Territorial employment authorities. Employment centers - purpose, objectives, functions


Target activities of the Employment Center - implementation in municipal area unified state policy in the field of promoting employment.

Main tasks The employment centers are:

  • ensuring state guarantees in the field of employment;
  • provision in accordance with the law Russian Federation and Perm region public services to the population and employers in the field of promoting employment and protection against unemployment, labor migration;
  • creating conditions for more effective regulation of the use of labor;
  • development of effective employment of the population, creation of conditions for reducing unemployment and providing social support for unemployed citizens;
  • increasing labor mobility and ensuring regulation of migration processes taking into account the needs of the labor market.


The employment center carries out the following functions on the territory of the municipal district:

1. Registration of citizens in order to assist in finding suitable work, as well as registration of unemployed citizens.
2. Execution of delegated authority.
3. Provision of the following public services in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • assistance to citizens in finding suitable work, and to employers in selecting the necessary workers;
  • informing about the situation on the labor market in the Aleksandrovsky municipal district and in the Perm region;
  • organizing professional guidance for citizens in order to choose a field of activity (profession), employment, and vocational training;
  • psychological support for unemployed citizens;
  • vocational training, retraining and advanced training of unemployed citizens, including training in another area;
  • organization of paid public works;
  • organization of temporary employment of minor citizens aged 14 to 18 years in their free time from study, unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work, unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 years from among graduates educational institutions primary and secondary vocational education, job seekers for the first time;
  • social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market;
  • promoting self-employment of unemployed citizens, including providing citizens recognized as unemployed in the established manner, and citizens recognized as unemployed in the established manner and having completed vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of employment service authorities, one-time financial assistance for their state registration as a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or peasant (farm) enterprise, as well as one-time financial assistance for the preparation of documents for the corresponding state registration;
  • assistance to unemployed citizens in relocating and unemployed citizens and members of their families in relocating to another area for employment in the direction of the employment service;
  • organizing job fairs and training jobs;
  • issuing proposals for employers to obtain opinions on the advisability of attracting and using foreign workers in accordance with the legislation on the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.

4. Participation in the preparation of proposals for the development of programs that include measures to promote employment of the population.
5. Execution of administrative regulations for the execution of delegated powers, federal state standards of public services and state functions in the field of promoting employment, approved by the Federal body.
6. Determination of the list of priority professions (specialties) for professional training, retraining and advanced training of unemployed citizens.
7. Carrying out special measures to profile unemployed citizens (distributing unemployed citizens into groups depending on the profile of their previous professional activity, level of education, gender, age and other socio-demographic characteristics in order to provide them with the most effective assistance in assisting them in finding employment, taking into account the current labor market situation).
8.Providing professional training, retraining and advanced training for women during the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years.
9. Ensuring operation information technology and automated information processing systems in the field of employment.
10. Formation and maintenance of registers of recipients of public services in the field of employment.
11. Ensuring security during the processing of personal data by technical, software and organizational actions.
12. Preparation and sending to the Founder of the following information:

  • information (including databases) necessary for the formation of registers of recipients of government services in the field of promoting employment;
  • other information in the field of employment provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Federal body.

13.Implementation regional programs, providing for measures to promote employment of the population, including programs to promote the employment of citizens at risk of dismissal, as well as citizens who are especially in need of social protection and are experiencing difficulties in finding work.
14.Implementation of active employment policy measures, additional measures in the field of promoting employment.
15. Ensuring, in accordance with the methodological documents of the Founder, the work of the mobile office of the Employment Center, which carries out the implementation of assigned functions by employment centers of the Perm Territory.
16. Carrying out the functions of a recipient of budget funds of the Perm Territory.
17. Drawing up and submitting the budget estimate of the Employment Center for approval to the Founder.
18. Preparation and submission to the Founder in a timely manner of statistical, financial, accounting, budget, and other forms on the activities of the Employment Center in cases and in the manner established by current legislation.
19. Formation, maintenance and use of a data bank on the availability of vacant jobs (positions) and free training places for vocational training.
20. Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets.
21.Organizing the reception of citizens, ensuring timely and accurate consideration of citizens’ appeals, making decisions on them and sending responses to applicants.
22. Implementation of mobilization preparation activities.
23.Providing professional training for employees of the Employment Center, their retraining, advanced training and internships.
24. Carrying out, in accordance with the legislation, work on the acquisition, storage, recording and use of archival documents generated during the activities of the Employment Center.
25. Performing the function of a state customer for placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of the Employment Center and the implementation of measures in the field of promoting employment.
26.Fulfillment of the state task for the provision of public services in the field of promoting employment, approved by the Founder.
27. Carrying out income-generating activities for leasing real estate in accordance with current legislation.
28. Exercising other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Perm Territory.

The labor market is regulated not only by employment services. Here we can name general education and vocational educational institutions that directly influence the qualifications of people entering the labor market; institutions that provide employment assistance to persons with limited opportunities for this; career guidance centers for young people and for those whose qualifications are no longer needed due to technological changes.
However, among this multitude characters Employment services play a major role in monitoring the state of the labor market and regulating the actions of others. The more successfully they cope with this role, the better the overall functioning of the labor market.
State employment services are special organizations that exist at the expense of the budget and carry out their intermediary functions free of charge for both employers and job seekers. They employ workers of any level and qualifications, in any organizations, but mainly in government agencies. The only requirement for a person to register with the employment service is that the person must be unemployed.
The main activities of public employment services are:
1. registration of the unemployed;
2. registration of vacant places;
3. employment of the unemployed and other persons wishing to get a job;
4. study of labor market conditions and provision of information about it;
5. testing of persons wishing to get a job;
6. vocational guidance and retraining of the unemployed;
7. payment of benefits to registered unemployed.
Historically, employment services arose as departments of the Ministries of Labor. In some countries, influenced by the demands of the social partners, they have been granted autonomous legal status. They could also be created on the initiative of organizations of employers or workers, or have the status of private agencies acting in the interests of society.
Most often, in accordance with the recommendation of the International Labor Organization in 1948, the employment service is autonomous, but is under the control of the Ministry of Labor. At the same time, it has regional and local branches, territorial bodies (consulting points, model centers, etc.), subordinate to the national employment service. The role of local employment service offices cannot be underestimated. These departments are at the forefront of working with people and must cater to their diverse needs. It is the ability of local branches of employment services to satisfy these needs that indicates the effectiveness of the entire organization of work with the economically active population.
The size of employment services varies depending on what functions are assigned to them by the legislation of a particular country, and their importance depends on the situation in the labor market in the country.
A qualitative change in the role of the employment service in regulating the labor market requires a change in approaches to the interaction of the employment service with the personnel services of the organization. This model takes into account that the employment service bears a special burden during periods of economic recession and structural changes in the economy. To regulate the labor market, the employment service is granted the following rights:
- request information from employers about proposed structural changes and other measures that may result in the release of workers, as well as data on the need for labor, the number of released, accepted and dismissed workers;
- direct employers, if they have labor needs, to citizens applying to the employment service for employment;
- develop and submit proposals for consideration by local authorities to establish for employers a minimum number of special jobs for citizens who require special social protection and have difficulty finding employment;
- by proxy of employers, on their behalf, enter into employment contracts with citizens (with preliminary, if necessary, professional training), pay such citizens, at the expense of employers, the cost of travel, daily allowances for each day of travel, and also issue them benefits when moving to new place of work.
The mechanism for regulating and organizing employment of the population provides for the participation of employers who contribute to the implementation of state employment policy on the basis of:
- compliance with the terms of agreements (contracts, other agreements) regulating labor relations in accordance with the law;
- implementation of measures provided for in collective agreements (other agreements) to protect workers in the event of unemployment or suspension of production; providing assistance in employment, vocational training and providing additional support beyond that established by law financial assistance to released employees at the expense of enterprises and other employers; creating conditions for professional training, retraining and advanced training of workers. When calculating taxable profit, the amount of balance sheet profit of enterprises is reduced by the amount of funds spent by employers for these purposes;
- employment of a number of citizens determined by the local government who are especially in need of social protection.
In addition, employers are required to:
- timely, no less than three months in advance, and in full provide the employment service and the trade union body with information about possible mass layoffs of workers, the number and categories of workers who may be affected, and the period during which it is planned to be carried out. They are also responsible in accordance with the procedure established by law for providing false information;
- employ citizens who directly apply to the enterprise on an equal basis with citizens referred by the employment service.
Employers have the right to partial reimbursement in the form of additional tax benefits and other forms of compensation for expenses associated with the creation of additional jobs for citizens in particular need of social protection, in excess of the minimum number established by local authorities; to receive free information from the employment service about the state of the labor market,
If necessary, the employment service can compensate employers in full or in part for the costs of organizing training for hired citizens released from other enterprises.
Thus, there are all the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of this mechanism.
To exercise their right to work, citizens independently search for work or contact the employment service (a citizen’s appeal to the employment service in order to find a job is a citizen’s right, but not an obligation), which, in turn, are called upon to assist citizens in finding a suitable job. work.
A citizen can also exercise his right to work by directly contacting his employer.
Article 3 of the Law “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” defines the following conditions for recognizing a citizen as unemployed: ability to work, job search, readiness to start work, lack of earnings and work, presence in the citizen’s passport of a registration mark at the place of residence, presence of all necessary documents, registration with the employment service authorities at the citizen’s place of residence in order to find a suitable job.
Employment service authorities have the right to consider the issue of recognizing a citizen as unemployed only if all of the above conditions are met in their entirety.
Only those citizens who are recognized as unemployed in accordance with the procedure established by law have the right to unemployment benefits.
Employment service agencies provide advice on issues within their competence to all applicants, regardless of their place of residence or stay; busy and not busy labor activity, citizens receiving an old-age pension (by age), disability pensions of groups I, II, III, adolescents from 14 to 16 years old, youth, refugees, internally displaced persons, foreign citizens, stateless persons.
The number of people employed by the state employment service of Primorye has increased. At the end of 2002, 51 thousand 123 unemployed citizens were employed, which is 54.4% of the total number of applicants; in 1995, 27 thousand 586 unemployed people were employed (34.7% of all applicants). The number of unemployed in the cities of Artem, Dalnegorsk, Bolshoi Kamen, Vladivostok, Dalnerechensk, Lesozavodsk, Ussuriysk, Nadezhdinsky, Pozharsky and Chernigov regions has decreased significantly.
There has been a sharp change in the number of people applying to the state employment service in Vladivostok. When comparing the indicators of 1991 and 2002. an increase in the number of applicants was revealed from 43 to 4,700 people. Characteristic feature is that significantly more people who had not previously worked entered the labor market.
The dynamics of the labor market, which have clearly emerged today, are the result of the painstaking work of the Primorye Regional Employment Center in accordance with a policy aimed at increasing jobs. Establishing closer contacts with employers helped a lot. As a result, the number of employed citizens is constantly growing, and today it is 51 thousand 123 people. The number of people employed has increased significantly in the cities of Bolshoy Kamen and Partizansk, as well as in the Dalnerechensky, Krasnoarmeysky and Nadezhdinsky districts.
Temporary employment is becoming increasingly important. Working with teenagers during the summer holidays has become more effective. Only teenagers aged 14 to 18 years old, with the assistance of the employment service, about 10.5 thousand people were employed. In addition, more than 400 unemployed children were provided with assistance in organizing recreation and treatment.
The participation of unemployed citizens in public works has become of great importance. During all eight months, 1,243 people took part in them, which is 1.8 times more than during the same time last year. Such work is well established in the cities of Bolshoy Kamen, Vladivostok, Dalnegorsk, Dalnerechensk, Lesozavodsk, Partizansk, Nakhodka, Spassk-Dalny, Ussuriysk and Dalnerechensky, Kavalerovsky, Mikhailovsky, Olginsky, Partizansky, Pogranichny, Pozharsky and Khorolsky districts.
3,467 people were sent to vocational training with the assistance of the employment service, which is a quarter more than the same period last year. The number of vacancies reached 8.3 thousand, which is twice as much as at the end of August 1998. This is a good factor for job seekers. Meanwhile, in the cities of Arsenyev and Partizansk, the demand for available jobs remains high.
Services related to promoting the implementation of citizens' rights to employment are provided free of charge by employment service agencies.
The activities of public employment services ensure active interaction between unemployed citizens and employers, secured and protected by legal norms, and also ensure social support socially vulnerable segments of the population. This is achieved through the following areas of activity: the use of computer banks of vacancies, assistance in employment, payment of benefits, professional counseling, referral to professional retraining, advanced training, creation of additional jobs for people with disabilities and youth, that is, the active implementation of state employment policy.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. What is meant by public employment service?
2. What is the main and only requirement for a person registering with the employment service?
3. List the main directions of the employment service.
4. Under whose authority is the employment service located?
5. What rights are granted to the employment service to regulate the labor market?
6. Do employers participate in the mechanism for regulating and organizing employment?
7. List the conditions for recognizing a citizen as unemployed.
8. To whom do employment services provide advisory assistance?

Occupancy management system

Organizational forms of assistance to the unemployed began to take shape as appropriate funds emerged. The International Labor Organization (ILO), created in 1919, in one of the first conventions it adopted, raised the issue of establishing systems of free public employment bureaus. The Convention also provided for the creation of committees of representatives of employers and workers to assist the employment bureaus.

The main responsibility of the public employment service is to ensure the best possible organization of the labor market as an integral part of the national program for achieving and maintaining effective employment, development and use of human resources. The employment service consists of a national system of employment centers operating under the direction of the state authorities. This system brings together a network of local and regional offices sufficient to serve every geographic area of ​​the country.

The employment service registers job seekers, keeps records of their professional qualifications, experience and wishes, interviews them in order to find them a job,, if necessary, checks their physical condition and professional training, and, in appropriate cases, assists in obtaining vocational guidance, training and retraining; collects from entrepreneurs accurate information about vacant positions and the requirements that the employees they need must satisfy; sends candidates with suitable qualifications and suitable for work to vacant positions physical condition. The functions of the employment service also include taking measures to find employment for the unemployed. To do this, the employment service provides assistance to the unemployed:

o in changing professions so that the supply of labor meets the demand for it;

o facilitating territorial mobility to obtain work in areas where vacancies exist;

o ensuring the temporary transfer of a worker from one area to another in the event of a temporary shortage or excess of labor in a particular area.

The Employment Service systematically collects and studies available information on the labor market and development prospects both for the country as a whole and for individual regions, industries, and professions. Together with public and private organizations, it also participates in the development of socio-economic plans aimed at creating a favorable situation regarding employment.

National employment services arose in the 20s of the XX century. within the framework of the relevant ministries designed to deal with issues of labor legislation, labor inspection, unemployment benefits, regulation of labor conflicts, etc. The employment service and its agencies were included in the structure state system management, employment service employees are civil servants. Employment services are financed within the state budget, as well as from employment and insurance funds.

Along with public employment services, there are also paid, commercial employment services and private recruitment agencies that do not pursue commercial purposes related to educational institutions, charitable and professional organizations .

Organization of employment service activities

The structure of the employment service includes divisions dealing with the following main problems: vocational guidance, vocational training, employment organization, social protection unemployed and job seekers.

Local employment centers and offices usually have two divisions. The first of them is engaged in the reception of job seekers, the second is in contact with enterprises. The functions of the first division include providing employment assistance to persons applying to the employment service. The division, which works closely with enterprises, is designed to satisfy requests for jobs using existing vacancies, thus achieving a certain balance of supply and demand in the labor market. To these two divisions a third is added, not related to external contacts and receiving visitors. It deals with administrative matters, taking into account requests and proposals, maintaining cards, and collecting data on the local labor market. In some cases, mobile teams and employment representatives are used, working according to a set schedule in certain industrial zones and localities.

Local employment offices are the primary links in the national employment system and are generally recognized as determining its identity and effectiveness. The structure and location of these bureaus usually depend on the administrative-geographical division of the national territory.

In addition to local bureaus, there are regional employment centers that unite homogeneous economic and natural zones of the country (regions and districts). In modern conditions, regional centers perform mainly the following functions: carry out operations that are beyond the power of local bureaus, for example, coordinate the efforts of public and private institutions (chambers of commerce and industry, trade union organizations, local authorities, etc.) to solve social problems ; provide organizational and methodological assistance to local employment offices; collect and analyze sociological, economic and statistical data at the regional level. In general, the staff of regional centers performs such functions as consulting enterprises, employment of various categories of workers, information support and vocational guidance, statistics and labor market research, employment promotion and the implementation of special programs in this area, maintaining documentation and collecting publications, professional development employment service employees.

Regional centers report directly to the state employment service. In a generalized form, the structure of the public employment service includes a number of departments (departments) on the following issues: employment of various categories of the population, movement of labor, job registration, information support, vocational guidance, consultation of organizations, labor market, employment protection, planning, preparation methodological manuals and instructions, research work, documentation, library and publications, external relations, human resources department and their training, retraining, administrative and financial issues.

The management of the national employment service is often carried out on a collegial basis, that is, the management body includes representatives of other interested institutions. At the same time, the main government body developing and implementing employment policy is the Ministry of Labor.

An approximate structure of employment management bodies is shown in Fig. 12.3.

Rice. 12.3.


1. The system of relations between people regarding the provision of jobs and participation in economic activities, determined by the characteristics of social production, is one of the main economic characteristics. Employment, expressing certain relationships between people, acts directly as a functional characteristic of the working population, dividing it into those included in various specific labor processes and on those who find themselves outside of these processes. In other words, employment is the final point in the distribution of workers by type of activity.

2. One of the main tasks of employment management is to establish an optimal balance of labor resources and jobs, which must be ensured in both quantitative and qualitative terms.

3. The employment management system covers a number of governmental and non-governmental bodies, institutions and organizations, the main goal of which is to ensure the best organization of the labor market. Civil service Employment consists of a national system of employment centers operating under the direction of the central government.