A beautiful and wise parable about why people yell at each other.

Why do people shout when they quarrel?
Modern parable.

Once a wise Teacher asked his students: “Do you know why people scream when they quarrel?”

One of the students replied: “People scream because they lose their calm.”

“But why should you shout, because the other person is next to you?” - asked the Teacher - “Isn’t it possible to speak quietly? Why yell at another person if you're angry?

The students offered their own answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher. Finally he explained:

“When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts grow distant. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The more angry they become, the greater the distance between their hearts becomes, and the louder they scream.

What happens to people when they fall in love? They do not scream, but on the contrary, they speak quietly. This happens because the hearts of lovers are very close to each other - the distance between them is very small.”

“And when people fall even more in love, what happens?” - continued the Teacher - “Lovers do not speak, but only quietly whisper, and become even closer in their love.

Later, they don’t even need to whisper. They just look at each other and understand each other perfectly without words. This always happens when two people who love each other are nearby.

So, when you argue, do not allow your hearts to move away from each other, do not utter words that further increase the distance between you. Because a day may come when the distance becomes so great that you will not be able to find your way back.”

Building a relationship with a partner can be difficult. But who can do this for you if not you?

Sent by: Valeria

One day the Teacher asked the students:
Why do people raise their voices when they quarrel?
“They’re probably losing their calm,” the students suggested.
– But why raise your voice if the second person is next to you? - asked the Teacher.

The students shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment. It never even occurred to them. Then the teacher said:
– When people quarrel and discontent between them increases, their hearts move away. And along with them, their souls move away. They have to raise their voices to hear each other. And the stronger their resentment and anger, the louder they scream. What happens when people are in love? They do not raise their voices, but speak very quietly. Their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is almost completely erased.

– What happens when people are ruled by love? – asked the Teacher. “They don’t even speak, they just whisper. And sometimes no words are needed - their eyes say it all. Do not forget that quarrels distance you from each other, and words spoken in a raised tone increase this distance many times over. Do not abuse this, because the day will come when the distance between you will increase so much that you will no longer find a way back.

One day the Teacher asked the students:

They must be losing their calm, the students suggested.

The students shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment. It never even occurred to them. Then the teacher said:

When people quarrel and discontent between them increases, their hearts are moving away. And along with them, their souls move away. They have to raise their voices to hear each other. And the stronger their resentment and anger, the louder they scream. What happens when people are in love? They do not raise their voices, but speak very quietly. Their hearts are very close and the distance between them is almost completely erased.

What happens when people are ruled by love? - asked the Teacher.

They don't even speak, they just whisper. And sometimes no words are needed - their eyes say it all. Do not forget that quarrels distance you from each other, and words spoken in a raised tone increase this distance many times over. Do not abuse this, because the day will come when the distance between you will increase so much that you will no longer find a way back.


What was Leonardo Da Vinci's last name?

How did mosquitoes kill 52,000,000,000 people?

Autobahn is not what everyone thinks

The Autobahn is not originally a highway; the “Autobahn” is the name given to the entire German federal highway system (German: Bundesautobahn) with a length of 13,000 km. Approximately 25–30% of Autobahn motorways (about 3500 km) actually have no speed limits. But there are strict prohibitions on all types of actions that distract the driver from driving: talking on a mobile phone, eating while driving, etc. - and the fines for violating these prohibitions are very substantial.

Why is diet incompatible with alcohol?

Alcoholic drinks prevent you from losing weight. The point is not so much that alcohol increases appetite and reduces self-control (and it is so), but that the brain, having detected the presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood, stops metabolism, including the process of converting fat into glucose, and concentrates on removing alcohol and its toxic derivatives from the body as soon as possible.

What Russian surnames are considered amulets?

Dissonant surnames that characterize a person from a negative or funny side, such as Durakov, Zlobin, Bezobrazov, Nezhdanov, Nevzorov, etc., are amulets surnames. In Rus', it was customary to give such surnames to children in order to deceive evil spirits. It was also assumed that the surname would protect against the “evil eye” and would have the opposite effect: Bezobrazov would grow up handsome, Durakov - smart, etc.

Why was Isabella wine banned?

In the USA and the EU, the production and sale of wine from Isabella grapes and similar varieties is prohibited. In the process of making wine, during the fermentation of Isabella, poisonous methyl alcohol is formed, and in an unacceptably high concentration. Methyl is dangerous for the kidneys and liver, as well as the optic nerve - drinking this alcohol leads to blindness. Poisoning with this alcohol can be fatal.

Which tequila is real?

According to Mexican government law, only a drink containing at least 51% liqueur made from the nectar of a plant called blue agave can be called tequila. When businessmen from South Africa began to produce their own “tequila” from a plant similar to agave in the early 2000s, Mexican diplomats made it clear that such a business could negatively affect relations between countries, and the South Africans were forced to yield to such powerful pressure and rename their drink to Agave.

5 Relatively Good Dictators Who Benefited Their Country

Why is whiskey brown?

Most whiskeys do not initially have the noble reddish-brown hue that connoisseurs of this drink admire, like amber. A fully prepared drink is transparent, like vodka or moonshine. Color is added at the end of production by heating oak barrels to create a “red layer” on the inside of the wood, thanks to wood sugar and caramelized tannins. These substances are absorbed by the whiskey and give it an oaky hue and flavor.

Motif from a dream

One day the Teacher asked the students:

They must be losing their calm, the students suggested.

The students shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment. It never even occurred to them. Then the teacher said:

When people quarrel and discontent between them increases, their hearts are moving away. And along with them, their souls move away. They have to raise their voices to hear each other. And the stronger their resentment and anger, the louder they scream. What happens when people are in love? They do not raise their voices, but speak very quietly. Their hearts are very close and the distance between them is almost completely erased.

What happens when people are ruled by love? - asked the Teacher.

They don't even speak, they just whisper. And sometimes no words are needed - their eyes say it all. Do not forget that quarrels distance you from each other, and words spoken in a raised tone increase this distance many times over. Do not abuse this, because the day will come when the distance between you will increase so much that you will no longer find a way back.


What was Leonardo Da Vinci's last name?

How did mosquitoes kill 52,000,000,000 people?

Autobahn is not what everyone thinks

The Autobahn is not originally a highway; the “Autobahn” is the name given to the entire German federal highway system (German: Bundesautobahn) with a length of 13,000 km. Approximately 25–30% of Autobahn motorways (about 3500 km) actually have no speed limits. But there are strict prohibitions on all types of actions that distract the driver from driving: talking on a mobile phone, eating while driving, etc. - and the fines for violating these prohibitions are very substantial.

Why is diet incompatible with alcohol?

Alcoholic drinks prevent you from losing weight. The point is not so much that alcohol increases appetite and reduces self-control (and it is so), but that the brain, having detected the presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood, stops metabolism, including the process of converting fat into glucose, and concentrates on removing alcohol and its toxic derivatives from the body as soon as possible.

What Russian surnames are considered amulets?

Dissonant surnames that characterize a person from a negative or funny side, such as Durakov, Zlobin, Bezobrazov, Nezhdanov, Nevzorov, etc., are amulets surnames. In Rus', it was customary to give such surnames to children in order to deceive evil spirits. It was also assumed that the surname would protect against the “evil eye” and would have the opposite effect: Bezobrazov would grow up handsome, Durakov - smart, etc.

Why was Isabella wine banned?

In the USA and the EU, the production and sale of wine from Isabella grapes and similar varieties is prohibited. In the process of making wine, during the fermentation of Isabella, poisonous methyl alcohol is formed, and in an unacceptably high concentration. Methyl is dangerous for the kidneys and liver, as well as the optic nerve - drinking this alcohol leads to blindness. Poisoning with this alcohol can be fatal.

Which tequila is real?

According to Mexican government law, only a drink containing at least 51% liqueur made from the nectar of a plant called blue agave can be called tequila. When businessmen from South Africa began to produce their own “tequila” from a plant similar to agave in the early 2000s, Mexican diplomats made it clear that such a business could negatively affect relations between countries, and the South Africans were forced to yield to such powerful pressure and rename their drink to Agave.

5 Relatively Good Dictators Who Benefited Their Country

Why is whiskey brown?

Most whiskeys do not initially have the noble reddish-brown hue that connoisseurs of this drink admire, like amber. A fully prepared drink is transparent, like vodka or moonshine. Color is added at the end of production by heating oak barrels to create a “red layer” on the inside of the wood, thanks to wood sugar and caramelized tannins. These substances are absorbed by the whiskey and give it an oaky hue and flavor.

Motif from a dream