What documents are needed for a mother of many children? Where to get a certificate for a mother of many children and features of the document issuance procedure

You will need

  • Parents' passports, birth certificates of all children, certificates from the place of registration of children and parents, marriage, divorce, paternity certificates, 3x4 photograph of the parent for whom the certificate will be issued large family(this depends on which parent has the children registered). A certificate from the second parent’s social security office stating that he did not receive a certificate for a large family. Photocopies of all documents.


On the scheduled day, come with a complete package of documents to the Social Security Department and submit all documents. Both parents do not have to come for this. It is enough to have one parent for whom the document will be issued. You will immediately be given a temporary certificate of having many children, and after some time (from several days to one month) you will receive a certificate and official status of having many children. families.

Large families, according to the law, are provided with certain benefits and payments. However, to be able to use them, you need to get a special certificate. It gives the right to free travel on public transport, 2 meals a day at school, discounts on payment preschool institutions and utilities.

You will need

  • - application for a certificate;
  • - documents proving the identity of the parents;
  • - birth certificates of children;
  • - photos of parents (3x4);
  • - document on conclusion or
  • about divorce;
  • - a certificate from an educational institution for children over 16 years of age.


To obtain a certificate for a large family families Citizens with three or more children are eligible. To obtain this document, you must contact the department social protection, which applies to your municipality. You will be provided with a list of documents required for recognition families with many children.

Certificate of a large family families needs to be re-registered once a year. To do this, you will have to provide the social protection authorities with:
-a certificate from a general education institution (school, college, technical school) for children over 16 years of age summer age;
-certificate large family families received last year;
-parents’ passports or other identification documents;
- birth certificates for each child;
- a document confirming the marriage or its dissolution.

If you lose certificate large family families, you must be given a duplicate. You will first need to write a statement about its loss and collect a package of documents necessary to reissue the certificate.

Received certificate gives the family the right to enjoy a number of benefits. These include: free prescription medications, discounts on landline phone fees and day care. Since June 20, 2011, a law has been in effect allowing large families to receive free land plots. Such a family can count on benefits when purchasing vouchers to camps, sanatoriums and recreation centers. Every year the state is obliged to allocate funds for the purchase school uniform and textbooks.

Please note

If you have three children, then when one of them reaches adulthood, the status of a large family ceases to be valid. But if the child continues his full-time education at any educational institution, then you can continue to enjoy benefits.

Useful advice

If parents entrust the issuance of a certificate to a person other than themselves, then it is necessary to draw up a notarized power of attorney.


  • what documents do families with many children need to obtain?

A family can be considered large if it has three or more children. They may include adult students under the age of 23, studying full-time in any educational institutions. In order to receive benefits provided to large families, you need to regularly learn about them.


If you have the status of a large family, then count on some additional measures social support, which are regularly indexed annually for inflation. This is a monthly cash payment to pay for utilities, quarterly for each child, as well as an annual subsidy for schoolchildren. All these payments do not depend on the average per capita family income.

If you have difficulty getting hired, take advantage of temporary employment, which should be provided by the employment service. In addition to wages, parents with many children will receive a small additional income. This is material support in the amount of at least one unemployment benefit.

Employers providing permanent employment to parents with many children are provided with subsidies from the federal budget. At the same time, organizations equip workplaces, purchase the necessary equipment or provide parents with work from home in accordance with their profession.

Take advantage of medical benefits in the form of free medicines for each child under 6 years of age. Receive compensation for keeping a child in kindergarten: 20% for the first child, 50% for the second and 70% for subsequent children. These payments are not subject to taxes.

And also annually provide a package of documents to the tax office in order to be exempt from paying taxes from individuals on property (one residential premises). Take the standard income tax deduction for each minor child or full-time student under age 24. This can be done only when the cumulative income has not yet exceeded the amount established for the current year.

Similarly, deductions are allocated for the payment of medical services and medicines for children under 18 years of age. And also in the form of insurance premiums paid to insurance organizations under voluntary insurance contracts for minor children to pay for treatment services.

Those large families whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level established during this period in the region can send their children to health camps and sanatoriums for free. The regional budget allocates for this purpose every year free trips. Write your application on time and submit it to the city or municipal district administration.

If your young large family (the oldest family member is not yet 35 years old) is recognized as in need of improved housing conditions, receive it within the framework of long-term targeted programs social benefits for the construction or purchase of housing in the amount of 35% of the average cost of housing. But to do this, contact your local government to participate in the program.

All women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them up to the age of 8 years have the right to retire early. That is, if you have at least 15 years of insurance experience, you can retire at age 50.

Please note

The amount of payments to large families in all regions of Russia may vary. Some of them may have additional benefits.

All payments are made if each of the children lives with their parents and is not a ward of the state.

Benefits for large families apply to guardians and adoptive parents.

Tip 4: How to get on the waiting list for housing for a large family

In connection with the demographic crisis in Russia, which has lasted since the early nineties, the state is developing new programs to help families with children. For example, many large families are legally entitled to housing.


Find out what benefits are provided for large families housing available in your region. This benefit applies not to federal, but to regional ones, so the procedure for improving housing conditions may depend on the place of residence. To obtain the necessary information, contact the social security authority at your place of residence.

Find out if you are eligible for housing. To do this, in your current place of residence there must be less than 10 square meters(the norm for Moscow and the Moscow region). For residents of communal apartments it increases to 15 meters. In your family there must be three or more minor children or children studying full-time at a university before they reach 23 years of age. Also, your income should not exceed a certain ceiling, which is set individually by each region. For Moscow, there is an additional condition - you must be registered in this city for at least ten years, and also not change your apartment to a smaller one within the last five years.

Collect a package of documents for registration in queue to obtain housing. In addition to the passports and birth certificates of everyone living with you, provide a certificate of family composition from the passport office and a document giving your family low-income status. This paper is issued through the social protection authorities. Also be prepared to present a social tenancy agreement or a certificate of ownership of the apartment where you currently live, if, of course, it belongs to you.

Submit the collected papers to the municipal authority responsible for registration queue for obtaining housing. In Moscow this is a district government. Write a statement on the spot stating that you need improved living conditions.

Regularly check the status of your application and your place in the queue for an apartment. When you have the opportunity to exercise your right to government assistance, you will be given a certificate that you can use to purchase housing on the primary or secondary market.


  • providing housing for large families

In Russia, a family with three or more children under the age of majority is considered to be large. Such a family has the right to qualify for a number of social support measures. To do this, you must obtain documentary evidence of your status by contacting the social security authorities.


A family with three minor children can receive a discount on utilities in the amount of 30%, with the number of children from 4 to 6 - in the amount of 50%, from 7 children or more - in the amount of 100%. In addition, such families can use telephone services at a 50% discount.

A large family has the right to receive free prescription drugs for children under 6 years of age. Mothers with 10 or more children are offered free dentures in government health care institutions, except for dentures made of precious and expensive materials.

Members of such families have the right to free travel on public transport. In addition, children under 18 years of age from large families can ride commuter buses without paying while studying in educational institutions. Once a year, a family is given a 20% discount on travel to the place of treatment.

Schoolchildren from large families are entitled to a cash allowance for school fees in the amount of 5,000 rubles, and first-graders in the amount of 7,500 rubles. They are provided with free school textbooks and free lunches in school canteens. These children also have the right to free education in music and art schools. In some regions, governor's scholarships are provided for schoolchildren from large families who are excellent students.

Children from large families are accepted into kindergartens without waiting lists, and schoolchildren are provided with vouchers to children's health camps. The third and subsequent children are paid 100% of the cost of their vacation from the regional budget. Members of such families are served at preferential prices in zoos, parks, museums and exhibition halls. Large families have the right to an annual address financial assistance when appropriate circumstances arise.

Families with the birth of a third child are entitled to free land plot for the construction of a cottage or house. Land is given to families who do not have a home; having an apartment does not matter. This land is provided without the right to sell; ownership can be registered only after the actual construction of housing, the terms of which are limited.

How to obtain a certificate for a large family? What is needed for this? Similar topics quite often arise in the minds of citizens in all countries of the world. After all, families everywhere who have three or more children are trying to support them. What needs to be done to recognize a cell as a large group in Russia? What documents should I provide? What do these kinds of people have the right to? It's quite easy to understand all this. It is enough to know domestic legislation. After all, as practice shows, the status of a large family quite often helps the population in obtaining certain opportunities that other citizens do not have.

Definition of having many children

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the definition of large families. This topic is highly controversial. Why? The Law “On Large Families” does not establish a clear definition as to when social units are able to receive the status under study. Therefore, in some situations certain problems may arise.

In general, it is considered to be one in which there are 3 minor children. Some regions have certain restrictions on this. For example, only people who have not 3, but 4 children can receive the status of having many children. Therefore, it is recommended to clarify this feature in each city. Nevertheless, the law “On Large Families” most often implies the first interpretation. That is, a large cell of society is one in which there are 3 or more children.

Why is it necessary?

The next question is: why is it necessary to obtain the mentioned document? What rights does it give? And is an appropriate ID really necessary? In fact, the document mentioned is a necessity to receive certain benefits. Without it, you will not be able to confirm your status. A large family - how many children? In the generally accepted concept - 3 or more. The presence of a large number of minors is confirmed by a certificate of the established form.

By presenting this document, citizens, as already mentioned, will be able to take advantage of the benefits provided in a particular city. For example, free meals at school or free travel on public transport. Each family member must receive an ID. Usually registration occurs immediately for all citizens in the social unit.


What measures of social support from the state take place in relation to large families? What are these persons entitled to in Russia? At the moment there are quite a lot of benefits and opportunities. Among them are:

  1. Obtaining land to build a house.
  2. Assistance in improving housing conditions (for example, preferential mortgages).
  3. Free train on public transport.
  4. 50% payment kindergarten and utility bills.
  5. Reduction or release from transport tax.
  6. Free meals in educational institutions.
  7. Receive free textbooks and school uniforms.
  8. Free provision of medicines to children under 6 years of age.
  9. Additional leave for parents for 2 weeks with preservation of earnings.

In general, benefits for families with many children are often regulated at the regional level. The above list is generally accepted measures of social support for the population. They can expand to varying degrees. More detailed information about benefits for families with many children can be found in the administration of a particular city or in social support authorities. In any case, large families have quite a lot of opportunities. But to implement them, a standard certificate is required. This is a kind of evidence indicating the status of a social unit in which many children are raised.

Where to contact?

The next question that interests the population is where to go to obtain a certificate. At the moment, citizens can use several authorities. There is no fundamental difference - the service will be provided approximately the same everywhere. The only differences are in the duration of service. In Russia, in order to obtain a certificate of a large family of the established form, you must submit an application with a certain package of documents to one of the following places:

  • multifunctional center;
  • "one window" service;
  • social service;
  • portal "Government Services".

The first scenario is the most common in practice. This is where documents are submitted to obtain a certificate for a large family. There are multifunctional centers in every city. And they serve the population quite quickly. Therefore, if you want to receive the relevant document as soon as possible, you must submit an application to the MFC.

Ambiguity of the package of documents

Now you can think about what documents are provided when registering a family as a large one. This question is quite problematic. After all, as already mentioned, it is not always possible to accurately determine when a family is considered to have many children.

The next problem is that some documents may be requested from citizens at the regional level. This means that the list of papers required to obtain the status of families with many children is not established in a rigid form. Despite all this, you can without any problems name those certificates and extracts that in any case need to be brought. How to obtain a certificate for a large family? It's not that hard to do!

Personal identification

The list of basic documents includes citizens’ identity cards. Or rather, parents and adoptive parents. The application of the established form is written by only one legal representative. The other parent may not be present when submitting the package of documents. But they will ask for his identification. It is advisable to bring originals and copies with you. Only in this form will documents be accepted without any problems. This is commonly understood as a civil passport. This paper must also be provided to children who are 14 years old at the time of issuing the certificate. As a rule, other identification documents are not accepted.


What's next? How to obtain a certificate for a large family? The next item of paper required to complete the document is various certificates. There are quite a lot of them in Russia. You will have to provide the following to the MFC or social protection:

  • marriage certificate;
  • documents indicating divorce (if the status is received by;
  • birth certificates of all minor children;
  • adoption papers (if available).

Everything is provided with copies and originals. As practice shows, they usually require a marriage certificate, as well as a birth certificate for all children. If a child is a full-time contract student at a university, then the parents can have the status of having many children until the child’s 23rd birthday. But only while he is learning. It will also come in handy in this situation. And a student ID card as well.

Family composition

How to obtain a certificate for a large family? To bring the idea to life, citizens must bring a certificate of family composition. It is taken either from the Housing Office, the Criminal Code or from the passport office. If the mother and father are divorced, then you will have to provide documents indicating that the children live with one or the other parent. For example, a contract or a judicial opinion.


We have listed the main documents for. In addition to them, parents must provide their photographs in 3 by 4 format (in color, several pieces). It’s better to do 2-3 (they’ll give away the extra ones). But minor children do not need to provide photographs. In addition to all the previously listed documents, other certificates are presented depending on the situation. For example:

  • death certificate of one of the parents;
  • court opinion establishing paternity;
  • SNILS of parents and children (nowadays they are almost always required).

Now it’s clear how you can get the document you’re studying. A large family - how many children? In the generally accepted concept - at least 3. But to obtain the appropriate status in some regions you need to have 4 or even 5 children. A certificate is issued for a year. It turns out that every year parents must apply to the relevant authorities to renew their status. It's not very convenient, but it's worth it. After all, in Russia they really try to support families with many children.

A family with at least 3 children can obtain the status of a large family in Russia. This condition is imposed by federal legislation. At the regional level, options are possible. For example, in those regions where there are no problems with the birth rate, families with 5 children can be recognized as having many children.

Grounds for assigning status

The status of a large family is assigned to a family with at least three minor children. In this case, children must be under 18 years of age. If they study full-time at universities, the status of a large family is valid until their 23rd birthday.

When considering the application, not only natural, but also adopted children, as well as stepchildren and stepdaughters are taken into account.

Applications will not be considered in the following cases:

  1. Parents are deprived of parental rights, but still claim benefits.
  2. The children were transferred by their parents to full state support.
  3. An incomplete package of documents has been provided or false or unreliable information has been provided.
  4. After parents divorce, children live separately with mom and dad (for example, one child with the father and one with the mother).
  5. The family permanently resides in another state.

Package of documents

To assign status, you must provide the following documents:

  • Application in standard form. Forms can be obtained from social security authorities or multifunctional centers.
  • Passports of the applicant parents.
  • Birth certificates of children.
  • Confirmation of full-time study at a university for children under the age of 23 - if these children are taken into account when considering the application.
  • Documents to confirm guardianship or adoption - if guardianship or adopted children will be taken into account when considering the application. Adoptive family provides an act of guardianship and trusteeship authorities. If the child was adopted before the age of 6 months, an adoption certificate must be attached.
  • Documents confirming the place of residence of parents and children. If children are registered at different addresses, each of them must be confirmed by a corresponding certificate of registration.
  • Marriage registration certificate.
  • Divorce certificate and agreement on the place of residence of the children - if the parents are divorced.
  • Some additional documents are presented if necessary: ​​death certificate of the father or mother, certificate of paternity confirmation, etc.

Documents for children born on the territory of a foreign state:

  • If the state is a party to the Convention of 10/05/1961 - a document confirming the birth and registration of a child, issued by an authorized body of a foreign state, with a translation into Russian certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and an apostille stamp.
  • If the state is not a party to the Convention - a document confirming the birth and registration of the child, issued by an authorized body of a foreign state, with a translation into Russian, legalized by the consulate of the Russian Federation.
  • If he is a party to the Convention on January 22, 1993 in Minsk - a document confirming the birth and registration of the child, issued by an authorized body of a foreign state.

A photograph of the applicant in 3x4 format is also attached to the package of documents.


Stages of obtaining the status of a large family:

  1. Submitting an application and a package of documents to the social protection authority or MFC and receiving a receipt for documents acceptance. This can be done by one of the parents, guardians or their legal representative. In the latter case, a notarized power of attorney must be presented. Documents are accepted in the personal presence of the applicant or by mail (with a list of attachments). After receiving the documents, the applicant receives a certificate of large families. It is valid until a decision is made to assign status or refuse.
  2. The application is reviewed within 30 days from the date of receipt of documents. The service is provided free of charge.
  3. Obtaining a decision from the authorized body. In case of a positive decision, the family is assigned the status of a large family, and the applicant is issued an appropriate certificate. At negative decision the applicant receives written notice clearly stating the reasons for the refusal. Decision made or the inaction of the authorized body can be appealed in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Features of the status action

Recipients of the service and large families should take into account the following nuances:

  • In certain regions, the certificate of a large family must be renewed every year.
  • If the family moves to another region, the application must be reapplied. The conditions for granting the status of a large family vary in different regions of the Russian Federation.
  • In the event of a divorce, a parent with whom at least three children live can obtain a certificate.

Status of a large family gives the right to receive payments, benefits and privileges. Large family status may be purchased subject to certain conditions. You will learn more about this in our article.

Is it necessary to register the status of a large family?

The law does not impose obligations on parents with many children to obtain official status. Therefore, a family with three or more children has the right not to receive the status of a large family. However, in this case, this family will lose many of the benefits provided when raising several children.

The fact is that most measures state support designed only for families with the official status of large families. This includes, for example, benefits for payment of transport tax, discounts on housing and communal services, free provision of medicines for children under 6 years old, etc. Therefore, in order to receive all due payments and privileges in full, parents with many children must take care of formalizing their status .

How to obtain the status of a large family: necessary conditions

The birth of 3 children does not mean that this family will automatically be recognized as having many children. The state grants this status only to parents who are involved in raising children and caring for their health and moral development.

We can name the basic conditions that a family must meet in order to be officially recognized as having many children:

  • According to the legislation of most regions, it is necessary for a family to have 3 children, but in some regions of the Russian Federation a larger number is required - 4 or 5.
  • Children must be minors. If the child is in full-time education, the status of a large family can be extended until his 23rd birthday. Full-time students are recognized as members of a large family under 23 years of age, for example, by the regional laws of Udmurtia, Krasnodar region(only if training takes place on a budgetary basis), Volgograd region.
  • The status can be granted to both married parents, a single parent, or the parent with whom the children live (if the parents are divorced).
  • When moving for permanent residence to another subject of the federation, the family will need to re-register the status of a large family, since it is possible that, according to the legislation of the region of the new place of residence, the family will lose this status.
  • When deciding on the assignment family with many children status Children are not taken into account:
    • if their parents are deprived of parental rights or have limited such rights;
    • who are transferred to the guardianship of other citizens due to the fact that their parents avoid raising them;
    • those who are fully supported by the state (for example, in a boarding school);
    • in other cases provided for by regional regulations.

The procedure for registering the status of a large family: main points

For official confirmation status of a large family parents (or one of them) must contact the social welfare authority (or a multifunctional center) at their place of residence. You will not have to pay any fees or charges, but you will need to provide a package of documents established by regional law. At the same time, the social protection authority does not have the right to demand from the applicant those documents that he can independently request from state and municipal institutions.

Next, the submitted documents are checked, its period is determined at the regional level (usually no more than 1 month). If it is determined that all the conditions for assigning the status of a large family to a family are met, the applicant is issued a certificate of a large family. This document officially confirms that the family has such status.

As a rule, the status of a large family is established for several years - as long as there are three minor children in the family. According to Moscow legislation, a family has the status of a large family until the moment when the youngest of the children who were taken into account when assigning the status turns 16 years old, and the student turns 18. In some cases, the status is extended:

  • if the child, after turning 18, is studying full-time (this rule does not apply in all regions);
  • if a fourth child (and subsequent ones) was born in the family;
  • if a parent with many children married a person who also has children (in those regions where stepsons and stepdaughters are counted as part of a large family).

In some subjects of the federation (for example, in the Oryol region), there is a rule that the status of a large family is assigned to a family for 1 year. And parents are forced to apply for its renewal every year. I would like to hope that these regions will follow the example of the capital, where the annual re-registration of large families was canceled in 2010.

Families fall under the definition if they include more than two children. Each child must be under 18 years of age. The status of a mother of many children can be confirmed by an appropriate certificate.

Dear readers! The article describes typical ways to solve legal problems. Your case is individual.

Today, no one should have any difficulties finding out where to get a certificate for a mother of many children. You can apply for such a document to the territorial department of social service authorities. After receiving this certificate, the entire family has access to all the benefits they are entitled to.

Large family certificate

All material costs for providing benefits to citizens are taken into account in the budget Russian Federation, as well as individual subjects of the state. The sequence of actions in the compensation process and the specifics of this procedure are approved at the government level, as well as executive structural units in individual regions of the country.

Benefits are not provided by specific providers of these same services. In order for such a procedure to be possible, one of the parents is required to submit a preliminary written application, as well as a certificate indicating that his family is, in fact, large.

A large family must provide a similar list of documents to government agencies responsible for providing specific benefits. Parents with many children should take into account that benefits are necessarily provided only for a year. After this period, it is necessary to carry out the re-registration procedure, for which the family must provide the necessary list of documents.

This is due to the fact that the age of all children, as well as the level of family income, changes annually. The Government of the Russian Federation determines what assistance will be provided to large families in the process of forming the state budget.

How to obtain a certificate for a mother of many children?

A large family is one in which there are more than 2 children

If we consider the question of where this is issued, we should list 3 options for possible actions:

  • Parents, independently or through an authorized representative, can contact the department of social protection of citizens. The name of the required institution may depend on the specific region. If the mother and father do not live together, the certificate must be issued by the parent who supervises the children;
  • Submission of the list of prepared documents is carried out through the multifunctional department - a special one-stop service;
  • In various regions, the technique of electronic submission of the necessary documentation is practiced using a portal for providing various public services.

In order to issue and receive a certificate, you should prepare a certain list of documents:

  • A document evidencing the marriage procedure;
  • every child;
  • Originals and copies of identity cards of parents and children over 14 years of age;
  • 3x4 photos of all mother and father;
  • Certificates of adoption or appointment of guardianship;
  • Documents indicating that the family includes students under the age of 23. For those regions where such a rule applies;
  • If the parents are divorced, you must provide a document identifying the children’s place of residence;
  • Certificate on the quantitative composition of the family;
  • The conclusion of the court establishing paternity, the death certificate of one of the parents or other documents, if available.

The social security institution is responsible for making copies of the documents provided if it is unable to fulfill the requirement on its own. All submitted documents are verified within a period determined at a separate regional level, corresponding to no more than 30 days.

If there are no shortcomings in the documents provided, a certificate for a mother of many children can be obtained without any difficulties.

What payments do mothers of many children receive?

To obtain a certificate for a mother of many children, you need to prepare documents

We list the types of payments intended for large families:

  1. Regular monthly allowance in the amount of 5153 rubles;
  2. due to the increase in the cost of ordinary living standards. In such a case, the state allocates 600 rubles per child. When a family has at least 5 children under parental care, mothers are allocated 750 rubles. for each individual child. Such compensation is provided before children reach adulthood.
  3. Allowance required to pay utility bills. If a mother has at least three children under her care, the state allocates 522 rubles monthly. when there are at least five children in a family, the monthly payment is 1,044 rubles;
  4. Funds to pay bills for using landline phones;
  5. Compensation in the amount of 900 rubles if at least five children are growing in a large family;
  6. Providing compensation for children under three years of age to purchase baby food. The mother will receive these payments in the amount of 675 rubles;
  7. A mother who gives birth or takes custody of more than seven babies is given a bonus of 10,000 rubles;
  8. Also, large families are provided with material rewards for certain holidays.

Benefits provided to large families

Each large family is entitled to certain types of benefits:

  • Reducing the fixed tariff for utilities by 30%;
  • 50% discount on public transport fares in the city and on intercity transport;
  • Providing free medicines for children. All medications intended for children can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription;
  • Priority registration for children;
  • Selection land plots, the area of ​​which does not exceed 0.15 hectares per family;
  • Free entry to various exhibitions, museums or parks;
  • Free medical care in government centers;
  • Issue of sports suits and school uniforms for the semester of study.

The state pays a lot of attention to the financial situation of large families.

How to obtain a certificate in Moscow?

A large family can count on help from the state

A citizen residing and registered in Moscow can submit an application to the appropriate authorities in order to obtain a certificate for a mother of many children. Every child who is a member of a large family must also be registered in the capital. The issuance of each certificate is carried out by the governing bodies of social protection of the population of Moscow.

Such a document can be issued until the youngest child turns 16 years old. If a child at this age continues to attend classes at a secondary school, parents will have to extend the validity period by contacting the appropriate authority. The maximum extension period is two years. In two years the child will reach adulthood.

Preparing such a document does not take much time. You can obtain a certificate for a mother of many children simply on the day of application, if the applicant can provide all the required documents. In Moscow, since 2010, there is no need to renew the validity of the certificate every year.

A certificate for a mother of many children is always issued after submitting the appropriate application by sending it to the website of municipal and state services, the department of social protection, and the capital's Multifunctional Centers. The Government of the Russian Federation always provides adequate protection to certain categories of citizens. The state budget is designed to provide for large families.

The corresponding rights of citizens are always ensured by the norms of the legislative framework, but each individual subject of the Russian Federation must make appropriate decisions regarding specific types of assistance independently.

You can find out what benefits large families can count on from the video: