Social benefits for citizens with unemployed status 01.201. Social support for unemployed citizens, its forms

Unemployment— lack of employment for a certain, larger or smaller part of the economically active population, capable and willing to work.
In accordance with the provisions of the ILO, an unemployed person is recognized as a person who does not have an occupation that generates income, is ready to work and is looking for work.
In the Russian Federation, the status of the unemployed is defined more strictly. According to the law on employment in the Russian Federation, able-bodied citizens who have no work or income, are registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job, are looking for work and are ready to start work are recognized as unemployed. In addition, the law determines that citizens under 16 years of age and age pensioners cannot be recognized as unemployed.
State guarantees of social support for the unemployed:
— free career guidance, vocational training, pre-training and advanced training as directed by the employment service. Do you want to see the luxurious body of the best escort in Irkutsk? Go to our website in the Individuals section and look for her.
- free medical care and examination
— the opportunity to participate in paid public works
- reimbursement of expenses in connection with assignment to work (training) in another area at the suggestion of the authorities civil service employment
— providing social support in the form of unemployment benefits, scholarships (if sent for training), lump sum payments and other types of material assistance (subsidies for housing, utilities, transport, children preschool institutions etc.)
Unemployment benefits are paid to citizens recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure. The amounts of unemployment benefits are differentiated depending on the categories of citizens.
1. Unemployment benefits for citizens dismissed for any reason during the 12 months preceding the start of unemployment, who had paid work for at least 26 years during this period calendar weeks on a full-time (full-time) basis or on a part-time (part-time) basis, recalculated to 26 calendar weeks with a full-time (full-time) workday, and recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner, is accrued:
in the first (12-month) payment period:
in the first three months of unemployment - in the amount of 75% of their average monthly earnings calculated over the last three months at the last place of work (service);
in the next four months - in the amount of 60%;
in the future - in the amount of 45%, but in all cases not higher than the maximum amount of unemployment benefits (4900 rubles for 2010) and not lower than the minimum amount of unemployment benefits (850 rubles for 2010), increased by the size of the regional coefficient;
2. Unemployment benefits in all other cases are set at 20% of the amount living wage by constituent entity of the Russian Federation, but not below the minimum wage.
The duration of benefit payment in each period of unemployment cannot exceed 12 months in total for 18 calendar months, with the exception of persons of pre-retirement age, for whom the period of benefit payment under certain conditions can reach 24 calendar months.
During vocational training, retraining and advanced training, as directed by the employment service, a stipend is paid.
Unemployed citizens who have lost the right to unemployment benefits due to the expiration of the established period for its payment, as well as citizens during the period of professional training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service, may be provided with financial assistance by the employment service.
Unemployed citizens registered in order to find a suitable job, in the absence of one, may be offered, if they wish, participation in paid public work. Citizens' participation in public works is permitted only with their consent.

Social support measuresSocial support measures for unemployed citizens

System of social support measures and benefits for unemployed citizens established by the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 “On employment in Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as Law N 1032-1) and includes:

  • Unemployment benefits, including during the period of temporary incapacity for work of the unemployed.
  • Additional benefits for unemployed people exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and registered in the prescribed manner.
  • A scholarship for unemployed citizens during the period of undergoing vocational training and receiving additional vocational education in the direction of the employment service, including during periods of temporary disability.
  • A one-time subsidy for unemployed citizens to create their own business.
  • Compensation payments to the unemployed related to the costs of registering a business.
  • Opportunity to participate in paid community work.
  • Early appointment pensions.
  • Social financial assistance.

According to paragraph 1 of Article 3 of Law N 1032-1 “Unemployed are considered able-bodied citizens who do not have a job or income, are registered with the employment service in order to find suitable work, are looking for work and are ready to start work.”

The procedure for registering unemployed citizens, the procedure for registering citizens in order to find a suitable job and the requirements for selecting suitable work are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2012 N 891 “On the procedure for registering citizens in order to find a suitable job, registering unemployed citizens and requirements for selecting a suitable work."

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 28 of Law N 1032-1, the time during which a citizen, in accordance with the legislative procedure, receives unemployment benefits, a scholarship, takes part in paid public works, as well as the time required to move or resettle in the direction of the employment service authorities to another locality for employment, as well as a period of temporary disability, maternity leave, conscription for military training, involvement in events related to preparation for military service, performing public duties, do not interrupt his work experience.

For the purpose of professional reorientation of the unemployed, the employment service authorities organize vocational training and additional vocational education with the payment of a scholarship in the amount calculated in accordance with Article 29 of Law No. 1032-1.

As part of the implementation regional programs to promote the development of entrepreneurship and self-employment, the unemployed also have the right to receive a one-time subsidy to create their own business on a competitive basis.

At the regional level, measures of additional social material assistance to the unemployed are provided. For example, in Moscow, unemployed citizens who have lost the right to unemployment benefits due to the expiration of the established period for its payment are provided with material support in the form of payment of financial assistance in the event of temporary disability, and during the period of unemployment, an unemployed citizen in the event of the death of a family member of the unemployed or one from the family members of the unemployed, in the event of the death of the unemployed person, one-time financial assistance is provided in the form of cash payments.

  • Social support measures and benefits for former minor prisoners of fascism
  • Social support measures for citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster
  • Social support measures for citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Mayak accident
  • Social support measures for citizens affected by nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site
  • Social support measures for citizens from special risk units


Failure of an unemployed person to fulfill the duties assigned to him entails penalties provided for by the Employment Law. These measures of liability can be either traditional, civil law (collection in judicial procedure unfairly received unemployment benefits), and specific, inherent only to this legal institution. Such specific measures include suspension of unemployment benefit payments for up to three months, reduction of its amount by 25% for up to one month, and, as the most severe penalty, deprivation of unemployed status with simultaneous termination of unemployment benefits.

In accordance with Art. 11 of the Employment Law, citizens have the right to appeal decisions, actions or inactions of employment service bodies and their officials to a higher employment service body, as well as to court in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Guarantees of social support

Types of social support

In accordance with Art. 28 of the Law on Employment, the state provides unemployed citizens the following types social support:

Payment of unemployment benefits, including during the period of temporary incapacity for work of the unemployed;

Payment of a stipend during the period of professional training, advanced training, retraining as directed by the employment service authorities, including during periods of temporary incapacity for work;

Opportunity to participate in paid public works;

Reimbursement of expenses in connection with voluntary relocation to another area for employment at the suggestion of the employment service authorities.

If a citizen is registered as unemployed, then the periods of time during which he, in accordance with the procedure established by law, receives unemployment benefits, a scholarship, takes part in paid public works, do not interrupt his work experience and is counted in his total work experience. Similarly, the periods of time required to move on the direction of the employment service to another locality for the purpose of employment are taken into account, as well as periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, conscription for military training, involvement in activities related to preparation for military service, with performance of government duties.

The Employment Law does not include material assistance to the unemployed as a guarantee of social support, namely in Art. 28 “Guarantees of social support for the unemployed” says nothing about it. This is probably due to the fact that the provision of material and other assistance to the unemployed is carried out at the discretion of the employment service, this is not a mandatory payment.

Unemployment benefits

Unemployment benefit is state-guaranteed material support for the unemployed in the form of periodic payments. Unemployment benefits are paid from the federal budget.

The decision to grant unemployment benefits is made by the employment service authorities simultaneously with the decision to recognize a citizen as unemployed on the basis of his personal application.

The procedure for determining the amount of unemployment benefits is regulated by Art. 30 of the Law on Employment.

Benefits for unemployed citizens dismissed for any reason are established as a percentage of average earnings calculated over the last three months at their last place of work, if during the twelve months preceding the start of unemployment they had paid work for at least 26 calendar weeks on a full-time basis day (week) or on a part-time basis (week), recalculating 26 calendar weeks with a full working day (week).

Percentages to average earnings are determined according to the rules established by Art. 33 of the Law on Employment, and are:

In the first three months of unemployment - in the amount of 75 percent of their average monthly earnings (salary), calculated over the last three months at the last place of work (service);

In the next four months - in the amount of 60 percent;

In the future - in the amount of 45 percent, but in all cases not higher than the subsistence level calculated in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner, and not lower than 20 percent of the specified subsistence level. At the same time, the amount of unemployment benefits should not be less than 100 rubles.

For all other citizens registered as unemployed, the amount of unemployment benefit is set at 20 percent of the subsistence minimum calculated in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner, but not less than 100 rubles. For citizens living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in areas and areas where regional coefficients are applied to wages for living in difficult natural and climatic conditions, unemployment benefits, set at no more than 100 rubles, are increased by the value of the regional coefficient.

According to this rule, the amount of unemployment benefits is determined, in particular, for such categories of citizens who: are looking for work for the first time (those who have not previously worked), do not have a profession (specialty), are seeking to resume labor activity after a long (more than one year) break; were dismissed from organizations during the 12 months preceding the onset of unemployment, and had less than 26 calendar weeks of paid work during this period.

The law provides for an increase in the amount of unemployment benefits for the following categories of unemployed citizens:

The first category includes citizens who support other persons. In this case, the amount of unemployment benefits increases by 10 percent of the subsistence minimum calculated in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner, but not less than 50 rubles for each of these persons. At the same time maximum size additional payments cannot exceed 30 percent of the subsistence minimum calculated in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner. If both parents are unemployed, an increase in the amount of benefits for persons supported by them is made to each of the parents.

The number of persons supported by an unemployed person may include children, father, mother, spouse, brothers, sisters, grandchildren who do not have able-bodied parents, grandparents in the absence of persons who are legally required to support them. At the same time, the family members listed above can be considered dependent on a citizen if they are fully supported by him or receive assistance from him, which is a constant and main source of livelihood for them.

Children are considered dependent on both parents, regardless of how much wages each of them receives. This means that the child supplement is assigned to the benefit of any of the parents recognized as unemployed, even if his earnings were less than that of the spouse who continues to work.

The second category includes citizens living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in areas and areas where regional coefficients are applied to wages for living in difficult natural and climatic conditions. In these cases, the amount of the benefit is established taking into account the regional coefficient in force in the given area. At the same time, citizens who were dismissed from organizations during the 12 months preceding the start of unemployment, and who had paid work during this period for at least 26 calendar weeks on a full-time (week) or part-time (week) basis, recalculated to 26 calendar weeks weeks with full-time work (week), the average wage for calculating unemployment benefits is calculated taking into account the regional coefficient and a percentage increase in wages for work experience in such areas and localities.

Unemployment is the lack of employment for a certain, larger or smaller part of the economically active population capable and willing to work.

In accordance with the provisions of the ILO, an unemployed person is recognized as a person who does not have an occupation that generates income, is ready to work and is looking for work.

In the Russian Federation, the status of the unemployed is defined more strictly. According to the law on employment in the Russian Federation, able-bodied citizens who have no work or income, are registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job, are looking for work and are ready to start work are recognized as unemployed. In addition, the law determines that citizens under 16 years of age and age pensioners cannot be recognized as unemployed.

State guarantees of social support for the unemployed:

Free career guidance, vocational training, pre-training and advanced training as directed by the employment service.

Free medical care and examination

Opportunity to participate in paid community work

Reimbursement of expenses in connection with assignment to work (training) in another locality at the suggestion of the state employment service

Providing social support in the form of unemployment benefits, scholarships (if sent to study), one-time payments and other types of material assistance (subsidies for housing, utilities, transport, preschool institutions, etc.)

Unemployment benefits are paid to citizens recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure. The amounts of unemployment benefits are differentiated depending on the categories of citizens.

1. Unemployment benefits for citizens dismissed for any reason during the 12 months preceding the start of unemployment, who during this period had paid work for at least 26 calendar weeks on a full-time (full-time) or part-time (part-time) basis weeks) recalculated to 26 calendar weeks with a full working day (full working week), and recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner, is accrued:

in the first (12-month) payment period:

In the first three months of unemployment - in the amount of 75% of their average monthly earnings calculated over the last three months at the last place of work (service);

In the next four months - in the amount of 60%;

In the future - in the amount of 45%, but in all cases not higher than the maximum amount of unemployment benefits (4900 rubles for 2010) and not lower than the minimum amount of unemployment benefits (850 rubles for 2010), increased by the size of the regional coefficient;

2. Unemployment benefits in all other cases are set at 20% of the subsistence level in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but not lower than the minimum wage.

The duration of benefit payment in each period of unemployment cannot exceed 12 months in total for 18 calendar months, with the exception of persons of pre-retirement age, for whom the period of benefit payment under certain conditions can reach 24 calendar months.

During the period of professional training, retraining and advanced training, a stipend is paid at the direction of the employment service authorities.

Unemployed citizens who have lost the right to unemployment benefits due to the expiration of the established period for its payment, as well as citizens during the period of professional training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service, may be provided with financial assistance by the employment service.

Unemployed citizens registered in order to find a suitable job, in the absence of one, may be offered, if they wish, participation in paid public work. Citizens' participation in public works is permitted only with their consent.