The fifth child is what the state gives. What benefits are available to large families?

Currently, more and more families are daring to have three or more children. Just 10 years ago, 90% of Russian families did not think about the latter. If a third child appears in a family, then it is considered to have many children. Raising three children for an ordinary family is difficult, so parents need to find out in advance what benefits they are entitled to. large families. They were all defined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation back in 1992, but there are many additions and changes due to the trends of the times.

Obtaining housing and housing and communal services

Large families receive a discount of at least half the amount of payment for heating, water supply, sewerage, gas, electricity. If a family lives in a private house where there is no central heating, then the discount is calculated on the amount spent on purchasing fuel.

If a family with three children wants to improve their living conditions, they can take out a mortgage on preferential terms. Firstly, this is an extended loan term – 30 years. Secondly, the family can make the first payment only after three years. The family can receive 75% of the monthly mortgage payment from the government. To do this, you need to fill out all the documents at the bank and write an application to the authorities. social protection. If a fourth child is born in the family, the loan is fully repaid by the state.

If a family with three or more children is planning to build a house, then 90% of the amount required for construction will be compensated by the state. The same applies to the purchase of new housing, in which case the family has the right to receive a housing certificate. The only condition that must be met in this matter is the length of residence in Russia. It must be 12 years old. Parents' work experience must be at least 10 years, which includes military service and full-time study at an institute. When dilapidated housing is demolished, a large family will receive new housing, according to the social norm, completely free of charge.

Benefits for children

In addition to housing, families have many more problems, so parents need to constantly monitor changes in legislation and know what benefits a large family has. For example, medications are also provided to large families free of charge and without a queue. The same rules apply to the distribution of places in health institutions.

In all universities and colleges where there are budget places, 20 percent of the total number of students can be children from large families. That is, such children have a great advantage, and with an equal number of points scored, the institute’s management should accept a child from a large family.

If education at an institute or technical school is paid, then a large family can pay only 50% of the established fee. All children of such families are entitled to a scholarship of 50% of minimum size wages established at the moment, if they study at 4 and 5. When C grades appear, the scholarship is not paid. The stipend will increase with the increase in the minimum wage.

If textbooks in a school, college, or institute are paid, then they should be provided to children from large families free of charge. The same applies to training in budgetary institutions. additional education– sports, art, music schools. A child from a large family should study there for free.

All schoolchildren from a large family have the right to free travel on buses and trolleybuses, trams and subways, on commuter buses, in short, on any transport to go to school.

If there is a waiting list for kindergartens, children from large families should be taken there out of turn. And schools provide them with free meals. They should also be provided with free school and sports uniforms. Every month, children from a large family can visit one of the cultural institutions - a theater, museum, exhibition, cultural park.

Every year in spring and autumn, all children from large families are entitled to free vitamins. And, during a subsequent pregnancy, a mother with many children will be given free readings and medicine.


If a large family wants to create its own farm, then it is obliged to allocate land, provide benefits on land tax, or abolish it completely. For development, the head of the family should be given financial assistance or an interest-free loan. The family should be given a vegetable garden without a queue and at least 150 acres.

When opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC by the head of the family, he is exempt from the registration fee. Further in his work, he can count on preferential loans and interest-free loans.

Benefits for families with 5 children

If a fifth child is born in a family, then additional questions arise about what benefits a large family has. It turns out that five children and their parents are eligible to receive a Gazelle car; the requirements for residence in Russia and work experience are the same as for building a house.

Please note that in each region you need to find out separately what benefits are available to large families. For example, in some regions, families with three or more children are allocated land for construction of at least 15 acres, and a financial allowance for the birth of a third child is more than 100 thousand rubles. All information on local regulations is available from social security authorities.

1. Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, you will be given an exchange card for the residential complex, an exchange card for the child, information about the child’s screening, a birth certificate (except for the part that the maternity hospital keeps for itself) and a medical certificate about the child’s birth.

2. Now in all regions there are MFCs, where almost all documents can be processed through a single window:

A birth certificate (parents' passports, a marriage certificate and a medical birth certificate are needed) is issued on the day of application, plus a birth certificate is given to receive a one-time benefit;

Medical policy (you need a birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents), a temporary policy is issued on the day of application, a permanent one will be ready in about a month;

These two documents can be received by either parent, it is not necessary for both to be present.

Registration of a child at the place of residence; if the mother is a Muscovite and the child is registered with her, then the presence of the father is not required; if the mother and father are from other cities, then it is necessary to contact the passport office at the place of residence; if the mother is from out of town or Muscovite, and the father is Muscovite and the child is registered with the father, then the presence of both parents is necessary. Moreover, the consent of the owners of the apartment where the father or mother is registered is not required. You need to have your passports, birth and marriage certificates with you. Registration at the place of residence can be picked up at the MFC in 5-7 days.

Luzhkov payments are awarded to families in which both parents have not reached the age of 30 at the time of the child’s birth and in which at least one of the parents is registered in Moscow (the child is with him, by the way). Accordingly, a Muscovite parent applies for benefits. For the first child, the amount of payments is 5 subsistence minimums, for the second 7, for the third and subsequent children 10. For registration, you need the passports of both parents, birth and marriage certificates and a certificate from the place of residence confirming cohabitation a child with a Muscovite parent (she can also be taken to the MFC); payments will be credited to the card within a month;

One-time compensation payment in connection with the birth of a child; is issued in the same way as Luzhkov's. For the first child the amount is 5,500, for the second and subsequent 14,500, for the birth of 3 or more children at the same time - 50,000 rubles.

3. SNILS or pension certificate, as we call it, is issued in pension fund. This can be done by one of the parents by providing a birth certificate and passport. SNILS will be ready within a month

4. Employer benefits. A one-time benefit for the birth of a child can be issued by both the mother and the father at the place of work, the amount is about 14,500. To do this, you must provide the accounting department with a birth certificate, a birth certificate issued by the MFC and a certificate stating that the spouse ) did not receive this benefit. If it works, such a certificate is taken from work, if not, from social security. Monthly allowance and parental leave can only be taken out by the person who is directly caring for the child. It is issued at the place of work, the documents needed are the same as for a one-time benefit, except for a certificate and birth certificate. The amount of the benefit depends on your earnings for the previous 2 calendar years preceding the year the child was born, but the state limits the amount of such benefits to 19,000 thousand per month. If the benefit is issued by a non-working parent, then you need to contact the MFC or social protection.

5. Medical care for the child. Everything is simple here. Upon arrival from the maternity hospital, call the children's clinic, provide your details and ask for a pediatrician or nurse to come to you. You give the exchange for the child, screening data and birth certificate to the nurse. Every month you will need to see doctors and visit a pediatrician, so before this time you need to be assigned to a children's clinic. Take with you your passports, birth certificate, registration at the child’s place of residence and a medical insurance policy (you can also attach a temporary one).

6. Kindergarten. I filled out the application electronically on the Moscow city services portal. Within 20 days from the date of submitting the electronic application, the husband took the original documents to the OSIP (commission for kindergartens) of our district (applicant’s passport, birth certificate and child registration). Now you can choose 3 kindergartens: one main and two additional.

But in order to receive the above benefits, a large family in 2017 must, first of all, receive a document confirming this status. It is issued by a departmental organization dealing with the problems of large families, and not every family raising 3 or more minor children can receive a certificate. In addition to providing mandatory official documents: parents’ passports, children’s birth certificates, marriage or divorce certificates, family composition certificates, you must prove the need to obtain state support, that is, insufficient material support.

ALL payments and benefits for the birth of a child in 2017

This is the next one important point. The number of children born and/or adopted matters!) If you are not officially employed and have not entered into a voluntary insurance agreement with the Social Insurance Fund, then maternity payments(aka maternity benefits) and lump sum allowance upon registration with early dates pregnancy is not allowed. The test showed the treasured two stripes.

Third child in 2017 - payments at birth, what is given and what is due?

Judging by the current trend in recent years, it can be assumed that the approximate amount of the payment certificate for the birth of a third child will be within half a million rubles. Quite often recently one has heard information about payments for a third child amounting to one and a half million rubles, as if a bill had already been submitted to the State Duma for consideration, discussion and further decision-making (approval or rejection). Everyone should have this right Russian family, who decided to have a third child in 2017, on her own, or to adopt, and thus become a mother of many children.

Benefits in Moscow in 2017

If one of the child’s parents does not have registration at the place of residence in the city of Moscow (is not registered), the benefit can be received by the other parent registered at the place of residence in the city of Moscow, provided that the child (children) in whose name is registered together with him/her (whom) payment is assigned. “Luzhkov payments” Additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child for young families.

Maternity capital for 3 children – 1

rub. found its embodiment in a document adopted by the Belgorod Regional Duma.
Officials point out that maternity capital will cease to operate in 2017, and for many families such colossal assistance is the only way to get decent housing and raise children.
According to the regional law, receive support of one and a half million rubles. Not all parents and children will be able to. If now financial assistance is provided at the birth of the second child, then from 2017 only families with three or more children will be able to receive it.

Payments for a third child in Russia in 2017

Young parents can expect that regulations will soon come into force that will allow parents of two or more children (as well as adoptive parents) to receive targeted funds. A bill was introduced to the State Duma, within the framework of which the issue of extending the social program for providing certificates for maternity capital until 2026 was considered. Its size can be up to 1.5 million rubles.

Child benefit in Belarus

35 percent of the average monthly salary is paid every month for raising the first child; for the second and subsequent children - 40 percent of the average monthly salary; for a disabled child – 45 percent of the average monthly salary. Allowance for children over 3 years of age. for a disabled child under 18 years of age – 70 percent of the BPM; for an HIV-infected child under the age of 18 years – 70 percent of the BPM; State support is also due in the amount of half the BPM in cases where one of the parents is a military serviceman on urgent duty. military service, or when the parents are on disability of the first or second group.

Benefit for caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child in 2017

The amount of the benefit is determined on the date of birth of the child. That is, if an employee was born, for example, on January 15, then you need to pay 15,512.65 rubles. If the child was born on February 10, then 16,350.33 rubles are paid. The territorial coefficient is applied to the payment. This applies to residents of the Far North. For example, for residents of Magadan the amount is 26,371.51 rubles. In the 4-FSS calculation it must be shown in the column
"expenses for the purposes of compulsory social insurance»
, as well as in Table 2 of the first section in the column “one-time benefit for the birth of a child”. Read more about how benefits have changed in the Simplified magazine.

What do they give for a third child in 2017 in Russia?

However, nothing lasts forever, and this social program as a measure to help families should soon cease to exist - its validity expires on December 31, 2017. The end of the program raises many questions. The most important of them: how will the refusal of government support affect young families just getting on their feet? And can the cessation of payments be considered reasonable in the context of a protracted economic crisis? Will this cause a sharp decline in the country's birth rate? first: extend maternity capital payments for 2017-2019, thereby increasing the validity of the law; second: to make changes to the current (still) legislation, adjusting the conditions for receiving maternity capital. Whether maternity capital payments will continue in 2017, or whether the existing system will be revised will become known in the next few months. Belgorod deputies submitted to the State Duma a bill providing for changes to the existing federal law on financial assistance families.

To get lump sum payment you need to contact the employer’s accounting department (employed parents) or the employment service (unemployed) no later than 6 months from the date of birth of the third baby. After six months, the right to receive financial assistance is canceled. There is another one-time benefit, which has become the largest in size since its introduction. The notorious maternity capital.

Benefits in 2017

The bill, approved by the Russian Government, provides for indexation of payments from February 1, 2017 based on the actual consumer price growth index for 2017.

The algorithm for calculating maternity benefits remains the same: maternity benefits are calculated based on earnings for the two calendar years preceding the year in which maternity leave began.

What is required at the birth of the 5th child in 2017

Failure to comply with this norm entails non-inclusion of the months of the insured person’s retirement in the work experience! State-guaranteed maternity benefits and other types of benefits, compensation to citizens who are not subject to compulsory social insurance at the expense of the Unified state fund social insurance of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, targeted funds of the Republican budget. In accordance with the Law of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic of April 29, 2002.

Do not adjust what was accrued earlier. Even if the document on the next indexation is published after the child was born, it may indicate an earlier effective date. That is, from the dates indicated in the document itself, new rules must be applied (Article 6 Federal Law dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ). Thus, if you have already paid the benefit, and then it became known about the next indexation, then recalculate the benefit and pay extra.

Child benefits in Kostroma and the Kostroma region

Not payable upon adoption, guardianship, or foster family. The benefit is not subject to annual indexation. passport; marriage (divorce) certificate; birth documents of children; certificate of family composition; documents on the parents' income for 3 months before the birth of the baby Payment is provided within 15 days after the application, the period can be extended to 30 days. The registration procedure is set out in Resolution No. 275-a dated July 24, 2009. If the average per capita income in a Kostroma family is below the established minimum wage.

Gromov's manuals in the Moscow region

The place of residence of the mother (or her substitute) and child must be the Moscow Region. One of the parents or a person replacing him has the right to a one-time benefit in families whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level in the Moscow region. The child for whom the benefit is assigned must be registered at the place of residence in the Moscow region. Therefore, a low-income family has the right to government assistance.