini-museum must necessarily reflect the specific age of children in this group. So, for example, a book museum can appear in a preparatory group, and a mini-museum of fun toys is created for kids. Mini-museums should be constantly updated with new exhibits. Children's work done together with adults is also displayed here. The work on creating a mini-museum can be divided into three stages: 1. Preparatory stage At the beginning of the work, the group team (children, teachers) together with parents determine the theme and name of the mini-museum, develop its model, and choose a location for placement. 2. Practical stage. Adults and children, following their models, create mini-museums in groups. Parents play a big role in this process, bringing exhibits and helping with decoration. At the last stage of this stage, educators together with children develop the content of excursions around their museum, and preschoolers themselves can suggest what exactly they consider necessary to tell about their mini-museums. Those who wish
13 become tour guides. 3. Summing up. The theme of mini-museums can be different:  “Miracle Tree” - acquaintance with the structure and diversity of trees, the relationships of plants and animals, the significance of trees in people's lives; the need to respect nature;  “Mini-Museum Russian Izba” - acquaintance of preschoolers with life, everyday life, traditions and customs of the Russian people;  “Best Friend” - the exhibitions are related to stories about different breeds of dogs, their origin, different materials (comparison of glass, clay, paper figurines), about the role of dogs in human life;  Mini-museum of books - acquaintance with the history of books, cultivating an interest in reading, a story about the role of books in human life, about different writers, about how literacy appeared and developed;  “Fun toys” - exhibits that attract the attention of children can be collected here: large, bright, sounding, educational toys (dolls, cars, figurines of animals and creatures unknown to science);  “My hometown” - getting to know the history of the city, its interesting places, fostering patriotic feelings and love for your city; getting to know the features of your area, its history, memorable places, writing stories about the city, region, creating a series of your own drawings, comparing them with photographs, postcards;  “Our Motherland - Russia” - acquaintance with the history, culture, natural features of our country, education of patriotism, acquaintance with folk crafts, with the life of Russians at different times, with historical and memorable places; speech development; formation of ideas about historical time, connections with one’s ancestors;
14  “Theater dolls” - introducing preschool children to the world of art, the world of theater. Development of motor skills, speech, provision of conditions both for independent play and for working in a team (staging performances), writing scripts and fairy tales;  Mini-museum of theatrical costume - as in the previous case, preschoolers become familiar with the world of art and theater, learn about how theatrical costumes have changed, fantasize, creating their own models, come up with their own productions, learn to play in a group, express themselves using means art;  Art gallery;  Mini-museum of nature – unusual, rare objects of living and inanimate nature, and various products made from natural materials can be presented here. Such exhibits can be large cones, seeds of a rare plant in our country, intricately curved branches and roots, beautiful natural and artificial stones, stones with imprints of ancient plants and animals, old abandoned nests of birds and insects (for example, wasps), feathers;  “Military valor and glory”, etc. Excursions should occupy an extremely important place in the work of the mini-museum. And this is quite natural, since the museum exhibition and the excursion method are interconnected. Much attention should be paid to the training of young guides from older preschool groups. They are involved in conducting excursions around the museum for parents and children of primary preschool age. Excursion work with children solves the following main tasks:  identifying the creative abilities of children;  expanding ideas about the content of museum culture;  development of initial skills in perception of museum language;
15  creating conditions for creative communication and cooperation. The methodological forms of excursion work with preschool children in a museum setting are quite diverse: conducting sightseeing and thematic excursions, conducting educational conversations and events, organizing exhibitions. The listed methods are implemented in various forms of work of the guide with children: quizzes and riddles, charades and puzzles, didactic games, creative tasks. The methodological principles of excursion work are clearly determined by such important factors as the developmental orientation of training, psychological characteristics of the individual and age-related characteristics of museum perception. The process of aesthetic development is complex, gradual, and requires systematic, long-term influence on the child’s personality. In conditions of systematic work and methodically correct organization of the pedagogical process, it is not only possible, but also necessary to begin teaching museum perception from an early age. At the same time, the role of the museum is invaluable, its enormous opportunities for introducing museum values ​​to the world.
16 2.2 Mini-museum “Russian Izba” in the senior preschool group Recently, the organization of work with children on the basis of mini-museums created in preschool educational institutions has become widespread. In our kindergarten there is a folklore mini-museum “Russian Izba”. The purpose of the mini-museum: introduce preschoolers to the history and culture of the Russian people. Objectives of the mini-museum: introduce preschoolers to life, everyday life, traditions and customs of the Russian people; introduce folklore; expand the vocabulary of preschoolers; to instill in children an interest in the culture of the Russian people; carry out spiritual, moral and patriotic education of preschool children. The mini-museum “Russian Izba” presents the following exhibits: household items (dishes, spinning wheels, baskets, tues, threads, grips, boxes, samovar); model of a Russian stove, a baby's cradle; decorative elements (tablecloths, towels, napkins, woven floor mats); folk crafts (birch bark products, Khokhloma painting);
17 Russian national costumes and their elements (dress, sundress, kokoshnik, wreath, shirt, pants, belt, headdress, etc.); dolls in Russian costumes; folk musical instruments; folk toys. Before introducing preschoolers to mini-museums, teachers, together with parents, carry out serious preliminary work aimed at emotional preparation, expanding children’s knowledge and ideas about museums, and developing museum behavior skills. Parents are encouraged to visit the existing museums and exhibitions of our city with their children. In real museums you cannot touch most of the exhibits with your hands, but in our mini-museums it is not only possible, but also necessary! Here it is appropriate to quote the words of the outstanding Swiss teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi: “The mind, heart and hands of the child must be involved in the learning process.” We attach special importance to such a pedagogical opportunity of a mini-museum as the maximum and systematic use of the principle of visibility, which was mentioned above, namely, the demonstration of exhibits, the opportunity to touch them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, the creator of the exhibition, and a participant in the creative process. After all, each child added to the exhibition with his own creative works, made together with the teacher and parents. And not only himself, but also his dad, mom, grandparents. Each mini-museum is the result of communication and joint work of the teacher, children and their families. Museum pedagogy in kindergarten calls for giving the child the opportunity to manipulate objects himself, extract the information embedded in them, draw conclusions and make his own choices.
18 The museum-pedagogical aspect of working with children involves not only the quality and quantity of information received, but it is important to achieve the awakening of creative activity in children. The methodology for constructing play sessions with preschoolers requires the mandatory inclusion of a practical part. Forms of work in the mini-museum: 1. Replenishment of the mini-museum with exhibits. 2. Independent examination of the exhibits. 3. Excursions for children and parents. Turning to the methodological aspect of developing the technology of museum pedagogy, I would like to draw attention to the fact that working with children involves not only the quality and quantity of information received during acquaintance with the exhibitions of mini-museums. We try to awaken creative activity in children. Therefore, we have thought out the mandatory inclusion of a practical part during acquaintance with the exhibitions of mini-museums. First of all, we use a variety of museum games:  entertainment games,  travel games,  graphic exercise games,  intellectual and creative games,  games based on the plot of literary works. In addition to games, such types of work are used as:  filling out museum dictionaries,  children's drawings, collages, applications, etc.;  doing homework (draw, sculpt, come up with your own name, riddle, write a fairy tale, etc.
19 An effective means of developing children’s cognitive interest are creative tasks designed for guesswork, knowledge, and experience. We are helped in this by:  logical tasks to determine the qualitative characteristics of an object,  master classes on modeling, origami. I would like to note that the exhibits of our mini-museums are used not only in basic educational activities, but also in organizing gaming and experimental activities. We believe that the creation of mini-museums, and not just collections in groups, will allow teachers to: - make the word “Museum” familiar and attractive to children; - will enrich the means of forming the culture of preschool children; - will introduce a small child to the world of universal human values; - will contribute to the development of sensory experience of preschoolers; - will help develop the correct forms of interaction between preschoolers and the outside world. When creating museums on the basis of our preschool educational institution, we assumed that this would provide an opportunity for the practical implementation of new pedagogical ideas and methods. The conceptual basis of the museum-educational environment of preschool educational institutions is subjective and cultural approaches to preschool education. Project technology acts as a way of organizing the educational environment and the activities of teachers and children. A thoughtful pedagogical transformation of the space surrounding the child and its comprehension help to form a creative personality, value-oriented, sociable, and highly moral. The emerging interest among children in visiting the museum influences the expansion of their general horizons and the desire to learn about other existing museums. As a result of the propaganda work of teachers, the number of joint visits to city exhibitions with parents is increasing.
20 A small museum on the territory of a preschool educational institution can become the beginning of a person’s long journey into the world of world culture, influence the formation of his personality, and raise a worthy citizen.
21 Conclusion One of the most authoritative researchers of preschool age, A.V. Zaporozhets, showed that figurative forms of cognition and social emotions should be considered the central achievements of mental development in this period. So, the museum form of presenting material directly contributes specifically to figurative cognition, and social emotions are a matter of the content of museum exhibitions. All this work is not simple and labor-intensive, but it all pays off when you see our children - their development, but without arrogance; their activity, but without rudeness; their ability to get along in a team and, by and large, a manifestation of their love for their homeland. The work of creating mini-museums brings together a team of educators, parents, and children. Parents begin to become interested in the pedagogical process, ask questions, and offer help. By comparing pedagogical observations from communication with children and parents, we were convinced that as a result of improving partnerships with parents, there was an increase in the spiritual and moral education of children.

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24 Appendix 1. Questionnaire for parents “Patriotic education”. 1.What do you understand by the term “patriotic education”? 2.Is patriotic education possible in kindergarten? 3. How, in your opinion, should the goal of patriotic education of preschool children be formulated? 4. Who do you think bears the main responsibility for the patriotic education of children - teachers or parents? 5. Do you think that preschool children should be introduced to the symbols of the state, traditions, and memorable dates? 6. Do you think the topic of learning about family pedigree is relevant in modern society? Are there family traditions in your home? 7. Do you and your children visit museums and exhibitions in our village, the city of Kemerovo? If not, then why? Thanks for your cooperation!
25 Appendix 2. Description of exhibits. Drawing (photograph) of the exhibit Name:(Scientific, everyday, folk names are indicated. You can emphasize why it is called that way.) Where collected:(Indicate the place of collection, its features: for example, the Urals - mountains; country (if it is not Russia); environment: aquatic (grows in water), ground-air (flies), ground, soil.) Collected by:(Last name, first name, patronymic name of the “donor”. You can highlight family exhibits by indicating not only the family surname, but also the names of adults and children.) Brief information about the exhibit:(Where it is found, why it has such a name, features: for example, leaves, flowers, fruits in plants; color, shape in stones; how it is used by humans; conservation problems; connections with other components of nature - for example, who eats this plant, animal, from what plants the nest is made of.) How to use with children:(When studying which blocks of the “Our Home is Nature” program the exhibit is used; what to pay attention to when working with children; what types of activities can be used (experimentation, drawing, modeling). Further reading:(Literature for teachers is listed; literature for children, in which
26 describes this object, encyclopedias, reference books, which contain illustrations with its image and with images of its habitats and objects associated with it.)
27 Appendix 3. Recommendations for parents.“How to raise a little patriot” If in childhood a child experienced a feeling of pity for another person, joy from a good deed, pride in his parents, admiration from contact with a wonderful feat, he acquired an emotional experience. In this way, paths will be built for associations of an emotional nature, and this is the basis, the foundation of deeper feelings, a condition for the full development of a person. The upbringing of a little patriot begins with what is closest to him - his home, the street where he lives, kindergarten.  Draw the child's attention to the beauty of his hometown.  While walking, tell us what is on your street, talk about the meaning of each object.  Give an idea of ​​the work of public institutions: post office, store, library, etc. Observe the work of the employees of these institutions, note the value of their work.  Together with your child, take part in the work of improving and landscaping your yard.  Expand your own horizons  Teach your child to correctly evaluate their actions and the actions of other people.  Read books to him about your homeland, its heroes, traditions, and culture of your people
28  Encourage your child for his desire to maintain order and exemplary behavior in public places.
29 Appendix 4. Plan of work in the mini-museum “Russian Izba” with children of senior preschool age
1. “Russian hut” - the components of a Russian hut (roof, frame, log house, platbands). Drawing "Hut". Construction of "Russian hut". Fairy tales, quizzes on the topic. 2. “Hut: inside there is a stove” - the meaning of the stove: it warmed the house, dried clothes, shoes, mushrooms and berries on it, slept and was treated. Proverbs about the stove. Game “In which fairy tales was there a stove?” 3. “Electrical appliances yesterday and today” - devices of our ancestors for lighting: a torch, a candle, a lamp. Illustrations of lighting fixtures yesterday and today. Game “What's extra? "
1. “Embroidered towels” - the work of an embroiderer. Drawing on the topic “Patterns for towels.” 2. “The Royal Corner of the Housewife” - spinning (self-spinning wheel, spindle). Song "Spinner".
30 3. “The cradle is a crib for the baby.” Playing with a doll, learning lullabies.
1. “Bread is the head of everything” - ideas about a sheaf of wheat, oats, a conversation about the work of a grain grower. Examination and conversation on the painting “Grain Growers”. 2. “Russian costume” - national Russian costume, symbolism of embroidery ornament. Drawing on the topic “Patterns for Russian shirts.” Didactic games.
1. “Hats” - scarves, scarves, kokoshniks. Decoration of a scarf, scarf, kokoshnik. 2. “Profession – artist” - reproductions of paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”, I. A. Argunov “Portrait of an Unknown Woman in Russian Costume”, V. I. Surikov “Russian Beauty”. Game "In the artist's workshop", drawing. 3. “Russian beauty, Russian hero” - continue acquaintance with the paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov “Alyonushka”, “Bogatyrs”, “Ivan the Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”. Games: “Russian Beauty”, “Russian Hero”. Stories based on pictures.
1. “Kolyada” - attributes for carolers: masks, bag, costume elements. Making masks for games, learning poems about winter nature, carols. 2. “Blue-blue Gzhel” - the history of Gzhel craft. Gzhel dishes: teapot, samovar, vase, fruit bowl. Drawing Gzhel dishes.
1. “Maslenitsa” - attributes for the holiday. Russian songs, dances, games: snow fortress, building an ice slide, outdoor game “Burners”. 2. “Golden Khokhloma” - the history of Khokhloma painting. Drawing ornaments: “grass”, “curl”, “droplets”.
1. “Dolls” - dolls from different times, the appearance of dolls, materials for their manufacture (wood, straw, clay, moss). Making dolls from rags, straw, threads; games with dolls. 2. “Russian cuisine” - Russian national cuisine (kulebyaka, pies, bagels, Easter cakes). Making pies with cabbage, bagels and rolls from dough. 3. “Healthy porridge” - a story about the benefits of porridge.
32 Cooking pumpkin porridge.
1. “Easter” is the holiday of Easter. Easter eggs, Easter cakes. Conversation about Christian holidays and customs, decorating Easter eggs; game “Who is from the egg? " 2. “Folk musical instruments” - antique and everyday objects: ruble, roller, spoon, rattle, beater and their purpose today. Playing musical instruments.
33 Appendix 5. Mini-museum “Russian Izba”