Happy Mother's Day - congratulations on your mobile phone. Musical congratulations on Mother's Day on the phone Voice congratulations on Mother's Day on the phone

Is it possible to make a congratulation for your mother both fun and original, to bring a smile to your face or a pleasant tear? You will say - it is very difficult. But it is possible - we will answer - and quite simply! You won’t have to rack your brains or run to the shops.

Congratulations without limits!

This is a greeting over the phone. Yes, not simple, but with an audio twist! And you won’t have to compose a fiery tirade, invent wishes, or be content with ready-made template phrases that the person being congratulated has heard enough of. If the person is not around, then such a congratulation can be a fun preliminary gift. And now a comrade, friend or loved one will know that he occupies a special place in your life and heart!

You can use this original service without leaving your chair, without leaving your office or home - directly from our website. There it is easy to choose the person to whom the message will be addressed, the sensual theme, and the special event.

A selection of not only common holidays and dates is presented, but also other days in the calendar that are celebrated by a wide variety of categories of people. For example, they send sweet musical congratulations on Mother’s Day to their beloved mothers, and you can prank your sister by congratulating her in V.V.’s voice. Putin on Paratrooper Day.

Hits of audio greetings:

  • personalized congratulations
  • funny pranks
  • declarations of love

The birthday person, loved one or colleague can receive congratulations both on their cell phone and in their home handset. Distances and countries do not prevent this.

Congratulations on Mother's Day via mobile phone are wonderful and kind parting words for your mother on her holiday on November 30 with heartfelt words wishing all the best in the form of a beautiful song. There is no closer and dearer person than our dear mother, who from childhood gave us her love, affection and care. A wish from a daughter for Happy Mother's Day in a musical congratulation, in which a gentle and kind song especially for her mother, will be a touching and gentle musical message on a cell phone that will touch the heart and warm the soul from a sensual song for her in honor of her holiday. A voice card with congratulations on Mother's Day from your daughter, with sensual poems in honor of your mother, will probably become one of the most nice wishes on a holiday, because words in poetry or prose transmitted by audio message to mom’s phone will undoubtedly give her a feeling of love and attention to her. Happy Mother's Day greetings from your son via mobile phone are a wonderful way to express your sincere feelings for your mother in the form of a musical message or voice wish for her health, happiness and goodness. One of the most unforgettable wishes over the phone will be congratulations on Mother’s Day from Putin, where the president will congratulate his mother with a solemn speech and wish her all the best. Funny musical congratulations on Mother's Day with a comic and catchy song that will definitely amuse your mother and give her good mood and a smile on holiday. Cool voice audio with a postcard on her cell phone in honor of Mother's Day, you will give her a wonderful, cheerful surprise that will be remembered as good wishes with a good joke. Surprise your mother with such an unusual musical greeting or voice message for Mother's Day, give her a good mood for the holiday.

Voice greetings on Mother's Day

Voice greetings on Mother's Day- warm and touching festive audio audio wishes for mother from daughter and son, which are sent to the phone. Order, as well as send a voice greeting on Mother's Day to the point of tears, through the website to a mobile (cellular) or landline number, possibly immediately or at the exact time of the incoming call you specified. Give your beloved mother a good mood, a smile for the whole evening, because it is so necessary to give care and attention. The benefits of audio Happy Mother's Day greetings are amazing:

Are you still thinking about how to congratulate your precious mother on her on a holiday? Then we will dispel your doubts and provide a special offer that is difficult to refuse. The most popular message on the holiday is congratulations on Mother’s Day from Putin; the president will make a solemn speech in person and, if desired, by name, which will doubly delight and undoubtedly pleasantly alarm.

All voice music audio audio congratulations on Mother's Day will arrive absolutely free on her phone, regardless of what city and even country she is in now!

Musical greetings on Mother's Day

Musical congratulations Happy Mother's Day- bright and cheerful song wishes to a dear mother from a daughter or son sent in the form of a call to her phone. If you want to make a wonderful song gift on Mother’s Day, we ask you to pay attention to the musical congratulations for mommy, because it’s nothing more than your favorite melody kind words It will come in handy, it will warm you with love and tenderness. A musical greeting on Mother's Day with a song from children will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the best surprises given from their own daughters and sons.

We will send your message to a mobile or landline device, if the subscriber is busy and does not pick up, then the system will make 10 calls, after unsuccessful delivery you will receive a promotional code with which you can send one audio postcard. Love and appreciate your dear mothers, give them the best, with all your heart!

Regardless of gender and age, we are all grateful and grateful to the woman who gave birth, raised, loved and cherished us. The wondrous sacrament that the Lord bestowed on women - to be the mother of all living things - has served for the salvation of the entire population of the earth from time immemorial.
Mother's Day was established and celebrated in almost all countries of the world. In the Russian Federation, this day appeared on the initiative of the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Young People, and was enshrined in the 1998 Resolution of the President of the Russian Federation. The Decree “On Mother’s Day” allocates the last day of November to celebrate this day. Musical congratulations on Mother's Day - this is a gift for your beloved mothers.
Mother's Day in Russia, as in other countries, differs from international women's day, because not every woman, due to various circumstances in her life, is a mother. Paying tribute to the current state of affairs in the field of state support for motherhood and home values, one cannot help but notice a significant step not only on the part of state institutions, but also on the side of the healthcare and also the social system.
The formation and improvement of the customs of a special, careful attitude towards the lady-mother, the improvement of family foundations and the elevation of the prestige of this fundamental principle of a woman-mother for each of us is considered the obligatory goal of Mothers' Day in the Russian Federation. The Public Holiday is called upon to unite our efforts to help the rights and freedoms of our mothers. The institution of motherhood constantly implies a special type of self-sacrifice, requires the highest dedication and sincere love, and its help is an immaculate matter, to which any of us is able to devote a particle of personal interest. Every mother in Russia will like it.

We are very sensitive to the arrival of the significant date of the dearest person who gave us life and raised us. Therefore, we offer you beautiful Voice greetings to mom on her birthday from the daughter and son, who are sent to the phone of their beloved mother as sweet audio wishes to her mobile number. An unforgettable surprise in the form of a voice congratulation for a mother from her children will be the most wonderful gift for her birthday and will remain a pleasant, warm memory. There is nothing more pleasant than making such a sign of gratitude for the care and love she has given you. From the website, via the Internet from a smartphone or computer, you can order and send voice card mother not only on the date she was born, but indicate in advance the date of receipt of the message. We will briefly but clearly explain how to do this.

  1. First, listen to all the proposed options for sound congratulations for mom from our catalog, then choose the one you like best.
  2. Go to the information entry page (by clicking on the “send” button), there write the phone number where we will send it, indicate yours (to notify you of receipt).
  3. After filling out the form, choose a convenient way to pay, it can be: a bank card, a telecom operator account or electronic money.

There is no need to worry, your mother is guaranteed to receive a voice congratulation on her birthday. If the unexpected happens (the number is busy, does not answer the phone, etc.), the system will automatically make another call and continue until there is a result, but the limit is 10 attempts. In this case, you need support to send it again (free of charge).

Audio congratulations to mom on her birthday

Audio birthday greetings to mom is always an unexpected holiday surprise. Preparing for the celebration, the last thing she expects is that the bell will ring when she answers it and hears a lovely wish. Sending an audio congratulation to a dear mother from her daughter or son to tears kind words, will help show care and respect for children. She will definitely be glad that they remember her and want to do something nice on this bright day. Congratulating your mother with an audio postcard over the phone means showing love to someone near and dear to your heart.

Musical congratulations to mom on her birthday

Musical congratulations to mom on her birthday, undoubtedly, best wishes a song from your daughter or son for a special occasion, good song instructions to the melody of your favorite artists sent to your phone. Musical postcards for mobile phones from children will help you to congratulate your dear mother with affectionate phrases and warm wishes. For her, this will be a rainbow surprise that will brighten up this bright, cheerful holiday. This song greeting to mom will be remembered for a long time, it will help her feel needed and loved. Incoming call a funny song with soulful music it will be a good present, in which she can hear the kindest, most sincere words in the handset of the telephone!

Please note that a voice musical audio congratulation to your mother on her birthday via a cell phone call is quite original and unusual. Therefore, it will not only please, but surprise her. In addition, it will make a very touching surprise. Such a greeting is a sign of tender care and attention and will make this holiday an even more joyful, bright, radiant day. This option is perfect for those who want to be the first to congratulate, as well as for those who cannot be there on this holiday, but want to please especially sweetly and warmly.

Everyone wants to give their mother a special gift, as well as a nice surprise for her. A wonderful option would be a voice musical audio congratulation with simply affectionate texts, a song or poems. This is gratifying, unusual, unforgettable for every mother. There is no doubt that after hearing it, the mother will always be in a good mood, and the smile will not leave her face. Order and send any beautiful wish as a voice message, as well as musical card, you can visit our website at a specified time or immediately!