Autumn party: scatter the clouds of gray everyday life. Scenario for holding autumn gatherings for the elderly “With all my heart Autumn Ball for the Day of the Elderly” scenario

Scenario of the autumn holiday dedicated to the day of the elderly, in preparatory group"Cabbage gatherings with grandmothers"

Grandmother Cabbage Girl enters the hall to the music (leader-teacher of the group, without children, children stand near the hall)

Grandmother to guests: The wind is blowing, it’s raining, it’s cold outside,

I have been waiting for guests for a long time, I am a cabbage grandmother.

(Music sounds) And here come the guests.

Children enter the hall to the music and perform the dance composition “Gate” (music by the group “Ivana Kupala”)

Grandmother: Hello, dear guests,

The girls are red and the guys are daring,

Come help and chop the cabbage.

Grandmother the cabbage maker is waiting for you at cabbage gatherings, it will be fun with us and there will be a story about autumn!

Children read poems about autumn (2-3 pieces according to the teacher’s choice)

Grandmother: But Autumn herself has come to us, Autumn comes out into the circle and starts a game.

"Autumn round dance" music. And seq. T. Krivova ( j-l muses. leader No. 6, 2013) (after the children sit on chairs)

Grandmother: I’ll tell you guys how people used to help each other in the old days. In Rus' there was a custom - to harvest cabbage in the fall and salt it for the long winter. The girls all got together, went from house to house and chopped cabbage. This is how they helped each other. Children also took part in this activity. Such help was needed, because they prepared a lot of cabbage for the whole winter. Then they said: “They can’t live without cabbage,”

“Cabbage is not empty, it just pops into your mouth,” “Why build a garden if you don’t plant cabbage?” Do you have a lot of cabbage growing in your garden? (Yes)

Grandmother: We must say “Thank you” to autumn, it came to us not only with cabbage and a rich harvest, but also with a holiday. There is a holiday in the fall called “Day of the Elderly”, and today your grandmothers came to us. Let's congratulate them.

1. Now I’m big, I don’t play okay.

If they allow it, I help my grandmother.

We bake a pie in the oven, grate sweet carrots,

Like my grandmother, I will become a housewife!

2. I love my grandmother very much, I love my mother’s mother,

She has a lot of wrinkles and a gray strand on her forehead,

I just want to touch it and then kiss it!

3. Who knows how to do everything in the world - sew, cook, wash, knit?

For whom am I a dear grandson? She has a secret from her mom!

And he will always give a straight answer to a hundred whys!

This is my grandmother, I am very friendly with her!

4. How to bake a big pie? How to knit a colored sock?

Who will give good advice? Did you guess it or not?

There is no relatives of my grandmother, kiss her quickly!

Song "Grandma, sit next to us"

Grandmother: It’s nice for me, it’s been a long time since anyone sang such soulful songs to me. Well, time for business, time for fun! Guess the riddles of the cabbage grandmother:

1. She grows in a garden bed, dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for it, and half a bag of coarse salt. (cabbage)

2. Not sewn, not cut, but covered in scars.

Countless clothes - and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

3. Piece by piece, green patches,

All day long she basks in the garden bed. (cabbage)

Grandmother: The riddles have been solved, it’s time for your grandmothers to show their skills! Come on, grandmas, come out and show your skills!

Attractions with grandmothers: 1. Whose grandmother can cut the cabbage faster?

2. Decorate the cabbage. (3 pairs are participating, a child and a grandmother; on the tables there are small forks of cabbage, and decorations: leaves, rowan sprigs, parsley, seeds, chopped carrots, beets, tomatoes, apples, etc. Grandmothers and grandchildren decorate the cabbage and give it to their title of the work) (While the participants are decorating the cabbage, with the grandmothers who are sitting in the audience hall, hold a competition “Who knows more cabbage dishes”, the winner is given a gift (for example: a pie with cabbage)

Grandma – Cabbage Girl: And now again congratulations are being heard for our grandparents. The song “Young Grandmother” will be performed by Ulyana.

Bab.Kapust: And now I want to invite my vegetable friends to amuse the elderly people, come out, my vegetable friends, show them a dance.

Dance of vegetables (make vegetable masks at home with parents)

Bab.Kapust: My friends, the grandmothers, amused me, thanks to them, and now let the grandmothers amuse us with their knowledge of children's songs.

Attraction for grandmothers “Guess the children's song” (music director includes children's songs, grandmothers guess, the most active grandmother is given a souvenir)

Grandma Cabbage: Oh yes grandmas, they know all the songs! Guys, do you help grandmothers harvest in the garden?

Attraction: “Harvest the harvest” (the whole group participates, stand in 2 lines, the leader “drives a car”, going around the pins, takes a vegetable from the “bed”, brings it back, puts it in a basket, passes the car to the next one whose team is faster).

The Scarecrow enters the hall to the music, stops, and sings “In the garden or in the vegetable garden” to the music:

Was there a scarecrow in the garden,

The nimble jackdaws and crows were dashing away.

Bab.Kupust: Guys, has this come to us?

Scarecrow: I live in the garden, and although I seem harmless,

I put on rags and rags, frightening everyone with a terrible look.

Cabbage: Oh, it's a garden scarecrow! You scared away all the birds in the dachas and gardens, but why did you come to us? Who are you trying to scare?

Scarecrow: In the hot summer I work, and I’m proud of my work,

As soon as I see a flock of birds, I wave my rags!

Cabbage: I don’t “wave”, but “wave”, please speak Russian!

Scarecrow: Excuse me, I didn’t go to school!

But I work skillfully less words, more to do!

Cabbage: Now why didn’t you come to us for work, but for a holiday?

Scarecrow: The harvest has already been harvested, the Birds have fled to Africa!

The sky is dripping, the winds are blowing, I can smell winter with my long nose!

Scarecrow: It’s boring alone in the garden, there are only clouds walking around,

I would like to be closer to society, I see you having fun here!

Cabbage: It's fun here - Autumn, and we praise the elderly, come to us Scarecrow, and listen to the song about the accordion, we will perform it as a gift for our grandparents!

A boy reads a poem for his grandfather:

I'll be strong, I'm like a grandfather,

It will be like this for me to be a hundred years old!

There is no reason to whine with your grandfather,

Grandfather and I are men!

Song "Accordion"

Scarecrow: Eh, I wish I could play the accordion, otherwise I only know how to guard potatoes. I need to collect potatoes, I’ll call a team of three with a spoon to carry potatoes,

And grandma greets you and peels potatoes!

Attraction: Collect potatoes from the garden, carry them in spoons, and the grandmothers peel the potatoes, whoever is faster. (3 pairs are chosen, the children run to the “bed” with a spoon in their hands, carry the potatoes in a spoon to the grandmother who is standing at the table, the grandmothers peel the potatoes whose pair is faster).

Scarecrow: Well done, grandmothers are great at peeling potatoes and their grandchildren can pick them! Eh, guys, isn't it time for us to dance?

Cabbage: It's time, scarecrow, it's time, good fellows, come out and start the dance, red maidens.

Dance “Will I go out?

Scarecrow: Guys, it’s time for me to get ready for the garden, but there’s nothing to guard there, all the beds are empty, the harvest has been harvested a long time ago, what should I do there alone?

Cabbage: Scarecrow, don’t be sad, we’ll draw the beds for you now, and then you won’t be bored all winter.

Attraction “Draw the beds” (2 strips of paper - “beds”, pencils or markers for children, draw vegetables on paper of the children’s choice)

The Scarecrow looks at the “beds”, thanks, the guys or the cabbage-growing grandmother roll up strips of paper, give them to the Scarecrow, the Scarecrow says goodbye, and leaves.

Cabbage: Let's once again congratulate our beloved grandmothers!

After the ride, 2 boys come out and read a nursery rhyme:

1. And we’ll sing ditties,

We'll wash all the bones!

2. Not mine, but mine!

1. Well, then let's sing!

Ditties for grandmothers.

After the ditties, Grandma Cabbage Girl brings out the pie:

And here’s a treat for you from me - Pies with cabbage, we invite everyone for tea!

  1. Good evening.
  1. Come in quickly, welcome guests.

Throw away all your worries at the entrance!

Let happy faces flash everywhere,

Let everyone have fun with us today.

  1. Come in, hurry up

Our dear friends!

Relax, have fun.

You can't get bored here.

  1. Yes, we won’t be bored today, and we are starting our competition program.
  1. It is still quite cool outside and in the hall and we will now check how warm our guests are.
  1. Anyone can participate in this competition. We ask those interested to come on stage.

(1 part “Alcohol meter”)

2. You need to stand with your back to the “Spiritometer”, bend over, extend your hand with a felt-tip pen between your legs and try to put a mark on the scale as high as possible.

  1. Whichever of you turns out to be the “most sober” will receive a prize.


  1. Yes, the first competition showed us that today everyone in the hall is not only cheerful, but also sober.
  1. Sasha, how do you feel about the distribution of household responsibilities?
  1. I think everything needs to be done together. But now we will see which family member is better off doing such a juicy business that will be in the next competition.

1. So, our next competition. We ask for 2 people on stage.

(2k. “Family panties”)

  1. When the music starts playing, you need to put these elastic bands into your panties, and then put them on yourself.

2. The winner is the one who is the first to “make” panties and put them on.


  1. Yes, anyone can put an elastic band into their underpants, but for the next competition we need real “sea wolves”.
  1. Our competition is called “Sea Wolf” and we invite 2 men to the stage, and maybe girls will also want to participate.

(3k. “Sea Wolf”)

  1. You have 2 ropes. Your goal is to tie them together as tightly as possible. (after checking). And the prize will be given to the one who unties the knot faster than others.

(awarding) disco

  1. We are continuing the next “Blow” competition.
  1. Sorry, I didn’t understand where to blow? It's time for me to leave.
  1. No, this competition is called “Blow”.
  1. Everything is clear. We ask for 2 people willing to come on stage.

(4k. “Blow”)

2.You need to blow the egg off the chair through the opponent’s side at the command of the leader (blow)

1. And now we complicate the competition: we blindfold you and give you 1 minute. (replace with flour)


  1. Sasha, look how much it is today beautiful girls. By the way, do you like it better when girls wear skirts or trousers?
  1. (thinks) Actually, I like all girls, and if they’re wearing a skirt...that’s great. Therefore, I ask three girls in skirts to come on stage. The competition is called “Come on Girls”

(5k. “Come on girls”)

  1. Girls, now you will be blindfolded and you must walk over the carpet without stepping on it. So, at my command, you take turns walking over the carpet. And you don’t remove the blindfolds without my command. Is everything clear?


  1. And for the next competition we need 2 couples: strong young people...
  2. And girls, it’s better to wear trousers.

(6k. “The most dexterous”)

  1. Young men, you need to move your lady from one chair to another and all the time in different ways.
  1. The pair that never repeats the same action wins.

(awarding) disco

  1. Oh, what music. It seems so simple: take a guitar, connect a microphone and sing.
  1. It only seems to you. And now the following contestants will prove this to you.

(7k. “Music in the kitchen”)

  1. With the help of this simple kitchen utensil you should play some tune.
  1. Whoever does it better will win. (one by one)


  1. The next competition is for the most accurate girls and the bravest men. 2 pairs.

(8k. “The Most Accurate”)

  1. Young people lie down under a chair so that it is above you at chest level, but their head comes out from under the chair. You will put disposable cups in your mouth.
  1. The girls stand on a chair facing the guys' heads. Each girl receives 3 eggs. On command, the girls must break the egg and get into the glass.
  2. The pair in which the girl is the most accurate wins.


1 Well, that's probably all. Our holiday has come to an end. And even if the wind is raging outside or the rain is noisy, we hope that everyone in the hall has only good mood.

2 Despite the sadness of parting, we hope for new meetings and amazing holidays.

Together : Until we meet again, dear friends.

Holiday scenario Autumn ball "Alone with Autumn."


Develop creative abilities in students;

Instill a love for nature;

To develop speech, mutual assistance, and tolerance in students;

Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about natural phenomena;

To form aesthetic taste in students.

Decoration. On the wall there are posters, a photo exhibition with the works of students, autumn ikebana, leaves, crafts, an audio recording of the composition “Autumn” from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s “Seasons” cycle.

Progress of the event:

Leading: Autumn! Our whole poor garden is crumbling,

Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind;

Only in the distance they show off there, at the bottom of the valleys,

Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees.

A. Tolstoy

Sadness, deep sadness came over our hearts. The warm days are over. The days rolled by one shorter. Gloomy clouds do not allow the sun's rays to pass through, absorbing and reflecting them. But how radiant is the smile of a fine afternoon! October still delights with dry, fine days, bright green grasses, and cold-loving flowers. But let's not be sad. Every season is wonderful in its own way. Especially autumn! After all, Autumn is a beauty contest of yellow and red.

Hello autumn, you have come,

She brought us beauty!

Host: That’s right, let’s not be sad, especially since only a good mood and kind smiles make us healthy and beautiful. And now, to lift our spirits, we will do a little warm-up “Autumn Fun”

Warm-up “Autumn Fun”

1. They appear from the kidneys,

They bloom in the spring,

In summer they rustle

They fly in the fall. (Leaves)

2. The lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground. (Rain)

3. Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

4. Gold coins are hanging on a branch. (Autumn leaves)

5. Without arms, without legs, but opens the gate. (Wind)

Host: Guys, do you know the autumn months? Let's call them all a choir. (Children call the autumn months in unison: September, October, November.) Well done! All the months were named correctly.

Host: Now I will talk about each month, and you try to guess which autumn month we are talking about.

1. Golden time! Clear light blue sky. The air became clearer. The dust was blown away by the rains. “Autumn is clearer than summer,” says folk sign. A short but wonderful time... “The whole day is like crystal,” said Fyodor Tyutchev.

What month is this? (Children's answers) That's right, it's September.

2. People call this month “breast” because of the frozen piles of dirt on the roads, “leafy” - because of withering leaves. The sky is covered with heavy clouds. It's snowing and raining. At the beginning of this month the river is still running, “talking,” but at the end it stops and becomes silent. It is all covered with bluish transparent ice. Timid snowflakes fluttered over him and covered him with a white blanket. This month is ... (November)

3. The root month of autumn, its peak. “Khmuren” as they called him in the old days. And it is no coincidence that they call it that. It produces precipitation longer: it does not pour, but sows. The most rainy, wet month. It's leaf fall time. Month - … (October)

Presenter: Well done, guys. We correctly guessed all the autumn months and learned a lot about them.

Autumn has arrived, bad weather

Rushing in clouds from the seas;

The gloomier face of nature,

The sight of naked fields is no fun.

The next competition in our program is related to a natural phenomenon that occurs not only in autumn, but also at other times of the year - rain. What happens from rain? (Puddles) Our competition is called “Puddles”.

The autumn rain filled the puddles,

We need to cross them quickly.

But you must not only get around all the puddles and not step in them, but also save vegetables from the garden. What is this? (Carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes, beets, cabbage) on command you will need to run along these islands to the vegetables, take one and return to your team, pass the baton to another participant. The team that transfers all the vegetables first is considered the winner. (Sheets of paper are laid out on the floor - this is dry land. Everything else is filled with “water”. You need to cross the puddle on dry land).

Presenter: A new time has come -

Not an easy task:

It's time for you to get down to business

And show diligence.

Cone competition. Fir and pine cones are scattered on the floor. For this competition I need two people. On command, you will collect cones: one of you will collect only spruce cones, and the other only pine ones. Let's start! Attention! March!

Competition "Bumps"

Host: And now next task Autumn has prepared for us. This is a task of ingenuity, it is called “Finish the sentence.” I will start and you will finish.

Collapsed onto the side of a couch potato -...

The townspeople are surprised by the dark-skinned...

Well done! And you completed this task.

Presenter: The next game is “Gathering the Harvest!”

Presenter: Well done, guys! It’s not for nothing that people say: “When you’ve finished your work, go for a walk.”

In the name of firs and birches.

For the glory of all fields

In honor of those who reaped the harvest

In the village or in the village.

Let young and old have fun.

We continue the ball by dancing.

Dance competition "Oh, potatoes!"

Who wants to perform our traditional potato dance? Perhaps you forgot how to do it? Now let's remember everything together. 4 people participate in the competition. You will dance to the music while holding a potato on your head. You cannot hold the potatoes with your hands! Whoever keeps the potato on his head the longest wins.


October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing.

The stream still runs babbling behind the mill,

But the pond has already frozen...

On this note we end our holiday. Thank you for your attention.

Holiday scenariofor the Day of the Elderly

"Autumn in Gorenka."

Participants: senior preparatory group.

Target: attracting grandparents to emotional interaction with children, developing in children a sense of respect for the older generation.


Celebration progress:


You are welcome, dear guests. The guests are invited and welcome. Take places where you like. Make yourself at home.It has long been a custom in Rus' to greet guests with the most expensive things - bread and salt..

We welcome dear guests
A lush round loaf.
It's on a painted saucer
With a snow-white towel!
We bring you a loaf of bread,
As we worship, we ask you to taste!

On the heap, in the light

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

Old and young

Were you sitting by the torch?

Or under the bright sky

They talked and sang songs

And they danced in a circle.

And how they played! On the burners!

In a word, these gatherings

They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century,

The old world has changed

Nowadays we are all screwed

Personal dachas or apartments

Our leisure time is sometimes shallow,

And what can I say?

It's boring to live without gatherings

They should be revived.

Roma Borodin

There are smiles on the lips,

There are gray hairs at the temples,

Adults and children -

We are always united!

Sasha Plaksova


We respect you very much,

And to our performance,

We invite you all!


And we congratulate our beloved and respected grandparents!

Lisa Kozhevnikova

Today we invited you,

To say loudly and amicably:

Beloved grandmothers, grandfathers,

We want to wish you happiness!

And so that the smile does not leave your face,

The guys and I will entertain you!


Happy holiday to everyone,

And we dedicate a cheerful song to you!

Song "Raspberry Berry".


Remember how in Rus', grandmothers used to sit and sort out cereals in the late evenings. Oh, and it was painstaking work. Our guys want to compete with their grandmothers in this difficult task. We announcecompetition: “Work for Cinderella”
Participants are placed on the table with a cup containing peas and buckwheat mixed together. The teams' task is to sort the grains into separate cups.


Let's continue the celebration

Sing songs, dance, play.

Which one of you guys wants

Tell poems for guests?

Alyosha Gushchin

I'm my grandma's dearI'll kiss you very hard,After all, my grandmaVery, very kind.

Dima Svintsov My dear grandfather,We are all proud of you!And I'll tell you a secret:There is no better grandfather in the world!I will always tryLook up to you in everything!

Alyosha Glushkov

Our grandfather is very businesslike:

He walks around the house, forgetting about peace.

He helps his grandmother all day,

He is not at all lazy to do this.

Then he constantly loses points,

Either he will break something, or he will break something,

Always in a hurry, but tired of work,

He sits down with the newspaper and is already snoring.

Vanya Tsaregorodtsev

Grandma works all day long,

Grandma, dear, sit down and rest.

We'll sing you our song,

We live together with our grandmother.

Song "About Grandma"


There are times when grandparents are left with their grandchildren for a whole day, or even a week, or even for several months. And then their work increases: who in kindergarten gather who to take to school and homework help do. Now we will check how quickly our grandparents dress their grandchildren for kindergarten. Announcedcompetition: “Get your grandson ready for kindergarten”

Three grandchildren are selected and sit on chairs. Then on the command: “At the start, attention, march!” grandmothers quickly begin to dress the child. The child needs to be awakened from sleep (since it’s early morning) and dressed in: a hat, jacket, scarf, shoes with laces, pants, and possibly gloves. Children are taken small and nimble from the older group.


We watched as grandmothers prepared their grandchildren for kindergarten. Now let's see how the grandmothers cope with their homework. Let's seesketch "Two Grandmothers".


For our dear grandmothers,

Only for you

Happy dance

We'll show you now.

Preparing for the dance "Grandmothers - Old Ladies"

Presenter : while our participants are preparing, we will holdgame with spectators. I will start the proverbs, and you will finish them.

1 It’s good at a party (but better at home).

2 The hut is not red in its corners, (but red in its pies)

3 The mistress of the house (like pancakes in honey)

4 As it is at home, so it is (yourself)

5 Children are not a burden, but (a joy)

6 Lead the house (don’t shake your sleeve)

7 When the family is together and (the heart is in the right place)

Performing the dance "Grandmothers - Old Ladies"


What is a ruble, krynka.

Like a sliver of light burning in a light

Where do ukhvat, valance live?

It's a great shame for us not to know!

The girl spins on a spinning wheel

Food is boiling in a cast iron

Near the stove, right behind the bench

We have a poker.

It's time to remember the ancient things that our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers used.

The “Ancient Things” competition is announced.

Onuchi – (Alena Beresneva)-long, wide (about 30cm ) strip fabrics white, black or brown(canvas, wool) for wrapping the leg up to the knee (when putting on shoesbast shoes ). An element of traditional Russian peasant clothing.

Gramophone –(Andrey Smirnov)-portable versiongramophone , a mechanical device for playing gramophone recordsrecords . Unlike the gramophone, the gramophonemegaphone small and built into the body, the device itself is arranged in the formsuitcase , carried fastened by a special handle.

Trousers – (Nastya Dolganova) is an ancient word. Once upon a time it meant “clothing like trousers.” The origin of the word is from “tailor”, a rough canvas from which the most basic clothing was sewn - trousers and shirts.

Boy – (Zhenya Tsaregorodtsev) - A hot vegetable dish of Russian cuisine. It is root vegetables (turnips, rutabaga, radishes, carrots), prepared by steaming. To do this, the root vegetables are peeled, doused with cold water, and then placed very tightly (but without cutting into pieces) into a pot and covered with rye, oat or wheat straw, after which the pot is placed upside down in a heated Russian oven for several hours. . As a result, vegetables are cooked without water in their own juice. Parenki are salted ready-made, before serving: with meat.

Grip - (Danil Zauzolkov)-a device that is a longwooden stick with metal slingshot at the end. They grabbed it with a grip and placed it inRussian stove cast iron .
Each size of cast iron had its own grip. Another name for the grip is stag.

Thimble – (Sasha Smirnov) - a cap that is put on the finger to protect it from an injectionwith a needle for hand sewing and for pushing the needle through thick material.

Spillikins – (Sveta Kiseleva) - collectiontoy items ( dishes , ladders, hats, sticks and so on), ancient Russianboard game . The point of the game is to pull out one toy after another from a pile of such toys with your fingers or a special hook, without touching or scattering the rest. To make it easy to hook the spillikins, they are made in the form of objects with ears or holes - cups, teapots, and so on.


Times are different now, as are thoughts and deeds.

Russia has gone far from the country it was.

Our people are smart, strong, looking far ahead

But we must not forget the traditions of antiquity!”

Zhenya Tsaregorodtsev

The closest relatives have gathered here in the hall,

Grandparents are our dear ones

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,

May you be healthy

So that your grandchildren love you,

They came to visit more often.

Alisa Zagainova

Our grandmother

There are no relatives in the world,

We read often

And we knit with her.

We play together

We are preparing lunch.

Let's be friends

One hundred years with grandma!


Now the guys will tell us how much they love their grandmothers and sing ditties.

Sveta Kiseleva

To our grandmother's delight

We were born.

And today we’ll tell her

Your own little secret.

Andrey Smirnov

Before we had time to be born,

They started shouting merrily.

To give grandma strength

And check for class.

Alena Beresneva

But grandma smiled

And she told us,

That I didn’t become a grandmother,

But only “grandfather’s wife”.

Sonya Pervyakova

We wave a hammer at the dacha

Grandpa and I all day long.

And it’s our strength to cook porridge

Our grandmother is not lazy.

Sasha Smirnov

Never offended us

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

If a few days

They won’t take their grandchildren in.

Alisa Lebedeva

To a cool grandma from her grandchildren

We want to promise

What calmness and boredom

We can't create it for her.

Nastya Dolganova

We love grandma

She is the highest class!

He will tell and show everything,

And he will always feed us!

Danil Zauzolkov

Her pies, cutlets,

Let's enjoy the conversation!

And give us some tea to drink,

Our grandmother now!

Anya Shabalina

All the care and attention

She gave it to us!

That's why education

We just have a great time!

Sasha Vychuzhanin

We congratulate grandmothers,

They will always understand us.

Thank you dears

For care and comfort.


Let the grandchildren grow up

Adding to your happiness,

And the heart beats smoothly, without interference.

Let the children respect

They help you with everything.

Live long, long, up to a hundred years!

The guys will perform for our dear guests middle group. Greet with applause.


Gatherings are good

had a lot of fun.

Time for business, time for fun!

It's time to part ways this time.

We sat at the autumn hide-and-seek games,

We looked at the cheerful craftswomen,

Where it is merrily sung -

Life is fun there!

If it was sweet for you with us,

please visit us another time.

And as a farewell, let’s all sing a song together.Song "We wish you happiness."