Rules for communication between a child and a computer. Rules for working at the computer, how to maintain your health Correct work at the computer at home

“Safe communication with a computer among preschoolers”

Modern life cannot be imagined without computers. The advantages of computer training are undoubted, and the need for those who will live in this century to master computer literacy is obvious.

However, computerization of education and leisure activities for children also has a number of negative aspects that can have an adverse effect on health. Working, studying or playing on a computer involves the impact on the user, whether he is a child or an adult, of a whole range of factors. The first thing doctors noticed was the increase in visual load among those working behind a display. Domestic and foreign studies, which have a fairly long history, show that more than 90% of computer users complain of burning or pain in the eye area, a feeling of sand under the eyelids, blurred vision, etc. A complex of these and a number of other characteristic ailments has recently become called "computer vision syndrome". The maximum permissible level of visual load largely depends on the age of the user, the state of his vision, as well as the intensity of work with the monitor and the organization of the workplace. Now we can say with a high degree of confidence that long-term work with a computer does not cause any organic eye diseases. At the same time, there is every reason to assert that as a result of such work there is a very high risk of the appearance (or progression of existing) myopia.

There is still an opinion that working on a computer is similar to watching television. However, this is not true. Studies have shown that viewing information at a fairly close distance from a glowing screen is more tiring than reading books or watching television. Human vision is absolutely not adapted to a computer screen; we are accustomed to seeing colors and objects in reflected light, which was developed in the process of evolution. The screen image is self-luminous, has significantly lower contrast, and consists of discrete points - pixels. Eye fatigue, in addition, causes screen flickering, glare, and a non-optimal combination of colors in the field of view. This is also confirmed by data on the greater tediousness of children’s activities using computers compared to traditional ones.

Now that not only schoolchildren, but also 5-6-year-old children, whose process of forming a visual analyzer is not completed, is becoming computer users, it is even more important that learning using a computer corresponds to the age capabilities of all categories of users. This fully applies to the computer itself. In combination with the workplace, it must meet all safety requirements.

Meanwhile, the computers that our educational institutions, including preschool ones, currently have are of very low quality. Most of them are obsolete and pose a real threat to the health of children, even if they spend 15 - 20 minutes a week on them. On the screen of this type of computer it is impossible to achieve image clarity, contrast, or stability, i.e. everything that provides optimal conditions for visual work. And, consequently, the risk of vision impairment increases. However, despite the ban by hygienists, such computers still continue to be used for children's classes.

Today, the Russian market offers various brands of computers from many countries around the world. We are often asked questions about which computers and protective filters are better and safer. The answer to this can only be given by the results of special tests, because computers of the same brand, but manufactured or assembled in different countries, may differ in their level of security.

In accordance with the requirements of modern sanitary legislation, only those computers that have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion (certificate) about their compliance with sanitary rules are allowed for operation. This requirement applies not only to newly purchased computers, but also to those that are in operation. The main standardized parameters that are determined during the examination include: contrast, brightness unevenness, the ratio of the width of the sign to its height for capital letters, the size of the minimum display element for a monochrome display, deviation offsets, temporal and spatial instability of the image, reflectivity. Computer equipment that is used for children’s activities should have standardized indicator values ​​in the optimal range, i.e. experts place increased demands on it.

Special long-term studies have made it possible to determine the optimal duration of continuous classes for children of different ages. So, for children 5-6 years old this time is 10-15 minutes. The functional capabilities of preschoolers are still very small, so even after such short lessons they show signs of visual and general fatigue. Manifestations of fatigue when working on a computer have their own characteristics: the discrepancy between subjective and objective assessments of the state of the body and the individual nature of the manifestation of fatigue. We attach great importance to external signs of fatigue. In preschool children, it can manifest itself in bowing their heads to the side, leaning on the back of a chair, lifting their legs with emphasis on the edge of the table, frequent distractions, conversations, switching attention to other objects, etc.

It is known that the capabilities of children of the same age can vary significantly. The tediousness of classes largely depends on their content, communication skills, the child’s enthusiasm, his well-being, etc. Passion and a positive attitude contribute to increased efficiency and delay fatigue. But our observations have shown that often children, especially preschoolers, cannot objectively assess their well-being. For example, during our research, only 20% of children noted fatigue after working with a computer, while objectively there were much more such children. You should approach the issue of computer classes for preschoolers with neurotic disorders, convulsive reactions, and visual impairments with caution, since the computer can increase all these health deviations. According to ophthalmologists, children with initial (up to 2.0 diopters) myopia, as a rule, do not need glasses for classes.

Communication with a computer is very attractive for a child. Children's craving for this “smart toy” has already become a topic for jokes. When asked by the judge during the divorce proceedings: “Who would you like to live with - mom or dad?”, the child answers: “It depends on who gets the computer!”

Sitting spellbound at a computer for a long time can lead to overstrain of the nervous system, sleep disturbance, deterioration of well-being, and eye fatigue. There is no doubt that fatigue largely depends not only on the duration of classes, but also on their nature. Oddly enough, the most tiresome for children are arcade or paramilitary action-packed games, called “shooters”, “catch-up games”, “killer games” and “adventure games”. There is a powerful computer games industry in the world today. A huge number of companies are fighting among themselves for a place in the sun, creating beautiful and exciting, cunning and intricate, aggressive and bloodthirsty toys for boys and girls. Children are happy to give them their time. But their psyche is unstable, so excessive passion for computer games can cause serious consequences - increased excitability develops, the child becomes capricious, and ceases to be interested in anything other than the computer.

Unlike adults, who perceive these games as harmless entertainment that allows them to forget about life’s problems, children, rather, look for them as a source of increased risk and self-test. They give them the opportunity to feel like participants in acute conflicts. Many children are obsessed with the desire to defeat the computer. However, psychologists warn about the “narcotic”, addictive influence of such games, and about the possibility of a child’s aggressive and ruthless behavior under their influence. In Japan and England, doctors identified a new type of disease - video game epilepsy syndrome - in several children who were overly addicted to computer games from early childhood. This condition is manifested by headaches, prolonged spasms of the facial muscles, and visual impairment. The syndrome, although it does not lead to a decline in the child’s mental abilities, does contribute to the formation of negative character traits typical of epilepsy, such as suspicion, suspiciousness, hostile-aggressive attitude towards loved ones, impulsiveness, and irascibility. From all that has been said, it follows that it is necessary to strictly measure the time of computer classes and monitor their content.

Proper organization of the workplace is very important. Despite the fact that the screen is illuminated, classes should not take place in a dark room, but in a well-lit room. Workstations with computers in relation to the light openings should be located so that natural light falls from the side, mainly from the left.

It should be noted that the most optimal orientation of computer and gaming systems is to the northern directions of the horizon. The main thing here is the exclusion of direct sunlight, which contributes to more uniform lighting of the room. This allows you to solve the problem of illumination and glare of display screens, as well as overheating of the room. However, it is known that orientation to the north does not reduce the need for light control, since the brightness of a cloudy sky is inferior to the brightness of a clear sky.

Window openings in rooms where computers are used must be equipped with light-controlled devices such as blinds, curtains, external canopies. It is better to make curtains from a plain dense fabric that harmonizes with the color of the walls. Their width should be twice the width of the window. Interior decoration has a great influence on lighting conditions. Due to the reflected component, lighting in certain areas of the room can be increased by up to 20%.

As sources of general artificial lighting, it is better to use lighting devices that create uniform illumination by diffused or reflected light (the light falls on the ceiling, thereby eliminating glare on the monitor screen and keyboard).

To illuminate rooms, predominantly fluorescent lamps should be used. They are located in the form of continuous or broken lines of lamps located on the side of the workstations, parallel to the line of video monitors. When computers are located perimeterally, lines of lamps are placed locally above the workstation, closer to the front edge facing the user. Lamps without diffusers and shielding grilles should not be used.

It should be noted that there are special fluorescent lamps, for example from Vitalight R, which emit light of various qualities, simulating the full spectrum of natural sunlight. These lamps are less irritating than other artificial light lamps. It is allowed to use incandescent lamps in local lighting fixtures.

The most favorable indicators of visual performance are observed when the illumination of the workplace is 400 lux, and the display screen is 300 lux. To ensure standardized illumination values, glass window frames and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a year and burnt-out lamps should be replaced in a timely manner.

Proper organization of lighting can increase labor productivity for visual work of average difficulty by 5-6%, and for very difficult work - by 15%.

It is necessary to ensure that the image on the screen is clear, contrasty, and free of glare and reflections from nearby objects. To create optimal conditions for visual work, preference should be given to a positive image on the screen: black characters on a white background.

The location of the workplace is successful when the computer user has the opportunity to look at long distances - this is one of the most effective ways to relieve the visual system while working. You should avoid placing your workstation in the corners of the room or facing the wall (the distance from the computer to the wall should be at least 1 m), with the screen facing the window, and also facing the window, since the light from the window is an undesirable strain on the eyes while working on the computer . If the computer is still placed in the corner of the room, or the room has very limited space, American experts advise installing a large mirror on the table. With its help, it is easy to see the farthest objects in the room located behind your back.

The distance from the eyes to the computer screen should be at least 50 cm. One child should be working at the computer at a time, since the conditions for viewing the image on the screen sharply worsen for those sitting on the side. The table and chair (necessarily with a back) must correspond to the height of the child. You should not slouch, sit on the edge of a chair, cross your legs, or cross your feet. The posture of a person working at a computer should be as follows: the body is straightened, the natural curves of the spine and the angle of the pelvis are preserved. The head is tilted slightly forward. Eye level is 15-20 cm above the center of the screen. It is necessary to exclude strong bends of the body, turns of the head and extreme positions of the joints of the limbs. The angle formed by the forearm and shoulder, as well as the lower leg and thigh, must be at least 90. The vertically straight position allows you to breathe deeply, freely and regularly, without additional pressure on the lungs, sternum or diaphragm. Correct posture ensures maximum blood flow to all parts of the body. If you have a high table and chair, you must take care of a height-adjustable footrest.

In rooms where computers are used, specific environmental conditions are formed. Irregular ventilation and lack of air conditioning systems lead to a significant deterioration in air quality and microclimate parameters. According to the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers, where the microclimate of school computer science classrooms was analyzed, it was shown that in all seasons of the year the air temperature in 70% of cases exceeded the optimal levels and amounted to 22-23? C. When computer science classrooms are oriented to the south, the air temperature in the spring increases sharply, reaching 25? C. Relative air humidity in 60% of cases was at the lower limit of normal (30%).

Significant dry air is a significant drawback of rooms in which computers are located. At low humidity levels, there is a high risk of accumulation in the air of microparticles with a high electrostatic charge that can adsorb dust particles with allergenic properties. In addition, there is a danger of air pollution from emissions from polymer, synthetic and paint materials that are used for interior decoration. Often the floors are covered with linoleum or fleece, the walls are painted with oil paint, and the furniture is finished with polymer materials. This leads to additional pollution of the indoor air with harmful chemicals, especially at elevated air temperatures and changes in humidity caused by the operation of computers. Often, by the end of classes, the concentration of carbon dioxide is twice the maximum permissible level, and the amount of non-toxic dust increases two to four times above the permissible level.

Another, no less serious problem is ensuring the electromagnetic safety of children involved in the computer gaming complex. A working computer creates a field around itself with a wide frequency spectrum, which is represented by:

Electrostatic field;

Alternating low-frequency electric field;

Alternating low frequency magnetic field.

Potentially harmful factors may also include:

X-ray and ultraviolet radiation from cathode ray tube computer display;

Electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range;

Electromagnetic background (electromagnetic fields created by extraneous sources in the child’s workplace).

X-ray and ultraviolet radiation from video display terminal screens can only be considered potentially harmful factors. The fact is that the screens of modern displays are made of glass, which is opaque to the X-ray radiation generated in the tube, and ultraviolet radiation is not detected during testing even in the oldest display models. Radio frequency emissions from electronic components of computer equipment are also below the maximum permissible levels regulated by sanitary standards.

An electrostatic field occurs due to the presence of an electrical potential on the display screen. This creates a potential difference between the display screen and the user. The presence of an electrostatic field in the space around the computer causes dust from the air to settle on the keyboard and display screen. However, as experience shows, in practice it is not always possible to ensure a normal electromagnetic environment in a computer and gaming complex. With a general incorrect layout of the room, non-optimal wiring of the power supply network and the design of the grounding loop, the room’s own electromagnetic background may turn out to be so strong that it is not possible to ensure the requirements of the Sanitary Rules at the workplaces of PC users, even with any tricks in the organization of the workplace itself and under no circumstances, even ultra-modern and environmentally friendly computers. Moreover, the computers themselves, placed in strong electromagnetic fields, become unstable in operation, the effect of image shaking on the monitor screen appears, and their ergonomic characteristics significantly deteriorate. Experts advise taking the following into account:

1. The room where computers are operated must be removed from extraneous sources of electromagnetic radiation (electrical panels, transformers, power cables with powerful electrical consumers, radio transmitting devices, etc.).

2. If there are metal bars on the windows of the room, they must be grounded. Experience shows that failure to comply with this rule can lead to a sharp local increase in the field level at any point in the room and computer malfunctions.

3. It is advisable to place computer and gaming complexes, characterized by significant crowding of computer and other office equipment, on the lower floors of the building. Due to the minimum value of grounding resistance, it is on the lower floors of buildings that the general electromagnetic background in workplaces with computer equipment is significantly reduced.

The study of the possible consequences of exposure to electromagnetic radiation on the human body has just begun, however, there is already quite a lot of convincing evidence from both domestic and foreign authors about their danger to health. Each workplace creates an electromagnetic field, the radius of which can be 1.5 m or more, and the radiation comes not only from the screen, but also from the back and side walls of the monitor. Computers of recent years, as a rule, have a built-in system for protecting the user from radiation. This is indicated by a special marking - LR (Low Radiation - low radiation). However, only special measurements can provide real guarantees.

As already mentioned, most children's educational institutions use outdated technology, which is not able to provide not only optimal conditions for visual work, but is also generally characterized by much higher levels of electromagnetic fields and electrostatic potential of the display screen. Studies have shown that radiation levels in such computer and gaming complexes and classrooms exceed the standards from two to twenty times. Often, elevated radiation levels are associated with poor grounding.

It is very important to place workplaces hygienically. Whatever the arrangement of computers - perimeter, row, or central, workstations with computers should be placed so that the distance between the side walls of the display of adjacent monitors is at least 1.2 m, and the distance between the front surface of the monitor towards the rear of the adjacent monitor is at least 1.2 m. at least 2 m. This layout of workplaces helps protect the user from electromagnetic radiation from neighboring computers.

Protecting someone working at a computer can be done using a special filter. However, most filters that are used in educational institutions are, at best, capable of improving the conditions of visual work at a computer and practically do not solve the problem of reducing electromagnetic radiation. Since the cost of a filter that will provide reliable protection is comparable to the cost of a modern monitor, it is more economical to buy not a filter, but a more modern display.

Regulations on the duration of classes, recommendations for the prevention of fatigue, requirements for the arrangement of computer classes, along with other standards, were included in Sanitary Norms and Rules (SanPiN) “Hygienic requirements for terminals, personal electronic computers and organization of work.” Compliance with the requirements set out in this document will create a safe and comfortable working environment for children and adults. Getting to know them will be useful for everyone who professionally works with computers, including teachers and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. For them, the document will be a good help in matters of hygienically competent organization of activities with children and protecting their own health.

To relieve static and neuro-emotional tension, you can use ordinary physical exercises, mainly for the upper body (arm jerks, turns, “chopping wood,” etc.), and playing in the fresh air. To relieve eye strain, visual gymnastics is recommended. Even with a short duration (1 minute), but carried out regularly, it is an effective measure for preventing fatigue. The effectiveness of visual gymnastics is explained by the fact that when performing special exercises, periodic switching of vision from a near object to a distant one is ensured, tension is relieved from the ciliary muscle of the eye, and the recovery processes of the accommodative apparatus of the eye are activated, as a result of which vision function is normalized. In addition, there is a special exercise (with a mark on the glass) designed to train and develop the accommodative function of the eye.

Visual gymnastics is carried out in the middle of a lesson with a computer (after 5 minutes of work for five-year-olds and after 7-8 minutes for six-year-olds), as well as in its final part or after the entire developmental lesson using a computer.

The duration of visual gymnastics, both during and after class, is 1 minute. The teacher selects one exercise to perform during computer classes and one or two exercises to perform gymnastics after the final part of the lesson. After 2-4 sessions, it is recommended to change the exercises.


(Developed by specialists from the Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education)

Exercise with visual cues N 1

In a computer gaming complex, bright visual marks are pre-hung high on the walls, corners, and in the center of the wall. They can be toys or colorful pictures (4-6 tags). It is advisable to select toys (pictures) so that they form a single game plot. And change them from time to time. For example, a car (or a butterfly) is placed in the center of the wall. In the corners under the ceiling there are colored garages. Children are invited to follow with their eyes the car's passage to the garage or repair site. A butterfly can fly from flower to flower.

Exercise technique :

1. Get children out of work. The exercise is carried out at the workplace.

2. Explain to the children what they must do: at the teacher’s command, without turning their heads, with one glance of their eyes, follow the movement of the car into the blue garage, then into the green one, etc. It is very important to emphasize that children do not turn their heads.

3. The teacher suggests moving the gaze from one mark to another at the count of 1-4.

4. It is advisable to show children what object they need to focus on each time. You can direct the child’s gaze sequentially to each mark, or you can do it in random order.

5. The speed of gaze shifting should not be fast. You need to move your gaze so slowly that during the entire exercise there are no more than twelve eye fixations.

6. The duration of the exercise is 1 minute.

7. The teacher must ensure that children do not turn their heads during the exercise.

Exercise with visual cues and head turns N 2

Performed in the same way as the previous one, but with head turns.

The game object can be a Christmas tree that needs to be decorated. Children should look for the toys and animals needed for this purpose throughout the computer room.

Method of performing the exercise:

1. The teacher asks the children to rise from their work places and stand near the chair, facing it.

2. The task is explained: “Here is a Christmas tree (it stands on the table or a large image of it hangs on the wall), it needs to be decorated.”

3. The teacher asks you to comply with the following conditions: “Stand straight, without moving your legs, turning only your head, find toys in the computer room that could be used to decorate the Christmas tree, and name them.”

4. The pace of the exercise is arbitrary.

5. Duration - 1 minute.

Our children will have to live in a computerized society, so they need to be taught not only the basics of computer literacy, but the rules of safe communication with it. The teacher’s task is to cultivate the useful habit of alternating work at the computer with performing simple exercises aimed at relieving fatigue and preventing myopia!!!

In order for the computer to become a true friend and helper for your child, you need to intelligently approach the following issues: properly organize the workplace, carefully select the type of activity, allocate time, and also use simple exercises to relieve fatigue and tension in the muscles of the eyes and body.

Main harmful factors:

According to doctors, teachers and psychologists, this is:

- cramped posture
- development of osteochondrosis
- diseases of the joints of the hands
- difficulty breathing
- presence of radiation from the monitor

- computer addiction
Let's look at them in more detail:

When working at a computer for a long time, the following may occur: headache, dizziness, as well as visual fatigue, which leads to a steady decrease in visual acuity (this depends on the quality of the monitor, the content of the image and the time spent working at the computer).
Constricted posture
When a person sits at the monitor, he is forced to take a certain position (to work with a mouse, keyboard, joystick) and not change it until the end of the work. This causes the following violations:
Diseases of the joints of the hands
The hand of a person working at a computer is forced to make many small movements, which leads to fatigue and the subsequent development of chronic diseases of the hands.
Difficulty breathing
The elbows pointed forward do not allow the chest to move freely.

When you spend a long time at the monitor with your shoulders down, a permanent change in the musculoskeletal system occurs, and sometimes even curvature of the spine.

Modern liquid crystal monitors emit virtually no radiation (gamma rays and neurons). But the potential that is created between a person’s face and the monitor screen accelerates dust particles to enormous speeds and the person is forced to inhale it.
Mental stress and stress due to loss of information
If your computer suddenly crashes and important information is not saved, it can cause stress, nervousness, helplessness, and poor sleep.
Computer addiction
Sometimes it happens that the computer begins to replace the child’s communication with the real people around him. The child spends more and more time in front of the monitor, addicted to computer games and the Internet, and at the same time receiving much more emotions than from live communication. In more serious cases, mental disorders may occur.

5 basic rules for organizing your workspace:
1. It is better to place the computer in a corner or so that the back surface of the computer is turned towards the wall.
2. In the room where the computer is located, daily wet cleaning is recommended.
3.Before working on the computer, wipe the screen with a cloth.
4. In the room where the computer is located, it is better to place indoor plants, and a cactus near the monitor.
5.Ventilate the room where the computer is located often and monitor the humidity.
Eye protection
It is not recommended to allow a preschool child to access the computer more than 2-3 times a week, more than once during the day, or late in the evening or before bedtime.
The duration of a child's one-time work on the computer should not exceed 10 minutes for children 5 years old, 15 minutes for children 6 years old.
After playing at the computer, it is useful to do visual gymnastics with your child for 1 minute to relieve eye strain, as well as perform physical exercises to relieve general fatigue and tension from the muscles of the neck and upper shoulder girdle.
The correct distance to the monitor is about 45-60 cm, preferably at eye level, the correct lighting is natural light falling from the left, but not the monitor screen itself, in order to avoid glare that complicates the work.

Musculoskeletal system and posture
When working at the computer, the child should sit freely, not tensely, without bending the body forward or backward. The head should be kept straight without bending the cervical vertebrae. Shoulders should maintain a natural position and not rise. You should not lean on the back of a regular chair, but you should sit on the entire seat so that at the moment of rest you can comfortably lean back on the chair without making a special transfer. The elbow, forearm, and hand should be at the level of the keyboard. Legs should be bent at the knee and stand flat on the floor. It is completely unacceptable to sit cross-legged. Your legs should reach the floor.
It is also recommended to do a little exercise after working at the computer.
Emotional sphere
Working out and playing games on the computer requires enormous concentration and effort. And this has a harmful effect on the still developing body of a preschooler. The negative picture is complemented by the emergence of psychological dependence, which is expressed in the following pathological symptoms: the child develops a feeling of imaginary superiority over others, loses the ability to switch to other entertainment, and reveals poverty in the emotional sphere.
If a child is very passionate about computer games, then adults should try to distract him by finding another interesting activity.
I would like to draw special attention to the fact that in real life a child must be in demand, he must feel his importance, feel the love of loved ones (if a child “goes” into the virtual world, it means that he is missing something in real life). There should be more “live”, sincere communication between an adult and a child. You need to pay attention to what he does and what worries him.
If parents do not always have the opportunity to personally control the child’s use of the home computer, you can install a program to limit the time children work on the computer, which allows you to create a schedule for the child’s work at the computer and automatically monitor its compliance, prohibit the launch of unwanted games and programs, and block access to unwanted sites on the Internet.

Children's interest in computers is enormous, and it needs to be directed in a useful direction. The computer should become an equal partner for the child, capable of responding very subtly to all his actions and requests. He, on the one hand, is a patient teacher and wise mentor, an assistant in study, and later in work, and on the other hand, a creator of fairy-tale worlds and brave heroes, a friend with whom it is not boring. Following simple rules for working on a computer will help you maintain your health and at the same time open up a world of enormous opportunities for your child.

Children of modern parents learn to use a computer from a very early age. Is this correct? One way or another, the time a child spends at the computer must be limited. A small child should not be left without your supervision during computer games.

If you first decide to register your child on social networks, then keep an eye on who he communicates with there, teach him to construct the “correct” phrases.

Also observe what sites he is interested in, what movies he watches and what games he plays. Play regular games together as often as possible that develop attentiveness and sensory skills. Install programs that your child needs that will teach him something necessary and good.

Keep the monitor on your computer or laptop clean, use special care wipes daily. If there is glare on it, it can negatively affect vision. With a child who “sits” at the computer for a certain time, it is necessary to carry out eye gymnastics.

If your computer screen is faulty, repairs must be done promptly. It's better if

Rules for safe communication between children and computers.

The computer has firmly entered the social and personal life of people, as well as children, starting from a very early age. Of course, it provides enormous opportunities for finding the information you need. However, prolonged contact with a computer has a number of factors that can have an adverse effect on the health of children.

The first is an increase in visual load, the so-called “computer vision syndrome”. It is characterized by symptoms such as burning and pain in the eye area, a feeling of “sand” under the eyelids, blurred vision...

Secondly, under certain conditions, working on a computer becomes stressful, since at this moment the child is required to quickly respond and concentrate nervous processes. The statistical pose itself is also very tiring for children. Under its influence, disorders of posture and other body functions can occur. Working with a mouse is even more difficult for children, since their fine hand-eye coordination has not yet developed.

At 5-6 years old, children enter a critical period of their development, when the maturation of the main physiological systems (central nervous system, cardiovascular, visual, motor) is activated, and children become vulnerable to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors. And its impact is multifactorial:

When a computer is operating, electromagnetic, thermal, ionizing radiation, and noise occur;

The quality of the environment changes, namely, the air temperature increases, its dryness increases, and electrostatic charges arise on surrounding objects;

The video terminal has sharp brightness, contrast, ripple and glare on the screen.

Therefore, it is important for parents to know a number of rules, the observance of which will allow the child to maintain his health. Here are some of them:

The child must be taught to sit correctly: his line of sight should be perpendicular to the screen and in the center of the monitor, the distance to the screen should not be less than 50 cm - this position ensures maximum blood flow to all parts of the body;

The child’s back must have support, and support for the legs in the form of a stand is also required;

The light on the screen should fall from the left; it is important to exclude direct sunlight;

A bluish-gray or greenish-yellow screen background is considered the most acceptable for preschoolers;

Window openings must be equipped with light-controlled devices (blinds, curtains);

It is necessary to systematically ventilate the room to prevent deterioration of its microclimate parameters (dry air, adsorption of dust particles, air pollution by emissions from polymer and synthetic materials used for finishing rooms and making furniture).

Time to interact with a computer for preschoolers is limited. So, during research it turned out that 20 min. continuous work on a computer caused unfavorable changes in the functioning of the central nervous system in 6-year-old children.Therefore, the duration of work for 6-year-old children is 15 minutes per day;for 5-year-old children 10 minutes; per day. There are a number of diseases in whichWorking with a computer is contraindicated for children: with myopia, assigmatism, impaired field of vision and light perception.

Remember: A child can be offered only those games and computer programs that, in content and form, correspond to their age.Psychologists warn about the narcotic, addictive influence of games that contain aggressive characters. They can cause a child’s ruthless behavior towards others, increased excitability, and capriciousness. Games in which ACTION predominates (a genre of computer games in which success largely depends on reaction speed and the ability to quickly make decisions) lead to the loss of inner speech. The child’s brain does not have time to process what he sees in short periods of time on the screen. The rapid change of pictures is also the reason why children’s real life seems to slow down and becomes boring for them.

Remember: After studying with the computer you need to spend time with your child gymnastics to relieve general and visual fatigue.

The effectiveness of visual gymnastics is explained by the fact that when performing special exercises, periodic switching of vision from near to far is ensured, tension in the ciliary muscle of the eye is relieved, and the processes of the accommodative apparatus of the eyes are activated. Its duration is 1 minute. To relieve statistical and neuro-emotional stress, you can use ordinary physical exercises, mainly for the upper body (arm jerks, turns, “chopping wood”...).

Visual gymnastics while working on the computer.

Exercise with visual cues.

Bright visual markers are hung high in the center of the wall and in its corners. The child should stand in front of the computer and, without turning his head, move his gaze from one mark to another at a count of 1-4. The gaze must be moved so slowly that during the entire exercise there are no more than 12 eye fixations.

Visual gymnastics after a computer lesson.

The child performs it sitting or standing, with rhythmic breathing, with maximum amplitude of eye movements. Several exercise options are recommended:

1.Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles on a count of 1-4, then open your eyes, relaxing their muscles, look into the distance through the window on a count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze on the count 1-4, then look straight into the distance at the count 1-6. Exercises with fixation of gaze to the left, up and down are carried out in a similar way. Repeat 2 times.

3.Keep your head straight. Blink without straining your eye muscles for a count of 10-15.

4. Shift your gaze quickly diagonally: up to the right, down to the left, then into the distance on a count of 1-6; then left up - right down and look into the distance 1-6.

5. Close your eyes, without straining your eye muscles, on a count of 1-4, open your eyes wide and look into the distance on a count of 1-6. Repeat 2-3 times.

6. Without turning your head, slowly make circular movements with your eyes and in the opposite direction. Then look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. With your head motionless, move your gaze and fixate it on the count of 1-4 up, on the count of 1-6 straight, then in the same way down-straight, right-straight, left-straight. Make a diagonal movement in one direction and the other with your eyes moving directly to the count of 1-6.

8. Place a red mark with a diameter of 35 mm on the window glass at the child’s eye level. The child fixes his gaze on the mark for 10 seconds, moves it to a distant object outside the window for 10 seconds, then returns his gaze to the mark, etc. The exercise time is 1.5 minutes.


Modern life cannot be imagined without computers. The advantages of computer training are undoubted, and the need for those who will live in this century to master computer literacy is obvious.

However, computerization of education and leisure activities for children also has a number of negative aspects that can have an adverse effect on health. Working, studying or playing on a computer involves the impact on the user, whether he is a child or an adult, of a whole range of factors. The first thing doctors noticed was the increase in visual load among those working behind a display. Domestic and foreign studies, which have a fairly long history, show that more than 90% of computer users complain of burning or pain in the eye area, a feeling of sand under the eyelids, blurred vision, etc. A complex of these and a number of other characteristic ailments has recently become called "computer vision syndrome". The maximum permissible level of visual load largely depends on the age of the user, the state of his vision, as well as the intensity of work with the monitor and the organization of the workplace. Now, with a great deal of confidence, we can say that long-term work with a computer does not cause any organic eye diseases. At the same time, there is every reason to assert that as a result of such work there is a very high risk of the appearance (or progression of existing) myopia.

There is still an opinion that working on a computer is similar to watching television. However, this is not true. Studies have shown that viewing information at a fairly close distance from a glowing screen is more tiring than reading books or watching television. Human vision is absolutely not adapted to a computer screen; we are accustomed to seeing colors and objects in reflected light, which was developed in the process of evolution. The screen image is self-luminous, has significantly lower contrast, and consists of discrete points - pixels. Eye fatigue, in addition, causes screen flickering, glare, and a non-optimal combination of colors in the field of view. This is also confirmed by data on the greater tediousness of children’s activities using computers compared to traditional ones.

Now that not only schoolchildren, but also 5-6-year-old children, whose process of forming a visual analyzer is not completed, is becoming computer users, it is even more important that learning using a computer corresponds to the age capabilities of all categories of users. This fully applies to the computer itself. In combination with the workplace, it must meet all safety requirements.

Special long-term studies have made it possible to determine the optimal duration of continuous classes for children of different ages. So, for children 5-6 years old this time is 10-15 minutes. The functional capabilities of preschoolers are still very small, so even after such short lessons they show signs of visual and general fatigue. Manifestations of fatigue when working on a computer have their own characteristics: the discrepancy between subjective and objective assessments of the state of the body and the individual nature of the manifestation of fatigue. We attach great importance to external signs of fatigue. In preschool children, it can manifest itself in bowing their heads to the side, leaning on the back of a chair, lifting their legs with emphasis on the edge of the table, frequent distractions, conversations, switching attention to other objects, etc.

It is known that the capabilities of children of the same age can vary significantly. The tediousness of classes largely depends on their content, communication skills, the child’s enthusiasm, his well-being, etc. Passion and a positive attitude contribute to increased efficiency and delay fatigue. But our observations have shown that often children, especially preschoolers, cannot objectively assess their well-being. For example, during our research, only 20% of children noted fatigue after working with a computer, while objectively there were much more such children. You should approach the issue of computer classes for preschoolers with neurotic disorders, convulsive reactions, and visual impairments with caution, since the computer can increase all these health deviations. According to ophthalmologists, children with initial (up to 2.0 diopters) myopia, as a rule, do not need glasses for classes.

Communication with a computer is very attractive for a child. Children's craving for this “smart toy” has already become a topic for jokes. When asked by the judge during the divorce proceedings: “Who would you like to live with - mom or dad?”, the child answers: “It depends on who gets the computer!”

Sitting spellbound at a computer for a long time can lead to overstrain of the nervous system, sleep disturbance, deterioration of well-being, and eye fatigue. There is no doubt that fatigue largely depends not only on the duration of classes, but also on their nature. Oddly enough, the most tiresome for children are arcade or paramilitary action-packed games, called “shooters”, “catch-up games”, “killer games” and “adventure games”. There is a powerful computer games industry in the world today. A huge number of companies are fighting among themselves for a place in the sun, creating beautiful and exciting, cunning and intricate, aggressive and bloodthirsty toys for boys and girls. Children are happy to give them their time. But their psyche is unstable, so excessive passion for computer games can cause serious consequences - increased excitability develops, the child becomes capricious, and ceases to be interested in anything other than the computer.

Unlike adults, who perceive these games as harmless entertainment that allows them to forget about life’s problems, children, rather, look for them as a source of increased risk and self-test. They give them the opportunity to feel like participants in acute conflicts. Many children are obsessed with the desire to defeat the computer. However, psychologists warn about the “narcotic”, addictive influence of such games, and about the possibility of a child’s aggressive and ruthless behavior under their influence. In Japan and England, doctors identified a new type of disease - video game epilepsy syndrome - in several children who were overly addicted to computer games from early childhood. This condition is manifested by headaches, prolonged spasms of the facial muscles, and visual impairment. The syndrome, although it does not lead to a decline in the child’s mental abilities, does contribute to the formation of negative character traits typical of epilepsy, such as suspicion, suspiciousness, hostile-aggressive attitude towards loved ones, impulsiveness, and irascibility. From all that has been said, it follows that it is necessary to strictly measure the time of computer classes and monitor their content.

Very important proper organization of the workplace. Despite the fact that the screen is illuminated, classes should not take place in a dark room, but in a well-lit room. Workstations with computers in relation to the light openings should be located so that natural light falls from the side, mainly from the left.

It should be noted that the most optimal orientation of computer and gaming systems is to the northern directions of the horizon. The main thing here is the exclusion of direct sunlight, which contributes to more uniform lighting of the room. This allows you to solve the problem of illumination and glare of display screens, as well as overheating of the room. However, it is known that orientation to the north does not reduce the need for light control, since the brightness of a cloudy sky is inferior to the brightness of a clear sky.

Window openings in rooms where computers are used must be equipped with light-controlled devices such as blinds, curtains, external canopies. It is better to make curtains from a plain dense fabric that harmonizes with the color of the walls. Their width should be twice the width of the window. Interior decoration has a great influence on lighting conditions. Due to the reflected component, lighting in certain areas of the room can be increased by up to 20%.

As sources of general artificial lighting, it is better to use lighting devices that create uniform illumination by diffused or reflected light (the light falls on the ceiling, thereby eliminating glare on the monitor screen and keyboard).

To illuminate rooms, predominantly fluorescent lamps should be used. They are located in the form of continuous or broken lines of lamps located on the side of the workstations, parallel to the line of video monitors. When computers are located perimeterally, lines of lamps are placed locally above the workstation, closer to the front edge facing the user. Lamps without diffusers and shielding grilles should not be used.

I would like to note that there are special fluorescent lamps, for example from Vitalight R, which emit light of various qualities, simulating the full spectrum of natural sunlight. These lamps are less irritating than other artificial light lamps. It is allowed to use incandescent lamps in local lighting fixtures.

Proper organization of lighting can increase labor productivity for visual work of average difficulty by 5-6%, and for very difficult work - by 15%.

It is necessary to ensure that the image on the screen is clear, contrasty, and free of glare and reflections from nearby objects. To create optimal conditions for visual work, preference should be given to a positive image on the screen: black characters on a white background.

The location of the workplace is successful when the computer user has the opportunity to look at long distances - this is one of the most effective ways to relieve the visual system while working. You should avoid placing your workstation in the corners of the room or facing the wall (the distance from the computer to the wall should be at least 1 m), with the screen facing the window, and also facing the window, since the light from the window is an undesirable strain on the eyes while working on the computer . If the computer is still placed in the corner of the room, or the room has very limited space, American experts advise installing a large mirror on the table. With its help, it is easy to see the farthest objects in the room located behind your back.

The distance from the eyes to the computer screen should be at least 50 cm. One child should be working at the computer at a time, since the conditions for viewing the image on the screen sharply worsen for those sitting on the side. The table and chair (necessarily with a back) must correspond to the height of the child. You should not slouch, sit on the edge of a chair, cross your legs, or cross your feet. The posture of a person working at a computer should be as follows: the body is straightened, the natural curves of the spine and the angle of the pelvis are preserved. The head is tilted slightly forward. Eye level is one cm above the center of the screen. It is necessary to exclude strong bends of the body, turns of the head and extreme positions of the joints of the limbs. The angle formed by the forearm and shoulder, as well as the lower leg and thigh, must be at least 90. The vertically straight position allows you to breathe deeply, freely and regularly, without additional pressure on the lungs, sternum or diaphragm. Correct posture ensures maximum blood flow to all parts of the body. If you have a high table and chair, you must take care of a height-adjustable footrest.

In rooms where computers are used, specific environmental conditions are formed. Irregular ventilation and lack of air conditioning systems lead to a significant deterioration in air quality and microclimate parameters. According to the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers, where the microclimate of school computer science classrooms was analyzed, it was shown that in all seasons of the year the air temperature in 70% of cases exceeded the optimal levels and amounted to 22-23? C. When computer science classrooms are oriented to the south, the air temperature in the spring increases sharply, reaching 25? C. Relative air humidity in 60% of cases was at the lower limit of normal (30%).

Significant dry air is a significant drawback of rooms in which computers are located. At low humidity levels, there is a high risk of accumulation in the air of microparticles with a high electrostatic charge that can adsorb dust particles with allergenic properties. In addition, there is a danger of air pollution from emissions from polymer, synthetic and paint materials that are used for interior decoration. Often the floors are covered with linoleum or fleece, the walls are painted with oil paint, and the furniture is finished with polymer materials. This leads to additional pollution of the indoor air with harmful chemicals, especially at elevated air temperatures and changes in humidity caused by the operation of computers. Often, by the end of classes, the concentration of carbon dioxide is twice the maximum permissible level, and the amount of non-toxic dust increases two to four times above the permissible level.

Another, no less serious problem is ensuring the electromagnetic safety of children involved in the computer gaming complex. A working computer creates a field around itself with a wide frequency spectrum, which is represented by:

Electrostatic field;

Alternating low-frequency electric field;

Alternating low frequency magnetic field.

Potentially harmful factors may also include:

X-ray and ultraviolet radiation from cathode ray tube computer display;

Electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range;

Electromagnetic background (electromagnetic fields created by extraneous sources in the child’s workplace).

X-ray and ultraviolet radiation from video display terminal screens can only be considered potentially harmful factors. The fact is that the screens of modern displays are made of glass, which is opaque to the X-ray radiation generated in the tube, and ultraviolet radiation is not detected during testing even in the oldest display models. Radio frequency emissions from electronic components of computer equipment are also below the maximum permissible levels regulated by sanitary standards.

An electrostatic field occurs due to the presence of an electrical potential on the display screen. This creates a potential difference between the display screen and the user. The presence of an electrostatic field in the space around the computer causes dust from the air to settle on the keyboard and display screen. However, as experience shows, in practice it is not always possible to ensure a normal electromagnetic environment in a computer and gaming complex. With a general incorrect layout of the room, non-optimal wiring of the power supply network and the design of the grounding loop, the room’s own electromagnetic background may turn out to be so strong that it is not possible to ensure the requirements of the Sanitary Rules at the workplaces of PC users, even with any tricks in the organization of the workplace itself and under no circumstances, even ultra-modern and environmentally friendly computers. Moreover, the computers themselves, placed in strong electromagnetic fields, become unstable in operation, the effect of image shaking on the monitor screen appears, and their ergonomic characteristics significantly deteriorate. Experts advise taking the following into account:

1. The room where computers are operated must be removed from extraneous sources of electromagnetic radiation (electrical panels, transformers, power cables with powerful electrical consumers, radio transmitting devices, etc.).

2. If there are metal bars on the windows of the room, they must be grounded. Experience shows that failure to comply with this rule can lead to a sharp local increase in the field level at any point in the room and computer malfunctions.

3. It is advisable to place computer and gaming complexes, characterized by significant crowding of computer and other office equipment, on the lower floors of the building. Due to the minimum value of grounding resistance, it is on the lower floors of buildings that the general electromagnetic background in workplaces with computer equipment is significantly reduced.

The study of the possible consequences of exposure to electromagnetic radiation on the human body has just begun, however, there is already quite a lot of convincing evidence from both domestic and foreign authors about their danger to health. Each workplace creates an electromagnetic field, the radius of which can be 1.5 m or more, and the radiation comes not only from the screen, but also from the back and side walls of the monitor. Computers of recent years, as a rule, have a built-in system for protecting the user from radiation. This is indicated by a special marking - LR (Low Radiation - low radiation). However, only special measurements can provide real guarantees.

As already mentioned, most children's educational institutions use outdated technology, which is not able to provide not only optimal conditions for visual work, but is also generally characterized by much higher levels of electromagnetic fields and electrostatic potential of the display screen. Studies have shown that radiation levels in such computer and gaming complexes and classrooms exceed the standards from two to twenty times. Often, elevated radiation levels are associated with poor grounding.

It is very important to place workplaces hygienically. Whatever the arrangement of computers - perimeter, row, or central, workstations with computers should be placed so that the distance between the side walls of the display of adjacent monitors is at least 1.2 m, and the distance between the front surface of the monitor towards the rear of the adjacent monitor is at least 1.2 m. at least 2 m. This layout of workplaces helps protect the user from electromagnetic radiation from neighboring computers.

Protecting someone working at a computer can be done using a special filter. However, most filters that are used in educational institutions are, at best, capable of improving the conditions of visual work at a computer and practically do not solve the problem of reducing electromagnetic radiation. Since the cost of a filter that will provide reliable protection is comparable to the cost of a modern monitor, it is more economical to buy not a filter, but a more modern display.

Regulations on the duration of classes, recommendations for the prevention of fatigue, requirements for the arrangement of computer classes, along with other standards, were included in Sanitary Norms and Rules (SanPiN) “Hygienic requirements for terminals, personal electronic computers and organization of work.” Compliance with the requirements set out in this document will create a safe and comfortable working environment for children and adults. Getting to know them will be useful for everyone who professionally works with computers, including teachers and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. For them, the document will be a good help in matters of hygienically competent organization of activities with children and protecting their own health.

To relieve static and neuro-emotional tension, you can use ordinary physical exercises, mainly for the upper body (arm jerks, turns, “chopping wood,” etc.), and playing in the fresh air. To relieve eye strain, visual gymnastics is recommended. Even with a short duration (1 minute), but carried out regularly, it is an effective measure for preventing fatigue. The effectiveness of visual gymnastics is explained by the fact that when performing special exercises, periodic switching of vision from a near object to a distant one is ensured, tension is relieved from the ciliary muscle of the eye, and the recovery processes of the accommodative apparatus of the eye are activated, as a result of which vision function is normalized. In addition, there is a special exercise (with a mark on the glass) designed to train and develop the accommodative function of the eye.

Visual gymnastics is carried out in the middle of a lesson with a computer (after 5 minutes of work for five-year-olds and after 7-8 minutes for six-year-olds), as well as in its final part or after the entire developmental lesson using a computer.

The duration of visual gymnastics, both during and after class, is 1 minute. The teacher selects one exercise to perform during computer classes and one or two exercises to perform gymnastics after the final part of the lesson. After 2-4 sessions, it is recommended to change the exercises.


(Developed by specialists from the Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education)

Exercise with visual cues N 1

In a computer gaming complex, bright visual marks are pre-hung high on the walls, corners, and in the center of the wall. They can be toys or colorful pictures (4-6 tags). It is advisable to select toys (pictures) so that they form a single game plot. And change them from time to time. For example, a car (or a butterfly) is placed in the center of the wall. In the corners under the ceiling there are colored garages. Children are invited to follow with their eyes the car's passage to the garage or repair site. A butterfly can fly from flower to flower.

Exercise technique:

1. Get children out of work. The exercise is carried out at the workplace.

2. Explain to the children what they must do: at the teacher’s command, without turning their heads, with one glance of the eyes, follow the movement of the car into the blue garage, then into the green one, etc. It is very important to emphasize that the children do not turn their heads.

3. The teacher suggests moving the gaze from one mark to another at the count of 1-4.

4. It is advisable to show children what object they need to focus on each time. You can direct the child’s gaze sequentially to each mark, or you can do it in random order.

5. The speed of gaze shifting should not be fast. You need to move your gaze so slowly that during the entire exercise there are no more than twelve eye fixations.

6. The duration of the exercise is 1 minute.

7. The teacher must ensure that children do not turn their heads during the exercise.

Exercise with visual cues and head turns N 2

Performed in the same way as the previous one, but with head turns.

The game object can be a Christmas tree that needs to be decorated. Children should look for the toys and animals needed for this purpose throughout the computer room.

Method of performing the exercise:

1. The teacher asks the children to rise from their work places and stand near the chair, facing it.

2. The task is explained: “Here is a Christmas tree (it stands on the table or a large image of it hangs on the wall), it needs to be decorated.”

3. The teacher asks you to comply with the following conditions: “Stand straight, without moving your legs, turning only your head, find toys in the computer room that could be used to decorate the Christmas tree, and name them.”

4. The pace of the exercise is arbitrary.

5. Duration - 1 minute.

Our children will have to live in a computerized society, so they need to be taught not only the basics of computer literacy, but the rules of safe communication with it. The teacher’s task is to develop the useful habit of alternating work at the computer with simple exercises aimed at relieving fatigue and preventing myopia.