Parents, the health of your children is in your hands - recommendations from pediatricians. Workshop for parents in kindergarten “Children’s health is in your hands. Baby’s mammary glands

Consultation for parents on the topic:

“The health of the child is in your hands”

Dear parents!

Remember, the child's health is in your hands. It has long been noticed: in those families where adults get sick little, children, as a rule, are healthy.

Today it is very important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in the health of both ourselves and our children.

“Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality,” says the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (clause 1 of Article 18)

Unfortunately, due to the insufficiently developed cultural level of our society, health is not yet in first place among human needs. Therefore, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for their child because of their own bad habits, and often have little idea how to introduce their child to a healthy lifestyle.

What can parents do when introducing a healthy lifestyle?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to actively use healing natural environmental factors: clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air, phytoncidal properties of plants, because natural forces of nature are familiar components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the body.
  2. The child needs calm, friendly psychologicalclimate.

Quarrels in the presence of a child contribute to the development of neurosis in him or aggravate existing disorders of the nervous system. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child’s body.

Try to always be in a good mood. Remember: as soon as we smile, it immediately becomes easier; if we frown, sadness creeps in. We frowned - adrenaline, which accompanies an anxious mood, began to be released, and our irritation mechanically transferred to the child. If you smiled, you helped another hormone - endorphin, which ensures a confident and cheerful mood. Emotional stability and related behavior are nurtured. So let's smile more and give joy to each other!

  1. Adults must not only protect the child’s body from harmful influences, but also create conditions that help increase the body’s defenses and its performance. And the important thing here is properly organized daily routine.

Daily routine - These are optimally combined periods of wakefulness and sleep for children during the day. It satisfies their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. The regime disciplines children, promotes the formation of many useful skills, and accustoms them to a certain rhythm.

Walk - one of the essential components of the daily routine. This most effective type of rest well restores the functional resources of the body, reduced during activity, and, first of all, performance. Staying in the fresh air helps increase the body's resistance and strengthens it. After an active walk, the child’s appetite and sleep always normalize.

Clothes and shoes for walking must comply with the weather and hygienic requirements.

An equally important part of the regime is dream, which is especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (both day and night).

Thus, the child’s home routine should be a continuation of the daycare routine, and especially on weekends.

  1. Complete nutrition - inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein. It is advisable to prepare all dishes for children from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices or preservatives. Include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in children's diets more often.

Diet is also important, i.e. maintaining certain intervals between meals.

  1. It is important for children develop an interest in improving your own body. The sooner a child gets an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, and sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. You cannot force a child, you need to educate only by your example. The principle of “do no harm” should be the basis for the upbringing and development of a child. It should be recalled that the desire of parents to educate a child from an early age in order to raise a “prodigy” is destructive. “Early learning” leads to overload, negatively affects health, provokes neuroses and decreased interest in learning. In preschool childhood, while the child’s psyche is developing, the leading activity is play. Without play, children develop a feeling of fear, lethargy and passivity. Play is a leading human need. Even for adults it is important. And we see a lot of adult game programs on television.
  2. To improve health and normalize weight walking and running are effective. They have a pronounced training effect and help strengthen the body.

What's happened hardening? This is an increase in the body’s resistance to the adverse effects of a number of environmental factors through systematic short-term exposure to the same factors in small doses.

As a result of hardening, the body adapts to changing environmental conditions.

The point of hardening is to, over time, use special procedures to increase the child’s resistance to cooling. During hardening, immunity simultaneously increases due to an increase in the body's production of interferon and other protective factors. Therefore, it would be great if hardening became a common family affair.

Hardening, as noted by the famous doctor and teacher Efim Aronovich Arkin, is more important for a weakened child than for a healthy one. Along with traditional hardening methods (air baths, water foot baths, gargling), non-traditional ones are also widely used:

  1. Contrasting air hardening (children move from a warm room to a cool one);
  2. Walking barefoot. At the same time, the arches and ligaments of the foot are strengthened, and flat feet are prevented. In the summer, give children the opportunity to walk barefoot on hot asphalt and sand, over small pebbles and cones. Which act as strong irritants. On the contrary, soft grass, warm sand, and an indoor carpet have a calming effect. When walking barefoot, the intensity of activity of almost all muscles increases, blood circulation throughout the body is stimulated, and mental activity improves.
  3. A contrast shower is the most effective method of hardening at home. After a short exercise, the child gets into the shower, is doused with water at 36-38 degrees for 30-40 seconds, then the water temperature is reduced by 2-3 degrees, and the duration of the douche is reduced to 20-25 seconds. The procedure is repeated twice. After 1-1.5 weeks, the difference in water temperatures increases to 4-5 degrees. Within 2-3 months the temperature is brought to 19-20 degrees.
  4. Gargling with cool water and lowering its temperature is a method of preventing nasopharyngeal disease. Gargling begins at a water temperature of 36-37 degrees, decreases every 2-3 days by 1 degree and is brought to room temperature.

It should be remembered that a break in hardening for 2-3 weeks reduces the body’s resistance to colds and is therefore extremely undesirable.

It is impossible not to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, his age, his sensitivity to hardening procedures. It is not recommended to carry out hardening against the background of negative emotional states, for example, fear, resentment, anxiety. This can lead to neurotic disorders.

If we want to see our child healthy, we need to carry out hardening procedures every day. Minimum hardening involves air and water procedures and properly selected clothing. It turns out that you can harden a child’s body with food. Some plants - biostimulants and adaptogens - help increase the body's resistance. The latter adapt and adapt the body to the effects of certain harmful physical, chemical, biological factors, including unusual environmental conditions.

  1. To increase the child’s body’s defenses, it is recommended taking vitamins. The word “vitamin” comes from the Latin “vita” - “life”. Vitamins are involved in metabolism and regulate certain biochemical and physiological processes. To achieve a certain level of saturation with vitamins, it is necessary to use preparations that include vitamin complexes in optimal ratios, especially in the winter - spring period. By the way, the use of multivitamins 1-2 tablets per day during the flu and ARVI epidemic reduces the incidence of illness in children by at least 2 times
  2. The blow to the health of the child is dealt harmful tendencies of parents. It is no secret that children of smoking fathers and mothers suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases much more often than children of non-smokers.
  3. Have serious consequences for the child's health injuries and accidentscases. Therefore, parents should:

Constantly monitor the child’s actions and tell them what and where is dangerous;

Store jewelry, cosmetics, medicines, hot pots, chemicals and detergents in special places;

Close balconies and windows;

Prohibit the child from putting coins, buttons in his mouth, or sucking fingers.

Remember: the child’s health is in your hands!

An absolutely healthy child is, unfortunately, a very rare phenomenon today. Meanwhile, for the first time in recent years, Tatarstan has seen a steady increase in population. In 2011, 2,033 more children were born than in the previous year. This fact was especially noted at the board of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan held in early February. That is, the birth rate finally exceeds the death rate. However, the state of health that worsens as children grow older causes concern among specialists. Two thirds of schoolchildren have some form of disability. Only about 20% of school students belong to the first health group, while the same number, that is, about 20%, already have chronic diseases or are disabled. Among today's first-graders there are half as many absolutely healthy children as among their peers at the end of the last century, and by the end of the first grade this number is still significantly reduced.

... Most often, a child is susceptible to colds, acute respiratory infections, flu, sore throat, chickenpox, and rubella. Infection with pediculosis and conjunctivitis is also possible.

It is important for both parents and the children themselves to realize that the most important thing now is to learn how to stay healthy, receive medical care on time, and even better, to prevent illness. The main helpers in this are ourselves; we just need to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, play sports, and give up bad habits. The foundations of health, as we know, are laid in childhood, and any deviation in the development of the body, any more or less serious illness in childhood, adolescence or young adulthood affects the health of an adult.

In childhood, all responsibility for the life and health of children lies with the parents. From the very first days of life, it is important to create optimal conditions for the child’s life. But this does not mean that the baby needs to be wrapped up and the tropics created in the apartment. The air temperature should be around 20-22 degrees, and be sure to regularly ventilate the room, go for walks down to a temperature of -15 degrees. It is extremely important to properly organize sleep and wakefulness: newborns sleep up to 20-22 hours a day, by 2 years the need for sleep decreases to 12-13 hours.

An important contribution to the future health of the baby is breastfeeding. Up to 1-1.5 years it is better to breastfeed. It has been noticed that “naturalists” have higher intelligence and get sick less. There are observations that children who have not received breast milk are prone to antisocial behavior and cruelty towards other children, parents and animals. During the feeding process, a special invisible contact is established between mother and child, which subsequently forms an attachment to the mother. In addition, this is an excellent prevention of a terrible disease - breast cancer. For some, the argument will be the price of infant formula - good ones cost from 500 rubles to 1 thousand or more per jar, which lasts for three days. In Tatarstan, about 30% of children are breastfed - this is very little. In Western Europe and the USA this figure is about 70-80%!

From 4-6 months of age, when children begin to be introduced to complementary foods, the issue of rational nutrition comes up on the agenda. Up to 1-1.5 years, baby food is very different from adult food, and here you need to strictly follow the pediatrician’s recommendations and the baby’s tastes. By the age of 3, children’s diet gradually approaches the “general” table, but there are still many taboos: this applies to sausages, smoked meat, lard, beef and lamb fat, margarine, and raw eggs. It is too early to include cakes, pastries, chocolate, coffee, and cocoa in the diet at this age. You also need to make sure that children do not accidentally try alcohol while their parents are not looking - this is very harmful.

Of course, a healthy lifestyle for kids is not limited to proper nutrition. From 1-1.5 months you can start doing massage and gymnastics. Don't forget about hardening. As scary as it may be for mothers who are always worried about their children to hear, hardening can and should be done from an early age. This increases the body's resistance to infections and weather changes. For the little ones, this means sleeping outside, short air baths, and swimming. Starting from 4 weeks, you can gradually reduce the water temperature to 33-33.5 degrees, and later, start dousing the baby with water that is slightly cooler than bathing water. Take sunbathing.

Vaccinations cause a lot of controversy among modern parents. This is largely facilitated by the dissemination of information in the media about their harm or uselessness. Let's give some facts on the topic “if there were no vaccinations”: the risk of dying from measles is 1%, becoming disabled is 5%, every tenth person dies from diphtheria, after polio there is a danger of remaining crippled for life, mumps is a terrible complication in the form of infertility and etc. The vaccination calendar of the Russian Federation includes vaccinations against: tuberculosis, hepatitis B, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella. In addition, you can additionally vaccinate your child with vaccines that are not included in this calendar, but have long been used in more than 100 countries - these are vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae type B, pneumococcal infection, hepatitis type A. If the child is prone to allergies, It is worth preparing him for vaccination according to the scheme suggested by the pediatrician. But, of course, only parents can choose whether or not to vaccinate.

Physical education as a prevention of physical inactivity is of great importance for instilling healthy lifestyle habits in a child. If up to 2-3 years it’s just active games for 10-20 minutes, then as the child grows up, you need to start doing morning exercises, going for walks, going to the forest. At school, these are, of course, physical education lessons, and if the child wishes, you can enroll him in some sports section. However, you need to know that excessive loads are also harmful. And training on weight machines, for example, is prohibited for teenagers until they have completed a period of intensive body growth.

Particular attention should be paid to the things that surround your child: clothes and shoes should be chosen from natural, breathable materials. Furniture and toys should be made of safe and easy-to-clean materials.

When a child becomes a schoolchild, maintaining the correct daily routine becomes an extremely important element for maintaining his health. Although many parents are skeptical about this. A daily routine helps improve health and improve performance. An example is the life of the philosopher Immanuel Kant. Since childhood, he was distinguished by frail health, but he developed a daily routine for himself and observed it strictly, which helped him maintain his health for a long time and maintain high performance.

You can create such a schedule for your child, taking into account the following points: you should not sit down for homework right after school, it is best to do this after having lunch and walking in the fresh air for 1.5-2 hours; The start time for homework should be firmly fixed - this allows the child to quickly get into a working state. Your schedule should include about 1.5 hours for hobbies, clubs, watching a movie, etc. It can also be useful to carve out a little time to just sit in silence, turn off the music and TV - relax, read a book. This will reduce fatigue, increase performance and give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Sleep at 10-12 years old should be 9-10 hours, at 13-14 years old - 9-9.5 hours, at 15-16 years old - 8.5-9 hours.

Proper nutrition is also of great importance. Children aged 7-10 years need to consume 2300 kcal per day, at 11-13 years old - 2700 (boys) and 2450 (girls). Children's cooking is simple and its peculiarities boil down to avoiding spicy and strong flavoring seasonings, such as horseradish, mustard, adjika, ketchup, mayonnaise; it is worth giving onions and garlic in moderation. You also need to remember that some foods can cause allergies. Preference is given to boiling, stewing and baking in the oven. But it’s better not to cook in the microwave, but only to warm it up. Food should be varied. If possible, fruits and vegetables should be given raw; do not get carried away with sugar and salt. There is no need to add large amounts of fat.

If parents can still control the diet of a preschooler and even a junior schoolchild, then with teenagers everything is much more complicated. They start spending their free money on fast food, chips, soda, chocolate and beer. Ideally, a teenager should have 4 meals a day and regularly, with an interval between meals of 4-4.5 hours. This promotes good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, good appetite, and proper absorption of food.

During adolescence, many new things are added to the general rules for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. First of all, this is due to growing up and puberty. First of all, this is a task for parents - to shape the child’s psyche in such a way that by adolescence he will have a negative opinion about smoking, alcohol abuse and drug use. It is important that he knows about all the terrible consequences of their use and learns to take responsibility for his health. And it’s better that the teenager simply doesn’t have time to “get acquainted” with harmful substances. After all, there is a much more interesting alternative - some hobbies, hobbies, sports! It is important that parents confirm this by their own example - if they smoke, it is better to quit smoking, go out with the whole family for a picnic, skiing, and have alcohol-free holidays. It’s great if a teenager is interested in spending time at home (for example, messing around with younger children) and with his parents (on trips to the seaside or going on visits). Although in adolescence this can be difficult to achieve.

So, smoking. In recent years, the number of children and adolescents who smoke has been growing in Russia. The first attempt at smoking in boys occurs at 10-11 years of age, in girls at 13 years of age. And at the age of 16-17, 45% of boys and 16% of girls smoke constantly. Tell your child that every day 10 thousand people die from smoking around the world. Tobacco has a strong effect on a person: wrinkles appear; the risk of cataracts leading to blindness increases; there is a risk of mouth and throat cancer, as well as psoriasis, lung disease, stomach ulcers and heart disease; fingers and nails turn yellow. Odor from clothes and breath can cause quarrels with your loved one.

Alcohol has an even more destructive effect on a fragile body. Addiction to the “green snake” develops in young people 3-4 times faster than in adults. And the consequences can be dire. The desire to study and work disappears, aggression appears. Deadly diseases develop, leading to cirrhosis of the liver, damage to the pancreas, myocardial infarction, and cerebral stroke. Tens of thousands of people die due to alcohol poisoning and commit suicide due to alcohol depression. Children and adolescents should know that these consequences may not occur sometime in old age, but literally in a few years. If words have no effect, it can be useful to go to a drug treatment clinic.

The most severe consequences for a person, including death, are caused by drug use. Since you can become addicted to drugs even after one dose, it is important to tell and show the teenager what the future of the drug addict is. Whether this trouble has come to your home can be determined by indirect signs: wide or narrow pupils, slurred speech and a “drunk” gait without the smell of alcohol, irritability, secrecy, a sharp increase in financial demands, marks from injections, a desire to wear long sleeves to hide them.

Sexual development in boys begins at the age of 10.5-14 years, in girls - at 10-13 years. In this regard, sex education for children should begin at the age of 8-10. It is better to tell everything honestly and frankly, but without going into details. This way you will know for sure that the child is correctly informed about “this”, and in the future it will be easier for him to come to you for some clarifications. Why is this important? In our country, the frequency of abortions among teenagers and the mass of cases of their infection with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are prohibitively high. The most dangerous, of course, is HIV infection - the human immunodeficiency virus. The virus inevitably causes AIDS, a disease in which the body loses its ability to defend itself against infections and the development of malignant tumors. Hepatitis B is transmitted sexually, and less commonly, hepatitis C, as well as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other infections that can lead to infertility.

Finally, a few words need to be said about the personal hygiene of children and adolescents. Things such as regular (2 times a day) brushing of teeth, washing and washing, of course, should be instilled by parents from a very early age. During adolescence, the body changes. Teenagers can be advised to take a shower twice a day, use disinfectants for acne, and wash their hair 1-2 times a week. Before going to bed, be sure to wash your feet and dry your shoes after wearing them; for this it is better to have 2-3 pairs of replacement shoes. It's time for young people to start shaving. To prevent this habit from causing negativity, it is better to immediately choose high-quality machines and cosmetics.

The emotions and feelings that we experience throughout life play a big role. Which ones are more positive or negative? Health and quality of life largely depend on this. It is estimated that a child aged 4 laughs about 500 times a day, an adult - at most 15. Let's take an example from the little ones, tune in to the positive from the very morning, be optimistic and not pay attention to the little things in life.

The health of the child is in your hands
Human health depends on heredity, but no one is surprised by this now. The most amazing thing is different. If doctors begin to treat all diseases well, without exception, then a person’s health will remain overall by only 8-10, maximum 15-17 percent. At the same time, if a person lives and works in ideal conditions, then thanks to this his health will improve by another 20-25 percent. But the remaining 50 percent of health depends entirely on the lifestyle of the person himself, or more precisely, on how much he and his family, especially when it comes to a child, pay attention to general health activities. We mean various physical education and sports activities, gymnastics, as well as massage and hardening procedures. So where to start? First you need to thoroughly understand the location of the areas for massage. But we hope that you have already managed to do something in this direction without our advice, for example, by teaching your child to use a toothbrush: on the mucous membrane of the mouth there is a representation of almost all the most important organs - the heart, upper respiratory tract and lungs, stomach, intestines , liver and kidneys. Therefore, vigorous morning toothbrush work can give a good “charge” to the entire body as a whole, not to mention the fact that this is an absolutely necessary hygienic procedure. However, take a closer look at how your children brush their teeth, and at the same time analyze your actions. Special studies have shown that most children, even of school age, and many adults, brush their teeth in just 15-30 seconds, and this time is too little. Hence the unsatisfactory results: plaque remains on the teeth, the gums do not receive the necessary massage, and the body is not charged with vigor. The entire procedure for brushing your teeth should take on average at least 2.5-3 minutes. It is useful to combine brushing with finger self-massage of the gums. To do this, apply a small amount of toothpaste to your index finger and thumb. You should start the massage from the center of the jaws, and then gradually move your fingers to the sides. On the upper part of the jaw, massage from top to bottom (from the gums to the teeth), and on the lower part from bottom to top. In addition, massage should be carried out in a circular motion. In the morning - better clockwise. In the evening - against her. Pressure on the mucous membrane should be painless. Deeper in the morning, shallower in the evening. Duration 5-7 minutes. You need to self-massage your gums after brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth. After finishing the procedure, you should rinse your mouth again. If your child’s feet are constantly cold to the touch and freezing, it means that he has a high predisposition to influenza and influenza-like diseases. Once upon a time, our distant ancestors, who, as we know, walked in light bast shoes or barefoot, were much more seasoned from early childhood. And this is not surprising. Walking on branches, stones and other uneven soil provided a daily warming massage for the soles and was an excellent hardening procedure. Unfortunately, in many respects this is now a thing of the past. Meanwhile, walking barefoot is a kind of secants of acupressure and, as already noted, hardening, since the feet also have a representation of the whole organism and there is also a hardening zone. That is why every opportunity for a child to run barefoot is an extra step towards health. And it is not at all necessary that the child spend a lot of time barefoot. Everyday you can massage your feet on a rolling pin or a round stick, that is, have your child roll them with his soles for several minutes a day. It’s also a good idea to purchase special rubber foot massage mats. The child can walk on this rug or stand, stepping from foot to foot. In general, do not waste time on acupressure. It will strengthen your child’s health, raise his vitality, and strengthen his body. We advise you to do these too. We guarantee you won’t have any regrets.
The birth of a child is in your hands

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“The health of the child is in your hands”

Conducted by a teacher

Isaeva D.V.

Preschool educational institution No. 4 "Gnome"

Menzelinsk 2011

Kindergarten is an important stage in the life of every little person. But you need to understand that every preschool institution is, first of all, an aggressive viral-microbial environment with a constant update frequency. Therefore, it is not surprising that every child who finds himself in this environment is under constant threat of infectious diseases and colds.

Unfortunately, some irresponsible parents take their children to kindergarten, not paying attention to the constant runny nose, and sometimes even cough and other symptoms of an incipient illness. However, not all infectious diseases at the first stage have noticeable symptoms, and some children may not even get sick themselves, but are carriers of one or another infection. Therefore, even an ordinary playground is already a place where germs accumulate, let alone the confined spaces of kindergarten groups.

Many pediatricians believe that it is necessary to send a child to kindergarten at 3 months, when he is not yet accustomed to anything, or already at 4.5 years, when the baby’s own immunity is strong enough and can withstand the new environment around him. It is unlikely that even one mother will dare to send a child to a nursery at the age of 3 months, and we practically do not have such nurseries, but by the age of 4.5 years, as a rule, all “maternity” mothers have already had to work for the good of society for a year and a half, and not sit at home, indulging in caring for your child.

In this regard, the question arises, how to prepare your child and his immunity for kindergarten? How to avoid constant illness and frequent sick leave? And how to come to a common denominator called “healthy child” through the basic principle of conscious motherhood - “do no harm”?

1. 2 days in the garden - 3 weeks at home?

Ask mothers whose children are already in kindergarten, most of them are familiar with the “2 days in kindergarten - 3 weeks on sick leave” scheme. Many will even tell you that before kindergarten their children had never been sick with anything, but then they went to kindergarten and that’s all - constant sores, cough, runny nose, medicines...

As practice shows, it is constant illness that sometimes becomes the main reason why mothers “mature” to such procedures as dousing and hardening, which, as they say, were not attempted before. Well, since any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, it is more advisable to start preparing for the garden before visiting it, and not when the whole family has suffered, gotten sick and been in hospitals.

So, if you want your child to quickly and painlessly settle into a preschool without getting sick or suffering, listen to our advice and follow these simple rules...

2. Trust, but verify!

Despite the fact that your child looks healthy and vigorous, before going to kindergarten you need to undergo a medical examination. First of all, you yourself need this so that you don’t bite your elbows later because you didn’t recognize this or that disease in time. And secondly, this is a simple rule of human behavior in a team - if you yourself are sick, do not infect others.

So, go to all the required doctors (more specifically, they will tell you about this at your local clinic), get all the required vaccinations (unless, of course, you decide to refuse them) and then, with a clear conscience, go “surrender” to the kindergarten .

3. Balanced nutrition is the basis of a child’s health

It's no secret that the basis of a healthy lifestyle not only for adults, but also for children is a high-quality, varied and balanced diet. So organize your child’s nutrition from the very first days of his life so that his daily menu includes different groups of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and microelements.

Nutritionists believe that it is best to use “native” products in the menu, i.e. raised in the area where the child was born. For example, for us, residents of the middle zone, black currants are a more useful product rich in vitamin C than southern oranges.

The human body consists of 80% water, so every person should consume at least a small amount of it per day. Unfortunately, we often forget about water, especially when it comes to children: we replace it with sweet juices, compotes and teas. Of course, this replenishes fluid reserves in the body, but the quality of these reserves leaves much to be desired.

4. If you want to be healthy, toughen up!

Since Soviet times, we have all been well aware of the magical formula for absolute happiness: “if you want to be healthy, toughen up!”
Indeed, statistics say that among hardened children there are many times fewer sick people. However, this path is not for the faint of heart. Few mothers would dare to pour ice water on their child. It just so happens that we all - homo sapiens - have the incredible ability to “kill” with our love. Worried about the baby's health, we put an extra pair of tights on the child instead of dousing him with a jug of cold water in the morning, and we achieve the opposite effect: we get excess heat, as a result of which the child sweats and is even more likely to catch a cold. Everything is good in moderation, so hardening also requires a systematic approach, otherwise there is a risk of achieving the opposite effect.

So, there are several principles by following which you can strengthen your baby, providing invaluable support to his fragile immune system:

* the main rule for mom: not to be afraid of anything and believe in success;

* you need to start hardening as early as possible, but NEVER TOO LATE;

* all procedures must be carried out systematically (every day or every other day - as you decide);

* everything needs to be done gradually, so you shouldn’t immediately pour ice water on the child, it’s better to start with the body’s prescribed temperature of 36 degrees, lowering the temperature by 1-2 degrees in 3-4 days (note that in this case everything is individual and possible for the child it will take longer to get used to the new temperature);

* everything needs to be done during the game, in a good mood and with a smile - tears and hysterics are excluded, it is better to postpone the procedure for several days until the baby is forgotten;

* avoid hypothermia, everything must be done quickly - poured, rubbed, dressed;

* avoid overheating;

* do not start hardening if the child is not healthy;

* before starting the procedures, the child’s hands and, most importantly, feet should be warm.

With the help of these simple rules, many children stopped getting sick not only from colds, but also began to tolerate infectious diseases and constant stress more easily.

Remember that not only his health is important for a child, but also the health of his parents, otherwise, who will take care of him if not you? So the best way is to toughen up with the whole family.

And by the way, if you combine water procedures with massage and exercise, then there is no better way to protect your baby’s health. However, before starting any procedures, it would be useful to consult with a pediatrician.

5. Insurance policy for immunity

children's immunity hardening nutrition

In addition, there are many medicinal ways to support children's fragile immunity - from immunomodulators to physiotherapy. But you shouldn’t use them yourself; first you need to consult a pediatrician, or even better, an immunologist. After all, it is known that most immunomodulators, for example, when used continuously, inhibit the natural functions of the immune system.
However, there are other little tricks that do not require the intervention of doctors. One of these tricks is to rinse the child’s nasopharynx after returning from kindergarten. For washing, use a weak (0.85-1%) solution of table salt or special preparations based on sea salts, sold in pharmacies. After rinsing, you can lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment. In addition, you should remember to wash your hands with soap after walking and before eating and, if possible, avoid public transport and other places where germs accumulate.

6.Natural immunomodulators

And finally, I would like to say a few words about natural immunomodulators, the regular use of which in food will help maintain children's immunity in good shape. These include rosehip syrup, honey and so-called “cold” jam - fresh berries mashed with sugar.

Rosehip is an irreplaceable source of vitamin C, especially in the winter season.

Honey has been used in medical practice for a long time as a healing, soothing, relieving irritation, dry skin and a substance that stimulates the production of endorphins. However, do not forget about its strong allergenic properties.

“Cold” jam, prepared in the summer, is also a source of various vitamins; it can be added to tea instead of regular sugar. It turns out no less tasty and even more healthy.

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    The nature of the child’s interaction with the external environment, existing dangers for the growing organism and methods of avoiding them. The role of heredity in the development of reactivity and adaptation. Environmental factors affecting the child’s body.

    test, added 02/12/2010

    The importance of toxicosis, fatigue and mental imbalance of expectant mothers on the development of the child. The need for comprehensive preparation of pregnant women for childbirth. The influence of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction) on children's health.

    abstract, added 01/22/2013

    Distinctive features and characteristics of a child from an adult in the field of biochemical processes and functions of the body as a whole and individual organs. The main stages of a child’s life, patterns of his growth. Age periods and their general characteristics.

    test, added 06/19/2014

    Nervous system of a child. Periods of development of the thymus gland. Morphological and physiological features of the skin of a newborn and infant. Reorganization of the child’s body activity at birth. Indicators of mental development of a child.

    abstract, added 06/23/2010

    Physical culture of the first year of a child’s life: gymnastics, special types of gymnastics for babies, dynamic gymnastics, football. Basic massage techniques. Basic methods of hardening children in the first year of life: air hardening.

    abstract, added 03/04/2003

    Stages of child development by month to year. Baby's crying and its causes. Diseases of the infant's gastrointestinal tract. Breastfeeding a baby. Treatment of the umbilical wound of a newborn. Features of caring for the skin and different parts of the body of a newborn.

    abstract, added 11/12/2011

    The concept of hardening a young child as developing his ability to withstand cold, training the child’s adaptive mechanisms and increasing his resistance to stress. Hardening methods: air, water, sun, walking barefoot.

    abstract, added 12/12/2010

    The role and importance of proper nutrition for a child. Physiological and hygienic foundations of children's nutrition. Criteria for proper feeding of a child during the first year of life. Distribution of the diet of preschool children and schoolchildren.

    presentation, added 04/03/2016

    Patterns of physical development of the child’s body. Features of improving the functions of various organs of the child’s body. Patterns of mental development of preschool children. Ontogenesis of motor skills in different age periods.

    abstract, added 12/26/2009

    Basic principles of child nutrition. The energy "capacity" of food, measured in calories. Mineral salts and trace elements. The most important substances for the child’s body and their daily intake for children 3 and 7 years old. Catering, sample menu.

Workshop for parents of preschool educational institutions “Children’s health is in your hands”

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Target: To develop a sense of collectivism, a sense of unity, cohesion, to form in parents responsibility for the health of their children and for their own health, with motivation for a healthy lifestyle.
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Educator: Good evening, dear parents! We are very pleased that you took the time and responded to our invitation.
Caring for the health of children and adults has become a priority all over the world. This is understandable, since any country needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy individuals.
Caring for raising a healthy child is a priority in the work of our preschool institution. A healthy and developed child has good body resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, and is socially and physiologically adapted.
In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.
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Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in improving the health of both ourselves and our children. “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in infancy” (Clause 1 of Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).
Unfortunately, due to the developed cultural level of our society, health is not yet in first place among human needs. Therefore, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for their child, since they often abuse smoking and alcohol, prefer hours of watching TV shows and videos, hardening, physical education, and walks in the fresh air. Often, parents have little idea of ​​how necessary it is to introduce their child to a healthy lifestyle.
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We conducted a survey “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in the family”
20 people took part in the study - parents of the “Bees” group
and so the results of the survey.........
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Monitoring of physical development, as well as analysis of the morbidity of children in our preschool institution, led to the conclusion that it is necessary to review the content and methods of physical education, improve its quality, and use new forms and methods of improving children's health.
We are convinced that it is necessary to intensify work with parents, since not a single healthy lifestyle skill can be developed without a family. It is impossible to raise a child with words, without personal example.
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We have identified the main directions of work:
Firstly, creating conditions for the development and health of the child. The kindergarten has areas equipped with modern equipment for outdoor activities. Group rooms are equipped with physical training corners.
Secondly, the development of new forms of close interaction with parents.
We have roughly divided our work with parents into three parts. The first part includes an analysis of needs, life principles, competence, and culture.
The methods used were generally accepted (questionnaires, conversation). It should be noted that we did not use the anonymous survey method at parent meetings, but considered each family separately.
The second part includes involving parents in joint physical education and health activities and increasing their competence in raising a healthy and physically developed personality, as well as the role of the influence of a positive example from adults.
The third part is the active participation of parents in physical education and health activities.
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"Hello". - This word is one of the first for both you and me. You heard it immediately, as soon as you began to live and talk. There is not a day that a person does not say it. I woke up, opened my eyes: “Hello!” This is how the day begins on earth. "Hello!". It seems at first glance how simple and ordinary a word it is. And how sunny it is! And how much joy and light it carries in itself! It has everything: warmth, meetings, a handshake from friends, and wishes for health.
Just one hello! - and there are smiles on their faces, and the conversation is more friendly. (according to Tsvetaev).
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The word "Hello" is very old. It is connected with the Word "tree". Once upon a time, people, saying the word “hello,” wished others to be healthy, strong, and mighty like an oak tree. And now, when we pronounce this Word, we wish the person to be healthy, strong, strong.
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“Healthy” kids video
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So what is HEALTH?
"What is health?"
I propose to hang your answers on this tree - “oak” in the form of leaves
- Health is strength and intelligence,
- Health is a mood.
- Health is beauty.
- Health is a wealth that cannot be bought or sold
- Health is happiness
- Health - laughter
- health is an emotional state
- health is something that needs to be protected

Health - us and nature
- health - friendly family
- health -
- health
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What should you do to be healthy?
Your answers are also posted on the Oak.
- monitor your physical condition,
-do not self-medicate,
- eat right,
- monitor the condition of your teeth,
- transfer activities,
- sleep at least 7-8 hours a day,
- engage in sports or exercise,
- harden your body (aromatherapy, herbal medicine, color therapy+),
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And now, from your answers with which this mighty “Oak” is decorated, we will try to formulate and summarize the “Code of Health” (Read it yourself on pieces of paper)
1. Remember: Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing!
2. Health is needed not only for you, but also for the people you are obliged to help and protect.
3. Health is not only physical strength, but also mental balance.
4. Health is your ability to satisfy your needs within reasonable limits.
5. Health is the physical and hygienic culture of our body: there is nothing more beautiful than the human body.
6. Health is a person’s mental culture: kindness, hope, faith and love for those around you.
7. Health is the social culture of a person, the culture of human relations.
8. Health is love and respect for nature: nature is not brother or sister, but the father and mother of humanity.
9. Health is the style and image of your life, the source of health and the source of all disasters, it depends on you and your lifestyle.
10. If you want to be healthy, make friends with physical education, clean air and healthy food.
11. Remember: the sun is our friend and we are all children of the sun, but don’t joke with its rays: tanning should not become burning in the sun.
12. Periodically walk barefoot on the ground - the ground gives us strength and removes excess electricity from the body.
13. Learn to breathe correctly - calmly, shallowly and evenly.
14. Family is our support and our happiness: do things in the family so that each family member feels needed and dependent on each other.
15. Love our land - mother and nurse, treat it with care and all living things to which it gave life. If you want to live, love life!
16. Health is our capital. It can be increased, it can be spoiled - if you want to be healthy - be it!
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Agree, it’s nice to feel healthy, cheerful and cheerful! After all, as the ancient Greeks said: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”
The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about health.
Finish the proverb, saying
Those who love sports are healthy and cheerful.
The disease will not catch up with the quick and clever.
Time for business, fun, time.
Health is fine - thanks to exercise.
If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy, take care.
- Health is more valuable than wealth.
- Onions and garlic are siblings.
- Greens on the table - health for a hundred years.
- A hundred diseases enter through the mouth.
- No one will take care of you better than yourself.
"Health is more valuable than gold"
"No amount of money can buy health."
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As you said earlier and + a forced static posture, mental work leads to fatigue and reduces the level of performance." Due to the limited range of movements, the mobility of the shoulder, hip, and ankle joints decreases, and the supply of oxygen to the internal organs to the brain is disrupted.
In order to avoid these negative phenomena, it is necessary to learn to alternate mental stress with physical work, that is, with active rest. Such small forms of active recreation include physical education minutes and physical education breaks.
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Video of children
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The connection between voice and health was established in ancient times. The minute you laugh, nerve impulses are sent from the “laughter zone.” These signals cause the brain to produce pleasure substances. A minute of laughter prolongs life. I would like to extend my life and yours by offering to complete the task
Who knows and will tell jokes.
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One of the formulas for health is emotional state. I suggest walking around the room and choosing from the palette of colors the color that matches your mood. Calm music sounds. (All over the hall, on the floor, there are geometric shapes of eight colors).
J. Vienot states: “Color is capable of anything. It can give birth to light, calm or excitement. It can create harmony or cause shock; you can expect miracles from it, but it can also cause disaster.” What is said is very true. After all, colors affect the human body, its nervous system and the sphere of emotions. They are divided into biologically active, which have a stimulating effect on the body; red, orange, yellow and biologically passive, inhibitory effects on the nervous system - blue, cyan, violet.
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According to studies by a number of authors, the physiological effects of flowers can be reduced to the following:
Red - penetrating, increases muscle tension, and therefore blood pressure and breathing rhythm. Stimulates the brain, activates all body functions. The color of life and action.
Orange is both warming and stimulating, but can in different cases both calm and irritate. This color improves digestion and accelerates blood pulsation.
Yellow is a tonic, promotes muscular activity, stimulates vision, and therefore the nerves. Calms an overly excited state, stimulates the brain, activates mental work. The color of good mood and fun.
Green - reduces blood pressure and dilates capillaries. Soothes and relieves neuralgia and migraines. Awakens patience in a person, increases motor-muscular performance for a long time; the main symbol of Muslim paradise.
Blue - reduces muscle tension and blood pressure, calms the pulse and reduces the rhythm of breathing. It is the most soothing, causing a feeling of freshness.
Blue - the calming effect turns into a depressant, helps to inhibit the functions of the physiological systems of the body.
Violet - combines the effect of red and blue colors, has a depressing effect on the nervous system, affects the heart, lungs and blood vessels, increasing their organic endurance.
Brown - calms, causes depression and sadness, lulls, dulls emotions. To prevent brown color from causing depression, it must be used with the addition of yellow and orange.
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“Color itself expresses something - you cannot refuse it, you must use it,” believed V. Van Gogh.
Others spend their health insanely, destroying themselves.
Remember five simple cool things you have.
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Friends are those who will not leave you, will support you
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Health. Being healthy is one of the joys of life
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Parents. They may not be the most ideal parents in the world, but the fact that they love you is for sure
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Choice. Sometimes you don't notice that you have it
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And finally, the future. You can influence him
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Popular wisdom says: “Money can’t buy health.”
A healthy person does not have any pain, and that is why he feels light, strong, and beautiful.
A healthy person can do any job, so he is happy himself and can make his friends happy.
A healthy person is easy to recognize: he has a beautiful figure, a white-toothed smile, sparkling eyes, and an easy gait.
A person's health largely depends on himself. Some people take care of their health, trying to preserve this magical gift. Every day they “build” themselves, striving to become stronger, smarter, kinder.