How long does cosmetics remain suitable for use? What is the expiration date for eye shadow? What do we get as a result of expired eye shadow?

Cosmetics safety, questions and answers, expiration date.

There is an opinion that makeup products can last quite a long time if you keep them tightly closed and store them in a cool and dry place, but unfortunately this is not entirely true...
The shelf life of cosmetics decreases sharply as soon as the product is opened - conditions are created for increased bacterial activity. The shelf life of cosmetics used in the eye area is more limited in terms of time of use than for other areas of the body, this is primarily due to the possibility of catching an eye infection.
The manufacturer is required to indicate this information about the expiration date of a cosmetic product, so strictly adhere to the recommendations on the packaging.
Fulfilling these requirements may not be very convenient for us, but we must take into account that sunlight and heat lead to the decomposition of preservatives that help fight microbes.
Also, never wear makeup if you have an eye infection. Bacteria can spread and fester, infecting everything you touch. Strictly follow the rules: never use other people's makeup products. And finally, most importantly, do not use makeup products if you notice a change in color or smell.
The date of manufacture is indicated on its packaging.
Shelf life is the time during which a cosmetic product is suitable for use. The date on the package is 09/19, which means that it can be used until September 2019; in case of labeling, if the date on the package is 06/18/2019, then the cream can be used until June 18, 2019.
The expiration date of cosmetics is after opening the packaging (jar, bottle, tube). The packaging bears the “open can” symbol 6M, which means that after opening the product it can be used for six months.

Expiration dates after opening

It is always necessary to take into account that the shelf life of cosmetics depends on the manufacturer and what is used as the basis for this product.
Below is a summary list of the suitability of cosmetic products:

The sponge for cosmetic makeup must be washed after each procedure and stopped using it after a month of use.
What to do if the expiration date is not indicated? Real cosmetics have a longer shelf life and can be used for even more than 30 months.
Your foundation Smells like motor oil, but mascara makes you cry? So it's time to update your makeup bag.
All cosmetics contain preservatives, but even these eventually have an expiration date. And expired cosmetics can become a source of bacteria that can cause eye infections, acne and other unpleasant complications.
Liquid foundation
Shelf life - up to two years.
Experts recommend that if your foundation has a strange or strong smell, part with it immediately without regret.
What's inside?
Water-based cosmetics usually stored no more than a year: Water evaporates over time and bacteria can begin to multiply in the product. Alcohol-containing components significantly extend the “life” of cosmetics. But natural ingredients(oils, extracts), which are both useful and effective, shorten its service life and require special conditions storage - in a dark and cool place.
Solid cream foundations.
Shelf life is two to three years. Pay close attention to changes in the texture of the product. Sometimes foundation begins to bubble as a result of long-term storage, and the solid base cracks and becomes dry. If the product does not apply evenly to the skin, it is time to throw it away. Foundation should be stored at room temperature.

The shelf life of lipstick is up to three years. If your lipstick is dry and no longer glides on your lips, it's time to find a replacement!
Another “telling” sign is an unpleasant sticky feeling on the lips, or an unusual strong smell.
It is better to store lipstick in the refrigerator - this way it will last you longer.
Powder, blush, eye shadow
Shelf life - up to three years. Compact cosmetics gradually become “greasy” when they come into contact with the skin of the face, so before using eye shadow or blush, it is recommended to remove the greasy film from the surface. Compact eye shadows are the most durable because there are no sebaceous glands on the eyelids that secrete sebum, which contaminates compact cosmetics.

The shelf life of the mascara is three months and no exceptions!
Mascara is often a breeding ground for bacteria that cause eye infections. If you develop an eye infection, stop using mascara immediately.

Contour pencils
Shelf life is indefinite, up to several years. Remember to always clean your pencil every time before sharpening it. It is recommended to wipe the pencil sharpener with alcohol after each use. Get rid of the pencil as soon as you notice a change in its texture or smell, advises
Care products
Creams, gels and lotions are also cosmetic items. If you use expired cosmetics, various allergic reactions are possible: itching, redness and even the development of dermatitis.
Therefore, do not use cosmetics for more than 6 months after opening the package;
- choose products with a dispenser so as not to put your hands into the tube;
- store cosmetics in a dry and cool place, the bathroom is not suitable for this;
- the appearance of an unpleasant odor, separation of the cream, changes in viscosity, consistency and density of the mass, and in some cases, a change in the color of the product should alert you and make you think about its further use.
Most likely, the cosmetic product has become unusable and needs to be thrown away.

Labeling of cosmetics

Relatively recently, a new international labeling for perfumery and cosmetic products was introduced. In the photo you can see the open cap of the tube and the number, and next to it the letter “M”, for example, 12M - the period of use after opening is twelve months.

To enlarge the image click on the picture

The manufacturer can indicate a code on the packaging that determines the batch number and production date. The expiration date may not be indicated if it is more than 30 months (according to the European Cosmetics Directive, etc.), in which case the expiration date after opening the product is indicated.
If the expiration date is less than 30 months, then the expiration date is indicated, for example, Exp 06/2014 - use until June 2014 (Expiry translated from English as “expire”). On German you can come across the phrase “Verwendbar bis” - use before, although this applies primarily to medicines.
Cosmetic hygiene
According to statistics, women suffer from eyelid diseases more often than men. Wearing makeup inevitably puts you in contact with your eyelids and eyelashes, so having bacteria on your fingers or makeup brushes greatly increases the risk of infection in the delicate eye area. To prevent this from happening:

Do not forget to wash all brushes and sponges once a week with warm water and soap; do not touch your eyes unless necessary. use someone else's eyeshadow or mascara.
  • - Try to store your cosmetics in a dark and cool place, this could be a case, box, suitcase, closet, bedside table, desk drawer, etc.
  • - Wash your hands before using cosmetics.
  • - For long-term storage, try to close tightly and tighten the lid after use.
  • - Do not forget to mark the date of opening of cosmetics, this can be a marker or pencil.
  • - In case of an eye infection or allergy, be sure to replace the cosmetics with high-quality ones with a recent release date.
  • - Don’t take risks and don’t buy cosmetics in jars, even if you like their appearance (this will eliminate the possibility of buying a product with bacteria brought in by hand).
  • - Avoid storing cosmetics in sunlight and in the bathroom (humid place).
  • - Strictly use only your own cosmetic bag.
  • - Do not “pump air” into the bottle of mascara.
  • - Try not to purchase cosmetics with opened (broken) packaging.
  • - Always remember that increased temperature and humidity reduce the shelf life of cosmetics.
  • - Do not dilute cosmetic products (for example, by stirring mascara with water).
When purchasing cosmetics, if you see a date and a sticky spot next to it, this is a warning sign that the date may have been re-stickered.
How can you tell if the expiration date has expired?

The general rule for expired cosmetics, or the product has already deteriorated, is quite simple:
- if you notice changes in your cosmetics, and this is primarily the appearance of a smell;
- change in appearance, liquid has passed away, granules have appeared, gases have appeared in the tube;
- nail polish has become thicker or hardened.

Any cosmetics have two expiration dates. The first indicates the production date or expiration date of even unopened products. The second one tells you how long you can use the cosmetics after opening the package.

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the general shelf life of the product, which is usually stamped on the seam of the product in the familiar “day/month/year” format. This will help you understand whether you will have time to use the product before the expiration date or not. For example, it makes no sense to buy a large eyeshadow palette 2 months before it becomes unusable for eye makeup.

After purchase important indicator expiration date - an icon with an open jar and the indication “6M” (six months), “12M” (one year) or “24M” (two years).

Eye shadows are among the longest-lasting cosmetic products - primarily this applies to shadows with a dry texture. Once opened, they can be used for about two years. However, if you use cream shadows, their use is reduced to six months.

To prevent you from inadvertently using an expired product, place a sticker on the bottom of the eyeshadow palette indicating the date it was first opened. This will simplify the revision of your cosmetics bag and allow you to get rid of expired cosmetics in a timely manner.

Even if the expiration date has not yet expired, eyeshadow may change its texture, begin to crumble when applied, and transfer less easily to the eyelid due to improper storage and use. To prevent this, you need to follow some rules:

    Store shadows in a dry place, out of direct sunlight.

    If the surface of the shadows is worn and difficult to apply to the brush, remove the top layer using adhesive tape. The surface of the shadows will become like new.

    Do not apply eyeshadow directly from the palette with a wet brush. It is better to wet the brush after applying the shadows - this will prevent the appearance of bacteria.

    Wash your makeup brushes regularly.

Do you know the expiration date of cosmetics? English scientists have found that most women not only do not know how long beauty products are stored, but also seriously harm their health by using expired cosmetics...

A survey of representatives of the fair sex showed that 89% of women do not know, do not understand, or simply do not pay attention to the expiration dates indicated on the packaging of cosmetics.

For example, the shelf life of mascara is 4-6 months, but women actually store and use it for 12 months. But old mascara can cause the development of conjunctivitis, redness of the eyes, swelling and itching of the eyelids.

Eye shadow should last for a maximum of 18-24 months, but in fact, it lasts 180 months in a woman's makeup bag. Eyebrow pencil lasts 96 months instead of 18, lipstick lasts 120 months instead of 12-24, lip and eye pencil lasts 12 months instead of 18.

There is an expiration date for perfume. So, average term storage reaches 36, but is actually stored for 96 months.

Sooner or later, this question arises before every woman.

What to do in the fall with your favorite jars and tubes designed to protect your skin from the scorching summer sun? It’s a shame to throw it away, and next summer is still far away... Moreover, many cosmetic products simply do not have an expiration date indicated! And decorative cosmetics such as pencils and eye shadows, it seems, cannot “go bad” at all. When should cosmetics be retired?

About ten to twenty years ago we were assured that we could use cosmetics as long as they did not change the smell, consistency or appearance. Today, this approach does not suit us at all: it is important for us to get results, we want to know exactly how long this or that product is not just “suitable for use,” but gives an effect and does not lose its properties.

According to European standards, cosmetics can be stored for at least 36 months.

Unopened! As soon as you open the package, start the countdown: after the first use, thousands of microbes enter the jar or bottle. Of course, you shouldn’t be afraid of this - it is to combat them that manufacturers add preservatives to their products. However, each remedy has its own deadline...

Use immediately you will need the contents of the ampoules. The highly concentrated substances they contain are very sensitive to the influence of light and heat, and they usually do not contain preservatives. After opening the ampoule, use it for its intended purpose within an hour.

The same applies to hair dyes: even if you really want to save money and “stretch the pleasure” twice, don’t do it. As a result of using leftover dye after a few days, you can get a completely unexpected hair shade.

3 - 4 months- one season - you can store and use creams with UV filters: the protection factor gradually decreases, you can use them only for one season, after which the cream will no longer protect you from ultraviolet rays. However, this does not mean that the cream will have to be thrown away: you can continue to use it for another couple of months as a nourishing body cream.

But you should part with those products that you bought for sun protection on the seashores without regret - they definitely don’t last longer than one season. It is recommended to use cosmetics that contain vitamin C for no more than 3 months.

Up to 5 months

Products for the care of the skin around the eyes retain their qualities: they contain very few preservatives, since the latter can harm this hypersensitive skin. After opening the package, use the cream or emulsion daily: the effect will be more noticeable, and the tube will run out in a month.

You need to use mascara within 4-5 months: it quickly deteriorates from constant contact with air and our eyelashes, and with rare use it dries out. In this case, you should not dilute it with water, lotions and other liquids, as our older sisters once did - this will ruin the mascara rather than continue its existence.

About six months

Recommended for moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating facial skin care products: if you store them at room temperature away from direct sunlight. As soon as the temperature rises, the oils contained in cosmetics begin to deteriorate.

6 months is the deadline for using liquid foundations and foundations.

Up to 8 months

Use self-tanners, liquid eyeliners and body lotions. Although some experts argue that the dyes in self-tanners are very short-lived and are destroyed upon contact with air. But if it's a spray, feel free to use it throughout the year.

1 year

released into powders: both compact and loose.

You can use eye shadow for the same amount of time or even longer. Provided, of course, that you monitor the condition of the brushes, applicators and sponges.

At least once a week they want to be washed, and if you are too lazy to do this, then it is better to periodically buy new ones and get rid of the “old” ones.

You can use skin cleansing products in bottles with dispensers for the same amount of time. Although, if you use the same product regularly, it is unlikely to last for this period.

This is exactly what cosmetologists advise to do, contrary to the popular belief that the skin “gets used” to the same product. On the contrary, by “remaining faithful” you can count on a long-lasting effect. Provided the product is of high quality, of course.

You can use antibacterial foams for a little over a year.

Two years - maximum lifespan for lipsticks, glosses, as well as shampoos and shower gels. Under the same storage conditions: room temperature without changes, no sunlight.

However, intuition always suggests that it’s not worth storing lipstick for years: too often it comes into contact with a whole army of microbes.

Three years The most persistent and hardy ones “live”: contour pencils for lips and eyes, as well as deodorants.

Perfumes can also be “old-timers” if you follow the storage regime that they prefer: it is important for them to be in a cool, dry place, away from the sun. Namely, in its “native” box. And it is best to buy the fragrance in a spray - then it is free from contact with the skin, which significantly increases the chances of longevity.

Work on mistakes

The most common misconception regarding storing cosmetics is the advice to put them in the refrigerator. Even some consultants stubbornly advise storing your magic jars next to yogurt and sausage. In fact, our tireless fighters for beauty need stability - i.e. same room temperature.

Speaking of fragrances

Eau de Toilette and Eau de Cologne last much longer than “pure” Parfum: the alcohol content prolongs their life.

But natural essential oils- fragile creatures. The more there are, the sooner the smell of the perfume will change. It is believed that even a few hours spent in the sun changes the smell of the fragrance for the worse.


— give preference to products with dispensers: they are used more economically and are stored better, avoiding contact with air and our fingers.

- store all jars and bottles in their “original” packaging. The boxes will not only protect you from the sun's rays, but will also always remind you why you actually bought this, how it works and how often you need to use it.

- indicate the “date of opening” on the package. This is not at all difficult, but a good habit: if you open it, write the date. Now you will know exactly how long you can still use this or that product.

— carry out an “inventory” of your cosmetic wealth more often.

By sorting and sorting the rows of your assistants and defenders, you can not only ruthlessly get rid of long-livers, but also analyze the logic and expediency of your purchases: you may be surprised to find that you often buy something that you don’t use at all. I just liked the packaging or the sales assistant was too eloquent...

In this case think before opening the package: after all, unopened you can store

perfumes, deodorants – 5 letteni, pencils and powders – 3.5 years

creams, gels and lotions – 3 years.

Of course counting should be carried out from the date of manufacture(if it is not indicated on the package, it means it is encrypted in the barcode and you will have to ask the seller), and not from the day when you had an aggravation of shopping addiction.

Send the unopened boxes to a cool, dry place and don’t be upset: during this time (even 3 years is so long!) you will definitely find a reason to give it to someone, or use it for your own benefit.

Related materials:

Not long ago I wrote a post about the expiration dates of cosmetics, and how to check and make your life easier in tracking it. If you missed it, you can read it here.

Today I would like to discuss with you the shelf life of eye shadow. It's no secret that this particular cosmetic product is the longest-living in our cosmetic bags. And we all know that they, like any other cosmetics, have an expiration date.

But for some reason many, and I am no exception, do not pay attention to this. My oldest eyeshadow is 6 years old. The period is not the oldest, but sufficient to be sure that it has ended.

For the purposes of this discussion, I'm only talking about dry shadows. Since cream or liquid ones let you know about the end of their shelf life unpleasant smell or a change in consistency. But for most dry people, at least henna.)))

Purely theoretically, I understand that they need to be thrown away. But how do you throw out a 5? color palette from DIOR in which the bottom is not visible in more than one shade? My hands don't rise.

And so for all shadows and palettes.

How do you feel about this? Do you keep track of the expiration dates on your eye shadows? How old is your oldest eyeshadow palette or non-palette?

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There are girls for whom the expiration date of eye shadow, blush, powder, gloss or lipstick does not matter. Motivating this is that it is a pity to throw away shadows or blush that are not fully used, although they were opened 6 years ago.

How are expired cosmetics replaced? Are such cosmetics used? Will it burn and harm your health?

How long can eye shadow be stored?

When buying eye shadow or face powder, you need to carefully study the shelf life and expiration date. There are manufacturers who hide the production date and expiration date under a special code. To get full information For such powder, eye shadow or blush, you must contact a service representative.

You can store eyeshadow in a closed and airtight container for no more than three years. If the packaging is unsealed, eye shadow can be stored for no more than 1.5 years.

Eye shadows that are water-based are considered perishable. Due to the liquid in their composition, they are given a short shelf life so that bacteria and microbes do not breed there. There are virtually no microorganisms in cosmetics that contain little or no water.

Eye shadows, which consist of natural ingredients, also have a short shelf life.

The reason is that no preservatives are added to such cosmetics. Therefore, the development of microorganisms can occur more actively. The manufacturer must indicate on the packaging of natural eye shadows the period of operation and storage after opening.

The shelf life of the foundation is no more than a year. Such time frames can also be applied to compact face powder, blush, and liquid cream. To prevent bacteria from growing in the sponges, they must be changed or washed in very hot water.

Lipstick storage period

Lipstick can be stored for no more than three years in a closed package.

An open tube of lipstick can be stored for one to 1.5 years. The lip gloss or lipstick is sealed very tightly to prevent heat and bacteria from getting into the middle of the tube. You should not store lip cosmetics after they have been exposed to temperature.

Blush for the face and its shelf life

Blush for the face, as well as powder, can be stored for about three years.

It is necessary to protect face blush from exposure to the sun and heat. Blush can quickly become hardened by oils from the face carried over by sponges, brushes and applicators. In order not to spoil your face blush, it is best to replace these items with new ones within a month.

What affects the quality of cosmetics?

The most expensive cosmetics are not protected from time, so over time they also deteriorate.

A hermetically sealed tube can store the product much longer than an open one, since bacteria and air from the environment do not enter it. Even if you use special applicators, you still cannot prevent the cosmetic product from expiring. The activity of some components may decrease due to the oxidative reaction that occurs between the air and the cosmetic product itself.

How can you tell if a product has expired?

Expired cosmetics may lack mold, have a sour smell, or have peeling components. Such factors indicate that the shadows are not suitable for further use:

  • The shade changes or they become completely discolored.
  • The appearance of lumps, separation, or they begin to stretch, this is a violation of consistency.
  • A foreign aroma is felt, most often unpleasant.
  • The packaging is bulging.
  • They fade and don't adhere well.

What danger comes from expired cosmetics?

Conducting a series of studies, scientists from Great Britain have proven that cosmetics that have expired can be hazardous to health.

Eye shadow can cause the most damage because it comes into contact with sensitive skin and are located close to the retina. Toxins that are found in a bad product have a detrimental effect on the human body. A person can develop blepharitis, conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis as a result of using cosmetics that have expired.

The use of expired goods does not always result in eye disease; sometimes it can simply lead to side effects such as: irritation, rash, itching and redness. Regardless of whether cosmetics are expensive or cheap, they are dangerous after their expiration date.

How to increase shelf life?

To prevent eye shadow from deteriorating ahead of time, you must follow the rules of proper storage:

  • The cosmetic product should be kept in a dry and dark place at room temperature.
  • It is not recommended to throw away the film that is in the box, as it is intended for additional protection of the shadows.
  • Avoid using cosmetics with your hands, as the risk of breeding bacteria increases. For greater safety, it is best to use brushes and applicators.
  • After use, the brush should be rinsed and dried thoroughly.
  • It is strictly forbidden to dilute shadows with saliva or water.
  • Not recommended for general use.
  • After the packaging falls on the floor, it must be treated with alcohol.
  • It is best to purchase cosmetics in specialized stores.

Federal Law Russian Federation“On the Protection of Consumer Rights” stands on guard against violations of the rights of its citizens.

If the buyer purchased a defective or expired product, he has the right to exchange or return it. To do this, you will need to write a complaint or claim. If the seller refuses to comply with the consumer’s demands, the latter has the right to appeal to a rights protection organization or to court.

There are girls for whom the expiration date of eye shadow, blush, powder, gloss or lipstick does not matter. Motivating this is that it is a pity to throw away shadows or blush that are not fully used, although they were opened 6 years ago. How are expired cosmetics replaced? Are such cosmetics used? Will it burn and harm your health?

How long can eye shadow be stored?

When buying eye shadow or face powder, you need to carefully study the shelf life and expiration date. There are manufacturers who hide the production date and expiration date under a special code. To obtain complete information on such powder, eye shadow or blush, you must contact a service representative.

Eyeshadow can be stored in closed and airtight packaging for no more than three years. If the packaging is unsealed, eye shadow can be stored for no more than 1.5 years. Eye shadows that are water-based are considered perishable. Due to the liquid in their composition, they are given a short shelf life so that bacteria and microbes do not breed there. There are virtually no microorganisms in cosmetics that contain little or no water.

Eye shadows, which consist of natural ingredients, also have a short shelf life. The reason is that no preservatives are added to such cosmetics. Therefore, the development of microorganisms can occur more actively. The manufacturer must indicate on the packaging of natural eye shadows the period of operation and storage after opening.

The shelf life of the foundation is no more than a year. Such time frames can also be applied to compact face powder, blush, and liquid cream. To prevent bacteria from growing in the sponges, they must be changed or washed in very hot water.

Lipstick storage period

Lipstick can be stored for no more than three years in a closed package. An open tube of lipstick can be stored for one to 1.5 years. The lip gloss or lipstick is sealed very tightly to prevent heat and bacteria from getting into the middle of the tube. You should not store lip cosmetics after they have been exposed to temperature.

Blush for the face and its shelf life

Blush for the face, as well as powder, can be stored for about three years. It is necessary to protect face blush from exposure to the sun and heat. Blush can quickly become hardened by oils from the face carried over by sponges, brushes and applicators. In order not to spoil your face blush, it is best to replace these items with new ones within a month.

What affects the quality of cosmetics?

The most expensive cosmetics are not protected from time, so over time they also deteriorate. A hermetically sealed tube can store the product much longer than an open one, since bacteria and air from the environment do not enter it. Even if you use special applicators, you still cannot prevent the cosmetic product from expiring. The activity of some components may decrease due to the oxidative reaction that occurs between the air and the cosmetic product itself.

Also, the shelf life and shelf life depend on proper packaging. A cosmetic product will lose its properties faster if it has a wide neck. For example, by using liquid shadows, you can avoid the development of many microorganisms than in dry eye shadows.

How can you tell if a product has expired?

Expired cosmetics may lack mold, have a sour smell, or have peeling components. Such factors indicate that the shadows are not suitable for further use:

  • The shade changes or they become completely discolored.
  • The appearance of lumps, separation, or they begin to stretch, this is a violation of consistency.
  • A foreign aroma is felt, most often unpleasant.
  • The packaging is bulging.
  • They fade and don't adhere well.

What danger comes from expired cosmetics?

Conducting a series of studies, scientists from Great Britain have proven that cosmetics that have expired can be hazardous to health. Eye shadow can cause the most harm because it comes into contact with sensitive skin and is close to the retina. Toxins that are found in a bad product have a detrimental effect on the human body. A person can develop blepharitis, conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis as a result of using cosmetics that have expired.

Using an expired product does not always result in eye disease; sometimes it can simply produce side effects, such as irritation, rash, itching and redness. Regardless of whether cosmetics are expensive or cheap, they are dangerous after their expiration date.

How to increase shelf life?

To prevent eye shadow from deteriorating ahead of time, you must follow the rules of proper storage:

  • The cosmetic product should be kept in a dry and dark place at room temperature.
  • It is not recommended to throw away the film that is in the box, as it is intended for additional protection of the shadows.
  • Avoid using cosmetics with your hands, as the risk of breeding bacteria increases. For greater safety, it is best to use brushes and applicators.
  • After use, the brush should be rinsed and dried thoroughly.
  • It is strictly forbidden to dilute shadows with saliva or water.
  • Not recommended for general use.
  • After the packaging falls on the floor, it must be treated with alcohol.
  • It is best to purchase cosmetics in specialized stores.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” stands on guard against violations of the rights of its citizens. If the buyer purchased a defective or expired product, he has the right to exchange or return it. To do this, you will need to write a complaint or claim. If the seller refuses to comply with the consumer’s demands, the latter has the right to appeal to a rights protection organization or to court.

9 chosen

Last time I wrote about storing cosmetics for personal care - about creams, masks, scrubs... Now it's time for a short review of decorative cosmetics. More precisely, its shelf life.

Each of us probably has at least five different mascaras, several eyeshadow palettes, and many lipsticks in different shades in our makeup bag, bathroom, dressing table or bedside table drawer.

Not to mention the rest of the set of products without which we cannot imagine makeup. And there is always one favorite mascara, lipstick or eyeliner. How long can we keep them, not using them every day, when there are so many other means around that we will never stop experimenting with?


Liquid foundation is good for six months from the moment of first use, after which its effectiveness noticeably deteriorates, and it may begin to clog pores.

It should be stored in a dark place protected from moisture.


Treatment and base corrector is stored one year. After this period, it begins to deteriorate and melt very quickly.

If you apply it with your fingers, close the tube first to prevent air from getting inside.


Compact powder is stored from six months to a year. After this, even if its structure and smell have not changed, you should still not use the powder. Loose powder without preservatives is stored six months. But if it still contains preservatives (for example, talc), its shelf life increases to two to three years.

To make it serve you even longer, close the box as tightly as possible, protect from heat and moisture, and use brushes or sponges for application.


Cream eyeshadows have a limited lifespan one year. But with dry shadows the situation is more joyful - they can last you a whole three years. After all, the “drier” the composition, the longer their life expectancy. It is important to remember that dry eyeshadows are less susceptible to heat than oily ones.

It is best to store them in a place well protected from moisture.

Eye and lip pencils

Pencil shelf life: one year from the moment of first use. And be careful how you store it: a dark, cool place, such as a refrigerator, will help prevent it from deteriorating. You should also try to sharpen it more often.

Remember: if the pencil is no longer suitable for use, you will only be able to notice it when it already causes irritation to the contour of the eyes or lips or even provokes the appearance of acne.


Due to its liquid consistency, the eyeliner dries very quickly.

If this eyeliner has a thin brush, its expiration date is six months. If this is a practical eye contour pen, it dries twice as fast. But dry eyeliner, on the contrary, lasts up to 9 months.


Unfortunately, it dries too quickly: for 6, maximum – 9 months. You yourself will quickly understand that it has dried out: the mascara simply will not adhere to the eyelashes, in addition, it can begin to crumble and even cause irritation of the skin of the eyelids.

Compact, frequently used mascara will generally last only two months. So, it’s probably better to use it - it’s effective, it’s not a waste, and most importantly, it can be changed often.

There is no special way to store the carcass - it is already perfectly protected from light and air, no matter where it lies.

Lipstick, lip gloss

You can store them 9-12 months. These cosmetics are photosensitive. Therefore, to extend their lifespan, try to hide them at least in a cosmetic bag, and if they are in transparent packaging, also in a case.

In addition, close the lid tightly - after some time, lipstick and gloss may simply begin to dry out. And under no circumstances store them in the refrigerator: low temperature can change the composition of lipstick - destroy the molecules responsible for caring for your lips.

Makeup removers

If you remove makeup with two-phase products that contain essential oils, they will last from 6 to 9 months. But if you use milk or water, consider yourself lucky: they will be “alive” whole year.

But both are best stored in a dark place.

Nail polish

It becomes too sticky and viscous already in a year, so after this period it is better to throw it away in order to avoid unsuccessful attempts to get a manicure quickly and beautifully. The varnish cannot be stored in the refrigerator because at low temperatures it becomes too liquid. But it’s better to avoid heat as well – at high temperatures it dries out faster. To ensure the bottle cap closes tightly, periodically clean the neck with nail polish remover.

By the way, nail polish remover also stored one year. After this it becomes less effective. And try to avoid cheap solvents: along with the varnish, they also remove the protective layer of the nails themselves.

Shadows are a universal cosmetic product that will suit every woman. But in order to correctly highlight the eyes, theory is not enough: practice is important. It’s worth noting that mistakes are inevitable in the early stages, so try not just to find good eye shadow, but also learn how to use it correctly.

What's wrong with expired eyeshadow?

Any cosmetics that have expired are dangerous, but especially eye shadows that come into direct contact with the skin of the eyelids. Due to long-term use of eye shadows with an expiration date that has already expired, the following may occur:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • blepharitis.

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In milder situations, the following problems may arise:

  • rash;
  • redness;
  • allergy;
  • irritation with painful sensations;
  • edema.

Moreover, you should not think that all this does not apply to expensive cosmetic products. Exclusive and high-quality eyeshadows can be just as dangerous as any other cheap palette.

How to determine the expiration date?

Each palette has 2 expiration dates: before and after opening.

It is best to immediately pay attention to the general shelf life of eye shadows, before opening them. This indicator will help you decide whether to purchase cosmetics.

The expiration date is recorded in date/month/year format. Some palettes use an exact number: 6M (6 months), 12M (1 year), 24M (2 years).

As a rule, dry shadows are resistant to external irritants, which means they have a longer shelf life. The shelf life of eyeshadows with a solid consistency after opening is no more than 3 years, and cream ones - 6-12 months.

How to save shadows?

It happens that the shadows begin to break, crumble and are worse applied even before the expiration date. It is important to store and use them correctly:

  • It is best to leave the eyeshadow palette closed and away from sunlight.
  • So that you can simply pick up the shadows on a brush, take some adhesive tape and use it to remove the top layer of the entire palette. Cosmetics will apply much better, and the color will become richer. This problem arises when, when using shadows, application is carried out with dirty brushes, the bristles of which have not been washed or are stained with another sticky product.
  • Clean your makeup brushes regularly! This applies not only to shadow, but also tonal and contouring.
  • After you have washed your brush, let the bristles dry. Under no circumstances should you apply shadow with a wet or damp brush, as this can lead to uneven application and damage to the palette.