What payments are due to unemployed pregnant women?

The state is pursuing a demographic policy aimed at increasing the birth rate in the country. The law on maternity capital is in force, programs for preferential lending to families with children and subsidizing interest rates on loans are being developed.

A woman who carries a baby under her heart also needs help from the state. She decided to have a child in a difficult economic situation. It’s good when a pregnant woman has a family that can provide moral and financial support. But the state should not remain on the sidelines. Are there benefits for pregnant women, what are they, what is a woman on maternity leave entitled to receive?

Who receives government support?

Payments are regulated Federal laws, regional legislative acts, and other regulatory documents.

To count on help from the state, a pregnant woman must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. For foreigners, payments are due only for official employment under temporary labor agreements.

Types of assistance

Benefit amounts vary in different regions. Federal programs determine the lower threshold of assistance; local authorities have the right to apply increasing coefficients and introduce other benefits.

Today, pregnant women receive the following types of assistance:

Maternity benefit

  • Officially working pregnant women who are subject to compulsory health insurance.
  • Women who are recognized as unemployed after the liquidation of the employer, registered with the Employment Center for a year. This category also includes pregnant women who were fired due to staff reductions or who lost their notary status.
  • Female students who study full-time at secondary vocational, higher educational and scientific institutions.
  • Individual entrepreneurs, officially registered and making contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.
  • Contract military personnel, customs officials working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in correctional colonies.

If a woman has no work experience, if she quit her last job of her own free will, maternity benefits are not paid.

This benefit is paid for 140 days (156 days if the birth is difficult and 194 days if multiple pregnancy) the woman is on maternity leave. Usually it is calculated 70 days before the vacation and 70 after it. Regardless of when the pregnant woman went on maternity leave, the benefit is calculated based on the allotted number of days.

In connection with the increase in the minimum wage, starting from July 1, 2017, the minimum payment to pregnant women will be 35,901.37 rubles. In the case when more than one child is being carried - 49,749.04 rubles, when there is a difficult birth - 40,004.38 rubles.

The benefit is paid subject to sick leave being provided no later than 6 months; after its end, only a woman can receive it. If she has not provided a certificate of incapacity for work, she will have to go to the Fund for money and prepare documents that explain the reasons for not providing sick leave on time.

In order to be able to independently calculate the amount of benefits for a working woman, there are special online calculators.

Vacation period (140-194 days)
Regional coefficient, % Less than 6 months experience
Average daily earnings
Total benefit amount:

Before using it, you need to collect the following information:

  • Sick leave period.
  • Salary of a woman in labor for billing period(today these are 2015 and 2016). It is allowed to change the billing period at the request of the woman, if it is beneficial for her. There is a limitation by year; you can only replace it with 2013, 2014.
  • Periods that are not taken into account.
  • Increasing coefficient, depending on the region of residence.

It happens that a woman’s maternity experience is less than 6 months; in this case, to calculate the benefit, the amount of the largest daily payment is calculated and compared with the daily minimum wage benefit. If the amount is less, it will be taken into account to determine the amount of payments; when the amount is greater, it is limited by the minimum wage.

The maximum amount of payments is also limited by the state. For the second half of 2017 it will be 266,191.80 rubles. In the case of complicated births - 296,613.72 rubles, for the birth of several children - 368,865.78 rubles.

Unemployed pregnant women who are paid benefits receive it through the authorities social protection. To do this, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Passport.
  • Certificate of incapacity for work.
  • Certificate of recognition of a woman as unemployed.
  • A copy of the work record book with a record of dismissal due to the liquidation of the enterprise (or staff reduction).

In the case when a pregnant woman serves under a contract, serves in the internal affairs department, the penal system, or customs authorities, the benefit is calculated based on the amount of monthly allowance in monetary terms.

Payments to female students are made through the cash desk of the educational institution, after submitting the necessary documents to the accounting department.

Benefit for women who registered in the early stages of pregnancy

When a woman registers with early dates pregnancy, she is paid a one-time payment of 613.14 rubles. The calculation is made on the basis of a certificate from the antenatal clinic and an application within 10 days after submission. Working women, the unemployed, those laid off due to the liquidation of an enterprise, and students can count on it.

Other payments

Local budgets may provide additional payments to pregnant women:

  • Pregnant women whose spouse is serving in the army can receive a one-time benefit.
  • Providing nutrition for pregnant women.
  • Additional monthly allowance for pregnant women registered up to 12 weeks.

In addition, each region has the right to increase the amount of payments for federal benefits. Thus, in the Novosibirsk and Sverdlovsk regions the regional coefficient is 1.2, in Moscow you can count on additional allowance for pregnancy and childbirth from 7 thousand rubles. up to 9.7 thousand rubles. depending on the complexity of the birth, registration in the early stages of pregnancy is 600 rubles.

For information on the availability of benefits, contact social services at your place of residence.

To do this, a package of documents is collected:

  • Passport.
  • Certificate from the antenatal clinic.
  • Statement.

Depending on the type of benefit, the list of documents may be expanded. For example, you will need a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office that the spouse is on emergency service, marriage certificate, etc.

Method of receiving benefits

Until July 2017, pregnant women received benefits at the cash desk of the employer’s enterprise, and then the Social Insurance Fund reimbursed him for these payments. Now benefits are paid directly from the Social Insurance Fund.

The “direct payments” scheme is designed to simplify the procedure for calculating and receiving assistance from the state. Payments will be made regardless of the financial condition of the employer and the availability of funds. The likelihood of errors and incorrect calculations of amounts due will be reduced.

In order for the fund social insurance could pay benefits, it is necessary to provide details for transferring funds, i.e. it will be impossible to receive funds through the company’s cash desk. Only to a card account or bank account.

The obligation to provide information to the Social Insurance Fund remains with the employer, so women in labor provide all certificates, as before, to the accounting department of the enterprise.

The Social Insurance Fund is contacted in the following cases:

  • When a woman is an individual entrepreneur.
  • If the mother's employer is at the stage of liquidation or bankruptcy.
  • Other categories eligible for payments.

This year, the indexation of benefits for pregnant women was carried out several times, the last time as of July 1, 2017, so you can count on their further increase. Although it is worth recognizing that it is impossible to prepare for the birth of a child using these funds.

Current policy targeted assistance from the state can lead to the fact that benefits will be paid only to low-income and large families.

You found out that you are expecting a child. Now you definitely need to familiarize yourself with your rights and the state's legal obligations to you. After all, many pregnant women do not know which services should be provided to them free of charge and which they must pay for themselves. First, you need to contact an antenatal clinic and register with them for pregnancy. If you manage to do this before twelve weeks, then together with the maternity benefit you will be accrued an allowance of 360 rubles, it is paid for early production for registration.

After registration, under the program of state guarantees for providing free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation, you will be provided with free health care, both outpatient and inpatient. To obtain it, you will need to have Russian citizenship and a compulsory health insurance policy.

The next thing you have the right to receive for free as a pregnant woman is vitamin complexes, medications prescribed to pregnant women with low levels of iron in the blood (that is, anemia) and vitamin E, folic acid, calcium and iodine supplements. All antenatal clinics have lists of medications for which pregnant women must be given prescriptions in order to obtain free medications from pharmacies.

Since 2008, examinations for infections, tests for calcium levels in the body, and “genetic two” and “genetic three” tests have also become free.

Every antenatal clinic has a motherhood school. It prepares pregnant women for childbirth: they conduct gymnastics classes for pregnant women, consultations on caring for a newborn, and so on. Classes at these schools are provided free of charge.

If the pregnancy is not proceeding completely well and you were in danger of miscarriage, with its preservation in hospital, then you are entitled to a twenty-one-day voucher to a local sanatorium.

When your pregnancy reaches thirty weeks, the consultation will give you four certificates: one of them is intended for the maternity hospital, and you will give the baby certificates to the children's hospital after birth.

From the same period (and in case of multiple pregnancy - two weeks earlier), you are granted a leave of one hundred and forty days, of which seventy days are prenatal leave, and seventy days are postpartum leave. In the event that the birth was complicated (if the child was born premature, or the woman in labor had to undergo C-section), vacation is increased by another sixteen days. The duration of leave is not affected by the date of birth, even if the birth took place earlier or later than the expected date. A sick leave certificate for maternity leave will be issued and issued to you at the antenatal clinic. And the amount of benefits received will depend on the woman’s average monthly salary.

You have the right to independently decide in which maternity hospital you will give birth. By law, you are not required to give birth in a maternity hospital that is geographically located close to your home; choose the one you like best. Childbirth should be free for you; the birth certificate issued to you at the antenatal clinic is precisely the payment.

After giving birth, a woman is entitled to receive a lump sum birth benefit.

Source: http://advokat-dyachkov.ru/advokatskaya-zashhita/dolzhnostnyie-prestupleniya/.

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Many unemployed expectant mothers are concerned about the question: what payments are due to unemployed pregnant women? After all, expecting a child is always accompanied by serious financial expenses.

Maternity benefits for the unemployed

Maternity benefits are generally intended only for working women and are not paid to unemployed women. Those who quit during pregnancy are also not entitled to maternity leave. To receive maternity benefits, three conditions must be simultaneously met: the woman must officially work (under an employment contract), be registered with the antenatal clinic and have a certificate of incapacity for work. What is the reason for this situation? The fact is that for each of its employees the employer transfers monthly insurance premiums in the Social Insurance Fund in the amount of 2.9% of the salary. In the future, when an insured event occurs, the fund compensates for the costs incurred and pays the employee a benefit. Insured events include loss of ability to work due to illness or pregnancy and childbirth.

Unemployed women do not make any contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. They cannot, as entrepreneurs, voluntarily register with the fund and pay contributions for themselves. That's why non-working women Maternity benefits are not provided, even in the state-guaranteed amount, which is a multiple of the minimum wage (RUB 5,965 in 2015). For the same reason they do not rely maternity benefits a pregnant woman working informally, or under a civil contract (if it does not provide for the customer’s obligation to insure the woman).

And if a woman receives a “gray” salary (in an envelope), she will receive a smaller amount than with official earnings. Other working family members do not have the right to apply for maternity leave for themselves, but they can receive other payments after the birth of the child. However, certain categories of pregnant women are entitled to receive maternity benefits for the unemployed. Moreover, it is paid in a fixed amount, and is not calculated based on the average salary.

The benefit can be received by:

  • expectant mothers who are studying full-time at an educational institution;
  • unemployed women dismissed due to reduction or liquidation of the employer (this rule does not apply to those who quit of their own free will);
  • Individual entrepreneurs who have ceased business activities.

Dismissed women must be registered with the employment center. Before maternity leave begins, they can receive unemployment benefits. Funds are paid from USZN funds, or educational institution in the amount of 543.67 rubles. per month. The indicated amount is several times less than maternity benefits minimum size.

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The procedure for paying maternity benefits to non-working women

To apply for state assistance, a woman must contact the educational institution, in which she receives her education, or to the regional department of social security (for those who have lost their jobs). To receive money to the accounting department of a university (college or vocational school) the following is provided:

  • application for benefits;
  • sick leave from a medical institution (please note that all fields in it are filled out correctly);
  • certificate of previous registration from the Women's Consultation Center in the prescribed form (from the Women's Consultation Center);
  • employment history;
  • a certificate from the Employment Service confirming that the pregnant woman is registered as unemployed.

The decision on granting benefits and its payment is made within 10 days from the date of submission of the application. You can apply for money any day after receiving maternity leave, but no later than six months after the expiration of the sick leave.

It is worth considering that if unemployed pregnant women receive some referrals state support is not available, then after the birth of a child they can arrange all payments, like employed women.

  1. A one-time benefit for the birth of a child, which is subject to annual indexation (in the amount of 14,497.8 rubles in 2015), can be issued by an employed husband.
  2. Monthly childcare benefit for a child up to 1.5 years old (it is paid to the unemployed in the minimum amount - 2,718.34 rubles for the first child or double the amount for the second and subsequent ones), which is calculated on the basis of the minimum wage for the current year.

To receive benefits, you must contact Social Security, or you can complete all documents at the MFC. In addition, regardless of the presence or absence of work, the mother is entitled Maternal capital at the birth of a second child (RUB 453,026 in 2015). It is issued in regional office Pension Fund. Unemployed women lose the right to another benefit from the state, which is provided for early registration (before the 12th week of pregnancy). It is subject to annual indexation and in 2015 it was 543 rubles. 67 kopecks. However, female students can apply for this type of government assistance and receive money in the amount of one scholarship. Also, the young mother will not receive compensation in the amount of 50 rubles per month for up to three years. But not every working woman applies for it. After all, in order to get this very small amount of money, you need to collect an impressive package of documents.

Social benefits for pregnant women can be accrued every month or only once. State financial assistance allows you to minimize the burden on the family budget during a period when all functions of providing for the family are temporarily assigned to one of the parents. Regardless of whether it works future mom or not, she can still count on financial support from the state. However, the size and number of payments for working and non-working pregnant women may differ slightly.

When can you go on maternity leave?

Official leave is granted at the onset of the thirtieth week of pregnancy. The minimum duration of maternity leave is 140 days. Working mothers receive compensation payments equivalent to their monthly earnings. However, by law the maximum possible amount of such payments in 2016 is limited to 248,164.38 rubles.

In a situation in which, at the onset of the thirtieth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother expressed a desire to continue working, no benefits are accrued. According to the law, it is impossible to simultaneously receive compensation payments and wages. Decision to continue labor activity will be fully justified if the monthly income is higher than the benefit amount.

Such compensation payments are paid throughout maternity leave. This type of benefit is a kind of compensation for wages that the expectant mother cannot receive due to leave due to pregnancy. Non-working mothers do not have such income, which means they are not provided with this type of benefits.

If the expectant mother does not work, but is a full-time student, then payments will still be made. The amount of payments will be equivalent to the monthly stipend.

Women who decide to stop working directly during pregnancy are deprived of the opportunity to receive benefits. However, the fact of voluntary dismissal is very important here. Forced dismissal of a pregnant woman is possible only with the complete liquidation of the employing organization. Other methods of dismissing such an employee are not legal.

Sometimes situations arise when a woman must go on maternity leave earlier than the deadline established by law. Often employers take advantage of this and fire an employee so as not to pay him benefits. This state of affairs can be corrected in court, which may oblige the employer to create special working conditions for a pregnant woman.

Payment amount

The basis for calculating compensation payments is sick leave. The amount of the benefit depends on where the woman works or serves under a contract. In the latter case, the amount of payments will be equivalent to the size of the monthly allowance.

For women working in civil organizations, the amount of compensation payments is determined in accordance with a whole set of factors. First of all, average earnings are taken into account here.

Financial assistance for child care up to 1.5 years

This benefit is available to working and non-working mothers. Here it should immediately be noted that mothers who do not work receive payments in the minimum amount.

The procedure for assigning state compensation to working and non-working mothers is somewhat different. In the first case, payments are made only after the end of maternity leave, and in the second - immediately after childbirth. Until 2007, such payments were not accrued to non-working mothers at all.

A stay-at-home mother can receive such benefits only if she does not receive unemployment benefits. This can be confirmed by providing the appropriate certificate.

One of the parents who is raising a child applies to receive benefits. If the mother is on leave due to the need to care for the baby, then the father cannot be granted such leave. Accordingly, he will also not be able to qualify for payments. Working mothers must contact their employer to receive such benefits. Unemployed women should visit their local USZN office to do this.

Amount of financial assistance

The size of the benefit is directly affected by the value of the regional coefficient. Among the most significant factors, the demographic and environmental situation in the region, as well as the fullness of the local budget, should also be noted. If we take the average figures for the country, then for a woman who gave birth to her first child, the monthly payment will be 2,718 rubles. The allowance for caring for the second and subsequent children is paid in the amount of 5,436 rubles.

Birth benefits for working and non-working mothers are paid in the same amount. However, here you should pay attention to possible regional surcharges that are relevant for certain regions of the country.

The right to receive such compensation payments is granted to both parents of the baby, who are recorded in his birth certificate. A mandatory condition for receiving funds is participation in the social insurance system. That is why, if a mother is raising a child, then the father must apply for a one-time benefit. If a single mother applies for benefits or the father also does not have an official place of work, then compensation is paid to the mother at the social protection authorities at the place of registration. A non-working student mother must apply for payments to her educational institution.

More information about lump sum benefit at the birth of a child, you can find out from the following articles:

Amount of cash payments

The size of the one-time benefit for the birth of a child as of this moment remains at the level of 14,497.8 rubles. You can receive one-time financial assistance at your place of work or service.

One-time assistance during registration

This financial assistance is also provided to working and non-working mothers. At the time of registration at a medical institution, the expectant mother receives an amount of 543 rubles. It should be noted that registration should be done early - before the twelfth week of pregnancy.