What a young family is entitled to for their first child. On the procedure for assigning payment of an additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child to young families

This support measure is addressed to young families. Young family in in this case is considered a registered union of spouses-citizens Russian Federation, each of whom was under 30 years of age at the time of the child’s birth. If the family is incomplete, then the only parent should also not have reached the age of thirty at the time of the birth of the baby. In addition, both parents must have permanent registration in Moscow. Temporary registration is not a basis for receiving benefits. If one of the parents is registered outside of Moscow (regardless of citizenship), then the second must be registered together with the child in Moscow. A single mother who has permanent registration in the capital also has the right to this type help. In the baby’s birth certificate, there must be a dash directly in the “father” column, or the entry of data about the father must be made from the words of the mother, which must be confirmed by the registry office.

Additional benefits are calculated regardless of how much income the family has, as well as whether it has received other federal and city payments. The right to this subsidy arises from the date of birth of the infant. Before you go to apply for benefits, do not forget to register your child at the registry office. By the way, it doesn’t matter whether he was born in the capital or another place. The fact is that a baby can be registered both at the place of birth and at the place of residence of one of the parents.

Attention, important information! You can apply for this payment before your child reaches 12 months of age. If the deadline is missed, then the chances of receiving funds are close to zero. This is only possible for good reasons:

  • serious illness of the applicant or child for a period of more than 6 months;
  • death or serious illness of a close relative;
  • Moreover, other reasons recognized by the court respectful.

Each reason, of course, requires documentary evidence.

Documents that will be needed when applying for an additional one-time benefit:

  • application (written at the place of application);
  • passports of both parents;
  • birth certificate of the child (the one for whom the benefit is issued);
  • if parents are registered in different localities, then you need to prove that the child is registered in Moscow by providing the appropriate document.

If the benefit is issued for the second, third and subsequent children, then birth certificates of all children are provided. If there are children from previous marriages or born out of wedlock, then you need a certificate from their place of residence. To take into account the husband's children, you need to provide a marriage certificate with the mother of the child for whom the benefit is issued.

After submitting all documents, employees of the Moscow Department of Social Protection check the information provided and, if necessary, make requests to medical and educational institutions. The decision on appointment is made within 10 days. In case of refusal, the decision is sent to the applicant in writing stating the reasons. The refusal can be appealed to the Department itself or to the courts.

As you can see, the process of obtaining this subsidy is not very simple, it requires a certain discipline, self-organization and time investment, but the work is worth it.

What is the size of Luzhkov's payments in 2017?

The amount of this benefit is calculated in accordance with. Compared to the first half of 2016, the amount of payment has changed, but only slightly. For the first child, the subsidy amount will be 5 subsistence minimums, or, which is the same, 86,500 rubles. If the baby is the second, then the amount increases to 7 subsistence minimums, and, in turn, this is 121,100 rubles. In the event of the birth of a third and subsequent child, a young family (or a young parent) receives an allowance in the amount of 10 subsistence minimums, equal to 173,000 rubles.

Only one is issued per child additional allowance. If two or more children are born at the same time, then the amount indicated above is paid for each of them. A separate subtlety is taking into account children born (adopted) before the birth of the child for whom the benefit is issued. This is done for correct definition sequence. If the mother has children from previous marriages or illegitimate (adopted), then they are taken into account when calculating the subsidy, but subject to living in this family. The spouse's children, as well as children adopted by him, are also taken into account, but they must live in the spouse's current family. In addition, the marriage of the spouses must be registered before the birth of the baby for whom the benefit is issued.

After all formalities have been completed, the funds are transferred to the applicant’s account. There are two enumeration options:

  • savings book of Sberbank of the Russian Federation;
  • Bank of Moscow account (“Moskvich card”).

It's no secret that the birth of a child brings not only great happiness to the family, but also additional expenses. As a rule, parents try to plan everything in advance and not miss anything, especially if they have their first child.

There are still a few months left before the birth, and especially responsible mothers and fathers are already making lists with all their might. necessary for the baby things, making repairs in the nursery, looking at cribs and strollers in stores, and so on.

Naturally, such pleasant chores should only evoke positive emotions, but only if you have the money to buy children’s goods and accessories that are now far from cheap. Even with the most economical approach, the required amount is several tens of thousands of rubles, which cannot but be frustrating.

The following items are considered mandatory for purchase:

  • winter, summer and demi-season strollers (the latter can be excluded if the first two are suitable for use, for example, in cool spring and rainy autumn);
  • a comfortable crib that promotes restful sleep in comfortable conditions;
  • special children's mattress (preferably orthopedic);
  • a car cradle, if you have a car and plan to at least occasionally carry your baby in it;
  • winter clothes. Nowadays, various overalls are very popular. They are especially relevant if the child was born in the cold season;
  • a large number of small items for everyday use, ranging from pacifiers to various devices for creating a comfortable and practical environment in the children's room, kitchen, etc.;
  • necessary things for mothers, for example, a postpartum bandage or cream for smoothing out wrinkles.

This is where the state can come to the rescue. The so-called “Luzhkov” payments at the birth of a child are a cash benefit that is paid to the parents of the baby in a lump sum.

Naturally, due to the collapse of the Russian economy, as well as rising prices for food and consumer goods, such payments cannot be called large. But nevertheless, they can provide some support to families with small children and cover at least part of the necessary expenses.

How and where to receive benefits in 2018?

Just as now, in 2018 there will be two options for receiving benefits for the birth of a child.

First option: registration and accrual of financial assistance by working parents must be made no later than six months after the birth of the baby. This is due to the fact that the certificate issued at the maternity hospital has legal force for only six months.

Most likely, such strict deadlines are set in order to further encourage new fathers and mothers to fill out documents for receiving cash benefits as soon as possible, which will allow the relevant government bodies and employers to have positive statistics, as well as to keep accounting records correctly.

Second option: if the parents did not have official employment before the birth of the child, then they can contact the social security authorities. It should be noted that in 2018, the amount of “Luzhkov” payments will not be tied to any specific salary received or not received by parents. As, however, this is done now, and was established earlier.

The accrual and payment of funds rests entirely with the state, and not with the employer. Therefore, there is practically no difference between the first and second options for parents and their child, except for the addressee for submitting documents.

Amount of financial assistance for the birth of a child in 2018

This is probably the most important question that begins to interest many pregnant mothers, as well as future fathers, long before the significant event. After all, family budget planning often depends on the answer received, both during the preparatory period and immediately after childbirth.

The Russian government promises to increase the amount to 16,350 rubles in 2018.

The amount of payments is set before the beginning of the reporting year and does not change until its end. The size of the benefit depends on the current capabilities of the Russian budget, but the figure cannot be less than last year.

In addition, you need to know that financial assistance is accrued for each future member of society, so the lucky owners of twins or triplets have the right to count on double or triple its amount, respectively.

What documents does an employer need?

In order to correctly and timely accrue Luzhkov payments in 2018, the employer must provide a certain package of documents. As a rule, they can be quickly assembled without special labor. It includes:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate issued at the maternity hospital (do not forget that in six months its validity expires);
  • a statement personally written and signed by the employee;
  • a certificate issued by the human resources department at the place of work of the second parent (if there is one officially), which states that similar accruals were not made there.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. The personal presence of the young mother is not required when submitting the application. It can be drawn up and signed in the comfort of your home. Then you can simply hand over the paper to the employer, or he will pick it up himself at a pre-agreed time.

But mommy will have to come to the social security department herself. Naturally, this is a big minus, but these are the rules. There is a positive aspect though. If before giving birth the mother did not work anywhere, it means that she did not receive maternity payments according to sick leave. Therefore, she can claim their compensation, which will also be a good help for the young family.

By the way, the accruals are made by social insurance, not by the employer. But they are calculated taking into account the employee’s salary for the last two years.

In accordance with Article 14 of the Moscow City Law of January 28, 2004 N 4 “On Youth”, in order to social support young families and improving the demographic situation in the city decides:

1. Establish an additional one-time benefit for young families for children born on January 1, 2004 and later.

2. Approve the Procedure for appointing and paying additional lump sum benefit in connection with the birth of a child for young families in accordance with Appendix 1.

3. Approve the sample Referral to the district office social protection of the population of Moscow at their place of residence for the appointment of an additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child (hereinafter referred to as the Referral) in accordance with Appendix 2.

9. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow, L.I. Shvetsova.

Mayor of Moscow

Yu.M. Luzhkov

Appendix 1

to the Government resolution



The procedure regulates the conditions for the appointment and payment of an additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, established by paragraph 4 of Article 14 of the Moscow City Law of January 28, 2004 N 4 “On Youth” (hereinafter referred to as the additional one-time benefit).

The circle of persons entitled to additional

lump sum allowance

1. Residents of the city of Moscow (young families, young citizens) - citizens of the Russian Federation, if both parents have not reached the age of 30, have the right to receive an additional one-time benefit. These include:

Parents (adoptive parents), both having a place of residence in Moscow;

Parents (adoptive parents), if one of them has a place of residence in the city of Moscow together with the child for whom an additional lump sum benefit is assigned, and the other - outside the city of Moscow (regardless of his citizenship);

A single mother (an unmarried woman whose child’s birth certificate does not contain an entry about the father or such an entry was made at her direction - with the appropriate certificate from the registry office), who has a place of residence in the city of Moscow.

Conditions for assigning additional

lump sum benefit

1. The availability of the right to an additional lump sum benefit (age, citizenship and place of residence of the parents) is determined as of the date of birth of the child.

2. An additional one-time allowance for guardians is assigned if the child’s parents are among the citizens entitled to it, listed in clause 1 of this Procedure.

3. An additional lump sum benefit is not assigned:

For stillborn children;

For children who are fully supported by the state;

Citizens deprived of parental rights (or limited in parental rights on the basis of a court decision) in relation to a child for whom an additional lump sum benefit is assigned;

To parents for children placed under the guardianship of other persons or adopted by other persons (in this case, an additional lump sum benefit is assigned and paid to the guardian or adoptive parent);

Mothers serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, for children who are with them;

Citizens who moved with their children for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation.

4. An additional one-time benefit is assigned regardless of the fact that the parents work and the family income, as well as the accrual of other types of benefits and city compensation payments to the family, incl. lump sum payments at the birth of children.

Deadline for applying for additional appointment

lump sum benefit

1. Young families (young citizens) entitled to an additional one-time benefit may apply for its appointment to the district department of social protection of the population at their place of residence within one year from the date of birth of the child.

2. In certain exceptional cases, when citizens apply after one year from the date of birth of the child and there are valid reasons for missing the application deadline, the issue of paying an additional one-time benefit in each specific case may be considered on the basis of documents submitted by the applicants confirming a valid reason for missing the application deadline .

Amount of additional lump sum benefit.

Determining the birth order of a child

1. The amount of the additional one-time benefit depends on the order of birth of a child in a young family (young citizen) and is:

At the birth of the first child - five times the amount living wage, established per capita;

At the birth of a second child - seven times the subsistence minimum established per capita;

At the birth of the third child and subsequent children - ten times the subsistence minimum established per capita.

2. When determining the amount of an additional one-time benefit, the minimum subsistence level established per capita, valid on the date of birth of the child (regardless of the period for which it was established), is taken into account.

3. When two, three or more children are born at the same time, an additional lump sum benefit is paid in the amounts established respectively for the birth of the first, second, third and subsequent children.

4. When determining the order of birth of a child in a family, children previously born (adopted) by this mother are taken into account, including her children from previous marriages and those born (adopted) by her out of wedlock, provided that they live in this family. The husband's children and children adopted by him are taken into account when assigning an additional lump sum benefit in the event that before the birth of the child for whom it is assigned, the marriage of the spouses is registered, and the children are raised and live in this family.

5. Only one additional lump sum allowance can be issued per child.

Procedure for citizens to apply, appoint and pay

additional lump sum benefit.

Required documents

1. When registering a birth by the civil registry office of the city of Moscow, on the basis of documents presented by the applicants confirming the age and place of residence of the parents, a referral in the established form is issued to receive an additional one-time benefit. If this direction is lost, the civil registry office issues a duplicate.

2. If the birth was registered by the civil registry office outside Moscow (including outside the Russian Federation) or the parents’ referral was lost, then the decision to assign an additional lump sum benefit is made on a case-by-case basis. For children born on January 1, 2004 and later, whose birth was registered by the civil registry office before the adoption of this Procedure, an additional lump sum benefit is assigned without submitting a referral.

3. An additional one-time benefit is assigned and paid by the district department of social protection of the population of Moscow at the place of residence of one of the parents (adoptive parents, guardian).

4. A person who applies for an additional one-time benefit presents the passports of both parents, confirming their age and place of residence, and submits the following documents:

Application in writing for the appointment of additional benefits;

Birth certificate of the child for whom an additional lump sum benefit is assigned;

Referral from the civil registry office in the established form (clause 13 of this Procedure);


There appears to be a typo in the official text of the document: this refers to paragraph 1 of section.

For the persons provided for in clause 1 (second paragraph) of the Procedure - a certificate from the child’s place of residence.

Guardians additionally submit an extract from the decision of the local government authority to establish guardianship over the child. When assigning an additional lump-sum benefit for the second, third and subsequent children, in addition to the documents listed above, birth certificates of previous children, a certificate from their place of residence confirming their residence in this family, and to take into account the husband’s children (clause 4 of section “Amount of the additional lump-sum benefit”) benefits...") - a certificate of his marriage with the mother of the child for whom an additional lump sum benefit is assigned.

5. The decision to assign (or refuse to assign) an additional one-time benefit is made by the head of the district department of social protection of the population within 10 days (if an additional check is carried out - no later than 30 days) from the date of submission of the application with all necessary documents. In case of refusal to assign an additional lump sum benefit, the applicant is sent a reasoned decision and the documents attached to the application are returned.

6. Payment of an additional one-time benefit is carried out by transferring funds to the applicant’s personal account opened in branches of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation or OJSC Bank of Moscow.

7. An additional one-time benefit is paid from the budget of the city of Moscow.

Final provisions

1. District departments of social protection of the population have the right to conduct a random check of the accuracy of the information provided by the applicant about the composition of the family and the number of children living in it by:

Requesting additional documents confirming the actual residence of children;

Commission examination of the family at its place of residence.

2. Excessively paid amounts of an additional one-time benefit due to the abuse of citizens (submission of documents with deliberately incorrect information, concealment of data affecting the right to assign an additional one-time benefit, calculation of its amount) are reimbursed by citizens voluntarily or recovered from them in court.