What documents are needed to obtain a gubernatorial license? Benefits and subsidies available to large families. Who can apply?

The definition of “governor's payments” means a separate type of financial assistance for those categories of families who have a child.

However, few of our fellow citizens know what conditions must be met to receive this benefit? Where should I contact? What is their size?

Is there a difference in what region you live in and what kind of child was born? Where to go to apply gubernatorial assistance?

Let's look at all these questions in more detail.

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What are these payments?

Grounds for gubernatorial payments in each region of the Russian Federation are determined individually. The size of payments depends on how much the local budget allows. It is worth emphasizing that the demographic situation of a particular region also plays an important role in this issue.

Exactly regional leadership decides which parent and for which child can receive this financial assistance.

No payment of governor's allowance no effect to receive other measures established by law social support young parents. A family can simultaneously receive benefits for several reasons.

Today they allocate several types of payment, namely:

  • – paid exclusively upon the birth of the first child;
  • in a fixed amount - paid until the child reaches a specified age;
  • a type of benefit that is provided for a special category of citizens - it is paid either until the circumstances disappear, or until the expiration of the established period (incomplete families can also receive).

It is worth noting that to qualify for gubernatorial payments adoptive parents can also.

Legislative regulation of assistance

The issue of calculating the governor's allowance is regulated by the following: legislative acts of the Russian Federation, How:

  • Federal Law No. 81, which clearly defines the procedure for payments for citizens who have minor children;
  • Federal Law No. 865, which determines the procedure for assigning and paying state assistance for categories of citizens who are raising minor children.

In addition, each region has its own local laws, which apply exclusively to a specific region of the Russian Federation.

Conditions of receipt

Governor's payments can be used by the natural parents or adoptive parents of the child.

Claim The following are entitled to receive payments:

  • women who are officially married and have given birth to a baby;
  • women who have a child born out of wedlock or live in civil marriage;
  • who for some reason gave birth to a child without a father and at the same time continue to raise him on their own.

In order to expectant mother If you were fully aware of exactly what payments are due according to regional law, you should contact a specialist.

After the birth of a baby, you can safely submit an application to receive cash payments that are provided by law.

Those parents who fall under the conditions that exist in a particular region of the country can take part in the program.

For example, the Moscow government strongly supports young families with their first child, if the mother of the child is not yet 30 years old. It is worth noting that after the birth of the second child, the amount of the governor’s payment will only increase.

In other regions of the country, age does not matter. Only the fact that the family where the baby was born already has children is taken into account.

In one region of the country, a woman who has given birth to two children can apply for cash payments, and in another, she has become the mother of three or more children.

In some regions of the country, cash payments are provided only to those mothers who gave birth to their first child. But, for example, in Udmurtia, women can receive financial support only if triplets are born.

For this reason, it is impossible to specify the basic conditions that allow you to receive this assistance.

Amount of assistance

Due to the fact that the governor's allowance is assigned and subsequently regulated by local governments, the amount of payments varies. Payment amount directly depends on the region of residence.

For this reason, in a more developed regional center you can count on larger payments. The highest gubernatorial payment at the birth of a baby is observed in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Governor's assistance at the birth of a child in Moscow and region:

Couples who live on the Neva, in the event of the birth of their first child, can count on financial support in the amount of 21.5 thousand rubles. After the birth of their second child, they will be able to receive a cash payment in the amount of 28.6 thousand rubles. And for the third child, the amount of payments will be 35.8 thousand rubles.

Young parents from Samara, Irkutsk, Krasnodar and Novosibirsk, at the birth of their third baby, they can count on an amount of 100,000 rubles.

Residents Vladimir at the birth of the third child, an amount of 50,000 rubles will be paid.

IN Primorsky Krai parents who have a third child will receive financial assistance in the amount of 30,000 rubles. The same assistance will be paid to them in the event of the birth of a fourth or fifth child.

Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan– is not the richest region, so the size of payments there is an order of magnitude lower. For example, a monthly increase in the total family income of 1.5 thousand rubles. is assigned only to those families raising at least four children. And mothers who raise their children without the participation of their father can count on help in the amount of 284 rubles.

Registration procedure

The conditions for processing gubernatorial payments are practically no different regardless of the region.

They established by the USZN regulations and imply the following action algorithms:

Often, women already have bank accounts, into which all legally prescribed payments and child benefits will be received in the future.

If a bank account has not yet been opened, this should be done as soon as possible. You must also not forget to indicate all the necessary details for transferring funds when drawing up an application.

Decision period

Governor's payments are necessary financial support married couples who have given birth to a baby.

That is why you need to apply for them as soon as possible.

Often, payments can be accrued only in the first year of the baby’s life or from the moment of adoption.

In some regions, slightly different deadlines have been set, the time period varies from 1.5 to three years from the moment of birth.

If the applicant does not apply for benefits within the stated time frame, then, most likely, it will simply be impossible to receive financial assistance. Women who make their labor activity officially, they can contact the accounting department for preliminary consultation.

The time from the moment of submitting documents until the decision is made by USZN employees is up to 10 days.

If the decision was made in positive side, then the mother’s personal data will be entered into the database to receive cash payments.

After a certain period of time (approximately 30 calendar days) funds will be transferred to the specified account.

There are also situations when young mothers who have given birth to a baby are denied gubernatorial assistance payments. In this case, the applicant will receive an official document detailing the reason for the negative decision.

Most often, the refusal is due to the fact that the mother and her newborn child are not registered in the given region.

Required list of documents

The list of documents required to receive benefits is approximately the same for most regions of the country:

In the process of drawing up an application, it is necessary to indicate the grounds on which monetary payments will be calculated, as well as the method of receiving them.

If, subject to certain conditions, financial payments are provided, then you must certainly submit necessary documents.

If financial assistance is only provided, then you should collect and present all documents that can confirm your difficult financial situation.

A family can be recognized as low-income if the income of a family member does not exceed the amount established in a given region.

In order to determine the total amount of income, you should take into account not only the official certificate from the accounting department (if at least one of the family members is officially employed), but also social benefits, which can be classified as A similar certificate can be obtained from the employment center.

Russian legislation has developed various programs of state financial assistance that affect various categories of citizens. Some of these programs are implemented at the local level by constituent entities of the federation; they are related to the provision of social support to families. At the initiative of regional authorities, gubernatorial benefits for the birth of a child are paid from local budgets.

Benefits for the first child

After the birth of their first child, parents, as support from the Russian state, may be assigned the following financial support measures:

  1. Maternity benefits (paid as a lump sum).
  2. Care benefits (paid monthly until the child reaches 1.5 years of age).
  3. Care benefits for up to 3 years (transferred by the employer to women on maternity leave and women in military service).
  4. Other payments assigned from the regional budget based on feasibility, determined independently in each specific region, taking into account the demographic and financial situation.

A distinctive feature of regional payments is lack of a uniform benefit amount for all subjects of Russia. Various regional acts and regulations establish their own criteria for determining categories of citizens, conditions and procedures for obtaining financial support. Citizens eligible to receive a governor's benefit for their first child vary in their financial situation, the number of children, their age and the timing of applications.

Payments for the 2nd child

The list of financial support measures received when adding a second child to the family is supplemented by the payment of a portion maternity capital. This assistance is considered by the state as an anti-crisis measure of financial assistance to families in which a second child was born.

Currently, the mother can receive part of the capital up to 25,000 rubles. without restrictions on the degree of solvency and category.

Previously, this payment could only be used by families recognized as “poor.” Currently, there is no need to prove that the family is in need of funds or is recognized as “poor.” There is only one limitation - the presence of a sufficient amount in the account under the certificate. The purpose of spending this payment can be any, provided that the funds are spent in the interests of the family (from buying medicines, paying for housing and communal services to buying groceries for the family).

Payments for the 3rd child

When a third child appears, in many regions a family is assigned the status of “large family” and a number of additional measures of financial support are prescribed for citizens of this category.

Thus, in addition to the standard set of payments due to mothers who gave birth to their first child and the right to use part of the maternity capital due to mothers who gave birth to their second child, various benefits provided to families with many children from federal and local budgets are added.

It must be borne in mind that this status, which gives the right to use a number of benefits, has different interpretations in different regions and republics of Russia. So, for example, in Ingushetia, a family with five or more children is considered large. The situation is gradually changing towards lowering the threshold for recognizing this status for a family.

Until recently, in Mari El, where families traditionally raise a large number of children, there was a requirement to have at least four children in order for a family to be recognized as having many children. However, currently In the republic there is a requirement imposed by most regions - the presence of three children in a family.

Governor's payments

Registration procedure

Decree on gubernatorial payments

While differing in details, the assignment of benefits has a registration procedure that is similar for all regions:

  1. The list of required documents must be obtained from your local social security department.
  2. To transfer payments, you need to take a certificate from the bank with personal account details.
  3. A package of documents and an application are submitted to the social protection department at the place of permanent registration of citizens.
  4. A maximum of 10 days after writing the application, the relevant authority informs about the decision made.
  5. If the answer is positive, a payment is assigned to the details specified in the application. In case of refusal, the applicant will be sent an official written notification stating the reasons for the refusal.

The purpose of payments allocated from the regional budget is regulated by legislative acts in force at the local level. Consideration of applications received from citizens for the provision of benefits takes place within a strictly allotted period. Transfers are made from the regional budget of a specific subject of the federation.

Who is entitled to gubernatorial payments?

Features of regional legislation dictate their differences in gubernatorial payments and their forms: lump sum payment at birth, monthly transfer of children up to a certain age, or social support for low-income and large families. In some regions, the local administration may provide maternity benefits.

Regional birth benefits have their limitations - only citizens of the Russian Federation who have permanent registration in a given subject can count on receiving them.

Documents for receiving payments

To consider an application for a payment at birth, you must contact the social security authority with a package of documents:

  • statement (which states the acceptable method of calculating benefits)
  • birth certificate of a newborn;
  • passport of parents of the Russian Federation;
  • a certificate from the bank with details for transfers or a copy of the passbook.

Regional differences

Birth benefits are not calculated in every region. An individual subject independently decides on the advisability of their appointment. The size of payments and the conditions for their assignment differ. In order to support demographic growth in a particular region, the governor's payment for the birth of 2 children is higher than the benefit for the first child. Citizens who have permanent registration in a given region of the Russian Federation have the right to apply for an accrual.

In the capital, a birth benefit can only be granted if the parents' age does not exceed 30 years. Financial assistance for the first child will be 5 subsistence minimums, for the second - 7 subsistence minimums, for the third child - 10 subsistence minimums.

Governor's payments for citizens living and registered in the Moscow region are assigned under the following conditions:

  • birth of the first child - ten thousand rubles;
  • birth of a second child - twenty thousand rubles;
  • Governor's payment for the third child – thirty thousand rubles;
  • if twins are born, the benefit amount is seventy thousand rubles;
  • if triplets are born, the benefit amounts to one hundred fifty thousand rubles.

A number of financial support measures have also been developed, provided by local authorities at the expense of the regional budget:

  • benefits for the birth of twins or triplets (paid as a lump sum);
  • monthly allowance upon confirmation of the status of a “low-income family”.

The following maternity benefits are currently available in Moscow:

  • one-time birth benefit (the deadline for submitting documents is no later than when the child turns 6 months old);
  • a one-time payment to the family in which triplets were born (submission of documents - in the first six months from the birth of the babies);
  • benefits for families with confirmed “low-income” status (paid every month, submission deadline - the first six months after birth).
  • allowance for young families for the birth of a child (paid in a lump sum and only if both parents are under 30 years of age, the deadline for submitting documents is before the child reaches 1 year).

The amount of benefits should be found out in the regional department of social protection or on the official website of the administration of a particular subject of the federation, because changes can be made at any time, taking into account changes in the financial state of the region's budget and its demographic policies.

February 22, 2017

Payments at the birth of babies in the Moscow region in 2017 did not change when compared with the previous year 2016. But what social changes took place in 2016 and what payments increased taking into account indexing in the new 2017, read below.

  • One-time assistance means that the payment financial assistance at the birth of a child will be carried out once. Moreover, the amount of payments increases, depending on how many children were born in the family (if there are two or three, then the amount is paid for each).
  • A one-time payment at the birth of a child to officially unemployed persons who are engaged in any activity while at home (freelancer) or simply an unemployed parent is relied on by specialized bodies involved in social support of their citizens (OSZN).

If the recipient officially pays taxes and is employed government institutions then the enterprise (company) for which the father or mother of the baby is registered will pay assistance to him.

The governor's contribution to supporting families and children, the emergence of which was initiated by the former governor of the Moscow Region Boris Gromov since 2006, paid to both working and non-working parents or guardians on the occasion of the birth of a child, is still relevant to this day.

Maternity capital

This family benefit is paid at the birth of a second or subsequent heir in the same family and only once, regardless of whether the family member is working or to temporarily unemployed parents or guardians. Many hoped for the indexation of this assistance, but, as in the past 2016, maternity capital was not indexed.

There will be no increases or indexation of this capital until 2020. As you know, 2016 was supposed to be the last year in the “Gromov” program, but the bill was extended, even due to the crisis and inflation, the payment amount will be fixed and will remain the same as in 2016, i.e. will be equal to 453 thousand 26 rubles.

How to apply for a lump sum payment upon the birth of a child in the Moscow region

One-time “Gromovsky” regional payments for the birth of a child in the Moscow region are intended for low-income families (student families or disabled people) living in the Moscow region.

If the first baby is born, the parents will receive:

  1. 10 thousand rubles,
  2. for the second – 20 thousand,
  3. on the third - 30,
  4. for twins – 70 thousand,
  5. for 3 or more – 150 thousand.

To process these payments, you need to contact the USZN located in your area of ​​residence. Fill out an application in which you provide your details and attach a list of documents certifying that payments have not previously been received by other family members and the child. The consideration and decision on the appointment will take place within ten days.

Monthly payments upon birth of a child

Monthly allowances for a child up to one and a half years old are assigned from the moment the baby is born, but only if the parents managed to contact the protection authorities within six months from the date of birth of the baby at the registration address in the Moscow region.

Low-income people can receive assistance only if it is confirmed that their average monthly income per family does not exceed the subsistence level in the region in which they live and where the child was born.

Procedure for receiving benefits

It is mandatory to provide:

  • Identification documents (passport) of the applicant;
  • Documents on the registration of the baby in the Moscow Region and a certificate of his birth;
  • Certificate of family members, registration at address;
  • Marriage or divorce certificate.

The procedure for receiving assistance depends on who pays it. If the child’s mother worked at the enterprise and became pregnant, then while in maternity leave she has the right to receive from the employer no later than ten days from the date of submission of the application.

If the mother or guardian is not registered anywhere as an employee, then the application is submitted to social protection and if all the documents are in order, then they are no later than the 26th next month After submitting the documents, you must pay this benefit. All necessary documents must be submitted no later than 6 months after birth.

Amount of payments in 2017

Regional payments were subject to annual indexation by 1%, due to which they increased in 2017; do not forget that other increasing allowances are not accrued in the Moscow region, because the region does not belong to areas with difficult climatic conditions and wage supplements are not provided.


  • BiR – 100% of avg. Salary;
  • Up to twelve weeks – 613 rubles;
  • At birth - 16 thousand 350 rudders;
  • Military personnel - 25 thousand 892 rubles;
  • If disabled children are adopted – 124 thousand 929 rubles.


  • Up to one and a half years (baby care) - at least 3 thousand rubles for the first child and 6 thousand for the next, but not more than 23 thousand 120 rubles;
  • Military personnel - 11 thousand 96 rubles.

All federal and regional subsidies allocated to help raise and raise little people have a positive impact on the demographic situation not only in the region, but throughout the country as a whole. Families are increasingly thinking about having at least two children, because they are confident that the state will help them and they will not be left without financial support.

Payments upon the birth of a second child in Moscow

New parents can receive additional payments for their second, third, or twins or triplets only in Moscow. The former mayor of the capital, Yuri Luzhkov, who signed the decree in April 2004, obliged young families under 30 to pay additional child allowances.

  • Moreover, parents must be citizens of Russia and have Moscow registration, just like their born children. At the birth of a child, a mother or father must be registered in the capital, otherwise they will not receive financial assistance. The baby must also be registered in the city of Moscow.
  • Payment of benefits to non-working people is no different from those representatives of the crumbs who can work. The amount of additional subsidies for raising heirs is equal to the subsistence level (ML) multiplied by 5, 7 and 10. This is the largest amount that can be received for every third or “tenth” child (if the family manages to give birth to that many before the age of 30).

So, for example, for the first PM it is multiplied by 5, and for the second by 7, for the next by 10. If the PM for 2017 decreases to 9 thousand rubles, then payments at the birth of the third child will be equal to 90 thousand rubles. The time for applying for benefits is limited to one year from the date of birth of the baby.

Children's benefits 2017

  • applicant's passport;
  • registration information (mark in passport);
  • child certificate confirming the fact of birth and registration;
  • certificates for all children (if the region provides gubernatorial benefits for the second or third child);
  • confirmation of belonging to a social category (if necessary);
  • bank details.

It is better to request an application form for gubernatorial child benefits from social media. service, they differ in the form of their composition. The review process lasts from 10 days.

Changes in 2016

The time for appeal is also regulated. After the birth of a newborn, depending on the regulations established by the regulations of the region, the family has from 6 to 12 months. It is recommended to clarify all the details in advance with the local social fund.

Benefit amounts by region

Demographic policy in the country is aimed at increasing the birth rate, as evidenced by the extension of the program, the introduction and support of local authorities in the regions.

For the first child

Governor's benefits for the first child are not often awarded.

Today the following are in effect:

  • Moscow: 5 living wages;
  • Moscow region: 10 thousand rubles for the poor;
  • St. Petersburg: 21.5 thousand rubles;
  • Kaliningrad region: 3.5 thousand rubles;
  • Kostroma region: 3.5 thousand rubles.

For a second child

The amount of the governor's allowance for the second child is:

  • Moscow: 7 living wages;
  • Moscow region: 20 thousand rubles for the poor;
  • St. Petersburg: 28.7 thousand rubles;
  • Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug: 10 thousand rubles;
  • Kaliningrad region: 7 thousand rubles;
  • Vladimir region: 3.3 thousand rubles;
  • Kostroma region: 4.5 thousand rubles;
  • Kaluga region: 2.2 thousand rubles;

On the third

In many areas today there is also a gubernatorial benefit for the third child and others born later:

  • Moscow: 10 living wages;
  • Moscow region: 30 thousand rubles for the poor;
  • St. Petersburg: 35.8 thousand rubles;
  • Nizhny Novgorod region: 25 thousand rubles;
  • Tomsk region: 10 thousand rubles;
  • Lipetsk region: 50 thousand rubles;
  • Kaliningrad region: 10 thousand rubles;
  • Ryazan region: 5000 rubles.
  • Kaluga region: 3.3 thousand rubles;
  • Penza region: 10 thousand rubles;
  • Kostroma region: 6 thousand rubles.
  • Vladimir region: 6.6 thousand rubles;
  • Saratov region: 2000 rubles;
  • Bryansk region: 2000 rubles;
  • Novosibirsk region: minimum size for the poor;
  • Amur region: minimum established for current residence;
  • Altai Territory: 50 thousand rubles, while the one-time gubernatorial child benefit is supplemented by the provision land plot;
  • Pskov region: 100 thousand rubles with the condition of using it for the education of a child or for the construction of housing;
  • Orenburg region: 100 thousand rubles;
  • Chuvashia: 100 thousand rubles;
  • Sakhalin region: 150 thousand rubles.

Special conditions for one-time benefits

The governor's child benefit in Voronezh also includes the possibility of increasing the amount of maternity capital for large families - by 100 thousand rubles. Several areas provide the same amount of assistance for each child, regardless of family composition:

  • Voronezh region: 20 thousand rubles;
  • Jewish Autonomous Region: 7 thousand rubles (only for single-parent families and student parents);
  • Volgograd region: 2 minimum values;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug: 5 thousand rubles (if parents are under 30 years old);
  • Yaroslavl region: 2 thousand rubles;

The governor's allowance for the birth of a child in Voronezh provides for the possibility of having triplets, which gives the right to receive 15 thousand rubles. In Udmurtia, a similar subsidy is 10 thousand rubles and 7 thousand for twins. In the Moscow region, the values ​​are 10 times higher, respectively.

Each of the listed subsidy options is called a one-time gubernatorial benefit for the birth of a child, and therefore is issued once. In rare cases, appointments may be monthly. For example, in the Kursk region, until the second child turns 3 years old, they are entitled to 2 thousand rubles, and for the third - 3 thousand rubles per month.

At the moment, the birth of a child allows you to take advantage of one-time financial support from the state as material assistance. This measure was introduced by the government to give young parents more confidence that they are able to support their own offspring.

Most parents know about state one-time support, and they can also count on the governor’s local payments when a child is born.

Governor's fees, also called regional fees, are available for parents in most regions. Such support, as well as state support, was introduced for young people. Assistance in maintaining a child of this type is introduced exclusively at the regional level.

Since such assistance is local in nature, gubernatorial payments for a particular region have their own conditions and amounts of allocated amounts.

Submitting an application

To obtain the right to provide this type of social assistance from the local government, you must come to the nearest branch of the social support department. You should leave an application (petition) for receiving social assistance with this authority. In addition to the application, a list of documents is required:

  • the application itself for gubernatorial payments, with the specified reason (birth of a child), be sure to mention that this is not the first, as well as the desired way to receive payments;
  • photocopies of two birth certificates (both children);
  • a copy of the passport, necessarily with the registration page;
  • if the method of receipt is crediting to a savings book, a copy of this same savings book.

Often the conditions of assistance for the second child differ significantly from the criteria for the first. Copies of two certificates will prove that it is not the first person who needs social assistance.

The petition will be resolved within ten days. Afterwards the court will make a decision. If the request is approved, parents will be entered into the database as having already benefited from support, and payments will be made.

In case of refusal, applicants will be notified, stating the reasons for such a decision.

Governor's payments for the second child in 2016-2017 by region

These gubernatorial payments are strictly local in nature. This causes significant differences, so let’s consider specific examples payments in some regions:

  1. The Nizhny Novgorod region provides an allowance of 28,000 rubles for the birth of a second child.
  2. Sakhalin region for the second – 170,000 rubles.
  3. In the Smolensk region, local authorities pay one-time support - 155,000 rubles.
  4. The Novgorod region has not provided conditions for a second child, but 400,000 rubles are allocated for twins.
  5. Ulyanovsk region offers capital for the second offspring of 55,400 rubles.
  6. The Moscow region provides financial assistance only to those families whose budget is less than the subsistence level per member. For the second child, 20,000 rubles are due, for the birth of twins - 70,000 rubles.
  7. The Khanty-Mansiysk region allocates 10,000 rubles for the second offspring, and 15,000 rubles for twins or triplets. for every person born.
  8. The Altai Territory allocates 50,000 rubles per child for any order.
  9. The Vladimir region pays 3,300 rubles upon the birth of a second child. And parents of twins receive 11,000 rubles.
  10. The Volgograd region offers, upon the birth of a second offspring, an amount equal to two times the region's subsistence level. This year – about 15,000 rubles.
  11. The Voronezh region gives 20,000. This is regardless of the child’s order at birth.
  12. Kaliningrad region. Parents of the second child will receive 7,000 rubles. For triplets, when the family income does not reach the established minimum, the parents will immediately receive 1,000,000 rubles.
  13. Yaroslavl and Krasnoyarsk regions pay an allowance of 2,000 rubles.
  14. Kursk region also promises parents 2,000 rubles. The birth of twins will allow parents to receive 110,800 rubles.
  15. Kostroma region allows you to get 4,500 rubles. for the second child.
  16. The Komi-Permyak district pays only 2,000 rubles. and only when twins are born.
  17. The Kaluga region will give the child's parents 2,200 rubles.
  18. The Penza region provides payments of 10,000 rubles. Twins will allow you to qualify for 11,340 rubles.
  19. The Republic of Udmurtia will give 7,000 rubles for twins.
  20. Chukotka autonomous region promises payments only to parents under 30 years of age. For the next child they will receive 5,000 rubles.
  21. The Kurgan region makes payments exclusively for twins. The amount is 42,000 rubles.
  22. The Lipetsk region also promises payments only for twins. Under such conditions, parents will receive 50,000 rubles for maintenance. for everyone.
  23. The Omsk region will give 10,000 per child of twins.

The list of areas is not complete. Residents of Yanao, Novosibirsk, Tyumen also have their own benefits, and the Rostov region also offers its own conditions. To clarify the conditions regarding your own region, you can visit the website of the Social Assistance Administration of the Russian Federation or visit the nearest branch, where they will provide all the information.