Sample application for monthly child benefit. Sample application for monthly child care allowance

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Monthly child care allowance: Naberezhnye Chelny

To assign a monthly child care allowance, you must provide the following documents: 1. Application for the assignment of a monthly child care allowance before execution. 2. A copy of the applicant’s passport.

3. Copies of children's birth certificates.

4. Certificate from the place of study for children aged 18 to 23 years (unmarried), studying full-time, including non-state educational institutions, regardless of the fact of living together with their parents. 5.

A copy of the local government resolution on establishing guardianship over the child.

6. A copy of the work book: if the work book has not been created, provide a replacement document (a copy of the education document: diploma or certificate, explanatory). 7. Document confirming cohabitation on the territory of the Russian Federation, a child with one of the parents or a person replacing him, caring for him, issued by an organization authorized to issue him.

8. A copy of a document on marital status: marriage certificate, divorce certificate, certificate of paternity, certificate of a single mother, etc. 9. Certificate from the place of work (study) of the mother, father of the child stating that she, ( he) actually work and do not use the specified leave and do not receive monthly allowance for care up to 1.5 years (sample certificate No. 1, sample certificate No. 2). 10. Certificate from the Foundation social insurance about the lack of registration with the Fund as an insurer and about the non-receipt of monthly benefits for child care up to 1.5 years old if the second family member works as an individual entrepreneur, lawyer, or notary. 11. If the mother, father, child (both parents of the child) do not work (do not study, do not serve) - a certificate from the authorities social protection at her or his place of residence about non-receipt of monthly childcare benefits for a child under 1.5 years old. 12. Personal bank account. If necessary, other documents may be required Acceptance of applications for measures social support carried out by department specialists financial assistance Branch No. 1 of the Republican Center for Financial Assistance.

Address of financial assistance departments

Contact numbers

Department No. 1 GES, 4/2/2

Ward No. 2 Solnechny boulevard 6 (17/11, entrance 2)

Opening hours of financial assistance departments: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 8:00 to 17:00, lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00.

Also, documents and an application for the appointment of social support measures can be sent to branch No. 1 of the Republican Center for Financial Assistance by mail. In this case, copies of documents sent by mail must be notarized.

In this case, the day of application is considered to be the date of receipt of documents by branch No. 1 of the RCMC. The responsibility to confirm that documents have been sent lies with the applicant.

Accepting applications for appointment and payment of monthly child care benefits

The service is provided to one of the parents who was dismissed during pregnancy, maternity leave or maternity leave in connection with the liquidation of the organization (cessation of professional activity), or who is not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity (including . if a full-time student), as well as a relative who is not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability, caring for the child, in the absence of the mother and/or father of the child or his inability to raise and support the child (in cases established by law). You can apply no later than six months from the day the child reaches the age of one and a half years.
1. Statement;
2. Passport (copy and original for verification);
3. Passport of the second parent (if the parents are married, a copy and the original for verification) if the passport contains information about registration at the place of residence not for the entire period from the birth of the child to the moment of application, then an additional document is provided ( certificate from the passport office) confirming the place of previous registration, or an explanatory note is written in the application indicating the address of the previous registration (or absence), and if the citizen during this period was registered outside the city of Yakutsk, an additional certificate from the territorial USZN is provided about non-assignment of benefits, or explanatory;
4. Simple power of attorney at the MFC;
5. Power of attorney for the representative (original and copy). When contacted by the applicant's representative. If the application specifies the applicant's account details, a simple power of attorney is required.

If the application indicates the account details of the applicant's representative, a notarized power of attorney is required.
6. Child’s birth certificate (copy and original for verification);
7. Birth certificate of previous children (for each previous child, copy and original for verification);
8. Certificate of paternity (if there is a fact of establishing paternity of the child. copy and original for verification);
9. A child’s birth certificate (form No. 25) is provided when a single mother applies. copy and original for verification;
10. Certificate of marriage or divorce (if they are (were) legally married. copy and original for verification);
11. Work record book with a record of dismissal from the last place of work (for each non-working able-bodied person not studying full-time and not carrying military service at the request of a parent. if available. copy and original for verification);
12. Certificate from a military unit confirming that the spouse has completed conscription military service (if conscripted military service is completed before the child reaches the age of 1.5 years). Original*;
13. Certificate from the place of work (service) of the father (mother, both parents) of the child stating that he (she, they) does not use parental leave and does not receive benefits (if the second (both) parent of the child works ( worked/s) in the period from the birth of the child to the moment of application (original);
14. Information about the certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur (from the individual entrepreneur). Provided in any form or as a copy of the certificate;
15. Certificate from social welfare authorities stating that the state. benefits were not assigned or paid for care at the place of registration (registration) of the parent (if one of the parents was registered at a place of residence outside the city of Yakutsk from the moment of birth of the child until the moment of application). Original*;
16. Certificate of the amount of previously paid maternity benefits (when receiving maternity benefits, the original must be provided; the certificate must indicate the amount and period of payment of previously paid maternity benefits);
17. Certificate of the amount of monthly child care allowance (if one of the parents was dismissed during pregnancy, maternity leave or child care leave in connection with the liquidation of the organization (termination of activities) original;
18. Certificate from the Employment Center about non-receipt of unemployment benefits (for each non-working able-bodied person who is not a full-time student and is not performing military service at the parent’s conscription. original)*;
19. License for the right of notarial activity (provided by notaries engaged in private practice. copy and original for verification);
20. Lawyer’s certificate (if a lawyer applies, copy and original for verification);
21. Certificate from the place of study (for each full-time student in higher or secondary vocational education institutions of the parent) original;
22. Certificate from the FSS RS (Yakutia) about the lack of information about registration as an insurer and non-receipt of monthly child care benefits (from individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers)*;
23. Certificate of family composition (form - 3)* is provided with the exception of parents dismissed during pregnancy, maternity leave or child care leave in connection with the liquidation of the organization (termination of professional activities). original. The certificate must indicate, among other things, the person caring for the child and the child himself;
24. Savings (deposit) book or indication in the application of the account number of the applicant’s bank card (In case of transfer of payments to the savings book - a copy and the original for reconciliation), an account and bank branch number are required. When transferring payments to a savings book, a copy of the savings book must be attached. When specifying a bank account, no additional documents are required;
25. Written consent to the processing of personal data (in accordance with Part 3 of Article 7 of Federal Law-210 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”) - in the event that the provision of services requires the provision of documents and information about another person who is not by the applicant (from each person (except for the applicant)). Written consent is signed personally by the subject of personal data or his legal representative.
26. A document confirming the applicant’s authority to transfer consent to the processing of personal data (in accordance with Part 3 of Article 7 of Federal Law-210 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”) - in the event that the provision of services requires the provision of documents and information about another person who is not the applicant (from each person (except for the applicant)).

* The specified documents in accordance with clause 2, part 1, article 7 of the Federal Law-210 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” are optional, the applicant has the right to submit the specified documents and information on his own initiative

As part of the reform ongoing in the country regarding the payment of child benefits under compulsory social insurance, the mechanism for calculating funds to parents (mother, father), relatives of the child or other persons on parental leave for a child under 3 years of age and entitled to receive a monthly insurance benefit is being improved. provision until 1.5 years are reached. In particular, in many regions of the country in 2016 the FSS pilot project "Direct payments" , within which benefits are transferred to insured persons directly at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund, bypassing the policyholder (that is, the employer who transfers insurance premiums for the employee).

It is planned that in the future the system of direct payments, taking into account the experience of the “pilot project”, will be applied throughout the Russian Federation. After its introduction, not only the principle of receiving benefits for insured persons changes, but also the conditions for transferring insurance contributions by employers.

Application form provides for filling out information about the applicant, information about a convenient method of transferring benefits, contains a list of attached documents, grounds for receiving benefits, etc.

Sample application to the Social Insurance Fund for payment of benefits

When applying to the FSS, the applicant must also provide the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (original and copy);
  • birth certificate of the child for whom the payment is assigned, as well as all other children in the family;
  • a document confirming adoption or establishment of guardianship (for the child’s guardians);
  • that he is not receiving this benefit;
  • certificate of the applicant’s salary for the two years preceding maternity leave and for the current year (or an application to request this data in Pension Fund, if they cannot be obtained from the employer);
  • a court decision that has entered into force on the actual impossibility of receiving payment through the employer (in the event of bankruptcy of the employer).

The application along with the documents is reviewed and a decision is made on it within 10 days after submission. Then either a payment is calculated or a reasoned decision to refuse is made.

All monthly benefits through the Social Insurance Fund are credited to the recipient’s bank account (plastic card) or to the address post office(optional) until the 15th of every month.

Calculation of benefits up to 1.5 years in the Social Insurance Fund

After the introduction of the direct payment system child benefit will be calculated not by the employer, but by the FSS employees themselves, which in most cases eliminates the possibility of any calculation errors.

  • The standard payment amount will be 40% of the recipient's average salary for the last 2 full calendar years before going on maternity leave. If during this period the applicant changed jobs, only earnings from the last employer are taken into account.
  • If the benefit amount received is lower than the minimum established for the next financial year in accordance with the annual indexation mechanism, then minimum allowance. for the first child 2718.35 rub., and on the second and subsequent ones - RUB 5,436.67
  • If there are two children under 1.5 years of age or more in a family, benefits are added up. But their amount to be paid is cannot be more than 100% from average earnings.
  • As a rule, they are multiplied by the increasing regional coefficient only minimum benefits . In other cases, this coefficient is already taken into account as part of the salary for the billing period.
  • When calculating the monthly payment all income from all employers is taken into account, from which insurance contributions were deducted to the Social Insurance Fund.

Average monthly earnings for calculating benefits are determined as follows: income for the two previous calendar years is divided by 730 (number of days) and multiplied by 30.4 (average number of days in months for the year).

You can also independently calculate the size of the payment in advance if you have the necessary initial data. To do this on FSS portal"Electronic reporting" An online calculator is provided. Calculation of average daily, average monthly earnings and benefits for up to 1.5 years is not difficult to obtain by indicating the list of data provided by the program about the recipient and his working conditions.

Reimbursement of social security benefits for up to 1.5 years to the employer

In this case, the initial payment of benefits must be made by the employer from own funds, after which the Social Insurance Fund compensates the enterprise (organization) for the difference between the insurance contributions paid and the amount paid as benefits.

Thus, for most of the country’s territory as of 2016, it is envisaged the following design sequence and receipt of benefits for up to 1.5 years by insured persons:

  • the applicant applies to the employer with an application for granting benefits for a child up to 1.5 years old and providing parental leave for a child up to 3 years old;
  • The accounting department accrues payments from the day following the end;
  • the benefit is transferred to the employee’s salary card or received through the company’s cash desk directly from the funds of the employer (the policyholder);
  • is happening reimbursement of the amount paid to the employer at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

To receive compensation, the policyholder submits to the FSS necessary documents and reporting in the prescribed forms.

Sometimes the employer creates an artificial situation with overestimation of insurance payments to employees in order to receive reimbursement of the benefits paid in an increased amount. Therefore, each situation is considered separately by Social Insurance.

In this regard, the FSS employees who conduct the inspection may be alarming:

  • unjustified salary increase women before going on maternity leave;
  • availability family ties between a manager and a pregnant woman hired shortly before giving birth;
  • other factors indicating fraud.

Therefore, in some cases, compensation to the employer may be denied.


According to current legislation, the interested (insured) person contacts the employer to receive it. He calculates the amount, pays it and receives compensation from the Social Insurance Fund.

If or cannot pay benefits for another reason, the recipient may apply for monetary compensation to the Social Insurance Fund at the place of registration of the insured-employer. This can be done in any region of the Russian Federation after the court makes a decision that it is impossible to receive benefits in the standard way.

There is a pilot program in some regions of the Russian Federation. This measure is intended to reduce the number of conflicts between the benefit recipient and the policyholder, as well as to increase the stability of the transfer of money to the recipient in emergency situations. The program is planned to be expanded to other regions of the country.

Until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, his parents (adoptive parents, guardians) can receive benefits for him on a monthly basis. The payment is paid with funds from the Social Insurance Fund and if you have official employment, you should contact your employer to receive child care benefits.

The appeal must be expressed in writing through a statement. In this case, you can indicate in one application a request for registration of parental leave and the accrual of a monthly benefit for him until he reaches 1.5 years. The amount of the benefit will be calculated by the employer independently (40% of the average monthly earnings for the 2 years preceding the year of going on parental leave). If the calculated benefit is less than the minimum, then the minimum is paid. For 2016, the monthly benefit for a child under 1.5 years old is 2908.62 for the first and 5817.24 rubles. on the second (these values ​​are valid from February 2, 2016).

The application is written personally by the person applying for parental leave and wishing to receive child benefits every month. The employer must provide documentary evidence that the child really exists and his age does not exceed 1.5 years. To do this, attach a birth certificate (copy) to the application form. The second parent also needs to obtain a certificate from his employer stating that he does not receive monthly payments; this certificate is also attached to the application.

In addition to the monthly payment, the baby’s parents have the right to receive a one-time lump sum payment, the amount of which in 2016 is 15,512.65 rubles. You can also receive this benefit from your employer by writing an application.

A sample application for the calculation of a monthly childcare benefit for a child up to 1.5 years old can be found at the link at the end of the article.

How to write an application correctly?

The form indicates to whom the application is being written (the director of the company in which the applicant works). Below is information about the applicant.

The text states a request to accrue a monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years old and indicates the name of the baby and his date of birth. To confirm that the applicant has the right to receive the designated monthly payment, a list of attached documents is provided in the appendix to the application.

The application must be signed, dated and submitted to the HR service. Based on the employee’s application, the accounting department makes the necessary calculations regarding the amount of the designated benefit. An order to grant parental leave is also drawn up; a sample of such an order can be downloaded.

The order is approved by the head of the organization and handed over to the employee for review and signature.

You can receive the assigned child benefit either at the organization’s cash desk or in cashless form on a card - by agreement with the employer.