State support for large families. State support measures for large families



State support
large families
in the Russian Federation
for 2008-2015

FOR 2008-2015

1. Name.
Program state support large families in the Russian Federation for 2008-2015 (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

2. The relationship of the Program with priority national projects.
The program in its content does not duplicate existing priority national projects“Health”, “Education” and “Affordable and comfortable housing for citizens of Russia”, but complements the measures provided for by them and implements an independent strategic direction of state social policy.

3. Timing and stages of the Program implementation.
The estimated period for the implementation of the Program is 2008-2015.
Stage I - 2008-2010 (formation of the appropriate organizational and legal framework, implementation of the proposed measures of the Program);
Stage II - 2011-2015. (continuation of the implementation of the proposed measures, taking into account the results of the implementation of stage I).

4. Definition of the concept of “large family” in this Program.
In this Program under large family is understood:
for subjects of the Russian Federation with negative natural population growth - a family with three or more children (including adopted children), including: children studying in general education institutions until they reach 18 years of age; children studying in institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education on a full-time basis of any organizational and legal forms, until completion of their studies, until they reach 22 years of age;
for subjects of the Russian Federation with positive natural population growth - a family with four or more children (including the above categories of persons).

5. Relevance of the Program.
Serious demographic problems in Russia, and, above all, problems of population reproduction necessitate special attention on the part of society and the state to the situation of families with children.
The development and implementation of effective demographic and social policies aimed at supporting families requires an analysis of their problems, taking into account regional characteristics.
A large family should be considered in the general context of the formation and implementation of state social policy, since its problems are part of the problems of modern Russian society, and the situation of large families is one of the indicators characterizing all types of social disadvantage.
Main characteristics of large families in the Russian Federation:
the share of large families in Russia is insignificant and amounts to 2.6% of the total number of households (including single-parent households) and 6.6% of the number of families with children (according to the 2002 All-Russian Census);
the number of large families has been declining in recent decades and has stabilized at a minimally low level;
The prevalence of large families in Russia has a distinct regional character. Unlike most regions of Russia, a number of subjects of the Russian Federation included in the Southern Federal District are characterized by a traditionally high level of large families;
the predominance of large families with three children - 75% of the total number of large families in the Russian Federation; families with five or more children make up 7.7% of the total number of large families.
Currently, the appearance of a child in a family, as a rule, significantly reduces its standard of living, and the presence of three or more children makes a family poor in the overwhelming majority of cases. The level of family poverty in Russia is mainly determined by the contribution of large families to the overall picture. The share of families with 3 or more children with a monthly average per capita income below the subsistence minimum in the total number of families with children in the fourth quarter of 2005 (based on sample surveys of household budgets) was 65.2%.
At the same time, large families, especially single-parent families with three or more children, are characterized by the highest risk and degree of poverty. Due to the higher dependency burden and the smaller relative number of employed family members, they stand out compared to other categories of families in all socio-economic indicators of living standards.
The vast majority of large families fall into the category of poor, have inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, and are burdened with significant housing problems:
almost 40% of large families experience significant problems in providing their children with seasonal clothing and shoes;
almost half of large families cannot purchase medications prescribed by a doctor in full;
a third of large families are forced to limit themselves in food;
in 25% of large families, children cannot complete secondary school, because... need to earn money.
A special problem for large families is housing. The level of improvement in the homes of large families is extremely low and is not suitable for families with a large number of children. Almost half of large families experience significant problems with housing (housing that does not meet established standards or is in disrepair and requires urgent repairs). About 60% of large families live in housing “without amenities”, which lacks central heating or running water, sewerage and hot water supply. In rural areas, the share of such housing reaches 80%.
The main reasons for the poverty of large families are the relatively low competitiveness of able-bodied members of such families in the labor market, partly due to employment in raising children, the low attractiveness for employers of hiring citizens with a high dependent load and significant family responsibilities, as well as the inadequately low level of social assistance provided state and municipal social protection authorities.
At the same time, it is a mistake to consider large families as dependents of society and the state. Among fathers of large families, the level of unemployment and alcoholism is lower (in families with 1 child, spending on alcohol amounts to 2.1% of the budget, in families with 4 or more - 0.6%), they are more likely than the male population as a whole to increase their level of education, take out mortgage loans, are more law-abiding, and have stronger families.
Thus, state support for large families should be recognized as one of the main priority areas of state family policy.
In conditions of depopulation, in order to achieve the level of simple reproduction of the population in 10 years, it is necessary to increase the share of families with five or more children to 10-15% in the overall family structure of Russian society.
Many constituent entities of the Russian Federation have adopted special laws aimed at social support for large families, increasing their status in society and improving the situation of children in them.
At the same time, there are currently a number of common problems in the field of legislative and practical provision of the rights and interests of members of large families:
the absence in most subjects of the Russian Federation of special legal documents defining the strategy and priorities of regional policy in relation to large families;
shortcomings of the existing legal regulation at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (the absence in a number of constituent entities of regulatory legal acts that combine the grounds, conditions and procedure for providing social support to large families; current legal acts do not always adequately reflect the real needs of large families);
insufficient openness and transparency of the system of financing measures of state support for large families at the regional level;
lack of awareness large families about existing state support measures;
shortcomings in the legal regulation and practical organization of identifying large families in need of support, resulting in incomplete coverage of large families in need of assistance.
Thus, in the Russian Federation as a whole, the effectiveness of social support for large families is insufficient.
Among the areas of state support for large families, the least developed and provided with adequate implementation measures is information support for state demographic policy in terms of propaganda family values in the media.
Effective government support for large families can increase not only the demographic potential, but also the economic potential of the Russian Federation. Providing support for large families in rural areas in the future is one of the conditions for solving the problems of socio-economic development of agricultural regions.
An important direction of state demographic policy in the Russian Federation should be, along with the provision of material support, the provision of moral support to large families. Support for large families in difficult times life situation, requires the development and implementation of a set of measures to encourage conscious and responsible motherhood and fatherhood on the basis of an individualized approach that takes into account all factors of disadvantage in large families.
The implementation of this Program, in addition to achieving the main expected results, will produce a number of long-term positive effects on the socio-economic development of the country, the moral and psychological situation in society.

6. The purpose of the Program is to stimulate an increase in the number of large families and, as a result, an increase in the birth rate in the Russian Federation, to protect rights and legitimate interests, to ensure a decent quality of life and to increase the social prestige of large families in Russia.

7. Objectives of the Program.
The purpose of the Program determines its following tasks:
providing conditions for improving the financial situation of large families, including a targeted increase in assistance to such families, taking into account their level of income, reducing poverty in large families;
improving the quality of life and health of large families;

increasing the competitiveness of able-bodied members of large families in the labor market;
providing employees with 3 or more children with favorable conditions for combining labor activity with family responsibilities;
strengthening assistance to large families in raising children, increasing access to education for children from large families;
increasing the social attractiveness and prestige of a large family.

8. Main indicators of the Program.
Main indicators indicating the achievement of the goal and implementation of the objectives of this Program by 2015:
increasing the share of large families in the total number of families with children from 6-7% to 12-15%;
reducing by 2010 to 25% the share of large families with a monthly average per capita income below 1 subsistence level established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation; up to 10% by 2015, below half the subsistence level - up to 5% by 2010, up to 1% by 2012.
increasing the share of people with higher education among members of large families to the Russian average;
reducing the unemployment rate among mothers of many children to the Russian average, fathers of many children - to 50% by 2010 from the Russian average, to 20% by 2015;
reducing the unemployment rate among parents with many children, raising children without a spouse, actively looking for work, to 20% by 2010 from the Russian average, to 5% by 2015.

9. Socio-economic effect from the implementation of the Program.
The main result of the implementation of this Program will be a significant improvement in the demographic situation.
An increase in the share of large families will also lead to the following positive changes:
reducing the mortality rate as a result of reducing alcoholism and drug addiction;
reducing the number of divorces and abortions;
crime reduction;
reduction in unemployment;
growth in the number of mortgage loans issued and the growth of the construction industry.
An increase in the birth rate, as well as all of the above positive socio-economic consequences, will lead to an increase in GDP and tax revenues, which, as the experience of developed countries implementing active family policies shows, in the long term will exceed the costs of the federal, regional and municipal budgets for the implementation of the Program.

10. Principles of state support for large families in the Russian Federation.
1. The principle of taking into account regional characteristics when developing and implementing social support measures by public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
2. The principle of priority of measures to create conditions for self-sufficiency of a large family in the system of measures for their social support.
3. The principle of goal-setting in the implementation of government measures to support large families, in particular to ensure that they achieve the average statistical indicators for the Russian Federation for the level of access to education, medical services, and other social rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.
4. The principle of combining efforts and coordinating the actions of state authorities, local governments, and public associations in the implementation of social support measures for large families.
5. The principle of combining the application procedure for providing social support and active activity social services to identify large families in need of social assistance, to determine their needs in order to effectively provide them with social assistance (support).
6. The principle of targeting state support measures and social selectivity (the amount of state social assistance depends on the level of family income and the number of children in it).

11. Directions for implementation of the Program.
The program is implemented in the following areas:
improving the system for recording large families and legal regulation of their state support;
state assistance to large families in solving housing problems;
assistance in employment of members of large families, stimulation of economic activity and self-employment of large families;
support for farms (peasants) and gardening enterprises of large families;
increasing access to education for children from large families;
formation and strengthening in the public consciousness of moral, including family, values, ideas about the social attractiveness and prestige of large families;
system improvement state benefits and compensation for large families;
ensuring accessibility of medical care and drug supply;
promoting normal nutrition for children from large families;
ensuring joint leisure and recreation for large families;
increasing the availability of services from cultural and sports institutions for large families;
creating conditions of social comfort for large families;
increasing the mobility of large families;
involving civil society institutions in supporting large families;
moral encouragement for parents who responsibly and conscientiously raise (raise) children in large families.

12. Sources of financing.
The implementation of this Program is ensured at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the budgets of municipalities, state extra-budgetary funds, and other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. Organizational and legal support for the implementation of the Program.

13.1. Legal support for the implementation of the Program.
The legal basis of this Program is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of local governments, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a party. Federation.

13.2. Program implementers.
Program implementers:
Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being, Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Health and Social Development, Federal Service for Labor and Employment, Federal Agency for Health and Social Development;
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, Federal Agency for Education, Department of State Youth Policy, Education and Social Protection of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services;
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation;
Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;
Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage,
Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports;
other federal executive authorities, state extra-budgetary funds, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as local government bodies, other interested parties exercising their powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The implementation of the Program is coordinated by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Scientific institutions and organizations, public associations, the media, religious organizations of traditional religions of Russia, etc. are also involved in the implementation of this Program.

14. Monitoring the implementation of the Program.
Control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.


1. Improving the system of accounting for large families and legal regulation of their state support.

1.1. Establishing and ensuring a federal standard for the minimum amount of social support for large families in need of social assistance and support.

1.2. Development and adoption in each subject of the Russian Federation of a regulatory legal act of the subject of the Russian Federation, combining legal norms that determine the size, conditions and procedure for providing all forms of support for large families at the regional level.

1.3. Creation of a data bank on large families in each subject of the Russian Federation. Improving the procedure for registering large families.

1.4. Establishment of a uniform form of document for all subjects of the Russian Federation confirming the status of a member of a large family.

1.5. Development of a unified methodology for monitoring the quality of life of large families in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account regional characteristics, and the implementation of such monitoring.

2. State assistance to large families in solving housing problems and paying for utilities.

2.1. State assistance to large families in the acquisition, construction or social rental of housing.

2.1.1. Introduction of legal and financial mechanisms for the provision by banks of targeted loans or authorized organizations of targeted subsidies to improve housing conditions for families at the birth of the fourth and each subsequent child, with a progressive scale of repayment of interest on bank loans or the amount of amounts provided to be repaid at the expense of the state, depending on the number of children in under 18 years of age.

2.1.2. Regulatory and legal consolidation of legal and financial mechanisms that provide, in the event of the birth of a fourth or subsequent child, families (young families - in the case of the birth of a third child) with a monthly per capita income of less than 3 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in need of improved housing conditions, one-time repayment at the expense of the state of part of the debt on a mortgage loan or part of the debt under an installment purchase and sale agreement for residential premises. Compensation by the state for the interest rate on the main loan in the amount of half the average mortgage loan rate for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2.1.3. Establishing for large families in need of improved housing conditions the amount of the down payment on a mortgage loan or under an agreement for the purchase and sale of residential premises in installments: for families with 3-4 children - 40%, for families with 5 or more children - 20% of amount (percentage) of the down payment established for other categories of citizens.

2.1.4. Introduction of legal and financial mechanisms for providing families with 4 or more children with a monthly average per capita income of less than 3 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, who need improved housing conditions, within six months from the date of birth of the fourth and each subsequent child, residential premises (providing residential premises of a larger area) from the state and municipal housing funds under a social rental agreement, while retaining the right to receive a free subsidy or loan allocated from the state or municipal budget for the construction or purchase of housing.

2.2. Implementation of measures to stimulate individual housing construction for large families with a monthly average per capita income of less than 4 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2.2.1. Provision to organized groups of developers - large families land plots(no less than 0.15 hectares in the suburbs; no less than 0.50 hectares in rural areas) ownership for individual housing construction free of charge or at a preferential (through subvention) price (depending on the average per capita family income, in accordance with the approved estimate expenses in social protection authorities).

2.2.2. Allocation of financial assistance from local budgets and the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the organization of engineering infrastructure (gas, water, electricity) of plots being developed in accordance with clause 2.3.1.

2.2.3. Introducing legal and financial mechanisms to compensate large families for part of the costs of purchasing or constructing housing, allocating building materials for individual housing construction (in rural areas) in the event of the birth (adoption) of a child. Compensation from 20% to 100% of the cost of building materials (depending on the average per capita income of the family in accordance with the approved cost estimate in the social protection authorities, within the limits established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) to large families when they carry out individual housing construction.

2.3. In agreement with the owners (tenants) of residential premises, assistance in repairing housing (at least once every 6 years) occupied by large families with a monthly average per capita income of less than 2 subsistence minimums.

3. Assistance in employment of members of large families, stimulation of economic activity and self-employment of large families.

3.1. Increasing the duration of time taken into account in the general and continuous work experience, as well as in the work experience in the specialty, for parental child care until reaching youngest child age 16 years - for families with 3 or more children.

3.2. Creation of legal and financial conditions to encourage employers to provide employees - parents of many children with working conditions that facilitate the combination of their work responsibilities and responsibilities related to raising children, including the use of home work for women with three or more children.

3.2.1. Establishing a preferential right to obtain a job for parents from large families in case of employment in public sector institutions, in the state or municipal service, as well as in organizations where the state owns 50 percent or more of the authorized capital, in case of compliance employee's qualification and professional requirements of the vacancy and successful completion of tests (competition) when hiring, all other things being equal.

3.2.2. Inclusion in Article 41 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the list of issues recommended for inclusion in collective bargaining agreements (agreements), provisions on the provision by the employer of specific measures of social support and on the provision special conditions labor for workers - parents with many children.

3.2.3. Legislative provision 5 additional days to annual paid leave for every third and every subsequent child to each of the parents with many children.

3.2.4. Legislative establishment of the preemptive right for parents with many children to determine the time and duration of their vacation when forming a vacation schedule in an organization, taking into account the possibilities and limitations of the labor (production) process.

3.2.5. Introduction of tax incentive measures for employers to hire workers who are parents of many children.

3.3. Organization at the expense of budgetary funds vocational training, retraining and advanced training of women with 3 or more children aged at least 3 years, and facilitating their employment in part-time jobs, with the possibility of remote work and home work.

3.4. Development and implementation of special regional programs professional training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed parents with many children in specialties that meet the needs of the development of the economy and social sphere of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

3.5. When developing regional employment programs, taking into account the need to employ parents with many children and able-bodied children from large families, the possibility of their working under flexible forms of work (part-time work, part-time work week, work from home, temporary work, etc.).

3.6. Introduction of tax incentive measures for employers when they pay one-time benefits to employees (not part-time workers) upon the birth of a child through a reduction in the income tax base by 100 thousand rubles. - at the birth of the third and each subsequent child.

3.7. Legislative establishment of a progressive taxation system for large families, taking into account the total family income and the number of children in the family.

4. Support for farms (peasants) and gardening farms of large families.

4.1. Assistance to parents with many children who want to create farms (peasants).

4.1.1. Provision of land plots for lease for 49 years at a preferential rental rate or sale at a preferential price in installments of up to 25 years for farming (peasant) and gardening.

4.1.2. Providing benefits for land tax and rent in the form of full or partial exemption from tax on certain period or lowering tax rates.

4.1.3. Providing starting gratuitous assistance (lifting aid) for large families who decide to take up farming (peasant farming).

4.1.4. Expanding the availability of credit and leasing schemes for peasant (farm) households with large families.

4.1.5. Providing a one-time preferential loan or interest-free loan in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation as a matter of priority for the purchase of machinery, equipment, motor vehicles and other purposes related to the creation and development of peasant (farm) farms.

4.1.6. Free training for members of large families in the basics of farming and agricultural activities in special courses in institutions of secondary specialized and higher vocational education.

4.2. Providing large families with garden, vegetable or dacha land plots as a matter of priority in the amount of at least 0.15 hectares per family.

5. Increasing access to education for children from large families.

5.1. Increasing accessibility of preschool education for children from large families.

5.1.1. Establishment of preferential tariffs for payment for services of state and municipal preschool educational institutions for large families with an average per capita income of less than 3 subsistence minimums - 25% of the amount established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for payment for services of preschool institutions.

5.1.2. Establishing free services of state and municipal preschool educational institutions for families with 4 or more children with an average per capita income of less than 3 subsistence minimums.

5.1.3. Establishing the right to priority admission of children from large families to preschool educational institutions.

5.1.4. Establishing the right of children from large families to study in one educational institution preschool education.

5.2. Measures of social assistance to children from large families in obtaining general and additional education.

5.2.1. Providing annual compensation to large families with a monthly per capita income of less than 3 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the purchase of a set of clothes for attending school classes at the rate of 2,500 rubles per 1 child annually for the entire period of children’s education in educational institutions at the expense of the founders of these institutions institutions (at the rate of 4,000 rubles - for large families with one parent).

5.2.2. Providing annual compensation to large families with a monthly per capita income of less than 3 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the purchase of a set of sports uniforms, including sports shoes, for attending school classes physical culture at the rate of 2,000 rubles per child annually for the entire period of education of children in general education institutions at the expense of the founders of these institutions (at the rate of 3,000 rubles for large families with one parent).

5.2.3. Providing a one-time benefit to parents with many children upon admission to the 1st grade of a comprehensive school of a child from a large family with a monthly average per capita income of less than 2 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in the amount of 2 subsistence minimums for a child - for the third child, 3 subsistence minimums for the fourth and each subsequent child.

5.2.4. Establishing a preferential right for students from large families to attend extended day groups in general education institutions.

5.2.5. Providing an allowance in the amount of 1000 rubles per year or a special coupon replacing it for the purchase of school and writing supplies for students from large families with a monthly average per capita income of less than 1 subsistence minimum established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

5.2.6. Establishing the right of children from large families to study in one general education institution.

5.3. Increasing the accessibility of secondary and higher vocational education.

5.3.1. Establishing benefits for children from families with three or more children when entering secondary vocational education institutions, similar to those established for disabled children and orphans.

5.3.2. Establishing a preferential procedure for admission to educational places financed from budgets in state and municipal institutions of higher professional education for children from families with 5 or more children with a monthly average per capita income of less than 2 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

5.3.3. Providing the opportunity for children from families with 5 or more children with a monthly per capita income of less than 3 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation to study in institutions of higher professional education that train students on a paid basis, at the expense of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (providing " certificates for education"), upon admission on a competitive basis in specialties determined in accordance with the needs of the economy and social sphere of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

6. Implementation of measures to form and strengthen moral, including family, values ​​and ideas about the social attractiveness of a large family in society.

6.1. Development and implementation at the federal and regional levels of programs for the formation and strengthening in society of moral, including family, values, ideas about the social attractiveness and prestige of a large family.

6.2. Production and distribution of information materials in the media, including social advertising, television films, television and radio programs, as well as materials on the Internet information and telecommunications network, promoting the attractiveness of a family lifestyle, families with 3 or more children .

6.3. Measures for the spiritual and moral education of minors, the formation in them of moral, including family, values, attitudes towards creating a full, legally married family with two or more children, as a social norm, ideas about the social attractiveness of a large family. Introduction within the framework of the federal component of the state standard of general education educational field“spiritual and moral education”, which involves the implementation of variable educational courses at the choice of students and their parents.

7. Improving the system of state family benefits and compensation for large families.

7.1. Increasing the amount of a one-time benefit for the birth (adoption) of a child to 25,000 rubles. - for the third and each subsequent child.

7.2. Establishment minimum size monthly allowance for children in large families with a monthly per capita income of less than 2 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in the amount of 3,000 rubles. for the third and each subsequent child.

7.3. Establishment of an annual presidential Christmas (for people professing other religions - New Year) benefit in the amount of 2 subsistence minimums for each large family with 4 or more children.

7.4. Compensation to large families with a monthly per capita income of less than 2 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation for payment for living quarters, utilities and telephone services.

7.4.1. Reducing the maximum share of payment for housing and utilities in the total family income for receiving a housing subsidy to 10% for large families.

7.4.2. Compensation for families with 3 or more children in the amount of 50% of the telephone subscription fee and electricity fee.

8. Ensuring accessibility of medical care and drug supply.

8.1. Establishment of the priority right to admit children from large families to health-improving and specialized children's institutions of medical and sanatorium type.

8.2. Free medication provision for children from large families until they reach the age of 7 years.

8.3. Benefits for certain types of medical care and drug provision for women who have given birth (adopted) and raised (raised) 5 or more children.

8.3.1. Free provision of medicines for outpatient treatment according to prescriptions from doctors of public health institutions.

8.3.2. Free production and repair of dentures (except for dentures made of precious metals and certain types of metal ceramics) in state and municipal healthcare institutions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

9. Promoting normal nutrition for children from large families.

9.1. Providing free hot meals in state and municipal educational institutions for students from large families.

9.2. Providing children from large families with a monthly per capita income of less than 2 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation with free dairy products until they reach the age of 7 years.

10. Implementation of measures to ensure joint leisure and recreation for large families.

10.1. Providing large families with a monthly average per capita income of less than 3 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation with compensation for the costs of purchasing family vouchers once every 2 years for a joint holiday in sanatoriums and holiday homes on the territory of the Russian Federation in the amount of 50% for families with 3 -4 children, 75% for families with 5-6 children and 90% for families with 7 or more children of the full cost of vouchers and tickets for travel to the vacation spot and back.

10.2. Creating conditions for family recreation for large families at their place of residence.

11. Measures to increase the availability of services from cultural and sports institutions for large families.

11.1. Establishing benefits for large families to visit (including free visiting days) theaters, museums, cultural and recreation parks, zoos, planetariums, exhibitions operated by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

11.2. A discount of 50% for families with 3-4 children, 80% for families with 5 or more children for teaching children in art, music, sports schools and art schools run by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

11.3. Free provision of physical education and sports services by state and municipal physical education and sports institutions to minor children from large families and their parents.

12. Creating conditions of social comfort for large families.

12.1. Creation (modernization) of the system in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities social institutions who work with large families on individual programs of socio-psychological adaptation, including providing child care services (nurses, nannies) in large families.

12.2. Creation of family socio-psychological consultations in the current system of social services for counseling and assistance to large families, including psychological support and counseling for fathers to increase their educational role in relation to their children.

12.3. Creation of a system for informing large families about measures of state, municipal and public social support, including opportunities to improve housing conditions and financial situation; assignment to existing social assistance services of responsibilities for informing large families about their rights and existing social programs, as well as responsibilities for providing assistance in preparing and collecting necessary documents to receive social assistance.

12.4. Establishing free provision of socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical services to large families with 4 or more children by state social service institutions.

12.5. The right to free use by families with 3 or more children of the services of baths under the jurisdiction of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipalities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

13. Measures to increase the mobility of large families.

13.1. Extraordinary service at aviation, railway and bus (interdistrict and intercity) ticket offices.

13.2. Monthly compensation for travel costs for secondary school students from families with 4 or more children on intracity transport (except taxis), on suburban and intradistrict buses to and from their place of study.

13.3. Providing families with 6 or more children with a car (minibus) once every 10 years at the expense of budget funds.

13.4. Compensation for part of the cost of a down payment and subsidizing the interest rate on car loans for families with 4 or more children purchasing a car such as a minivan, pickup truck, or minibus.

14. Involving civil society institutions in supporting large families.

14.1. State support for non-profit organizations carrying out activities aimed at social support and assistance to large families and protection of their rights.

14.2. Creation of a Public Council under the Government of the Russian Federation on the problems of large families with the inclusion of representatives of public associations of large families in its composition.

15. Measures of moral encouragement for parents who responsibly and conscientiously raise (raise) children in large families.

15.1. Rewarding parents with 5 or more children with certificates of honor, badges, and awards from government bodies of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

15.2. Introduction of a special state award (order and medal) to parents (adoptive parents, guardians and foster parents), having 5 or more children who have ensured the upbringing of worthy citizens of the Russian Federation and are a model of behavior.

15.3. Annual New Year's meetings of the President of the Russian Federation with large families with 7 or more children during the Kremlin Christmas tree.

15.4. An annual meeting on Children's Day of the President of the Russian Federation with representatives of all-Russian public associations of members of large families to discuss practical issues and support their initiatives. Annual similar meetings of representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts with representatives of large families, preceding a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation.


The implementation of the Program requires funding in an amount necessary and sufficient for the effective construction of state demographic and family policy and the real achievement of the stated goal - stimulating an increase in the number of large families and, as a result, an increase in the birth rate in the Russian Federation, protecting rights and legitimate interests, and ensuring a decent quality of life and increasing the social prestige of large families in Russia.
The estimated cost structure is shown in the table:

MEASURES Annual budget expenditures, million rubles.
1. Improving the system of accounting for large families and legal regulation of their state support. 10
2. State assistance to large families in solving housing problems. 10000
2.2. Implementation of measures to stimulate individual housing construction for large families with a monthly average per capita income of less than 4 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation. 5000
2.3. In agreement with the owners (tenants) of residential premises, assistance in repairing housing (at least once every 6 years) occupied by large families with a monthly average per capita income of less than 2 subsistence minimums. 5000
3.3. Organizing, at the expense of budgetary funds, professional training, retraining and advanced training for women with 3 or more children, and facilitating their employment in part-time jobs, with the possibility of remote work and home work. 1500
3.4. Development and implementation of special regional programs for professional training, advanced training and retraining of unemployed parents with many children in specialties that meet the needs of economic development of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. 500
3.6. Introduction of tax incentive measures for employers when they pay one-time benefits to employees (not part-time workers) upon the birth of a child through a reduction in the income tax base by 100 thousand rubles. - at the birth of the third and each subsequent child. 3600
4. Support for farms (peasants) and gardening farms of large families. 2000
5. Increasing access to education for children of large families. 10800
5.2.1. Providing annual compensation to large families with a monthly per capita income of less than 3 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the purchase of a set of clothes for attending school classes at the rate of 2,500 rubles per 1 child annually for the entire period of children’s education in educational institutions at the expense of the founders of these institutions institutions (at the rate of 4,000 rubles - for large families with one parent). 4000
5.2.2. Providing annual compensation to large families with a monthly per capita income of less than 3 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the purchase of a set of sports uniforms, including sports shoes, for attending school physical education classes at the rate of 2,000 rubles per child annually for the entire period of the children’s education in general educational institutions at the expense of the founders of these institutions (at the rate of 3,000 rubles - for large families with one parent). 3200
5.2.3. Establishing the amount of a one-time benefit upon admission to the 1st grade of a comprehensive school for a child from a large family with a monthly income of less than 2 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, for each family member, in the amount of 2 subsistence minimums for a child - for the third child, 3 subsistence minimums for fourth and each subsequent child. 5000
5.2.5. Providing an allowance in the amount of 1000 rubles per year or a special coupon replacing it for the purchase of school and writing supplies for students from large families with a monthly average per capita income of less than 1 subsistence minimum established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation. 1200
6. Implementation of measures to form and strengthen moral, including family, values ​​and ideas about the social attractiveness of a large family in society. 1000
7.1. Increasing the amount of a one-time benefit for the birth (adoption) of a child to 25,000 rubles. - for the third and each subsequent child. 3500
7.2. Establishing a minimum monthly benefit for children in large families with a monthly average per capita income of less than 2 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, for each family member, in the amount of 3,000 rubles. for the third and each subsequent child. 46800
7.3. Establishment of an annual presidential Christmas (for people professing other religions - New Year) benefit in the amount of 2 subsistence minimums for each large family with 4 or more children. 3000
7.4. Compensation to large families with a monthly per capita income of less than 2 subsistence minimums established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation for payment for living quarters, utilities and telephone services. 9000
8. Ensuring accessibility of medical care and drug supply. 5000
9. Promoting normal nutrition for children from large families. 8000
12. Creating conditions of social comfort for large families. 2000
1.3.1. Extraordinary service at aviation, railway and bus (interdistrict and intercity) ticket offices and 13.2. Monthly compensation for travel costs for secondary school students from families with 4 or more children on intracity transport (except taxis), on suburban and intradistrict buses to and from their place of study. 1400
13.3. Providing families with 6 or more children with a car (minibus) once every 10 years at the expense of budget funds. 2700
13.4. Compensation for part of the cost of a down payment and subsidizing the interest rate on car loans for families with 4 or more children purchasing a car such as a minivan, pickup truck, or minibus. 2000
14.1. State support for non-profit organizations carrying out activities aimed at social support and assistance to large families and protection of their rights. 1000
14.2. Creation of a Public Council under the Government of the Russian Federation on the problems of large families with the inclusion of representatives of public associations of large families in its composition. 100
TOTAL 137310

Despite the efforts being made in our country aimed at encouraging the birth rate and helping large families, at present the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, developed at the federal level, remains quite meager. Federal law on state support for large families is still at the stage of adoption in the State Duma. A similar law was already discussed by our legislators in 1999 and was even approved by them, but the president rejected it, considering that a number of provisions of the bill were contrary to the Constitution.
Therefore, one of the few documents that laid down the main directions of state assistance to families with many children is Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 N 431 “On measures for social support large families." This legal act instructs the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to establish categories of families that in a particular region (subject) will be considered large and in need of social support. Moreover, such assistance may be directly determined by demographic, socio-economic, cultural and other national characteristics of this region. Among the measures to assist large families that determine social guarantees for children, the Decree establishes:
1. free software medicines children under six years of age;
2. priority;
3. free food and travel for children studying in educational institutions;
4. free software school uniform(or other clothing suitable for), as well as sportswear;
5. free visits to cultural and leisure institutions (museums, exhibitions, parks). True, as amended by the Decree, you can take advantage of this opportunity no more than once a month.

In addition, the Decree also provides for a number of socially oriented measures that provide additional guarantees for parents with many children(to families). In particular, it is provided:
1. 30% discount on utility bills (gas, electricity, water, etc.);
2. providing necessary assistance ( financial assistance, benefits, loans, etc.), incl. provision of land for parents with many children who have expressed a desire to organize a peasant farm;
3. priority provision of the family with garden plots;
4. provision of credits, loans, subsidies for housing construction;
5. assistance in the employment of parents, incl. using flexible forms of working time. It’s worth mentioning right away that in Labor Code(Article 93) provides for the possibility of establishing part-time work for an employee, and a parent with many children can exercise this right.

In mid-2011, a change was made to land legislation. Now, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 28 of the Land Code, families raising three or more children can receive free land plot, and the procedure for providing and the size of such a plot is established by the legislation of each subject of the Russian Federation. For example, in the Moscow region, in accordance with its law (“On the free provision of land plots ...”), a large family is allocated 15 acres of land, and in the Ivanovo region - only 12.

Looking at this document from a different perspective, we can say that it was for the first time at the federal level that the criterion for a large family was defined (that is, the number of children in such a family must be at least three). Although, guided by the above-mentioned Presidential Decree, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have developed their own legislation aimed at social support for large families living in a particular region, and in all regional laws a family with three or more children is recognized as a large family. However, the age of children in some regions (Moscow, Chechen Republic) may be limited to sixteen years, while in other subjects (Moscow, Ryazan regions, Udmurt Republic) the child will be considered dependent on the parents by such laws until he reaches the age of 18.

In different regions, social guarantees may correspond to the list contained in the Decree, or they may significantly expand it. For example, in the Republic of Bashkortostan monthly payments are provided, and for families with four children - one thousand, and for those raising five or more children - one and a half thousand rubles. In the Ryazan region, an annual compensation (2 thousand rubles) has been established for the purchase of school and written goods, and in Moscow the number of cash payments is much higher. In addition to the annual payment for the purchase school clothes(5 thousand rubles), child benefits are paid monthly (750 rubles), the increase in the cost of food, living, living space and telephone costs is compensated (675 + 600 + 450 + 218 rubles, respectively), although some of These payments are made only if a large Moscow family is recognized as low-income. In the Moscow region, it is stipulated that the period of raising children is included in the insurance period for one of the parents, and in families with 5 or more children, the mother can count on a monthly supplement to her pension (500 rubles). Paid lump sum allowance at the birth of the third and subsequent children (5 thousand rubles), as well as monthly benefits(700 rub.).

In conclusion, it is worth saying that large families enjoy a number of advantages and benefits, but their volume will directly depend on the subject in which such a family lives, so the current regional legislation should be clarified with local social security authorities.

In 2017, social support for large families became a priority task of the Russian Government. Thanks to a number of bills, additional measures of targeted social assistance were introduced. They are designed to improve the standard of living of low-income families. In Russia, the status of large families is approved at the level of regional legislation. To confirm it, the family must obtain a certificate of the established form from the local social security service.

Guaranteed social privileges for parents with many children

According to statistics, in 2017 in Russia there were more than 1.2 million families raising from 3 to 10 children. Every year additional measures of social and financial assistance are introduced. The current federal program of state support for large families in the Russian Federation involves a number of similar measures.

  1. Preferential calculation of insurance period. In order to provide assistance to mothers with many children of pre-retirement age, the procedure for calculating and confirming the insurance period has been changed. In accordance with paragraphs. “c” clause 2 part 1 of Russian Government Decree No. 1015, when calculating length of service, parental leave up to 1.5 years will be counted. A mother of three children can count on up to 4.5 years of experience. If there are 5 or more children in care, then the maximum length of service is 6 years.
  2. Early retirement. A woman who has given birth to or taken care of 5 children and raised them until at least 8 years of age is entitled to receive pension payments ahead of schedule - upon reaching 50 years of age. According to Art. 1 Federal Law 173, the insurance period for early retirement must be at least 15 years. Thus, in order to retire at the age of 50 in 2017, a woman must have an official work experience of at least 9 years.
  3. Benefits for paying taxes. Parents with many children are exempt from the obligation to pay taxes on income from government payments. Moms and dads whose children study on a paid basis, including full-time at a university, pay a reduced personal income tax. If there are up to 5 children in a family, then the approved personal income tax base for 2017 is reduced by 1.4 thousand rubles, from 5 - by 3 thousand rubles. Benefits are added up depending on the number of children. For example, mothers and fathers raising 4 children can reduce their monthly tax by 884 rubles. Both parents can take advantage of the benefit. If the family is incomplete, the amount is doubled. Thus, a single mother with 4 children in her care can save 1,768 rubles a month on personal income tax payments. Please note that the benefit is of a declarative nature. In order to pay reduced personal income tax in 2017, you must notify the tax service at the end of 2017.

The Russian government reserves the right to provide additional assistance to regional self-government bodies. In 2017, regional authorities increased subsidies by an average of 30%. You can find out about social support measures for large families taken in your region at the multifunctional center.

Improving living conditions

According to Federal Law No. 138 of June 14, 2011, families have the right to receive a plot of land free of charge for building housing, a summer cottage, or farming. The sizes of plots are determined by regional authorities and vary from 600 to 1.5 thousand square meters. m. To receive a free plot, a family must meet the following criteria.

  1. There are at least 3 minor children in care.
  2. The marriage of a mother and father with many children is registered.
  3. Parents and children have Russian citizenship.
  4. Official residence in the region for at least 5 years.
  5. There is no other area.

To get in line to receive free plots of land, parents must contact their local social support service. Depending on regional legislation, the list of requirements may be expanded. Depending on the availability of free land resources in the constituent entities of the country, the Russian Government has made changes to the Land Code. Now, if the region does not have free land, the authorities can offer alternative housing options instead of free land.

In 2017 government program on measures for social support of large families provides for the possibility of providing subsidies and preferential loans. Purpose: purchase of finished housing or its construction in Russia. When distributing subsidies, young families receive the greatest privileges.

Parents or guardians who are no more than 35 years old have the opportunity to participate in the targeted federal subprogram “Providing housing for young families” (valid until 2020). An important requirement for all candidates is the presence of a regular income and the ability to make a contribution for housing, which must exceed the amount of the state subsidy.

If it is not possible to pay part of the costs on their own, then parents can apply for social housing free of charge. It is issued based on the criteria of need and first-come, first-served basis. Since 2017, when distributing such housing, priority has been given to low-income parents raising children with disabilities. In 2017, more than 100 thousand families throughout Russia took part in the co-financing program. More than 80 thousand more received free plots of land. Social housing was provided to less than 30 thousand families.