What does hidden pregnancy mean? Surprise baby: hidden pregnancy Hides the fact of pregnancy opinion.

And hidden pregnancies are similar to each other in some ways. If there is a hidden pregnancy the generally known signs of fertilization are absent completely or partially.

The main signs of pregnancy are always typical: pregnancy occurs, menstruation is absent, mammary glands swell, mood is difficult to control.

But in the case of a hidden pregnancy, these symptoms do not occur.

A woman may lose comfort, but continue her usual lifestyle, without even knowing that she is pregnant.

If a change in appetite occurs, the woman is in no hurry to pay due attention to these symptoms, because nothing worse happens.

Weakness or may be aggravated by gastrointestinal diseases or other common ailments.

Signs and symptoms

One of the reliable signs of pregnancy is considered to be a delay in the cycle, but with hidden pregnancy this fact does not manifest itself in any way.

Yet the changes still exist:

  • spotting;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • duration ;
  • ailments.

Such changes can last several months. If a woman decides to look for a problem in time, it will soon identify the cause and begin to control the pregnancy.


Hidden pregnancy may be discovered at the beginning. Usually, menstruation continues until childbirth, but there are other types of pregnancy.

The belly increases slightly, so a woman may not notice drastic changes. If he pays attention to his plump figure, he will try to go on a diet or do physical activity.

You should compare your feelings with other women and try to listen to how you feel. If you are feeling uneasy, it is better not to postpone your visit to the doctor.

Menstrual bleeding does not stop, it continues from month to month, so there is no need to carry it out.

Will the test help?

Even in this situation testing at home can determine whether conception has occurred or not. Routine tests at the pharmacy can detect pregnancy hormone in urine.

When the fertilized egg attaches and continues to develop, it will produce, the test should detect a hidden pregnancy. A negative test may not be deceiving; it may indicate other causes accompanied by hormonal imbalance.

Some tests offer to give a definite answer 5-6 days before menstruation, but you should not trust them. The test reacts to a chemical process, at this moment hormones are just beginning to be produced, pregnancy has not yet occurred.

Will an ultrasound show?

To confirm a hidden pregnancy, the gynecologist is obliged to refer the woman for an ultrasound.

An experienced specialist will be able to make sure everything is fine. If there are any deviations, he will immediately notify the patient.

Blood test for hCG

Blood test for hCG will help you find the answer to the question; this procedure is especially productive in early pregnancy. If the circumstances are positive, pregnancy can be determined no earlier than the fifth day of the cycle delay.

At this moment, the level of gonadotropin reaches the maximum level in the blood; this concentration is enough to judge the development of the fetus.

If you suspect pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist, it will help you decide on the issue, and at the same time help you understand the causes of your general malaise.

Is this condition dangerous?

Hidden pregnancy not dangerous for women and not considered an anomaly. Such a pregnancy is not a tragedy, but it can cause a lot of anxiety for a woman.

Reception, complications of diseases, difficult work and failure to comply with precautions entail severe consequences for the unborn child.

If a woman is not prompt and does not healthy image life- this significantly affects the development of the fetus.

Approximately 20% of women do not suspect pregnancy, while they are 3-4 months old.

Experts suggest that this number includes women with difficult destinies who could not independently decide to conceive a baby.

It also happens that pregnancy may become unwanted. Under such circumstances, pregnancy can cause many problems.

The deceit lies in this that a woman is confronted with the fact of this circumstance at the very last moment.

If it turns out that the pregnancy is more than 2 months, in the hospital you can get a refusal to perform an operation. The law prohibits abortion at this stage.

Usually, a hidden pregnancy ceases to be such after 4 months, at which point the menstrual cycle stops or does not proceed as intensely.

Every woman is obliged to listen to her body and not try to ignore her physical condition. Therefore it is better in advance pay attention to signs of illness.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Do you know the first symptoms of pregnancy?
The following are twenty-five symptoms: pregnancy. All symptoms are divided into three groups according to the degree of reliability: possible (detection of these symptoms indicates the possibility of pregnancy), probable e ( which indicate a high probability of pregnancy), and also accurate (the presence of these symptoms does not give rise to doubt).

Possible pregnancy symptoms

Not the onset of menstruation
In case of delay of menstruation, the first reason is always pregnancy. The concept " delay"can be used when, with a usually constant cycle, bleeding does not occur after the usual period of time.
But such a symptom can indicate more than just pregnancy. Delayed menstruation can occur due to:
  • Stressful condition
  • Physical overexertion ( preparation for sports competitions)
  • ailments
  • Sudden disruption of life schedule ( changing work schedule from daytime to shift work)
  • Using certain types of medications ( primarily steroids)
  • Exhaustion
  • Errors in calculations
  • Age suitable for menopause
Uncharacteristic menstruation
This definition includes any change in the normal menstrual cycle: too short, too long, bleeding too late or vice versa, as well as a change in the nature of bleeding: more profuse or more scanty.
It must be said that such disturbances are also typical for a number of diseases of the reproductive system, and therefore the appearance of such symptoms is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Unusual sensations
In the first days of pregnancy, many women experience mild pain or cramps in the uterus. Such pains are similar to pain during menstruation.

Vomiting and nausea
These signs are very often observed during pregnancy. True, such signs are usually detected starting from the sixth week of gestation. But sometimes they appear earlier. In such cases they talk about early gestosis.
The same symptoms may appear with other ailments, for example, diseases of the digestive tract ( enterocolitis, stomach or intestinal ulcer, gastritis, enteritis). But with such ailments, vomiting and nausea are usually combined with other signs of digestive disorders that are not observed during pregnancy.

Change in sex drive
Sexual desire changes due to the fact that a variety of processes take place in the body during pregnancy. Libido can either disappear completely or become more pronounced. Changes in the physical plane include an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, which sometimes even causes disgust when touching the nipples ( and sometimes vice versa), urge to vomit, increased blood circulation in the genital area. Processes of change affect both the psyche and work nervous system women, they are affected by pregnancy hormones.

Breast tenderness
The pregnancy period is preparatory for breastfeeding. Therefore, a number of processes take place in the mammary glands:

  • Increased sensitivity to the point of pain
  • Changes in the color of the nipples and areola, as well as their swelling
  • Increase in breast size
  • When you press on the areola, a drop of colostrum appears.
Similar processes are characteristic of diseases of the endocrine system ( increased production of the hormone prolactin)

Breast growth
Despite the fact that this symptom is not considered indispensable, most women experience it. If pregnancy has occurred, the mammary glands enlarge in exactly the same way.
If only one gland enlarges, or some part of it swells, this indicates the presence of diseases.

Frequent urge to urinate
This symptom often plagues women from the earliest stages of gestation. At the same time, very little urine is released. A similar symptom develops because the uterus increases in volume, and bladder There is less and less space left, so less urine can collect in it.
A similar symptom is also typical for diseases of the urinary system, such as urethritis or cystitis ( with these diseases, the desire to urinate is usually combined with an increase in body temperature, a burning sensation during urination, and pain in the groin). Also, a similar symptom can be observed with diseases of the endocrine system ( diabetes mellitus, in which the patient is always thirsty and produces a lot of urine).

Perversions of taste
The vast majority of people believe that during pregnancy, all women eat pickles and ice cream. In fact, changes in taste can affect completely different food groups. According to scientists, sixty-five percent of women experience rather strange taste changes during pregnancy. Some people even want to eat chalk, raw meat, soil or green fruits.
Typically, such taste perversions do not pose a threat to health, but sometimes women suffer from cravings for completely inedible objects and substances, such as starch or lime.
Taste distortions can occur due to a lack of any microelements in the body, for example, iron. In such a case, this disorder is combined with fragility nail plates, hair, dizziness, weakness, pale face.

A lot of serious processes take place in the body of a pregnant woman, which at first may not appear at all. In this regard, the body needs new energy resources. Therefore, during pregnancy, women quickly get tired and sleep a lot.
This phenomenon cannot be used to determine pregnancy, because lethargy or decreased endurance is also observed with a huge number of ailments, and is also caused by non-compliance with occupational hygiene and rest.

Montgomery tubercles
Montgomery tubercles- these are small growths ( type of small warts), formed on the isola. Such growths are completely safe for a woman’s body, and they often indicate pregnancy.

Skin changes
Due to the fact that a large number of different processes occur in the body, the skin also experiences changes. This may appear:

  • Chloasma or pregnant woman mask – the appearance of age spots on the forehead, cheeks and nose. You should not be alarmed, because after the baby is born, all the spots will disappear on their own over time.
  • Dark stripe from navel to pubis . This stripe may become noticeable after the twelfth week of gestation.
  • Acne. This symptom is not typical for everyone. There are women whose skin becomes clean and well-groomed during pregnancy. But sometimes, due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, acne forms.
  • Spider veins form on the legs, neck, arms, chest, cheeks. They are formed due to an increase in the amount of female sex hormones in the body. They look like small spiders and are dark red or bluish in color.
  • Stretch marks– most often observed starting from the twenty-second week of gestation. The intensity of their formation depends on the number of kilograms gained, genetic predisposition, and nutritional system.
  • The appearance of red spots on the palms – erythema. It is caused by the same estrogens.
  • Other types of changes: increased growth of nails or hair, changes in their quality, increased work of the sweat glands.
Stretch marks
Stretch marks are a consequence of the destruction of the connective tissue of the skin. These are completely painless phenomena that only in rare cases cause a slight burning sensation. During pregnancy, as well as after the birth of a baby, stretch marks are observed in sixty to ninety percent of women. The usual location for their formation is the lower abdomen and thighs, but they are sometimes observed on the chest and upper arms.
The number and intensity of stretching depend on parameters such as:
  • Genetic predisposition – if the majority of women in the family have stretch marks, then there is practically no chance of avoiding them.
  • Rate and intensity of weight gain . If too many kilograms are gained or in too short a period, the likelihood of developing stretch marks increases.
  • Pregnancy with twins or triplets are also a factor predisposing to the formation of stretch marks.
  • Nutrition specifics . If the menu is sufficiently balanced, there is a lot of fluid in it, then the skin will be more elastic, which means there will be fewer stretch marks and they will be less intense.
Increase in uterine volume
Over time, the fetus increases, which entails an increase in the volume of the uterus, and, consequently, the size of the abdomen.

An increase in the size of the uterus and abdomen is also characteristic of uterine tumors.
There are also diseases that only lead to an increase in the volume of the abdomen, while the uterus remains of normal size. This is ascites obesity or hyperplasia of internal organs.

During the first pregnancy, movements are detected approximately at the twentieth week of gestation. And mothers with experience feel movements already in the sixteenth to eighteenth week.
It must be said that as a sign of pregnancy, movements are detected earlier than movements of the anterior wall of the abdomen, which is considered one of the accurate signs.

The appearance of colostrum
Colostrum is the first food of a newborn baby. Colostrum contains all the nutrients a baby needs. Most often, in the last weeks of gestation, clear liquid appears from the mammary glands, this is the release of colostrum.

Possible pregnancy symptoms

Increase in belly size
The expectant mother, who has already experienced childbirth, notices an increase in the size of her abdomen already in the ninth week. But usually this symptom appears after the twelfth or even sixteenth week of gestation and later. Starting from the twelfth week, the uterus can be found by palpation.

The uterus changes
The shape of the uterus also changes. But such a sign is detected only during a consultation with an obstetrician or during an ultrasound examination.

Braxton Hicks contractions or training contractions
Braxton Hicks contractions are short-term and completely non-painful phenomena that are observed at intervals of ten to twenty minutes and in some cases are observed after the first three months of gestation. Such phenomena are also called training contractions. Not all expectant mothers have such manifestations, and there is an opinion that they are more obvious during the second and subsequent pregnancies. In a number of women, such contractions manifest themselves in the form of tension in the lower abdomen. These contractions are much weaker, shorter than labor contractions, and the intervals between them are not the same. When the woman assumes a horizontal position, contractions stop. In the case when, at a period not reaching thirty-seven weeks, such phenomena occur frequently, repeating them every ten minutes, this indicates the need to visit a doctor, as it may indicate premature birth.
The table discusses in detail how labor contractions differ from Braxton-Hicks contractions.

If you notice one or more of the above symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor so that the doctor can identify the cause of their occurrence.
Determination of pregnancy should be carried out as soon as possible - this must be done to prevent pregnancy complications.

Rapid pregnancy test results
The rapid test, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, gives objective results five or more days after the first day of expected menstruation. However, such tests often give erroneous readings ( more often erroneous negative readings). This happens due to the fact that the test reacts to the amount of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman’s urine. Levels of this hormone increase slowly in the early months as pregnancy progresses. In the case when you need to find out about the occurrence ( or not getting pregnant) before five days of delay, you can do a test in the laboratory, it has more objective results.
An increase in the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine also occurs with certain neoplasms of the uterus.

Precise pregnancy symptoms

Fetal palpation
When palpating the abdomen for more later, can be felt developing baby. Doctors check in this way how the fetus is positioned before birth.

Fetal heartbeat detection
From the twentieth week of pregnancy, a special stethoscope can be used to listen to the fetal heartbeat through the anterior abdominal wall. And an electronic stethoscope makes it possible to detect heartbeats as early as the tenth week. Indicators from one hundred twenty to one hundred sixty contractions per minute are considered normal.

Diagnosis of pregnancy using ultrasound
It is advisable to carry out such a study from the seventh to the twelfth week. But this method can show the presence of pregnancy from the second week.

Pregnancy detection using x-ray
X-rays are never used to diagnose pregnancy, since the mother and developing embryo receive a dose of harmful radiation. But sometimes an x-ray of internal organs reveals pregnancy. Then the skeleton of the fetus is visible in the picture.

Signs of early pregnancy

Almost everyone knows the primary signs of pregnancy, which include: sudden mood swings, toxicosis, suspension of the menstrual cycle, swelling of the mammary glands, weight gain, etc. But there are cases when such signs are absent and the woman does not know that she is pregnant until the very end. Moreover, this is far from uncommon; about 20% of girls did not suspect they were pregnant even at 4 months.

Hidden pregnancy: what is it?

Hidden pregnancy implies an asymptomatic course of this situation. In ancient times, it was believed that this state was the will of God, who decided to hide the future hero, prophet or king until the last.

IN modern world, this can really be considered “the grace of God” due to the wide spread of abortions, since in this case, the child is under greater protection, because in the later stages, it is impossible to get rid of the fetus.

It would seem that reliable signs and natural manifestations during pregnancy should be the same for all women, but not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance, because there are quite a large number of varieties of this condition:

  • hidden and false;
  • frozen and ectopic;
  • biochemical and color;
  • late and early;
  • complicated and normal;
  • unwanted and planned;
  • multiple and normal.

Important! The insidiousness of a hidden pregnancy lies in the fact that a woman, not knowing about it, continues to function as usual, experiencing heavy stress, lack of sleep or succumbing to bad habits, which can negatively affect the health of the unborn child.

Causes of hidden pregnancy

As an explanation for the reasons for the development of hidden pregnancy, several psychological and physiological theoretical reflections have been proposed. Despite the fact that this phenomenon is more likely to occur in women with existing mental disorders, a greater number of similar situations are observed in mentally healthy expectant mothers.

Not only many women, but also men, as well as doctors, wonder about the reasons for this phenomenon. However, no one can give a reliable answer.

Important! All experts agree that hidden pregnancy does not carry any risks. It is very important to try to recognize it as early as possible and register with a doctor to monitor the process of fetal development.

Symptoms of hidden pregnancy

Hidden pregnancy is called so because it is asymptomatic. However, it is still possible to characterize this situation, despite the fact that the symptoms are not characteristic and can vary in each individual case:

  • menstruation continues for several months during pregnancy, but the intensity and color of the discharge should change;
  • weight gain occurs, which may not be noticeable if a woman is prone to obesity or does not watch her weight;
  • in the case when the fetus is unstable, the body can balance on the verge of pregnancy failure, with heavy periods, but the woman may perceive this as an unstable hormonal level.

Important! Hidden pregnancy without toxicosis is often encountered.

It is much worse if all the symptoms of pregnancy are present, but the fetus itself is absent in the uterus, and instead there is a tumor process. In some cases even ultrasound examination may be wrong.

There is a certain type of woman who can gain up to 15 kg by winter, and by summer period return to its original form. As for pregnancy, during this period, on average, girls are able to gain about 12 kg. Moreover, even female athletes and those who watch their diet and lead a healthy lifestyle gain at least 5-6 kg.

It is necessary to understand that the norm for seasonal weight gain should not exceed 4 kg, so exceeding this limit may signal an asymptomatic pregnancy. However, it is difficult to recognize the cause of obesity if a woman does not eat properly, eats at night, leads a sedentary lifestyle, does not exercise, etc. In this case, only the first movements of the fetus can indicate pregnancy.

Attention! It will not be possible to determine the presence of a small fetus in a large woman during an asymptomatic pregnancy without the help of doctors.

How to check if there is a pregnancy with doubtful signs?

In order to be sure that she is pregnant, a woman needs to undergo a standard examination, which all expectant mothers undergo before registering. Before this, you can use a regular pregnancy test, purchased at the nearest pharmacy.

An appointment at the antenatal clinic will look like this:

  1. Initial examination by the attending physician.
  2. Taking a smear for flora.
  3. General blood test and hCG test.
  4. Ultrasound examination.
  5. General urine analysis.
  6. The specialist may prescribe other additional studies if necessary.

Attention! If there are any changes in the cycle, but there is no complete confidence in pregnancy, you need to contact a specialist at the antenatal clinic. Regular visits to the gynecologist are normal for any woman who has an intimate relationship.

Will an ultrasound show a hidden pregnancy?

If a hidden pregnancy is suspected, any specialist should send the patient for an ultrasound examination. Naturally, even a classic pregnancy may not be recognized, but if the ultrasound machine is modern and its operator is experienced, then the fertilized egg will not “hide” from his view.

If you have any suspicions, you can go for an ultrasound and a blood test. In the case of a normal pregnancy, it can be recognized after a month of delay in the menstrual cycle. A woman should always be attentive to her health and regularly visit a specialist. Only in this case, a hidden pregnancy will not come as a surprise to her and she will have time to prepare for a successful birth healthy child.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Probably...In the next life....

Probably money? Is this a universal gift?
A question for ordinary people, not oligarchs.
What did you give (if you have children of a suitable age)?
What did they give you (if you recently got married)?
What is the minimum/average amount we are talking about?
In this particular situation, the newlywed’s mother and father do not live together and do not even communicate. That is, the gift will be purely from mom.


Tatyana Konyukhova

I found an article on the Internet) Girls complain that men nowadays do not take the initiative to meet people. Like, at corporate events, they unite into companies based on their interests. Some NRIs to discuss, some politics. And you can’t wait to flirt with girls. Making a long-term acquaintance is even rarer. Even though they are all young, attractive, unmarried. Is this really true? The topic is just to chat)


Elena Merkushina

Good evening! I know, the forum is powerful. Anyone who recently bought or “touched” such a couch, write your impressions. There are no exhibition samples in any store, but you don’t want to buy a pig in a poke. I really like how it unfolds


Alexandra Novikova

An unpleasant situation happened with my friend. She put me in an emergency everywhere and doesn’t want to hear anything...
The bottom line.
Another friend invited me to the seaside for a week, the cost was only 7 thousand for me together with a 3-year-old child. You understand, consider it free. A friend is in the car, and she needs to be back by the 24th, because... Her mother will be 40 days old... She and I finally decided that we were going only today, because her daughter was sick and it was unclear whether she would recover or not.
Now to the problem.
A friend, who was offended and caused an emergency, invited her to her daughter’s birthday. Yes, this was before the offer to go to the sea from my second friend. But...there was no clear invitation like come there on the 16th, there were plans to celebrate. And now, when I tell her that we are leaving tomorrow, she says that I abandoned her and her daughter is now crying that we will not come, etc.
I tried to explain everything to her. And about the fact that I won’t have another opportunity, and that it’s very cheap and I have to seize the moment, and that this is health. Because there are mountains and a forest nearby, plus the sea. That, after all, the last time I was at sea was when I was 13, but my three-year-old daughter never did. And that I will definitely congratulate her daughter when I arrive, we’ll sit somewhere and give her a gift. But...she blocked me everywhere, that's all. And we are 30 years old, for a second. I don't understand this kindergarten.
I sit and think now, is it really my fault?