Where a plot of land is registered for a third child. How to get a plot of land for a third child

A family in which a third child has appeared, by Russian standards, belongs to. Today in Russia there are already more than 3 million families that are recognized as having many children.

At the same time, their number increases annually by 120 thousand families. The main problem that almost every large family faces is cramped living conditions.

In 2012, the Government developed comprehensive measures to support large families.

Improving their living conditions was identified as a priority. From now on, families with three or more children have the right to receive it for free use.

According to the law adopted in 2012, not only those families into which a third child was born after the adoption of the law, but also those who acquired the status of large families before 2012 have the right to claim land.

Those. the legislation has retroactive force, unlike the law on maternity capital.

At the same time, only basic standards are determined at the federal level allocation of land to large families, while detailed conditions and regulations are determined at the municipal level. Therefore, at the regional level, land was not always issued in 2012, since not everyone had time to organize the work of authorized bodies and adopt all the necessary regulations by that time.

Children in a family can be either natural or adopted. Single-parent families also have the right to a plot.

It is worth considering that a gratuitous allotment is allocated to a family only once. This means that if a family has exercised its right to receive land for the third child, land will no longer be provided for the fourth.

Families are given ownership of a plot of 0.15 hectares.

The average plot size is 6-10 acres.

Initially, it is provided to them for a period of 10 years, and only after the construction of a house there, the family receives the right to transfer the plot into ownership free of charge.

Plots of 15 acres will most likely be located outside the city limits, since one of the objectives of the bill is the comprehensive development of rural areas.

For example, land is not provided in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but it is possible to obtain it in the region.

When creating standard conditions for obtaining land in the regions, the demographic situation, the availability of vacant plots and other parameters are taken into account. Thus, some regions require family residence on their territory for at least a year, others - three or five years.

Some subjects are ready to immediately transfer the land into common ownership of the family, without waiting for the construction of a house there.

Other Russian regions are not limited to allocating land for individual housing construction and are ready to provide land for private plots, livestock farming, and dacha construction.

Some are ready to give out plots even to large families who already own another plot.

Other regions provide land for individual housing construction only to those families that have been officially recognized as in need of improved housing conditions.

Therefore, to find out the regulations and rules for the provision of land in a particular region, you need to contact the municipal structures authorized for the distribution of land or look for the required regulatory document on the official website.

According to the law, the list of plots for individual housing construction is published in municipal publications, and is also provided at the request of citizens.

In some regions today there is a difficult situation with vacant plots. Therefore, the authorities simply allocate money to large families monetary compensation for a benefit that is inaccessible to them for objective reasons. But the recipients of the cash payment themselves talk about its disproportionately small size: the funds received will not be able to improve their living conditions or even purchase a small plot of land for gardening.

Conditions for obtaining a plot of land for a third child

To receive a land plot for the 3rd child, the family must meet a number of conditions.

Among them are the following requirements:

  • All family members must have Russian citizenship and have lived in the region for at least five years.
  • The age of three children should not be more than 18 years old at the time of filing the application (if one of the three children has already become an adult, the family will not be recognized as having many children).
  • Parents must be officially married and live together, but plots can be allocated to single-parent families. In this case, the parent from large family with whom the children actually live.
  • Family members should not own/own other plots for life (optional).
  • Children must be natural or adopted; those under guardianship are not included in the total number of children.

The plot can only be obtained once.

Required documents

To obtain a plot, a family must collect a set package of documents. These include the following:

  • personal documents for each family member: passports, birth/adoption certificates;
  • marriage certificate (this applies only to two-parent families);
  • /certificate of family composition (they can be obtained at the passport office at the place of registration);
  • a certificate from the guardianship authorities stating that the parents were not deprived of parental rights/the adoption was not cancelled;
  • certificate of the family having large status;
  • a certificate from a local person stating that the family has not previously exercised its right to free land.

Along with all the specified documents, you need to contact the municipal body authorized for the distribution of the allotment and write an application.

At the same time, the regions have the right to request additional documentation.

It is also worthwhile to dwell on obtaining a certificate for a large family, which will allow you not only to apply for a free plot, but also for other benefits. To obtain a certificate, you must contact the guardianship authorities or the social security service.

You must have with you a certificate of family composition (which confirms cohabitation with children in the same apartment/house), marriage certificate (if available), three birth certificates and parents’ passports.

Registration procedure

Let's look at the key stages that a large family needs to go through to obtain free land ownership.

Stage 1. Submitting an application

Land is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. To be placed on a waiting list, any family member can contact the social security department, the committee on land or property issues, the municipality or other government agency authorized to solve these problems.

Here an application for the allocation of land is written and all collected documents are attached confirming the family’s compliance with the criteria for receiving free plots.

Usually it takes no more than a month to check documents and place you in line.

If additional proceedings are necessary, it may take up to 2 months to review the application.

Stage 2: Queuing

After reviewing the application, a notification will be sent to the specified address. the decision taken indicating the case number (queuing or ).

Using the number indicated in the notice, applicants will be able to receive up-to-date information about their number in the queue and its progress. This can be done in person by contacting the municipality or electronically (if such a technical capability is available in the region).

Usually, at least a year passes from the moment of placement in the queue until the land is allocated. It all depends on the availability of vacant plots in the municipality.

Stage 3. Obtaining land

After the turn has come, the applicant will be able to receive documents for his land plot. In the future, he will need a cadastral passport for the plot.

To do this you need to perform a number of procedures:

  • conduct topographic survey;
  • coordinate all the nuances of the resulting topography with the architectural department;
    land surveying.

All of these procedures may take up to 3 months. It is worth noting that they are by no means cheap. Only for topographic survey you will have to pay 7,000 rubles. In many regions, all costs are borne by the regional budget.

Then all received documents are transferred to the local cadastral office to obtain a passport.

This will take about 20 more days.

Stage 4. Obtaining a certificate of ownership

Land can be allocated on two grounds:

  • under a lease agreement;
  • into common ownership.

In the first case, a lease agreement for land under individual housing construction is registered in Rosreestr for a period of 10 years. After building a house there and receiving a certificate of ownership for it, you can draw up documents for the site under construction.

When transferring land into ownership, you can immediately go to Rosreestr to legitimize your rights to the land with a title document (decision on the provision of a plot), passports and a passport.

When can a third child be denied a plot?

Local authorities may refuse an application received from a large family.

The most common reasons for granting a refusal to applicants are:

  • providing false (inaccurate) information;
  • non-compliance with the requirements for applicants;
  • absence of any mandatory document from the list;
  • The family had previously been allocated a plot of land free of charge.

So, negative decision the family will receive, in the event of a change of citizenship, the place of residence of one of its members; whether someone has a criminal record for crimes against minors; the child reaches the age of 18; separation of parents and children.

Is it possible to sell the received land?

Families often wonder whether they can sell the land they received from the state. The answer to this question depends on how the site is designed.

If it is transferred on a lease basis until the construction of a residential building there, then the family will not be the owner of the land until the construction is erected.

Consequently, any transactions with the plot, including its donation or purchase and sale transaction, are impossible.

Only after building a house on the site and registering it as ownership of the family the right to sell it appears.

If the plot is immediately transferred into common ownership, then there are no legislative prohibitions on the sale of land. The family can sell it at market conditions and use the proceeds at their own discretion.

But, according to reviews from large families, one should not be too deluded by the prospects of this transaction. As a rule, land for large families is not allocated in the best areas, far from civilization and infrastructure, and a lot of money will need to be spent on laying communications to them. In fact, such areas are unsuitable for living. Therefore, there are few people willing to purchase land.

Thus, Russian large families in Russia have a wide range of benefits, including the possibility of obtaining a plot for building a house or for other purposes free of charge.

The algorithm for obtaining land is determined at the regional level.

Despite the good intentions of the creators of the program to allocate plots to families with three or more children, in practice its implementation faces a number of difficulties. Thus, in some regions, huge queues for land have formed and the possibility of obtaining it for many families is assessed as illusory. In other regions, areas are allocated that are remote from infrastructure and communications, and recipients of such a gift from the state simply do not understand what to do with it.

Land for the third child: rules for obtaining, necessary documents, registration procedure.

Many parents are afraid to have a third child for obvious reasons. It’s difficult to feed two children these days, and if a new one appears, the situation can become simply critical. By the way, I recently read statistical survey data that indicated that large families are most afraid not of financial problems, but of problems with housing. And these are completely justified fears. Even if with help we manage to purchase a three-room apartment with a mortgage, it will be a bit cramped for a family with three children (that’s five people). What to do? In order to save people from the fear of having a third child, the state legislated the right of large families to receive a plot of land. Of course, there are quite a lot of clauses in the law, and I would like to tell you about them.

What does the average free site look like?

Let me note right away that you won’t be able to get very rich from a free plot of land. That is, the “received-sold” scheme will not work in this case. But I will talk about this a little later. So, a family with three children, after contacting the relevant authorities, can receive a land plot with an area of ​​0.15 hectares. It will not be possible to plant wheat here, but this is quite enough to build a house. There is also enough space for a small vegetable garden. Further, depending on the region, land is issued at a certain distance from the city limits. For example, in the Moscow region you cannot get a plot closer than 70 kilometers from the capital. This initiative is aimed at rural development, which, in principle, is not so bad.

And now, the most interesting part.

After completing all the documents, the land will be given to you not as your property, but as a lease for a period of 10 years. And for each year of rent you will pay 0.3 percent of the cost of the plot. Why is this being done? This is what I talked about at the beginning. So that families who receive a plot cannot immediately sell it. The land lease does not have to last the entire ten years. From the moment you receive the plot, you must begin to build your family nest on it. As soon as you build it and the house is put into operation, the land becomes yours without any rent. And then, if you want, you can sell it. In general, the faster you build a house, the less you will pay for land rent.

Who can't get land for their third child?

The state insures itself on all fronts, limiting the right to receive it to a certain group of large families. So, you will not be able to get land if one of your three children lives separately, that is, not with their parents. Further, land will be denied if you live in civil marriage, without official registration. If there is only one parent, then there is nothing to worry about. But if one of the parents is not a citizen of our country, or does not have a five-year registration at the place of residence, then you cannot count on the issuance of free land. If in your region you have already been given land free of charge, then you also don’t have to get in line. Regarding issuance maternity capital, then it does not in any way affect the possibility of receiving land for the third child. Yes, I forgot to say that all children must be under eighteen years of age, but land is given not only for newborns. That is, if, for example, you have three children who were 7, 10 and 13 years old at the time the law was signed, you are still entitled to land.

Rule of priority and difficulty in obtaining

How else can you “fly” with the earth? Exclusively due to one’s own carelessness or sluggishness. There is plenty of land in our country, but the federal initiative has regional roots, and each region itself determines how much land to allocate to large families. Distribution is on a first-come, first-served basis, so those who didn’t make it in time are late. If you submitted documents, but filled them out incorrectly, you are eliminated from the queue, automatically ending up at the end (if there is free land, of course). Therefore, be extremely careful!

Be prepared for the fact that in order to defend your rights to free land, you will have to pay both with your time and large sums (for large families). In particular, land registration can take up to 10 months, and the issue price can reach 20-30 thousand rubles. Surveying with topographical survey alone is 13 thousand. There are also quite a lot of other expenses for registration.

But there is one point.

As I already said, the federal idea of ​​issuing land is being consolidated at the regional level. And many regions, entering the situation of large families, take on the costs of paperwork partially or entirely. In many cases, you won't even have to wait in line. Check the relevant legislation in your region to clarify this point.

Registration procedure

First, stock up on the necessary documents. There aren't that many of them. First, you need to make a photocopy of your passport and a photocopy of all children’s birth certificates (not only the third, but also the others). Secondly, make a copy of documents confirming your five-year residence registration (for both parents). Thirdly, document with photocopies that the children are registered with you. Finally, fourthly, take a certificate from the Unified State Register, which will confirm the absence of freely issued land plots in the region. The cost of the certificate is 500 rubles, which must be multiplied by the number of family members, since certificates must be taken for everyone. Don't forget to check if your region requires additional documentary evidence from you.

After collecting the documents, fill out the appropriate application in the municipality, indicating the number of the site you need, and attach the documents. I repeat, everything is done very carefully and carefully so as not to leave the queue early due to carelessness.

The procedure for providing land plots at the birth of a third child

After the birth of the third child, the family in which he was born takes on the status of a large family. Since 2011, the so-called “Law on the Development of Housing Construction” came into force. This regulatory act legislated for large families the right to receive a land plot measuring 0.15 hectares.

Even before the adoption of the law, land plots were issued in the Ivanovo region in order to “test” all the nuances of the bill being prepared at that time. Subsequently, land plots for the third child began to be issued in Krasnodar region, Republic of Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk and Omsk regions. Currently, the law is being implemented on the territory of almost all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The adopted law on the development of housing construction is aimed at improving the living conditions of large families. It is important that this law has retroactive effect, unlike the legislation on maternity capital. That is, not only those families in which the third child was born after the adoption of the law, but also any large family that meets certain conditions can apply for a plot of land for a third child, namely:

  • the family has three or more children under 18 years of age;

    Children can be either natural or adopted. In addition, single-parent families can also apply for land for a third child.

  • parents and children are citizens of the Russian Federation, are legally married and live together at the place of registration (registration in the region where the family is applying for a plot of land - at least 5 years);
  • no land ownership has been registered for family members with the right of lifelong ownership or indefinite use;
You can receive a plot of land for a third child only once, that is, at the birth of subsequent children, land is no longer provided. A plot of land with development rights of up to 0.15 hectares in size is transferred to the family free of charge. Initially, the resulting plot is leased for 10 years. This was done to ensure that housing construction actually took place on the allocated lands. As soon as a house is completed on the allocated land plot, it will need to be handed over to a special state commission and after that the leasehold right will change to the right of full ownership.

An important point is also that the law establishes only general standard norms for the sale of land, and specific conditions are determined by the municipalities of the regions. Because of this, the start of the issuance of land plots for the third child in different regions did not coincide in time, sometimes with a delay of up to a year. After all, in each subject of the Russian Federation it was necessary to identify sites suitable for construction, organize the work of responsible local authorities, and so on.

Specific conditions in the regions are established depending on the demographic situation, the availability of free land, and may differ significantly from both standard standards and the conditions of other regions. So in some regions the period of residence in the region at the time of filing the application is 1 year, 3 years. In many subjects of the federation, a plot of land is immediately transferred to shared ownership by all family members. In several regions, a plot of land is provided not only for individual housing construction, but also for gardening, vegetable gardening or private farming, livestock farming, and summer cottage construction at the applicant’s choice. Sometimes it is allowed to have a plot of land previously acquired by the family.

According to the adopted law, a list of sites identified for the construction of houses for large families must be published in municipal periodicals, and also be provided upon request of citizens in municipal administrations (most often such a list is posted on stands with information for the population).

Documents for obtaining a plot of land for a third child

We immediately draw your attention once again to the fact that the adopted law transfers to municipalities in the regions the right to establish specific order provision of land for the third child. This also applies to the list necessary documents, which may differ in different areas. Below we provide a standard list of documents required to obtain land; You can obtain more accurate information from the administration of your municipality.

  • A photocopy of the passport of one of the parents of a large family;
  • Photocopies of children's birth certificates (if there are more than three children, then photocopies of the certificates of all children);
  • Photocopies of documents confirming that all children of a large family are registered at the permanent residence address of their parents;
  • Photocopies of documents confirming that the parents are registered and live at the place of registration (registration in the Russian Federation must be more than 5 years);
  • Certificate (certificate-notification) that all family members do not own land plots and there are no records about this in the Unified State Register;

Beginning of registration of a land plot for the third child

During the period of adoption of the law on the development of housing construction, many families were counting on receiving a plot of land directly within the city limits. Such an opportunity will most likely not be provided in most regions, because the second important goal of the adopted law is to increase the development of rural areas. It would be much more correct to call the law “On improving housing construction for large families in rural areas.” At the same time, it is possible to obtain land plots for the third child immediately outside the city limits. Therefore, it is important to determine exactly which piece of land is suitable for you and draw up an appropriate application.

The algorithm for obtaining a plot of land for a third child is as follows:

  1. You get acquainted with the list of lands allocated for the implementation of the law in your region and choose the most suitable option.

    It would be a good idea to first go and inspect the selected area in person.

  2. Contact the public reception office of your municipality (the list of available lands can also be found here).
  3. Fill out an application for a plot of land for your third child.
  4. Submit the completed application and all required documents to the responsible public reception employee.

Completion of registration of a land plot for the third child

After your documents are accepted for consideration, within one calendar month the responsible authorities verify the information you provided. If all the documents are in order and the information is true, then you will be sent a letter by mail notifying you that permission has been accepted to form your plot of land. Such permission means the beginning of the procedure for allocating a plot of land from the general land massif allocated for large families.

The first thing you need to do is make a topographical survey of the received land plot for the third child and draw up its diagram. This expensive procedure (its cost is about 7 thousand rubles) is still paid for by applicants themselves, although in the near future, perhaps, regional authorities will pay for it. The topography results will be ready within 2-4 weeks and another month is needed to approve the resulting scheme in the regional architecture.

Then, within a month, land surveying is done (also at the expense of the applicant, that is, at in this case- at the expense of a large family). A month later, with the survey results, you go to the regional Cadastral Chamber, register the land plot received for your third child for cadastral registration, and after 20 days you receive a cadastral passport.

If the plot is provided for rent, based on the cadastral passport, a lease agreement for the land plot is signed for a period of 10 years, which is registered with Rosreestr within another 20 days. As soon as you finish building a house, you can receive a certificate of ownership of it. This certificate will be the basis for the transfer of ownership of the land into your hands.

Algorithm for obtaining a plot of land for a third child

Thus, the entire algorithm for obtaining a free plot of land large family such:

  1. Selecting a site, filling out an application for its receipt, collecting and submitting documents to municipal authorities.
  2. Consideration of the application and obtaining permission to form the site.
  3. Topographical survey of the area, drawing up a topographical diagram and approving it in regional architecture.
  4. Land surveying
  5. Registration of the received land plot for cadastral registration, obtaining a cadastral passport.
  6. Based on the cadastral passport, signing a lease agreement for 10 years, entering data into Rosreestr (if the plot is leased).
  7. Construction of a house, inspection of the finished house by a state commission, obtaining a certificate of ownership of the house (if the plot is provided for rent).
  • Territory design algorithm
  • Stages of the site registration process
  • What does the provision say?
  • What documents are needed for registration?

Obtaining a plot of land for a third child - what do you need to know about this procedure? After the birth of the third child, the family receives the status of a large family. The adoption of the act “Law on the Development of Housing Construction” was a turning point in this problem. The act established at the legal level the possibility of a large family receiving a plot of land with dimensions equal to 0.15 hectares. At the moment, the provision has been adopted on the territory of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation and is regulated at the legislative level.

Before the presented act came into force, an experiment was conducted in the Ivanovo region to test such an innovation. After the experiment, plots began to be issued in the following regions Russian Federation:

  1. Omsk region.
  2. Republic of Tatarstan.
  3. In the Krasnodar region.
  4. Ulyanovsk region.

Territory design algorithm

The previously described procedure can be represented by a simple algorithm. It looks like this:

  1. Selecting a territory and submitting an application for registration.
  2. Collection of necessary documentation and submission to the relevant authorities.
  3. The submitted application is considered and a decision is made on the formation of the territory.
  4. Topographic survey and diagram production.
  5. Approval of the site plan in regional architecture.
  6. Stage of territory surveying.
  7. It is necessary to register, which requires visiting the cadastral office and obtaining a passport.
  8. Drawing up a rental agreement.
  9. Construction of a dwelling on the site and its inspection by a special commission.
  10. Obtaining a document that certifies the right to own land, but only if the territory is not leased.

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Stages of the site registration process

The third child allows you to receive the treasured territory, since according to the law the plot is assigned. However, they will give it after completing the registration procedure, which can be divided into 2 stages: the initial and final phase. This will allow designers not to get confused in the procedure and complete it as quickly as possible.

They don't always give land the way many would like. After the act came into force, most people wanted to get territory close to the city. Please note that this is not always possible and depends on the region. It is necessary to note another goal of such a project - to ensure the development of rural areas.

However, such facts do not exclude the possibility of obtaining territory within the city. It is necessary to decide which plot of land is required, which type is well suited, and then submit an application for its receipt.

The algorithm for applying to obtain territory is divided into the previously presented phases. First, it is recommended to find out about the territories provided in the desired region, choose the option you need, and then contact the public reception of your municipality. You can also view the list of free and provided territories here.

Next, you need to fill out the appropriate application for the provision of a site. The written application must be handed over to the receptionist. The previously listed documents are also transferred. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the selected site, go to it and check it in person. Such a measure will not be superfluous.

Documents will be accepted and reviewed within 1 month. The information provided is checked, and after a positive decision is made, a postal notification is sent that will allow the formation of the land. This is the initial stage of identifying the territory.

It is recommended to conduct a topographic survey and make a diagram. The results will be ready in a few weeks. It will take another 1 month, which is necessary for the approval of the created scheme. Then land surveying begins, which is carried out at the applicant’s expense. The results of the procedure should be submitted to the regional cadastral chamber, where the plot is registered. After 20 days, you will receive the appropriate passport for the territory.

When providing territory for lease, you must sign an agreement based on the cadastral passport. The lease term is 10 years. The act is registered in Rosreestr. The duration of this process is 20 days. After completing the construction of your home, you can receive the long-awaited certificate, which will indicate ownership.

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What does the provision say?

The introduced law aims to improve the living conditions of large families. The presented act has retroactive force, which allows the said fruit of lawmaking to be enjoyed not only by a family that added a third child after the adoption of the law, but also by those who were in the status of a large family before the implementation of the act. The following conditions must be met:

  1. Children can be not only natural, but also adopted.
  2. Single-member families can also receive land.
  3. The family has three or more children whose age does not exceed 18 years.
  4. The parents and the children themselves have citizenship of the Russian Federation, the marriage is formalized in accordance with the law, and the family lives together at a registered address. You must live in the region for at least 5 years.
  5. Family members do not have registered property in the form of a land plot with the right to use indefinitely or to own for life.

The land is leased for the third child. The duration of the contract is 10 years. This measure is of great importance, since the family really has to develop the plot for the third child. After completion of the construction of the dwelling, it is required to hand over the house to the jurisdiction of a special commission. After this procedure, the lease status changes, and the family receives full ownership of the land.

It is possible to receive a plot of land only 1 time. Families who will have further children after the third child do not receive another plot. The family has the right to own a plot whose area reaches 0.15 hectares. It is important to take into account that there is a right of development; this is regulated by several mechanisms.

The conditions of the regions depend on the number of territories that are free, the demographic situation of the region and other factors. Some entities provide territory not only for building a home, but also for running their own household, vegetable gardening, summer cottage construction or gardening. The applicant chooses it himself, which is quite convenient. In some cases, it is allowed to own a previously purchased plot.

In addition, the legislation only regulates general rules that allow the sale of a plot. The specific conditions that make it possible to obtain land are established by the regions, which subsequently led to discrepancies in the issuance of land over time. It was necessary to find territories suitable for construction and use and organize the work of the relevant authorities.