What benefits does a father with many children have? Father of many children, children from different marriages, benefits

In recent years, in connection with state policy in the field of promoting fertility, large families. If the concept of a mother with many children has existed since the times of the USSR, when they were awarded the title of Mother-Heroine, the concept of a father with many children appeared relatively recently. Along with the introduced concept, benefits for the father of a large family also appeared. Benefits can be provided in different areas:
labor activity;
- housing area;
-medical care;
— general education sphere;
— the field of lending and taxation;
- other.
Fathers of at least three children under the age of 18 or under the age of 23 are entitled to state assistance, provided they are studying full-time at a higher or secondary specialized school. educational institution.
The source of funding is both the federal and local budgets. In this regard, in different regions, a father with many children may have different benefits.

How the state encourages breadwinners of large families

The father of the family can receive some types of assistance for free, some at a discount, some in the form of reduced rates, and others. An important circumstance is that benefits for a father with many children at work are a kind of guarantee of receiving these benefits, since the mother of the family may not have a job, but be engaged in raising children. Accordingly, the family will be deprived of these benefits.
The state provides assistance to fathers of many children:

For free:

1. Pharmacological drugs, provided that the child has not reached the age of six;
2. Travel for school-age children by public transport in populated areas and suburbs;
3. Meals in educational institutions.
4. If there is a medical report, prosthetic and orthopedic products are provided.
5. Trips to health camps at the place of work if there is a clause in the collective agreement.
6. One-time free subsidy for the construction or reconstruction of residential premises.

With discount:

1. 50% when paying utility bills.
2. A 50% discount is provided when purchasing school literature.

Other benefits:

1. Extraordinary admission of children to preschool educational institutions.
2. The right to extraordinary membership in gardening societies.
3. Reduced loan rate when receiving a loan;
4. Benefits when paying income tax: the non-taxable minimum has been increased.
5. 100% payment of temporary disability benefits.
6. Preferential terms of employment and working conditions in relation to others.
7. Additional leave for up to 10 days.
8. If necessary, improve living conditions.

A father with many children may also be entitled to other assistance from the state. But in each case the situation is analyzed individually. They will help you understand it.

How to prepare documents

In order to easily use the full range of benefits offered by the state, you must obtain a certificate for a father of many children. To do this you need to contact regional office social protection and submit documents according to the following list:
1. An identity card, as usual, is a citizen’s passport.
2. Certificate of assignment of a single citizen identification number (TIN).
3. Certificate of residence about all persons registered at this address. This document is very important. Why will be discussed below.
4. Birth certificates of all children, where the applicant will be indicated in the father column. If there is a dash, or if there is a partial coincidence of the last name, first name and patronymic, recognition as a father of many children will be denied.
5. When a child reaches the age of 18 and is studying full-time at an educational institution, he or she must submit a certificate confirming this.
6. Photo for a future ID in 3 x 4 format.
7. Paybooks.

Is the father of children from different marriages entitled to state assistance?

Families sometimes tend to break up and transform into new ones, where children also appear. Situations arise when a father has children in previous marriage and appear in the new one. The question often arises whether a father with many children is entitled to benefits if the children are from different marriages. IN in this case It matters most who the child is raised with. This can be confirmed by a certificate from the place of residence, which was mentioned earlier. If the child is registered at the father’s place of residence, the latter will be recognized as a father of many children with all the ensuing consequences. If in new family fathers only had one or two children, then only he of the two parents will have the status of a parent with many children with the benefits attached to the status. The mother of his children will not have this status either in the first or second marriage if she does not have children from other fathers. Accordingly, a single parent with many children will have the right to state assistance. There are situations when a child actually lives with his father, although he is registered in another place. In this case, it is possible to establish the fact that the child lives with the father in judicial procedure, and submit an additional court decision to the social protection authorities. To avoid mistakes and not delay the legal procedure, it is better to

The increase in the birth rate in the Russian Federation is due to state program encouragement. If previously the concept of a mother with many children was familiar to society, now a father with many children is increasingly mentioned, the benefits for which are even prescribed in the current legislation. For the head of a large family, labor and social incentives are provided, as well as the official status of having many children. At the same time, relevant decisions are made separately by region by local authorities. Therefore, discounts for dads on utility bills, travel, and children’s education are also provided in varying amounts. By the way, the benefits accrued for fathers with many children apply equally to all children.

Families that qualify for the status of “large families”

At the state level, assistance is provided to those families raising 3 or more children. At the same time, benefits “for large families” are received if all children are minors (under the age of 18):

  • born in marriage or adopted;
  • must live in the same apartment/house with their parents;
  • disabled or dependent persons who are studying at a university (full-time only).

Parents must confirm family ties with all children or provide completed documents from guardianship if there is a fact of adoption.

The issue of fathers with many children who have children from different marriages is considered separately - benefits in such circumstances are accrued in the following order:

  • daughter/son is registered and lives with dad;
  • if according to documents and facts the registration is different, but the children live with their father, this will need to be proven in court;
  • Children from all marriages are raised at the same time and live under the same roof.

A separate category is singled out as a single father who raises children without the help of his wife. Such a father is entrusted with the functions of both parents, therefore the benefits are greater. In addition to standard assistance, additional payments, the size of which is determined regionally. Statistics show that such charges are much higher than the assistance usually provided.

Benefits that fathers with many children can count on

At the legislative level, a basic list of privileges that large families can enjoy has been compiled. The list includes:

  1. 50% discount on utility bills;
  2. more favorable conditions for individual entrepreneurs;
  3. possibility of obtaining a mortgage at lower interest rates;
  4. subsidizing the construction of a country house;
  5. issuing a consumer loan under favorable conditions;
  6. adding 10 days to the main vacation.

Children can also take advantage of free travel on municipal transport. Free meals are provided in preschool and educational institutions. There is also a 50% discount on educational literature for school or university.

Separately, benefits are provided to fathers with many children at their place of work. Basically, these are free trips for children to improve their health in summer period. Free medical care and children's medicines are also provided.

The state actively operates a subsidy system. This applies to families whose income is below the established minimum level. Under this condition, you can achieve free food for children under 2 years of age. To do this, you will have to contact your local Social Security with an application and certificates. Fathers with many children with official status are provided with disability benefits. The amount of such assistance is equal to the full average earnings.

In many cases, the state is ready to support fathers with many children with various benefits. This will make it possible to financially improve the family’s condition and take care of the full development of children.

The list of benefits also depends on social categories. Military personnel have permission to register with their children in a departmental apartment. At the same time, children will be admitted to school or kindergarten out of turn. The same service is provided when military children change universities.

In some regions the following is compensated:

  • living in the city;
  • expenses for children's goods;
  • payment for a city telephone line.

Children can also attend cultural and entertainment events free of charge and sports sections.

Documents must be completed correctly

This important condition, providing the right to benefits for a father with many children from the state and at work. To obtain such privileges, the family needs to collect some documents and certificates.

  1. Birth certificates for all babies.
  2. Certificate of actual family composition.
  3. Registration will be required if the actual and registered residential addresses do not match. To do this, they draw up an act and sign it with the neighbors.
  4. If the child is disabled, an official document is also needed.
  5. If children are university students and are studying full-time, then a certificate from the dean’s office is also taken.
  6. Passport, TIN and certificate from the place of work of a father with many children. You also need to take a 3*4 cm photo for a future ID.

For the category of single fathers, you will need to additionally provide documents that clearly indicate the reason for the mother’s absence in the process of raising children. If the wife has died or been deprived of parental rights, copies of certificates and official decisions of the executive authorities are also required.

Changes that occurred in payments in 2017

From 2017, all fathers of many children will be able to register mortgage lending on preferential terms at 6.5 - 11%. At the same time, the state also partially participates in the repayment process. And if during the lending period another child is born in a large family, then the balance of the debt is paid at public expense.

Fees for preschool and educational institutions are also partially reimbursed. The gradation is carried out in the following order:

  • 20% is compensated for the first baby;
  • 50% is returned to the father for the second child;
  • 70% - for training the third.

Families raising 3 or more children can receive awards from the government. Cash certificates are also issued.

The types of social assistance for 2017 have also been revised. This program provides for the improvement of living conditions. Therefore, compensation is paid to families who live in private houses without heating and also buy firewood and coal on their own. If an adopted child under the age of 3 is raised at home, then the father receives a decent subsidy.

It is also possible to profitably change jobs and complete the entire training course for a new specialty. Upon completion, priority employment is guaranteed. In the latter case, it is possible to work part-time shifts or have additional days off per month (up to 4). You are also entitled to 2 additional weeks of rest in addition to your vacation. All these conditions are stipulated in labor code and have legal grounds.

It is no secret that recently the state has taken the path of increasing the birth rate in the country. This has led to the emergence of various benefits and advantages for large families. Take the same one maternity capital, which encourages people to have a child. Mothers of many children are not a new concept. Since Soviet times, there have been heroine mothers who had a large number of children. Nowadays, more and more fathers with many children have begun to appear. These include those citizens who have three or more children under their care. In this regard, the state provides benefits to fathers with many children in various areas. However, not everyone knows about their existence. This article will tell you about the existing benefits and methods of obtaining.

Benefits for fathers with many children

As already noted, mothers of many children are a fairly common concept. These women have certain subsidies from the state.

It is worth noting that raising three or more children should be encouraged. Therefore, a father with many children has the following benefits:

  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • if he works, he has the right to receive vouchers for children to health centers;
  • free travel for children on public transport;
  • free school meals;
  • tax benefits, including for entrepreneurs;
  • assistance in improving living conditions (if necessary);
  • a working person is provided additional days vacation of 10 days;
  • if the father cannot earn a living wage, then upon contacting the relevant authority, children under 2 years of age will be fed free of charge.

This is not the entire list of benefits offered by the state. A father with many children has the right to an extensive list of subsidies that are aimed at improving the financial situation of the family.

How to obtain the status of “father of many children”?

To belong to any category of citizens, certain documents are required to the relevant authority. In our case, to receive benefits for a father with many children, you must first be officially identified as him. To do this, you should contact the social protection institution with the collected official papers.

Required documents include:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • birth certificate of each child, only the original document is considered;
  • TIN in two copies (copy and original);
  • identification document (copy and original).

These official papers constitute minimal list documents that need to be submitted. After completing this procedure, the social protection authority reviews the application and makes a decision. If there are no comments, the parent is assigned the status of “father of many children.”

Situations when benefits do not apply

We have already looked at what benefits a father of many children is entitled to. However, there are cases where these benefits will not apply.

List of such situations:

  • If the father has been deprived of parental rights.
  • When there are three children in a family, but one of them has reached the age of majority, the benefits cease. However, if there are four or more children, in a similar situation all benefits remain in force.

If parental rights are deprived and you want to return them, you need to prove to the commission your suitability as a father and provide your children with normal living conditions. If a family wishes to adopt three or more children, the state will help in most cases. Of course, if you are confident that good conditions will be provided.

Benefits for a father of many children for children from different marriages

Recently, situations of family breakdown have become common. In such cases, often both parents find a new partner. At the same time, having already had children from one marriage, babies are born in another. In this regard, the question arises: is a father with many children, who has minor sons and daughters from different wives, entitled to benefits?

When answering, it is necessary to take into account the place where the child is raised. This is usually determined using a certificate of residence. If the father and children have the same address, then he is recognized as having many children. If children are born in a new family, then only one of the parents has the right to receive status. Then the mother, if she is not recognized as having many children, cannot receive benefits.

There are situations when a child is registered in one place, but actually lives in another (with his father). Then the fact of residence is established in court.

Dismissal of fathers of many children

Previously, the law established a provision according to which mothers of many children were protected from termination of the employment contract. The only exception was the liquidation of the enterprise. But fathers who raised children alone did not have such advantages.

This was the case until recently, when the provision came into force that now not the whole family is recognized as having many children, but an individual parent. A new category of citizens has appeared in Russia - fathers of many children.

They now have similar rights to mothers. Benefits for fathers of many children at work are limited by certain rules, according to which the employer cannot fire such a person. Also, in controversial situations, the parent who raises the children wins.

A father with many children can be fired if he repeatedly and seriously violates labor discipline, as well as in the event of intentional harm to the employer.

Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer

Of course, in such cases human qualities come to the fore, and the leader can forgive the father of many children. However, there is a list of situations when such a citizen can legally lose his job:

  • Inconsistency with the position. This is determined as a result of passing certification.
  • The employee does not perform his immediate duties.
  • Absenteeism that is not due to a valid reason.
  • The employee came to the workplace in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, this fact has been officially established.
  • The employee made public information that is a trade secret.
  • Violation of safety standards.
  • Committing a serious offense related to theft of funds or intentional damage to the employer’s property.
  • Submission of false documents.


The state provides benefits to fathers with many children to improve their financial situation. To take advantage of these benefits, you must confirm your status. This is done by collecting certain documents and submitting them to the appropriate authority. If everything is done correctly, the request will be approved and a new status will be assigned.

A father of many children has a number of advantages at work compared to other workers. However, in case of violation of the employment contract, he may be fired. Therefore, there is no need to engage in absenteeism or be dishonest at work. Nowadays, no one is insured, and the loss of a breadwinner for children will be an irreparable disaster. A father with many children is obliged to behave with dignity and do his best to provide his children with normal living conditions.

In other cases, the legal status of “single mother” is not assigned to a woman, which means she does not enjoy benefits and payments. And strange as it may seem, a widow is also not considered a single mother, although in this case the family is granted benefits due to the loss of one breadwinner. If the child’s father has been deprived of parental rights, then in this case the mother is not considered single, and the deprived father is still required to pay child support. Simply put, a mother is not considered single if the child has an official father, whether he is alive or not.

The list of benefits provided to large families is not so extensive, but some of them can be quite significant for the family budget, such as: 50 percent discount on housing use fees (rent) within the limits provided for by current legislation (21 sq. meter of total housing area for each family member permanently residing in the residential premises (house), and an additional 10.5 sq.

Rights of a large family

A family with 3 or more minor children is considered to be large. In order to document its status, you need to register with the district administrations and. in accordance with the temporary procedure for issuing certificates to large families, obtain a special certificate for a large family. Today there is a whole list of benefits for large families. Thus, the Appendix to the Moscow Government Decree No. 37-PP dated January 24, 2006 states that they can receive a discount on utility bills: heating, water supply, sewerage, hot water supply, electricity, gas.

On the free provision of land plots to large families in the Moscow region

3. Right to free provision land plots have large families that simultaneously meet the following conditions as of the date of filing the application specified in Article 6 of this Law: 2) parents or a single mother (father), adoptive parents, stepfather (stepmother), with whom three people live together and more than children, have a place of residence in the Moscow region for at least 5 years; 4) members of a large family do not have land plot with an area of ​​0.06 hectares or more owned, with the right of lifelong inheritable possession or permanent (perpetual) use in the territory of the Moscow region; 6) members of a large family have not alienated or divided land plots of 0.06 hectares or more owned by them since the date of entry into force of this Law.

The types of such assistance and the methods of providing it should depend on the reason for which the family became incomplete, says Olga Arkanova-Chernaya, deputy head of the Main Directorate for Family, Youth and Sports. - And there can be many reasons: divorce, death of one of the spouses, the birth of a child out of wedlock, deprivation of parental rights of one of the parents. The most common reason today is divorce.

What kind of family is considered large in Russia (how many children should there be)?

At first glance, the answer to this question is obvious. But it happens that when determining how many children large family make up, difficulties arise. Let's look at an example. Parents with 3 children divorce. 2 children stay with their mother, 1 with their father. In this case, citizens who are actually parents of 3 children lose their status as having many children. When spouses with many children divorce, one of them can retain this status only if at least 3 children remain living with him (in principle, it is possible that both parents, after the divorce, will retain this status if there are 6 or more children). As for the example considered, former spouses can again receive the status of having many children if they enter into an official marriage with a person with minor children.

What financial support can large families count on from the state?

Moreover, some of them are paid from the federal budget, and some from the regional budget. For a large family, this is very important to know: who to contact and what size to expect. Federal monthly benefits for large families include only payments monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old. This is not a specialized benefit for large families in 2015, but a payment for each child, although from the second child the benefit amount doubles (from 2.7 thousand rubles to 5.4 thousand rubles)

Astrakhan large families demand the return of benefits to adopted children

The unpopularity of the procedure for adopting stepsons and stepdaughters is evidenced by the fact, the public organization assures, that for several thousand remarriages, in which one of the spouses in most cases has a child, there are only a few hundred adoptions. By the way, as of January 1 of this year in the Astrakhan region, 10,135 large families were recognized as eligible to receive social support measures. Of these, 4,655 families have an average per capita income below living wage. According to Nikolai Tikhvinsky, the organization developed and submitted to the regional Duma amendments to the law of the Astrakhan region on large families back in 2015.


For Heroes of Belarus, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, full holders of the Order of Glory, Labor Glory, as well as citizens who, in accordance with the law, have the right to additional living space for health reasons, the specified standards for the total living space are increased by 15 square meters. meters for each family member entitled to additional living space.

Orthodox glamor with many children

Talking about one side and not talking about the other is luring a person into a difficult life choice for which he is not ready. The current attitude towards large families does not take anything into account. Previously, the attitude was “nothing, they’ll kill these women, the women will give birth to new ones,” but now it’s “let the women give birth to at least some.” Because the reversal of the demographic collapse is just beginning. Now a generation is entering the arena that is already smaller than it should have been.

Social benefits and benefits for single mothers

Very often, the status of single mother is attributed to women in different life situations, which by law are not the basis for defining a single mother.

A woman raising a child after a divorce, accompanied by a lack of alimony for various reasons; The birth of a child by a woman within 300 days after divorce or death of her husband. In this case, the civil registry office records the father of the child ex-husband women, even if he is not the biological father of the child; The birth of a child by a woman who is not married to the baby’s father, if there is a document establishing paternity and the man is officially recognized as the child’s father (even if he does not live with the baby’s mother); Death of the husband of a woman who gave birth to a child from him; Deprivation of parental rights of the child's father. Read all the necessary information about the right of mothers to additional financial support in these cases related to issues of divorce, the presumption of paternity and the participation of the father in the costs of maintaining children on the specialized portal Divorce-Expert. A woman who is a single mother has the right to receive some very specific benefits and payments.

Rights and benefits for large families in Ukraine

In accordance with Art. 18-1 of the Law of Ukraine “On State Assistance to Families with Children”, a single mother is considered to be a woman who is not married, single adoptive parents who are raising minor children, in whose birth certificate (adoption decision) there is no record of the father ( mother) of the child or a record of the father (mother) was carried out in the prescribed manner by the Civil Registry Office department at the direction of the mother (father, adoptive parent) of the child.

Stepchildren don't count

We keep chickens and roosters - they are the main source of income,” joked Alena Bozhenova. Moreover, officials did not return to the woman the certificate of a mother of many children, which she had received earlier, and immediately froze the payments that she had previously received. In addition to regional maternity capital, we are talking about monthly monetary compensation in the amount of 40 percent for electricity, gas, water and other utilities.

Benefits for large families in Ukraine

The certificate is issued free of charge. Children from large families are issued certificates from the age of six. 50% discount on fees for the use of housing (rent) within the limits provided for by current legislation; 50 percent discount on fees for the use of utilities (gas supply, electricity supply, water supply and sewerage) within the limits determined by law; 50 percent discount on the cost of bottled gas for domestic needs within the limits determined; 50% discount on fuel costs within the limits determined by law, if the corresponding houses do not have central heating; Subscription fee for using a residential telephone in the amount of 50 percent of the approved tariffs. Benefits on payment for the use of housing (rent), utilities and the cost of fuel are provided to large families, regardless of the type of housing and the form of ownership of it.

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A large family is a family in which three or more children are dependent and raised. The status of a large family is confirmed by a certificate issued by local executive and administrative bodies. The sample certificate and the procedure for its issuance are approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus. those. Regardless of whether the child is his own or not, the family has the status of a large family, because there are three dependent children.

A father with many children in Russia has the right to count on state support the same as the mother. Often, fathers are forced to raise and provide for their children without the presence of their wife or their mother. In such a situation, the father is still forced not only to support the family, but also to decide everyday problems, which usually fall on the shoulders of the woman in the house.

A man who has three or more children, either natural or adopted by him in accordance with the established procedure, can be recognized as a father of many children. Children from different marriages will also be considered when establishing a father with many children. But there are mandatory conditions for establishing the status of a father with many children:

  • all three children must live together with their father, and not just be provided with alimony from him;
  • Russian citizenship is mandatory for a man and his children;
  • registration of the whole family in one region;
  • confirmation of legal rights or family ties for each of the children;
  • the age of the eldest child must not exceed the established threshold for full-time or other forms of education.

Individually, each subject of Russia has the right to establish its own requirements for recognition status with many children. The main criteria are:

  • the age of the older teenager, up to which he will be considered in need of paternal support;
  • full-time education, in which a teenager cannot get a job for additional income;
  • compulsory military service, due to which the teenager also does not have the opportunity to help the family with money;
  • The number of minor children established in different regions is different.

To find out the conditions for compliance with the established standards of a particular region, you need to obtain information from local social protection authorities.

If these conditions exist, a father of many children living with his children has the right to apply to social authorities to obtain the legal status of a father of many children. He will need to write an application and submit the required documents. After an affirmative decision, the man will be issued a father of many children certificate.

Having received the status and certificate of a father of many children, a man can claim all the same privileges and benefits as a full-fledged family or a single mother with many children.

All benefits and additional payments are fully and entirely assigned to the regions of Russia. The only payment that is made from the federal budget is 100 thousand rubles. It is granted to a parent who was able to raise more than six children up to the age of eight. For this he was awarded the Order of Parental Glory.

All other measures of state assistance are allocated from local budget funds.

Medical benefits

At a young age, children's immunity is still developing, and they are susceptible to constant diseases. That is why providing preferential medical care especially relevant for large families. Fathers of many children have the right:

  • emergency medical care;
  • free vitamins;
  • free provision of necessary medications to children under 6 years of age;
  • preferential right to a trip to a sanatorium once a year for each child.

To receive discounted medications, you must submit a prescription from a doctor to a social pharmacy.

Labor privileges

Fathers with many children are forced to provide for the entire family, so they are provided with special working and rest conditions:

  1. They are required to be given priority for employment in their profession based on their qualifications.
  2. An additional day off for a 40-hour work week if you have a disabled dependent child.
  3. Additional unpaid leave of 14 days annually.
  4. Exceeding working hours or going on long business trips only with the written consent of the father.
  5. Part-time work if there are dependent children under 14 years of age.

Tax breaks

When paying taxes, fathers with many children also have certain privileges. To receive them, you must write an application to the HR department at work or to the Tax Inspectorate and submit necessary documents. What you are entitled to claim:

  • standard tax deduction for each child when calculating personal income tax;
  • partial or complete tax exemption if you have your own business or start a farm;
  • discounts or complete abolition of transport tax.
  • a tax refund equal to a quarter of the cost of his children's education.

Utility payments

A significant expense item for every family, especially in winter time year. Therefore, regions provide fathers with many children with a discount of 50 to 70% on all utilities.

And those families who live in private houses can also be offered a discount on fuel up to 50% or provided with free firewood.

Transport services

Moving around the city with three or more children makes it much more difficult and constraining for the family. That's why they have:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • preferential travel on intercity transport links to medical or educational institutions;

Individual regions may provide other benefits at their discretion.

Social benefits

One of the widest groups of benefits to which all fathers with many children, without exception, are entitled:

  1. The right to receive a land plot of at least 6 acres.
  2. Obtaining preferential loans to improve housing conditions.
  3. Priority admission of children to kindergartens and educational institutions.
  4. Providing school uniforms.
  5. Providing free meals in schools and kindergartens.
  6. Cultural development of children through the provision of free tickets to museums and other entertainment events at least once a month.

Cash payments

If a father is raising three or more children on his own, he has the right to receive the following payments:

  1. Child care allowance until he reaches one and a half years old. Paid by the employer in the amount of 40% of his permanent average monthly income. If the father is listed as unemployed, then this benefit is paid by social authorities in a set amount. For 1 child 3065.69 rubles, for subsequent children 6131.67 rubles.
  2. Has the right to maternity capital upon the birth of a second or third child after the program came into force in 2006. In 2017, its amount was 453,026 rubles.
  3. Regional surcharges are set individually in each region and depend on the standard of living in it.

Thus, fathers with many children have the same benefits as families with many children. Only their situation is much more difficult, since the father has to solve problems and perform the functions of both parents.