A real-life story about how a man, at the most difficult moment, abandoned his family and went to his young mistress. Why? Husband abandoned family Does life punish men who abandoned their family?

Agree, the situation when a woman sees the man of her dreams married is not as rare as many would like. And some of us go to great lengths to get our crush. Of course, it’s not for nothing that they say that you can’t build your own happiness on the ruins of someone else’s, but the forbidden fruit is so sweet...

In any case, every girl should know how everything can end, in a situation, for her sake.

It's Complicated

Men, of course, leave a family for another, but this does not happen often, and the initiator of such a step is usually his new chosen one. However, very soon the euphoria gives way to disappointment. After all, forcing your husband to leave your family is much easier than later becoming happy with him.

Of course, at first everything is like in a fairy tale - passions, romance, dates, gifts and everything else that a woman can dream about are raging between you. But such a period ends sooner or later, and after it the tests of your couple’s strength begin.

What could happen?

If you find yourself in such a situation and your husband left his family for you, be prepared that everything could end as suddenly as it began.

He'll get tired of everything

Over time, a man begins to remember with annoyance his family, which he abandoned for the sake of a new passion. He misses his children, his neighbors, his favorite sofa. And the statistics don’t lie - in more than 70% of cases, such a “prodigal son” tries to come back.

And the worst thing is that this happens when the homewrecker has already gotten used to it and has become attached to him. Usually in this case, he begins to pour out promises, they say, he will return when the children grow up, his wife’s health will improve, and so on.

But the result is the same - the woman for whom her husband left his family is left completely alone, embittered and disappointed in everything. Even worse, many people believe such a man and often wait for many years for him to return.

You will lose interest

This is exactly what happens to female bitches, because their main goal is to win a guy so that he leaves his family for his mistress. And one cannot help but admit that bitches succeed in this - they effortlessly tame anyone, forcing even a strong family man to rush into the pool of passions. Seeing that such women turn their fans around as they want, many girls even wonder

But for such people, the hunting process itself is important. And when the job is done, the woman realizes that she has stroked her pride and her “hunting fuse” has disappeared somewhere. Be that as it may, she is definitely not interested in “love until the grave.”

Of course, these are far from all the scenarios that can happen, but only a couple of the most likely ones. But this is not the main thing. It is important to understand that if a love triangle occurs, it is usually very difficult to understand who actually won and who really lost. Therefore, even if you are sure that someone else’s husband left his family for you, think three times whether the game is worth the candle...

Good afternoon. The situation is this: my husband, a rather young man, so to speak, forced me to start a family with him (I really didn’t really want this, I’m still young for this). But it so happened that a child was born, and he went on walks and continued to do so, while I had to sit at home. A year after his birth, he finally got a job, albeit not a highly paid one, but still. To my proposals that I work, and he sit and raise his son, he refused, saying that I will work, and you raise him. Well, a year has passed: he was tired of work, during this time he regularly went out for a couple of days to drink, he was tired. Like I'm having fun. I wasn’t allowed any new clothes (you already look good) or a hairdresser (why spend money if the dye is cheaper in the store). Just a little bit, immediately offense. It’s not that I tolerated it, I rather didn’t care. And then one fine day, he leaves for work and doesn’t come. He starts a new page on the Internet, adds old friends, but not a word to me. He doesn’t respond to hwonki, so he ended up texting that he needed to be alone and rest. It’s like I’m at resorts all day long.
Time passes, he writes rarely, answers dryly, well, in general, he is not eager to communicate or do anything. He doesn’t ask about the child at all.
A month later he arrives, everything seems to be fine, I’m coming back, I love him, I miss him. ok, I’ve never encountered meanness before and I thought maybe I really thought about it and decided. He leaves for work in the morning and that’s it, no hello, no answer. I decided to file for divorce. In the morning I call to find out if he will go to court with me to file an application, and the girl he’s been dating for several days answers the phone! I'm in shock and panic. It turned out that he told everyone that I was already an ex, but I wouldn’t let him see my son and was generally a miger. At the same time, I never got anything from him; he turned out to be not only dishonest, but also a coward, unable to tell the truth.
The application was submitted, but the sediment remained.
It seems that I love you, and my brains celebrate liberation from the ballast that drags me down.
It seems like you want him to be around, but on the other hand, it makes sense if at 24 years old a person does not want to take on any obligations.
So I understand what needs to be done, but I have no strength, and complete apathy.
I don’t know the reason, most likely it’s due to the fact that he hasn’t had enough fun (although he himself started the “family game”), or he simply doesn’t want to take on any obligations and has a complete lack of desire to achieve or achieve something.
My appearance, if anything, is not shabby, I’m not tall, but slim, I take care of myself, I don’t walk around the house in a robe and curlers))
Please help me understand myself

Why do men leave their families?

"A man's happiness is in marriage, - wrote Dorothy Dix, - depends primarily on the character and disposition of his wife. She may have all the virtues in the world, but they will play no role if she is gloomy, boring or angry, like a vixen. Many men give up, preferring not to fight further for a place in the sun if their wives cut off their wings with endless criticism of all their efforts and endless demands to make as much money as their friend’s husband, or to become a world famous writer, or, at worst, to get elected president."

Such sawing brings more unhappiness into family life than wastefulness, inability to manage a household, and betrayal combined. Next, I offer you a competent answer from a famous psychologist to this question.

Dr. Lewis Terman wrote his work based on the results of a study of more than one and a half thousand marriages. The results showed that all husbands considered constant nagging to be the worst quality a wife could have. The Gallup polls show the same thing. Another well-known scientific study - Johnson character analysis - found that no character trait harms family life as much as whining and trying to place all the blame on someone else.

However, since prehistoric times, wives have tried to get something from their husbands through reproaches. Legend says that Socrates philosophized while sitting outside under the plane trees so as not to return home longer and to avoid the company of his feisty wife Xanthippe. People as diverse as Napoleon III and Abraham Lincoln suffered from spouses who constantly nagged them. Augustus Caesar drove away his second wife, Scribonia, because he “could not bear her vixenish character.”

Nowadays, women also try to achieve something through whining and reproach, although this has never brought any fruit except negative ones.

An old family friend once told us that his first wife almost ruined his career. Her strategy was to belittle him and constantly ridicule him. He started out as a young traveling salesman. He liked the products he sold and his profession. When he came home in the evening, thirsting for encouragement, his wife greeted him with the following words: “Well, young genius, did you bring any money, or just instructions from your boss? Let it be known that next week we will have to pay the rent.” This went on for years. Despite the constant ridicule, the husband continued to move forward only through willpower. Today he - executive vice president of the national concern. And his wife? He divorced her and married a young woman who gives him the support that he was deprived of with the first one. The ex-wife never understood why she lost her husband. “After I denied myself everything, after my economy, Joe left me and married a young woman. Of course, he doesn't need a free maid now. This is what men are like!”

Even if someone tells this woman that it is her fault that her husband abandoned her, and not the other woman, she still will not believe it. Her reproaches were expressed in the form of belittling his merits and had a negative impact on his male pride.

Recently, the son of our friends experienced a similar incident. He's in his early twenties and just starting a career in the advertising business. Competition in this business is very intense, so he needed a lot of participation and sympathy from his wife. His wife, an aggressive and ambitious woman, could not put up with what she thought was his slowness.

The stream of constant ridicule and accusations made him lose his nerve. But the worst thing she achieved was to undermine his faith in himself. So water, drop by drop, wears away the stone. Lack of confidence in himself and his abilities cost him his job. His wife immediately divorced him. After the divorce, he gradually comes to his senses, trying to regain lost confidence in his abilities.

One of the worst forms of reproach is negatively comparing your husband to other people. “Why can’t you make money? Look at Bill Smith. He has already been promoted twice, but you only once,” or: “My brother is able to buy his wife a mink coat. He knows how to make money,” or again: “If I had married Herbert instead of you, I would now be swimming in luxury.” These and similar remarks only rub salt into the wounds.

Complaining, whining, negative comparison, belittling, nag, ridicule, reproach, - Here is an arsenal of remedies that dissatisfied wives usually use. They can be used both together and separately. Moreover, the more often you use these means, the faster they turn into a habit. It's like a drug.

A twenty-year-old bride, teasing her groom about the fact that he does not have a house like Martins, at forty becomes an unattractive, chronic bore that no one can satisfy.

It is very rare that any married couple manages to live together their entire lives, at least without a few major quarrels. People with a healthy attitude towards such things may occasionally quarrel, but they never cross the boundaries of what is permitted. But constant chronic dissatisfaction can have a negative effect on the most optimistic nature. No matter what successes a husband makes at work, they cease to have any meaning if a dissatisfied wife is waiting for him at home.

Dr. Samuel Stevenson, a professor at the University of Virginia, spoke of four desirable freedoms for American husbands: freedom from reproach, freedom from being told while driving, freedom to wear old clothes at home, and freedom from indigestion!

Why do some wives constantly nag their husbands? The reasons may be different. Sometimes dissatisfaction indicates physical illness. In this case, a regular preventive examination by a doctor can help to make sure that there is nothing serious, and if there is, then provide treatment.

Chronic fatigue can also cause dissatisfaction. The recipe could be to organize your life more efficiently, find the source of fatigue and eliminate it.

Hidden enmity, psychologists say, also serves as a source of irritation. Problems with relatives, sexual dissatisfaction, lack of love, dissatisfaction with life, - all these are hostile phenomena that are expressed by complaints, whining and reproaches. In this case, it is necessary to understand the true cause of the irritation and try to eliminate or mitigate it. Discontent only adds fuel to the fire.

Even legislation sometimes provides for a clause on irritation as a mitigating circumstance. In the Swedish criminal code, submitted to the Swedish parliament, there is an amendment proposing to classify murder as manslaughter if the victim, with his whining, drove the killer to white heat, thus provoking the crime!

And the Supreme Court of Georgia once ruled in favor of a husband who locked himself in the guest bedroom for several days and did not leave there, fearing the reproaches of his legal half. The verdict of the court read: “According to the book of wisdom of Solomon - It’s better to live in a wretched hut than with a grumpy wife in a mansion.”

An English judge, divorcing a husband from whom his wife had run away, decided to reduce the amount of her financial claims from seven hundred to two hundred and ten dollars, arguing that the wife's value had sharply decreased due to constant abuse.

Commenting on this case in the New York Journal American, author Gel Boyle wrote: “I wonder what wives think about a court decision where their value is reduced depending on the number of fights? This decision of the judge may cause unpredictable consequences. Husbands, coming to court, will tell the judge: “I want a divorce, but I’m not going to pay alimony.” My wife and I fought so much that she's not worth a cent now. I’m giving it away for free with all its giblets.”

Surely some men will really like this turn of events. There are husbands who are willing to give anything to get rid of their wives.

Recently, the New York World Telegraph published a story about a desperate husband, a fifty-year-old auto mechanic, who hired three tramps to kill his wife. Cause? She drove him to despair with abuse and reproaches.

Having understood how a wife’s dissatisfaction negatively affects her husband’s career, what should be done to get rid of this negative quality? You can get rid of it if a woman realizes her shortcoming and wants to fight it. It is impossible to get rid of a disease if you do not know about its existence. Discontent - debilitating emotional illness. If you're not sure you have one, ask your husband. If he confirms your guess, don’t start vehemently denying everything, this is just more evidence that you have it. Instead, take steps to improve the situation. There are six steps:

1 . Ask your husband and everyone at home for help.

Let them fine you every time you show dissatisfaction, respond rudely, or step on someone's sore spot.

2. Learn to say something only once.

If you irritably remind your husband for the sixth or seventh time that he promised to mow the lawn, he probably never intended to do it. So why waste time? Your irritation makes him even more stubborn and strengthens his desire to do it out of spite.

3. Try to achieve results with gentler handling.

“Many more flies will be caught on sugar than on vinegar” - my grandmother used to say and she was completely right. Instead of nagging about an unmowed lawn, you can say, “Honey, if you mow the lawn, I’ll bake your favorite pie,” or, “Honey, you’re so good at mowing lawns that Ellen Smith is jealous of me.” She said she wanted her husband to learn how to cut hair the same way.” These and similar approaches will help you much more than whining and reproaches.

4. Develop a sense of humor.

With humor, you will never lose your sense of proportion. Only a fool would laugh at a tragedy. But making a tragedy out of trifles means - emotionally devastate yourself. Only a foolish woman can invest as much emotion as Rachel in mourning her children, or Lady Macbeth in persuading her husband to kill the king, or in having her husband put a used towel in his dirty laundry. Nobody in their right mind pays the price of an outfit from a famous Parisian designer for a simple dress, and at the same time we waste our emotions, upset our spouse with a dissatisfied expression on our face and exchange our love for things whose price is insignificant.

5. Discuss your differences calmly.

Try to write down your complaints against your husband. Then let each other cool down and only after you have completely calmed down, take your list of grievances and look at it again. You will be surprised that most of the complaints are so petty that they are not worth mentioning. But those that are really serious should be discussed in a calm manner in order to understand how to eliminate them.

6. Try to achieve everything without whining and complaining.

Study and practice the art of human relationships. Learn to inspire, not push, people into doing what you want them to do. This is the secret to communicating with men, according to Charles Schwab. And he knows what he's talking about. He was paid a million dollars a year for knowing how to put this advice into practice.

As the song suggests, you cannot win a man with weapons and keep him with whining.

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Problems with husbands sometimes arise out of nowhere. It seemed like there was a normal family, they lived according to the rules, without quarrels: home, work, children... And here it is on you: you packed up and left. Why? [discussion]


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This question torments many abandoned wives. Men explain everything by routine. But this sounds somehow unconvincing. But there is one pattern - the age of prodigal husbands. Most often, they part with their family and start a new one at about 30, around 40 - 45 and 50 years old.

Psychologist and sexologist Inna Chori claims that these are critical years for men. At these three ages, some of them have a strong desire for change. But if your husband is dear to you, you can prevent his departure, the psychologist is sure.

28 - 32 years

Stop liking skinny people

Irina and Evgeniy got married when they were both 23 years old. At 25, Ira gave birth to her first child, and at 28, her second child. She stayed at home with the children and didn’t go out; Zhenya worked a lot. And he made very good money. When the youngest turned one year old, Zhenya packed his things and, saying that he would support the children, went to live with his parents. He came once a week, bringing food and money. And he left again.

Eh, Irina didn’t know what the psychologist told her later at the training - at about thirty men’s erotic views can radically change. Instead of brunettes, they begin to like blondes, instead of skinny ones - plump ones. And his proposal to gain weight (lose weight), change your color, change your clothing style should be taken very seriously. Listen to wishes and agree to changes.

Exactly, he asked several times: “Ira, maybe you can grow your hair? Maybe you should change your hair color? A light one would suit you... Let's go buy you a dress...” I didn’t pay attention: short hair is more convenient, but a dress when you’re walking with two kids is uncomfortable, jeans are much more practical, Ira later recalled.

She heeded the coaching advice. The gray crew cut on her head was replaced in a few months by a still short, but already blond bob, dresses with a neckline, the right bras and moderate heels were bought. In general, it blossomed. I called recently and shared: my husband is back, everything is fine.

By the way, you will have to change at least outwardly for the rest of your life in order to deceive male polygamy.

Men, they are designed like this: I changed my dress and shoes - it’s something else, I changed my hairstyle, I switched on a playful mood - that’s it, a new woman in his house,” the coach assures.

35 - 45 years

I'm still damn young!

At this age, a man re-evaluates what he has achieved.

The first signs of this condition are that a man changes his behavior, says the psychologist. - He starts to look younger, updates his wardrobe and perfume, starts listening to different music in the car. Casanova syndrome kicked in. It is now important for a man to prove that he is still very, very good in every sense! And his wife, unlike other ladies, no longer looks at him with admiration... Do not miss this call under any circumstances! Get young with him! Spend all your free time with him, don’t leave him alone. If you don’t want to lose your man, agree to his erotic fantasies, or even role-playing games. And keep in mind - almost no man is able to leave the family if his wife does not let him go!

Here are my friends - Misha and Lena. At the age of forty, Misha - a financier, a respectable family man and the father of two children - suddenly became interested in a work colleague, a young and cheerful young lady. And he told his wife Lena during a family dinner with cutlets: that’s it, I’m leaving, I’m tired! And he even slammed his fist on the table.

But he didn't leave. There is no second apartment, but Lena did not kick her out of the existing one. She looked at him with longing and grieved for a good year. And then suddenly I started organizing my personal life. And I got so carried away that Misha later told me:

It's like she was replaced. Laughs all the time. I used to walk around the house in a robe, and if I had to go to the store, I would wear sweatpants and sneakers. Now I'm always on parade. She likes someone...

In general, Misha is worried now. Looking for opportunities to “start over” with the new Lena. And Lena thinks whether she needs the old Misha.

What about talking?

This age is the simplest from a psychological point of view. The children have grown up and the nest is empty. It’s time to strike a balance, understand what you have achieved, because even if your career moves forward, it will be at a crawl, not like it was at thirty.

At this age, sex is no longer in the first place for men. Spiritual intimacy is more important to them. And if the wife has become family, if she has become a friend, the man most likely will not leave her, even if he is in love with a young woman. It’s scary to lose stability, domestic and psychological as well. But if kinship is not achieved, alas, the man does not see the point in such a family, explains Inna.

What if a wife finds out about cheating at this age? I saw a couple of acquaintances like this on vacation. Valya read her lover’s message while Sergei was taking a shower. It was at the beginning of summer, in Cyprus, on the day of the 25th anniversary of marriage - such a marriage that everyone seemed indestructible. I cried for a month and wore sunglasses, hiding the circles under my eyes. He hovered around like a moth: “Valyusha, maybe some water? Valyusha, maybe I should give you an umbrella, ultraviolet radiation is so harmful!”

It’s too late for me to care about youthful skin! - she said sarcastically in response.

A couple of months have passed. Valya underwent a course of psychotherapy - she was taught how to forgive her husband. The marriage seems ideal again on the surface. After all, Valya still loves Sergei. Sergei has become silky, rushes home after work, promises to take him to Cuba next spring.

In general, indeed, in all couples where the man did leave the family, there was a moment: the wife herself let go. And those wives who returned the prodigal to the family understood that when she got married, she went on the warpath. And the wealthier and more successful the husband, the tougher the war will be.


This material has already collected more than 1,500 responses on our website. Here are some of them.


I have a similar situation. The husband approached the first milestone. Left. He hasn't lived for a month now. He says he can't be with me. Hard. She says I have to change. At the same time, he doesn’t want to work on himself, his complaints are only against me. I also don’t like a lot of things, to which he told me - I got married, so be patient.


It was generally accepted that men change after marriage, there is no courtship, flowers, sweets, movies and theaters, etc. I think that the problem is often not in the man, the point is that the woman herself begins to consider all this nonsense and a stupid waste of money, oh which is what he tells his husband. The program point is completed, the box is ticked as a stamp in the passport, we move on to another point, career, children, apartment, dacha, car... And then surprise and tears, he left for someone else or he doesn’t pay attention to me at all. Don’t change yourself, remain a bride, and your husband will be the same, he will look after you and give flowers!

Simple Russian man:

To prevent a man from wanting to leave a woman, two factors must be met:

1) A man must marry her BY HIS ardent DESIRE (and not by hers).

2) A woman should not get on a man’s nerves.

And all other factors (the presence or absence of an attractive appearance, the ability or inability to run a household, the presence or absence of children, etc.) do not matter to a man and cannot deter him.

Yaroslav, 29 years old:

I approached the first line. It can be hard at times. A lot has changed, goals, views, tastes. I have a car, an apartment, a good job. We live normally. I often spoil my children and wife. But my wife became cold towards me. He says that he loves me and cannot live without me, but there is less and less intimacy. It's a shame, all sorts of bad thoughts come to mind. Often depressed, fear appeared. You can't get rid of thoughts so easily. She is young and beautiful. The hostess is excellent. Of course, I value her because I love her. But without intimacy it’s hard to be married. I feel something is wrong. And what? What to do next? Pretend everything is fine? Just hang in there and see what happens? But this is a lie! And lying to yourself and your family is the last thing.

Men have recently been positioned in various women's programs as brainless pets that women must endlessly please, come up with something to keep them, interest them, etc. And what about the men themselves? Rarely do any of them fight for their woman; they believe that since she married him and has children, then she will not go anywhere.


She lived with her husband for 30 years. Conclusions: 1. Everyone changes, everyone, believe me. 2. If you want to leave, there’s nothing you can do to stop him, but, as a rule (according to statistics), women are the first to file for divorce, and by the way, they often regret it later. 3. Why change for soap, your own is already native, and a new one will come - a stranger, you still need to get used to him, and will he find a common language with children (if there are any). 4. Who said it would be easy? Family is daily work, if you don’t learn to maneuver, not notice, forgive, endure, you will live alone, and whoever likes what, let him choose for himself.


I wonder why it’s always the woman who has to do everything?.. I’ve been married for almost 40 years and now I don’t understand what I liked about him then? But I still love my husband, we are already like family, and I don’t understand how I could leave him! And men at 30, 40, 50, etc... leave anyway, if only there was a reason! Either I wanted to be younger, or something else didn’t suit me. When I was 30 years old, I started having virtual crushes, but it all happened before my eyes, in the same company, so I was able to stop it all! You know how, I just made all his friends fall in love with me! And he showed his love in all its glory! And he understood everything very quickly! And on my 25th wedding anniversary he said that I was the best... in every way! So know how to stand up for yourself!


My dear one began to cheat on me at 33 with a young woman (even as a child - she was 23). I cried, begged him to come to his senses - but no... He deceived her, said that he had abandoned her, I, naturally, believed. And then she pulled herself together, began to take care of herself and... found herself a lover 7 years younger. The husband walks on his hind legs - no matter how you say it, they feel it.

Let's discuss!

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 4 minutes


As it is sung in one song, well known to many: “The most important thing is the weather in the house...”, and this weather is created by a woman. The atmosphere of the house depends on her wisdom and cunning. And, if the husband left the family, then the woman herself is partly to blame. To prevent the head of the family from leaving the family, analyze your relationships in advance and do “work on mistakes” - maybe it’s not too late to save the marriage and peace in the family.

Read also:

After listening to many stories of husbands who left the family, we can identify 8 main reasons for this action:

  1. Loss of interest in a woman
    After several years of living together, the passion fades away, work and everyday life are sucked in. Family life becomes like Groundhog Day. We need to bring in something new, bright, causing a surge of positive emotions. For example, arrange a romantic dinner, buy tickets to a match of your husband’s favorite team, etc. Read also:
  2. Lack of sexual relations
    For men, sex is almost the top step in family relationships. A sexually satisfied man will never look to the left and will fulfill almost every whim of his wife. But sex life should be varied. Sex on a schedule is also not an option.
    As one man says: “A woman sees the manifestation of love in the material values ​​​​given to her, and a man sees it in the form of affection and love. I want to be loved. I want my wife to see me as a man, then sexual desire will always be there.” Read also:
  3. Material difficulties
    All men, sooner or later, face problems of a material nature: loss of a job, low salary, etc. And if the wife, at this difficult moment, instead of supporting him morally, encouraging him, saying that everything will work out, begins to “nag” her husband, then a quarrel is inevitable. As a result, the husband “gives up” on doing anything at all, the wife with redoubled force throws out her dissatisfaction on her husband and that’s it – the marriage is over. A wise wife, on the contrary, with the help of affection, warm words, and support will make sure that her husband has new ideas, new horizons and a higher level of income.
  4. Differences in Characters
    Different views on life, disrespect for each other, inability to restrain one’s emotions, unwillingness to give in, quarrels on everyday grounds (did not put the cup in its place, scattered socks, slurps at the table). Such seemingly trifles can serve as a reason for a grandiose and everyday scandal. And even the most loving husband will eventually get tired of constant scandals, quarrels and reproaches. Why not sit down and peacefully discuss what everyone is not happy with about each other. Do not hush up problems, but discuss them and come to a compromise. A woman needs to try to make her husband happy to return home, so that he is drawn not to friends, but to his family - this is the key to a strong marriage.
  5. Woman's appearance
    Some women in marriage stop taking care of themselves. They think I got married - now he won’t get away from me. A plump figure, gray hair, lack of makeup - this is unlikely to attract your husband to you. Remember how beautiful you were before marriage. Pull yourself together and get yourself in order. A husband will never leave a well-groomed, blooming woman who can make compromises and loves her husband.
  6. Family values
    A married woman should be able to find a common language with her husband's relatives. If your mother-in-law is on your side and becomes your ally, then you will already have 20% success in your married life. And if your relationship with your husband is already “hanging on by a thread,” and his mother is also “adding fuel to the fire,” then that’s it – the marriage is over. Learn to get along with your husband’s mother and his other relatives (brothers, sisters), then even if you have family disagreements, they will strive to reconcile you.
  7. Male leader
    Do not forget that at his core a man is a leader. If the wife does not want to make a concession to her husband on anything and constantly insists on her own, then the husband will either turn into a “rag” or simply a man will want to leave the family. Let him feel that he is a man, he is a winner, he is the head of the family. Do not forget that in a family the man is the head, and the woman is the neck, and where the neck turns, the head will rush there.
  8. Treason
    This is almost the very last reason on the main list. According to statistics, only 10% of married couples break up due to this reason. Although, if you look at the essence of the problem, betrayal does not just happen out of the blue; it is the result of dissatisfaction of one of the partners in family life.

Abandoned women often wonder why do men leave their families . Here is the story of one of them. From her story it is clear what mistakes she made and, perhaps, after analyzing the situation, she will still be able to regain her husband and father to her children.

Olga: My husband found someone else. He's been walking with her for two months now. He is going to rent an apartment with her and said that he is filing for divorce. He says that his mistress has nothing to do with it, that he was going to leave the family two years ago. I admit that I am guilty of many things: I sawed often, there was no harmony in sex. He doesn’t even want to go out with me – he’s ashamed. After giving birth, I gained a lot of weight and, with three children, I completely neglected myself and turned into a wimp. And he can afford to drink beer after work, sleep peacefully at night - he’s going to work! And I run half the night to a small child - I’m sitting at home! So, girls, appreciate what you have...

Getting married, still “on the shore” Discuss all fundamental issues with your future husband , what you can put up with and what you will never put up with.

And if we have already created a family out of love, then manage to maintain this relationship , adding warmth, trust and care to them.

What reasons do you know for a man leaving his family? We will be grateful for your opinion!

Valeria Protasova

Psychologist with more than three years of practical experience in social psychology and pedagogy. Psychology is my life, my work, my hobby and way of life. I write what I know about. I believe that human relationships are important in all areas of our lives.

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