Social support for large families per year. Nuances of the state support program for large families in the Russian Federation

  • Types of social assistance for large families
  • How to get housing?
  • Targeted assistance
  • Social contract
  • Help for the start of the school year

Many people know that the state provides financial assistance to large families. It's about various types assistance, which is aimed not only at improving the standard of living, but also at more profitable purchase of housing. Along with this, representatives of large groups of society have the right to receive some services out of turn. This is especially important when entering preschool institutions.

First of all, it is worth understanding which family has the right to be called large. Russian legislation states that a family can be classified as a special category when a third child is born to it. However, this is a general recommendation that is not taken into account by all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In some regions, a larger number of children is required to obtain the status of a large family. For example, in Ingushetia, such a title can be obtained only after the birth of the fifth child.

An important role is also played by how many children remain with one or another parent during a divorce. For example, if a mother and father had four children, but after a divorce, two of them decided to live with one parent, and two more with the other, the family will no longer be considered large. This status and all its benefits are preserved only in the case when at least three children remain living with one parent. It is worth noting that adopted children are also considered equal to their own children.

As for the age of children, in most cases only those who have not reached their 16th birthday are taken into account when calculating. However, in some situations, it is also possible to take into account children under 23 years of age if they are studying at higher education institutions. educational institutions on a full-time basis. It is worth noting that this rule is not used in every Russian region. For example, in Krasnodar region When calculating, only those children under 16 years of age are always taken into account.

When determining the status of having many children, you need to take into account such an issue as parental rights. If mom or dad were deprived of them, this child can no longer be taken into account. Along with this, those children who are fully supported by the state are not taken into account, for example, they live and are raised in boarding schools.

Types of social assistance for large families

There is no doubt that having a new baby is wonderful. However, when the number of family members increases, it becomes difficult to support them. The government understands all the difficulties that large sections of society have to face, so it tries to help them. The number of benefits for families with many children is quite large.

All financial problems are especially acute in cases where children have to be collected for school or kindergarten. Along with this sore point for many is housing. Some families have to huddle in small apartments, where not everyone can find their own free corner. Taking into account all these factors, the government classifies large families as one of the most vulnerable categories of the population.

As for which financial assistance provided to large families, it should be divided into municipal, regional and federal. At the same time, support can be provided on a financial basis and in kind. In some cases, targeted assistance is provided, but most often it is given in the form of a certain benefit for all representatives of this category.

Regional and municipal projects to support large families, as a rule, are periodic events. State aid is more thorough and permanent. This includes all kinds of benefits, subsidies and cash benefits. At the same time, large families are often helped with clothing, food and essential goods. If necessary, children should be provided with medications and undergo free treatment. In addition to the medical sphere, representatives of large families have preferential conditions for legal services and travel in vehicles.

If a family has received the status of a large family, it has every right to use absolutely all types of benefits and subsidies. That is, if you have submitted an application for one type of assistance, you can apply for other types of support.

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How to get housing?

One of the biggest problems for representatives of large families is square meters. The state has provided several types of assistance in this case. For example, a large family that needs to improve their living conditions can rent an apartment under social rent. It is worth noting that such an advantage is also available to those who have low-income status. A large family can use housing as long as youngest child will not be 16 years old. Along with this, large groups of society have every right to receive a housing subsidy, that is, a discount on the purchase of an apartment in the amount of 35 percent.

To receive this type of assistance, a family must get on a waiting list. To do this, a package of documents is submitted to the local administration.

Benefits are available only to those who really need to improve their living conditions. This must be confirmed by documents and the conclusion of a special commission. Those in need of housing are considered not only those who clearly lack square meters, but also families living in dilapidated houses. A prerequisite for receiving a housing subsidy is that all family members must be Russian citizens and have lived in the country for quite a long time.

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Targeted assistance

Financial assistance can sometimes be directed to a specific family. Similar events can be held at the federal or regional level.

Often targeted financial assistance is provided not only to families with many children, but also to low-income groups in society.

As for how to receive financial assistance for a large family, first of all you need to submit an application to the social security department. Types of financial support can be different. These are both one-time payments and monthly benefits, and food packages, and money that can be spent on public transport.

The amount of payment directly depends on the number of children in the family. To apply for targeted financial assistance to a large family, parents must collect a certain package of documents. This includes an application filled out according to a specific template, a passport, a certificate of residence, documents on the level of income of all working family members for the last three months, birth certificates for each child and other papers at the request of the local government administration.

The package of documents must be collected carefully and only correct data must be provided. If specialists discover a mistake, financial assistance will not be issued. Most often, people try to submit income certificates with incorrect amounts and get caught, since everything is checked carefully.

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Social contract

Several years ago, the government introduced such an innovation as concluding a social contract. This program is aimed at improving the financial situation of families who find themselves in difficult situations.

This type of support is a type targeted assistance, but in in this case parents sign a document stating that they will be supported until the financial situation improves. In different regions, this type of assistance is formalized differently, but everywhere this issue is dealt with by social protection.

Currently, the number of Moscow large families receiving various cash payments is 113.2 thousand families, raising 283.8 thousand minor children, reports

Among them are 82 families with 10 or more children (three families have 15 children each and three more have 16 children each).

All measures social support are provided to large families in the city of Moscow in accordance with the Moscow City Law of November 23, 2005 No. 60 “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow.”

Since July 1, 2008 in Moscow a family with many children is recognized, in which they were born and (or) raised three or more children(including adopted children, as well as stepsons and stepdaughters) until the youngest of them reaches the age of 16 years, and students in an educational institution implementing general education programs are 18 years old.

Social payments

At the birth of the third child in a young family, in which both parents are under 30 years of age, an additional payment is paid lump sum allowance in connection with the birth of a child for young families, the size of which is 10 subsistence minimums established in Moscow per capita (today benefit amount for the third child - 151,410 rubles).

If three or more children were born in a family at the same time, in addition to the listed payments, is made one-time compensation in the amount of 50 thousand rubles per family.

In accordance with Law No. 60, large families are provided with monthly compensation payments for housing and communal services(housing, utilities, telephone) and regardless of family income are established monthly compensation payments for children.

For children studying in educational organizations, paid annually compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing to attend classes during the study period - 5,000 rubles per student.

If part of a large family raising a disabled child or disabled child from childhood up to 23 years of age, then for such families it is established monthly compensation payment a person caring for a disabled child under 23 years of age or a person disabled since childhood under the age of 23 - 6,000 rubles.

Special social support measures installed in Moscow for large families, having 10 or more children(82 families at present) - annual compensation payment to International Day families (10,000 rubles per family) and for the Day of Knowledge (15,000 rubles per family).

Expanding targeted support programs for family, motherhood and childhood

Since March 1, 2016, an experiment has been conducted in the city of Moscow, according to which, on the territory of the city of Moscow a new procedure for providing targeted social assistance has been introduced families with children in the form of provision of children's goods (clothing assistance) using electronic social certificates.

With this certificate, families with children have the opportunity to purchase any products intended for children, with the exception of food products. It is planned to issue 19.5 thousand certificates in 2016, the total funding for this program is 39 million rubles.

Social service institutions have established additional points for collection, distribution, and exchange of things and other items for families who find themselves in difficult life situations.

The “Family Helps Family” charity program, which is based on mutual assistance between needy families with children, is actively developing. As part of the program, citywide charity events are implemented: “Let’s help prepare for the school ball!”, “Family helps family: Getting ready for school!”, “Wish Tree.”

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In accordance with part 1.1 of article 14 Federal Law dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On mandatory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity" if the insured person billing period had no earnings, and also if the average earnings calculated for this period, calculated for a full calendar month, are lower minimum size wages (minimum wage), average earnings, on the basis of which maternity benefits are calculated, are taken equal to the minimum wage established by federal law on the day of the insured event...

In the amount of 60% of average earnings. This norm is established by paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”...

The program to support large families was introduced by management back in 2008. This project was developed to solve the country's demographic problems and support large families. After all, the birth of a child very often affects the standard of living, and the presence of three or more children in most cases makes a family poor. Therefore, such categories of families require special attention from society and the state.

Today, the percentage of large families in the country is small, because the presence of such families has only recently declined and remained at a minimum level. Regions that are part of the Southern federal district, are characterized by a high level of large families.

This provides certain support measures to large families, namely:

  • Solution housing issues in terms of construction and purchase of new living space
  • Social housing rental
    Selection land plots for construction purposes. They can be issued in both suburbs and rural areas
  • Help with paying utility bills

This is only part of the goals of the program itself, which is established by the following tasks:

  1. Improving the financial situation of large families.
  2. Improving the standard of living and ensuring the health of all family members.
  3. Providing assistance in raising children, including creating access to education for children from large families.
  4. Providing parents with favorable conditions labor activity allowing you to fulfill all your family responsibilities.

Program state support takes into account all regional characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It helps not only to resolve material issues, but also stimulates economic activity and self-employment of large families.

Who can participate in the support program?

Families with three or more children can participate in the program. These can be families with two or one parent. Families with adopted children can also receive assistance from the state. families must permanently reside on the territory of the Federation.

Families of refugees and internally displaced persons who live in the country in accordance with the legislation of the country can also count on participation in the program.

The developed program does not apply to the following categories of large families:

  1. Families whose children are fully supported by the state, not counting the temporary period of detention (staying in rehabilitation institutions).
  2. Large families not permanently residing in the country.

Required documents to participate in the program

To provide government assistance, large families must collect the following documents:

  • Application according to the established form
  • Passports of both parents, or other identification documents
  • Birth certificates for all minor children
  • Photocopy of marriage certificate between parents with many children
  • Photos of both parents, size 3x4
  • from educational institutions where children over sixteen years of age study
  • Certificate confirming large family size

To obtain a certificate, parents with many children must contact their local government social protection. There they also receive a certificate of the right to receive benefits.

This certificate is issued if the average income for each family member does not reach the established minimum subsistence level. The family must present the above list of documents to other organizations to receive certain benefits.

Benefits provided under the program

State support for large families is provided in the form of the following benefits:

Prospects for the state aid program

To date, some changes have been made to support large families. First of all, they relate to the amount of child benefits. After indexation of payments, the amount of support for children under twelve years of age is 7,200 rubles.

And the amount of benefit for children over twelve years of age is 8,000 rubles. The duration of the program was set until 2016. In the future, the country's leadership plans to extend the program until 2020. At the moment, this issue is under development.

Educational video about the support program:

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