Open node with cuiseneur sticks preparatory group. Summary of nodes for famp using cuisenaire sticks

Lyubov Nemtsova
Summary of GCD for FEMP in the senior group “Let's help the gnome build a house” using Cuisenaire sticks

Target: consolidation of acquired knowledge in children, with using educational games.



Consolidate knowledge in the formation of numbers within 10;

Strengthen children's ability to compare objects by length and indicate the result in words comparisons: longer, shorter, equal in length;

Strengthen children's skills in laying out a task based on a model from Cuisenaire sticks.


Develop logical thinking, attention, memory.


Cultivate an interest in mathematics, a feeling of joy from joint actions and successfully completed tasks.

Materials and equipment: Sets Cuisenaire rods for each child, laptop, ball, house diagrams, toy watch, toy - dwarf.

Preliminary work:

Introduction to watches;

Comparison chopsticks;

Educational games with Cuisenaire sticks;

Games for orientation in space.

GCD move:

Educator: Children, look what I have in my hands? Children's answers. Yes, it’s a beautiful box, let’s see what’s in it.

The teacher opens the box, and in it are 10 multi-colored Cuisenaire sticks.

Educator: What is this? Children's answers. Well done, right! Now we'll go to the kingdom Cuisenaire sticks.

Slide 1. Set Cuisenaire sticks.

Educator: Let's remember how they are similar and how they differ? What does the color of each represent? sticks and what number it corresponds to. Answers children: white stick - number 1, pink stick number 2, blue stick-3, red-4, yellow-5, purple-6, black-7, burgundy-8, blue-9, orange-10.

Who will read the poem about on chopsticks?

Number 1 is like the first snowball,

2-like the most beautiful flower,

3-firmament above head,

4-flag, and what color?

5-decorated like a dandelion,

6-violet in our glass.

Number 7 is dark as soot,

8-color of a delicious and ripe cherry,

9-like a gentle bell,

10-as healthy as an orange.

Educator: Well done! Let's go let's build ladder from shortest to longest sticks.

Slide 2. There is a ladder on the screen.

Educator: Now let's test your knowledge, let's play. I will throw the ball and ask a question, and you must answer quickly.

Which color stick in 3rd place?

Which wand color is between 3 and 5.

Which one is blue? wand?

What number does yellow correspond to? wand?

Which color stick in 6th place.

Which color stick in 7th place.

Which wand in color in 10th place.

What number do you get if you add two white ones? sticks.

What number do you get if you add two pink ones? sticks.

What number do you get if you add white and pink? sticks.

What number do you get if you add white and blue? sticks.

What number do you get if you add white and red? sticks.

Educator: Well done! And from which chopsticks you can make a yellow one stick.

Children's answers: out of five whites; from 1 white and 1 red; from 1 pink and 1 blue; 2 white and 1 blue; 3 white and 1 pink.

Educator: Guys, let's go to the tables. Open boxes with colored counting cards with chopsticks. Get it stick, which represents the number 10.

What color is this wand? (orange).

Now get as many white ones as you can chopsticks, so that they are all placed under the orange one.

Yes, that's right. The number 10 is made up of 10 ones.

Now think and attach one white one below stick, and the second such that they together are equal in length to the orange stick.

What color is this wand? (Blue). What number does blue represent? wand? (9) . So 10 is 1 and 9.

Attach one pink one below stick, and the second such that they together are equal in length to the orange stick. Which you put the wand? (burgundy). What number does pink represent? wand? (2) . What number does burgundy represent? wand? (8) .

So 10 is 2 and 8. (By analogy, children make up all variants of the number 10).

The teacher lays out all the composition options for the number 10 on the board.

Educator: Children, now you have shown which two smaller numbers can be used to make the number 10. Let’s do them again let's call:

White the stick represents the number 1, and the blue one is the number 9. So 10 is 1 and 9.

Pink the stick represents the number 2, and burgundy is the number 8. So 10 is 2 and 8.

Blue the stick represents the number 3, and the black number is 7. So 10 is 3 and 7.

Red the stick represents the number 4, purple is the number 6. So 10 is 4 and 6.

Yellow wand indicates the number 5 and another yellow one will also be 10.

(The teacher is next to his with chopsticks attaches records of numerical expressions).

Fizminutka "1 more, 1 less".

Children stand in a circle, the teacher shows stick any color and asks the children to perform 1 movement more or less: sit down; clap your hands; jump; blink your eyes; raise your hand up, etc.

Educator: Guys, do you like listening to fairy tales? Today I want to tell you a fairy tale, not a simple one, but a magical one.

Once upon a time there was a sad man in the world dwarf. Why sad? Yes, because he didn’t have a home. And then one day, waking up in the morning from the rain, dwarf I firmly decided to build myself a house. Building a house is very difficult. Therefore, he thought the whole day.

How old are these children? Answers: morning, day, evening, night.

The next day he started work at 9 am.

Children, show this time on our watches. Right.

The first thing I decided to do dwarf- This is to draw a diagram of the house. He drew until 6 pm.

Guys, show this time on your watch. Right.

He spent a lot of time, but nothing worked. And he decided to ask you have help. The only thing he knew for sure was that the house had to be big, since he had brothers.

Guys, come on Let's help the gnome build a house?

Slide 3. Here different schemes houses. Of course, you can come up with your own version.

Children build from sticks at home. After a while it appears gnome. The teacher speaks for gnome.

Dwarf: Hello guys! I heard that you were building me a house and came to choose the most beautiful one.

Children: Choose gnome.

Dwarf: Thanks guys! I also brought you pictures (not fish and duck color schemes) - help me disenchant them. I have a pond near my house and I would like fish to live in it and ducks to swim.

Game "Lay out from chopsticks» . Post from sticks fish and duck. Children choose one picture at a time and try to put it together on their own. Then the test slide is turned on.

Slide 4. Duck and fish made from Cuisenaire sticks.

Dwarf: Thanks guys! Now I have everything. I went to my place. Come visit.

Children: Goodbye!

Summary of the lesson.

What was interesting in the lesson?

What did you like most?

What was the most difficult task?

Which task was the easiest?

Publications on the topic:

"A Journey Through Fairy Tales." Summary of GCD using Cuisenaire rods Direct educational activity “Journey through fairy tales” (use of game pedagogical technology of intensive development.

Summary of an integrated lesson using Cuisenaire sticks in the senior group Goal: To develop observation, memory, attention, thinking, imagination. Consolidate counting within 10. Practice forward and backward counting.

Summary of an integrated educational activity for familiarization with the environment and HFA in the senior speech group “Let's help the Smurfs build houses” LOVE SEMINA Synopsis of an integrated educational activity in the senior speech group “Let's help the Smurfs build houses” Municipal autonomous preschool.

Summary of educational activities in the senior group “Save the Princess” using Cuisenaire sticks Subject educational activities"Let's save the princess" Educational area « Cognitive development"(FEMP) Goal: to develop the ability to work.

Name: Summary of GCD for FEMP in the senior group “Let's help a friend get acquainted with winter” using TRIZ technology, Gyönes blocks and Cuisenaire sticks
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, game activities, Senior group kindergarten

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: GBDOU kindergarten № 61
Location: St. Petersburg, Primorsky district

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the senior group
“Let's help a friend from Africa get acquainted with winter” using TRIZ technology, Dienesh blocks and Cuisenaire sticks.

Technologies used: Gyones blocks, Cuisenaire sticks, TRIZ.

Program content:

Target: consolidation of acquired knowledge in children, using educational games, to develop the ability to rejoice while achieving a goal.



Fix the score within 10;

The ability to find a number and its neighboring numbers in a number series;

Be able to distinguish geometric shapes by shape, color, size;

Strengthen the ability to navigate in space;

Practice ordinal counting.


Develop logical thinking, attention, memory.


Cultivate an interest in mathematics, a feeling of joy from joint actions and successfully completed tasks.

Materials and equipment: globe, Pinocchio and Pierrot toys, Cuisenaire sticks, Dienesh blocks, pictures fairy-tale heroes Pinocchio and Pierrot, drawing of a Christmas tree. Progress of the lesson. Guys, I know a boy who lives in Africa. What do you know about Africa? (Globe - children's answers) The boy's name is Philip. He told me that their winters are warm, there are no frosts and he has never seen snow. 1. Triz D/I “Good-bad.” Our fairy-tale friends Pinocchio and Pierrot want to express their opinion. Pierrot. I don't like snow. He is so... (children's statements) Pinocchio. And I love snow. Let's tell Philip how wonderful the snow is. (Children's statements) 2. Brainstorming. Guys, how can we send snow to Philip so that he can touch it and play with it? Let's get creative. (Children's statements) 3. Playing with Cuisner sticks.Exercise. Let's send Philip snow by train. Prepare your trains and hit the road. There are chopsticks on your tables different colors And different lengths. You need to make a train from the shortest carriage to the longest. Made up? And on the way we will play a little... - How many cars does the train have? (5)
-What is the order of the blue carriage? (third)
-What color is the fourth carriage? (red)
-What color is the car to the left of the yellow one? (red)
-What color is the carriage to the right of the red one? (yellow)
Exercise. Guys, Philip sent you a photo of his beloved friend in response.

– Place a red stick in a column. What number does it represent? (Four.)

– Place the pink stick to the right of the red one at the top. What number represents the color pink? (Two.)

– Under the pink one, place three yellow sticks, one under the other. What number represents the color yellow? (Five.)

– Place the white one on the right next to the yellow one at the top.

– Under the yellow bottom stick to the left of the edge, place two pink sticks, one under the other. Now do the same on the right side. On the left side, under the red stripe, place the white one. The result was a baby elephant.

– Which way is the baby elephant going?

– How many long sticks did you use?

– How many short ones?

4.Gyones blocks. Exercise. Guys, what is a pile of snow called? (snowdrift). Approach the first snowdrift. On what basis are the blocks distributed? ( by color). Approach the second snowdrift ( size). Third snowdrift ( different). Place them in the required snowdrifts. 5. Guys, tell Philip what holiday we celebrate in winter. Exercise.“We’re decorating the Christmas tree” (there’s a Christmas tree with code icons on the board. You need to attach the required block to the tree. Guys, Philip said on Skype that he really liked our winter and he says thank you for the story and invites everyone to visit him in Africa.

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Summary of GCD for FEMP in the preparatory group using Cuisenaire rods

Publication date: 10/08/17

Summary of GCD on FEMP in the preparatory group using Cuisenaire sticks “Journey through the seasons”

To consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons and months of the year.

Develop logical thinking.

Learn to form the number 6 from two smaller ones using Cuisenaire sticks.

Strengthen ordinal and quantitative counting within 10.

Teach children to independently lay out an image from Cuisner sticks in accordance with the assignment; develop skills in comparing values ​​by height; develop the ability to analyze text, highlighting the main thing.

Learn to solve riddles about the seasons.

Improve your ability to analyze your work and answers.

Material: Presentation “Seasons”, Cuisenaire sticks, geometric shapes, multimedia equipment.

Educator: Guests came to us today, and we are meeting them, so who are we?

Children: We are the masters.

Educator: Then we will smile at the guests, wink at them, so that everyone has good mood. And so, we begin. And we will start with a warm-up for the mind.

D/i “Name the time of year, month”

Educator : What time of year is it now? (autumn)

Which one will it be? (winter)

What month?

Name the autumn months, winter months...

What month is after June, August, October?

Educator: You answered all the questions correctly. I want to ask you

Where can I meet all 12 months?

Children: In a fairy tale, on a calendar.

Educator: I invite everyone to go on a journey through the seasons. But in order to move from one season to another, we must complete mathematical tasks . (Slide No. 1)

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MBDOU Askizsky CRR "Topolek"

Summary of GCD on FEMP in game problem situations using colored Cuisenaire counting sticks on the topic “Square”

Educator: Shevtsova M.D.


Summary of GCD on FEMP in game problem situations using colored Cuisenaire counting sticks on the topic “Square” (5-6 years)
Program content:
Goal: use colored Cuisenaire counting sticks in game problem situations.
- create conditions for mastering color standards and assigning Cuisenaire counting sticks;
- consolidate knowledge about the square.
- develop the ability to build a square from Cuisenaire sticks in different ways;
- develop the visual eye;
- create conditions for understanding the task and solving it independently;
- develop the skill of self-control, self-esteem;
- develop the ability to solve problem situations.
Materials: image of a square in the shape of a person; 2 sets of colored stripes for active play; diagrams of “buildings” for display on the board. Scheme of a multi-storey building for each child; table of “sticks” 9 demonstration material, size increased); a set of colored Cuisenaire counting sticks according to the number of children; cards with colored cells according to the color of the sticks; handout cards from 1 to 6 (numbers are indicated by a dot). For each child, small massage balls “hedgehogs”.

The course of direct educational activities.

Stage of educational activity

Workspace organization

Adult activity

Children's activities
Psychological – pedagogical conditions/Conditions of the social situation of development

Introductory part
(Organizational and motivational moment) (3 min.)

Main part
(19 min.)

The final part. (3 min.)

Children are playing in a group, the phone rings, the speakerphone is turned on.

In advance, a “square” in the shape of a person is placed on the board, which is covered with a white sheet.

The teacher shows a table of Cuisenaire sticks on the board.

The teacher attaches diagrams of different ways to make a square to the board.

P/game “Find your place.”

The teacher, on behalf of the square, says that he is glad that he knows what a square is, how many sides and vertices it has, but he is interested in what useful things are in a square shape.

The teacher invites the children to build a house according to the diagram. Children complete the task.

Game “Find the Number” The game can be played several times.

The teacher plays with the children board game.

The teacher explains to the children a problematic situation, in which he says that a guest from the land of geometric shapes came to the children, but he was very sad and therefore hid.
He's been my friend for a long time,
Every angle in it is right.
All four sides
Same length.
I'm glad to introduce him to you.
And his name is (square).
-Why do you think he is hiding?

The teacher asks the children to make a square out of sticks.

Children express their guesses. If the children do not name, the teacher says that the square asked the children for help, to find out who he is and why he is needed.

The teacher distributes colored strips.

How many floors are in the house, as such houses are called (multi-story).
- How many sticks and what color did you need?
- What is the numerical value of this or that stick?

The teacher provides assistance.

Guys, what did we do today? And for what? Is this a good deed?

Encourages children to verbally communicate with each other. Develops children's ability to communicate about joint activities.

Children perform movements, imitating modeling straight and circular shapes from plasticine, toss the balls a given number of times (toss 1 less or more within 7).

Children give their answers, list the characteristics of a quadrilateral, that all sides of the square are equal.

Children name color and number value.

A square can be built in different ways, and the longer the stick, the larger the square, the larger the square.

They move to the tune. Without it, they stop and line up along the length of the sticks, starting with the shortest.

Children name square-shaped objects.

Mini-groups of children
They decide on what basis they will be divided into teams.

Each child has a card divided into 2 equal parts. There is color on the top, and no color on the bottom. Under each color you need to put a card with the corresponding number of circles.

Children's answers.

Conditions for the manifestation of speech activity.

Conditions for defining the problem,
search activity. Conditions for children's speech activity

Conditions for the development of independence and initiative. Conditions for the manifestation of search activity.

Conditions for decision making, search
activities. Selection of materials.
Conditions for practical activities.

Motor activity.

Conditions for children's speech activity

Conditions for practical activities by the subgroup. Conditions for the development of independence and initiative. Selection of materials.

Conditions for the development of independence and initiative.

Conditions for the development of dialogic speech.
Conditions for children to express their thoughts.

Municipal budget preschool
educational institution
“Kindergarten No. 27 “Pochemuchka”

Lesson notes on FEMP
using Cuisenaire rods
in the senior group
Topic: “Game-travel”

Prepared by the teacher
Yunak S.L.

Topic: “Game-travel”
Cognitive development: Strengthen the ability to identify and compare the properties of objects. Develop attention, visual-effective thinking, logical thinking. Practice orientation skills on a piece of paper
Speech development: Contribute to the expansion and enrichment of vocabulary
Physical development: development motor activity, develop both hands and fine motor skills
Social and communicative development: creating positive emotions in children
Artistic and aesthetic development: develop the ability to create a composition
Demonstration material: flannelgraph, wood, pictures to create a dynamic picture, a letter from Carlson, a box of toys, an image of a train
Handouts: cards for the game “4th is the odd one out”, pencils, sheets of paper, geometric shapes, blue and red circles, Cuisenaire sticks, cards with numbers for building a station.
Progress of the lesson:
Q. - Do you guys like to travel? Then guess what we'll take on our trip today:
There's a ladder in the field,
The house is running down the stairs.
Q. - How did you guess that it was a train?
-Well, let's get our trains ready and off we go.
-Make a train of stick cars - from the longest to the shortest. Made up? Let's go! And along the way we’ll play “questions and answers.” I ask one question, and one of you asks the other.
(-What do you see on the right)
Q. - How many cars does the train have?
-What is the order of the brown carriage?
-What color car is the sixth one?
-What order is the carriage between orange and brown?
-Find the car that is next to the yellow one, but not the red one.
-What color is the carriage to the left (to the right) of burgundy?
(children's answers)
V. - list the colors of the cars in order from left to right. And now it’s the other way around - from right to left.
V.-I will name the size of the carriage, and you show it: the longest, the shortest, the shortest one to continue? And now it’s the other way around: the shortest one, the longest one, even longer one (one of the children continues to name and show.)
V. - number the carriages of your train. What color is the ninth carriage?
-What size is the first (last) car?
Q - Guys, there are passengers on our train - here they are (show white stick).
- How many passengers are in the last carriage? (place white sticks along the length of the carriage and count them.)
- What will your question be?
- How many passengers will fit in carriages 9 and 10? Prove it.
- And at 8 and 7? How did you find out?
- In what order are the 5 passengers traveling in the carriage?
(children's answers)
Q - Guys, this is our first stop. Let's play.
Game "Draw the Paths". Children are asked to draw pencil paths from the largest to the smallest shape in order. Each child has cards with images of geometric shapes.
(Orientation on sheet)
Q - What is the name of the geometric figure located in the upper right corner?
- What color?
- What is the name of the geometric figure located in the left corner?
- What color?
- Find the blue one geometric figure;
- What is it called?
- In what corner is it located?
- Name the geometric figure located in the center;
- What color is it?
B – It’s time to move on - (make a train of 4 cars on a flannelgraph).
Guys, an oncoming train is moving along the railway.
The only passengers in it are animals: an elephant, a cow, a cat, a dog. There is also a mouse on this train, but it is hidden and cannot be seen. Guess which carriage the mouse is in, if we know that he is not traveling with a dog or an elephant?
D - the mouse rides with the cow, since the cat can eat the mouse.
V. - It’s nice to take a ride on a passenger train, isn’t it? But there are also freight trains, and they are very necessary. Make a freight train out of sticks of whatever color you want.
Q - What color sticks did you use to make your train? How many carriages does it have?
Q - We have a single load (I show a white stick), a double load (pink), a triple load, etc. This cargo must be distributed among the cars so that they are fully loaded, but in different ways. Get to work!
(as the task progresses, I ask what kind of cargo is in the 1st car, how was the 2nd car loaded)
B - Our trains arrived at the station on schedule. But there is no station building, it needs to be built, but only from those sticks that are indicated by numbers on the cards.
(distribute cards with numbers to the children, and according to them, select the sticks from which the structure is created.)
V. - Well done. Get off the train and stand in a circle.
-What was interesting in the lesson?
-What did you like most?
-Which task was the most difficult?
-And the easiest?
-Do you think you did a good job?
-What would you praise yourself for?

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