What's new about large families. Child care allowance. Solving housing and land issues.

To talk about what benefits are provided large families in 2017, you must first find out which family can be called a large family.

It is generally accepted that the status of a family with many children is given to that “unit of society” in which three children grow up, including not only relatives, but also adopted ones. In reality, the situation is a little different: each region of the country has its own criteria for large families, that is, each region has its own definition of large families. In some republics, for example, you can obtain declared status only if you have four or more children. So, only regional authorities in the place of residence of the family can answer the question “how many children should there be for a family to be considered large in 2017.”

It is worth remembering that the long-awaited status depends not only on the number of children, but also on their age. Thus, a family loses the right to benefits if the eldest child turns 18 years old. True, you can contact the social support authorities with a statement that the child is a full-time student of a secondary school or university on a budgetary basis, therefore he cannot provide financial support to the family, while permanently living with the rest of the family members. In this case, the status remains until the eldest child reaches the age of 23.

Benefits for large families 2017

Each subject of the Russian Federation has the right to independently determine the list and procedure for providing benefits and allowances for families with children. Such benefits are included in the budget of the federal subject in advance. However, there is also a federal, that is, national level of support for large families. And we will look at these benefits in a little more detail.

Federal benefits

Fringe benefits

As you can see, federal legislation provides quite a lot of benefits for large families. However, apart from social benefits There are also a number of labor plans that provide additional leave, early retirement, the possibility of specialized training for the purpose of advanced training, and some other benefits. All of them are reflected in Labor Code and other regulations.

The latest population census showed that in the Russian Federation there are more than a million large “cells of society”. Fortunately, this number is constantly increasing from year to year, and the state is trying to support parents who decide to have three or more children.

However, due to constant changes and additions to various legislative acts, not everyone understands what benefits a large family is entitled to in 2017.

It is important to understand that benefits, material payments and other assistance will be available only after receiving an official certificate of large families.

Currently (2016) in Russian Federation A large family is a family in which parents are raising three or more children. How big is this number? Until 1917, three children in seven nobles and merchants was considered a kind of norm.

There were even more children in peasant houses. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the status of “large family” was assigned to a family that raised at least five children.

It would be logical to assume that the very concept of “large families” should be defined in the Family Code of 2016, but there is still a legislative gap.

But there is a presidential act on measures to help large families, which transfers the rights and responsibilities to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation:

  • determine which families should be considered large, and the regions should be based on demographics, economics, as well as national and cultural characteristics (the authorities of the constituent entities set ahead of time, at the end of 2016, how much money should be spent on helping large families in 2017);
  • provide such families with the opportunity to receive financial assistance, including benefits, allowances and various payments (including regional preferences).

It should be understood that even after the birth of a third child, parents will not automatically receive the status of having many children. There are certain features of obtaining such a “title” and signs of having many children:

  1. The age of the child is the main factor. The status of having many children is revoked from those families in which the eldest offspring celebrated his 18th birthday. But if parents provide documents and evidence confirming that the child is a full-time student, payments will continue until the age of 23.
  2. An important step in confirming official status is obtaining a certificate (certificate). To apply for it, parents need to contact the Social Security Administration at their place of residence, having first collected necessary documents and writing a statement.
  3. The “title” of a parent with many children can be presented to both spouses who are married, mother or single father or one parent who is raising children (if the spouses have broken off official relations).
  4. If a family moves to a permanent place of residence in another region of the Russian Federation, the parents will need to re-register the status of large families, since it is possible that regional legislation imposes slightly different requirements for large families.
  5. Upon receipt of a certificate and assignment of the status of having many children in 2016-2017. Social protection authorities will not take into account the child(ren):
    • if the father and/or mother were deprived of his parental rights or had them significantly limited;
    • who was transferred to the care of completely different people due to the fact that his father and mother began to evade his upbringing;
    • who is under the full care and support of the state (for example, brought up in a boarding school).

To obtain the status of having many children, you must also indicate a child from a previous marriage if you are raising him together with other children. For example, after a divorce, a child remains with his mother, stepfather and stepbrothers/sisters.

How to register the status of a large family in 2016-2017?

If the legislative acts of your constituent entity of the Russian Federation allow you to count on receiving the status of a large family, you need to apply for and receive a special certificate.

It confirms your claims for payments, benefits and other financial assistance.

For example, the presentation of a certificate will serve as the basis for accelerated advancement in the queue to improve living conditions.

To obtain a document, one of the parents (guardians) needs to contact the local social security authorities. If the spouses are divorced, the parent who is raising the children applies for a certificate.

A big plus is that paperwork does not require payment of state fees!

So, to obtain a certificate in 2016-2017, you need to present the following documents to the local Social Security Administration:

  • a statement in which one of the parents states a request to give the family a document confirming the status of having many children (the paper is written in a certain form, which will be prompted by social protection specialists);
  • ID cards of both spouses;
  • photographs of spouses;
  • a paper confirming the conclusion of a marital relationship between spouses, or a certificate of their dissolution;
  • documents that indicate the place of residence of the children (usually this is data from house books);
  • for a child who is already 18 years old, you need to bring a certificate from the place of study;
  • If there are adopted children or teenagers in the family, it is necessary to provide the authorities with an appropriate court decision that confirms the fact of guardianship over them.

After submitting these certificates, applications and other documents, specialists from the Social Security Administration will issue you a certificate of a certain form. With it you can receive all benefits, payments and other material benefits that are officially provided for a large family.

Payments and other benefits for parents with many children in 2017 are divided into two types - those prescribed in federal legislation and those assigned by regional authorities.

Let us list the main preferences that are provided to parents after the birth of their third child.

Innovations in 2016-2017:

  1. Compensation payments for heating residential premises. If a large family lives in a house or apartment with no central heating, then the household must be returned the funds that were spent on firewood and coal. Of course, when purchasing firewood, you need to keep all receipts.
  2. After the birth of their third child, parents receive the right to preferential admission of their children to a preschool educational institution. The Large Family Card allows you to enter without waiting in line.
  3. In addition, in 2017, parents can demand the return of part of the payments for visiting kindergarten. For example, for the first children, parents receive a refund of 20% of the amount paid, for the second - half, for the third - about 70%.
  4. In 2016, it became possible to receive benefits for both natural children and adopted children. Sum monthly allowance usually does not exceed minimum sizes wages.
  5. Parents received the right to receive educational services on preferential terms. Retraining of adult household members occurs only taking into account the economic needs of a specific subject of the Russian Federation.

Regional benefits in 2017:

  1. Regional authorities can provide certain financial support for the purchase of any building materials if a large family plans to build a house.
  2. Local authorities have the right to partially exempt parents with many children from paying land tax or reduce the tax rate for an individual payer.
  3. Local authorities are constantly developing a variety of benefits for this category of citizens, which allow them to expand their living space and issue funds as one-time financial assistance.
  4. Local authorities have the right to issue compensation to a large family that rents housing while construction of a home is underway on an allocated plot of land.
  5. If parents with many children decide to open their own business, local authorities can allocate funds from the local treasury.

Unfortunately, not every family with three or more children knows what social support is available to parents with many children. And even those parents who are well aware of the privileges and benefits often face bureaucratic obstacles.

This is why it is extremely important to learn more about tax benefits for families with many children, the opportunity to receive benefits and payments, since any help will be most welcome.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers deal with any difficulties.

At first glance, current federal and regional legislation provides a lot of benefits for large families. However, a more detailed study of the issue shows: achieving real benefits for a large family in practice is not easy, and it is even more difficult to understand what benefits a family is entitled to in a particular region.

It's no secret that one of the most current problems a large family - financial. According to a sociological survey of large families, 79% of respondents require financial assistance, 13% did not give an answer, and only 7% answered “no” and “I don’t know.” The same survey revealed that 53% of respondents need legal information, which is provided in this article. After reading the article, you will find out what benefits, payments and other types of support a large family can count on in 2017. Before finding out what benefits you can count on, let’s determine

which family is considered large:

Federal legislation does not define a large family and in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for social support"large families" executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation establish this concept independently.

In general, a large family- having three or more children (including adopted children, stepdaughters and stepsons) under the age of 18 years.

What benefits and benefits are available to large families?

In each subject of the country, benefits for large families are assigned based on the list of benefits that are defined in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families.”

However, it allows regions to independently establish the concept of a large family and the final list of benefits and allowances provided. You can read more by opening the list below “Legislation on benefits for large families in the regions.”

  1. a discount of no less than 30 percent of the established fee for the use of heating, water, sewerage, gas and electricity, and for families living in houses that do not have central heating - from the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population in a given territories;
  2. free issuance of medications purchased according to doctor’s prescriptions for children under 6 years of age;
  3. free travel on intracity transport (tram, trolleybus, metro and city buses (except taxis), as well as on suburban and intradistrict buses for students of secondary schools;
  4. admission of children to preschool institutions first of all;
  5. free meals (breakfast and lunch) for general education and vocational students educational institutions at the expense of funds from universal education and deductions from their production activities and other extra-budgetary contributions;
  6. free provision in accordance with established standards school uniform or a replacement set of children’s clothing for attending school classes, as well as a sports uniform for the entire period of children’s education in a comprehensive school at the expense of universal education funds or other extra-budgetary funds;
  7. one day a month for free admission to museums, cultural and recreational parks, as well as exhibitions;
  8. necessary assistance to parents with many children who want to organize peasant (farm) households, small enterprises and other commercial structures, to ensure allocation for these purposes land plots, as well as provide benefits for the collection of land tax and rent in the form of full or partial exemption from tax on certain period or lowering tax rates;
  9. providing gratuitous financial assistance or interest-free loans to reimburse expenses for the development of peasant (farm) farming;
  10. provide for full or partial exemption from payment of registration fees from individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities;
  11. ensuring priority allocation of garden plots for large families (as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 N 250);
  12. assistance in providing large families with preferential loans, subsidies, interest-free loans for the purchase of building materials and housing construction;
  13. during development regional programs employment, take into account the need to employ parents with many children, the possibility of them working under flexible forms of work (part-time work, part-time work week, work from home, temporary work, etc.); ensure the organization of their training and retraining taking into account the needs of the regional economy.

In addition to the benefits and allowances that are established for large families in the regions, there are a number of privileges that families with three or more children can take advantage of. You can read about this below.

Land plots for large families (in-kind assistance)

In June 2011, the President of the Russian Federation signed amendments to the Housing Code, according to which large families have the right to receive free land plot both for agricultural needs and for residential construction. The sizes of land plots are established by regional legislation. More details about the procedure for providing land to large families can be found in our article Land plots for large families.

Allowance up to 3 years for the third child (large families)

In 2017, in a number of regions, benefits for the birth of a third and subsequent child continue to be paid. The payment is monthly until the child reaches three years of age.

Transport tax benefits for families with many children

In a number of regions of our country, large families who own a car are provided with transport tax benefits. This may be a complete tax exemption or partial. It is worth noting that the benefit is provided only if you personally contact the tax office with an application.

Early pension for mothers of many children (pension benefits)

A woman has the right to appointment of early labor pension(at 50 years old instead of 55), if he is raising 5 or more children and has at least 15 years of experience. If you have insurance experience in the far north (12 years) or equivalent regions (17 years), it is enough to raise two children. More details about this type of benefit for families with many children can be found in the article Early pension for mothers with many children.

Order and medal of the Order of "Parental Glory"

The order was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2008. If you have at least seven children in your family, you are likely a candidate for this top honor. Those awarded the Order of Parental Glory receive a payment of 100 thousand rubles.

Obtaining a certificate for a large family

Today, a certificate for a large family is issued not only in Moscow, but also in other regions of the country.

Good upbringing and provision of everything necessary for children in the family requires great responsibility and dedication from parents.

The needs of a child constantly increase as he grows up. To provide for their child, older family members spend more and more financial resources every year.

Moreover, for those raising one child, costs are several times lower than for parents with 3 or more children. To alleviate the plight, as well as to maintain and increase the birth rate of children in Russia, the state provides them with financial assistance.

What benefits are provided for this category of the population?

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Peculiarities of registration of this status in Moscow and the region

On the territory of the Russian Federation large family It is customary to consider parents who have given birth to and are raising 3 or more minor children.

This status is assigned on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families.” It states that consideration of the issue of assigning the status of a large family should local authorities.

In each region there is a definition of the concept of “large family” enshrined in law. It should be noted that local authorities have additionally adopted their own regulations aimed at supporting citizens with minor children. Therefore, it does not automatically make a family large. Those who have received official status in government bodies are entitled to benefits.

On the territory of the capital of the Russian Federation and in the region adjacent to it, the law “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow” was approved. It defines the provisions according to which the status is officially assigned to families with 3 or more children. They will have rights to benefits until the youngest child reaches 16 years of age or 18 years of age if he is in school.

But among them do not apply children:

  • those who are supported by the state;
  • whose parents are deprived of their rights to raise them.

However, there are children equated to those born by parents and adopted by law as stepsons and stepdaughters. Obtaining the status of a large family of seven is possible in the same way, both for both parents and for one with whom they live in the same living space.

Parents who can obtain the status of a large family can have a residence permit in Moscow or its region.

Legislative regulation

In addition to the above-mentioned laws in the Moscow region, there is also Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 29, 2010 No. 539-PP. Its content defines the procedure for issuing a certificate for a large family in the capital region of the Russian Federation. After receiving it, you can use the ones provided by the state.

Now let's talk in more detail about what opportunities exist for a large family to receive financial assistance in the Moscow region.

List of benefits and payments

Throughout 2017, in the Moscow region there is such list of benefits for large families:

In addition to monetary compensation, large families are also entitled to a number of other benefits, which will be discussed below.

Tax benefits

An important point is the availability of sufficient living space for all members of a large family. How do the authorities help such families solve this pressing issue?

Solving housing and land issues

Families that have received the status of large families and are registered in Moscow or the region and receive benefits for its purchase. Acquisition of housing with benefits is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis. If a large family with 5 or more children is registered before March 1, 2005, then they receive living space in the next order.

For those who do not want to wait their turn, the Moscow authorities can provide partial assistance in purchasing housing or improving its conditions at their own expense.

There are several options for providing benefits for this:

As you can see, you can solve the housing problem if you register.

Rules for registration of benefits and payments

To receive the benefits due to large families, you must contact to local authorities.

Cash benefits are paid by the district social protection departments at the place of family registration. Benefits for paying for utilities are provided after submitting an application and a package of documents to the RIC or HOA. In order for your child to receive free lunch at school, you must contact the administration of the educational institution.

All benefits and allowances must be submitted applications with a package of papers. Different documents may be required. It depends on the type of benefits that a large family wants to receive.

However, there is a list of basic ones provided everywhere. These include:

  • children's birth certificates;
  • parental passports;
  • school certificates;
  • received at the parents’ place of work;
  • for the unemployed, confirmation on paper from the employment service;
  • certificate confirming cohabitation children with the applicant.

The period for consideration of an application for benefits sent through the MFC is no more than 30 days. By contacting the social security authorities, a faster resolution of the issue is possible.

The benefits for this category of families are described in the following video:

The state's social policy has been aimed at improving the demographic situation for a whole decade. In this regard, the incentive program for large families is not curtailed even during a crisis, and payments maternity capital were extended by personal decree of the President. Large family in 2017: what changes have occurred in the area of ​​government support, read this article. There was no increase in payments or additional benefits, because there is a crisis in the country, but all the old privileges were preserved in full.

Maternity capital, what next?

As you know, maternity capital is paid not only for the second offspring, but also for each subsequent one. Therefore, for large families such a payment is extremely important. This program was supposed to be curtailed back in 2016, but by decree of the head of state it was extended until 2018. What will happen next is not yet known. But many officials propose canceling this payment, citing the fact that the budget will annually save from 450 to 500 billion rubles.

But for large families, the proposal of Belgorod parliamentarians, which is being actively discussed by legislators, will seem more interesting. They propose to pay large families (remember that in Russia a family with three or more children is considered large) one and a half million rubles one-time, but only for the birth of a third and subsequent children. You can spend this considerable amount:

  • for the purchase of housing;
  • car for mother;
  • children's education;
  • other important family needs.

Bye this project is being considered by the relevant commission, but there is still time. After all, the effect of maternity capital for the second child covers both 2017 and 2018.

System of incentive payments and benefits for large families in 2017

In 2017, benefits and financial payments are provided for large families. There were no changes or increases to them, but at least they were not frozen or suspended. The difference between financial payments and benefits is that payments are certain amounts of money received by guardians or parents on a one-time or monthly basis. And benefits are compensation by the state for part of the expenses or other non-material assistance.

Benefits and payments to large families in 2017:

  1. Preferential loan to improve housing conditions without a down payment.
  2. Permanent residence in one region (minimum 12 years) and work experience (minimum 10 years) of parents with many children allow them to receive a subsidy from the state, which compensates for 10% of the amount of purchased living space.
  3. A monthly free visit by all offspring of a large family to one cultural and entertainment establishment (museum, recreation park, exhibition, gallery, etc.). Parents or guardians travel with their children free of charge.
  4. Cash compensation 50% payment of housing and communal services tariffs.
  5. Free medicines are prescribed by a doctor for the illness of any minor (under 18 years old) offspring from a large family.
  6. For children from a large family, all sections and clubs that have the status of a preschool educational institution (additional educational institution) are free.
  7. Any child who has two or more sisters or brothers in a family has the right to a 50% discount on tuition for an extra-budgetary place at any university.
  8. Guardians or parents (mother and father) can take advantage of the required additional 5 days to the main leave at the place of work.
  9. Preferential travel on public municipal transport (tram, trolleybus, metro and bus). The type of benefit depends on the region of residence.
  10. The offspring of large families with more than two sisters or brothers are assigned to preschool educational institutions(nurseries and kindergartens) without observing the general queue.
  11. Benefit for the birth of the third and subsequent offspring (depending on the region).
  12. Payment for an increase in the price of the consumer basket. 600 rubles are issued per offspring (if there are up to 5 children in the family) and 750 rubles (if there are 5 or more).
  13. A fixed amount issued monthly to pay for mobile communications.
  14. 750 rubles monthly for one offspring up to 16 years old inclusive (up to 23 if studying at a university). This benefit applies to families with 10 or more children.
  15. 10,000 rubles towards the mother’s pension monthly (for a mother of 10 or more children).
  16. 10,000 rubles for Family Day and 15th Knowledge Day annually (for families with 10 or more children).
  17. Partial or full compensation transport tax(depends on the region).
  18. Land plots, subsidies and benefits for organizing and running a farm.
  19. Double tax deduction from official wages for the birth of a third child (a significant amount of wages is not subject to tax).

Such measures are aimed by the state at maintaining a decent life for large families and increasing the demographic situation in the state.

Benefits for family construction

One of the main problems for a large family in 2017, as before, is the availability of their own housing (a separate house). The state has foreseen this moment, and after the birth of the third offspring, allocates a plot of land outside the city intended for building a house. To receive it you will need to fulfill some conditions:

  1. This territory must certainly be located outside the city limits.
  2. The total area of ​​the plot does not exceed 1,500 square meters.
  3. Full legal ownership can only be obtained after the property has been built. Until this moment, the land is considered leased. This measure is used to eliminate scams related to the resale of land plots.
  4. The rent during construction is equal to 0.3% per annum of the assessed value of the received site. This measure can also stimulate speedy construction.
  5. The plot is given to parents whose marriage is officially registered and they are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  6. Large families that have already received land under any other state program do not have the right to apply for a plot issued after the birth of the third child.

Thanks to these benefits and payments, large families are not in distress even during an economic crisis.