Amount of child benefits per year for large families

The subject of attention of many married couples is social assistance from the state, which is provided to families with three or more children. We decided to investigate this issue in detail and familiarized ourselves in detail with the norms of the current legislation. The good news is that benefits and allowances large families in 2016, very diverse. Assistance is expressed in the provision of various privileges in the field of medicine, social sphere and labor discipline standards.

In addition, members of large families can count on tax benefits and receive benefits due to them, paid both at the federal and regional levels. We will tell you in more detail about what is required for families with children in this article.

Benefits and allowances for the birth of a third child

Current measures to help large families are set out in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 dated May 5, 1992. The document is regularly updated through amendments and additions, but today it is actually the only valid legislative act regulating relations between the state and large families.

This regulatory act provides for a number of specific benefits relating to such areas of citizens’ lives as payment of housing and communal services, assignment of subsidies, and assistance in creating farms, preferential lending and mortgages, provision of school-age children with free meals, uniforms, etc.

By the same Decree, the responsibilities for comprehensive assistance and assistance to citizens with many children are assigned to a greater extent to regional authorities. As a result, each subject Russian Federation has its own legislation regarding ways and measures to support families with children. In addition to regional rules, a number of important benefits and privileges are established at the federal level.

Personal income tax benefits for parents with many children

The personal income tax deduction applies to all parents with minor children. At the same time, the amount of deduction for the first and second child is set at 1,400 rubles, for each subsequent child (third, fourth, etc.) - 3,000 rubles. If children are raised by only one parent, then the personal income tax deduction is doubled. In order to take advantage of this tax benefit, a family is not required to officially have the status of “large family”. It is possible to obtain a deduction by contacting the accounting department of the enterprise where the mother and father work, providing photocopies of the children’s birth certificates and writing a corresponding application.

Let's take an example of what a family with three children is entitled to. If the mother and father work, then each of them is entitled to a tax deduction in the amount of 5,800 rubles (1,400 rubles for the first child, 1,400 rubles for the second child and 3,000 rubles for the third). Thus, with a salary of 20,000 rubles, personal income tax will be calculated as follows: (20,000 – 5800) * 13%, which equals 1,846 rubles.

The right to a personal income tax deduction may remain with the parent even after the child reaches the age of 18. For example, if a child is a full-time, budget-funded student or a cadet at a higher educational institution, the parent can receive a tax benefit until the child reaches 24 years of age. It is worth noting that the right to a tax benefit is lost if the person’s monthly income exceeds 280,000 rubles.

Regional tax breaks for families with three or more children

Some constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide citizens with many children with certain concessions regarding the payment of land tax and transport tax. This can be expressed either in the form of complete tax exemption or in a reduction in the established tax rate. For example, for the capital region, a benefit is provided for one of the parents of a large family, who has the right not to pay transport tax for 1 car.

In order to find out which tax benefits for a large family are valid in your region, you must contact the Federal Tax Service at your place of residence. There, if you have supporting documents, they will help you apply for these benefits, correctly complete and submit the application to the tax authority.

What benefits are available to parents with many children under labor law?

For citizens with young children, Labor Code The Russian Federation has established a number of specific benefits, the application of which does not depend on the presence of the official status of “large family”.

Thus, an employee with two or more children under 14 years of age has the right to additional unpaid leave for up to two weeks. It is also worth noting that this right must be spelled out and enshrined in the collective agreement, which is concluded between employees and the employer. The time of the above-mentioned leave is chosen by the parent independently.

An employer does not have the right to unilaterally terminate or dismiss an employee on his own initiative if the latter:

  • is the sole breadwinner of a child under 3 years of age;
  • the employee's family has three or more young children;
  • the second parent is not officially employed.

An exception may be cases when an employee commits repeated and gross violations of labor duties and discipline; this also includes misconduct by financially responsible persons. In addition, any employee can be fired due to the complete liquidation of the enterprise.

According to the Law “On Insurance Pensions,” the maternity period (time caring for a child up to one and a half years of age) is included in the total length of service, which gives the right to receive an old-age pension. The maximum possible number of years to be included in this experience is six. In other words, a mother of many children can use this benefit for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th child.

If a parent with many children registers with the Employment Center or at, then he has a preferential right to employment or training in a new, more in-demand specialty. Programs for selecting vacant positions and training unemployed citizens, including those with many children, are developed and approved at the regional level.

The procedure for providing benefits and allowances to large families

As noted above, state assistance to families with children is not limited at the level of federal legislation. Many constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to provide their own regional benefits and payments. So, for example, in some regions, in addition to the usual monetary compensation, large families receive additional allowance for the third and each subsequent child.

Let's consider a lump sum benefit for the birth of a child. It is paid at the place of work of one of the parents for each baby born alive. If the mother and father are not employed, then they can receive this payment by contacting the department social protection at the place of registration. In addition to parents, official adoptive parents can also receive this benefit, since they are endowed with exactly the same rights. The payment is made for each child transferred and adopted into the family.

As for the payment of child care benefits to non-working parents for up to 1.5 years, the number of children matters. For the second and each subsequent child, the care allowance is twice as high as for the first.

In 53 regions of the Russian Federation (including Moscow and St. Petersburg), an allowance for the third child was introduced from January 1, 2013. This fact is primarily due to the fact that the birth rate in these federal subjects is below the national average. The benefit amount ranges from 6,000 to 11,000 rubles. One of the conditions for receiving this payment is the amount of income of a large family per person. It should not exceed the minimum subsistence level established by law.

Benefits and allowances for the birth of a third child for Moscow residents

State assistance to large families is targeted and in most cases is aimed at supporting both parents or their minor children. However, there are a number of advantages that only mother of many children. This measure is justified, given the fact that it is the woman who bears the serious burden associated with pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the subsequent care of one or more young children.

The first is the possibility of retirement at the age of 50. The following categories of women have this right:

  • mothers who gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of 8, with a total work experience of at least 15 years;
  • women with two or more children who have worked in the Far North for at least 12 years, or in areas equivalent to it for at least 17 years. Moreover, the total work experience of such mothers must be at least 20 years.

In addition, in the capital region, a number of privileges are legally established for mothers of large families who have given birth and, accordingly, are raising 10 or more children. Assistance is provided in the field of public medicine and includes:

  • dental prosthetics from materials of average cost (manufacturing and installation) in dental offices of state subordination;
  • obtaining the necessary medicines, according to prescriptions written by doctors of outpatient medical institutions (state clinics).

Also, for mothers with 10 or more children and receiving a pension, a monthly compensation of 10,000 rubles is provided.

Benefits for large families in the capital region (Moscow and the region) in 2016

Every year the number of benefits for large families in the capital is increasing. Assistance is provided in accordance with the Law “On Social Support for Families with Children in the City of Moscow” and annual decrees of the Moscow government, which, as a rule, supplement all previous ones. Thus, among the non-financial assistance measures the following can be distinguished:

  • free provision of clothes for a newborn in a maternity hospital;
  • free provision until he reaches the age of three;
  • if there is a medical certificate, free meals are provided to children under 7 years of age;
  • providing medicines to children under 18 years of age;
  • free, two meals a day in a school institution;
  • free travel on public transport and commuter trains;
  • preferential right to admission to preschool institutions;
  • reduction in payment amount for kindergarten, or complete exemption (for families with 10 children);
  • subsidies and
  • free access to sports complexes of the city infrastructure, zoo and museums (once a month);
  • the possibility of preferential training in music and art schools;
  • free access to state baths;
  • obtaining a garden plot without a queue.

As for financial payments for Muscovites with many children, the following can be distinguished:

  1. A monthly allowance paid for each child. It is assigned from the first month of the baby’s life, subject to the timely submission of documents by the parent (within a period not exceeding 6 months from the date of his birth). For single fathers/mothers, the benefit amount is 1,250 rubles; for others – 500 rubles.
  2. Payment related to compensation for the increase in the cost of food, for children under three years old - 600 rubles per month, for children under 16 years old - 550 rubles per month.
  3. Reimbursement for the purchase of children's goods (900 rubles per month - for families with 5 or more children, as well as with 10 or more children, if at least one of them is a minor);
  4. A family raising 10 or more children is entitled to 750 rubles monthly for each child under 16 years of age and student under 23 years of age;
  5. Parents with many children raising 10 or more children are entitled to payments for Family Day (10,000 rubles) and Knowledge Day (15,000 rubles);
  6. Reimbursement for utility bills – from 440 rubles per family per month (the amount of payment directly depends on the number of children in the family).
  7. Monthly, 50% compensation for payment for services of telephone operators (home telephone).
  8. An annual payment for the purchase of clothing for school-age children. Its size is 5,000 rubles.

In conclusion, we note that state benefits and benefits for large families is revised upward annually. This measure is completely justified and is designed to help overcome numerous manifestations of the demographic crisis on the territory of the Russian Federation.

States that experience problems with natural population growth are forced to resort to various measures to stimulate the birth rate. In the Russian Federation, the terms “heroine mother” or “large family” were inherited from the times of the USSR, and citizens with the corresponding status were certainly given benefits. What can large families get today? What state benefits are they entitled to use it in 2016?

Large family: who receives this status?

A family with three or more minor children (natural, foster, adopted) receives the status of a large family. This definition was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families” dated May 5, 1992. However, it may have clarifications depending on the region of the Russian Federation. Thus, at the federal level it is generally accepted large family one in which the children have not reached the age of 16 years or 18 years when the child is studying in a general education institution. In the capital, such a family continues to have many children until youngest child will not be 16 years old (18 when studying), and, for example, in Udmurtia these age limits are set at 18 and 23 years old, respectively.

List of benefits for large families

For families with this status, there are benefits at the federal and regional levels. In other words, federal ones are mandatory for all large families, while regions can additionally launch their own programs social support. In general, any Russian large family has the right to count on:
  • 30-50% discount on housing and communal services;
  • provision of free meals, school and sports uniforms, textbooks to school-age children;
  • free travel for children on public transport;
  • obtaining credits and loans on preferential terms;
  • free entry for children to one cultural event once a month.
At the regional level, such families are most often provided with benefits when finding employment, starting their own business (private business, farming), receiving labor leave, calculation of taxes on income. Also, citizens with this status have the right to receive one-time payments dedicated to any holidays.

Benefits for paying for utilities (housing and communal services)

Each large family receives at least a 30% discount on water supply (drainage, supply), gas and electricity. For 10 or more children – 50%. The same applies to centralized heating, while in its absence, the costs of purchasing solid fuel (coal, firewood) are half compensated.

A separate rule is provided for the article “garbage removal”: children are exempt from paying for the service, parents pay only 50%.

Benefits for paying for kindergarten

The state guarantees partial reimbursement of the costs of children attending kindergarten, and also provides compensation in cases where the child does not get a place in the kindergarten for one reason or another. In the first case, the benefit is designed not only for large families:
  • 20% – for a family with one child;
  • 50% – for the second child;
  • 70% – for the third and subsequent children.
Despite the priority provision of places in kindergartens to families with preferential status, in practice they often encounter problems. Compensation amount in in this case is established by regional authorities, who can base their calculations on a variety of criteria: the age of the child, the number of children in the family, the average income of the parents, etc.

Benefits for purchasing a home

Since the purchase of housing in Russia in the vast majority of cases is made using borrowed funds, banks provide preferential lending conditions especially for large families:
  • Reduced interest rates (on average, they are 3-4% lower than usual).
  • The possibility of compensation for a certain part of the loan from the state (here are also funds from the Maternity Capital program).
  • Extended loan repayment period (from 30 to 50 years).
  • Reduced down payment threshold (up to 10%).
Especially for this category of citizens, a preferential mortgage is provided, which differs from the usual one:
  • lower loan rate – 6.15% for new buildings and 11% for secondary housing;
  • down payment amount – 10%;
  • the amount of monthly payments - they should not be more than 45% of the total income of working members of a large family.

Tax benefits

In the Russian Federation, the following tax benefits are provided for large families:
  • Personal income tax (reduction of the personal income tax base by 1,400 for the 1st child; 1,400 rubles for the second, 3,000 rubles for the third and subsequent ones).
  • Property tax (provided by decision of regional authorities).
  • Transport tax(provided by decision of regional authorities).
  • Land tax (involves a reduction in the tax base in the amount established by the regional authorities).

Discount on transport travel

Children from large families are entitled to free travel on city transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, metro), as well as on suburban buses, which they use to get to their place of study. In addition, there is a federal program for all schoolchildren without exception, providing a 50% discount on travel on fast and long-distance passenger trains and suburban routes (domestic traffic).

Benefits for admission to college, university

At the moment, no benefits are provided for applicants from large families. In a number of regions of the Russian Federation, students in this category are provided with free meals (applies to a limited range of educational institutions).

Benefits when going on vacation

In 2016, any parent of two or more children under 14 years of age has the right to take additional unpaid leave (up to 2 weeks) at any time convenient for him. At the same time, this norm is not mandatory for the employer, i.e., he may not indicate it in the collective agreement. Leave benefits when sending a child to camp are not provided for by law.

What documents and where do I need to submit to receive benefits?

To obtain the status, as well as the benefits provided for it, a large family must provide in a single window the government of its district:
  • parents' personal passports;
  • Birth certificates of children;
  • certificates from educational institutions;
  • photographs of spouses;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Divorce certificate;
  • adoption/paternity documents;
  • other documents requested by government representatives.

What payments and benefits are due to large families in 2016: monthly social payments

In 2012, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 606 “On measures to implement the demographic policy of the Russian Federation” was issued, which recommended that the heads of the constituent entities provide benefits for large families living on their territory. By the end of 2015, the number of regions that implemented this initiative reached 69 (including Crimea and Sevastopol). Size monthly allowance is the regional subsistence minimum per child, calculated quarterly for each region. In fact, this amount ranges from 6 to 15 thousand rubles. For reference: in 2016, some constituent entities of the Russian Federation already announced the early termination of benefit payments, citing the difficult economic situation as the reason for this decision. Experts predict that the number of these regions will continue to grow. You will also be interested in the following articles: Benefits and allowances for single mothers How you can get an apartment from the state: who is eligible, documents, waiting period for an apartment

What benefits are available to large families in 2016? How to properly use benefits intended for a large family? How can I find out what benefits apply to large families in 2016?

Almost a third of the people who live in Russia receive some form of assistance from the state. The following are entitled to benefits:

  • pensioners of different categories;
  • veterans of war and labor;
  • disabled people;
  • large families.

are provided to those where at least three children live and they have not yet reached the age of majority. Children can be either natural or adopted. It is also worth mentioning that benefits can also be received by those families in which children of 18 years of age cannot support themselves, but at this moment are studying in some educational institution. In this case, a family will be considered to have many children until the student child reaches 23 years of age.

What benefits are available to large families in 2016, how do they work?

The state has set itself a priority task ─ to increase the national genetic fund, therefore it provides all possible support to young large families. Russian legislation provides for the following payments and assistance to large families:

  • benefits for large families 2016 in the amount of 30-50% for utility bills even after children turn 18 years old;
  • for schoolchildren from large families, free meals, sports uniforms, studies, and textbooks are provided to them first;
  • children under 6 years of age are provided with medications at no additional cost;
  • free travel on public transport;
  • low interest loan, purchase loan land plot no interest;
  • 1 free visit to a cultural city event per month.

It would not be amiss to say that the city authorities are also accommodating to large families, so they provide them with their own benefits for large families 2016. This assistance is expressed in the form of employment, as well as in opening one’s own farming business or on a commercial basis. Those parents who have the status of a large family can additionally receive two weeks of leave (but not paid). This applies to those whose family has at least two children under the age of 14, as well as schoolchildren who are under 16 years of age.

Can't help but please benefits for large families 2016, applicable to state income tax. The tax-free amount is calculated from it monthly. You should not lose sight of the fact that a mother with many children has every right to take out an early pension at the age of 50. When a family has 10 children, either natural or adopted, such a family receives additional cash payments on holidays such as Family Day, September 1, etc.

Additional benefits in 2016

Social public services make a prediction that benefits for large families 2016 will be supplemented. This will be expressed by receiving an apartment free of charge at the expense of a special fund. You can get housing in new buildings; this point is taken into account in the design.

In 2016, it is planned to provide about 13 thousand large families with their own housing, which at the end of the year will have at least 3 children. A large family can count on benefits for large families 2016 in the form of obtaining an apartment that meets housing standards. Its area depends on the number of family members living.

Legal assistance

When applying for benefits for large families, it is important to seek advice and assistance from a lawyer. Knowing your rights and benefits for large families 2016, each family can fully use the privileges granted to them by the state. To find out what a large family can expect, you should contact a lawyer.

Editor: Igor Reshetov

The demographic crisis in Russia has become such a serious problem that back in 2007 a decision was made to universally introduce and implement a program called “Maternity Capital”. The essence of the program was expressed in helping large families and issuing them state-issued certificates, according to which they could receive financial assistance. Naturally, the government and the president are thus trying to improve the birth rate situation in the country.

But the financial crisis, which gained momentum in 2015, dealt a serious blow to the economy as a whole. Therefore, mothers with two or three children are concerned about whether the government will be able to fulfill its promises and continue payments under the above-mentioned program. To help large families, it was decided to make one-time payments in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. Let's figure out what conditions the country's leadership has provided for receiving these material resources.

Statistics and facts

By 2015, according to statistical studies, about 5 million families received the certificate. Many have not yet used the funds, some have done so partially. But with an eye to difficult situation and a fairly high rate of inflation, large families began to need cash income.

In 2015, due to annual indexation, the amount of maternity capital increased to 453 thousand rubles. The government also promises that the amount will continue to grow over the next two years and will reach 490 thousand rubles. Those who partially used funds from the certificate can count on indexation based on balances. All payments are guaranteed by the current government and legislative bodies. There are several basic provisions thanks to which this significant financial assistance can be directed to the needs of the family, and not the individual child. For example:

  • when three years have passed since the birth of the second baby, it is allowed to apply for the use of the entire amount of maternity capital or part of it;
  • if a family needs to pay credit debts or mortgage payments, then the amount can be claimed without even waiting for the child to be three years old.

Besides, maternity capital is not subject to income tax.


It was in 2015 that the authorities allowed lump sum payments from funds held on state certificates. Their size does not exceed 20 thousand. This measure is intended to support mothers and help large families in times of crisis. We can state the fact that similar events have already been carried out before, but the amount was more modest by 8,000. By the way, these payments do not affect today’s payments in any way.

You can receive the specified amount in 2017 if it is assigned to a certificate, that is, it has not been used previously. In case of a smaller balance, it will be possible to receive only those funds that are available.

This anti-crisis action of the government has its own deadlines for submitting applications. The period from May 2015 to March 2017 is legally fixed. Thanks to this, potentially large families who are just expecting the birth of their second or third baby will be able to submit an application immediately upon his birth and receive the promised amount. Parents should not forget that they will first need to obtain the above certificate.

Families who received the right to capital before last numbers September 2015, must decide whether they will qualify for the payment. If the answer is yes, applications must be submitted by the end of this year. We must also prepare for the fact that not all regional authorities can satisfy such requests due to the lack of timely receipt of financial resources.

What you need

To receive the money, large families or single parents with three or more children will need to wait 60 days from the date of application. The first month will be decided by the relevant authorities, and during another month the money must be transferred to a bank account. The required package of documents must consist of originals and copies provided in Pension fund. The list is as follows:

  • state certificate certifying the right to MK;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pension insurance certificate, otherwise SNILS;
  • a certificate from the bank confirming the opening of an account indicating the details;
  • in some cases - powers of attorney certified by a notary and personal documents of the person making the payment under the power of attorney.

If the documents are in order, a receipt should be issued indicating that your application for the issuance of funds was accepted.

Unpleasant moments

Of course, there are several nuances that may serve as grounds for refusal to pay 20 thousand rubles. The Pension Fund must notify the official refusal within 5 days from the date of this decision. Such notification is made in writing. Who can be refused:

  • persons who have been deprived of parental rights in judicial procedure. They completely lose the right to any type of benefits and compensation provided for the birth of children;
  • adoptive parents or guardians who annulled the fact of adoption;
  • for parents with many children who have already completely used up all the financial resources assigned to the certificate.

No more reasons for failure installed one-time benefits in 2017 no.

Additional cash assistance

Naturally, 20,000 rubles should support those who decide to have children in such financially unstable times. Large families are entitled to other social benefits established by law. For example:

  • monthly child care. Such assistance is issued to the parent who actually goes to maternity leave, and is paid over a period of one and a half years. The amount is a little more than 5,000;
  • compensatory. This cash assistance is paid in principle for any child under 16 years of age. But there must be documents that confirm the fact that he is a student. The amounts of payments vary depending on how many children there are in the family, and range from 600 to 800 rubles;
  • additional. For families with more than three offspring and reimbursement of utility costs. It also provides for progression, payout amounts from 500 to 1,100 rubles;
  • payments that compensate for telephone and food expenses. In the first case, it is about 250 rubles per month, in the second - 700 rubles for each child under age.

In 2017, all these payments are relevant, so they are trying to help large families in all areas of their lifestyle.