Irina pinto diet menu. Irina Pegova’s simple diet with a quick and stable weight loss effect

Famous personalities are daily under the guns of camera lenses and the close surveillance of fans. In this regard, every popular person, especially women, strives to look stunning and maintain a comfortable weight. But stars can also gain extra pounds. One of them was Irina Pegova, but the actress was able to lose weight on her own diet and following some tricks. Following the rules of Pegova’s diet will help every beauty lose weight.

How Irina Pegova decided to lose weight

Irina was a curvaceous woman, which she considered an asset. 5 breast size, 100 cm in hips - these were her parameters. The star chubby didn’t have any complexes, but she struggled with her weight. Attempts to lose weight were unsuccessful: Irina loved to eat deliciously. When personal problems undermined Pegova’s health, then she decided to fight fat. She was unable to lose weight, although she tried therapeutic fasting, various diets, massage and cosmetic procedures. In addition, as Pegova herself said, she could not muster her willpower and withstand food restrictions.

The actress was in despair. She received an offer from Starhit magazine, which offered participation in a project dedicated to getting rid of extra pounds. Irina took advantage of this chance. She was helped in losing weight by professional nutritionists, trainers, and experienced medical personnel. For Pegova, specialists developed a training plan and an individual diet. For 10 weeks, the actress kept a diary, where she recorded her weight, psychological state, analyzed the quality and impact of the food eaten on the body, and physical activity.

As a result of participating in the Starhit Hudeem project, the actress, with a height of 156 cm, lost weight to 63 kg. She has maintained this weight for a year now and eats five balanced meals a day. She spoke enthusiastically about the project more than once, because Irina did not expect such a result. She changed not only her figure, but also her mindset: now she adheres to a healthy lifestyle. Irina cut her hair, changed her style and started a new life. You can find photos of Irina Pegova before and after losing weight on the world wide web.

Irina Pegova's diet rules

Anyone can lose weight on the Pegova diet. The actress follows the rules that emerged from her own experience. She shared them in an interview with 7 Days. They sound like this:

  1. Calculate the correct volume of the dish: it should be equal to your fist.
  2. Chew slowly, then satiety will come faster: you won’t feel hungry and eat a small portion.
  3. Drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water, because the body can confuse hunger with thirst. If after 10 minutes the hunger disappears, this is the case.
  4. Eliminate coffee and tea from your diet. Drinks awaken the appetite not only physically, but also psychologically. While drinking tea, you want to eat sweets that are contraindicated.
  5. Avoid any fried foods. Irina does not eat anything fried; she prepares her broth using lean meat.
  6. Resort to physical activity, because only with it your body will become toned. This could be training in fitness centers, gyms, active recreation, sports, dancing.
  7. Get motivated, for example, to buy a new dress 1-2 sizes smaller, this will help you adjust psychologically. Remember to have a positive attitude.

Daily menu from Irina Pegova

Before starting breakfast, which cannot be refused, Irina drank 2 glasses of water. For breakfast - cheese of any kind and two slices of yeast-free or grain bread. Cheese can be replaced with cottage cheese pancake or casserole. Another option is a sandwich with red fish or kiwi and wheat bran. After 3 hours, lunch, during which you can eat an apple, dried fruits or nuts.

After 2 pm, lunch follows - you can eat 2 slices of bread, vegetable soup, boiled broccoli or a salad of beef, king prawns, and raw vegetables. For an afternoon snack, Irina Pegova’s diet allows you to eat fresh fruit and drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. 3-4 hours after bedtime, the actress has dinner with boiled lean or grilled meat with a vegetable salad.

Physical activity

Most of all, Pegova loves to run. In the summer she does this almost every day. The actress advises running for at least an hour, only then the number of calories burned exceeds the number consumed, and the body will not store, but process fats. Irina notes that you can run not only at a fast pace, but also at a slow pace, switching to a fast step. The actress pumps up her abs and does exercises before performances.

Recipes for dietary dishes from Irina Pegova

In order to help those who decide to lose weight, Irina shares her recipes. All of them exclude any fatty, sweet, high-calorie foods. Here are a few recipes that the actress herself uses:

  1. Place 200 g of broccoli in boiling water and boil. Make a sauce for them: fry 3 teaspoons of flour, pour in the broth in which the cabbage inflorescences are cooked, finely grate the garlic, mix with flour. Pour the sauce over the boiled broccoli and add herbs to taste.
  2. If you want to make soup, then cut the onion, cabbage, bell pepper into strips, add water and cook. Adding salt is not advisable.
  3. For the salad, cut beet tops, apples, herbs, onions, mix, add vegetable oil, pepper, and a little salt.


Problems with excess weight can affect not only ordinary people. Thus, the whole world is constantly watching the struggle for a good figure of celebrities who, just like all people, are prone to critical weight gain due to poor nutrition and lifestyle, stress associated with problems at work and in their personal lives.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and 38-year-old mother of a six-year-old daughter, Irina Pegova, has been unsuccessfully struggling with weight since her divorce, tried many weight loss methods, and finally she found a way to get visible results.

All kinds of diets did not help Irina, including therapeutic fasting (which she carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor!). The actress admitted that she lacks much willpower in this regard, and therefore almost all attempts to stick to the diet ended in failures at best, and at worst, with the opposite result and even more weight gain.

The situation was worsened by a busy filming schedule, which is in no way compatible with a healthy lifestyle, because the principles of healthy eating consist of regularly eating dietary food 4-5 times a day in small portions. But Irina often has to eat quickly and not with the best products in terms of nutritional value. However, the actress found a way to achieve results even in such difficult conditions.

Principles of losing weight by Irina Pegova

In her youth, Irina was quite slender and was never overweight, but regular trips to her grandmother in the village, and then pregnancy over the years, led to significant weight gain. It was not possible to lose it for a long time and because of feeding my daughter until she was almost 3 years old.

Running in the park and physical activity

Irina really loves running and spends time in this activity almost every day in the summer, when the weather is good and there is no workload. In winter he also runs, but less often. According to Irina’s recommendation, you need to run for at least an hour at a time (since excess weight begins to burn precisely when more calories have been spent than the person had previously eaten and received, the body begins to drown fat cells and take energy from them).

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to rush to the last sweat - you can run at a calm pace and even just take walks at an intense pace. Also, the actress occasionally goes to aerobic classes for a change, before each performance she does exercises and pumps up her abs, and uses a hula hoop in combination with everything. But he notes that most of all he likes to run in the park and on the street, and not on the track indoors.

Mistakes in Pegova’s approach to weight loss - why you shouldn’t neglect calorie counting

Irina also admits that she does not count calories, but most likely she would be able to cope with excess weight faster this way, since the guarantee of losing weight is the constant expenditure of more calories than was received in a day. That is, if you received about 2000 kcal per day, then you must definitely spend more than 2000 and then the result is guaranteed.

At the same time, the body still needs to receive a minimum amount of calories per day to maintain vital functions. Therefore, you need not to starve, bringing yourself to exhaustion and stress, after which even greater weight gain will follow, but to be as active as possible and burn everything that was received during the day, otherwise the body will further store the remaining excess unspent energy in fat cells.

The actress’s difficulties with proper nutrition and her ways to improve the situation

Irina knows very well what proper nutrition is and has already tried a lot of different diets, including therapeutic fasting on purified water under the supervision of a doctor. The actress admitted that it was easy for her to try all the diets and many began to produce results, but due to insufficient willpower to stick to one diet for a long time, as a result, after two or three months, proper nutrition was given up for several weeks.

High concentration on work also makes it difficult to constantly think about proper nutrition. Therefore, Irina tries to eat as healthy as possible, at least in the summer, and also when she has free time, in order to control what and when she eats.

Principles of nutrition by Irina Pegova

Despite everything, Irina managed to develop convenient nutritional principles for her personally, which included a number of restrictions that were as psychologically tolerable as possible and did not lead to fatal breakdowns.

  1. Specific serving sizes;
  2. Slow eating;
  3. Regular consumption of clean water;
  4. Avoiding coffee or tea.

Irina eats no more than the size of her fist at a time. At the same time, he eats food specifically from large plates, which emphasizes the portion size, looks beautiful and helps psychologically not to overeat. You need to eat slowly, so you can get full faster, while eating a minimal amount of food. Ideally, eating should take place within one hour.

Water is very important - the actress tries to drink about 1 liter of water before breakfast (she drinks about 4 liters a day in total). If you feel hungry, you recommend drinking a glass of water first and waiting for min. 10, most likely the hunger will pass, as the liquid will fill the stomach and calm the feeling of hunger.

The actress's breakfast is usually not significant - a small amount of cheese or fruit, lunch - some kind of light salad, for dinner - low-calorie meat or fish, cooked without oil on an air fryer or open fire. Irina is indifferent to meat, but she cooks fish very often and usually even eats it without a side dish. When filming outside of Moscow, the actress usually takes boiled meat or fish and salads without adding mayonnaise.

If the goal is to lose weight, then tea and coffee are enemies in this. Firstly, you always want to eat some candy or cake with tea, and secondly, these drinks lead to dehydration of the body. Therefore, it is best to drink only clean water and perhaps some freshly squeezed juices and fresh juices made from healthy ingredients. However, you should approach juices very carefully; some options are generally not recommended to be taken on an empty stomach, as strong fruit acid can lead to ulcers and other unpleasant things.

Irina’s example should inspire other women not to give up in the struggle for an ideal figure, despite life’s difficulties and their weaknesses, which we all have. You need to fight them, and even if you can’t overcome them right away, they shouldn’t get in the way of any goals.

Charming actress Irina Pegova changed her image. She lost weight, changed her hairstyle and began to wear glasses from time to time, which make her look even more stylish. Today we will talk about how and why Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair after breaking up with her husband.

Most fans consider Irina a bright and charming woman, and her curvy figure is the “zest” that she brings to each of her heroines. Can any of the women played by the actress be called unattractive? Let’s remember the charming Olga (the heroine of one of Irina’s first roles in the film “Walk”), with whom you can’t help but fall in love, or the reckless and devoted Marina from the film “Tankmen Don’t Abandon Their Own,” or the charming Lilya from the comedy “Five Brides”...

However, after breaking up with her husband, the actress decided to become even more beautiful. To do this, she lost weight, went in for sports and changed her hairstyle. Flour products and sweets were strictly prohibited. Irina Pegova’s diet consists of constant work on herself.

Pegova cut her hair only to change her image. The transformation can be seen in the latest photos of the star. Fans of the actress believe that the new image suits her very well and makes her stylish and elegant.

Irina Pegova and her dream

The movie star always dreamed of a slim figure, but did not tell others about it. Only after Irina Pegova lost weight did she publicly admit her negative attitude towards excess weight and poor lifestyle. Irina spent a long time looking for a suitable diet for herself. She tried many popular nutrition systems, tormented herself with therapeutic fasting and massages. However, the result was the same - the weight returned with enviable consistency.

Nutritionists believe that the main reason for poor nutrition comes from childhood. Grandmothers, mothers and aunts who constantly worry that the child is thin overfeed their children. Irina was no exception. As she grew older, the actress, due to constant lack of time, could not find even a second for herself. During my student years, during tours and rehearsals, endless snacks, dry food and forced fasting completely disrupted my metabolism.

Quickstep by Irina Pegova and Andrei Kozlovsky from their film “Mask” (project “Dancing with the Stars”): video

How did Irina Pegova lose weight?

The basic principle of Pegova’s diet is that the serving size should be no larger than the size of your own fist. In addition, there are several nutritional rules:

  • Food should be placed on a wide plate, which clearly demonstrates the small portion. The dish looks more aesthetically pleasing, and the desire to overeat disappears.
  • It is recommended to chew food very slowly. If you eat a small portion within 20 minutes, you will feel full faster. The ideal option is 60 minutes for lunch.
  • Be sure to consume a very large amount of water. Feeling hungry? Drink a glass of warm water and watch how you feel - after 5 minutes the feeling of hunger will subside.
  • You should also drink a glass of water 20 minutes before meals. Only after this (after 10 minutes) should you start eating.
  • An amazing fact, but tea and coffee are prohibited. Nutritionists rightly believe that it is these foods that make you want to eat something tasty.
  • You should drink at least 2 and no more than 4 liters of water per day. It is recommended to drink up to 1 liter before breakfast.

Irina Pegova divided her diet into 3 stages:

  1. Preliminary stage. At this time, walking, avoiding salt and preparing for a new diet are recommended. This stage lasts 21 days (3 weeks).
  2. Stabilization. The main diet falls on this period. This phase depends only on the physiological characteristics of a person and his desire to lose weight.
  3. Fixation. The stage takes at least 2 years. At this time, the body is taught to receive the optimal amount of calories so as not to experience stress in the future.

Irina's diet

  • The menu should be composed of the lowest calorie foods. The diet necessarily includes hard cheeses and fruits.
  • At the same time, you need to do physical exercise. Running and walking on a treadmill is ideal. The actress has lost weight and keeps it off largely thanks to sports.
  • Psychologically, you need to set yourself up for results.
  • Observation by a nutritionist is mandatory.
  • Sleep and rest time per day is 8 hours.
  • Number of meals per day - 6.

The main incentive for victory that Irina set for herself was to wear her favorite prom dress.

  • flour products (including bread);
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • vinegar;
  • pasta;
  • everything fried and sweet.

Actress menu

Here is a sample menu for 1 day, thanks to which Irina lost weight.

Fish is the actress’s favorite product, which she cooks in an electric grill, using various recipes for preparing dietary dishes.

The diet continues

As Irina admits, her “stomach yearns” for fried potatoes. But you can survive these impulses if you don’t pay too much attention to them.

During filming and touring, the actress orders only dietary food in cafes and restaurants. She is very proud of herself at that moment when there is a lot of goodies and sweets on the buffet table, and she manages to resist temptation.

Despite all the incredible efforts of the actress, she believes that she still weighs more than necessary. Irina Pegova has lost up to 63 kilograms and says that for complete comfort she only needs to lose 7 kg. This only proves the fact that a person is capable of much, the main thing is the right attitude!

“Evening Urgant”: interview with Irina Pegova (video)

A bright and wonderful person, a talented and charismatic actress, an attractive and charming woman - Irina is to the liking of her viewers. She is loved and will be adored at any weight and with any hairstyle. Fans will support changes in the appearance of their favorite star if they are important to her. The main thing is that Irina herself is comfortable, and that she continues to radiate happiness and self-confidence from photos and movie screens!

No matter how the “body positive” movement is promoted on the Internet, our actors and pop stars still continue to lose weight. Even those whom we are accustomed to seeing with feminine forms have decided to say goodbye to excess volume. One of the striking examples is Irina Pegova, who developed her own weight loss plan and surprised her fans with amazing results. The actress does not hide her technique; it is accessible to everyone and does not require large investments.

Photo of Irina Pegova before losing weight

Irina Pegova was remembered by the audience for her characteristic images in the films “Walk”, “Space as a Premonition”, “Varenka”.

Her career turned out to be quite successful, although the actress was far from the standards of beauty. With a height of 155 cm, she weighed about 70 kg.

By nature, Irina inherited the appearance of a Russian beauty: curvaceous, thick hair and expressive facial features. But the actress herself, by her admission, did not like this comparison. To get rid of stereotypes, she even cut off her long braid and began to improve her figure.

Photo of Irina Pegova after losing weight

In February 2018, new pictures appeared on Irina Pegova’s page demonstrating dramatic changes in the star’s appearance.

She noticeably lost weight, which greatly surprised her subscribers. There was some criticism: some fans felt that her sunken cheeks made 39-year-old Pegova look old, and her weight loss deprived her of her charm and personality.

Irina Pegova's diet for losing weight by more than 20 kg

The artist herself is pleased with the effect; she was able to lose almost 30 kg and intends to maintain the achieved result. Irina spoke about the principles of nutrition in one of her interviews:

  1. The volume of a single serving should not be larger than the size of your fist. To make it psychologically easier to accept, put food on small plates.
  2. It is necessary to eat slowly in order to determine the moment of saturation and stop in time.

  1. Before eating, drink a glass of water. Perhaps the body is giving a false signal of hunger, and you were simply thirsty.
  2. Avoid tea and coffee during the diet. Firstly, these drinks dehydrate the body, and secondly, they cause appetite.
  3. Porridge is a high-calorie product. It is better to replace them with cheese or give up breakfast during the diet.
  4. Fruits are suitable as a snack, but you can only eat them in the first half of the day due to their high sugar content.

  1. As a main dish, meat or fish prepared in a “healthy” way (grilling, stewing, boiling) is appropriate.

Sample menu for the day in the diet of actress Pegova

As an example, Irina Pegova gave a menu for one day.

  • Before starting a meal, it is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of clean water.
  • First breakfast: Cheese and 2 slices of whole grain bread. As an alternative, cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole are suitable.
  • Second breakfast: 3 hours after the first breakfast, you can snack on nuts or fruits.
  • Lunch: Vegetable salad with light dressing. You can add shrimp or beef. Whole grain bread is allowed (no more than 2 pieces).
  • Dinner: Meat or fish with a small amount of vegetable side dish. Avoid bread.

In addition to proper nutrition, dancing and running helped Irina lose weight. She recently published a video of herself learning the paso doble, which delighted her fans.

The topic of star weight loss has always been one of the most discussed. Girls, looking at celebrities, always tried to imitate them. Ideal figures cause envy and force fashionistas to go in search of a way to remove extra pounds. However, socialites are in no hurry to reveal their secrets. Irina Pegova has always had a curvaceous figure. The woman did not openly declare that she had a problem, but kept trying to get rid of it. Recently, the artist appeared before the public in a new image. Seeing the woman, the media had a new topic for discussion - how Irina Pegova lost weight?

Today, the celebrity who quickly lost weight is 156 cm tall and weighs 63 kg. In 3 months, Irina Pegova managed to lose 7 kg. The woman not only managed to achieve the desired mark, but also maintain the result over a long period. The artist, who quickly lost weight, does not hide the fact that she has been trying to lose excess weight for a long time, although it did not spoil the woman’s appearance at all. Irina Pegova agreed to reveal to the public the method by which she was able to quickly get rid of excess volume. We’ll talk further about what helped the artist get rid of excess volume in her waist, the woman’s diet and attitude towards physical activity.

The woman decided to change radically after the divorce. Now the artist is raising a daughter. The incentive to transform yielded results. Irina Pegova lost weight, managed to lose 7 kg and maintain the result.

Pay attention! Previously, the screen star enjoyed eating pasta and creamy sauce. After deciding to lose weight, the artist radically revised her preferences.

Sharing the secret of how she lost weight so quickly, the actress says that you first need to find out the reason that led to the appearance of extra cm in the waist, and then develop a comprehensive approach to the problem to eliminate it. A weight loss system should consist of changing your diet and increasing physical activity. Irina Pegova believes that it is impossible to get by with just one thing. A fashionista who decides to lose weight without exercise risks acquiring loose skin with stretch marks, and physical activity without nutritional correction can cause an even greater increase in volume.

Photo by Irina Pegova

Diet of Irina Pegova

The woman has completely updated her image. Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair, which made the artist even more attractive. Recalling diets, the woman says that she managed to try a wide range of methods that turned out to be useless.

The actress was convinced from personal experience that the following methods are ineffective:

  • fasting,
  • chicken diet,
  • dairy diet.

Irina Pegova constantly broke down, and the lost kilos returned again. A woman could withstand a strict diet for a day, and at night she would eat to her fill. Irina Pegova lost weight because she periodically uses different types of diets for fasting days.

Today, the screen star tries to stick to a separate diet. The artist's daily diet consists of:

  • breakfast – 2 slices of coarse or grain bread with cheese, sometimes red caviar,
  • 2 breakfast – fresh fruit or dried fruit or nuts,
  • lunch - salad of fresh vegetables with lean meat or shrimp,
  • dinner - protein foods, sometimes vegetables.

The woman gave up sweets completely. The actress states that this is one of the reasons for her rapid weight loss. In addition, Irina Pegova does not eat fried foods. The screen star also refused tea and coffee. The woman is afraid that the usual tea drinking will end in eating sweets, so she prefers not to take risks. Irina Pegova loves kefir very much. The habit of fermented milk products came from childhood. The actress was treated to a drink by her grandmother when she lived in the village. It was because of her grandmother’s rich dishes that Irina Pegova gained a lot of weight.

Physical activity

The screen star does not deny that the reason for her rapid weight loss was not dieting, but constant physical activity. As a child, the woman was involved in gymnastics and athletics. As she grew older, the actress preferred daily morning jogging to classes in the section. In addition, Irina Pegova constantly visits the gym, where she performs a set of exercises under the strict guidance of a trainer.

Pay attention! The artist believes that dancing can help with weight loss. For this reason, he attends classes aimed specifically at weight loss. The screen star does not like to be 1 on 1 with an instructor, so she chooses group classes.

The woman has her own nutritionist, who is not very pleased with the results of her ward. However, the woman stubbornly chose the path of weight loss and is trying to do everything so as not to accidentally leave it. Today, with a weight of 63 kg, the actress dreams of losing another 7 kg. Then, in the opinion of the screen star herself, her figure will become ideal. If girls are interested in Irina Pegova, they can turn to the search and find photos before and after losing weight. Even without knowing about a woman’s achievements, colossal progress becomes visible.

Irina Pegova advises girls who have just embarked on the path of weight loss to reconsider not only their diet, but also their diet. It is better to replace the usual 3 meals a day with 5-6 meals a day. In this case, the portion size needs to be reduced. According to Irina’s nutritionist, who helped the woman lose weight, eating a small amount of food at a time will help the body absorb nutrients better. The stomach will not be overloaded. Increasing the frequency of meals will cause the feeling of hunger to disappear.