When they give an apartment to a large family. How to get an apartment for a large family

Let's say, hand on heart, not every large family needs this land. Someone understands that they will never be able to build a house and take a plot only for subsequent sale. By offering money right away, the state would save such people from running around with realtors, and some would be happy to build, but their family is offered plots either on the other side of the region, or in the form of swamps without a hint of communications, reports rg.ru.

Municipalities that sell goods to large families that are obviously inconvenient or unsuitable for use are also understandable. Where does the land come from, for example, in Korolev, where the entire region was once looking for a place for a kindergarten - and was not found?! It is not only the near Moscow region that suffers from a chronic lack of free territory. In remote Protvino, for example, 120 large families have been waiting for plots for several years...

By the way, not only in the Moscow region are familiar with this problem. "In St. Petersburg, Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrugs laws have been passed allowing for the replacement of extradition land plots monetary compensation. In the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, instead of a plot, a payment may be provided that can be spent on purchasing housing. In another 17 regions, the law stipulates the possibility of allocating plots to families with many children in neighboring regions,” Andrei Golubev, chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma Committee on Health, Labor and Social Policy, told RG. If similar laws were in force in the Moscow region, families from Protvino could receive plots in the neighboring Kaluga region - and they would be closer and better than the options that are offered to them now.

And there is such a bill in the regional parliament. But according to Golubev, work on it will take another year - that’s how much time is required to resolve existing controversial issues with experts and social activists. And there are many of them - take, for example, the question of the amount of future compensation in different municipalities. “Of course, the amount of payments should be adequate to the cadastral value of the land. But it is different in the Moscow region, and if you focus only on the cadastre, a family, for example, from Khimki will receive one amount, and from Lotoshino - another. But, by and large, these families They are no different from each other. Therefore, our task is to develop a fair mechanism for monetizing this measure of support for large families,” says the deputy.

Parliamentarians and representatives of public organizations were asked to work on the law, believing that citizens should have a worthy alternative. According to Andrei Golubev, the law may be adopted in 2018. By the way, it also provides for the right to provide plots in neighboring regions, and the opportunity to remove from queues those who have refused the proposed options three times. Now families can refuse land they are not happy with countless times.

Starting this year, large families in the Moscow region can receive payments for school uniform in the amount of 3 thousand rubles without providing receipts. Previously, the cost of uniforms for children from such families was reimbursed based on the fact of the purchase already made.

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  • How to get a social apartment instead of a plot of land
  • For what reasons may an apartment be refused?
  • Compensation options
  • The future of the social housing program

Large families may be given apartments instead of land. In accordance with the state program to support large families, they may be issued land plots. However, given that modern bureaucracy does not act in the interests of families, such plots were often issued in areas without infrastructure, where living is practically impossible. In addition, large families, as a rule, do not have the financial resources to build a house. It is in this regard that, in order to increase the level of well-being of families with three or more children, the government has taken an initiative according to which they have the right to refuse an allotment of land in favor of an apartment. This is agreed as an amendment to the law.

The main catch is that apartments for large families must be allocated at the expense of the municipality. However, not every municipality has sufficient financial and housing resources that could ensure the guaranteed receipt of apartments for everyone who is entitled to them. Therefore, if you want to get social housing, and not just a plot of land, you will have to go through all the circles of bureaucracy. However, this is a real chance to get housing for large families.

How to get a social apartment instead of a plot of land

The program to allocate land plots to families was more beneficial for the state than for the people themselves. After all, families that received land could no longer apply for other social housing. But was this method fair? The answer is definitely no. According to statistics, more than 70% of allotments were actually allocated in places unsuitable for habitation. And the fact that they were given specifically to families with three or more children only makes the situation worse.

The algorithm for obtaining an apartment instead of a land plot is simple:

  1. If you are in line for a plot of land, you first need to write a statement stating that you are applying for an apartment instead of a plot.
  2. Provide necessary documents: passport, birth certificates of children, marriage certificate.
  3. Please note that the application should be processed no more than 30 days. On the appointed date, appear before the executive committee, who will inform you of the decision. Please note that it can be both positive and negative. Further, if the relevant authorities are on your side, the family will automatically be put on a waiting list for housing.
  4. If your application was refused, try to get a clear justified reason, executed and certified in paper form.

Failures are a fairly common occurrence in such a system. If you think that the court's decision was unlawful, then you need to file an appeal.

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For what reasons may an apartment be refused?

There are a number of reasons why people are most often denied social housing. Of course, these are not all possible reasons for refusal, but the most popular are the following:

  1. The family is not low-income, or the living conditions have been deliberately deteriorated. If documents for housing confirm that parents and children live in abundance, or the authorized committee notes deliberate actions to worsen the quality of their own life, housing will be rightly denied. This reason for refusal is completely legitimate, and it is difficult to challenge it.
  2. If a particular family has lived in the region where the application is being submitted for less than 5 years.
  3. If at least one relative is not a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. If parents are deprived of parental rights to their children or limited in them.

First of all, naturally, housing is given to those families who are listed as in dire need.

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Compensation options

If the family was not denied an apartment and is in line for housing large families, she may demand monetary compensation for the plot or apartment. Despite the fact that this practice is not regulated by law, such statements are still considered at the legislative level. The problem is that in case of refusal, such a statement cannot be challenged; such legislative mechanisms for this do not exist today.

However, this is a profitable move on the part of the municipality. Thus, they shift responsibility for the living conditions in which minor children were placed. In addition, municipalities' housing funds tend to be much smaller than their cash holdings. However, there have been precedents when people were turned away only because the municipality fund did not have enough money.

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The future of the social housing program

It is difficult to find a loophole to get an apartment instead of a plot of land. Often the state does not take care of how to get an apartment for a large family; citizens themselves must think about this. This is partly due to the fact that there are many people who want housing and benefits that can be used to obtain housing, but there is little housing itself.

So, the sooner a person in need of housing draws up the necessary documents and begins to act to realize his interests, the more chances he has to wait for the housing required by law.

Tidbits are passing by

Today in the city over 25 thousand families are waiting for free plots from the state (St. Petersburg law of January 1, 2012 - Ed.). The congestion in Smolny is explained by the fact that it is very difficult to find free “spots” suitable for the construction of housing and dachas within the metropolis. In the Northern capital there is also a targeted program for the allocation of plots, but its scale is minimal. In the Kolpinsky district, for example, 13 plots were found, in Petrodvortsovo - 30. True, a number of deputies claim that there is an abundance of suitable areas. According to some estimates, up to 17 thousand hectares, six times more than is required for large families. They are in Primorsky, Kurortny, Vyborgsky, Petrodvortsovy, Pushkinsky districts... However, officials are specially holding back the tidbits so that in the future they can be used for investment projects and transferred to commercial structures.

The Leningrad region promised to help, but the search is going slowly. Last year, for example, only 200 hectares in the Lomonosov district were transferred to the city. In general, a little more than a thousand people receive scarce lands per year. Moreover, units of society with five or more offspring, or there are disabled children, have the right to support in the first place. If things went on like this, people would wait 20 years for land! Therefore, the idea arose to take the path of monetization and, instead of hundreds, fork out for monetary compensation. The initiative was also approved by Georgy Poltavchenko, who instructed to create working group on project preparation.

“On average, one seventh of a hectare is now provided, this is equivalent to 277 thousand rubles,” confirmed Elena Kiseleva, Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Policy and Health. - With this money you can actually buy 15 acres. Moreover, they can be spent in any region of Russia.”

House in Crimea?

“In Crimea! I've already watched it! - rejoices Yulia Baykova, mother of many children. - There, within five kilometers from the sea, in some village, you can buy such a plot. Our long-term dream would come true.”

The amount is not so meager; other parents support Yulia. Plots for this money are now freely offered in the Pskov and Novgorod regions. You can look for something suitable in the neighboring 47th region. There inexpensive options there are even in cottage villages. Moreover, legislators want to increase the land certificate by supplementing it with maternity capital, which is another 475 thousand rubles for the current year. Another advantage is that families will not be deregistered if one of the children reaches adulthood during this time.

But not everything is so rosy. It is one thing to receive land, and quite another to put a house on it. To do this, you need to connect communications, electricity, water, dig drainage ditches, pay for construction work, and this is millions. We also take into account off-road conditions and poor transport. For families with many children, who often barely make ends meet, such expenses are unaffordable. Statistics confirm: a plot of 12 acres in the same Lomonosovsky district costs 500 thousand rubles, and its engineering preparation costs about 3 million.

“Of course, this is not enough. We would like to give two or three million, but everything is measured by the budget’s capabilities,” he frankly admitted Vyacheslav Makarov, Chairman of the city Legislative Assembly. “Nevertheless, if on one side of the scale there is a real opportunity to buy land, and on the other there is the prospect of standing in line for decades, I am sure that many St. Petersburg residents will prefer the first. People should have a choice."

It is no secret that large families, more than others, need state support. For families with three or more children in St. Petersburg, a number of benefits are provided in the medical, social and tax spheres. Since 2011, they have been offered another type of federal assistance - free receipt of land plots for housing and dacha construction. But in practice, implementing the benefit turned out to be difficult. Amendments and additions were made to the law, which resulted in "Land Certificate".

Since 2013, due to the lack of free land within the city, beneficiaries have been allocated a plot of land in the Leningrad region. The process of cutting is progressing slowly: out of more than 20 thousand people on the waiting list, only a thousand receive free plots each year.

On March 1, 2015, the implementation of the law was transferred to the regional authorities. Local authorities have developed a new document - Certificate "Land capital in St. Petersburg". The certificate provides for obtaining land only for dacha construction; land can be allocated not only in the city, but also in the region.

However, the situation with the queue of beneficiaries has not changed, and at the initiative of Legislative Assembly deputies, amendments were again made to the law in July 2016.

Since 2016, families who have not waited their turn to receive a plot from the state can purchase it independently wherever they see fit (even in another region of Russia). At the same time, they receive compensation for the expenses incurred in a fixed amount from the budget of St. Petersburg. Last year the compensation was 300 thousand rubles., after indexing in 2017 reached 323,100 rubles.

On the one hand, the changes can significantly reduce the number of waiting lists for plots - many large families will gladly take advantage of the opportunity to buy a plot where it is convenient for them. However, St. Petersburg residents are not yet in a hurry to take advantage of the benefit, probably due to low awareness, or in anticipation of expanding the capabilities of the Certificate. This article contains information for you on the conditions, procedure for obtaining and using land capital. We hope it will help you decide whether this measure of government support is convenient for your family.

Who is the certificate provided to?

    • Families raising three or more children under the age of majority.
    • Parents and children must be citizens of the Russian Federation and have a residence permit in St. Petersburg.
    • The family must be registered as needing a plot for summer cottage construction. If she was previously in line for a plot for individual housing construction, she needs to be deregistered and submit an application for a plot for dacha construction.

Where and with what documents to apply

To obtain a Certificate, apply to the MFC closest to your place of residence. Take with you a package of documents:

  1. passport (or identity card during the period of passport replacement) of each parent
  2. children's birth certificates (or passports, if already received)
  3. certificate of a large family
  4. documents confirming registration - passport or F9 certificate, court decision to establish place of residence in St. Petersburg
  5. marriage certificate, if the family is complete
  6. Parents who have adopted children must take documents on adoption and a certificate from the guardianship department about the absence of cancellation of adoption in relation to children

An MFC employee will issue an application form, it must be filled out, and after receiving the documents - a receipt for acceptance and registration of the application. The relevant authorities will review the application within 20 working days, after which they will approve (or refuse) the issuance of the Certificate. After receiving it in hand, the owner is deregistered as needing the plot within three days.
Main reasons for refusal
A person with many children may be denied a Certificate for a plot for dacha construction if one of the family members changes citizenship, if false information is provided, or if the family moves to a permanent place of residence in another region of the country.

Site requirements

You can purchase a plot of land in any subject of the Russian Federation. The family is not limited in its area either. The cost of land can also be anything, the main thing is that you have enough of your own funds to purchase it. Very important condition: the site must belong to the category of land permitted for use and is intended for gardening, vegetable gardening or summer cottage construction. A certificate is not issued for the acquisition of land for individual housing construction and private plots.
It will not be possible to verify whether a site belongs to one or another category of permitted use by obtaining information from the Unified State Register. These data are indicated either in the certificate of ownership or in the cadastral passport.
When and how to buy a plot
It is better to look for a suitable plot in parallel with the consideration of the application submitted to the MFC, but there is no need to rush into the acquisition. If you purchase a plot before receiving the Certificate, you will not receive compensation. It is allowed to purchase land from close relatives, but not from spouses.

Upon receipt of the Certificate, the purchase and sale process begins.

First stage– drawing up an agreement between the parties to the transaction, taking into account some nuances.

  • The agreement can be drawn up independently in simple written form if the owner (seller) is one person.
  • The agreement must be drawn up by a notary if the plot is in common shared ownership.c
  • If there is a house on the site (titled and registered), it is necessary to draw up a separate contract for the purchase of the house and a separate contract for the land. Remember: The certificate is issued only for land!
  • The amount under the contract is not limited - it can be any. Please note that if the amount exceeds (or is equal to) the face value of the Certificate, you will receive compensation in full (in 2017 - 323,100 rubles). If the contract specifies a smaller amount, then the compensation will be less (equal to the transaction amount). The unused portion of the Certificate’s face value “burns.”

Next stage– signing of the transaction agreement by the parties and transfer of funds. The signed agreement along with other documents (list below) is submitted to Rosreestr for registration. This can be done at the Rosreestr branch or at any multifunctional center, regardless of the location of the site. The state duty is paid in advance - 350 rubles. (if only the plot is registered).
An MFC employee accepts a package of documents against receipt:

  1. application for transfer of ownership and its registration;
  2. purchase and sale agreement (3 copies);
  3. passports of the parties to the contract (or legal representatives);
  4. consent of the seller’s spouse, if the plot was purchased during marriage, notarized;
  5. certificate of ownership (or other documents) for the site;
  6. act of acceptance and transfer;
  7. Sometimes confirmation of the payments made is required (a receipt or an indication in the agreement for receiving funds).

Registration is carried out within 7 working days if the documents are submitted to Rosreestr, and 10 days - if you contact the MFC (by law). In fact, in St. Petersburg the period can extend to 20 working days.
As soon as registration is confirmed, the buyer receives an extract from the Unified State Register in Rosreestr or the MFC. All that remains is to apply for reimbursement of expenses using the Certificate.

All originals are pre-collected:

  1. extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  2. Certificate;
  3. land purchase and sale agreement;
  4. passport;
  5. receipt from the seller confirming receipt of funds.

The specified package is accompanied by details of a bank account or card account issued by the bank, certified by a seal and signature. Waiting for a decision on issuing compensation – 10 working days; It takes another 18 working days to send it to the settlement center and transfer funds to the account.

Features of the Certificate

This document is personal, that is, issued in the name of one person. It was this person who had to be registered as in need of state assistance.
Until the Certificate is issued, its denomination is indexed (that is, the amount of land capital increases annually). Once the document is in your hands, indexing is no longer carried out. You have the right to count only on the amount of compensation that is established by law at the time you apply for help (not at the time you actually receive the document).
The certificate is issued only once in a lifetime.
The state gives 3 years to purchase a plot using land capital funds. After this period, the funds “burn out.”
Only one plot can be purchased with land capital funds.

Some important points

Although land capital is intended to help St. Petersburg families solve their land problem, in practice you may encounter a number of difficulties. Firstly, it is very difficult to find a suitable plot for 300 thousand rubles close to the city. You may have to travel tens or even hundreds of kilometers to your dacha if you do not have the funds to buy more expensive land.
There is no provision yet for combining regional and federal Maternal capital with land. Matkapital funds can be used for the construction of a residential building (IZHS), but not for dacha construction. And the land capital is only for a plot for a dacha. Converting land for a dacha into the individual housing construction category is a complex and expensive process, and not everyone can do it.
On the other hand, a family that receives free land in turn risks becoming the owner of “untilled virgin land” without roads and communications, for which taxes and fees must be paid annually. The plot purchased using the Certificate funds will most likely be located on long-developed land, where you can immediately build and live.
The acquired plot can be sold - at least to date, the regional government has not established restrictions in this matter.