Recognition of a family with many children is a federal law. Draft law "On the status of large families

The law provides, in particular, the introduction of a tax on small children. We are talking about the collection of fees for families with one child and childless families not for medical reasons. The project does not mention the amount of the tax.

Andrey Korotaev, head of the Laboratory for Monitoring the Risks of Socio-Political Destabilization at the Higher School of Economics, said in a commentary to Izvestiya that it is almost impossible to implement the idea of ​​a tax on small children. According to him, this will only set childless citizens against the law, and will not help increase the birth rate.

Olga Okuneva, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, said that at the moment it is “still too early and inappropriate” to introduce a tax on small families. According to her, the draft law has not been submitted to the State Duma committee, and members of the committee have not yet considered it in detail. “But my personal opinion: I don’t think it would be right now to tax those families that do not have many children, since the level of wages in our country is low,” she said. According to her, above the status large families, "Of course, it is necessary to work." “But we also need to work on those bills that will help young families who want to have a child in a more early age", - added the deputy.

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy Lyudmila Kononova, in an interview with RBC, stressed that it is important to support large families, but not at the expense of another category of citizens. “Personally, I am against the introduction of this kind of tax [on small children]. It is necessary to look for the most reasonable and effective measures to support large families, but I am convinced that this cannot be done at the expense of those families that cannot have children or have one child, ”Kononova said. The senator stressed that in the field of support for large families, "the use of any penalties is excluded." “And this tax looks like some kind of punishment. You can't even pass laws that can turn one part of society against another,” she added.

In a commentary to RBC, the head of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development, Yuri Krupnov, stressed that it is not about “taking away the last” from citizens in order to increase the well-being of large families. “Such bills do not need to be adapted to the existing economy. We need to create a different economic base for our national development. It is necessary to earn as a nation three to five times more in 10–20 years and not to take the last from citizens now, introducing a surplus appropriation in favor of large families,” he stressed.

Among other measures proposed in the bill, the establishment of monthly cash payments to families with many children, the provision of additional services to them (tour packages or subscriptions to the conservatory), as well as the inclusion of childcare activities in the general work experience.

The bill also proposes to grant families with many children the right to resettle in specialized settlements that are advanced in terms of quality of life - towns of the demographic future.
Krupnov proposed to make the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia responsible for passing the law, since in the future the law is intended to help solve the problem of labor resources and ensure the country's defense capability.

A draft law on support for large families was sent to the President

Today 6.5% Russian families- large families. At the same time, they raise almost 20% of all children in the country. In order to support them, the director of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development, Yuri Krupnov, sent a draft concept of the federal law “On the Status of Large Families” to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The document provides for equating the activities of raising children with work experience, the right to receive free land plot with communications, as well as the introduction in Russia of a tax on small children.

The draft law (available to Izvestia) forms a whole range of measures aimed at supporting large families. The document was developed jointly with the expert community. Yuri Krupnov told Izvestia that the goal of the bill is to fundamentally change and raise the status of large families (there are 1.5 million of them in Russia), which will allow solving problems in demography by 2030.

The concept of the federal law “On the Status of Large Families” was developed in pursuance of Presidential Decree No. 606 of May 7, 2012 “On Measures to Implement Demographic Policy Russian Federation". We discussed the document with associations of large families in various subjects. Everyone supported him, - said Yuri Krupnov.

According to him, it is proposed to make the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia responsible for passing the law, since in the future the law is intended to help solve the problem of labor resources and ensure the country's defense capability.

The concept of the law provides for the division of large families into three categories: the poor (supported by the state), prosperous (partially supported by the state) and wealthy. This will make it possible to differentiate support measures and make them as targeted as possible. Wherein large family the document defines it as “a complete family, with the exception of the death of one of the spouses, having three or more children (the youngest should not be under 18 years old)”.

It is proposed to establish monthly cash payments depending on the number of children: 25,000 for families with three or four children, 45,000 for families with five or seven, and 100,000 rubles for families with eight or more children.

The other part of the support is proposed to be provided in the form of specific things or services (a musical instrument, a subscription to a conservatory or a fitness club, a tour package). At the same time, childcare activities should be included in the total length of service. After all, education is no less difficult work than office work, and no less significant.

This is how the guaranteed right of a large family to receive a land plot free of charge, infrastructure equipped according to European standards, as well as a system of measures to support the construction of a house with materials, projects, and connections to networks, will be realized, - Yuri Krupnov said.

According to the president of the Association of Large Families, Elena Fominykh, improving housing conditions is a fundamental direction.

Freebies today land plots often only burdens the family. The territories are not equipped with engineering communications, and the family cannot provide them at its own expense. As a result, a person pays taxes, but does not have the opportunity to develop the land, - the expert explained.

If the family does not want to live in such a town, it is planned to compensate for the return of the mortgage loan upon the birth of the fourth and each next child- 20% credit for each.

In order to achieve these goals, a State fund support for large families - Fund for the Future. It will be formed from the funds of the federal (0.01%) and regional budgets (0.5%), deductions from the sale of raw materials (2%) and the "tax in favor of the future" (1%).

It is also proposed to introduce a special tax on small families (for the childless for other than medical reasons and for families with one child) - its size has not yet been determined.

However, Andrei Korotaev, head of the Laboratory for Monitoring the Risks of Socio-Political Destabilization at the Higher School of Economics, believes that the tax on small children will not become a popular measure and it is almost impossible to implement such an idea. According to him, this will only set childless citizens against the law, and will not help increase the birth rate.

It is better to resort to proven methods - for example, to solve housing issues. It works. It is possible to try to introduce a tax on small families only in the format of a pilot project - in one of the regions. If the results are positive, an initiative at the federal level can be considered. It is impossible to introduce such a tax all over Russia at once, - Andrey Korotaev is sure.

A special area of ​​support for large families is proposed to be the introduction of comprehensive support for fathers with many children: the establishment of the Order of Honored Father of Russia and the provision of benefits and discounts when purchasing a car.

Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights Anna Kuznetsova, commenting on this initiative to Izvestia, noted that the bills aimed at developing the system state support Institute of the family, - the most relevant and effective means to improve the demographic situation in the country. The main thing, according to her, is that the proposed measures work and provide concrete assistance to families.


In society, this idea has already caused a lot of indignation.

The tax on small families and other measures proposed to support large families in the bill "On the Status of Large Families" by the director of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development Yuri Krupnov, caused a flurry of discussions in society. The draft of this federal law sent by Krupnov to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Senator Elena Mizulina has already criticized. She called the very idea of ​​a tax on small children harmful and discriminatory to most Russians. And what do citizens with many children and "small children" themselves, representatives of various public organizations think about this bill? How, in their opinion, is it necessary to increase demographics in Russia?

At 25 there are no children, pay!

The very author of the idea to take taxes for the unwillingness to “make new people” and supply citizens to the Motherland, Yuri Krupnov, previously explained to Gazeta.Ru from whom, in fact, they will collect money for this to the state treasury: “We are talking about 0.5% of income from men and women who do not have contraindications to the birth of children after 25 years.

Also, the tax will be taken from families in which only one child is brought up. However, according to Russian law, families with two children are also considered “small”. How to be with them?

In the proposed bill, there are still many positive aspects. Thus, the authors of the draft federal law “On the Status of Large Families” propose that parents with many children count the upbringing of children in their seniority. This will allow mothers of many children, who have devoted their whole lives to raising and raising a horde of children, to receive a pension for this in the future. It is also suggested to give large right for a free land plot with communications.

Depending on the number of children in a large family, it is proposed to establish monthly cash payments: 25,000 for families with three or four children, 45,000 for families with five, and 100,000 rubles for families with eight or more children.

Where the government will take this money from, the bill does not say. Is it really "drip" from taxes on small children?

A few words in the draft federal law are also said about the most painful for Russian families - about the “housing problem”. Families with many children are offered the right to settle in specialized settlements - "cities of the future", created according to European standards. These will be cottages with land plots connected to networks.

All this is somewhat like a utopia, given that until now officials often provide large families with construction sites: in swamps, in reeds, under high-voltage transmission lines, as well as in areas contaminated with pesticides near fertilizer depots. The Free Press wrote about this earlier.

One more thing should please parents of large families: as support measures for raising talented and happy children from large families, it is proposed to give them free of charge (optional): musical instruments, tour packages, subscriptions to fitness clubs and the conservatory.

“In the USSR, the tax on childlessness did not stimulate anyone”

Mikhail Tarantsov, a well-known fighter for social justice in Volgograd, a deputy of the Volgograd Regional Duma, was skeptical about the new federal bill “On the Status of Large Families”:

In Soviet times, I remember there was a tax on childlessness, but it did not encourage anyone to have offspring, Tarantsov smiles. - There are purely medical reasons why families cannot have children at all, and there are more and more infertile couples, or they cannot have children after the birth of their first child. People already have problems, and we will also punish them with a ruble for this? If the tax on small children is not taken when providing a certificate from a doctor about infertility, then this may cause another wave of corruption and queues at medical institutions. And in general, I think there is nothing to go into private life: each person has the right to determine for himself how many children he or she wants to have. Families with children need to be supported. And not only large families. A set of measures is needed here: educational campaigns, social support measures, and material incentives to raise demographics. First of all, young families must have sufficient income to be able to have children and raise them on their feet. It is necessary to provide for measures to reduce the mortgage loan depending on the number of children. The world experience is great in this direction. We need to see what is suitable specifically for Russian conditions, and use it here.

Dad with many children: “Give me better an apartment and a minibus”

Another point of the bill under discussion is the introduction of comprehensive support for fathers with many children: the establishment of the Order of Honored Father of Russia and the provision of benefits and discounts when purchasing a car.

It’s good that I don’t face a tax on small children! - laughs the father of four children, a popular blogger and head of the "Independent Public Inspectorate" Alexey Ulyanov.- Yes, four children is a heavy burden on the family budget: children have to buy shoes, clothes, toys often. Of course, we give birth to children for ourselves, but help from the state would not hurt. I do not think that the tax on small children will solve the problem of filling the treasury. It will only set families with many children and "small" families against each other. You first raise the standard of living of the population! People do not have many children, most often not because they are childfree, but because there is simply no money to support more than two children. And the majority of Russians often have nowhere to live! Our family has a commission on land. 3 years after being born youngest child. Although we should have been given a plot of land long ago. But what do we do with land without communications? And how to build a house without funds? Why not give people apartments with at least 16 square meters per person as measures to support large families? This would already stimulate the birth rate. I also know from my own experience that families with many children have problems with transporting children: they simply cannot fit in a standard car with four child car seats. Minibuses as support measures - that would be great!

“Tax on small children is nonsense!”

Mother of six children Svetlana Dzhigaros, the head of the Volga organization of large and adopted children "Big Family" believes that the bill "On the status of large families" is "raw" and unfinished:

Of course, it's good that families with many children will have a status, and the time spent on raising children can be included in the length of service, says Dzhigaros. - But who and how will determine whether I am worthy, for example, to be considered the educator of my children? There are, after all, such families with many children, where parents are not too responsible for raising children. Will this paragraph in the law give new occasion representatives of juvenile justice to select children? The resettlement of large families in the "towns of the future" resembles an elite ghetto. I am not against cottage settlements with good infrastructure. But remember the failed experiment in Moscow with resettlement in a similar town foster families who took on the upbringing of children from orphanages. In fact, they created another large orphanage there, only in the fresh air, where the children were forced to communicate only with the recent inhabitants of other orphanages, no social adaptation. As a result, children were simply taken away from many families. I think families with many children also have the right to settle where they want, to live among those among whom they want. Childhood tax is bullshit. People simply have nothing to pay, many are on the verge of survival! It is better to focus on the provision of housing, decent benefits, minibuses, if not free, but at a reduced price, as measures to support large families. Let it be written in the law that these minibuses cannot be sold within 4 years. But a lot of people need them!

Mother of only two children, "little children" Olga Cheburakova, the head of the public organization "Volgograd parents - for the rights of children" is sure that the new bill has no chance of life in this form:

Childhood tax is discrimination! she says. - Yes, people's salaries are meager: that's what prevents them from having as many children as we want. If our family had higher incomes, I would have given birth to at least three! It would be better if they invested in free and high-quality education for children, and not only for children from large families!

Today, 6.5% of Russian families have many children. At the same time, they raise almost 20% of all children in the country. In order to support them, the director of the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development, Yuri Krupnov, sent a draft concept of the federal law “On the Status of Large Families” to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The document provides for equating the activity of raising children with work experience, the right to receive a land plot with communications free of charge, and the introduction of a tax on small families in Russia.

The draft law (available to Izvestia) forms a whole range of measures aimed at supporting large families. The document was developed jointly with the expert community. Yuri Krupnov told Izvestia that the goal of the bill is to fundamentally change and raise the status of large families (there are 1.5 million of them in Russia), which will allow solving problems in demography by 2030.

The concept of the federal law “On the Status of Large Families” was developed in pursuance of Presidential Decree No. 606 of May 7, 2012 “On Measures to Implement the Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation”. We discussed the document with associations of large families in various subjects. Everyone supported him, - said Yuri Krupnov.

According to him, it is proposed to make the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia responsible for passing the law, since in the future the law is intended to help solve the problem of labor resources and ensure the country's defense capability.

The concept of the law provides for the division of large families into three categories: the poor (supported by the state), prosperous (partially supported by the state) and wealthy. This will make it possible to differentiate support measures and make them as targeted as possible. At the same time, a large family in the document is defined as "a complete family, with the exception of the death of one of the spouses, having three or more children (the youngest should not be under 18 years old)".

Well done! Great law!

To take a tax on childlessness from both men and women.
If a woman cannot give birth, let her adopt a child from the Orphanage.
The item on the tax on small children does not require expenses at all. Efficient thing.

The most effective use of money to increase the birth rate is payments for refusing an abortion.
If you pay at least 10 tyr for a child left in an Orphanage,
then the birth rate will immediately increase by 1 million births per year.

These family allowances can be overdone.
If the payouts are good enough, then Bengalis from Bangladesh, Negroes from Nigeria and Arabs from Morocco will come to us.
The thing is necessary. We really miss here 150 million people who like to live on benefits.

In Chechnya and Dagestan, all families will begin to receive such benefits. You may not work after that.

Photo from the near future.
Residents of Bangladesh go to Russia - they learned that in Russia they began to pay big
family benefits for families with 3 or more children.