Dyeing with henna in a dark color. How to dye your hair with henna: dyeing methods, benefits and harms of henna dyeing

Hi all!

I've always wondered what makes girls and women radically change their hair color? Perhaps they want to change something in their life or want attract attention to yourself? Although perhaps everything is simpler - they want to try something new, feel like they are in a different role.

How to dye your hair red with henna? This question may arise in your mind if you decide to give preference natural dyes. Choosing henna is the right decision, because this safe coloring agent, coupled with other natural ingredients, will help you become the owner of fiery hair.

If you decide to dye your hair red with henna, then know that you are unlikely to be able to switch back to chemical dyes. Henna and regular dye incompatible and, if you are a fan of changing your hair color every month, then dyeing with natural dyes will not suit you.

Although you can do it with henna experiment as much as you like and always get new shades, because the final color on each head of hair will be different. It depends on the:

  • hair condition;
  • their thickness;
  • time of exposure of henna to hair;
  • original hair color.

Also, henna will not be able to give a deep and rich color the first time, so dyeing should be done several times, but not more than once every 3 weeks. Otherwise henna may dry hair. In this case, you need to use natural vegetable oils to soften your hair.

But be careful, if the scalp is oily, the oil will not be washed off with water, because it is necessary to wash off the henna from the hair no shampoo, and then you will still need to wait about 3 days for the coloring pigment to adhere to each hair.

By the way, bright red hair color is most suitable for dark-skinned girls with green or brown eyes!

Stock up on enough henna powder if you are dyeing all your hair, usually long hair up to the waist you will need about 10 tbsp., do not forget to also take into account density hair. When the color is infused, it will be possible to tint only the roots, and in between, heal the hair with masks of colorless henna.

In fact, you will have to keep henna on your hair for a long time, because this is not a chemical dye and will not take off quickly, especially if the hair is dark. Therefore, stock up not only with patience, but also with time, approximately 1 - 6 hours. Henna will not dry out on your hair, because, as I wrote below, you must remember to wrap your head with cling film. I myself keep it for about 5 hours.

How to get a red color scheme?

In order to achieve red shades at home, henna is necessary unite with other natural dyes, and no matter how trivial it may sound, they should be the same color as the desired shade of hair.

So I'll bring recipes, which I found on the Internet, allowing you to achieve one or another shade of hair.

Purple or Bordeaux color

Take 2 or 3 raw beets and grate them, then boil water to 90 degrees and place the grated beets and 1 tbsp. acetic acid, cover and let it sit for 20 minutes. After straining the broth, warm it up a little again and pour henna powder into it.

You will need elderberry juice, which must be heated to a temperature of 60 degrees and then pour henna powder into it. Keep it on for as long as possible.

Cherry shade

Here, instead of water, you need to take red wine, preferably Cahors, heat it well on a gas stove and pour it over the henna.

Red-violet hue

Here you need to prepare a hot decoction of red marshmallow leaves. They are the ones who need to pour henna.

"Red tree"

Henna can be poured with cranberry juice, but not hot. Before dyeing, it is advisable to rinse all your hair with it. Since the mixture is cold, you will have to keep it for as long as possible.

We take henna and cocoa in the following proportion: ½ part cocoa and ½ part henna, pour the mixture with hot water or heated red wine.

Bright red color

Take 2 tbsp. crushed madder plant, combine them with 3 tbsp. lemon juice, and pour hot water over the mixture, let it brew for 20 minutes. Strain and reheat the broth and pour it over the henna. But that's not all. Now this henna also needs to be infused in a warm place for 20-40 minutes, and then the hair should be dyed with this paste.

We take ground cloves in the amount of ¼ of the total amount of henna, and mix it with henna in the amount of ¾. Pour this mixture with either heated beet juice or hot red wine.

Reddish tint

Prepare a strong decoction of a tea drink - hibiscus, pour the hot decoction over the henna powder, let it brew for 20 minutes in a warm place.

Pour henna powder with pomegranate juice heated to 60 degrees. Keep for at least 3 hours.

An interesting experiment with henna was carried out in the following video.

How is the coloring done?

Once the pasta is ready, it At once must be applied to hair. Therefore, take care in advance about:

  1. cleanliness of your head, you must first wash it, do not dry it, comb it thoroughly;
  2. an old towel to cover your shoulders to avoid stains on your clothes;
  3. a special brush for coloring with which you will apply henna;
  4. plastic gloves;
  5. cling film and a hat to warm your head.

Now get started process.

Using a brush, apply the mixture first to the roots of the hair, starting with a straight parting, and moving first to one ear, then to the other. Paint the frontal and occipital parts and begin applying the mixture to all the hair. Don't be sorry henna, because the strands must be dyed carefully.

Then lift your hair up and wrap it with cling film, and insulate your head with a hat or towel on top. And wait long lasting time, I usually leave henna on for a very long time, so the shade turns out more saturated and deep.

If your hair was previously dyed with chemical dyes, then you should wait at least a couple of weeks and only then switch to natural dyes. Otherwise it may happen unpredictable shade.

Which henna to choose?

The quality of henna directly depends on how bright and rich your hair turns out. You can try using a cheap one Iranian henna, if its result does not suit you, then you can try other options.

It will be more expensive, but with it you can achieve excellent results not only in coloring, but also in treating the scalp and your hair.

  1. Red henna Lush— gives an even shade, does not dry out the hair structure, and is compatible with other natural ingredients. Sold in briquettes, before use, grate and fill with hot water.
  2. Natural Indian henna Lady Henna- famous for its healing and coloring properties. It contains very fine grinding, it can be mixed with other natural dyes, but it will have to be kept for a long time, not 1 hour.
  3. Indian medicinal herbal dyes based on henna Lady Henna or Aasha— they also have a red palette, I haven’t used it myself, but the chestnut colors turn out very bright, the roots of the hair are perfectly dyed, you need to keep it on for less time.

By changing your hair red, you will definitely see not only external changes, but also internal ones - you will become more confident. But think before you change your hair color, because henna is very persistent dye, and it will take a very long time to wash it off.

And yet if the shade of you didn't suit, try applying vegetable oils more often or on your hair and rinse with shampoo. And then continue experimenting to achieve the desired shade.

Happy coloring! See you!

Iranian henna is a natural dye, the use of which has quite deep roots. Since ancient times it has been used to create unique tattoos and nail designs. Nowadays, women all over the world happily use henna as a dye and remedy for weakened, damaged and overly oily strands. So, how to dye your hair with henna, and what shades can be obtained using this product?

How to dye your hair with henna?

The procedure for dyeing hair with natural henna is slightly different from using chemical dye and looks something like this:

  1. We wash our hair with shampoo and dry it with a towel.
  2. Lubricate the line along the hair growth with any fatty cream, which will protect the skin from red spots.
  3. We dilute the henna with very hot, but not boiling water. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream. Henna powder is sold in 25 gram packages. This bag is enough for a head of hair middle length and density.
  4. Place the container with the coloring mixture in a saucepan with hot water - 7-10 minutes is enough.
  5. We divide the hair into partings one and a half centimeters wide.
  6. Using a comb and brush, distribute the henna evenly over each part. Do everything very quickly, otherwise the paint will cool down and will not give the expected results.
  7. We first wrap the head in film or a bag, and then hide it under terry towel. To prevent henna from leaking, place paper towels or napkins around the edges.
  8. The henna exposure time depends on the thickness and original shade of the strands, as well as on the shade you want to achieve. So, dark hair may need about 2 hours, while light hair will need 10-15 minutes. So keep the process under control, or even better, conduct a preliminary test, thanks to which you can know the exact result.
  9. We wash off the henna with running water without shampoo. At the end, rinse the strands with acidified lotion (water + vinegar or lemon juice).

Who shouldn't wear henna?

Dyeing your hair with henna has several contraindications, which should also be kept in mind. These include:

  • Partial or complete painting with chemical paint;
  • Pre-perm;
  • The presence of a large amount of gray hair (30-40%);
  • Damaged hair structure (split ends, burnt strands);
  • If you do not plan to stop using chemical-based products, henna is also not suitable for you.

One final warning for blondes! Henna can give a very strong color to your hair, be prepared for this.

Basic subtleties of dyeing strands with henna

Using henna for hair requires a certain skill in following a few simple rules:

  1. To make the mixture applied to your hair faster and easier, add raw yolk to it. In addition, it will serve as an additional nutritional ingredient. For the same purpose, you can take herbal decoctions, essential and cosmetic oils, as well as kefir.
  2. Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days after applying henna, because the process of coloring and changing the shade lasts another 48 hours - let’s not interfere with it.
  3. Despite the absence of chemical components, henna is quite durable. That is why, when tinting regrown roots, the mixture should be applied only to them. Otherwise, your color will become darker and darker.
  4. High-quality henna, when diluted with water, acquires a red color.
  5. Owners of brittle and overdried strands are recommended to combine henna with sour kefir (a tablespoon), coffee (a teaspoon) or olive oil (a tablespoon).

How to achieve different shades when dyeing with henna?

It would seem that henna can only produce one single color - red. In fact, henna hair coloring can be very different! By adding different components to the mixture, you can influence the final shade of your hair:

1. Red – you can get it without any additives. If your strands require shine, mix henna with lemon juice (1 teaspoon).

2. Golden honey– ideal for fair-haired people:

  • chamomile decoction (2 tablespoons per 200 ml boiling water),
  • turmeric,
  • weak coffee,
  • saffron tincture (1 teaspoon herb per 200 ml boiling water),
  • rhubarb decoction (crush and cook for about 30 minutes).

3. Chestnut or chocolate:

  • ground cloves;
  • basma (1 part basma to 3 parts henna),
  • strong coffee,
  • buckthorn,
  • Black tea,
  • cocoa.

4. Red:

  • carnation,
  • hibiscus,
  • natural red wine,
  • cranberry juice,
  • onion peel decoction.

5. Blue-black:

  • Basma – 2 parts to 1 part henna;
  • Strong coffee.

How to remove henna from hair

Many women are intimidated by the inability to wash off the henna color if they get bad results. And, true, it is extremely difficult to do this, but with our help you will cope with this task.

Oil mask

Apply warmed to strands olive oil and insulate your head with a cap. Wash off with shampoo for oily hair In a few hours.

Alcohol mask

  • Alcohol 70% (can be replaced with hot water) - 100 ml;
  • Vegetable or cosmetic oil – 50 ml.

How to make a mask:

  1. We saturate the hair with alcohol - it opens the hair scales.
  2. After 15-20 minutes, lubricate them with oil (pulls henna out of the hair) and put on a warm cap.
  3. From time to time we warm our hair with a hairdryer.
  4. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes.
  5. We repeat the procedure several times.

Sour cream

To tone down the shade of henna just a little, lubricate the strands with sour cream and put on a warm hat. Wash your hair with shampoo after about an hour.

Laundry soap

Wash your hair with soap at least every day. The lye will open the scales and wash the color out of them. After using soap, do not forget to do oil mask, which will not allow your hair to dry out.

Kefir-yeast mask

  • Yeast – 40 g;
  • Kefir – 200 ml.

How to make a mask:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm kefir.
  2. Lubricate the strands with the resulting mixture.
  3. Wash off after 2 hours.
  4. Repeat daily until the desired result occurs.

Vinegar baths for hair

Fill the basin with warm water with 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Keep your hair in this solution for 10 minutes. Then wash them with shampoo and conditioner. This will remove most of the paint. You can fix the rest with strong coffee (4 tablespoons) and henna (2 tablespoons).

Remember that henna must be washed off immediately after dyeing. Further, its coloring component merges so strongly with the hair that it is no longer possible to wash it out.

Knowing how to properly dye your hair with henna, you will turn into a red-haired beast without causing much damage to your hair.

If you want to change the usual color of your strands, you can go to a beauty salon or do the coloring yourself in the comfort of your own home. The new color makes the image fresh and unexpected, emphasizes the style of clothing, and temporarily lifts the mood when studying the reflection in the mirror. Henna is a natural dye with a harmless effect.

Is dyeing hair with henna beneficial?

Many women are sure that dyeing their hair is harmful. This opinion is wrong if you use a natural base in the paint. Chemical components harm the structure of the strands, disrupt the functionality of the follicles, and inhibit the growth of hair follicles. Among useful properties professionals highlight the following changes in the general appearance and condition of the hairstyle, due to the features of the natural formula:

  • lawson is an active component of natural origin, which gives strands a red tint and covers gray hair;
  • polysaccharides nourish and moisturize the scalp, stimulate the growth and health of follicles;
  • essential oils successfully treat and prevent a number of dermatological skin diseases that are prone to chronicity;
  • resinous substances remove free radicals, participate in the process of cell regeneration, and nourish the strands;
  • organic acids normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and ensure normal hair type;
  • beta-carotene makes strands elastic and manageable;
  • vitamins A, B, K and C have a beneficial effect on the structure of the strands, contributing to its health and strength.


Before you dye your hair with henna, you need to carefully study the instructions and become familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of this natural product. Since there are several possible shades, you need to familiarize yourself with the most appropriate option and determine the rules for coloring the strands. Among the advantages of such products, the following points should be highlighted:

  • paint fastness due to the presence essential oils in natural composition;
  • hypoallergenic effect on the scalp, i.e. there are no side effects of the procedure;
  • the presence of natural coloring substances;
  • rare head contamination;
  • effective fight against dandruff and itching;
  • strengthening brittle and split ends;
  • prevention of all forms of alopecia;
  • natural shine and rich shade of strands.


Before you start the long-awaited henna hair coloring, you need to study everything in detail negative sides such an idea. The result obtained, in any case, will not be colorless, so you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the purchased product and its characteristic features. Among the disadvantages of henna coloring, experts highlight the following points:

  • short-term effect on hair;
  • difficulty in choosing the required shade;
  • difficulties in painting gray hair;
  • difficulty removing the shade;
  • use the dye no more than once every 3 months;
  • the use of chemical coloring methods only 3-4 months after applying henna to the hair.

Types of dye

Henna and basma continue to be actively used in hairdressing, since without harm to the hair you can not only lighten the strands, but also choose a more saturated shade for them: brown, chestnut, black. The final result depends on the choice of dye, its quality and the individual structure of the strands. Dyeing hair with henna is a whole art for a novice master. In order to use the composition without nerves, and not to be disappointed afterwards, it is important to know everything about the types of natural dyes.

This dye is necessary to lighten hair by several tones at once. The coloring process is possible at home, ideal for the first attempts to radically change a dull image. The presence of chemical additives in the composition allows you to dramatically transform your usual image and become blonde. The formula additionally contains ammonium persulfate and hydrogen peroxide, which makes the color rich and lasting for a long period of time. Experts say that white henna heals hair and effectively fights all forms of dandruff.

Iranian henna

This safe remedy for hair coloring, which additionally protects strands from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and other pathogenic environmental factors. This powder paint provides a long-lasting cosmetic effect without disturbing the structure of the hair follicles. How long to keep henna on your hair depends entirely on the desired shade, and the time interval characterizes the procedure from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Iranian henna is colorless, but at the same time provides the desired shade of hair.

Indian henna

Another effective and reliable way to color your hair. The products are presented in powder form for further interaction with water. If you keep henna on your hair for the specified time, you can get a new color of the strands, while achieving the desired shine of the updated hairstyle. This natural dye is used to create designs on the body; the main thing is to prepare it correctly.

How to dye your hair with henna at home

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to trim the split ends, otherwise their shade will be slightly different from the general tone.
  2. The first step is to dilute the powder in hot water at a temperature of 80 degrees, prepare a mixture of liquid consistency and rich shade.
  3. After creating the coloring composition, you need to thoroughly wash your hair, lightly dry the strands, and comb your hair thoroughly.
  4. Prepare a special brush, gloves and sponge, after which you can proceed directly to the hair coloring process.
  5. Divide the hairstyle into separate strands, carefully color each one from the base to the very ends, starting from the back of the head.
  6. Treat the entire head thoroughly in this way, applying the composition evenly over the entire thickness of the strands.
  7. Tie your dyed hair into a high ponytail, put a scarf and a warm towel on top to create the so-called “greenhouse effect.”
  8. Do not remove the mask for 30-60 minutes, depending on the desired color of the strands and the saturation of the shade.
  9. It is recommended to rinse off the composition with water with the addition of vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter) until the water becomes clear.

Hi all! I continue the topic of hair coloring with henna and lay out for you coloring options using henna and natural dyes.

1. Burgundy shade You can get henna by brewing saturated beet juice or red Cahors wine. The beets are grated (2-3 pieces) and thrown into hot water, approximately 90-95 o C, then infused under the lid for 20 minutes with the addition of 1 tablespoon of vinegar. You should end up with a very thick, richly colored decoction. The broth is strained, and in pure form is heated, and then henna is brewed on it. For sour coloring, raw grated beets (the beets can be placed in a gauze bag for easy removal) are mixed with an acidic liquid and infused. When the beets give up their coloring pigment, they are removed from the liquid, and henna is added to the liquid and left for the required time. You need to be careful with this shade, different hair it can come in different shades, from pink to blue eggplant.

2. Mahogany shade- pour hot Cahors into the henna. The “mahogany” color can also be obtained if cranberry juice is added to henna, and before dyeing, moisten the hair generously with it and dry it.

3. Chestnut shade - can be obtained by brewing henna with rich black coffee. With the acid dyeing method, henna is mixed with coffee in equal parts and filled with an acidic medium.

4. Shade "light chestnut"- add cocoa powder. Henna is combined with 3-4 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, brew using the usual hot method and apply to hair.

5. Golden honey shade- this is chamomile or turmeric. If you want to get a GOLDEN-RED TONE, pour henna not with hot water, but with a decoction of chamomile (1-2 tablespoons per glass, leave, strain, heat to 90 degrees). Turmeric is simply added to the composition with henna.

6. Golden yellow shade- will give rhubarb. 200 gr. dried plant stems, combine with a bottle of dry white wine (you can do without wine) and boil until half of the liquid has boiled away. A packet of henna is added to the remaining composition and applied to the hair. Please note that if you have enough dark hair, then without preliminary bleaching you will not be able to get a light golden hue.

7. Old gold color- saffron is brewed and infused in a small amount of water, then henna is brewed with this hot decoction.

8. Copper color- take 200 gr. onion peels, 2-3 tablespoons of black tea, pour 0.5 l. white grape wine and place on low heat for 20-30 minutes. Strain and apply the resulting mixture to damp, washed hair and warm your head.

9. Chocolate chestnut shade - will give a strong infusion of black tea mixed with henna. Also, to obtain a chocolate color, you can add hops in the ratio of 1 bag of henna and 1 tsp. hops All shades of chestnut - tea leaves, a few drops of iodine, henna. The result depends on the amount of ingredients and the initial hair color.

10. Enhance the red tint- use madder root. The root is crushed and brewed with a glass of boiling water, then henna is diluted with this infusion.

11. Chocolate color- leaves walnut boil, infuse, brew henna with hot infusion.

10. Experiment with shades You can also mix henna and basma in different proportions. Chestnut shade - 3 parts henna and 1 part basma. Bronze shade - take 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma.

12. Blue-black shade- henna and basma in equal quantities. First, dye your hair with henna and leave it on for at least 1 hour. Rinse it off. After this, apply basma. I also know that a blue-black tint can be obtained by diluting basma with vinegar and leaving it in a warm place for at least 10 hours. Then apply to hair. It should be taken into account that the black color may appear on the 3rd day.

And now a few examples of henna hair coloring with additives found on the Internet, all information was taken from open access, some photos have links to the site, some are taken from foreign sites. I hope that the experience of these girls will inspire you to be creative in creating your own beauty. The coloring recipe is located above the picture which refers to:

Girl Ksenia's recipe: henna, ground cloves, red wine.

Recipe by Yulia Gritsenko: Indian henna is very durable and bright, unlike other henna. 125 g. Pour boiling water over the chamomile bag (the chamomile should be strained and use only the infusion) and leave for 20 minutes. Add about 25 grams of sea buckthorn oil and the same amount of coconut oil to the mixture of henna and chamomile. Mix everything, apply to hair under a bag and a warm cap for 2 hours. Rinse with warm water, then apply a thick balm, and then rinse it off.

Recipe by Dinara Khaidarova: 2 basma 125 g each, 1 henna 125 g brewed with strong coffee, vitamin E (about 5 capsules) and 2 - 3 tablespoons of honey are added to the mixture. Keep the mixture on your hair for 3 - 4 hours. I wash off the natural dye with water, and at the end of the procedure I apply a mask or hair balm to my hair to properly rinse the residue and ensure easy for hair combing.

Recipe by Margarita Galyautdinova: I paint with henna and basma in proportions 1:1 or 1:2. I usually make 2 mixtures. One for the roots (coloring and strengthening), the second for the length (coloring). I brew the first one with a decoction of nettle or burdock root + add nutmeg or rosemary essential oil. I brew the second one with tea leaves or add coffee + jojoba oil a couple of drops.
To find out exactly how much coffee you need, I first fill it with water (or broth) until it turns dark brown. Then I pour this water over the henna. If you want a redder tint, then instead of coffee, add a decoction of onion peels. I keep the mixture on my hair for 3-5 hours. I wear makeup once every 2-3 weeks.

Vita Vorobyova's recipe: For my length, I take 6 bags of regular henna, fill it with hot water to a fairly liquid consistency, add half a bottle of iodine, em ylang ylang, sometimes yolk and almond oil. I wrap it in cling film and a towel and hold it for as long as possible.

Tatyana's recipe: I take regular Iranian henna and basma in the proportion of 2 parts henna to 1 part basma, pour hot red wine (you can use inexpensive wine. The main thing is that it is natural). Apply to dry, freshly washed hair. I keep it for 1 hour. I wash it off with warm water without shampoo, and at the end I add more balm to make it easier to wash away all these blades of grass and specks.
The color turns out to be rich dark with a wine tint, and on the first day it is usually redder and brighter, and on the second day it darkens and “calms down”. The color is chestnut; before henna, my hair was chemically dyed dark brown.

Recipe by Elena Baranova: I brew tea bags, pour henna into this liquid, and stir until a paste forms. I'm holding for an hour ( natural color light brown). I wash off the henna with shampoo, and on days 3-5 the color darkens.

Recipe by Olga Zhuravleva: your hair is dark brown. The mixture consists of 2 parts henna, 1 part basma, 2 tbsp. spoons of hibiscus and ground coffee. I kept it on my head for two hours.

Recipe by Maria Degteva: henna + basma 1:2, brewed it with coffee, added half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Recipe by Svetlana Heinz: with the mixture consists of two bags of red henna and one bag of basma. The holding time for the mixture is one and a half hours.

Recipe by Anna Geronimus: henna and basma are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, the powder is poured with hot red wine. The original hair color is light brown.

Recipe by Katerina Guslyar: I pour boiling water over 125 g of henna, add 40-50 drops of iodine, bergamot or any other oil. I wrap it in cling film. I keep it for 3 hours. I wash it off with water. I apply the balm and wash it off again.

Maria's recipe: I dilute 4 bags of Iranian henna with boiling water to a mushy consistency, then add a bag of cloves, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon burdock oil, sometimes - 1 egg. I put a plastic bag on my head and keep the prepared mixture on my hair for 2 hours.

Recipe by Ekaterina Quiring: x for Iranian + 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa + 2 tbsp. l. avocado oil + 10 drops rosemary. Pour boiling water over everything and cover with film and a towel for 2 hours. I paint while the mixture is still tolerably hot.

Recipe by Svetlana Golenko: 7 bags of ordinary Iranian henna, turmeric, a little ginger and cinnamon, poured black strongly brewed tea and added a few bags of chamomile.
Before dyeing with henna, the hair was bleached, its color was light brown. Therefore, the clarified part turned out brighter than the roots.

Olga Volkova's recipe: me I've been dyeing my hair with henna for about 9 years, about once every 2 months. Each time you get slightly different shades. Depends on how long you kept it and on the ingredients, of course.
Most good option: Indian henna (4 tablespoons are enough for my length) + pour boiling water over a spoonful of ground coffee (until the consistency of sour cream) and place in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. This way it brews better and the color lasts longer. Then I add an egg yolk, a tablespoon of burdock or olive oil and a couple more spoons of kefir! Since my hair is quite thin, the dye here works like a strengthening mask.

Recipe for painting with henna from Maria Boyarkina: Iranian henna 8 sachets and basma 2 sachets mixed together. For brewing, a mixture of hibiscus, cloves and barberry + a little cinnamon is used.

Painting recipe from Anna Ermakova: several bags of henna are mixed with 1/2 a bag of ginger, the mixture is poured with boiling water and applied to the hair.

Painting recipe from Kristina Safronova: n and my hair needed 6 bags of henna (regular Iranian). I brewed it with chamomile. The henna was infused under the lid for about 15 minutes. It was kept for 2-2.5 hours. The original color is dark brown.

Painting recipe from Maya Shakhmuratova: x on, 1 egg, olive oil. Apply for 30-40 minutes.

Painting recipe from Irina Kondrat: your hair color is dark brown. I take ordinary henna in bags, add olive oil (for care) and lemon juice (for brightness). Sometimes I also add a decoction of onion peels. First, I pour hot water over the henna and achieve the desired consistency. Then I put the oil in there, stir it, then lemon juice (I just take the lemon and squeeze it).
I always rinse with vinegar after rinsing and masking. In an acidic environment, henna develops faster.
But hair takes henna very easily. It takes a very long time, but the result is worth it.

Painting recipe from Alla Gritsak: henna (325g), brewed with a strong infusion of coffee. Exposure time 3 hours.

Painting recipe from Ksenia Knyazeva: Iranian henna, basma, coffee, olive oil, dyed a week ago, left on for 1.5 hours.

Recipe from Mila Egorova: 5 packets of henna, 5 packets of basma, 2 tablespoons of ground coffee, half a teaspoon of cinnamon,
a couple of drops of any oil (I prefer to add almond oil)
Pour the resulting mixture with strong tea infusion, close the lid and leave for 5 minutes. Then I mix the mixture and apply it to all my hair while it is still warm enough. Then a large bag goes over the head, and a warm hat on top to keep warm. It all looks funny, of course, so I try to do the procedure when I’m alone at home - otherwise my family laughs out loud, barely seeing me at home in shorts, a T-shirt and a warm hat, when the temperature outside the window exceeds +20. And oh yes, to better fix the color, I leave the mixture on my hair all night. But it doesn’t harm my oily hair. But I don’t advise anyone who has dry hair to do this. Or add more oil, or just keep the mask on for a few hours.

I painted with henna and basma at the same time. Because I have long hair, so I took it (so as not to be too red). 2 bags of henna and 1/2 bag of basma. If someone has black hair, then you can take 1 bag of basma and 1/4 of henna.
Here is a photo:

Here's another photo of me in the sun:

After henna, no dye takes long, but on the contrary, you can
This is what my dark brown hair looks like after dyeing it with henna and basma (2 henna and 1 basma, 25 g each):

Changing the color of the strands allows a woman to look different and add variety to her daily life, change the image. Using dyes that contain ammonia is harmful to the health of your hair. For those who like to change appearance Coloring your curls with henna is suitable. In order not to visit a beauty salon every time, learn how to dye your hair with henna.

Using the product at home allows you to strengthen the structure of the strands and give them a new shade. Colorless henna is often used to restore strands.

Varieties of henna

Henna is made from the leaves of the lawsonia plant. It grows in the Middle East, India, and Egypt. The lower leaves are used in production. Henna is prepared by rubbing the leaves.

There are 2 types of powder:

  • Iranian.
  • Indian.

Iranian is the most common, it belongs to a lower price category. Indian is more expensive and has 7 basic tones.

Why coloring is useful

Henna has been used since ancient Egypt. In addition to the coloring effect, this product:

  • has antibacterial and antifungal effects;
  • strengthens curls;
  • makes strands soft;
  • increases volume and thickness;
  • prevents dandruff.

Henna is often used at home as a dye. It is known for its composition, which includes:

  • Resinous substances that restore cells. They make the strands lighter.
  • Reddish-yellow lawson. He dyes his braids red.
  • Polysaccharides that act as a conditioner: moisturize the skin and prevent fragility of the hair structure.
  • Vitamin K, which accelerates hair growth.
  • Vitamin C. It rejuvenates the scalp.
  • Organic acids that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Essential oils. They heal the skin and restore the hair shaft.

Henna is used as a coloring and strengthening agent. To improve the condition of your hair, use colorless henna. Colored henna is purchased to obtain shades:

  • golden;
  • ginger;
  • chestnut;
  • chocolate;
  • black.

When does a drug harm your hair?

Coloring and colorless henna may not give the desired result. Strands can be damaged due to several errors:

  • Purchasing a low-quality product. If the product is combined with synthetic substances, then the combination of components can harm the curls.

The color indicates the freshness of the product: Iranian paint has a marsh color, if the powder is brown, the expiration date has expired. You cannot apply it to your hair.

  • Incorrect choice of product concentration. The product can be used with basma, lemon juice, coffee. It is important to follow the proportions indicated in the recipe. If you make a mistake, there is a high risk of getting a bright red color.
  • Do not use the product on colored hair.
  • You should not use the product often; even colorless henna can damage your braids if you apply it more than once a month.

Coloring has no contraindications. Henna can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Accessories for the procedure

Coloring requires the availability of the necessary available tools:

  • glass container;
  • gloves;
  • fine-tipped combs;
  • clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty;
  • large mirror;
  • insulating cap.

When it gets on clothes, Iranian henna leaves stains that cannot be washed off. Even when painting with colorless paint, you should not wear smart clothes.

Methods of application

Iranian paint is applied:

  • for dry and wet braids;
  • on clean strands and on dirty ones;
  • alone or in combination with basma, cinnamon, lemon juice.

Iranian paint is washed off with decoctions, water using balsam, and vinegar.

How to dye your hair chocolate color with henna


If you dilute henna with other ingredients, you can get strands of different colors.

Women who do not know how to lighten their hair with henna can add the following to the product of their choice:

  • Chamomile decoction. To prepare, pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers with 1 cup of boiling water; you can dilute the product with a decoction instead of water.
  • Turmeric. The powders are mixed dry.
  • Saffron tincture. For the tincture, add 1 cup of boiling water to 1 spoon of flowers.
  • Weak coffee.
  • Rhubarb root infusion. The crushed root is poured with water and boiled over low heat for half an hour.

Red dyeing is done with a natural product without additives. If you need to get a bright red color, the ready-to-use drug can be mixed with 1 spoon of lemon juice.

Often, to obtain a chestnut color, the drug is mixed with:

  • ground cloves;
  • basma (1 part basma to 3 parts henna);
  • a few drops of iodine;
  • strong brewed coffee.

To obtain a rich chestnut color, vary the amount of additional ingredients. The chestnut shade will be the brightest when mixing the product with basma.

Chocolate color can be obtained by mixing the drug and basma in a 2 to 1 ratio.

Black henna for hair is obtained by mixing 1 spoon of dry brewed coffee powder with a mixture of henna and basma. Use a ratio of 1 to 2.

It’s right not to forget about strengthening your curls with colorless henna. Hairdressers often recommend alternating the use of colored paint at home with colorless paint.

Algorithm for the procedure

To get the desired result at home, you need to carry out coloring correctly.


  1. The hair is combed.
  2. Often, to avoid streaks on the skin, temples, ears, and forehead are treated with cream.
  3. Henna is poured into glassware, add dry ingredients if the recipe calls for it. Mix the components.
  4. Pour hot water over the mixture and stir. Leave the substance to infuse for several minutes. If the strands are long, then place the container with henna in a large bowl of hot water so that the substance does not cool down.
  5. Wear gloves, clothes that are not afraid to get dirty, cover the floor with oilcloth or newspapers.
  6. Apply the product starting from the roots. The hair is divided into small strands, coloring them on both sides. Distribute the product evenly over the entire length.
  7. Put on a plastic bag and an insulating cap.
  8. Wash off any remaining dye from your hair. When rinsing, use water with vinegar, lemon juice or herbal infusion.

  • Trim the ends of the strands before dyeing.
  • Sometimes you may not get the shade you expected. Therefore, the drug is tested on a small strand of hair.
  • For those who don’t know how to dye their hair with henna, the first time they dye their braids is in a salon.
  • For the first time they dye their hair with colorless henna. If everything went well, after a while, colored paint is applied.
  • Rinse off the drug without using shampoo.

To change the color of your hair, use natural products that do not destroy the hair shafts. Dyeing your hair with colorless and colored henna will make your strands healthier and give them a beautiful shade.