What a young low-income family deserves. What kind of car can a large family get from the state?

According to paragraph 2 of Article 28 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, citizens with three or more children have the right to purchase free of charge, including for individual housing construction, without bidding and prior approval of the location of objects located in the state or municipal property land plots in cases and in the manner established by the laws of the subjects Russian Federation.

Law of the Volgograd region dated 04.04.2003 N 809-OD “On the provision land plots", which are in state or municipal ownership, into the ownership of citizens free of charge" regulates relations regarding the provision of free land plots to large families, including establishing the specifics of the choice of such land plots.

Article 3. Features of the provision of land plots to certain categories of citizens

3. In order to provide land plots to citizens with three or more children, the body authorized to manage and dispose of land plots (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body) carries out measures for the selection and formation of land plots intended for free provision of ownership to citizens, as well as includes them in the list of land plots intended for free ownership of citizens (hereinafter referred to as the List of Land Plots).

Work on the formation of land plots intended to be made available to citizens free of charge is carried out by the authorized body on the basis of a territory planning project, a territory surveying project and urban zoning approved in the manner prescribed by urban planning legislation.

The formation and registration of land plots with the state cadastral register for the purpose of their subsequent provision into the ownership of citizens is free of charge carried out by the authorized body at the expense of the relevant budget.

The List of Land Plots contains information about the location (address), cadastral number, area and type of permitted use of land plots.

Land plots are excluded from the List of Land Plots after the authorized body makes decisions to make them available to citizens free of charge.

The provision of land plots into the ownership of citizens free of charge is carried out in accordance with the priority and taking into account the intended purpose of using the land plot, specified in the application for the free provision of ownership of the land plot.

The order in which citizens are registered is determined by the date they submit their applications.

Considering the above legal requirements, you cannot independently choose land plot for the purpose of its further provision.

  • Demographic situation
  • Design specifics
  • Gazelle for families with many children
  • What is the reason for this benefit?

Is it true that the state provides a car for a large family? Does such a benefit exist and how to get it? Everyone knows that Russia has fallen into a demographic hole that arose in the 90s. Then women were afraid to give birth to children, not knowing how they would raise them and put them on their feet. In addition, large families are often unable to maintain a car, since this in itself requires considerable funds. At the same time, the state seeks to support families, not automakers.

Demographic situation

Children born during those difficult years for the country are now becoming mothers and fathers themselves, and in order to compensate for the lack of youth of reproductive age and improve the demographic situation in the country, our state provides assistance to families that are considered to have large families.

This clause is not accidental. In general, families with at least three children are considered to have large families in our country. However, certain benefits apply to those with a larger number of children.
In addition, in accordance with the law, Russian regions have the right to establish both additional benefits for large families and introduce other requirements for the number of children. To obtain the status of a large family, one of the parents must contact the social security department and provide a number of documents confirming the composition of the family, and a certificate stating that the second parent has not received a certificate recognizing the family as a large family.

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Design specifics

Usually, it takes from 2 to 4 weeks to issue a certificate, and as soon as the coveted crusts are in hand, the family can begin to enjoy all the benefits provided. There are many advantages of these. They provide discounts for the purchase and payment of housing, privileges for the resettlement of dilapidated and dilapidated houses. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children from large families have the right to receive free medicines, baby food, emergency hospital care. Children from large families primarily receive places in preschool institutions and attend various clubs and sections for free. Parents can receive preferential consumer and mortgage loans, which are partially repaid by the state.

Large families enjoy the right to benefits when traveling on public transport, not only city, but also intercity, depending on their place of residence.

Various cash payments and compensations are provided for large families and their individual members. For each benefit, there are certain conditions that the family must meet. In accordance with the law, regions have the right to determine for themselves which family is recognized as having many children and how many children parents must have in order for them to qualify for certain benefits. The list of benefits themselves and their size are determined by each region individually.

This is due to the fact that in different regions of Russia the birth and death rates vary significantly. At the end of 2014, the greatest population decline was recorded in the Moscow, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod and Voronezh regions.

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Gazelle for families with many children

Moscow City Law No. 60, adopted on November 23, 2005, provided for the issuance of a Gazelle car to large families with 5 or more children. A family could take advantage of this benefit if one of the parents had lived in Russia for at least 12 years. In addition, the total work experience of both parents was required to be at least 10 years. Currently this provision is not in effect. In Novosibirsk, families with at least 7 children could get a Gazelle.

The 2007 law established the right to provide passenger minibuses to residents of St. Petersburg. This right was given to families with 7 or more minor children. A decree issued in 2009 also provided for compensation for vehicle maintenance costs.

In Kuzbass in 2010, 15 families with 10 or more children received Gazelle cars. In Bashkiria, large families with 9 or more children also received minibuses at the expense of the budget until January 1, 2015. Since the beginning of 2015, the issuance of cars has been replaced monetary compensation in the amount of 600 thousand rubles, and the government of the Republic of Bashkortostan promised to index this amount.

The State Duma was considering the issue of allowing the use of maternity capital to purchase a car for a large family. This is due to the fact that the current opportunities for spending these funds are not sufficiently in demand by eligible families. However, on maternity capital People who have given birth to a second child are eligible.

Such families, especially large families with three or more children, need financial support. Directing maternal capital funds to housing construction is not always possible due to current prices for housing and its construction. Using maternity capital for the education of children or the mother’s pension should solve problems that will face the family in the distant future, while purchasing a car comparable in price to the amount of maternity capital would allow the family to solve many pressing issues.

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What is the reason for this benefit?

In an urban environment, a mother raising several children could significantly save time when visiting kindergarten, clinics, clubs. The car would expand the family's options for choosing a school and preschool institutions for your children. More than half of large families in our country live in rural areas. For such people, a car expands the boundaries of active social life, increases the opportunities for obtaining education, seeking specialized medical care. Parents receive wider employment opportunities without being tied to their place of residence. This is especially relevant in connection with the reduction of suburban railway services.

In winter, it is frosty in many parts of the country, making traveling with children on public transport very difficult. Waiting for a bus or train can be a significant time, which leads to the risk of frostbite or injury. colds. Therefore, children often have to stay at home during the cold season. Having a car in the family could significantly improve the quality of life for large families. However, in order to make a decision on spending maternity capital on purchasing a car, it is necessary to consider the arguments against it.

A car is, of course, less important for a family than purchasing a home or getting children a good education. The older children become, the more important it is for families to improve their living conditions. The intended use of a purchased car is difficult to control. Legislators are afraid of the possibility of using the right to purchase a car to cash out maternity capital, because a vehicle purchased in this way can be easily sold for money.

However, since regions are given the right to independently decide what benefits large families are entitled to receive and how maternity capital should be spent, in a number of Russian regions it is possible to use maternity capital to purchase a car. These include the Kamchatka Territory, Kaliningrad, Ulyanovsk, Oryol and Novosibirsk regions. At the same time, for example, in the Kamchatka Territory, maternity capital can be used to purchase a car as soon as the child reaches six months of age.

It should be noted that the country’s population growth occurs to a greater extent due to migration processes than due to the birth rate. The first predominates by about 10 times. Moreover, population growth is distributed unevenly across regions, which is why it is so important to support the birth rate in those areas where it is lower than in the country as a whole. Maybe we should trust our parents more and let them decide for themselves what they need most? The main thing is to help people give birth and raise the new citizens our country needs so much!

Today we will examine in detail the question: how to get a mortgage for a large family.

Solving the housing problem in a large family is especially difficult. For a comfortable stay, a one- or two-room apartment is not enough, and the ratio of income and costs of maintaining a family does not always allow one to accumulate funds to purchase the necessary housing. The only option to resolve the issue is often to take out a mortgage loan. Are mortgages given to large families and can they count on preferential terms? More on this later in the article.

The definition of a “large family” is not fixed at the federal level. Regional governments have the right to independently determine the number and age of children in a family in order to recognize it as a large family. In most regions, to obtain this status you must have 3 or more children, including adopted ones. The maximum age of children can be limited to the range from 16 to 23 years (only if they study full-time and live with their parents).

Are there government mortgage programs for large families?

Unfortunately, there are no special government programs for large families. But there are a number of other mortgage offers that give such families the opportunity to purchase housing on preferential terms.

Mortgage on a general basis

A borrower who has 3 or more children can apply for a conventional mortgage at a commercial bank. The requirements for such a borrower are standard and no different from others. Main problem usually consists of the fact that when calculating solvency, income will be divided among all family members, that is, five or more people. Accordingly, there may simply not be enough available funds to pay monthly payments. Moreover, in large families, often only the man works, since the woman spends a lot of time raising children. Therefore, having many children will not be an obstacle to obtaining a regular mortgage loan if the family has sufficient official income.

One way to resolve the issue of income is to attract guarantors and co-borrowers from among relatives with a stable income. Often these are the parents of potential borrowers, if their age allows.

Mortgage from AHML

One of the solutions housing issue for a large family is to apply for a loan through the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency. Borrowers with three or more children under 18 years of age can receive a loan at a reduced interest rate.

The borrower must meet the following requirements:

  1. age from 21 to 65 years (at the date of loan repayment);
  2. work experience in the last place for at least 6 months;
  3. for entrepreneurs it is necessary to confirm break-even activity for the last 2 years.

The loan is provided on the following terms:

  • the minimum amount is 300 thousand rubles, the maximum is 8 million for Moscow, St. Petersburg and the regions, 3 million for other regions;
  • interest rate:
    • with a contribution of more than 50% - 10.5% per annum;
    • for contributions from 30% to 50% - 10.75% per annum;
    • for contributions from 20% to 30% - 11% per annum.

Maternity capital may be used to pay the down payment.

How to get mortgage assistance from the state?

Large families who previously took out a mortgage from a commercial bank, but due to circumstances, are unable to repay payments on time, can also count on assistance from AHML. This can be either a one-time write-off of the amount or a reduction in payments by reducing the rate for up to a year and a half. A family can receive assistance within 20% of the mortgage balance, but not more than 600 thousand rubles.

Housing subsidy for young families

One of the available options for obtaining a mortgage for a large family is to apply for a housing subsidy within the framework of state program"Dwelling".

An additional advantage for a large family is that the amount of the subsidy is determined based on 18 square meters. m for each family member. Therefore, a family of five can count on an amount of 40% of the cost of 90 sq. m. m of housing at prices in the region of residence.

To receive a subsidy, a family must meet the following conditions:

  1. parents' age is no more than 35 years;
  2. be registered as a family in need of improved housing conditions (registered before March 1, 2005);
  3. sufficient income to obtain a mortgage for the remaining cost of housing.

In order for a family to be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions, one of the following requirements must be met:

  • neither of the spouses is the owner of the property, or its area is less than the established standards;
  • The property's housing does not meet sanitary and hygienic standards or is in disrepair.

It is worth noting that according to the new rules, the initial stage is to obtain a subsidy certificate, and only after that a mortgage is issued. But to avoid wasting time, you should find out in advance about the possibility of obtaining a loan to purchase a home. Many banks agree on the loan amount based on the borrower’s income and other characteristics, and then give a certain time to apply for a subsidy and find a suitable housing option.

The subsidy certificate is valid for two months, so it is necessary to obtain a mortgage within this period.

Preferential conditions for large families in the regions

A number of regions of the Russian Federation have their own programs aimed at providing housing for large families.

  • In Moscow There are a number of programs that are aimed at improving the living conditions of families with children. According to one of them, it is possible to purchase an apartment from the municipal housing stock at 10% per annum with a 10% down payment. When a child is born, part of the mortgage must be written off.
  • In St. Petersburg large family can receive an interest-free loan for the purchase of housing from a special organization that was created by local authorities.
  • In Krasnoyarsk There is regional program, in which families raising 4 or more children can participate. Its essence is that the regional budget pays 75% of the interest rate that the borrower must pay to a commercial bank on a mortgage loan. The rate compensation cannot exceed 150% of the Central Bank refinancing rate. For families raising five children, the interest rate is repaid in full.
  • In the Tula region when purchasing a home, large families receive social payment. Its size depends on the number of children. If there are three children, then you can count on receiving 40% of the cost of housing, and if there are six - up to 90%.
  • In the Novosibirsk region large families classified as low-income are paid an additional 100,000 rubles when purchasing housing.
  • In the Penza region large families can receive 500,000 rubles from the regional budget. This money can be used not only to purchase housing with a mortgage, but also to repair or build a house.
  • In Udmurtia A large family has the opportunity to get a mortgage at 5% per annum, with a 10% down payment.
  • In Barnaul, from the local budget, upon the birth of a child, a family receives 5% of the average cost of housing in the region to repay part of the previously taken out mortgage.

The above list is far from complete. To find out details of benefits for large families in a particular region, you should contact the social protection authorities.