The path to success. How to Succeed in Your Career

One of the most important principles that make it possible to achieve success is self-discipline, victory over oneself, over one’s own laziness, disorganization and failures. Before you get started, you must understand one very important principle: if you don’t stop looking for freebies, you won’t get off the ground. Success is work!

But there are some ways in which you can achieve the results you want with much less effort.

Tells business coach Alexander Belanovsky.

So how can you get maximum results?

We often hear the same phrase from friends and colleagues: “You’re so lucky, but I’m unlucky, that’s why I can’t do it... no money... not enough time...”

Is this luck? Not at all! The more we work, the luckier we get. First of all, it’s working on yourself, as well as using time with maximum efficiency. Self-discipline can help you. Use your time wisely! This is the basic rule of a successful person.

Here are a few other rules that help in achieving important goals:

1. An assistant is inevitable

No matter how much you convince yourself that you are able to do all the work yourself, you will never be able to achieve results if you take on the entire pile of tasks.

Remember: if there are people whose working time is cheaper than yours, then it is best to delegate responsibilities. Especially if you are an entrepreneur or business owner. Never do routine work, give it to someone who can do it without your participation, perform routine tasks with someone else’s hands.

2. Keep a task list

When your head is a mess and your brain is literally exploding from the piled-up problems and worries, you won’t find a better assistant than paper and pen.

Write down current and future activities, relieve your brain from an overabundance of information. Then it will be much easier to structure everything, and accordingly, the process of self-discipline will be much more effective.

3. Deadlines are required!

In order to achieve a goal faster and more efficiently, you must set yourself a time limit. Only a strict deadline will allow you to clearly complete the task. You shouldn't go to bed if you have a deadline. Don't let yourself relax until the task is completed.

4. How well do you prioritize?

In life and business, much depends on the sequence of actions with which you move towards your intended goal. If you don’t take important steps on time, you risk not getting another chance to achieve your plans, missing out on opportunities, benefits, or even worse, money.

Therefore, sit down and think about which matters at this stage you need to solve first, and which ones can wait.

5. Don't be distracted from important matters

If you are moving towards your intended goal, then do not be distracted by nonsense. Give yourself the mindset that you don’t have time to talk on the phone, hang out on social media, or sit on the couch in front of the TV. Avoiding distractions is the main key to self-discipline.

6. Make promises publicly!

In combination with rule No. 3, the result will generally be almost lightning fast. Of course, there is a possibility of creating a stressful situation, but it is stress that will help you work even more efficiently. A public promise is the strongest motivator for completing assigned tasks and meeting deadlines.

7. Order on the table - order in the head

By periodically clearing your workplace of rubble, you can reach 100 points on the self-discipline scale. Conduct an experiment and you will notice how much more productive you work when everything is in order.

So, if you have a goal that has not yet been achieved, but you really want to get to the finish line as quickly as possible, once again analyze everything you have read and immediately begin to follow the rules. Self-discipline is serious work on yourself that you need to start right now!

There is hardly a person who, at least in the depths of his soul, does not dream of career growth, because career success is a kind of springboard to a prosperous future. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in building a successful career. So what should a person who wants to achieve certain career heights have to be able to do? What qualities should he develop?

Self Confidence

Self-confidence is the first and main step on the path to success. It is important to try to let others understand that you are able to make any decisions independently, constantly monitor the work process and are always ready to answer for your words. If you start acting like a boss, you can soon become one. The most important thing is to keep working hard and not accidentally confuse confidence with arrogance.

Negotiation skills

Most often, the ability to negotiate is the only way to achieve what you want. Are you scared to negotiate because you've never done it before? But you have to start sometime! And to overcome fear, you can read an interesting book on this topic or even attend an exciting training. Any means are good for practicing such a valuable skill!

By the way, written negotiations are no less important. Therefore, it is imperative to improve your business correspondence skills. Every professional letter should be written in a way that you can be proud of!

Ability to defend your opinion

Some employees mistakenly believe that any tasks assigned to them must be unconditionally completed exactly in the form in which they were assigned, and that management’s working style must be accepted, regardless of its adequacy. However, the most important professional skill is the ability to defend your opinion, so don’t be afraid to do it.

Clear planning system

If you strive for career success, be sure to plan your day. You can make a work plan on your phone or computer, or you can use a diary or even an ordinary piece of paper. The main thing is to find the best way to deal with all the matters outlined in this plan.

In addition, it is advisable to draw up a plan in case of force majeure. For example, almost no organization is insured against bankruptcy, and if you find it difficult to answer the question of what you will do if you are left without a job, it’s time to sit down and draw up an appropriate plan. Even if you have to part with your favorite workplace, you will at least have an idea in which direction to move next.

Constant movement towards the goal

Not a single day should be wasted. You need to constantly move towards achieving your cherished goal, albeit sometimes slowly, but surely. This process must be continuous. And you shouldn’t doubt your abilities, because we often set barriers for ourselves.

Investing in yourself

You should never waste time and money on self-development and self-improvement. To always remain in demand as an employee, you need to constantly develop your skills. By the way, in this case it is not at all necessary to go for another higher education - developmental trainings and courses are also quite suitable. The main thing is not to stand still.

Portfolio of the best works

To show your level of professionalism, create a portfolio of your best work. By the way, a portfolio can include anything - photographs, sketches, complex reports that you managed to successfully handle, or even plans for marketing research and companies you have conducted. A portfolio is the best way to show management exactly what you are capable of.

Presentable appearance

Presentable appearance is another important factor that determines career success, especially if a woman is building her career.

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Calmly accepting objections and comments

In order to achieve career heights, it is extremely important to learn to calmly accept any objections and comments. Sometimes it can even be useful to find out exactly where you are not meeting the expectations of others - this will help you develop and improve further. If you take every remark to heart, self-esteem will begin to fall, and career opportunities will be postponed indefinitely. That is why you need to try to perceive all comments adequately and professionally.

Ability to cope with stress

It is very important to deal with any stress in a timely manner, otherwise stress can begin to control you, gradually destroying your life and nullifying all past successes. This is why you need to try to “nip” stress in the bud. If you can’t cope with it yourself, be sure to contact a specialist.

The ability to say “no”

As practice shows, many people do not know how to say “no”. However, for further professional growth such a skill is extremely necessary. However, it is equally important for career growth and mental health. If you need to insist on your own, feel free to say “no” and do not follow anyone’s lead.

Delegation of authority

No one can ever do absolutely everything. And this, in principle, is quite normal. But how to cope with unrealistic volumes of work? The answer is simple: you need to be able to delegate authority. For example, do the most important things yourself, and delegate current routine tasks to interns or less busy colleagues.

Complete renunciation of hatred and envy

There is absolutely no point in wasting your time on these negative feelings. There have always been and always will be more successful people. Being angry at others can leave you without a long-awaited promotion, so it’s better to direct your energy in the right direction.

Praise for your own victories

You should definitely praise yourself for your victories, even if they are insignificant. If you exceeded the plan, stayed late after work to submit an important report, or did some work better than anyone else, it’s time to praise yourself from the bottom of your heart! Just don’t take credit for other people’s merits, so as not to be captured by delusions of grandeur.

Selecting a developing area

If you have the desire to move forward and show your best side, it is important to try to pay attention to the industry that will allow you to realize all these plans. A field without a future and without clear prospects is not the best start for a brilliant career.

To determine your calling and choose a suitable place of work, it doesn’t hurt to take the advice of astrologers - they will help you understand whether you have decided to move in the right direction. Remember: career planning in accordance with your personal horoscope is another important component of success, and here the women's magazine “” with its various horoscopes can help you.

You need to clearly define for yourself what exactly you plan to achieve, and act in this direction. Only in this case will the result not only meet all your expectations, but can also exceed them many times over!

How to achieve success in your career

Many of us dream of dizzying career. The imagination pictures a separate office overlooking a cloudless sky, a company car, perhaps without flashing lights, but with a personal driver, an attentive secretary and “thirty-five thousand couriers alone.” Beauty! But just how to achieve all this? What qualities will allow you to achieve success and beat your competitors?

1. Determination.

Careerists do not waste their time on empty dreams. They strive to make their dream come true. For a fairy tale to become reality, it is necessary set a goal and think about ways to implement it. And at the same time soberly assess your own capabilities. You also need to outline the path to achieve your goal, imagine the route along which you will move towards your dream. And start taking action.

2. Planning your future.

Careerists are constantly working for their own future in order to meet it fully armed. They strive to prove that they are worthy of a higher position than the one they currently occupy. And they are not shy to demonstrate this to others - both in appearance, and knowledge, and ambitions. If for a higher position for which a person seeking to achieve career success is applying, he will need expand professional opportunities, he will acquire the necessary skills: take advanced training courses, learn a foreign language, and master a related field in the profession. Thus, in the present, the careerist lays the foundation for his future. Therefore, he is always ready to do more than is required of him.

3. Self-discipline.

In order to do more and get everything done, you need discipline. If you don’t have the habit of working regularly, day after day, you will have to develop it. Of course, it will be difficult to get used to the fact that life goes according to schedule. Not everyone can tolerate a busy schedule and orderly activities. Therefore, in order to avoid breakdowns, you need to rest. On vacation and on weekends, of course, we are free to do whatever we want: sleep, walk and have fun. The opportunity to relax restores strength. Such pauses are necessary, but they should not be too long, otherwise returning to life according to a strict routine will be unbearable.

4. Caring for people.

If you want to succeed in your career, you need to learn take care not only about yourself, but also about other people. A high position requires the ability to work with people and be responsible for them. In order for a leader to effectively manage his subordinates, he must have their trust. People support those who are attentive to them and who help solve their problems. When you care about people, you shouldn’t expect immediate returns; this is a long-term investment.

It seems that fans of psychological extreme sports will be disappointed; the actions of real careerists have little in common with fights without rules and walking over the heads of their colleagues. A good career is built, not conquered. Therefore, we will have to strengthen, and not destroy, create, and not destroy.

What makes a successful woman? She does not have to have her own business; she can be married or remain single. A successful woman is a happy woman. She knows what she is striving for and goes towards her goals. How to become one of these ladies? Let's reveal the secrets of successful women.

Obstacles to success

First of all, you need to understand what is stopping you from achieving your goals. Most often it is fear and indecision. Many girls and women are familiar with the fear of showing strength, perseverance and perseverance. This is caused by the peculiarities of upbringing and socialization, which often impose on girls a passive and driven role.

The main limiting factors to development are stereotypes and comparisons. Getting rid of imposed ideals is the first step to success. Getting married, having several children and standing at the stove is no longer the standard of female happiness. You should also be careful with comparisons. There is no need to look for enviable traits in friends or acquaintances, and especially not to listen to those who give you examples of “exemplary” women, in their opinion.

Before becoming successful, it is important to remember that every girl is unique. Only by accepting yourself for who you are will you be able to step over your fears and complexes and move on.

What should a successful woman be like?

Not everyone has the traits necessary to achieve success, but everyone can develop them. The following qualities will help you achieve anything:

  • Lack of fear of making mistakes and the ability to act decisively.
  • The ability to accept your failures and move on.
  • The ability to think and evaluate oneself soberly is adequate self-esteem.
  • Understanding the world around you and other people. Trying to change the world or change someone is the wrong path.
  • Independence and self-sufficiency. A successful girl is financially independent and feels comfortable alone.
  • Confidence in yourself and your abilities. If you don't believe in yourself, no one will.
  • Free thinking, receptiveness to everything new, desire to learn more.

Only by forming all these qualities in yourself can you count on successful development and achievement of your goals.

The main secrets of a successful girl

To find out how successful women became successful, it is important to understand the main thing: success and success are not the same thing. Success is an opportunity to evaluate the results of your activities and feel satisfaction. Every self-confident woman can achieve this. However, confidence should not be confused with inflated self-esteem. Only by assessing real achievements and their value can you understand how to proceed.

Important components

In addition to the basic qualities that will help in life, there are three more important traits that are part of the secrets of successful women. These can be called the keys to success:

  • The ability to leave the past behind.
  • Ability to take risks.
  • Constant self-improvement.

Until recently, it was believed that taking responsibility was a male prerogative. But if you want to become the master of your life, you must also learn to be responsible in everything - actions, words and decisions. Often success is hampered by irrationality and impulsiveness in relationships with people, be it personal or business relationships. All decisions must be made carefully.

A little masculine qualities

Another important quality is the ability to combine family and career. We must not forget about loved ones and push them into the background. This is the golden rule for every woman who wants to be successful not only in her career, but also in her personal life. It is not necessary to make a choice, the main thing is to organize your time correctly and set priorities.

Having your own opinion is a must-have trait for successful women in business. There is a difference between blind stubbornness and the ability to go against the grain when necessary. At the same time, it is important to hear not only your own voice, but also listen to the opinions of other people.

Appearance is important

Taking care of your appearance is also an important factor in achieving success. Even with the busiest schedule, it is important to find time for self-care. You cannot allow yourself to walk around at home in a dirty robe or go out with a dirty head. It is also important to reconsider your views on your wardrobe. It is not necessary to always dress in a strict formal style. But if you want to be taken seriously, you need to decide what impression you are going to create about yourself. A successful lady must look impeccable, from her hairstyle to her manicure and selection of accessories.

Image of a successful woman

The image should be discussed separately. Everyone knows that people are greeted by their clothes. The image of a successful woman is a business card that will allow others to form an impression of you. That is why you should pay attention not only to internal, but also to external improvement. You shouldn't imitate men. If you want to compete with them, it is important to look feminine and stylish. There are several simple rules for this:

  • Identify your weaknesses and strengths. Any clothing should hide the former and emphasize the latter. If you have a heavy build or problems with excess weight, you should avoid tight-fitting clothes. It is important to maintain femininity, but not to look provocative. Skirts are preferred, but their length should not exceed the knee. Clothes should not seem frivolous.
  • To create a good wardrobe, it is important to select things that will match not just one set, but many. It is worth paying attention to color combinations. Remember that black doesn't suit everyone. There are many other shades suitable for business style.
  • In terms of colors, you can opt for dark blue, gray, beige. Brighter colors can be used, but in moderation.
  • An important detail is the choice of jewelry. They should not be too bright or pretentious. Laconicism and classic style are the best choice for a successful lady.

Role models

How did successful women become successful? If previously girls could compete for the title of the most beautiful, today they are increasingly compiling lists of successful young ladies. It is the heroines of such lists that can become role models and tell the secrets of successful women. Among them are:

  • Hillary Clinton. Straightforward and purposeful, this female politician is considered one of the most influential in the world. She can serve as an example of how even a public scandal does not stop you on the path to success. Hard work and work on one's image made the public forget the story associated with ex-husband and former US President Bill Clinton. Even losing the recent presidential election does not stop Clinton from continuing to work on her career in politics.
  • JK Rowling. A true example that success can be achieved at any age and in any position. This writer is known throughout the world as a housewife who became a millionaire. She was rejected by twelve different publishing houses, but did not stop. Thanks to this woman, the world acquired the most popular fairy tale of our time - the inspiring story about the wizard Harry Potter. Millions of fans around the world might never have known her if Rowling had broken down after her fifth or tenth rejection. Joan’s personal life is also great, which once again proves that success can be achieved in any area.
  • Jennifer Aniston. A real example of a successful woman in the world of cinema. The world-famous actress and Hollywood diva did not immediately become famous. In her youth, she worked as a courier, a waitress, and did not give up her dream of acting in films. Today Jennifer is known and loved by the whole world, and at the end of last year she entered the top of the highest paid actresses.

Success should not be confused with luck. This is not luck or a gift, but the result of constant work. If you want to learn how to become successful, use our tips:

  • Stay open and sincere.
  • Know how to insist on your own and refuse, but do not forget about the ability to forgive.
  • Don't let mistakes lead you astray; successful businesswomen learn a lesson and move on.
  • Define exactly what you want. Set goals in stages: when you achieve one, start moving towards the next.
  • Raise the bar - surround yourself with the same people, purposeful and smart.
  • Consistency in deeds and actions is one of the most important rules.

The modern world is much more favorable to women's success than in the time of our parents. By following all the tips and rules given here, you can find your secrets of successful women and achieve anything. The main thing is not to stop and not give up.

I have been working for one of the largest consulting companies in the country for the eleventh year. When I started my career as a sales specialist, managers in almost all positions were men. Now – about 50% are women, and in some departments even more. How can a woman build her career? I hope that I can give some useful advice to girls and women who want career advancement, but do not yet know how to do it and what will help them withstand competition with men.

Despite the fact that we will be talking specifically about career growth for women, I am absolutely sure that the basic laws of career are the same for everyone.

When interviewing at a company, ask about career opportunities. Some companies prefer to develop their own staff, while others attract external managers. The second option, of course, is not yours.

When I was looking for a job, the career issue was of little interest to me due to my young age, and already in the process of work I learned that in our company they prefer to develop managers from their employees. This allowed the young but ambitious salesperson, that is, me, to begin searching internally for a suitable management position. And my search was crowned with success: after working for a year and a half in a line position, I was appointed deputy head of the department.

Tip 2. Work in departments dedicated to the core function of the business

When a business is successful, it grows, departments grow, and new management positions appear. Or, on the contrary, a replacement for the previous leader is required in order to improve results. Units that perform a core business function are always given special attention by the owner or hired manager, and this makes it easy to be visible to decision makers.

Being a successful salesman, I attended a management training in which the founder of the company took part. This training was the first turning point in my career.

It should be noted that good managers have a wonderful habit of observing their employees during various trainings, as well as the ability to spot among them candidates for managers, future management stars. Therefore, if you happen to attend such a training, and high-ranking managers or at least one of your superiors are present, try to speak, demonstrate your ideas, and show communication skills. This is your chance! And remember: there may not be a second time to make a good impression.

Making a good impression on your superiors is good, but this is not enough to advance your career and obtain a leadership position. You must be effective (I hope you understood this axiom before reading the article). All my career achievements were clearly tied to results. At different times, these were the number of sales, the quality of service for customers, and the profitability of a business unit.

In addition to results, it is necessary to develop and demonstrate other qualities and skills that are important for a manager. For example, raising successful employees from newcomers. To do this, ask to be appointed as a mentor to a new colleague.

The first thing I do as a manager, if I see leadership potential in an employee, is appoint him as a mentor. Just recently, our young sales specialist, Anastasia, after working for about six months, was appointed head of the department. All the employees, carefully raised by her as a mentor, simply doted on her, and most importantly, showed excellent results. In addition, she was also an informal positive leader in the department - she encouraged not only her charges, but also everyone else.

A good way to advance your career is to lead and successfully implement something project. Victoria, the head of the sales unit of my business unit (the unit includes several departments), was appointed to the position after the successful implementation of two projects: working with client recommendations and internal PR. During the implementation, and, most importantly, upon completion of the projects, I was able to verify that I had the necessary qualities for a manager of this level.

By the way, my own appointment to the position of head of a business unit took place thanks to the successful implementation of a project to develop a remote office.

For your career growth to take place, invest in yourself all the time. Go to trainings and seminars, read business books, find a mentor. I try to read at least one professional book per month and attend one seminar per quarter. I understand that I’m not studying enough - I’m working on increasing the pace. There is also a mentor - the executive director of our company Timur Dergunov, author of the recently published book “The Management Formula.” In my case, the benefits of a mentor far outweigh the benefits of books and seminars.

However, this aspect is individual for everyone, so try to choose your own “magic suitcase” of learning.

And yet, in addition to those described, there are several more tools that many women needlessly neglect.

Girls, remember, even if you are in business, this does not mean that at work you should be masculine or, even worse, a creature without certain gender characteristics. This applies to both communication and behavior. Wear skirts and dresses, do not be shy to receive compliments and use the charm given to us by nature. Pay attention to your appearance and look like a million dollars. This is very important for women. Attractiveness, supported by compliments, makes every woman more confident. Use the charm given to us by nature in negotiations with clients and employees - do not be afraid to smile at your interlocutors.

However, don't go too far. Frivolous behavior at corporate events is unlikely to help advance your career. Remember the joke about the popular training “How to restore the image of a businesswoman after a corporate party.” Be careful with alcohol and dance partners. And, of course, avoid a lot of office romances: they can give you a reputation as a flighty woman.

Tip 8: Use Emotional Intelligence and Intuition

Women have better emotional intelligence than men; you can perfectly sense the emotions and moods of your employees and clients. This quality can help at all stages: from working with clients to recruiting and adapting staff. Women are much more subtle than men, in my opinion, they feel the mood of the team as a whole and of each employee individually. Intuition will tell you how to behave in a given situation, help you make the right decisions, see promising and failed projects, change your behavior pattern depending on various conditions, activities, etc. I share the view that intuition is our subconscious, accumulating past experience, emotional and rational knowledge, and prognostic vision.

Tip 9. Don’t be modest: modesty decorates, but does not advance

As children, many girls are taught to be modest, explaining that this quality adorns the fair sex. I agree, but in the case of business, you still have to believe in yourself and know your worth. From my own experience, I can say that women are more modest in their self-esteem, and as a result, they are often tormented by questions about whether they are in the right place, whether they are successfully coping with the assigned task. As a result, according to statistics, they earn less than men: many are simply afraid to ask for a natural salary increase or to participate in a competition for a higher position.

Emotions fundamentally distinguish female behavior from male behavior. We are more emotional and cannot always hold back our laughter or tears. And this is completely normal, but at work you need to keep an eye on it. Don't use tears as a manipulation tool. Society is accustomed to the fact that tears are a sign of weakness, and if you cry with or without reason, then do not count on anything other than regret.

Be natural in your behavior: don’t go overboard with coquetry and don’t pretend to be an ironclad careerist. A true woman is harmonious.

I am sure that women have more advantages in building a career, may male readers forgive me. And I wish you to use all these advantages with maximum efficiency. You will definitely succeed, I checked.