Scenario of the matinee "May 9 - Victory Day" in the senior group. Scenario of the "May 9" matinee in the senior group May 9 is victory day in the senior group

Festive matinee for Victory Day for middle group DOW.


1. Foster a sense of unity with people in the struggle for peace.

2. Develop the ability to judge.


1. Phonograms of the march “Farewell of the Slav” by V. Agapkin, the songs “Victory Day” by D. Tukhmanov and “Holy War” by A. Alexandrov are selected.

2. Sultans, flags, flowers are being prepared; two bandages; headdresses - the crown of the Sun, a soldier's cap, a blacksmith's hat, a steelworker's helmet, a miner's helmet, a machinist's cap, a reaper's straw hat; musical instruments - metallophones, cymbals, tambourines, triangles, drums; spikelets - two for each girl; wind cape.


Presenter (adult).



Children with flowers, flags and plumes enter the hall to the march “Farewell of the Slav” by V. Agapkin and stand in three ranks.

Leading. Today we celebrate a solemn date - Victory Day.

1st child

Victory! Victory! Victory!

The news spreads across the country,

The end of trials and tribulations

The end of a long war.

2nd child

Victory won with blood -

You are dearer to my heart a hundred times.

You were with us in the Moscow region,

Do you remember the Caucasus, Leningrad.

3rd child

I walked in columns with the soldiers,

She led them into a decisive battle.

Today on our banners

You have eclipsed the sun.

I. Vasilevsky

Song "The Ninth of May" by T. Chudova

1st child

Let the Victory fireworks thunder.

Let the lights burn in the sky.

Congratulations to our grandfathers!

Everyone is happy about Victory Day!

2nd child

On this spring day

The sun is shining brighter

This day is happy

The children are happy.

3rd child

Everyone can't sit still,

I want to dance, spin,

Sing songs and have fun.

M. Lapisova

Exercise with flowers, flags and plumes to the song “Victory Day” by D. Tukhmanov

Leading. June 1941. People enjoy summer. Schools hold graduation parties.

If you told me yesterday, no one would have believed it

That war is hiding somewhere nearby,

That tomorrow she will burst through our doors -

And peace and silence will collapse.

K. Mamontov

The first verse of the song “Holy War” by A. Alexandrov sounds.

The peaceful life of our country was ruined by the war. Soldiers went to the front to this song. But the battles were not only on the fronts. In order to prevent plants and factories, stocks of weapons and products from falling into the hands of the enemy, they were transported deep into the rear under continuous bombing by enemy aircraft to the east of our country - to the Urals and Siberia. Sometimes it happened that the walls and roof of the plant had not yet been built at the new location, but it was already working in the open air.

Then, it happened, without exception

The whole huge front repeated

With a sigh of filial tenderness

Two words: "Father Ural...".

G. Kublitsky

"Everything for the front! Everything for victory!" - this became the main task of the home front workers. Instead of fathers who went to war, their wives and children, old pensioners, took over the factory machines. People worked around the clock. They produced shells, cartridges, and military equipment - tanks, airplanes, artillery pieces. Listen to the story about the little turner.

1st child

The boy can't sleep

He thought all night:

"Well, well, well, why

Should I help the front?"

2nd child

And in the morning at dawn

The boy gets up

A familiar road

Goes to the factory.

3rd child

And to the master: -

Uncle, teach me

I'll be the shells

Sharpen for the front!

4th child

The machine was obedient

The boy could

And smartly the machine

He began to sing under his hands.

5th child

The boy is in a hurry

Doesn't waste a minute...

Shells for the front

Cars are being transported.

N. Palaguta

Leading. The wounded were transported from the front line in ambulance trains to the rear. In hospitals and military hospitals, doctors, nurses, and orderlies looked after the soldiers. How many soldiers have had their pain eased by the caring hands of these people.

Game "Bandage the Wounded"

Four children are participating: two girls are “medics” and two boys are “wounded soldiers”. The girls bandage the boys' hands. The girl who puts on the bandage first wins.

Leading. Villagers grew bread to send to the front. Often, while they themselves were starving, they fed the soldiers who defended the country from the enemy. The front needed a lot of bandages and cotton wool. And cotton wool is cotton. It grows in Uzbekistan. Previously, there were no cotton picking machines, and cotton was collected by hand. 12-year-old Uzbek girl Mamlakat Nakhangova came up with a wonderful way to clean it. Cotton was always picked with one hand, but Mamlakat began to pull out the fluff from the cotton bolls with both hands at once: with her right hand from one boll, with her left from the other. The hardworking girl was awarded the Order of Lenin for this. The labor feat of our people was not inferior to the heroism of the soldiers on the war fronts. Thanks to this, we survived the fight against fascism. Glory to our victorious people!


Glory, glory, my Rus'!

Glory to you, our Russian land!

May she be strong forever and ever

Our beloved native country!

S. Gorodetsky

The play "Glory!" M. Glinka

Children play in the orchestra.

Staging of the poem "Victory" by E. Trutneva

The children - the Sun and the Soldier - come out into the middle of the hall.


The sun blows a golden trumpet:

"Glory to the hero-fighter!"

The enemy is defeated, destroyed, defeated.

Glory to the hero-fighter!


I fight with enemies, says the fighter,

This is not a pity for life.

But the blacksmith forged the bayonet for me -

Strong hardened steel!

Game "Blacksmith" by I. Arseev

Children come out - a blacksmith, a steelmaker, a miner, a machinist, a reaper.


“I forged a bayonet,” the blacksmith says. -

Like heat, it burns in the sun.

But ringing steel, a precious gift,

Brother steelmaker smelted it.


Of course, said the steelmaker, metal

I pulled it out of the ore myself,

But into the dark depths of the Ural Mountains

It was not I who went down, but the miner.


Yes, it's true, the miner said. -

My face is rocky,

I got the ore, but to your station

The driver brought her.

"The Driver's Song" by K. Volkov


Well, yes,” said the driver, “throughout the country.”

I travel to all ends.

But they earn bread for both you and me

Our dear reapers.

Girls with spikelets are built in two columns. A breeze runs between them.


The breeze asked as it flew by...


Why are you golden rye?


And in response, the spikelets rustle...

Golden hands are growing.

Dance with ears of wheat “Golden wheat”

Performed by girls

Girls with spikelets in their hands line up in 2 columns. At the introduction they crouch.

I feel good, spreading the ears The girls slowly rise (“spikelets ra

Go here in the evening knock"). Raise the spikelets up and swing

Golden wheat stands like a wall them from side to side. To repeat

On the sides of the field path. spinning while crouching

And at the hour when over our side They form a circle and walk

The evening dawn stands in the distance, side by side in alternating steps

My native field speaks to me, To repeat, they spin around.

He talks about the best things in life.

And it's good for me to stop here Go to the center of the circle, lifting the spikelets up

And, looking into the distance, think, dream... They swing the spikelets. To repeat -

The tall wheat is noisy, noisy spinning. In conclusion - they are going to

And there's no end in sight to the center of the circle, lifting up the spikelets (sheaf)


Well, that's right, I feed everyone, -

The reaper said to the driver. -

But the land that I love

Saved for me by a fighter.

"Song about Russia" by V. Miryasova and N. Skvortsova


You and I need peace

Clean air at dawn

Bird hubbub, children's laughter,

Sun, rain, white snow.

Only war, only war

Not needed on the planet!

M. Dzhumaeva

Song "Peace be with you, people!" B. Savelyeva

Adults sing the chorus, children sing the chorus.

Even small children should know that war means grief, suffering and death. Preschoolers need to begin to develop a sense of patriotism, love for their Motherland and respect for the people who forged the Victory. Therefore, in kindergarten a matinee, a holiday dedicated to Victory Day .

Scenario for the holiday dedicated to May 9, Victory Day for preschoolers.


Teachers and children participate.

The stage is decorated with garlands of colorful balloons, flags and flowers. Solemn patriotic music sounds. The presenter (teacher) enters the stage.

Presenter. Dear friends! Today we celebrate Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War. On this day, Nazi Germany admitted its complete defeat, and our people won. But the victory came at a high price for the country - millions of soldiers died. We don't know the names of many of them. But we honor the memory of those who defended our Fatherland from the fascist invaders. In many cities the Eternal Flame burns, we lay flowers at it. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

The “Military March” of G. Sviridov sounds. Children with red carnations in their hands dance on stage. They stand in a semicircle. The boy standing in the center reads the poem “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.”


Your name is unknown, soldier!

Were you a father, or a son, or a brother?

Your name was Ivan or Vasily.

You gave your life to save Russia.

Your feat, soldier, has not been forgotten by us -

The eternal flame burns on the grave,

The fireworks stars are flying into the sky,

We remember you, Unknown Soldier!

The composition “Golden Star” by I. Dunaevsky is playing. Children perform the “Dance with Carnations” (movements at the discretion of the teacher).

Presenter. The German invaders attacked our country unexpectedly, without declaring war, on June 22, 1941. Our soldiers were ready to defend their Motherland. Every day, trains carried Red Army soldiers to the front. Relatives and friends saw them off with tears in their eyes, but with faith in victory.

Children appear on stage to the sounds of G. Sviridov's "Military March". Boys portray soldiers, girls - their mothers, sisters, loved ones. Children stand in groups of two, three, four.

There are three children in the first group. One boy is a “soldier” and two girls are “mother” and “sister”. The girls hug the “soldier” and wipe away their tears.

1st boy

Don't cry, little sister,

Mom don't cry

I will return victorious

To our native land.

Music is playing. The second group of children: three girls surround the boy - the “soldier”, give him warm socks, gloves, and an embroidered pouch.

2nd boy

Brave warrior

Takes cities.

Brave and fearless

I always will!

The third group of children: two girls and two boys - “soldiers”.

3rd boy. We have tanks, we have machine guns!

4th boy. We have guns and planes!

3rd and 4th boys (in unison)

We will fearlessly destroy our enemies,

To liberate the Fatherland!

The song “Our Motherland is Strong” is played (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina). The boys walk in formation. The girls wave their handkerchiefs after them.

Presenter. In the fall of 1941, the enemies approached Moscow. Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, a talented, experienced and courageous commander, was appointed commander of the defense. The soldiers under his command accomplished a feat; they drove the Nazis back from Moscow and prevented them from capturing and destroying the capital.

“Song about the Motherland” sounds (music and lyrics by O. Devochkina). Or any other - at the choice of the teacher. Children in soldier's overcoats read poetry in chorus.


We defended the capital

In that 41st year.

The bullet is afraid of the brave!

The bayonet does not take the brave!

Presenter. But the war is not over! There were still many difficult, bloody battles. The turning point in the Great Patriotic War came after the Battle of Stalingrad. There was Pavlov's house in the city of Stalingrad, many of its defenders died in battle, but the house stood and did not surrender to the enemies. This building was named Pavlov's House after the sergeant who defended it.

A girl reads the poem “Pavlov’s House.”


Pavlov's House in Stalingrad

Miraculously he survived

In a fiery waterfall,

In a whirlwind of deadly arrows.

Bombs exploded and shells

The earth has turned to hell

The roar of cannonade was heard,

Explosions of mines and grenades.

Death has decimated many here

Russian brave soldiers,

But with unrelenting strength

There was a machine gun in the house.

A soldier fell. rose

He is replaced by another.

Pavlov's house did not give up

And he won a difficult battle.

Presenter. The Great Patriotic War lasted four and a half years. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. Those who remained in the rear worked in factories and factories, making weapons: tanks, machine guns, airplanes, mortars and cannons. Military echelons carried weapons, medicines and clothing, and food for the soldiers to the front. Finally the enemy was broken! The soldiers liberated not only our Fatherland, but also many European countries from fascist invaders. They reached Berlin and hoisted a red flag on the Reichstag.

Music is playing. The boys read the poem “The Flag over the Reichstag.” One of them has a red flag in his hands.

We hoisted it on the Reichstag

Our Soviet red flag.

This flag flies over the world,

It sparkles and turns red.

The flag says to all people:

"The cruel enemy has been defeated!"

Presenter. On May 9, on the Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War, thousands of people took to the streets and squares of cities. Everyone's eyes were filled with tears of joy and sadness at the same time. People rejoiced at the Great Victory and were sad about the loss of loved ones.

Children perform a dance with ribbons and balls, and then read the poem “Victory March”.


We'll walk down the street

Let's sing the Victory March.

Glory to both fathers and grandfathers -

You have won the Victory!

You saved the Fatherland,

You are the defenders of the earth.

For the Great Victory -

Glory to both fathers and grandfathers!

"Song of Friendship" sounds. Children march with flags.

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the 69th ANNIVERSARY of the Great Victory.

Popova Anna Sergeevna,

music director

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 88" Tyumen

Goal: to form older children preschool age patriotic feelings, respect for the defenders of the Motherland based on specific historical facts; vivid impressions that evoke emotional experiences through the musical and literary heritage of the Great Patriotic War.


Continue to introduce children to the concepts: “Great Patriotic War,” “War Veteran,” “War Participant,” Hero of the Great Patriotic War.” Deepen children’s knowledge of the history of their native country.


Develop intellectual abilities child, attention, curiosity.

Develop the communicative function of speech.

To deepen the knowledge of older preschool children about the army, symbols, military ranks, and military awards.


To instill in children pride in their country, to honor the memory of soldiers who died for the freedom of the Fatherland.

To instill in children a desire to receive vivid impressions from works of the literary and musical heritage of the Great Patriotic War.

Musical material:

Song: “Victory Day”, music. D. Tukhmanova, words of V. V. Kharitonov.

March: “Slovyanka’s Farewell” music. V. Agapkina.

Song: “Eternal Flame” music. A. Filipenko, lyrics. A. Sverdlova.

"Song of Peace" music. A. Filipenko, lyrics. T. Volgina.

Song "Cranes" music. Ya. Frenkel, lyrics. R. Gazmatova.

"Metronome" - Minute of Silence

Song: “Don’t forget, terrible years” by muses. A Pakhmutova, lyrics M. Lvov.

"Heirs of Victory" music.

Progress of the holiday.

Presenter: Dear children, dear guests! Congratulations

Great Patriotic War. The path to Victory was difficult and heroic.

Presenter: Today is Victory Day,

Happy, bright spring day.

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard.

Child: It was the Great Victory Day

Many years ago.

Grandfathers remember Victory Day,

Each of the guys knows.

Child: We are talking about the first day of victory

We love to listen to our story,

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us.

Presenter: We celebrate Victory Day! We celebrate liberation

Our Motherland from the fascist invaders. But this Victory was not easy. Many did not return home because they died heroically fighting for their homeland. They are alive in our hearts.

In memory of them, the “Eternal Flame” was lit and will always burn.

Child: Get up early this morning,

Go out into the city and have a look.

How veterans walk

With orders on his chest.

Child: For our native country, people

They gave their lives.

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

Child: The fire is burning near the obelisk,

The birches stand in silence.

And we bowed low, low,

An unknown soldier is sleeping here. (Song “Eternal Flame”)

Presenter: With pain in our souls, we mourn for those who did not return from the battlefield.

We will honor their memory with a minute of silence, and everyone will thank them in their hearts for the happy world in which we live.

Let us stand and bow our heads in memory of them.

(MINUTES OF SILENCE.) They sit down on the chairs.

Presenter: People will never forget this day. For what we are now

together we rejoice, rejoice, laugh, dance, we are obliged

our grandparents, who defended the world in fierce battles. So let us gratefully cherish this world, in which

we live.

Child: Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring.

For silence, for a peaceful home

For the world in which we live.

Child: We need a colorful world

And we will all be happy.

When they disappear on earth,

All bullets and shells.

Child: Sailors, artillerymen,

Border guards, signalmen,

To everyone who protects our world

And guards the borders

For great things


(song about Peace.)

Ved: Our soldiers were distinguished not only by their heroism and ingenuity, but also by their daring and cheerful character. And how did their great-grandchildren grow up? Now we'll see.

Attraction games are held.

Forward to the flag: Two teams: Task: run between the pins while playing the ball, pass the ball to the next one, the last one

raises the flag. (The first team to raise the flag wins.)

And what fearless nurses they were, they carried the wounded straight from the battlefield as bullets whistled overhead.

and now the girls will show their ability to overcome difficulties.

- “Helping the wounded” Task: bandage the wounded and move from point “A” to point “B”

Attraction for attention: Three flags: 1 - green, marching.

2- blue, standing still. 3 - red, shout Hurray!

Child: The war ended in victory, those years are behind us.

Many people have medals and orders on their chests.

Child: Pigeons fly higher, on a May morning at dawn.

They take off into the blue, wishing everyone happiness and peace on earth.

Child: Glory! Glory to the veterans, glory to the dear Army.

Fly a three-digit flag over your native Fatherland.

Child: Let the Victory fireworks thunder! The world is warmed by this light.

Congratulations to our grandfathers, a huge greeting to them!

Presenter: Glory to Victory Day! Glory! Glory!

All: Glory!

Presenter: Glory to veterans! Glory! Glory!

All: Glory!

Presenter: Happiness, peace on earth,

All: Glory! Glory! Glory!

Song "Heirs of Victory"

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
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Scenario for celebrating Victory Day in kindergarten for children 6-7 years old

The work I propose for the competition is a scenario for celebrating Victory Day in a kindergarten. Age category – children 6-7 years old. The script can also be used in elementary school.
The script is a musical and literary composition using computer technology, which is relevant in our time. Since the topic of the Great Patriotic War is quite complex for preschool children to understand, the use of a visual aid in the form of slides copes with this task quite easily. In addition, every year it becomes more and more difficult to attract veterans of the war of 1941-1945 to participate in the holiday. The leading roles are played by educators. The story about the Second World War is carried out in chronological order.
The script uses poems about the war by S. Marshak, as well as poems by our contemporaries. The musical material is presented by famous war songs performed by children, as well as recordings by adult performers. The slides are accompanied by soft music chosen by the teacher.

Purpose of the event: Formation of patriotic feelings through historical and
heroic past of our Motherland.
Objectives of the event: 1. To introduce the history of our country during the Second World War.
2. Promote the formation of targeted knowledge about
the feat of the Russian people in the victory over fascism.
3. Foster love for the Motherland and pride in your country.

Children perform in costumes of soldiers, sailors and pilots.

Child: We celebrate many holidays,
We all dance, play, sing.
And we meet the beautiful autumn,
And we are waiting for a beautiful Christmas tree.
But there is one holiday - the most important
And spring brings it to us.
Victory Day - solemn, glorious
The whole country celebrates it.

Child: Today is a holiday - Victory Day
Happy, bright spring day!
All the streets are dressed in flowers
And sonorous songs are heard.

Presenter 1: Today we celebrate wonderful holiday- Victory Day! On May 9, 1945, our country won a victory over Nazi Germany.

Presenter 2: There is no family in Russia that was spared by the war. On this day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields, those who established a peaceful life.

Roll call: children name their great-grandfathers, participants in the Great Patriotic War, the names of troops and fronts, the names of those who worked in the fields and factories in the rear.

Presenter 1: People heard this announcement on June 22, 1941. The peaceful life of the people was stopped. The Great Patriotic War began. The entire people stood up to defend their Motherland.

(slide - Motherland - Mother Calls)

The recording “Holy War” by M. A. Alexandrov is playing, lyrics. V. Lebedeva-Kumacha

An excerpt from S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Fairy tale for children.”
Summer night, at dawn,
Hitler gave the troops an order
And he sent German soldiers
Against all Soviet people -
This means - against everyone.

Presenter 2: The heroic border guards were the first to meet the enemy. On June 22, 1941, the first German shells and bombs exploded here. But the outpost did not flinch. The border guards shielded the fortress with their chests. The Germans bombed the fortress for a long time. Every day the defense weakened. Only the fighting spirit did not weaken. The “Hero City” fell under the onslaught of the enemy.
One of the soldiers wrote on the wall of the fortress: “I am dying, but I am not giving up.”

(slide – Inscription on the wall of the Brest Fortress)

Presenter 1: Not only soldiers, but also women, old people and even children stood up to defend their native land.

(slides about women, old people and children)

Presenter 2: Every day, trains carried soldiers to the front
Relatives and friends saw off their loved ones with tears and faith in victory.

Child: Don't cry, little sister,
Mom don't cry
I will return victorious
To our beloved land.
We have tanks, we have machine guns!
We have guns and planes!
We will fearlessly destroy our enemies,
To liberate the Fatherland!

Presenter 1: The German fascists were rushing to Moscow with all their might.
Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was appointed commander of the defense of Moscow.
The soldiers under his command accomplished a feat; they drove the Nazis back from Moscow and prevented them from capturing our capital.

Presenter 2: Many cities and villages were captured. Here is the story of a boy from the village of Popovki
Among the snowdrifts and funnels
In a village destroyed to the ground,
The child stands with his eyes closed -
The last citizen of the village.

Scared white kitten
Fragments of the stove and pipe -
And that's all that's left
From my former life and hut.

White-headed Petya is standing
And he cries like an old man, without tears,
He lived in the world for three years,
And what I learned and endured!

In his presence they burned down his hut,
They drove mom away from the yard,
And in a hastily dug grave
The murdered sister lies.

Don't let go of your rifle, soldier,
Until you take revenge on the enemy
For the blood shed in Popovka,
And for the child in the snow.

Not only men but also women fought in the war. Women worked as doctors; nurses in hospitals; sewed clothes for soldiers; worked in factories and factories; they made shells and military equipment, and worked in the fields.
They were orderlies (slide)
scouts (slide),
signalmen (slide).
Many soldiers were saved from death by kind female hands.

Child: Guns roar, bullets whistle.
A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment.
My sister whispers: “Let me support you,
I will bandage your wound! »
I forgot everything: weakness and fear,
She carried him out of the fight in her arms.
There was so much love and warmth in her!
My sister saved many from death!

Presenter 1: People left the Nazis for the forests and created partisan detachments there to fight the enemy.
(slide about partisans)

Presenter 2: Children fought the Nazis along with adults.
The guys were scouts, liaison officers in partisan detachments. They did not spare their lives to defeat their hated enemies.

Presenter 1: But even in difficult times of war, soldiers and sailors, in short moments of calm, found the strength to have fun, sing and dance.

Child: Well, and this song
Everyone in Russia knows
And on her holidays
Often performed.
Her soldiers in the trenches sang,
And the gun was named after her.
Know this song
And Misha and Tanyusha.
Let's sing
My favorite Katyusha.
Song "Katyusha".

Child: A song about blue handkerchief
The gramophone began to sing quietly.
In ancient times, the military
He takes us away again.

Song "Blue Handkerchief".

Child: The fighter just took the three-row,
It’s immediately obvious that he’s an accordion player.
Let's start in order
He threw his fingers from top to bottom,
And from that old accordion,
That I was left an orphan
Somehow it suddenly became warmer
On the front road.

Melody "Three Tankers" on accordion

Presenter 1: The sailors danced their favorite dance “Apple”.
Dance "Apple"
They sang songs. Free songs about war (one verse at a time)

Presenter 2: Often, in between battles, soldiers remembered their loved ones and wrote letters home.
The soldiers were marching to the West,
On the roads of war,
Fell out among the volleys,
Maybe an hour of silence
And then at a halt,
Down in the trench,
People wrote letters
To those who were so far away.

Read excerpts from letters from the front.

My dear family!
Night. The candle flame is trembling.
This is not the first time I remember
How do you sleep on a warm stove?
In our little old hut,
That in the wilderness was lost in the forests,
I remember a field, a river,
I remember us again and again.

My dear brothers and sisters!
Tomorrow I'm going into battle again
For your Fatherland, for Russia,
That I got into a lot of trouble.
I will gather my courage, strength,
I will beat the Germans without mercy,
So that nothing threatens you,
So that you can study and live!

Hello, dear Maxim!
Hello, my beloved son!
I'm writing from the front line,
Tomorrow morning - back into battle!
We will drive out the fascists.
Take care, son, mother,
Forget sadness and sadness -
I will return with Victory!
I will finally hug you.
Goodbye. Your father.

Presenter 1: The soldiers wrote letters on pieces of paper and folded them in a special way - into a triangle. And when the accordion sounded, someone sang quietly, longing for a distant home, for family and friends.
(slide) A fragment of the song “Dugout” is played.

Presenter 2: The Great Patriotic War lasted for four and a half years. Finally the enemy was defeated! Russian soldiers liberated not only our Fatherland from the Nazis, but also other European countries. They reached the capital of Germany, Berlin, and hoisted a red flag on the Reichstag.

Child: We hoisted it on the Reichstag
Our Soviet red flag.
It sparkles and turns red.
The flag says to all people:
“The cruel enemy has been defeated! »

Presenter 1: May 9, Victory Day. Thousands of people took to the streets and squares of cities. Everyone had tears of joy in their eyes. People rejoiced at the Great Victory and were sad about the loss of loved ones.
Strangers sang and danced in the streets and hugged each other.

Presenter 2: The eternal flame is a constantly burning fire that symbolizes the eternal memory of soldiers who did not return from the war.

Child: Your name is unknown, hero,
In a fierce battle you did not leave the ranks.
And people keep the memory of the feat,
You are in our hearts, Unknown Soldier!
Let the Eternal Flame illuminate the granite
“Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten! »

The song “Victory Day” is playing.

Presenter 1: On the morning of May 9, military parades are held in the main cities of Russia. Veterans put on medals. People give them flowers.
Veterans get together and remember how they fought, about their comrades, and sing songs of the war years.

On May 9, at exactly seven o'clock in the evening, a minute of silence begins. At this moment we are silent and think about those who saved the world from the Nazis, about those thanks to whom we now live in a beautiful, peaceful country. Let us also stand and honor the memory of the fallen heroes.

(Minute of silence. Clock strikes).

And in the evening, when it gets dark, the Victory fireworks begin.

Child: One day the children went to bed -
The windows are all darkened
And we woke up at dawn -
There is light in the windows and there is no war!
You don't have to say goodbye anymore
And don’t accompany me to the front,
And don’t be afraid of raids,
And don’t wait for night worries….

Child: People celebrate Victory!
The news flies everywhere:
From the front they go, they go, they go
Our brothers and fathers!

Child: For everything that we have now,
For every happy hour we have,
Because the sun shines on us -
Thanks to the valiant soldiers
That they once defended the world.

Presenter 2: There are many important words in the world: Mother, Motherland, Russia. And there is also something very important, kind word-WORLD. The world is the planet, the world is the sun, the world is smiles, the world is children. No war - no tears, no grief. Everyone needs peace, always!
(slide - poster about PEACE)

Let the peaceful cities sleep.
Let the sirens howl piercingly
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let no shell explode,
Not a single one is making a machine gun.
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children's voices.
And may the years pass peacefully,
Let there never be war!

We will be brave like our grandfathers,
Let's protect our native land
And the bright sun of victory
We won't give it to anyone!

The stars fly up here and there -
There are fireworks in the city today,
Victory salute over the Neva –
A wonderful fire festival!
We remember at this hour
Those who saved their native country.
We will remember adults and children,
To the enemy who did not surrender Leningrad.
We will not forget the terrible years.
Let there be peace, let there be light!
The sun cannot hide in the smoky darkness,
Let there be peace throughout the entire Earth!

Children stand in a circle and sing “Wider Circle”

Victory! Victory! Great word
In it is the glory of the Fatherland and the glory of a fighter,
It makes anyone tremble
It lights up hearts like fire,
The black clouds have cleared,
The sun is rising over the Motherland.
And the voice of the people is powerful
Sings a victory song.

Victory! Victory! And volleys thunder over Moscow,
And the time has come for bright joy,
Long live the famous Russian warrior!
Let's shout "Hurray" to the great people!

Guys, let's spite the weather
Let's embrace the planet with our round dance,
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her.

Let's save the planet
There is nothing like it in the entire universe.
All alone in the whole universe,
What will she do without us?

Song “Let there always be sunshine” m. A Ostrovsky lyrics. L. Oshanin

Over gray and beautiful Vienna
The waltz floated, full of dreams and fire.
He sounded either tenderly or passionately,
And everyone was intoxicated by spring.
And the guy with a happy smile
He pressed his accordion to his heart,
As if he had seen the Volga floods,
It was as if he had embraced Russia.

Dance – Waltz to the song “Clouds in Blue”

I will transform the days of war into moments,
And I will divide the moments into those
Who lived a short century with the war,
He gave his life for the Victory without a second thought.

There was a war and it was taking lives
Ten people in a minute.
Someone has an unmarked grave
Someone has a modest monument.

Great-grandfather dreams of war at night,
He says that he has never seen worse dreams:
Bird souls fly away into infinity
With the cries of the last cranes...
Song "Cranes" (sung by M. Bernes).
Children dance (girls in white dresses, boys in military uniform).
Or the song “Great-Grandfather” by M. A. Ermolov, lyrics. M. Zagota

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Scenario of the festive event dedicated to May 9. Developed by: music director: Rukhlina I.M. , educators: Khudyakova L.B. Kovaleva M.V.

Children enter the hall to the music (sports exercise “A SOLDIER WALKS THROUGH THE CITY”)

Copper pipes rejoice.
The earth sings and hums,
We praise, we praise the warrior,
People's fighter
And the valiant marshal,
And a brave fighter.

1 child

It was a great Victory Day
Many years ago
Grandfathers remember Victory Day,
Each of the grandchildren knows.

2 reb.

Honors the great Victory Day
The whole huge country
On Victory Day our grandfathers
They put on medals.

3 reb.

The black clouds have cleared
The sun is rising over the Motherland.
And the voice of the people is powerful
Sings a victory song.

Song "Victory".

Ved. Yes, guys, people will never forget this day. He brought peace to our people and a peaceful childhood to our children. We owe this to our grandparents. The path to the great victory was difficult, long but heroic. We must always remember this.

We are talking about the first Victory Day
We love to listen to their story
How our grandfathers fought
For the whole world and for all of us!

Let the stork build its nest on the roof,
Cranes are crowing in the sky,
Let there be peace, we need it so much
Children all over the Earth need it.

Song "About Peace".


Ved. We will never forget those soldiers who did not return from the war, the soldiers who died in a valiant battle. We will bow low at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where the eternal flame burns and fresh flowers lie.

All chrome: Glory to the fallen heroes!

Song "About an unknown hero".

Victory Day, holiday
The most important!
Clouds float peacefully in the sky,
We'll never hear again
The terrible word "war"
(sit down)

Ved. With pain in our souls, we mourn for those who did not return from the battlefield. Let's honor them with a minute of silence! (minute of silence)

Dance re-enactment "Darkie".

Reb. Thanks to all the sailors, artillerymen, pilots, tank crews, border guards, and signalmen.

To everyone who protects our world,
For your glorious deeds.

Glory! Glory! And praise!
Dances "Sailors"


Ved. On this festive day, people rejoice and sing, faces sparkle with smiles, and couples spin in a victorious waltz right on the streets!

Waltz dance "Blue Handkerchief".

Glory, glory to the veterans,
Glory to our dear Motherland!

Congratulations to our grandfathers,
Congratulations with all our hearts!
Let the victory fireworks thunder,
On this day over the whole country!

Ved. Glory, glory to Victory Day!

Children Glory!

Glory, glory to veterans!
Children Glory! Glory!

Guys, let's spite the weather,
Let's embrace the planet with our round dance,
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her.

Song "Sunny Circle".