How long does it take to be removed from the labor exchange? Real help or fiction? Benefit payment period.

In conditions of the economic crisis, more and more specialists are in the status of temporarily unemployed. Maintain your seniority, gain access to hot vacancies, take professional retraining courses - all this is possible today thanks to employment centers. The personnel portal site found out what documents are required when registering with the labor exchange, what is the size monthly allowance unemployment and what threatens those who illegally receive money from the state.

What to do if you are unemployed

Even the most qualified specialists are not insured against job loss. If this fate has not escaped you, then you should not bite your elbows and burn your work book on a ritual fire. The most reasonable solution in this situation is to contact the employment center. If you submit documents within two weeks from the date of dismissal, your work experience will not be interrupted.

“Registration takes place in two stages. At the first application, a citizen registers in order to find a suitable job. From this moment on, the employment service takes measures to find a suitable job for him. Information about the availability of vacancies, the level of professional training, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and work experience of a citizen is obtained from the register of employers looking for employees,” comments Anton Shanov, leading lawyer of the INTELLECT-S Group of Legal Companies.

Those registered with the Center must visit the institution at least twice a week, inform the inspector about how the job search is progressing, and also consider the vacancies offered by the center.

Pregnant women can also register with the Center. Within 10 days from the date of registration of documents, expectant mothers must be offered a choice of at least two vacancies in accordance with their qualifications. If the proposed work options are not satisfactory, then the temporarily unemployed pregnant woman is assigned a benefit payment, which will be accrued until the 30th week of pregnancy. After this period, the pregnant woman goes on “maternity leave.” This means the end of unemployment benefits.

How unemployment benefits are calculated

As long as you are listed as temporarily unemployed, the state pays you unemployment benefits. His minimum size is 850 rubles, the maximum is 4900 rubles monthly. Several factors influence the benefit amount.

If you worked for 26 weeks or more before dismissal, then the amount of payments should be 75% of your average monthly earnings. In this case, the amount of the benefit cannot exceed 4,900 rubles.

If you were fired due to staff reduction, the monthly benefit amount will be as follows:

  • the amount of average monthly earnings is paid during the first three months from the date of registration with the Central Employment Center,
  • 60% of the average monthly earnings - paid from 4 to 7 months of stay labor exchange,
  • 45% of average monthly earnings - paid from 8 to 12 months.

The minimum benefit is calculated for those whose work experience is less than 26 weeks.

Documents that must be provided to the unemployed

Before visiting the employment center inspector, do not forget to collect the following documents:

  • Passport;
  • Certificate of income for three months of work;
  • Military ID (for men);
  • Education documents (certificate, diploma);
  • Work book;
  • Insurance pension certificate;
  • Birth certificates of children;
  • Certificate of registration or divorce;
  • Bank account details to which your monthly payments will be credited;
  • People with disabilities can provide an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued in the prescribed manner and containing a conclusion on the recommended nature and conditions of work.

“If a citizen falls into the category of having difficulty finding a suitable job, then he can present documents confirming this,” emphasizes Anton Shanov.

If the applicant has not previously worked or does not have a specialty, then he is required to present the following documents:

  • passport;
  • document on education;
  • individual rehabilitation program (applies to disabled people).

Who cannot register with the labor exchange

According to Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Employment in Russian Federation", unemployed are considered able-bodied citizens who do not have a job or income, are in search of work, are registered with the Employment Center, and are ready at any time to begin fulfilling their labor obligations.

If the employment service authorities were unable to provide a registered citizen with a suitable job within 10 days from the date of registration, then the person is assigned the status of unemployed.

There are categories of citizens who cannot be recognized as unemployed, which means they do not have the right to register with the labor exchange. These are people receiving old-age pensions, citizens who have twice refused training courses from the Center for Labor Protection, as well as those convicted and sentenced to correctional labor.

How long can you stay registered and receive benefits?

An unemployed person cannot be deregistered with the Employment Center after certain period, however, there is a set deadline for paying unemployment benefits.

“The total period for paying unemployment benefits to a citizen cannot exceed 24 months for a total of 36 months,” notes Anton Shanov.

If a citizen refuses suitable work, then his status as unemployed may cease.

When selecting vacancies in the central control center, the following is provided:

  • The proposed job must be suitable for the citizen, taking into account the specialty, position, type of activity, level of education and qualifications, experience and work skills.
  • The amount of earnings for the proposed job must not be lower than the average earnings of a citizen for the last three months.
  • The job is offered based on the transport accessibility of the workplace. The maximum distance of suitable work from a citizen’s place of residence is established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In the absence of a suitable vacancy, unemployed citizens may be offered:

  • referral to work in a related specialty;
  • referral for participation in paid public works;
  • participation in job fairs;
  • vocational guidance for the purpose of choosing a profession, employment and training;
  • referral for temporary employment to unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work, unemployed people aged 18 to 20 years, with secondary vocational education, looking for work for the first time.

If a person registered with the labor exchange finds a job and hides this fact from the employment center inspector in order to further receive unemployment benefits, then he faces administrative liability. The offender will have to pay a fine and return all payments received illegally from the state. The maximum penalty is arrest for up to four months.

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Who is entitled to receive benefits, what is the maximum and minimum amount of benefits in 2017 and how to calculate it, what documents are needed to register with the employment center and other necessary information you can get from this article.

Who is eligible to receive unemployment benefits?

Unemployment benefits are paid only to those people who registered with the employment service and were declared unemployed. However, it is important to understand that unemployment benefits are not paid for the entire period of non-employment. The payment period and its size varies depending on the period during which you receive it.

So, each period of payment of unemployment benefits to you cannot be more than 12 months (in total, they may not be consecutive to each other) within 18 calendar months.

Minimum and maximum unemployment benefits, calculation of benefits

The payment of unemployment benefits is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment in the Russian Federation”. The minimum and maximum amount of unemployment benefits are established annually by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to the decree ON THE SIZES OF THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM VALUES OF UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS is set for 2016 the minimum amount of unemployment benefit is 850 rubles And the maximum amount of unemployment benefits is 4,900 rubles.

Most likely, our online benefit calculator will help you calculate the amount of unemployment benefits. (opens in a new window)

Minimum The amount of unemployment benefits is provided to citizens looking for work for the first time, or after a year's break, dismissed for violating labor discipline.

Amount of unemployment benefit in case of dismissal

There are general and special cases of payment of unemployment benefits - their amounts vary. It all depends on whether you worked before, for what reason your employment contract was terminated and how long you worked.
Typical case:
The employee is dismissed for any reason, except for special cases specified by law. Let’s assume that in the period 12 months before dismissal the person had paid work for at least 26 calendar weeks. If this citizen applies to the employment service for unemployment benefits, the amount of his benefit will be calculated as follows:
In the first annual cycle benefit payments:
For the first three months, benefits must be paid in the amount of 75% of the average monthly earnings of the unemployed (we are talking about the average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work); in the next four months, the benefit should be paid in the amount of 60% of the average monthly earnings of the unemployed, and then in the amount of 45%. In any case, the benefit will be paid in an amount no more than the maximum and no less than the minimum amount of unemployment benefits, increased by the size of the regional coefficient;
In the second annual cycle:
The benefit is paid in the amount of the minimum amount of unemployment benefit, increased by the regional coefficient.
Keep in mind that only the official part of the salary can be used to calculate the amount of unemployment benefits, i.e. "white" salary.

Special cases of determining unemployment benefits:

If a citizen:

  • looking for a job for the first time (haven’t worked before);
  • wants to work after a long break (more than 1 year);
  • was fired for violating labor discipline;
  • was laid off from work during the 12 months preceding unemployment and had less than 26 weeks of paid work during that time;
  • was sent by the employment service to training and expelled from there for guilty actions.
The amount of unemployment benefits in these cases will be:

In the first six-month cycle of the benefit payment period:
minimum unemployment benefit, increased by the regional coefficient
In the second six-month benefit payment cycle:
the minimum amount of unemployment benefit, increased by the size of the regional coefficient.

Registration with the employment service, required documents

If you have not worked anywhere before (you are looking for a job for the first time), it is enough to present your passport and education document.
If you have previously worked, you will need to provide the following documents to register:
  1. Passport
    citizen of the Russian Federation or a document replacing it.
  2. Application – application form for provision public services assistance in finding a suitable job. download: application form or sample.
  3. Work book or a document replacing it.
  4. Documents certifying professional qualifications.
  5. Certificate of average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work. (for the first 3 months, the benefit payment is 75% of the average citizen’s earnings, but not more than 4,900 rubles, therefore, for the maximum benefit amount, the average monthly income must be at least 6,530 rubles)
  6. An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued in accordance with the established procedure (for citizens with disabilities).

Be careful when receiving a certificate of average earnings.

Let's take it average earnings certificate form on at the employment center (exchange
, together with it we grab the “Memo” just in case
to the accountant about the correct filling certificates of average earnings".
We take all this to the accounting department of the last place of work. As soon as you
it will be filled out, don’t be lazy to check:

  • Have all the stamps been applied?
  • The name of the organization must be in full, including the abbreviations LLC, OJSC, etc.
  • If the position of chief accountant of the company is filled by another person, for example, the general director, it is necessary that the certificate indicate the number of the order by which he fills this position.
  • Check hiring and firing dates.
  • See if you have correctly indicated the number of working days of your work week, i.e. whether full employment or not.

If the certificate is filled out improperly, you will have to travel several times and waste your time.

Employment centers provide assistance in selecting suitable jobs and employing citizens on the same day of application without an appointment. These services are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2006. No. 513 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations Federal service on labor and employment of the population to provide public services to assist citizens in finding suitable work, and employers in selecting the necessary workers"

Termination of benefit payment

The employment service agency, which is obliged to notify you about this, can stop, suspend payment, or reduce the amount of unemployment benefits. .

The procedure for paying unemployment benefits may change? In May 2016, Kaliningrad deputies proposed paying unemployment benefits only to those who take part in public works to improve their hometown. It is still unknown whether the bill will be supported.

Unemployment is a phenomenon that can affect every able-bodied citizen. If a person loses his job after being laid off or for any other reason, he has the right to apply to the labor exchange in order to obtain unemployed status. The Employment Center will assist the applicant in selecting a job with appropriate qualifications and education. An unemployed citizen can receive benefits.

How long can you stay at the labor exchange and receive benefits?

Registration implies a number of conditions:

A citizen has the right to be registered for as long as possible until he finds the right job.

How long can you stay registered at the employment center? There are no time restrictions. However, benefits will stop being paid after one year of registration. The total calculation of this period is 18 calendar months.

The applicant is automatically deregistered if:

  • devices for work;
  • failure to visit the labor exchange for more than a month, unless there are good reasons;
  • change of place of residence.

Payment of benefits will stop if the unemployed:

  • Refuses to work that corresponds to his qualifications;
  • After three months of registration, refuses to perform public works;
  • Does not want to take courses organized by the employment center;
  • Comes to the Center drunk.

How long can orphans stay on the labor exchange?

Orphans, as well as children who have lost their parents, can join the Central Health Care Center, thereby exercising the right to receive benefits for 6 months. Its size is the level of the average salary of the region where they live.

The labor exchange helps these citizens with career guidance, vocational training and employment.

According to Article 1 of the Federal Law, orphans and children left without parental care include persons in the age category from 18 to 23 years. This rule applies to those who had both parents die before the age of 18, or were left without the care of a single parent, or both parents.

How many times can you register with the labor exchange?

An applicant who was unable to find a job anywhere within the required period can again contact the Central Health Care Center to assign him a benefit. Payments are made within 24 months, in total this period is equal to 36 months.

In case of difficulties with finding a job during the payment period, the applicant
may continue to be registered in the future, but then no payments will be made. He should be deregistered; after 6 months he has the right to come to the Central Health Center for registration. Then the payment of benefits will resume.

When a pregnant woman contacts a health center, its specialists must select at least two vacancies in accordance with her education and qualifications. If she has not found a suitable job, the pregnant woman must be registered in the same way as other applicants. In this case, she is assigned an allowance. If the pregnant woman has not decided on the choice of work, then payments will continue until 30 weeks of pregnancy. Then she is sent on maternity leave.

Payments from the Central Health Center are ending, in the future you should contact the authorities social protection. When the necessary document is provided, social protection specialists will begin processing the benefits required in this case.

How do they pay at the employment center?

A citizen receives a benefit from the CNZ, the amount of which varies from 850 rubles– minimum, up to 4900 rubles.

The amount may depend on a number of conditions:

  • whether the applicant worked before applying to the exchange;
  • from what salary you received before applying to the stock exchange;
  • under what article the dismissal occurred;
  • how long the applicant is considered unemployed.

During the year The amount of payments is constantly changing and is:

  • 75% of previous earnings in the first three months;
  • 60% - over the next 4 months;
  • 45% - remaining 5 months.

To find out how much students are paid at the employment center, you need to determine what form of study you are a student of. Full-time students cannot register with the Central Education Center. Therefore, they cannot claim payments either. General rules apply to part-time students.

Calculation of unemployment benefits

Citizens who quit their jobs and those who are looking for work for the first time can count on payments from the CNZ. The amount of benefits for a retired citizen is determined by his salary from his previous place of work.

The salary amount is confirmed by a special document - an income certificate. According to the Ministry of Labor, unemployment payments will not increase in 2017. The minimum amount is 850 rubles, and the maximum will remain at 4900 rubles.

If there is no suitable vacancy for the applicant, CNZ inspectors can offer the citizen to undergo training. It is organized completely free of charge for those registered on the exchange, the form of training is full-time, individual or group lessons are possible. Instead of unemployment payments, the student is awarded a scholarship. Upon completion of the courses, the citizen receives a corresponding certificate.

If you have questions, consult a lawyer

You can ask your question in the form below, in the online consultant window at the bottom right of the screen, or call the numbers (24 hours a day, 7 days a week):

This article will be of help to those who are unemployed and are going to the labor exchange in order to quickly find one. We will tell you what is required to register a central tax center in 2017, what package of documents you need to provide and what amount of benefits you can expect. We will also discuss other related issues.

If you have already worked and lost your job due to layoffs, if you went on maternity leave, or maybe you are going to get a job for the first time in your life after educational institution. Don’t forget, if you didn’t find the answer to your question in the text of the publication, you can always ask questions in the comments, our specialists will try to answer as quickly as possible.

How to join the labor exchange? Documents for registration at the Employment Center

Find out where the Employment Center is located in your city - this is where you need to go to join the labor exchange. Let us immediately clarify that there must be one good reason for this - you are an unemployed citizen. If we turn to Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation,” it provides a clear definition of persons who are recognized as unemployed. This is a category of able-bodied citizens who are registered with the Employment Center and are currently not working labor activity and do not receive any monetary reward for it. Citizens are actively looking for work and are ready to start working quickly. After the procedure for registering a person, he falls under the protection of the state, which has provided guarantees consisting of cash payments until a suitable job is found.

What documents will you need to register as unemployed? We assemble the following package:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Work record book (if you have already worked somewhere before);
  • Certificate from the place of previous work, which indicates average salary for a three-month period, before dismissal or layoff (if you are looking for a job for the first time, then such a certificate will not be required);
  • Education documents. Take your school certificate and any diplomas you have. In accordance with these documents, based on the professional training and experience available in your track record, the Employment Center employees will select a suitable job.

You may also be required to provide an extract from the individual personal account of the insured person. You will need it to apply for benefits.

Conditions for applying to the labor exchange

Anyone who has set the task of registering with the Central Bank must have information about what responsibilities are imposed on citizens after registration. So:

  1. Twice a month you are required to visit the employment center - an employee will set a time and date for you. If you are absent within the specified period, the amount of unemployment benefits designated by the state may be reduced. Even to the point of completely stopping payments.
  2. You will be periodically offered a job that matches your professional qualifications, and you must arrive at the company for an interview within three days after receiving information about the vacancy.
  3. During the year, an unemployed person should decide on the vacancies offered and choose a job for himself. Otherwise, any option that does not require certain skills, education and qualifications will be considered suitable for him.

If you are thinking about registering with the labor exchange, you should know that not every citizen can receive unemployed status and qualify for cash benefits.

Who cannot be considered unemployed?

  • Citizens who have already retired and receive an old-age pension;
  • Persons who have not yet turned 16 years of age;
  • Persons sentenced to correctional labor;
  • If a person registers with the Employment Center, but has not worked anywhere before, has not studied and does not have qualifications. He was offered training at TsZN, which he refused twice;
  • The list of citizens who may still be denied the status of unemployed can be found in Part 3 of Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”.

Electronic labor exchange - online vacancies

Many citizens are interested in the issue of registering with the Employment Center, and they want to know if there is electronic exchanges labor? Yes, regional electronic labor exchanges exist, however, today this is not such a common phenomenon, especially for villages and small towns. Such convenient services have been created in many large cities; their main task is to help people find a suitable job. And this is where the functions of the electronic labor exchange end.

You should be aware that using such a service you will not be able to officially register for unemployment in order to receive state cash benefits. For these purposes, your personal presence with a package of documents is required at the Employment Center. But if you set out to find a job as quickly as possible, then this service is very convenient - on the site you can view available vacancies at any time and find a suitable job in a short time.

How else are electronic labor exchanges useful? Here you can find useful information about ongoing trainings, seminars, training courses. These events on the basis of the Employment Center will require minimal costs from citizens (in contrast to the cost of similar courses in other institutions), or are carried out free of charge. Therefore, using the CZN website, you will always be aware of current events and will be able to start training or find a vacancy.

Can a pregnant woman join the labor exchange and count on unemployment benefits?

A woman “in a position” can certainly register for unemployment. In accordance with the law, her “interesting position” cannot be a basis for refusal to register or provide a job vacancy.

After a pregnant woman contacts the Health Center, specialists, based on her education and experience, must provide 2 vacancy options within ten days. If no suitable job was found during this period, the pregnant woman is registered, like other citizens, as unemployed and assigned state benefit. If she does not find a job, the benefit will be paid until 30 weeks of pregnancy. After this period, she “goes” on maternity leave. From this moment on, payments stop, and in the future she will have to contact the social security authorities. After submission necessary documents, specialists will handle the registration of child care benefits.

Amount of unemployment payments - how much do they pay at the labor exchange? (in the Russian Federation, in Moscow)

Payments at the labor exchange are made on the basis of regulations of the Russian Government, and since 2009 their amount has remained unchanged. To date, maximum and minimum unemployment benefit payments in 2017 remained at the same level as last year, namely: maximum – 4900 rubles, and minimum – 850 rubles.

To get a more accurate answer about payment, everything depends on the specific case and will depend on the following indicators:

  • Do you have any work experience at all;
  • Do you have experience for the last year?
  • Do you have any dismissals related to “bad” articles, etc., in your record?

What are the rules for payments?

  • For the first three months, the unemployed will be given a benefit in the amount of 75% of his average salary;
  • 60% will be the benefit for the next 4 months;
  • 45% - another 5 months. Moreover, the citizen is entitled to regional coefficients and bonuses.

It should be remembered that the amount of the benefit, taking into account all allowances and coefficients, will not exceed the amount established by law.

If you look at these indicators for Moscow, then government decree No. 47-PP of January 27, 2009 applies here, according to which city residents have the right to an increase in unemployment benefits. Its amount today is 850 rubles. In addition, the state compensates the unemployed for the cost of travel on public transport in the city in the amount of 50% of the price of the travel document.