New Year traditions in Finland for children. New Year in Finland: features of celebration, traditions and customs

In the year when fireworks are allowed. Beer, sausages and potato salad are traditional New Year's dishes in Finland. Sports equipment and candles – best gifts for Finns for the New Year.

New Year Residents of Finland celebrate quite modestly. First of all, this is due to the fact that the main celebrations occur at Christmas, when everyone is waiting for Santa Claus and gifts, and secondly, due to the fact that January 2 is a full-time working day.

If you want to wish a Finn a Happy New Year, you can say one of the following phrases to him:

Happy New Year! - Hyvä Uutta Vuotta! (Hyvaa Uutta Vuotta!) - Happy New Year! - Onnellista Wutta Wutta! (Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!).

Residents of Finland traditionally celebrate Christmas with their closest relatives, and on New Year's they go to restaurants and social parties, where they watch the chimes in the company of friends, acquaintances, and colleagues. However, most events usually take place during the day, and rarely does anyone stay in a restaurant until midnight.

The cost of food on New Year's Eve is not very different from any other day. In the capital, you can also taste the cuisine of Spain, Germany, Italy, Mexico, China, Vietnam or Japan, which is not traditional for Scandinavian countries.

On New Year's Eve, the city transport schedule corresponds to Friday, and all shops and organizations set a reduced work schedule: from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, the capital's metro, on the contrary, is extending the working day by two hours. Tram routes passing near Senate Square change during the celebrations, since the main city events have been held on the square since 1928.

January 1 is a day off in Finland. On this day, public transport operates according to the Sunday schedule, some intercity trains are canceled, and most shops are closed.

The traditional government greeting on New Year's Eve comes not from the president of the country, but from the mayor of Helsinki, and is broadcast by the national channel YLE.

Finns prefer not to stand at the stove all evening on December 31 and usually prepare a rather modest, by our standards, treat: homemade sausages and boiled potato salad with oil, onion and vinegar. The most common drinks on the New Year's table are beer and champagne.

Also, New Year's is the only day when you can arrange your own fireworks, since in Finland fireworks and firecrackers are only allowed on New Year's Eve from 6 pm to 6 am. At the same time, private individuals can “throw money into the sky” only outside city squares and parks and only with permission from rescuers. All fireworks sold in Finland must bear the Tukes (Chemical Safety Agency) or CE mark, and anyone under the age of eighteen cannot buy or even use them.

Gifts on New Year's Eve are brought by the so-called "Father of Christmas", whose role is usually played by the head of the family in disguise. To receive the long-awaited present, everyone, even adults, must sing a song to him, and he leaves the gifts themselves at night, when everyone is already asleep.

At the same time, Finns do not give large and expensive gifts on this holiday, since the main presents have already been given on Christmas Eve. A universal New Year's gift in Finland is considered to be a candle, as a symbol of friendship and love for the coming year, and some piece of sports equipment.

The celebration itself usually ends quite early, because according to the old belief, the one who gets up early on the first day of the year will be fresh and full of strength all year. Finns are also of the opinion that if parents do not scold their children on January 1, then for the next year they will obey them.

On New Year's Eve, Finns love to tell fortunes. The main fortune telling occurs on tin, or on objects hidden under dishes.

To this day, in the country, for example, in popular Tiimari stores you can buy tin ingots specially designed for fortune telling. They are usually shaped like a horseshoe, which itself is considered a symbol of good luck.

A couple of minutes before the New Year comes, you need kind words remember old year and make plans and wishes for the next one, and then, continuing to think about what good things should happen, melt the tin and pour it into cold water.

By the shape of the frozen piece or its shadow from a candle on the wall, you can determine whether your wish will come true. Carefully examining the tin from all sides, you need to look for the following signs: for love - a heart, for money - lace and patterns, for career growth - keys, for an imminent wedding - little men, for travel - a boat. If, instead of one piece in the water, the tin breaks up into many small ones - there will be sadness.

New Year in Finland is a special celebration. According to tradition, he comes into his own in this country on the night of December 31 to January 1. Local residents usually begin to prepare for the holiday several weeks before its onset and celebrate the arrival of the New Year on a grand scale. Finns associate a large number of different customs and traditions with New Year's celebrations. How is New Year celebrated in Finland? The answer to this question can be found in this article.

Preparation for the celebration

Christmas in Finland is celebrated before the New Year, on the night of December 24-25. As in a large number of European countries, local residents begin preparing for the New Year holidays in mid-November. In large populated areas of the country, Christmas streets and even entire neighborhoods are traditionally opened. Buildings, squares, avenues and even trees and lampposts are decorated with colorful garlands.

Finns place Christmas wreaths decorated with red ribbons and various figures in front of the entrance to their homes. They place original candlesticks with seven burning electric candles on the windows. In every house, local residents install beautiful Christmas trees, creating a magical festive atmosphere. They decorate the facades of their houses with garlands with a large number of light bulbs, symbolizing the “light of well-being.” and many consider them family celebrations.

Features of the celebration

If on Christmas local residents invite only their closest people to their homes, then on New Year's they meet in restaurants and at social gatherings with their friends, colleagues and acquaintances. A large number of events traditionally take place during the day; rarely does anyone celebrate the holiday all night. As an ancient Finnish belief says: whoever gets up early in the morning on January 1 will be full of vigor and strength all year. Also, local residents try not to scold their offspring on the first day of the new year; they believe that this contributes to their obedience in the next 12 months.

Representatives of the younger generation prefer to celebrate the holiday in private homes. Elderly people, especially single people, rarely sit at home; they go to visit. The main events on the night of the coming year are held in this country on the Senate Square of the capital. At midnight, locals open champagne and watch the broadcast from Helsinki. The mayor of this city congratulates the Finns on the holiday.

Another feature magical holiday is a New Year's fireworks display that is allowed in Finland from 6 pm to 6 am. But there are certain restrictions for its launch. All fireworks must comply with safety regulations and have special markings. They are only allowed to be launched by persons over the age of eighteen who have permission from rescuers. Firecrackers are also prohibited from being used in city squares and parks.

Finnish Santa Claus

In ancient times, one custom was widespread in the countryside in Finland. Local men entered every house and gave everyone gifts. They always wore goat fur coats and were therefore called Jouluppuk (Christmas goats). After some time, this strange name began to be called the Lapland Santa Claus. As one legend says, he was offended by people for this and began to rarely leave his residence. Gifts are mainly delivered to the recipients by Santa Claus' assistants Joulupukki. However, on the eve of the New Year, he visits all the cities of Finland with Christmas greetings.

This Finnish wizard lives in the vicinity of the city of Rovaniemi, which is located a thousand kilometers from the capital of Finland. His fabulous and cozy residence is decorated with bright light bulbs. Finnish Santa Claus owns a large and most beloved reindeer, Rudolf. When Santa Claus leaves his home to give people a holiday, Rudolph and the other reindeer quickly take him to his destination.

Santa Claus's assistants

Santa Claus in Finland has smart and wise eyes, indicating his kind and cheerful character, and a large beard that hides his smile. It is forbidden to tell him lies to children; according to legend, Joulupukki has a large library that includes books about all the children of the world. From them he learns about all the secret desires of the children.

  • Finland is a maritime country; its climate is not favorable for the development of agriculture, so the locals place the main emphasis on fish dishes.
  • On Christmas Eve, Finns prepare a large number of treats. They bake, salt and smoke salmon and potatoes with carrots or rutabaga, prepare herring, stuffed turkey and other mouth-watering dishes. The signature holiday dish in Finland is baked ham.
  • The festive table in this country often includes dishes made from fish with the addition of meat.
  • Not a single New Year in Finland is complete without local beet salad dressed with vinegar and cream.
  • A festive table in this country cannot be imagined without gingerbread and cinnamon cookies.

Gifts for the New Year

In Finland, the so-called “Father of Christmas” gives out presents on the night of the holiday. His role in most cases is played by the father of the family in disguise. To get a holiday gift, everyone, regardless of age, sings songs before going to bed. He gives everyone gifts at night, when family members are already asleep.

It is not customary to give expensive gifts on New Year's Day in Finland; they are usually presented here on Christmas Eve. The most common New Year's gift in this country is a candle, symbolizing the manifestation of love or friendship. Finns also like to give each other sports equipment.

For vacationers who find themselves in New Year's holiday in Finland, in order to get as many vivid impressions as possible from its celebration, it does not hurt to listen to certain recommendations.

  • To fully experience the fabulous atmosphere of the New Year in Finland (the traditions and customs of this holiday are distinctive and original), you just need to go out on the evening of December 31 and go to your favorite restaurant or pub. There, plunging headlong into the holiday atmosphere, you can drink beer or wine, taste Italian, German, Italian, Mexican, Japanese and Chinese cuisine.
  • On the night of the holiday in Finland, as already mentioned, it is officially allowed to launch fireworks on city streets. New Year's fireworks, illuminating the sky with bright flashes, sound everywhere here. Tourists can buy fireworks at a nearby store and take part in spectacular shows.
  • In a large number of cities in the country, festivities take place at night in the main squares, which will be interesting to attend. Local residents, congratulating each other on the holiday, uncork bottles of champagne and shoot firecrackers loaded with streamers and candies.

General conclusion

New Year's Eve in Finland ordinary life closely intertwined with swirling snow flakes, the warm glow of candles and a general manifestation of joy. The exquisite originality of ancient customs and traditions in this country contributes to the fabulous atmosphere of the holidays.

At exactly 12 noon on Christmas Eve (December 24), Christmas World is declared in Turku, the former capital of Finland. Finland is the northernmost country on our planet. Even Norway, traditionally considered the coldest, is actually a warmer country in climate, because it is influenced by the Gulf Stream. Maybe that's why the main winter holidays- Christmas and New Year are especially loved in Finland and celebrated on a grand scale.

Waiting for Christmas

As in many other European countries, Christmas in Finland is a more important holiday than New Year. Preparing for the biggest holiday of the year makes autumn a less dreary time and begins long before it arrives.

Christmas is preceded by four Advents - the pre-Christmas weekend. During the first Advent, the opening ceremonies of the Christmas streets take place. The city becomes like a Christmas fairy tale: tall spruce trees on the streets, sparkling garlands and lanterns, luxurious decorations of store windows.

Christmas (Joulu in Finnish) is one of the most beloved Finnish holidays. In honor of him, the Finns named December joulukuu, i.e. month of Christmas. But until the 18th century, December was simply a winter month.

In Finland, the highlight of the year is Christmas Eve on December 24th, that is, the eve, not the day after, of Christmas. Families gather to celebrate this holiday; children who have grown up and moved away from their home try to come to their parents. Shops are open until noon, providing the last opportunity to buy gifts and goodies.

Unlike many other countries, the most important Christmas holiday in Finland is Christmas Eve - December 24, Christmas Eve.

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon in Turku - the oldest city and former capital of Finland - Christmas peace is declared. Television broadcasts live the announcement of the Christmas world not only to Finland, but also to other countries. The announcement of Christmas peace dates back to the 13th century, when all work and trade had to cease after the announcement of Christmas peace. It should be noted that modern Finnish legislation establishes stricter liability for violators of the Christmas peace and quiet of the Finns.

The bells of the ancient Turku Cathedral, built 700 years ago, ring twelve times and are heard in most Finnish homes. It is from this moment that the celebration of Christmas begins for many.

Christmas is traditional family holiday. Families gather in full force. Children and grandchildren (usually living separately, often even in other cities) come to their parents. On Christmas Eve, traditional Christmas dishes are prepared: salmon, caviar, vinaigrette with herring, casseroles of potatoes, carrots, rutabaga, liver, and also the main dish - Christmas ham. For dessert, served with whipped cream and plum jam. Christmas is also characterized by a variety of delicious baked goods.

In the evening, Finns' families go to the church cemetery, where services begin at 5 o'clock. They light candles on the graves of loved ones. The Finnish cemetery has an extraordinary view on Christmas Eve. Thousands of candles shining on the snow under a deep blue sky create an unforgettable experience.

Returning home, the whole family waits for Santa Claus to appear. As a rule, one of the family members or neighbors dresses up as Santa Claus. Santa Claus' outfit consists of red socks, a long red hat, and a gray and red suit.

The main streets of the cities of Finland turned into “Christmas streets”, and Santa Claus rode in a sleigh along each of them last Sunday.

The spirit of Christmas begins to hover here from mid-October. At this time, traditional gingerbread (piparkakku) appears in stores in huge quantities. In fact, ginger cookies can be purchased at any time of the year, but I believe, and not only that, only tourists can buy this delicacy outside of Christmas. A pack of such cookies costs an average of 2-3 euros.

Despite the differences in the celebrations themselves, traditionally family Finns celebrate both holidays at home. And it doesn’t matter what social strata they belong to. When you come to us, you will see empty streets. The city becomes deserted...cafes and shops are closed.

So: walking - in every sense of the word - single young people and tourists.

In the very recent past, only the Christmas tree was decorated, a Christmas wreath was hung on the door of the house, and more lanterns were placed in the garden than usual, sometimes inside a pyramid of snowballs.

So, CHRISTMAS (Joulu).

House cleaning before Christmas takes place on December 23rd. It is common knowledge that Finns traditionally do not have dirt in their houses. I will only add that before the holiday it is even cleaner than usual. This is such mysticism...

After cleaning, we go to the sauna, where we steam with birch brooms prepared in the summer for two or three hours. We run out into the snow, throw snowballs at each other, rub ourselves with snow and go back to the steam room. In the dressing room we drink juice from lingonberries and cranberries picked in September. Yes, in our winter everything is in the name of man, everything is for the good of man, and the name of this man is a simple Finn. For example, ski tracks are laid by tractor in all towns.

After the sauna - early dinner by candlelight, as it is already getting dark. Actually, it's traditional to put a red tablecloth on the table, but I...

I like the light one better.

Now on to the usual Christmas dinner...
First we have fish dishes. Red caviar, which a friend supplies me with every year, he salts it himself, yellow burbot caviar, which I make myself... Salted pike perch, cold and hot smoked; salmon, perch - similar.

For Christmas, special food is prepared, fish, Christmas baked goods - buns, cookies. Glog is a must, also known as glögi - a hot drink made from a mixture of juice, wine, almonds and raisins. I add vodka to it, I like it stronger, let’s be honest)

...Such a hearty Christmas dinner is of a ritual nature: it is believed that a good holiday snack ensures a well-fed life for the whole year. Ha, who would doubt it these days...

I usually serve a dessert of ice cream, coffee, fruit and cognac in the living room, where we simultaneously unpack the gifts stacked under the Christmas tree.

Finns used to give each other something they needed: warm socks, hats, mittens, which they usually knitted themselves. They bought (or made) sleds, skis, and skates for children. Children drew cards for their parents. They were sure to give candles: so that the house would be light and warm all year round.
Now it's different. But... these homemade gifts are still considered more pleasant to receive. And drawn and glued postcards from children too. They are even taught this in home economics classes at school.

In Finland, all shops and restaurants were traditionally closed on Christmas Day. And sales start after Christmas.

Now it's different - some restaurants are open. This innovation is connected not so much with tourists thirsty for entertainment (life is different in tourist centers), but with the fact that recently there are more and more lonely people who have nowhere to go.

Therefore, many families invite their non-family friends to celebrate Christmas with their families. Someone always joins us, especially in the evening, for the second course and before dessert: it is not considered decent either to stay too long at a party or to hold back a guest who is going home.

In general, Christmas and New Year's time is a time of visits, when people dress up nicely, buy red Christmas flowers, candies or special baskets with gifts (sometimes they make them themselves in the old fashioned way), and then receive guests or visit friends and relatives. Not on Christmas itself, which, I emphasize once again, is celebrated at home, but before or after it.
These visits do not burden guests or hosts, since they are short in time and take a total of a maximum of half an hour, during which they drink coffee and eat sweets.

What do people talk about during Christmas time? About the dear past, weather and food. After a civil fratricidal war, it is generally not customary for society to talk about anything political or religious that could cause tension in relations. And on Christmas they try to avoid this doubly: they talk only about pleasant or neutral topics.
In Finland, by starting conversations about politics and religion, only crazy people and foreigners so stupidly aggravate relations: it is not accepted. They talk about politics and religion, but only with like-minded people. And how this spiritual closeness is revealed is a Finnish military secret.

Well... about religion. In the early morning of December 25, religious people go to church (kirkko), and the day before they visit the graves of loved ones, remove snow from them and light candles in lanterns. I wrote about this above.


The zealots of antiquity grumble that the Finns do not know such a holiday. This is not entirely true: it has long become a habit on this day in the evening to eat sausages with a salad of pickles and potatoes with sour cream or mayonnaise, and drink champagne at midnight.
Recently it has become fashionable to arrange fireworks for the New Year.

And from 18:00 on December 31 to 02:00 on January 1, the whole of Finland literally explodes: gunfire can be heard everywhere, and over every settlement there is a kind of multi-colored glow.
The rest of the time it is prohibited to launch rockets, and for violating public order there is a fine.

Hello, Grandfather Frost!

The real Finnish Santa Claus lives in the very north of Finland, near the Arctic Circle. His name is Joulupukki. "Joulu" means Christmas in Finnish, and "pukki" means goat. According to legend, many years ago, Santa Claus dressed in goat skin for the holiday, and then delivered gifts on the goat. Since then, Santa Claus began to bear the “goat” name. True, now it is perceived as “Grandfather Christmas”.

Father Frost - main character Christmas holiday in Finland. From the capital of Finland to Korvatunturi (translated as Mountain Ear), where Father Frost lives, is almost a thousand kilometers. First you need to get to the city of Kaijani in northeastern Finland, and from there you can only go by sled or snowmobile. On the way there is a stop at a hospitable tent, where all tourists are fed lunch.

You need to knock three times on the huge gates of Grandfather’s House, and then they will open (this is the tradition). Outside the gates, tourists are greeted by a gnome doorman and a house guide. He takes guests through the entire Christmas village straight to Santa Claus. The mistress of the house, Snegurochka (for the Finns, she is not Grandfather’s daughter, but his young wife), gives gifts to the children. At this time, adults watch how the gnomes bake gingerbread and prepare gifts for Christmas. Father Frost's workshop is also located in Lapland, in the town of Napapiiri, near the city of Rovaniemi, right on the Arctic Circle.

Before going to Santa Claus, you should notify him about this by letter. The address is: 96930, Finland, Rovaniemi, Arctic Circle, Father Frost (or Santa Claus) workshop.

The village of Father Frost consists of three main institutions: the office of Father Frost, shopping arcades with souvenirs ("Village of Craftsmen") and the Central Post Office, where gnomes rustle, sorting bags of letters (absolutely real), and maintain strict computer records and control. From here you can send a postcard to your friends, having it endorsed with the personal seal of Grandfather Frost himself.

According to the ancient Finnish tradition, the New Year begins from December 31 to January 1. It seems that there is nothing surprising, everything is like everyone else. However, the Finns are closest to us, the Slavs, in the matter of celebration, since they begin to warm up long before the official date. The spirit of the New Year in Finland is always a miracle, a fairy tale and real magic. In addition, do not forget that fairyland Suomi is the birthplace of Santa Claus. Moreover, not only Finnish children believe in its reality, but also many adults who, on January 1, tell fables about their meeting with the real Saint Nicholas.

New Year in Finland: traditions

The Finn planted a turnip, it grew very big, the Finn pulled the turnip out of the ground, brought it into the house and put it away until better times. According to tradition, he will have to store this same turnip throughout the year until it is time to harvest a new harvest. For New Year's table They will thoroughly clean it, wash it and put a small candle inside, and then give it to the children for fun.

How Finns celebrate New Year

On January 1, wild fun continues in all the houses of Finland, songs and loud children's laughter are heard, and festive processions and masquerades are held on the streets of crowds of people having fun. Tourists who visited Finland these days note that such a scale cannot be found in any other country in the world. One of New Year's traditions- this is setting fire to huge barrels of tar, thus the Finns show that the past year burns with the tar, and with it all the problems and failures, giving way to new beginnings. Another tradition that goes back far into antiquity is honoring deceased ancestors. A few days before the New Year, relatives come to cemeteries and light candles as a sign of respect for their loved ones. Bright lights in pre-holiday days can be found throughout Finland, the residents of this country pay great attention to fireworks and festive illumination, which covers absolutely everything from the roofs and facades of houses to trees.

Finns are not original and more than anything else they respect family values, That's why main holiday every year they meet within the family. Unlike the older population of the country, young people prefer to hang out in various cafes or nightclubs. These days, the program in drinking establishments is designed in such a way that everyone can take part in the activities. These can be theatrical performances, performances by live musicians, and even all kinds of competitions, for which the winners receive considerable cash prizes or full payment for the bar. In short, Finns are charged with energy for the whole next year, and from the outside it may seem that for the rest of their lives. Why, our northern neighbors know how to go for walks, we have known this since Soviet times, and how they celebrate the New Year...

Santa Claus – Joulupukki

But the majority of local residents and numerous tourists are attracted not by the lights of drinking establishments, but by Lapland - the birthplace of Santa Claus, or as the Finns call him Joulupukki. Folk festivities in the homeland of Finnish Santa Claus begin on December 30 and thousands of people come to Lapland in the hope of meeting a real, living Joulupukki, riding with him on a fabulous reindeer sleigh and, of course, getting memorable gift. Also, all lovers of the northern New Year will be able to ski, skate, snowboard and enjoy Finnish New Year treats.

New Year's Snow and Ice Festival

Another significant event in Finland is the New Year's Snow and Ice Festival, which is well known throughout the world and has been held regularly for many years. Ice sculpture masters sculpt such realistic figures that it’s hard to believe that it’s just ice. But the most exotic thing that attracts thousands of people every year is real ice apartments or an ice hotel. Even drinks and food in this ice hotel are served in special ice glasses and plates. Staying in such a hotel is not a cheap pleasure, but the impressions will last a lifetime.

New Year's gifts in Finland

Decent and thoughtful Finns carefully choose New Year's gifts, fortunately in Finland there are no problems with this, and the Christmas and New Year's markets offer a huge range of goods for every taste. And don't forget about giant discounts. The most meticulous shopaholics claim that at such Christmas sales they manage to find things at a 90% discount. Therefore, empty shelves in Finland are not a sign of shortages or economic decline, but a real indicator of unprecedented discounts and ridiculous prices. Tourists and locals sweep away everything literally overnight.

New Year's table

Let's move on to the most delicious - New Year's, festive table. Every self-respecting Finn is simply obliged to eat a potato casserole, a piece of salted salmon, some chicken legs, a gingerbread dessert and generally anything else that fits on New Year's Day. Contrary to the belief that Finns drink vodka from morning to evening, the traditional Suomi drink is light beer. By the way, drunk Finns on New Year’s Eve are rather an exception to the rule. They try to control their alcohol consumption. Firstly, they think about their health, secondly, alcohol in Finland costs a lot of money, and thirdly, and most importantly, on January 2 you have to go to work, that’s how they celebrate the New Year in Finland. New Year in Suomi is undoubtedly a miracle, however, practical Finns, although they believe in miracles, prefer to reinforce their faith with hard work. Maybe that’s why they live so wonderfully and all their unrealistic dreams come true?

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New Year's Eve in snowy Finland is an incredible event. An already beautiful country is turning into a fabulous one. All cities are illuminated with multi-colored lights, everything glitters and sparkles from the facades of houses, their roofs to trees and fences. Anyone who has at least once seen how the New Year is celebrated in Finland will confidently claim that such a celebration is difficult to find in any other country.

Traditions and customs of celebrating the New Year in Finland

Those who have decided to go to Finland to celebrate the New Year should prepare for noisy parties. It is very rare for any family in the country to celebrate a holiday in a quiet family circle. Almost all the people traditionally take to the streets, go to restaurants and parties. Laughter and fun can be heard everywhere. Friends and family share memories of good events in the past year and plans for the coming one.

However, no one stays in entertainment establishments until late at night. Since there is a belief that whoever gets up early in the morning on the first of January will be cheerful and fresh for the entire next year.

How to celebrate New Year in Finland with children

This country is especially attractive for children. After all, this is the birthplace of Santa Claus. And for those who have decided to celebrate the New Year in Finland with children, it is definitely worth visiting his residence. It is located in the northern region with a fascinating name - Lapland. It is there that the main New Year's wizard is located, who tries to fulfill all the wishes of children and even adults.

You should also definitely take a sleigh ride with a horse, reindeer or even dog sled. For children, such a walk will leave indelible impressions in their memory.

Houses and cottages for the New Year in Finland

Guests have an excellent opportunity to rent cottages in Finland for the New Year 2018 at a price affordable to everyone.

Well, for those who want to feel themselves snow queen or as a prince in an ice kingdom, you can try to live in a palace made of ice.