Project “Folk Toy” for the younger group. Summary of educational activities for children of the younger group

from 03/09/16 – to 03/11/2016


Over the course of the week, we will develop the ability to sculpt a beautiful duck using a Dymkovo toy, and make it look like a toy. Cultivate interest in folk toys. Continuing our acquaintance with folk toys, we will learn to see the fabulousness, festiveness of toys, and the brightness of colors. Pay attention to the nature of the drawing. Let's decorate the duck with elements of the Dymkovo pattern. Expand the child’s horizons by listening to literary works on the topic of the week, looking at pictures of the story and conducting conversations based on their content, promoting the development of independent cognitive activity.

Breathing exercises:

  1. “Admiring the toys.”

Children alternate short breaths through the nose and long exhales through the mouth. Then inhale slowly through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth with the words “a-a-ah.”

  1. “Blow, blow, blow.”

The child takes some kind of aid (flat toy) in his right hand, inhales on the count of 1-2-3, exhales on 1-2-3, blows on the toy calmly, long and smoothly.

  1. "Duck."

Take a deep breath through your nose - hold your breath. Exhale quickly through your mouth with the word “quack.”

Inhale quickly through your nose - hold your breath. Slowly exhale through the mouth “quack-a-a.”

Place your palms on your lower abdomen and exhale vigorously to the words “quack-quack-quack,” drawing in your stomach.

Invite your child to play:

“Arrange by height.”

Arrange the nesting dolls by height, thereby developing the child’s ability to classify objects by height.

Didactic game “Which hand is the toy in?”

Here we develop an interest in folk toys and develop the ability to identify the right and left hand.

Didactic game “Find a toy made of wood.”

Place several toys in front of the child, including, for example, a matryoshka doll. Offer to find a toy made of wood. In this game we develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Didactic game "The third wheel".

Show the child three toys, including a folk toy. The child must determine which toy will be superfluous here. In this game, we develop children’s ability to generalize, identify folk toys from a group, and find an extra toy. We develop memory, attention, thinking.

Didactic game “Whose bird will fly farther?”

Encourage the child to exhale for a long, continuous, directed oral exhalation. Develop speech breathing.

Also this week we will be learning a round dance game. "We nesting dolls". In this game we will develop the ability to stand in a circle, move to the music and perform movements according to the model.

Invite your child to work as craftsmen and color the Dymkovo duck. Find a duck coloring page on the Internet, print it out and color the ducks together with your child. Who has it better, discuss? Let's develop speech and interact with your child!

Directions of development and education (educational areas): social-communicative, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic development.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive, motor, productive



To consolidate children's knowledge about the Russian folk toy - Matryoshka;

Practice the ability to distinguish and name the sizes of an object - large, smaller, smallest;

To consolidate children's ideas about the concepts of “one” and “many”.


Develop children's speech and ability to answer questions;

Develop aesthetic perception, motor activity, the ability to perform movements to music.


Arouse interest in the image, a desire to decorate the nesting doll, cultivate independence, neatness, interest and love for folk toys.

Planned results: knows and names the Russian folk toy matryoshka; listens with pleasure to the teacher’s “fairy tale” about the origin of the nesting doll; participates in a conversation about the nesting doll, answers the teacher’s questions; participates in games; correctly performs movements to music; active when creating an individual composition in the drawing “Pattern for a nesting doll.”

Material and equipment: big matryoshka; paper silhouettes of nesting dolls, gouache and cotton swabs; nesting dolls for each child. Repertoire “We are funny nesting dolls.” Multimedia equipment, presentation.

Preliminary work: didactic games with nesting dolls, reading poems about nesting dolls, guessing riddles, looking at different nesting dolls, talking about nesting dolls, listening to the song “We are cheerful nesting dolls.”



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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

GCD using ICT in the second junior group “Russian folk toy - matryoshka”

Directions of development and education (educational areas): social-communicative, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic development. Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive...

MBDOU No. 52 "Rosinka"
Fedorova Olga Pavlovna

Class notes
on the topic: “Introducing children to the origins of folk culture.”

Theme: Two Matryoshkas, three Matryoshkas and another Matryoshka.
(2nd junior group)

Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the Russian folk toy - matryoshka, with the appearance, features of painting of the Semyonovskaya and Polkhov-Maidan matryoshka dolls. Pay attention to the characteristics characteristic of a particular type of artistic craft. Practice the ability to consistently assemble cut dolls, taking into account the painting. Learn to distinguish by size, develop fine motor skills of your fingers. Develop creativity and attention. To foster children's interest in folk art.

Material: sets of Semyonovsky and Polkhov-Maidansky dolls, flat cut dolls, small dolls for each child, plastic transparent doll, cereals: millet and red rice, dyed, Dunyasha - doll, old man-forest, TSO-music.

Literary range: nursery rhymes, riddles, poems.
Preliminary work: excursion to the preschool educational institution museum, acquaintance with Dunyasha, matryoshka doll; looking at albums and illustrations of the “Folk Toy”, memorizing poems about the nesting doll.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Guys, guests came to our lesson today.
- Look, who else came to visit us today? Dunyasha! (the teacher draws the children’s attention to the doll) Hello Dunyasha! (children say hello)
- Guys, Dunyasha told me that her friend wanted to come to us with her. Guess who our Dunyasha's girlfriend is?
The teacher asks a riddle:

Friends of different heights
But they look alike.
They all sit next to each other,
How about just one toy?
Children: - This is a nesting doll.
Educator: - Well done! This is a matryoshka doll. Guys, Dunyasha invites you and me to go visit the nesting dolls. Do you want it? Then we hit the road.
The path will not be close, it doesn’t matter
We have fun with music, it’s always good.
(children walk along the path to the music)
They stop at a clearing where the toy “old man forester” sits)
Educator: - Oh, guys, someone is meeting us. This is an old forest man. Hello grandpa.
-Where are we going? Visiting the nesting dolls. Guys, the old forest man doesn’t know who the nesting dolls are. Let’s tell him who they are?
Children: - This is a toy. You can play with it, admire it, take it apart and put it back together.
Educator: - Matryoshka is a special toy, it can be disassembled, in every big one lives a little one, and in every little one there lives even less. This toy delights not only children, but also adults.
Educator: - What are matryoshka dolls made of?
Children: - Made of wood, well done!
Educator: - And our children know poems about nesting dolls.
Children read poetry.

Matryoshka on the window, in a bright sundress
And the whole family is in a nesting doll, like in a wooden house.

All nesting dolls love colorful clothes.
They are always painted amazingly, very brightly and beautifully.

They are noble toys, foldable and well made.
Matryoshka dolls are famous everywhere, we really like them.

Educator: - Well done! It's time for us to continue on our journey. Goodbye old forest man. (they walk to the music and stop in another clearing)
Educator: - Who is it that meets you and me in the clearing? Yes, these are nesting dolls. We will now sit down and look at them carefully. (There are two large nesting dolls: Semyonovskaya and Polkhov-Maidanskaya)
-Guys, this is the Semyonovskaya matryoshka doll. (showing a nesting doll) She has a bright colorful apron, which is decorated with lush bouquets of crimson roses with green leaves and grass. On the head there is a yellow scarf with a small pattern.
- Oh, this is the Polkhov-Maidan doll. (showing a matryoshka doll) Its shape is more elongated and slender. Primary colors: purple, scarlet, blue, yellow. The pattern on the sundress is beautiful flowers.
-Tell me, are the nesting dolls different from each other? Children: (by shape, color, painting. And they have different names. One nesting doll is Semyonovskaya, and the other is Polkhov-Maidanskaya.)
-Well done! Dolls are wondering where we are going?
-They will take us to their clearing, but first you and I need to collect a portrait of the nesting dolls. (children collect photos of nesting dolls from parts)
-Well done! The nesting dolls are happy, you have assembled everything correctly. They say "Thank you" to you.
- And now we will rest.

Physical education minute.

Friendly nesting dolls clap their hands. (clap)
Matryoshka dolls are stomping on the boots. (stomp)
Lean left, right, (tilt left, right)
Bow to everyone you know. (children bow)
Naughty girls painted dolls (spin)
In bright, colorful sundresses. (squats)
You look like sisters. (shakes head)
Okay, okay. Funny nesting dolls. (clap)
(Children walk to the music and stop in a clearing near the house)
- Look, guys, the house is standing, who lives in it? (matryoshka dolls ride out on the platform to the music)
-You and I are being greeted. Who is this? Matryoshka dolls, all beautiful and elegant.
-Take one nesting doll at a time, look at the pattern, colors (children take one nesting doll at a time, sit down and look at them)
-Have you considered it? And now the big nesting dolls are calling their little sisters. (on two small tables there are two large ones: Semyonovskaya and Polkhov-Maidanskaya nesting dolls, children put their nesting dolls: Semyonovskaya on the table, where Semyonovskaya is, Polkhov-Maidanskaya on the table, where Polkhov-Maidanskie and sit on chairs)
-Look, did you place them correctly? And now, come and collect the Semyonovsky nesting dolls, and you collect the Polkhov-Maidan nesting dolls. (the teacher invites the children to fold the nesting dolls according to size into one large one, the children fold and only two large dolls remain on the tables)

The mouse was met by girlfriends
And they hid in each other,
And which one remained
I was scared the most.

-Well done! Guys, what could a matryoshka be like? (the teacher shows a plastic transparent matryoshka doll)
-You and I will decorate the matryoshka doll together. I have millet and red, dyed rice. We will make a red skirt for our nesting doll (1 child puts red, dyed rice on the bottom), and we will make a yellow jacket (the 2nd child puts millet on top). This is what an elegant nesting doll we got.
- Guys, the nesting dolls thank you for knowing so much about them that you were able to collect photos of the nesting dolls. And as a gift they want to give you their little sisters. (the teacher gives each child a small matryoshka doll)

Topic: Getting to know Dunyasha's costume.
(2nd junior group)

Goal: to introduce children to Russian folk costume. Continue getting to know the doll Dunyasha. Teach children to choose from a variety of clothes what belongs to Russian folk costume. Through names, bring children to the understanding that people of different nationalities live nearby. Each nation has its own poems, fairy tales, songs, and costumes. Clarify with the children that best gift to each other is a smile. Develop emotional responsiveness. Continue to teach children to alternate geometric shapes to create a pattern on a strip. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to help.

Material: Dunyasha doll, set (Russian folk costume) for flannelograph, box with slots, illustrations for fairy tales, sundress, decorations for sundress in the form geometric shapes(red - circle, yellow - square) for each child, game “Assemble a costume”, audio cassette with Russian folk music.

Preliminary work: excursion to the Museum of Folk Antiquities of the Preschool Educational Institution, meeting Russians folk nursery rhymes, memorizing the nursery rhyme “Grow your braid to your waist.”

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, I can see from your eyes and smiles what you have today good mood. Do you want me to guess why? Because you came in kindergarten and here your friends met you. Did you guess right?
Children: - Yes.
Educator: - Who are friends? How many friends can there be? Are you guys friendly?
-Well done! Look what I have in my hands? (voice shows a box with slots in which the picture is visible)
-This is a box. Some friend, do you know whose box this is?
- That’s right, this is Dunyasha’s box, and a fairy tale is hidden in it. What kind of fairy tale do you think this is? (children look at the picture through the slits)
-Well done! This is the fairy tale "Spikelet". This is a Ukrainian folk tale. What kind of Russians are they? folk tales You know? Why is the fairy tale called a folk tale?
-That's right, because it was invented by the people. Tell me, who told us the fairy tale “Spikelet”? Whose favorite fairy tale is this?
-Yes, Dunyasha told us this fairy tale when she came to visit us. What do you think, if Dunyasha’s box is here, then where is Dunyasha herself? Should we call her? (knock on the door, the teacher brings the doll to Dunyasha)
- Hello Dunyasha. We are very glad to see you.
-Guys, Dunya is also very happy to see us all. She liked it so much that she decided to come and visit us today. So that Dunya remembers our names, we will all play the game “What is your name?” (children stand in a circle, but do not hold hands)
-I, Olga Pavlovna. I'm Russian. (he takes the hand of the child standing next to him. Children take turns saying their name and nationality, join hands, the last one takes Dunyashi, a circle is formed)
-We each have different names and they are all very beautiful. We also differ from each other in that we are of different nationalities, but we are all friends together. We hold hands and the warmth from our hands is transferred to each other, warming us. Now look at each other, smile. Our group became warm, light and joyful.
-Sit down on the chairs. Dunyasha brought us something interesting. This is a book, maybe it contains fairy tales? (Voice shows the book “Russian Folk Costume”)
-This book tells about Dunyasha’s clothes (the leader shows the book to the children). Dunya, since she is Russian, has a Russian folk costume. This is a shirt, it is wide, decorated with a pattern along the edges of the sleeves and at the collar. (show)
- Let’s repeat everything together - this is a shirt.
-This is a sundress. (show) It is decorated with beautiful braid. Let's repeat the sundress together.
-Dunyasha has a kokoshnik (display) on her head, it is decorated with beautiful beads. Let's repeat - kokoshnik.
-On your feet– bast shoes (show)
(each time the teacher attaches to the flannelgraph: a shirt, a sundress, a kokoshnik, bast shoes)
-All together this is a Russian folk costume. Are you and I now dressing like Dunyasha? We don't dress like that. This is how they dressed before. People of different nationalities live nearby, each nation has its own songs, poems, games, costumes, and fairy tales.
-And what is Dunyasha’s long braid. Our girls also have braids, and when we comb them, we remember the nursery rhyme “Grow your braids to your waist.”
-Dunyasha, do you want to listen to a nursery rhyme?
(child reads a nursery rhyme)
Grow your braid, don’t lose a hair to your waist.
Grow the scarf to the toes, all the hairs in a row.
Grow your braid, don’t get confused, listen to Mom Dunya.
-Well done! This is the nursery rhyme about the braid that our children know. Did you like it? Our children really want to play with you. What do you want? Then stand in a circle.

Physical education minute.
This is such a wonderful house, there are many neighbors in it.
Here is a Kazakh, and here is an Avarka, here is a Russian and an Armenian.
In this glorious house you need to live very friendly with everyone.
Do not offend anyone, respect all neighbors.
- Guys, did Dunyasha bring us something else, let’s see what it is? (he shows the bag and takes out a real sundress from it) Dunyasha has a request for us. She was invited to visit, but here’s the problem. She asked to sew a sundress for her, the dressmaker sewed it, but she got sick and did not have time to decorate it. Dunyasha really asks you to help her. Shall we help?
-Here is the sundress, the dressmaker only managed to sew on a white ribbon, which is called the prince’s ribbon, it needs to be decorated. Here in the box are the decorations. (shows the children a red circle, a yellow square) Now you and I will decorate the sundress. (he puts a sundress on the girl)
-I will attach the square first, and then we will attach the circle, which shape will be attached next? (square) (children alternately attach a circle, a square, which are attached to a white tape with Velcro)
-Now you and I will sit on the chairs and see how great we are, how we decorated the sundress. (the teacher asks the girl in a sundress: spin around, show us how beautiful and elegant the sundress has become). Do you think Dunyasha can go visit now? (he takes off the sundress from the girl and gives it to Dunyasha)
-How did you and I help Dunyasha? Dunya says “Thank you” to us. We are so great! We are real friends, we helped together so much.
-Are you glad that you helped Dunya?
-For our help, Dunya brought us a gift (he shows the children the box) This is the game “Assemble Dunyasha’s costume.”
-Today we got acquainted with Russian folk costume. So we can play this game.
-This concludes our lesson. I am very pleased with you, you are great!

Melnikova Natalya Gennadievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1" Samara
Locality: Samara
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: GCD. Integrated lesson in the second younger group"Russian folk toy - matryoshka"
Publication date: 16.02.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 1" g.o. Samara

integrated lesson

in the second junior group

"Russian folk toy - matryoshka"
Compiled and conducted by the teacher of MBDOU No. 1 (building 3) Group No. 39 “Spikelet”. 01/20/2016 Melnikova Natalya Gennadievna Samara, 2016.

: Introducing children to the Russian folk toy - Matryoshka. Educational areas: Communicative, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic development. Types of children's activities
Communicative, cognitive, playful, productive and motor.
Educational: To contribute to the expansion of knowledge about the Russian folk toy - Matryoshka. Developmental: Promote the development of children's speech and fine motor skills hands when drawing. -developing the ability to choose colors, hold a cotton swab correctly, paint over a drawing without going beyond the outline, the ability to compare nesting dolls, and find similarities. Educational: To promote - the development of interest in folk toys, the development of independence, accuracy. Materials and equipment: Large nesting doll, cards with images of nesting dolls, paper silhouettes of nesting dolls, gouache and cotton swabs, repertoire “We are funny nesting dolls”, presentation “Russian Matryoshka” Preliminary work: Didactic game, “Which nesting doll is gone”; reading poems about the nesting doll “Matryoshka” by S. Ya Marshak, A. Kuleshova “The glorious doll - matryoshka”; guessing riddles; looking at nesting dolls; conversation “These Russian nesting dolls”; listening to the song “We are cheerful nesting dolls.”
Topic of the week: “Folk toy. Folk and applied art" Lesson topic: "Russian folk toy - Matryoshka"

Plan Stages of GCD Actions of children. Desired result. 1. Organizational surprise moment: Guessing the riddle, bringing in the nesting dolls. - The children are involved in the activity, - they guess the riddle, - they look at the cards with matryoshka dolls, and compare. - Motivating children for educational activities. -Creating an emotional mood. Presentation “Russian nesting doll” - Listen to the teacher’s “fairy tale” about the origin of the nesting doll, sit on the mat, keep their backs straight. -Answer questions -Matryoshka - a wooden toy in the form of a painted doll; -has an oval shape; -consists of two parts; - a doll, in the inside of which there are similar smaller dolls. Game “Burn - Burn Clear...” They pronounce the words of the game and perform actions according to the text of the game, repeating the movements after the teacher and comrades. Emotional mood Visual activity. Drawing “Pattern for Matryoshka” Paper silhouettes of nesting dolls, gouache and cotton swabs for each child. They do creative work: with cotton swabs they paint over the background of the picture with gouache, without going beyond the outline; monitor the quality of the color scheme; follow safety rules for working with cotton swabs. -Children's finished work. -Emotional mood of children. Musical physical education. “We are funny nesting dolls...” - perform dance movements according to the text, repeating the movements after the teacher. - emotional mood. Reflection They answer the teacher’s questions and express their attitude to the activity of coloring beads. positive attitude of children towards the activity.

Content organized activities children
Organizational surprise moment.
A Russian folk melody sounds. Guys, our girlfriends are coming to visit us. Everyone looks alike. In colored sundresses, and painted scarves. Only they are different in height, and their names are very simple. Help me guess what these girlfriends are called? (Matryoshka) - Well done, guys, you guessed (I take out a large matryoshka) - Guys, show me the picture where the Matryoshka is drawn. (Children choose pictures with the image of Matryoshka and show)
2. View the presentation “Russian Matryoshka”
Educator. Guys, what is the name of the toy you showed me? (Matryoshka) Who is Matryoshka? Let's look at the screen. Slide 1 Matryoshka is a wooden toy. Educator. Guys, now I’ll tell you a fairy tale about how the nesting doll was born. Sit on the rug side by side and listen to the fairy tale. We will sit like real nesting dolls, with straight backs and sharp eyes. Slide 2. A long time ago, in one kingdom - state, there lived and there was one master who was very fond of children: girls and boys. And this master loved to make toys for children from morning to evening.
Slide 3. One day he decided to make an unusual toy for children - a doll with a wonderful secret: inside the first doll there was a smaller doll, and inside that one there was an even smaller one, and another, and another. He painted it with bright colors and dressed it in an elegant dress. Slide 4. The doll turned out to be cheerful and funny. Slide 5. And he thought for a long, long time what to call this doll. He named her by the Russian name Matryona, and since the doll was small, everyone called her Matryoshka. Slide 6. From then on, I sharpened funny wooden toys for all the children, painted them with flowers, berries, and other patterns. This is how the guys born the Russian folk toy - the nesting doll. It is no coincidence that it is called folk, because it was made by the kind hands of the Russian people. - Guys, what is a matryoshka doll for? (Play) - Guys, you did great, you sat like real nesting dolls, kept your back straight, and now let’s invite the nesting doll to play with us.
3. Game “Burn, Burn Clear!”
Educator: You guys did great. You played with all your heart. Now take a rest and look at the matryoshka doll. 4.
Visual activities. Drawing “Pattern for matryoshka”
(I take out paper stencils from a basket of flat nesting dolls) - Guys, look at these nesting dolls and our Matryona, how are they different? (The nesting dolls are not elegant, the scarves and sundresses are not decorated) - Guys, what do you think needs to be done to make the nesting dolls elegant and beautiful? (Children's answers) - Well done! All the nesting dolls love colorful clothes! I twist, I twist, I want to transform you. I want to turn you into masters. Let's go to your workshops, and there everyone will decorate their nesting dolls with patterns. (Children apply the pattern themselves using cotton swabs). Educator. Look how many bright, beautiful, different nesting dolls we have. Let's dance for them.
5.Musical physical education “We are funny nesting dolls”
(children perform movements to the music) We are funny nesting dolls (hands on the belt, spring) Ladushka, ladushka (clap your hands)
We have boots on our feet (put out the heel, hands on the belt) Ladushka, ladushka (clap our hands) Loss (circle) We tied handkerchiefs (turn our heads left and right) Ladushka, okladushka (clap our hands) Our cheeks are flushed (rubbing our cheeks with our hands ) Ladushki, ladushki (clap their hands) Loss (spinning) In our motley sundresses (smooth swings of arms up and down) Ladushki, ladushki (clap their hands) We look like sisters (hands on the belt, squats with turns to the right and left) Ladushki , okay (clap your hands) Lose (circle)
6. Reflection.
- You guys are great! Did you like how we met Matryoshka? What do you remember most? And now, guys, let's decorate our nesting doll with beads: whoever liked our activity will put a red bead on the matryoshka, and whoever was sad will put on a blue bead. - Oh, how elegant our nesting doll turned out! Let's put her in the locker room, let her meet your mothers.

Author: Irina Vladimirovna Yeltsina, teacher of the Irdanovsky kindergarten “Kolosok”, Vologda region, Nikolsky district
Description of the material: Dear colleagues! I present to your attention a summary of the organized educational activities for children 3-4 years old “Folk toy – horse”. Instill love for native land, introduce folk art children should be started from early childhood, but for younger preschoolers not all information is available. You can introduce children to folk art using the example of folk toys. The rocking horse is one of the oldest toys; it has long helped children in early age develop balance and coordination by combining these “workouts” with a fun game. This summary will be useful to parents of children and teachers; it will help introduce children to a piece of our history and culture.

Summary of organized educational activities for the younger group on the topic: “Folk toy - horse.”

Integration educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Preliminary work: reading and memorization (“I’m on my way to my woman, to my grandfather..”; “What a horse..”; “Wooden horse.” (E. Kovina); “My horse” by S. Marshak).
Target: Introducing an old wooden toy - a horse.
Tasks: Introduce children to folk art, using the example of folk toys; Give children an idea of ​​the wooden folk toy - a horse; Expand vocabulary children (roll, swing, rocking chair, gurney, made of wood, made of paper); Continue to introduce oral folk art; Foster a desire to play with the toys of the past.
Developmental environment:
Demo material: Anna Bak's painting "Boy on a Horse"; toys: rocking horse, rolling horse; toy tools: log - wood, board - brick, plane, saw, hammer; cotton swabs, red, yellow, blue and green gouache; colored cards according to the number of children in the group (red, yellow, blue, yellow). Handout: cardboard horses: rocking skates, cotton swabs, red, yellow, blue, green gouache.
Work plan:
1. Organizational moment. The teacher shows a new wooden toy - a horse.
2. Examination of toys: what they are made of, comparison of a rocking chair with a gurney.
3. Physical exercise.
4. Considering what the toy is decorated with.
5. Practical activities for children. Drawing patterns.
6. Reflection.
OOD progress:
Organizational point:(the teacher shows a toy - a skate)

Everyone loves to play, even we adults, but with this wooden toy you can play, rock and admire. Look at the patterns with which the horse is decorated. (we are considering). Do you have such toys at home? Previously, a long time ago, all children played with such toys. Do you want to have such toys? (children's answers)
Part 2. Introducing a wooden toy. These toys are made of wood (the teacher shows a skate - a gurney and a skate - a rocking chair). You first need to dry the wood, and then cut or saw out of it, using special tools, the body of a horse. (I show the toys: a plane, an axe, a saw...) Go, Dima, show me how you sawed with a saw? (child shows) Show me, Slava, how you planed the boards with a plane? (points to a wooden brick) And how, Seryozha, did you put together a toy with a hammer? When the body is ready (I show the horse, without wheels), what else needed to be done? (wheels) (the teacher attaches the wheels)

- I'm on my way to my grandmother, my grandfather.
On a horse in a red hat.
On a flat path
On one leg.
In an old shoe
Over potholes, over bumps,
Everything is straight and direct,
And then suddenly... into the hole!
Buh!.. (children repeat familiar words in a nursery rhyme, together with the teacher)
And for the other horse, it was necessary to make a rocking chair.

What a horse, just touch it.
Together with the rider
He will gallop away for two hundred miles.
(teacher shows horses)
-What is attached to this horse’s body? Wheels
So, how are we going to play with her? (ride)
-What about this horse? (rocking chair)
-How are we going to play with her? (sway)
When the horses were carved from wood, they were painted with special paints. It was possible to play with unpainted skates, because not everyone had paints. The rocking chairs were also large. (showing the picture “Boy on a Horse”) Maybe now, who has such horses at home?

(colored cards are laid out in a circle on the floor)
Wooden horse. (E. Kovina)
Wooden horse………………. .bend and straighten our arms at the elbows (riding a horse)
My dad brought me yesterday...... stretch your arms forward (dad gives the horse)
I grabbed a large checker,……………. .put on an imaginary hat
The horse carried me forward……………….. riding a horse
I galloped through the valleys,………………. jumping after the teacher in a circle
I ran around mountains, rivers,…………………. run
And jumping along the roads………….. jumping forward
And... a little tired……………….. raise your arms up and bend forward, lower your arms down
And when I got up in the morning,……………….. stretch on your toes
I didn’t even have breakfast……………. show, eat, shake their head left, right
I galloped again………………… ...jumping in circles
Through valleys and hills.
-What is the toy decorated with?
- What color paint did the masters use to decorate these horses (children hold up cards and name the color) Sveta, show me where the flowers are on the horse and where the leaves are? Seryozha, show me where the berries are, where the lines and circles are? Do you want to color the rocking horses that the children from the older group made for you?
3. Practical activities for children. Drawing patterns. Let's decorate our horses, are they made of wood? (not made from paper, cardboard) We will decorate them with circles and dots. Circles and dots can be drawn not only with a brush, but also with cotton swabs. (the teacher shows how to work cotton swab, you need to change it if you change color).
Reflection:(children's work is displayed on a shelf)

Oh, what wonderful patterns you made! What a beautiful exhibition of folk toys. When the horses are dry, you can play with them. This is how toys used to be made! What were they made of?
Now let's go play with wooden toys: a skate - a gurney; horse - rocking chair. (you can organize a game of who has a strong hobby - the gurney will go faster along the path, a path made of cubes).
Or play an imitation game to the poem “My Horse” by S. Ya. Marshak.

My horse
I myself am agile and daring,
And my horse is all like me.
I bridled myself
And saddled
And he rode his horse.

I'll eat it myself -
And my horse is full.
I'm going to bed -
And my horse is sleeping.

I drive my horse all day long
And at night the horse carries me.

At full speed, kicking up dust,
He rushes forward
And a passenger car
Gives us the way.
(S. Marshak)