All methods of swaddling a newborn baby to help parents. Proper swaddling of a baby in the maternity hospital How to swaddle a baby correctly

Nappies are comfortable, soft pieces of fabric widely used instead of clothing for newborns. It’s unlikely that anyone can say exactly when the history of baby diapers began. The need to protect, warm, and cherish our descendants is inherent in us by nature itself. This means that diapers appeared not much later than, in fact, man himself. Only at first they were the skins of animals killed during hunting, in which primitive people wrapped their children, then they were made of leather, fur, and burlap. Today they have changed, they have become both more comfortable and attractive. But many alternative options for children's clothing have appeared: rompers and vests, overalls, bodysuits, etc. Some parents now do not swaddle their children at all. And others are of the opinion that it is necessary to swaddle babies, as our mothers and grandmothers did, the mothers of our grandmothers and many generations of women before us. Who is right here? Should modern parents swaddle their newborn babies? And if so, how to swaddle a baby correctly? We tell you everything according to the instructions, step by step, with photos and videos.

The benefits of swaddling a baby

Why is it believed that a newly born baby will feel more comfortable if swaddled, because this will limit his freedom of action?

The answer is simple: the diaper to some extent creates an illusion confined space and somehow reminds the little one of his mother’s womb, where he felt cozy and warm.

It is best if the child’s body is in contact with a surface that, in the first time after birth, would replace the walls of the amniotic sac, because it is their protection that he has become accustomed to during the nine months of life in his mother’s tummy. This way, the child’s adaptation to a new environment is easier and faster.

Is it necessary to swaddle a baby?

But there is another reason why swaddling is recommended for infants. Their movements are not yet entirely conscious. Newborns do not yet know how to control them. Moreover, the chaotic movements of the arms and legs can even frighten the baby.

Undoubtedly, it is best to be in your mother’s arms, but it won’t work out all the time. In such a situation, a diaper is simply necessary. It retains heat well, guarantees comfort and safety, and yes, it restricts movements, which slow down the process of going to bed and, in fact, only distract and frighten the child. A baby who is swaddled falls asleep faster and sleeps much more soundly.

A big advantage is the low cost of diapers - you can make them yourself, and buy them no more than once every three months. You will have to purchase rompers, vests and bodysuits much more often, and they cost much more.


  • Often newborns have problems with muscle tone, so they need special clothing.
  • If the room is quite warm, the baby may overheat in the diaper because it is difficult for him to maintain a certain body temperature. This is especially true summer period. In this case, it is necessary to dress the baby lightly, and it is better for him to sleep on his stomach. Diapers definitely won't fit here.
  • Also, diapers, compared to, for example, rompers and vests, somewhat limit the child’s ability to motor activity. And this prevents the strengthening and development of the muscles of the arms, legs, neck, and abdominals. But you can lay the baby on his tummy before each feeding, do gymnastics with him, not swaddle him when he is awake, and thus compensate for this deficiency.
  • In addition, most dads find it easier to put clothes on their baby rather than swaddle him. And modern mothers, looking at the huge assortment of children's clothes, simply cannot resist - they buy elegant dresses and comfortable “bodysuits”, increasingly preferring them over the good old diapers.

When a newborn is calm and happy with everything, eats well, falls asleep easily and sleeps for several hours at a time, then he hardly needs diapers that much. But for babies who are restless, often cry for no apparent reason, or have problems sleeping, it is still better to wrap them in diapers for the first few months after birth.

Video “for or against diapers” - Dr. Komarovsky

A little theory

Changing a diaper is quite simple. To do this, prepare in advance:

  • clean diaper (for different types swaddling, the diaper is folded differently, and there may be more than one);
  • diaper (disposable or reusable);
  • vests, rompers (if you wear them);
  • a basin with warm water or napkins for newborns (you can also wash the baby under running water);
  • remedy for skin irritations - powder, baby cream or special oil.

Remember! Everything you need should be at your fingertips. After all, when you put your baby on the changing table and undress him, you can’t leave him there unattended and go look for the missing accessories.

  • Before each swaddling, be sure to wash the baby and dry him gently with a soft towel.
  • If the navel has not yet healed, nothing should squeeze it. When you use diapers, you need to fold back the front edge when changing them.
  • Diapers must be washed and ironed each time; used ones cannot be dried.
  • Overheating is dangerous for newborns. Therefore, you need to choose a warm or thin diaper based on the room temperature.
  • Cotton diapers stretch well and do not hinder movement, flannel ones are not so pliable.
  • Don't swaddle tightly. Avoid folds, especially rough ones. Make sure that nothing causes inconvenience to the little one.
  • There is a misconception that a baby should be swaddled with straight legs. Do not do this under any circumstances.
  • A newborn baby is just beginning to explore the world, so he watches your speech and facial expressions. Be as friendly as possible. Talk to your baby while swaddling. Then he will not resist, but will begin to perceive swaddling as a natural procedure.

There are different ways to swaddle a newborn. The use of one method or another depends on age characteristics, necessity or doctor's recommendations.

Video: how to properly swaddle a newborn

Tight swaddling - step-by-step instructions with photos

With this method, the baby is swaddled completely. It is often used for hyperactive children.

Algorithm of actions:

Pediatricians do not recommend resorting to this method of swaddling during the day, or using undershirts with sleeves sewn up. But you can use it before going to bed at night. A child wrapped in this way will feel calmer and sleep better.

There are two varieties of this method: in the first case, the arms remain on top of the diaper, and in the second, they are swaddled, like the legs.

Loose swaddling is considered more gentle. The position in which the newborn's arms are pressed to the chest and the legs are pressed to the tummy is approximately the same as he was in the womb. This is how the baby will feel comfortable.

Algorithm of actions:

If you have any difficulties with swaddling, you can use an envelope. It is much more convenient and does not interfere with the child’s movements.

Wide swaddling

Wide swaddling is prescribed by a doctor for various disorders in the development of the musculoskeletal system. The baby's position should be the most natural - legs bent and slightly moved to the sides.

This swaddling promotes the proper development of the pelvic joints and is a prevention of dislocations and subluxations of the hips, as well as dysplasia in the early stages. The method is applicable to children up to six months old.

Usually in the maternity hospital they show what it means to swaddle a baby widely. You will need three diapers, as well as two vests. Choose clothes according to the season: the main thing is to avoid overheating.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Put on your baby a vest made of thin fabric.
  2. Next, a jacket made of flannel or flannel is put on over the vest.
  3. Place two warm ones on the table, and then a thin diaper on top.
  4. Place the child on the table.
  5. A warm diaper must be folded into a scarf (the edge is on the tummy), and a thin one is folded in the form of a strip.
  6. Place a thin diaper between the legs and wrap the legs in it.
  7. The bottom of the thick diaper passes between the legs, and then is fixed around the tummy.
  8. Place the baby diagonally on the third diaper, wrap the edges behind the back, and tuck the bottom and secure it to one of the top edges.

Swaddling in a blanket

Often in winter, newborns are taken from the maternity hospital wrapped in a warm blanket. And for walks in the cold season, a blanket is not as often as before, but today it is also used. How to properly swaddle a baby in a blanket?

"With your head"

Head outside

In summer and hot weather

During the warm season, there are rules for swaddling, the observance of which guarantees the comfort and well-being of your baby.

  • In hot weather, you should not tightly swaddle a child suffering from increased muscle tone.
  • Children often develop a fever when swaddling, so in summer it is best to use thin diapers without vests or rompers.
  • In case of stomach upsets, it is best for the baby to lie on his tummy; in this case, there is no need to swaddle the baby.

Note! The most the best way In hot weather, free swaddling is recommended.

Video: how to swaddle a baby in the heat and other swaddling methods

Age characteristics

Swaddling helps the newborn baby get used to the new world. This period can last a week, or even a month.

The mother independently determines at what age the baby will be swaddled. By his behavior, she will understand when he is ready to give up diapers. Many resort to swaddling only at night so that the baby sleeps peacefully.

At the age of two months, the baby can already leave his arms free, and at three months he can completely forget about diapers. It is best not to use diapers when the baby is awake, because he must learn to control his movements and explore the world.

If parents are categorically against diapers, however, they notice that their baby feels more confident when his movements are somewhat difficult, you can buy a special envelope. But if you have even the slightest doubt about swaddling or using an envelope, be sure to consult with the pediatrician who is caring for your child.

Many mothers to this day follow the advice of grandmothers and experienced pediatricians and, in addition to comfortable clothes, purchase classic diapers for their babies. Of course, there is some truth to this: firstly, a swaddled baby is more comfortable to hold and feed, and secondly, in this state the child himself feels more calm. In this article we will tell you how to swaddle a newborn in several different ways.

But even if you are determined not to use swaddling, still read these tips and buy a couple of swaddles just in case.

They may be needed:

  • when you try to safely clean your baby's ears and nose;
  • when it will be necessary to quickly unwrap and wrap the child before and after examination by a doctor, so as not to waste time undressing and dressing;
  • when the newborn is very irritated and cannot calm down quickly;
  • when you need to quickly warm a child;
  • if your baby has diaper rash or other skin problems that would make putting on rompers and undershirts painful.

What is the “correct diaper”?

To choose suitable diapers, first think about the parameters of the newborn - his height and weight. But, in any case, you will need diapers in the shape of a square measuring approximately 1.2 m by 1.2 m or 1 m by 1 m. They can be used for examination in the clinic, and when swaddling the head, and just to make the crib. You can comfortably use this large diaper until your baby is 3 months old. If your baby was not born at term, then a smaller diaper, 0.7 m long, is suitable for him.

In the classic version, the diaper is always rectangular and measured by length. If you plan to swaddle your baby constantly, then you may need both thin and insulated options. Depending on what time of year the baby is planned to be born, diapers can be purchased in advance. For example, if the arrival of a newborn is expected in the summer heat, cambric diapers are ideal because they “breathe” well. True, they are not as durable as calico ones, which will also be good in the summer. IN winter time In addition to thin ones, you will also need insulated diapers - made of flannel or knitwear. The former are 100% cotton and therefore absorb liquid well, while the latter stretch well and are more comfortable for the baby so that he can move when he needs it. For cold ones winter days Warm fleece diapers can also come in handy, but they need to be purchased a couple of sizes larger.

Mothers who plan to swaddle their baby constantly should take into account that for the first month they will need a lot of diapers (about 15 pieces per day) - especially if you do not want to use popular ready-made diapers. In this case, you will need to prepare the same amount of gauze diapers.

By the way, one of the most convenient for a newborn is a ready-made transforming diaper, specially developed by pediatricians at the Kulakov Institute. Using it is as simple as possible: you just need to place the baby’s legs in a special pocket, and then secure the diaper with Velcro.

How can you swaddle a newborn?

There are a huge number of types of swaddling, because you can wrap a baby not only in a swaddle, but also in a sling, a sleeping bag, a regular blanket and in a special envelope. But in the classical sense, there are three main methods - soldier swaddling, loose swaddling and wide swaddling.

From birth, it is customary to swaddle a baby with his head, after a while he switches to swaddling his torso, and then only his legs. Each type of swaddling requires special skills, which are best practiced in advance - either in special courses for pregnant women, or by swaddling a doll or teddy bear at home. You should not study on a newborn so as not to injure or frighten him. And having worked out a clear scheme of actions when swaddling, it will be much easier for you to do it in practice.

One more point: before swaddling a newborn, you need to put on a baby vest and the diaper you chose (bought in a store or a gauze one you made yourself). You should not put a cap on your baby at home: most pediatricians believe that the child’s head should be free most of the time.

How to swaddle a newborn with a “soldier”

The “soldier,” as you know, stands straight, and his arms are at his sides. Hence the name of the swaddling method, when the baby's arms and legs are straightened along the body, while the legs are wrapped separately from the top. “Soldier” can be swaddled with the head and only the body.

  • Swaddling with a “soldier” with your head. You will need 2 diapers. Lay one of them horizontally, the second - on top like a diamond, with a corner bent on top, on which the baby's head will rest. Now place the child on the finished structure so that the edge of the upper diaper is enough to wrap the head like a scarf: to do this, you need to tuck the edges of the “handkerchief”, clasping it around the forehead and sides of the head. Now you need to wrap the diaper around the baby’s bent arm (first lead the edge of the fabric to the armpit, and then to the legs. Do not pull the diaper too tightly so that the baby can breathe normally. Repeat the same movement with the other arm. Next, we use the second cloth: first wrap the edge of the diaper from the shoulder to the arm diagonally and then place this edge under the back. We repeat the movement on the other side. We have the bottom edge of the diaper in which we need to swaddle the legs: grab them and tuck the ends into the edge of the diaper, which is already tucked in. In this case, do not use pins for fixation, this is dangerous and can injure the child!
  • Swaddling the body with a “soldier”. Typically, this method is used before bed after swimming, when there is no need to wear rompers and undershirts. Lay out the diaper in a diamond shape and tuck its top edge. Place the baby on the diaper so that the top edge covers the baby's shoulders. Now, with the right edge of the fabric, grab the entire left side of the baby’s body and place it under the back, and wrap the lower edge, raised up, around the shoulder. Now wrap the left edge of the fabric around the baby’s entire body and tuck the tip of the diaper into the folded edge.

Why does the method of swaddling a newborn “soldier” usually cause resistance among modern pediatricians? First of all, doctors say that the child is forced to remain in a static position for a long time: because of this, blood circulation in his body may worsen and natural development may slow down.

The method is called “free” because with this swaddling the newborn’s limbs are not rigidly fixed, but are in a relatively free state.

  • To apply loose swaddling, you need to take a diaper large size and spread it out like a diamond, folding the top edge. We place the baby's shoulders at the level of the folded edge, in the center of the diaper. Now place the baby’s hand in the area that appears at the edge of the diaper. Place the end of the diaper through your armpit and behind your back. Repeat the same action from the opposite edge.
  • If swaddling is done correctly, the baby’s arms will be in the “pocket”, at face level, and will be able to move freely there, but the baby will not be able to pull them out so as not to disturb himself.
  • Another option for free swaddling: fold the end of the diaper not at the top, but at the bottom, and place the baby just above the edge of the fabric. Now wrap the baby in the ends of the diamond diagonally, and fix the bottom edge of the diaper at the chin.

In any case, do not try to swaddle your baby too tightly, and if you use tight swaddling, then only for a short time - for example, during hygiene procedures. Remember that tight swaddling often leads to a serious problem - hip dysplasia.

How to properly swaddle a newborn using the wide method

Wide swaddling means that the baby is not positioned straight, but in a “frog” position - with the legs spread wide. This position is considered the most comfortable and natural for a child.

  • You will need two diapers. Fold the first one in half, in the shape of a triangle, and place it under the child’s back so that the long corners are on the sides and the short one is between the legs. The result is a kind of diaper that needs to be wrapped around the baby’s body and secured at the ends.

Now place the baby on the second sheet so that it covers the lower back. Wrap the newborn's body with the upper ends of the diaper one at a time and then secure these ends. Then lift the lower edges of the diaper towards the stomach, wrap them around the lumbar part, and secure the ends.

They begin to swaddle the baby in the maternity hospital. Young inexperienced mothers often ask nurses to teach them this skill. But it’s better to learn the basics of the art of swaddling in advance and practice on dolls or toys.

The child is swaddled so that he is not afraid of his hands, his movements, and also does not accidentally scratch himself with his nails. It is important to assist the child, to help him settle into the world outside his mother’s tummy. Experts recommend swaddling for at least the first month of life. Usually the mother herself, on an intuitive level, understands when to stop swaddling. After 2 months of life, you can give the child a little freedom and not swaddle his hands. And from 3 months, the baby begins to roll over on his side, become interested in the world around him and try to reach for toys. At this age, complete refusal of swaddling is already permitted.

Pros and cons of swaddling

There are people who believe that swaddling is not beneficial. Let's look at the arguments they make:

  1. Swaddling restricts the baby's freedom of movement, which can put pressure on the diaphragm and create some discomfort.
  2. Blood circulation in the baby’s body is disrupted, as a result the functioning of internal organs and muscles is disrupted.
  3. As a result, the baby is isolated from the mother, since there is no tactile contact.
  4. To prevent hip dysplasia, it is necessary to keep the baby out of diapers.
  5. Curvature of the legs cannot be corrected by swaddling.
  6. A swaddled child is limited in freedom of action and knowledge of the world.
  7. While in a diaper, the baby may overheat, especially in the summer.

At the same time, there are also supporters of swaddling. To prove their point of view, they provide the following arguments:

  1. A swaddled baby experiences calm, comfort, safety, falls asleep quickly, and sleeps soundly.
  2. New parents find it easier to swaddle their baby to reduce the risk of harm.
  3. It will be easier for mom to feed and rock the baby in a swaddled state.

Why do mothers prefer swaddling:

  1. Babies become more sensitive at night and can startle and wake up from any sound. Or he can simply touch his face with his hands, knock the pacifier out of his mouth, and thereby wake himself up.
  2. Children in the first year of life develop very quickly, every month their height increases by several centimeters, and they gain weight well. Because of this, the baby constantly needs new clothes. In this case, diapers will be a great way to save money.
  3. By fixing the baby's position with a diaper, it will be easier to feed him with a bottle or breastfeed.

By the way, happykids has a very useful one on how to properly hold a baby after feeding.

Correct swaddling

There are several swaddling techniques that differ in their execution algorithm:

  • free;
  • tight;
  • in a blanket;
  • wide.

It is most convenient to wrap the baby in a diaper in a special, separate place; usually a specialized table is set up for this. But in cases where the apartment does not have the ability to install such a table, this process is performed on a smooth surface. For swaddling, parents will also need the following items:

  • wet wipes;
  • special care products;
  • diapers;
  • fresh diapers;
  • vests and rompers.

Children lose heat very quickly and in order to prevent the child from getting too cold, in winter you can connect heating elements and reduce the time for changing diapers. It is important to check the availability of all necessary things for the procedure, so as not to leave the child without clothes and alone in search of them. In the winter season, it is recommended to swaddle the child in several diapers, and the scheme will look like this: first they wrap it in a calico diaper, then in a flannelette diaper.

Free swaddling

In the illustration: One of the free swaddling techniques

Recently, pediatricians have given their preference to the free style of swaddling. When using this method, you must first put a blouse on the child, and then wrap the legs in a diaper. In this case, there is no need for strong fixation of the legs; they should have freedom of movement. Recently, envelopes have appeared that create the effect of free swaddling.

In the photo: Changing envelopes. Different degrees of hand freedom are shown.

Free-style swaddling is perfect for the summer season so that your baby doesn't get locked up. Free swaddling can be used both with hidden hands and free.

Swaddling without handles

  • the child is placed on a diaper, with the upper edge located under the arms;
  • the free ends of the diaper are wrapped crosswise from left to right and from right to left behind the back;
  • the rest of the diaper at the legs is folded into a pocket and fixed.

See another technique with free handles below:

Free swaddling with handles

  • the child is placed on a diaper, with the upper edge located under the neck;
  • We wrap the left and right edges of the diaper behind the back, without fixing the arms along the body;
  • Raise the edge of the diaper at the legs up to chest level and secure it at the sides.

Tight swaddling

This method was very popular in Soviet times and among the peoples of Africa and India. It is believed that a tightly swaddled baby will be able to cause less harm to himself, and in the future he will show obedience and discipline. The algorithm for performing tight swaddling is simple:

  • lay the diaper on a flat surface;
  • place the child in the middle of the cloth, with the head above the diaper;
  • the right hand is pressed to the stomach;
  • the right edge of the diaper is folded under the back obliquely;
  • repeat the same movements on the left side;
  • The free end of the diaper is bent upward and tucked into the created pocket.

Wide swaddling

This method of swaddling is used as a prevention and treatment of hip deformities in infants. With wide swaddling, the baby's legs have a natural position: the legs are apart and slightly bent at the knees. Thanks to this position of the legs, the likelihood of dislocations and subluxations of the joints is eliminated. In this case, the hands can be either in a free position or fixed with a second diaper. For this swaddling technique, you usually need 3 pieces of fabric at once:

  • The first diaper is used to fix the wide position of the legs, while they are strengthened at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • the first piece of fabric is secured with the second;
  • and the third diaper is wrapped on top of all the others.

Swaddling with a blanket

Sometimes in the winter, parents wrap their child in an insulated blanket. You can wrap your baby in a blanket with or without his head. Swaddling in a blanket with your head:

  • the blanket is placed obliquely;
  • the baby is laid in the middle of the blanket;
  • the left side of the blanket is folded behind the back, and a fold is made where the upper edge is located under the baby’s chin, and the lower edge in the navel area;
  • the lower corner of the blanket is fixed under the fold;
  • then the right side of the blanket is wrapped behind the child’s back;
  • secure the resulting envelope with a bow.

In the autumn and spring seasons, the baby can be wrapped without a head, putting only a hat on it. This swaddling option looks like this:

  • the blanket is placed obliquely;
  • create a fold on the outside;
  • we place the baby on the blanket so that the head lies above the fold;
  • We fasten the left edge of the blanket under the back;
  • legs are wrapped in a blanket;
  • fold the right edge of the blanket;
  • We fix the position of the blanket with a bow.

This method of swaddling a newborn is attractive because it is always possible to straighten the fold and cover the baby’s head with a blanket.

  1. The baby should be swaddled in a carefully ironed diaper.
  2. To ensure that the diaper remains soft even after washing, it must be sprayed with water.
  3. The room temperature must be at least 20 degrees.
  4. As a preventative measure, it is advisable to wrap the baby in a wide swaddling method.
  5. A self-sewn envelope with straps will be an excellent means of swaddling a baby at night, as the legs will be warm and the arms will be free.

What is better not to do:

  1. During the hot season, you should not swaddle your newborn tightly, as there is a risk of the baby overheating.
  2. It is not recommended to wrap your baby in a diaper if he has digestive disorders or diarrhea.

This has come to the end of our article on how to properly swaddle a newborn baby. We hope that the tips from happykids really helped you!

The issue of swaddling a baby has recently begun to cause a lot of controversy. Most specialists, pediatricians and parents themselves believe that after the baby is born, he should be swaddled. In order not to harm the baby, you need to know how to swaddle a newborn.

Young parents themselves decide all issues related to caring for the baby. Before making a choice, it is necessary to correctly evaluate all the positive and negative aspects swaddling and refusal of it.

During 9 months of intrauterine development, the baby got used to the restriction of movements and the warmth of the mother’s body. Birth is stressful for a baby who has been torn from a comfortable, safe environment.

The feeling of loss of protection, unusual freedom of movement - all this frightens the baby. Wrapping yourself in a warm diaper helps to survive such stress, which creates a cozy and comfortable cocoon for the baby.

Scientists have found that a tightly swaddled baby sleeps more soundly and is not capricious. The child suffers less from colic. Experts recommend mandatory swaddling for children with increased nervous excitability.

Pros and cons of swaddling

Proponents of the idea that babies should be swaddled give many arguments to support their theory:

  • Adaptation of the baby to the new external environment occurs with less stress on the psyche. Swaddling psychologically connects the outside world with the conditions of intrauterine development.
  • A newborn child does not know how to control his own body and movements. The spontaneous movements of arms and legs that occur can injure the baby and also frighten him. Due to sudden movements, the baby does not sleep well and is capricious. A properly swaddled baby cannot injure itself and sleeps better and more soundly.
  • A baby who is tightly swaddled almost never has colic. Regular tight swaddling reduces gas formation and is a preventative procedure to prevent the occurrence of colic.
  • Retains heat well in cold weather. The fact is that a newborn baby has not yet developed a thermoregulation system, the processes of which are in the process of formation.
  • The touch of the diaper fabric to the baby's skin through tactile sensations creates a feeling of coziness and comfort. The sense of touch develops.
  • The diaper prevents diaper rash because the fabric is breathable. Diapers are changed more often, and the baby's skin comes into much less contact with the wet surface.
  • To prevent the baby from being afraid of the first bath, doctors recommend wrapping the baby in a thin diaper, which will give a feeling of protection.
  • For young parents, the use of diapers helps reduce the financial costs of buying children's clothing, which babies outgrow very quickly.

Opponents of this procedure give the following arguments:

  • It is possible for the body to overheat after swaddling if the baby was born in the summer.
  • Stiffness in the baby's movements can lead to impaired muscle tone.
  • If you swaddle a baby tightly, the blood circulation process will slow down, which in turn has a bad effect on the nervous system.
  • The baby will not learn to move his arms and legs in time, which will lead to developmental delays.

In response to opponents of swaddling, the following can be noted: the procedure itself is carried out up to 2–3 months from the day of birth, when babies sleep most of the time. After just a few weeks, during the procedure, the arms remain free, and the swaddling itself becomes freer. In summer, diapers made of thin cotton fabric are used, which prevents overheating.

Choosing diapers

Before purchasing diapers, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements that the fabric must meet.

  • No synthetics, only natural materials: chintz, flannel, knitwear. These fabrics are highly breathable and absorb moisture, which helps prevent diaper rash.
  • The colors should be calm tones. If the fabric is painted in too bright colors, then the chemical composition of the paint may be harmful to the baby. The paint must be durable so that it does not fade when washed.
  • The fabric should be pleasant and soft to the touch. If the fabric is sharp, bad smell, you should not buy such a diaper.
  • The fabric should have good stretch. The edges are finished with overlock. Thick seams can chafe delicate skin.
  • Calico are diapers made from natural fabric, which are adjacent directly to the child’s body.
  • Flannel. They are used in cool weather as a second layer over calico diapers. Often used as light blankets.
  • Flannelette or wool. Used in severe frosts or as a blanket. Wool blanket can also be used for proper wrapping.
  • Knitted. This type of diaper has appeared recently. Can be used instead of flannel ones or swaddled under them. The great advantage of this type is that they stretch well, do not roll down and do not create additional folds.
  • Disposable. Not used for swaddling. You can cover the changing table with them and take them to the clinic.
  • The diapers are a cocoon with Velcro. Even dad can easily handle such a diaper.
  • Velcro envelope. Very convenient for walking.

Except for disposable diapers, all others can be washed with baby soap or baby powder. After washing, they must be rinsed thoroughly. Iron the diapers on both sides. It is better to iron hard, overdried fabric with a steamer.

It is better to allocate a special place for the process itself. You can use a crib, sofa or changing table. Do not leave your baby alone on the sofa or table.

Cover the area where you will swaddle your baby with a disposable diaper. Place powder and water nearby to wash your baby. Remove the dirty diaper and thoroughly rinse off all dirt. Treat problem areas such as neck folds, armpits, groin area with powder.


Even in the maternity hospital, mommy has a question about how to properly swaddle a newborn baby? A doctor or nurse can suggest generally accepted methods and show in practice exactly how to swaddle in the maternity hospital. There are several known methods of swaddling. It is advisable to alternate all of them. Parents choose how to swaddle their baby, but it’s worth taking into account the baby’s temperament.

  1. Tight swaddling.

This species was widespread in the past. Now doctors advise abandoning tight swaddling or alternating it with other types. Often leads to compression of the limbs and diaphragm. On the contrary, this type is indicated for some children. These are hyperactive children. Tight swaddling is also recommended for children with restless sleep.

  • Place the diaper diagonally. Fold the top corner. The child should lie so that the fold line is parallel to the shoulders.
  • Press the handle to your body. Tuck the edge from the handle side under the side on the opposite side.
  • The bottom edge is raised and fixed at the back.
  • The second edge presses the free hand and also turns on the opposite side.

This method is considered classic; most likely, it is what will be recommended to a young mother in the maternity hospital when she asks to show how to swaddle a baby. For walks in winter, the upper corner is not hidden inside, it is left open: during the walk it will protect the baby from drafts.

This type is most often used during the first 2 weeks of a baby’s life. As soon as the baby begins to pull out his arms and move, it is worth moving on to free swaddling. When wrapping loosely, you can use a diaper.

  1. Free swaddling.

Most popular among moms and dads. Can be used different options: leave the arms free or wrap the arms and free the legs. This type provides the baby with the opportunity to position himself as comfortably as possible and move his limbs. You can swaddle your baby in two ways.

The technique of this method is very similar to tight swaddling. The difference is that the arms and legs do not straighten, but remain in their natural position. The diaper does not wrap very tightly.

  • The diaper lies straight.
  • Place the baby so that the head is above the edge.
  • The bottom edge bends inward.
  • Make a loose smell to the sides.
  • Raise the bottom edge.
  • Wrap the loose corners around the legs and secure them in front.

To keep the arms free, pass the diaper through the armpits. Be sure to use mittens or a vest with sewn-up sleeves so that the baby does not scratch himself.

If a child is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, the wide swaddling method is used. A pediatrician and an orthopedist will tell you how to properly swaddle a newborn baby with this disease. The legs are fixed in the “frog” position.

Take 2 diapers. Fold one in several layers. Place it between your baby's legs. With the help of the second, free swaddling is done.

You can also learn how to swaddle children in special literature, where step by step and step by step, with the help of illustrations, they show how to swaddle a baby correctly.

  • Change your swaddling methods. At night, to help the baby sleep better, wrap it tightly. During the day, in order for the baby to move, it is better to use free types.
  • After discharge from the maternity hospital, the favorite type of swaddling for the baby is wrapping it with the head. But after a night's sleep, let the baby lie down in a more relaxed position. This will help develop gross motor skills.
  • Your grandmother can tell you how to swaddle a baby correctly and quickly. Don't turn away from help from the older generation.
  • When using diapers, choose ones that take into account the anatomical features of boys and girls.
  • Make sure that diapers and panties do not put pressure on your tummy. The belt should be elastic and keep its shape well. Observe the sizes. Swaddling can be combined with wearing diapers.

Observation of your child will tell you how to swaddle your baby. If your baby doesn't sleep well or his arms suddenly twitch, use a tight swaddling method. When the child begins to pull out his hands and whine, it means it’s time for the free method.

I am already nine months pregnant and in just a couple of weeks I will finally be able to hold my baby in my arms. Therefore, I am actively preparing for my new role as a mom. Yesterday I asked a friend to teach me how to swaddle a newborn. But in response she heard that no one does this anymore, and she did not swaddle her child.

Now I have a question: should I swaddle a newborn or not? After all, my mother wrapped me in diapers. Perhaps there was some benefit from this? Or was it just considered fashionable back then and that’s all? Or have modern doctors found that swaddling harms the baby?

Please clarify this question. And, if possible, tell us how to properly swaddle a newborn.

Why swaddle a baby?

Indeed, we all know about the procedure of swaddling a baby from our mothers and grandmothers. But is it necessary to swaddle a newborn baby?

  • In general, this is a centuries-old tradition that existed even under Hippocrates, and maybe even earlier. And since after so much time it has not disappeared from the practice of mothers, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - the baby needs to be swaddled;

Our ancestors believed that this is a very important procedure that is necessary for a child during the period of his adaptation to the outside world after birth. And if we reflect on this topic, then we can quite agree with this statement.

  • While in the mother's belly, the baby is always surrounded by the walls of the uterus. You can come across phrases that the baby is floating inside the stomach. This is not entirely true, the child never floats in the uterus, it grows with the baby and within 9 months the tight membrane around the body becomes a familiar, comfortable and safest space;

Its head, arms and legs are constantly bent and rest against the walls of the uterus. And with any movement of the baby, protrusions appear on the surface of the abdomen (mothers simply adore this process).

Pros and cons

However, disputes on the topic « Is it necessary to swaddle a newborn? are ongoing. Supporters and opponents of swaddling present their arguments.

When talking about the benefits of swaddling, pay attention to the following points:

  1. A baby wrapped in a diaper does not “throw up” his arms or legs, but these movements at first very frighten him;
  2. While in a diaper, the newborn comes into contact with its surface and receives tactile sensations, thanks to which he is comfortable;
  3. After swaddling, many babies sleep more peacefully;
  4. The diaper helps keep mommy warm;

Remember! The diaper itself does not warm the baby. In the first months, the baby’s thermoregulation processes are weak, and he needs a constant new portion of his mother’s warmth.

  1. In addition, the use of diapers will allow you to save a little on the family budget, since one diaper can be used for several months, and babies outgrow them very quickly;
  2. You can often hear the opinion that swaddling a newborn promotes the correct formation of the skeleton and bones (they say that without swaddling, a child’s legs may remain crooked forever). However, at the moment this statement has no medical confirmation.

Those who consider swaddling a newborn a harmful procedure claim the following:

  • in a diaper, the baby’s movements are constrained, and this will contribute to impaired muscle tone (about muscle tone, read the current article Hypertonicity in a newborn >>>);
  • a swaddled baby may overheat;
  • Swaddling can lead to delayed sensory development.

There is another crazy statement from psychologists who, apparently, have never seen small children: They say that swaddling a baby in early age may cause problems during the formation of his personal “I-concept”.

Types of swaddling

Now let's talk about swaddling methods. There are several of them, the main difference is the degree to which the child is “wrapped up”.


  1. Tight swaddling of a newborn involves the most complete restriction of the child's movements. This is exactly how it was customary to wrap babies in maternity hospitals about thirty years ago. When they were brought to their mothers for feeding, only the face could be seen;
  2. With this method, the baby is completely wrapped in a diaper: the upper edge of the diaper is located at neck level, and the lower edge covers the legs and is wrapped upward. In this case, the arms are straightened along the body, the legs are aligned and moved together;
  3. It will be difficult for your baby to even move in this state. In addition, the straight position of his arms and legs is not yet natural for him, and he will feel very uncomfortable.

Important! You cannot swaddle a child this way, unless, of course, you want to raise an adequate and happy person, and not a prisoner in a cell.


Free swaddling of a newborn is similar to the previous one. The main difference is that there is no need to straighten the arms and legs, and the diaper should not be wrapped very tightly.

  • This is a very convenient way of swaddling. After all, moving his legs and arms, the child will constantly rest against the diaper, which will prevent the appearance of fear of large spaces. It is also good that the diaper does not tightly cover the newborn’s body, and nothing hinders his movements;

The video course Happy Motherhood will help you master the technique of such swaddling in more detail and learn everything about gentle care for a newborn >>>

  • Now they also produce special envelopes for newborns. But they resemble a bag and do not create the necessary sense of security for the baby. It is better to prefer loose swaddling in a diaper.

With your head

If it's your first baby, you may worry that you'll hurt your baby's neck or be anxious when picking him up.

In maternity hospitals they can now teach how to swaddle a newborn’s head.

  1. This is a fairly tight way to wrap a baby. It is necessary to ensure that the newborn does not overheat while in a diaper. Otherwise, a sweat rash may appear on his neck and behind his ears (article on the topic: Diaper rash in a newborn >>>).
  2. Also, you should not swaddle a newborn in this way in order to put him to sleep. At an early age, the child often spits up, and the diaper will not give him the opportunity to turn his head to the side. If you are in doubt about what position you should put your baby to sleep in, read the article Can a newborn sleep on his stomach?>>>


  • With this method of swaddling, a roll from another diaper is placed between the legs so that they are wide apart;

This is a rather unique way of swaddling. To better understand the procedure for performing it, I would recommend searching the Internet and watching a video on how to properly swaddle a newborn with dysplasia.

Swaddling the legs

Another way to swaddle a newborn baby involves wrapping only the legs in a swaddle.

  1. The upper edge of the diaper is placed at the level of the armpits;
  2. The bottom edge is folded as usual, but not pulled too tightly;
  3. Thus, the legs end up in a kind of “bag”. They can be in a half-bent position, and your baby will move them freely. Nothing interferes with the handles either.

How to properly perform swaddling

It’s very good that you became interested in the issue of swaddling in advance. After all, this is a rather complex technique that requires a little practice to master. I hope that after the tips presented and watching the video on how to swaddle a newborn, you will learn this very quickly.

  • So, first you need to prepare a diaper, vests or blouses and a gauze diaper. All children's clothing should be made only from natural fabrics, washed and ironed on both sides. Details about what clothes the baby will need in the first days are described in the article List of things for newborns for the first time >>>;
  • Before changing the diaper, the newborn must be washed, dried all the folds on the body and treated with powder or baby oil;
  • It is most convenient to swaddle your baby on a special table. Read a detailed article about changing tables >>>;
  • First of all, you should put on your baby's blouses and diaper. Find out which diapers are best to buy for a baby in the article Which diapers are best for a newborn?>>>;
  • Then lay him on a pre-spread diaper.

Subsequent steps depend on the type of swaddling. Let's take a step-by-step look at the general procedure for swaddling a newborn.

  1. Place your baby in the center of the swaddle so that the top edge of the swaddle is parallel to his shoulders. The head should be above this edge;
  2. Press your baby's left arm close to your body. Take the left corner of the diaper, wrap it diagonally and hide it under the back;
  3. Do the same with the other handle and the other corner;
  4. Now you need to wrap the bottom of the diaper. Raise it up to elbow level. Wrap both edges around the baby’s body and secure by turning one of them inward;
  5. At the end of the procedure, check that there are no thick folds in the diaper that will bother the baby.

To better understand the entire process described, look at how to swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step.

Once you understand this algorithm, you can reproduce all other types of swaddling.

In conclusion, I want to give some additional tips.

  • It is not recommended to use a safety pin to secure the edge of the diaper. If it suddenly unfastens, it may prick the baby;
  • You need to choose a diaper according to the weather. If it is hot, then it is enough to wrap the newborn in a thin cotton swaddle. If the room is cool, then the baby is also wrapped in a warm one (flannelette or flannel) on top of a thin diaper.

Attention! During swaddling, the baby should not be left unattended. He may accidentally move onto the edge of the changing table and fall.

Until what age should you swaddle

Now let’s figure out at what age should a newborn be swaddled? Everything greatly depends on the child’s general anxiety. I stopped swaddling my eldest daughter at 1 month, but from the middle, swaddling for sleep continued until 8 months (read about the norms of a child’s sleep at this age in the article How much should a child sleep at 8 months?>>>).

Observe how the child falls asleep (the article The child sleeps only outside >>> may be relevant to you), whether the “throwing up” of his arms continues, and whether such movements are frightened. When the baby adapts to his new condition, the need for swaddling disappears.

If your baby doesn't like being swaddled

In some cases, wrapping a newborn in swaddles can cause anxiety. The child may be capricious and cry, trying to free himself from the diaper. We need to establish the reason why this happens:

  1. Perhaps you violated or slightly distorted the instructions on how to properly swaddle a newborn, and now a fold has formed on some edge of the diaper and it brings discomfort to the baby;
  2. Or you made some hygienic errors, which is why diaper rash appeared on the child’s body, which bothers him;
  3. Or maybe the newborn is just hot and sweaty.

Very anxious children and children who have lost contact with their mother protest against swaddling. They don’t want to be in her arms, refuse to breastfeed, and protest against swaddling.

Know! This is not a swaddling problem, but a relationship problem, and you need to start correcting it by building soft care.

In most cases, small child Once in a diaper, he relaxes, calms down and sleeps more soundly.

After 2 months (read the article about what a child should be able to do at 2 months?>>>) the child’s resistance may be a signal that the baby has grown up, is accustomed to the environment and does not like that the diaper interferes with movement and cognize the world around us. In this case, give him more freedom by replacing diapers with onesies.