New lesson notes for young children. Summary of a game-activity with children of the second group of early age on expanding orientation in the environment and developing speech “Who lives in the house

Children stand near the teacher in a group. The phone rings. The teacher picks up the phone and says:

Hello, Misha! Are you inviting us to your place? Okay, we'll come!

IN: - Children, do you want to go visit Misha?

Ira, do you want to go visit Misha?

Kostya, do you want to go to Misha?

IN: - Children, where does Mishka live?

The bear lives in the forest. Let's go to Mishka on a train. The teacher sings a song:

The locomotive hummed,

He drove the trailers

Chu-chu-chu! Chu-chu-chu!

I'll take you to the forest. (O. Skvortsova)

A bear cub sleeps in the “forest” under a Christmas tree. Children, we have arrived in the forest. Where is Mishka?

B: - Mishka, Mishka,

Why are you sleeping? Bear, Bear,

Why are you snoring?

Misha, Misha, get up!

Have fun with Dasha! (O. Skvortsova)

IN: - Guys, let's wake up Mishka and say:

Bear get up!

So we woke up Mishka. Children, sit on the “stump chairs”. let's look at Mishka.

Bear: - Hello children!

IN: - Dasha, say hello to Mishka, give him a pen.

IN :- Lilya, say hello to Mishka.

IN: - And now Mishka and I will play:

I'm walking through the woods

I can't find Ira.

Well, where should I go?

Where can I find Irochka?

A teacher with a teddy bear is looking for Ira, finds

Bear: - Here's Irochka!

The game is repeated two or three times.

Bear: - How glad I am that you came to visit me! I enjoyed playing with you, would you like to play with me some more?

IN: - Answer, Nastya Mishka, “We want!” or “We don’t want to!”

The bear shows the children the “Wonderful bag” where the tambourine and bell lie.

IN: - Children, let's ask Misha what's in the bag?

Bear: - I'm Misha the bear,

I love music

Listen quickly

How loudly I hit the tambourine.

IN: - Egor, what is this? This is a tambourine. Tell me - this is a tambourine. Play the tambourine.

IN: - Egor, give the tambourine to Dasha, say: Here, Dasha, tambourine!

Q: - Dasha, what is this?

Play the tambourine, Dasha.

IN: - Bear, what else do you have in your bag?(The teacher takes out a bell).

What is this, children? . This is a bell

Bear: - On your favorite bell

I play all day

And my bell rings



The teacher gives the bell to Lila and rings it with her.

You ring, bell, be quiet,

Let no one hear you

You ring stronger, bell,

So that everyone can hear! (O. Skvortsova)

IN: - Children, how does the bell ring? Say: ding-ding-ding.

IN: - Say quietly: ding-ding-ding.

Say it loud: ding-ding-ding.

The teacher hands out bells to the children.The teacher asks everyone:

Oleg, can I give you a bell?

Svyatoslav, can I give you a bell?

IN: - Children, let's quietly ring the bells!

Let's ring the bells loudly!

IN: - Children, let's say thank you to Mishka. Repeat after me: Thank you, Misha!

IN : - Misha, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. Goodbye!

Children, say goodbye to Misha, let's say:

Goodbye Misha!

The bear says goodbye to the children:

Goodbye children, come visit me again!

IN: - Children, let's go back on the train:

The locomotive hummed,

He drove the trailers



I'll give you a ride back.

IN: - So we arrived at the kindergarten. It was good visiting Mishka, did you like visiting him?

Children, what toys did we play with? What did Mishka bring us?

That's right, Mishka brought us toys: a tambourine and a bell. Well done, the guys remembered and named everything!

This section of our website contains materials on working with young children preschool age(classes for the nursery group of the kindergarten). The materials in this section are differentiated by the age of the children - some of the classes should be conducted with children of the second year of life (from one to two years), the other part - with children of the third year of life (from two to three years). In the menu you can select the subsection you need and find a suitable activity.

Notes on educational activities in the early age group

Let us clarify that in this section there are several types of materials. Part of the section consists of GCD notes in groups early age. They are designed as separate lessons, where the outline of the lesson may in some places deviate from its main topic. The second type of materials are thematic collections of games and exercises on certain topics. They can also be used as ready-made activities, but you can also use them as a kind of reference book and as a source of material for your own activities related to the same topic.

In preschool pedagogy, the concept of “Early age” includes the period of child development from one to three years. This is a very important period; it is at this age that the foundations of emotional, social and cognitive development children, and the formation of many components of thinking occurs.

At the beginning of this period, already in the second year of life, children begin to very actively interact with the objects around them and begin to solve a certain range of practical problems. Children learn to use simple objects in everyday life - simple cutlery, dishes, spatulas, scoops, combs, etc. and begin to trace simple connections between an object and a tool for influencing it.

The development of visual-figurative thinking at an early age, as well as the formation of various objective actions, occurs with the active participation of adults, through joint actions, which over time transform into independent ones.

Mental processes at this stage of child development are very closely related to speech development. First, children begin to acquire speech in terms of understanding, and then, gradually, in terms of its active use. There is a fairly significant leap in the development of vocabulary and mastery of syntactic norms native language. Again, these things happen in the process of children’s active substantive activity, thanks to their communication with adults and under their control and attention.

A child at the beginning of early preschool age and a child at the end of this period are two different children. If at the beginning the baby is “inseparable” from adults and largely goes with the flow, then by the end of his early years he develops the famous “I’m on my own!” and he is approaching a crisis three years, when one’s own “I” and increased demands for independence come into conflict with the world of adults.

Lessons for the nursery group

Activities with children in nurseries have their own specifics. They are usually carried out in game form and must take into account the degree of adaptation of the child to kindergarten. The classes themselves should not be too drawn out, the prepared material should be of some voluminous nature. thematic lesson it makes sense to divide into 2-3 parts and spend them in different days(taking into account the age of the children, the degree of their preparation and individual characteristics).

Classes for early development groups

It is also worth noting that the presented materials can be used not only in kindergartens, but also in similar preschool educational institutions, in groups early development children. The game lesson notes contain a large number of didactic games and exercises for children two to three years old, and games are given in abundance, since the level of groups at these ages, as a rule, varies greatly. An experienced teacher can adjust the set of didactic material, games, and physical exercises based on the level of the group and his or her tasks.

Parents of children participate in some of our classes, which, in general, is not typical for state kindergartens. We carried out most of these classes quite successfully with two-year-olds in the early development group at a private child development center.

Summary of the lesson on expanding orientation in the environment and developing speech “Ryaba Hen” (2nd group of early age)

Program content:

Learn to listen carefully to a fairy tale, understand the content of the fairy tale. Make you want to listen to it again.

Introduce to oral folk art, theatrical art.

Learn to finish words out loud behind the teacher.

Work on the concept of “big-small”, “one-many”.

Develop speech, attention, motor activity, gaming skills, ability to navigate in space.

Help the formation of the respiratory apparatus.

Create a joyful mood, evoke positive emotions.

Material and equipment:

Table theater “Ryaba Hen”, feather, large plate, small plate, peas.

Contents of educational activities.

Children sit on chairs.

Q: Guys, look what I found?

Breathing exercises “Feather”.

The teacher shows the children a feather. Blows and releases it. Watches with the children how it flies. He invites the children to blow on it too.

Q: Who lost the feather? Probably this chicken.

The teacher shows a toy chicken. The chicken greets the children.

Q: Take your feather, little hen, and don’t lose it anymore.

Chicken: Thank you.

Q: This is no ordinary chicken. She is from the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. Do you want to watch this fairy tale? (Yes) Then watch and help tell the story.

The teacher tells a fairy tale, accompanying the story with the movements of figures from the tabletop theater “Ryaba Hen”.

Q: Once upon a time there was a Grandfather (the teacher puts a figurine of Grandfather on the table, turning his smiling face towards the audience) and a Baba (the teacher puts a figurine of Baba on the table next to the figurine of Grandfather, turning his smiling face towards the audience). And they had a chicken Ryaba (the teacher places a figurine of the Chicken Ryaba on the table in front of the figures of Grandfather and Baba). Once a chicken laid an egg - bone-wise (the teacher puts a white egg on the edge of the table (the halves of the egg are connected). Grandfather beat, beat - (the teacher takes the Grandfather figurine and knocks it on the egg lying on the table) did not break it. Grandma beat, beat (the teacher takes the Baba figurine and knocks it on the testicle lying on the table) the Mouse did not break, (the teacher takes the Mouse figurine, runs up to the testicle) she waved her tail (the teacher pushes the Mouse figurine on the testicle and throws the Egg off the edge of the table onto her palm). fell and broke (the teacher divides the egg into two halves, and puts the yolk between them). Grandfather cries (the teacher turns the Grandfather figurine with a sad face towards the audience, tilts it over the broken face, shakes it and pretends to whine, Baba cries (the teacher turns the Baba figurine sad). facing the audience, bends it over his broken face, shakes it and pretends to whine). viewers) don’t cry, Baba (the teacher turns Baba’s figurine over with a smiling face towards the audience). - I’ll lay you another egg, and not a simple one, but a golden one (the teacher puts a golden egg on the table).

During the show, children finish (if possible) the words after the teacher, show movements: Grandfather and Baba beat a testicle (by hitting fist on fist). Repeat after the teacher how the mouse squeaks (pee-pee-pee). How Grandfather and Baba cry. As the chicken “says” (ko-ko-ko).

Q: That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened! Did you like the fairy tale? (Yes) Guys, while the chicken was calming Grandfather and Grandmother, the mouse ran away somewhere. Let's look for her.

Outdoor game “Find the mouse. Catch up with the mouse"

Q: Well done! We found and caught up with the mouse. Now show me how big you have grown, and what kind of mouse? (small) .

Game “We are big - the mouse is small”

We are big - we raise our hands up, the mouse is small - we squat down.

Q: Good guys! Now sit down on the chairs. While the mouse and I were playing, the chicken Ryaba wanted to eat. Let's feed her peas.

The teacher places a large plate and a small plate on the table in front of the children. Children take turns coming up and pouring polka dots from a large plate into small ones with their fingers. The teacher clarifies the concepts with the children: large - small plate, chicken - one, peas - a lot.

Q: Well done! Let's say thank you and goodbye (wave) to Grandfather, Baba, Ryaba the Hen, and the Mouse. Let's tell them to come to us again.

Belova Nadezhda
Summary of educational activities for expanding orientation in the environment and developing speech with children of the first group of early age on the topic “Guests”

Subject. « Guests» .

Program content.

Strengthen children's knowledge about home animals: cat and dog. Develop the ability to imitate the speech of an adult (repetition onomatopoeia: aw-aw, meow-meow; words: dog Cat); auditory memory. Cultivate a love for animals.

Material: Stuffed Toys(dog, cat, cubes.

Previous work: looking at paintings, observing animals.

Educator: Children, let's build a house out of cubes. (The children and the teacher are building a house.)

Look what beautiful house it worked out. Who's visiting us today? guests have arrived? Knock Knock! Who's there? Aw-aw! Who is this? (hides the toy dog).

The teacher reads agricultural

He has four paws

Black tail and four paws

Barks very loudly

A bad people bites!

He can be a bully!

Who is this?

Children: Dog

Educator: That's right, dog. Come visit us guests dog.

Educator: Let's all say it together "Aw-aw".

Children repeat. (Individual work With children.)

Educator: Knock Knock! Who else came to us guests? (hides the cat toy).

The teacher reads agricultural

I'm a kitten with a fluffy tail

I can run fast

I like to nap on the roof

And mice are afraid of me!

Children: cat.

Educator: That's right, cat. Come visit us guests cat.

Educator: Let's all say it together "Meow meow".

Children repeat. (Individual work with children.)

Educator: Children, where does our cat live? Dog?

Children: At home.

Educator: Dog and cat are pets. They live at home.

Publications on the topic:

“Journey to the Village” summary of educational activities for speech development with children of early age group Purpose of the activity: To consolidate children's knowledge about poultry - rooster, hen and chickens. Educational objectives: To foster a feeling of love.

Summary of the final educational activity on speech development in the second group of early age “On a visit to a fairy tale” Education Department of the Stary Oskol City District Administration of the Belgorod Region Municipal budgetary educational institution.

Topic of the lesson: “Who can speak?” Integration educational areas: social-communicative, speech and cognitive development.

Summary of educational activities for the development of speech and fine arts with young children “Feed the birds in winter” Educational objectives: To consolidate children’s knowledge about characteristic features winters (it’s cold in winter, it snows, snow lies on trees, on the ground);

Summary of the educational activity for speech development “Toy Store” for an early age group Goal: To develop speech through theatrical activities. Objectives: Educational: Teaching children to recite poems together.

Integration of areas: Cognition (Communication, development of sensory abilities, design) Goal: Introducing children to pets.

Objectives: 1. Educational: enrichment and activation of vocabulary: March, April, May; drops; thaw; starlings; long-awaited spring; early spring;.