New Year's poems. Congratulations from Santa Claus


Happy child 16.12.2017

Dear readers, the most wonderful holiday is coming very soon. New Year. And we are waiting for the main thing fairy tale hero this holiday Santa Claus. He comes to us along forest paths, hurries along long roads, hurries through cities and villages... He will come to every home with congratulations.

How to respond to congratulations? Of course, good poems about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, about the New Year and forest animals, about the blizzard and snow. Good New Year's poems will add a piece of magic to the holiday.

Today, with blog reader Olga Kozhevnikova, we offer you a selection of poems about Santa Claus. There are many wonderful poems, choose for little ones and older children. Or maybe one of the adults will find a poem to their liking and tell it to Santa Claus, making him happy.

Poems to Santa Claus for children from 3 years old

Children have known about Grandfather Frost since they were one or two years old. And with three-year-old children you can already learn a short quatrain, and you will see with what pleasure they will recite the poem to the main character of the New Year's holiday.

This collection contains short, simple and understandable poems about Santa Claus for the little ones.

Beard and red nose

Fur coat, hat, mittens.
Tits are sitting on the nose.
Beard and red nose -
This Grandfather Frost!

Father Frost

Who came?
What did you bring?
We know -
Father Frost.

New Year! New Year!
Santa Claus is coming to me.
I'll tell him a poem -
I'll get a bag of candy.

Red cheeks and nose -
It's Santa Claus!
Good Grandfather Frost
Brought me gifts!

Stars, balls, little animals -
Our Christmas tree with toys.
Santa Claus, we are waiting for you.
New Year has come! Hooray!

New Year is coming
And the snow is blowing,
Santa Claus is in a hurry,
The Christmas tree is on fire!

It has grown to my eyebrows,
He got into my felt boots.
They say he is Santa Claus
And he plays pranks like a little boy.

Santa Claus is good
Claps his hands
He walks in felt boots,
Lights up the Christmas tree!

Poems to Santa Claus for children 4-5 years old

Often it is on New Year's holidays and matinees, children of 4 years old perform for the first time in front of a large number of people. Such an environment is unusual for them; they are often shy and may even stumble from excitement or forget a word or line. Therefore, poems for this age should be small and easy to remember.

Santa Claus came to our garden.
He congratulated all the guys
He lit our Christmas tree brightly,
He gave us all gifts,
Said goodbye and left -
I went to congratulate others!

The snow is swirling outside the window.
The Christmas tree is on fire.
This means - to every home
Santa Claus is in a hurry.

I will meet him
Songs, poems.
I won't let him get bored
May he stay with us!

We didn't sleep tonight
It took a long time to decorate the Christmas tree:
Balls, candies, beads -
Everything was hung with taste!
Soon Santa Claus will come,
He will bring us gifts!

A white snowflake lies on your hand,
The bunny runs merrily near the Christmas tree,
Gray-haired Santa Claus is nearby,
With a big long beard,
He dances and sings
Because it's New Year!

My dad is Santa Claus

Good Grandfather Frost
He brought me a puppy in a bag,
But some strange grandfather,
Dressed in my mother's fur coat,
And his eyes are big,
Like dad's, blue.
It's dad, I'm silent
I secretly want to laugh
Let them have fun
Maybe he'll admit it himself.

One, two, three, four, five,
We will all dance.
After all, today is New Year,
Grandfather Frost will come.

Bright, Christmas tree, burn,
Let the lanterns sparkle.
Let the magic happen
The wizard himself will come rushing to us!

New Year's round dance
We dance together.
And we’ll sing about the Christmas tree -
This is important, necessary.

Because Santa Claus
He dances with us.
He will give gifts to everyone,
“Happy New Year,” he will say.

Poems about Santa Claus for children 6-7 years old

At this age, children are already becoming more mature, bolder, and it is easier for them to write longer, cheerful, funny poems. In addition, learning poems for the holidays is good way and an incentive to train their memory before school, because there the children will still have to learn a lot of poems.

This selection of children's poems about Santa Claus for older and older children preparatory groups kindergarten.

Grandfather Frost

This grandfather has many grandchildren,
The grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather pesters them,
He grabs your fingers and pulls your ears.
But a happy evening comes every year -
I'm waiting for an angry grandfather to visit.
He brings gifts and is kind in appearance,
And everyone is having fun - no one grumbles.

Santa Claus is coming

Now in the fields, now in the forests,
Between birch trunks
To us on the troika with bells
Santa Claus is coming.
Trots and gallops
Knowing what's coming
Straight along the secret paths
New Year to the people.
Snow enveloped in soft cotton wool
Birch branches...
Red-cheeked, bearded
Santa Claus is coming.
G. Tukai

Stars, balls, toys,
Sweet table and tinsel,
Fireworks and salutes
And there’s a star on the Christmas tree!

We are arm in arm with Santa Claus
We dance together in a round dance,
The lights are burning on the windows,
Hello, hello, New Year!

Joy, laughter, fun await us,
Magic and miracles
Dancing, sweets, gifts.
Happy New Year everyone, hooray!

The mood is flying away,
We are celebrating the New Year,
Someone is throwing confetti
You can't get through without a smile.

Multi-colored firecrackers
They fly over the top of your head,
A lot of children's hands
They joined together and made a circle.

In the center is Grandfather Frost,
He didn't freeze anything
Even though he came from afar...
How we've been waiting for you!

Every home has a lot of light

Every home has a lot of light
New Year is coming!
Snow-white carriage
Santa Claus will bring you.

Exactly at midnight they will flash brightly
There are garlands of stars in the sky.
Doesn't come without gifts
This holiday is Santa Claus!

Will gather near the Christmas tree
Merry round dance:
Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone is celebrating the New Year.
Elena Mikhailova

Winter guest

We won't see him in the spring,
He won't come even in the summer,
But in winter to our children
He comes every year.

He has a bright blush,
Beard like white fur
Interesting gifts
He will cook for everyone.

Happy New congratulations on the year,
He will light a lush Christmas tree,
Amusing the kids
He will join us in a round dance.

We meet him together
We are great friends with him...
But drink hot tea
This is not allowed as a guest!
N. Naydenova

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
You gave us a fairy tale,
He came rushing in on a sleigh,
I was nearby.

Decorated the Christmas tree
You are a subtle pattern,
I lit a star,
Every light.

We look with admiration
On your skills
And in return we'll make you laugh,
Let's play, let's spin.

Greetings from Santa Claus for children in verse

Many dads, wanting to please their children and arrange a fun holiday for them, put on a Santa Claus costume themselves and come to the children with gifts and congratulations. And then they themselves need to prepare poems for performance in front of children. This selection of greeting poems from Santa Claus is just for such occasions.


I am the real Santa Claus
I brought you news
That the New Year is on the way
And soon it will be on the doorstep!
Are you waiting for a miracle? There will be a miracle!
After all, Santa Claus will not forget:
Everyone gets a gift,
Carefully packed in a bag,
Tied up, packed brightly,
After all, everyone is now waiting for a gift,
Miracles and fairy tales for January.
And I give all this to you!
Natalia Malyutkina

Dedmorozov's congratulatory card

Children, children, stand in a circle,
Fun, laughter, joy,
To have enough sweets,
House full of toys
Books, rattles,
Eat porridge and listen to mom.

Happy New Year to all the guys
Congratulations to Santa Claus,
And that's why today
I brought you gifts.
Who ate well all year,
Did you study, listen to your mother?
I'm such a kid
I'll put a surprise under the tree!

From Santa Claus

The Snow Maiden told me,
That you are really waiting for me,
And the roads are all Metelitsa
Covered with white snow,
On a magical fairy sleigh
I immediately rushed to you.
Let it seem mysterious
My arrival, because I tried,
May this holiday be joyful
Was mysterious, magical,
And I covered all the roads
And the trees are white with snow.
Came and made everyone happy
Best holiday- New Year,
Have fun, dance and be happy!
Your gift is waiting for you!
Violetta Ogarkova

Monologue of Santa Claus

Hello kids!
Who wants candy?
I'm a whole bag
Brought to you.
There's a blizzard outside -
Let's warm you up each other!
And our round dance
The Snow Maiden is leading.
And the Christmas tree is beautiful
Smiles at us.
Happy holiday, kids!
Although I rarely see you,
But I love you all -
I give gifts!

The baby also needs to respond to Santa Claus’s greeting, and always with beautiful poems. Read poems from the following selection to the children and let the kids choose poems for Santa Claus themselves. Tell the children that before presenting gifts, grandfather likes to listen to poems about himself or the Snow Maiden.

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Beard and red nose,
I've been waiting for you so much
I dreamed about a bag of sweets!

The Christmas tree was decorated for the holiday,
Fun to tears!
Who brings us gifts?
It's Santa Claus!

We're having fun today
Santa Claus is with us,
Beautiful Snow Maiden
And a load of gifts.

New Year is like a fairy tale
Stepped onto our threshold,
Our favorite holiday,
Everyone is waiting for him.

Hello, Grandfather Frost!
Did you bring any gifts?
Every year on New Year's Day
People are waiting for you!

We'll read you a poem,
Let's sing a wondrous song!
Praise us somehow
Don't forget to give a gift!
Kolesnik Olga

Hello, Grandfather Frost,
What did you bring us in the bag?
We'll tell you poems,
We’ll show you everything we can do!

Grandfather Frost,
Do you have granddaughters?
Grandfather Frost,
Take me in your arms.
I'm not afraid of Frost
Because you're not evil
I'll hold you tight,
Sit with me for a little while!

Like our Frost
Here's a beard
(Yes, yes, yes, such a beard),
Like our Frost
That's a red nose
(Yes, yes, yes, such a red nose),
Like our Frost
These are the boots
(Yes, yes, these are the boots)
Santa Claus, you are a hundred years old,
And you're naughty like a little boy!

Letter to Santa Claus in verse

But how did we forget the most important thing?! Before the New Year, children must write a letter to Santa Claus, tell them how well they behaved, and ask for a gift.

Hello, Grandfather Frost,
A beard made of cotton wool.
Of course you will come to us,
You'll make the kids happy.

Mom and Dad say
Every year you come to us,
You bring toys to everyone
Multi-colored firecrackers.

We are always waiting for you,
We teach poetry
Only you come late
We've been sleeping for a long time.

We would like to ask
You have a gift:
Let there be no evil in the world,
Our world will be bright.

And we wished for ourselves
Sweets, toys,
We'll bake you a pie
And delicious cheesecakes.

Come when it's light
We will be waiting for you,
Here we will complete the drawing,
Let's learn the song.

We say thank you
To you for being you,
You give people happiness
New Year's newsletter.
Irina Gusakova

To Grandfather Frost
I'm writing a letter
And there are many gifts
I ask him.

Behaved diligently
And he was obedient
The whole bag is treasured
Honestly deserved it.

Letter to Santa Claus

My favorite holiday -
It's New Year!
Because on a visit
Santa Claus will come.

As a family we write
A letter to grandfather.
Let it be faster than the wind
It will fly.

I'll ask Grandfather
Red kitten,
Live hamster
Or maybe a baby elephant.

Grandfather is a wizard
He can do anything!
Mom smiles
Dad looks stricter...

Of course I know
Santa Claus is so busy.
And that's why he
Dad helps.
Petrova Marina

Funny poems about Santa Claus for children

All New Year's poems are very kind and touching. But funny and amusing poems about New Year's fairy-tale characters will not only not offend anyone, but will also amuse and entertain everyone.

If the frost ends,
The snow will melt white,
What about Grandfather Frost,
Poor thing, will he do it?

Water will run off it
Streams to the floor,
From his beard then
Will it start to drip too?

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Darling, darling!
Hide, Santa Claus,
In our refrigerator!

What kind of grandfather is so wonderful?
Appears in winter
With a snowy beard
And with a gentle smile,
In a red hat warm fur coat,
He is cheerful and friendly,
He hurries to the children's houses,
To both girls and boys,
Gives joy in the New Year,
He only takes poetry in return!

Father Frost

Hello, Grandfather Frost!
You're probably cold:
The day walked around the city,
I froze my beard...
Place your nose on the battery.
I'll warm you up now!
A. Usachev

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus is coming alive.
Well, Grandfather Frost!..
What cheeks! What a nose!..
A beard, a beard!..
And there's a star on the hat!
There are specks on the nose!
And the eyes... are daddy's!
A. Shibaev

Hello, Grandfather Frost!

Hello, Grandfather Frost!
You see, I've already grown up.
I've been waiting for you for a whole year.
He ate porridge and drank compote.

You haven't changed a bit
Do you like to sing, joke, play!
I don’t want it, grandpa,
You left us again.

Stay and live in the garden!
Well, I'll give it to you for this
I'll give you all the toys!
Nina Aksyonova

Previously, with a stick, with a staff,
Santa Claus walked.

He's not the same anymore
Nowadays we are used to:
Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
Rides on a motorcycle.

Or is he riding in a taxi?
Christmas trees, Christmas trees everywhere...
Grandfather, wherever you invite me,
Promises: - I will!..
A. Barto

Poems about Santa Claus for adults

For the New Year, kids and older children learn poems about Santa Claus. Adults don't lag behind children either. New Year's corporate parties and home holidays are a great occasion to learn beautiful poems about the New Year and, of course, about the main character of the holiday, Santa Claus.

In this collection you will find poems for Santa Claus and congratulations from him.

I hope there is a place at the table
You have one for me too.
Oh, Frost got tired
This rush, this rush.

Today I give you gifts
I brought the whole sleigh.
There is happiness and prosperity here -
Santa Claus tried.

Let there be something for everyone
Here is a gift to your liking.
Sort out your wishes
Everything that is in my bag.

Let's shout together "Hurray!"
May bad weather pass you by
Life will be bright and kind!
Time good wishes
It's coming for you, friends!
I have a confession for you:
I love you with all my soul!
At midnight the clock will strike
And the New Year will come!
I wish you all happiness -
It will come to every home!
Happy New Year! Happy new happiness!
Santa Claus will congratulate everyone!
May bad weather pass you by
Let the sound of cheerful laughter!

As Santa Claus, I declare to all of you,
That I don’t live only for children.
I congratulate you all too
And I want to wish you, adults,

So that you believe in miracles all the time,
Then your dreams will come true too.
Then your burden will become light,
And life will be filled with a sea of ​​kindness.

Friends! The New Year has come!
Forget old sorrows
And days of sorrow, and days of worries,
And everything that killed joy;
But don't forget clear days,
Fun, fun of the light-winged,
Golden hours for dear hearts,
And old, sincere friends.
Live new in the New Year,
Leave old dreams behind
And everything that does not give happiness,
But only one will give birth to desires!
Still in this new year
Love jokes, games, joy
And old sincere friends.
Friends! Celebrate the New Year
In the circle of family, in freedom.
Let it flow for you, friends,
What happy childhood years!
Dmitry Venevitinov

Poems for Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden for children 3-7 years old are the most beautiful, funny and cheerful. Many children love to teach them and then perform with them in front of audiences. Find time to repeat the learned New Year's poems with your child, and then they will be very happy to recite their poem for the main winter hero, who brings gifts to everyone.

I invite you to take a stroll through other New Year’s articles on my blog:

New Year's riddles for children

Good Grandfather Frost
Congratulates loudly:
"Be happy, friends,
And live long.
May the New Year give
You have a lot of health.
Happiness, joy in every home
The Christmas tree will bring it to you!”

Hello guys!
Hello parents!
They will arrive to you soon
Fairytale residents.
They are a gift to you
They will bring a miracle
Gnome of the latter
They'll just wait.
While on the road
All my friends
I wish you
Happiness and goodness!

Simple words: “Happy New Year”,
I'm ready to say again,
Let the weather not spoil us,
I will congratulate you, so be it!
I wish you no sorrows,
Live among a sea of ​​red roses,
I have caviar for lunch every day,
Your friend. Regular Santa Claus.

The Snow Maiden wants to wish you:
For joy, so that you could not escape,
Don't waste your chance, so that you never
So that trouble would bypass the house,
So that your children grow up healthy,
And forget-me-nots bloomed in your souls,
Your houses were light and warm,
And in life, good has always won.

The Snow Maiden told me,
That you are really waiting for me,
And the roads are all Metelitsa
Covered with white snow,
On a magical fairy sleigh
I immediately rushed to you.
Let it seem mysterious
My arrival, because I tried,
May this holiday be joyful
Was mysterious, magical,
And I covered all the roads,
And the trees are white with snow.
Came and made everyone happy
The best holiday is New Year,
Have fun, dance and be happy!
Your gift is waiting for you!

I came to you with a big bag,
It was hard to drag gifts for everyone:
My horses in the Year of the Horse
We decided to do the opposite.
They didn't take me in the sleigh.
They said: “We are very tired!”
And I, your Grandfather Frost,
He dragged them and a whole cart.
I'm so glad I wasn't late
Congratulations to you, even though I’m tired!

On the snowy path, crispy
The song of footsteps creaks quietly,
The real Santa Claus is coming,
Coming from the valley of snow.
He is a treat for us from blizzards and blizzards,
He will bring ice candies,
Frosty pattern will leave it on the windows
Wish for next year:
“I wish you, dear ones, happiness,
Health is a huge snowdrift,
Bad weather will drown in smiles,
Love and laugh all year long.
Always kindness and attention
Warm each other's hearts
As a gift - a snowstorm for you out of happiness
And a whole blizzard of joy!!!”

Happy New Year to all the guys
Congratulations to Santa Claus,
And that's why today
I brought you gifts.
Who ate well all year,
Did you study, listen to your mother?
I'm such a kid
I'll put a surprise under the tree!

So I came to visit you -
You drink a hundred grams here!
I put a lot in a bag -
I'll give you some.
I have money there, laughter,
Joy and success in business.
There is enough here for you.
Santa Claus will show his class!

Friends! I brought you news
(After all, I am SANTA CLAUS)
What's coming soon
New Year! He's already on his way!
To the one who learned the poem,
I put the gift in the bag,
Which I will fill to the top!
And I will fulfill all your wishes
To those who believe in miracles since childhood!
And you will receive gifts at night!

Everyone seems bored, I see.
I'll clap my mittens -
I'll dust you with snow in a moment
Light eyelashes
I'll border it with lace
Gloomy windows -
Let them walk on the glass
Children's palms.
I'll seat the bullfinch
In a row on each branch.
I will give away all the gifts.
Happy New Year, kids!

Glass pattern on your window:
Here I am, Santa Claus ran by in the breeze,
Let the frost sting your cheeks, ears, noses,
After all, my mittens are stroking you.
I brought a bag of gifts under the tree,
Let's all say: “Hurray, Santa Claus!”
I congratulate you, my children,
Let them not live in your hearts evil ice!
Great health, friends and warmth,
I tell you this, children, lovingly...
This year has flown by unnoticed for us -
Your smiles made me rich.
I saw you again, I came to you again,
Through the storm and snow I found your tree,
We lit the lights, sang a song, friends -
Now it's time for me to go home!

I - cheerful grandfather Freezing,
I brought you gifts.
I brought you a lot of laughter
A sea of ​​happiness and success!
Happy New Year,
And I wish you all
Live in happiness for a long, long time,
Don't bother in vain,
Much health and happiness to you,
And live without bad weather!

What stings your nose guys?
And your feet are frozen?!
Soon Santa Claus
It will be on the doorstep!
Red caftan and hat,
Familiar beard...
He's carrying an armful of gifts -
The kids are glad to see him!
“Come on, meet me quickly!
Sing, dance and laugh.
Take the candies quickly,
Do not spare poems for me!
May the New Year come
He will be truly kind
Gives to everyone around
Happiness, success and health!”

Hello kids!
Who wants candy?
I'm a whole bag
Brought to you.
There's a blizzard outside -
Let's keep each other warm!
And our round dance
The Snow Maiden is leading.
And the Christmas tree is beautiful
Smiles at us.
Happy holiday, kids!
Although I rarely see you,
But I love you all -
I give gifts!
Happy new year to you,
Be healthy!

"Hello kids,
Girls and boys!
I brought you gifts:
Foreign cars,
Sweet pacifiers
Yes, mouse toys,
Mice are not easy
Groovy mice.
Sing me a song
Stand next to me
Everyone stand in a circle,
Spin around the Christmas tree.
I'm glad to meet you,
No wonder he carried toys.
Study well! "
Your Grandfather Frost.

Four years ago, a tradition was born at the Nazarovskaya GRES - on the eve of the New Year, the children of the Youth Council dressed as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden came to visit the children of the station employees, congratulated them on the upcoming holiday and gave them gifts. This year was no exception. Both children and adults liked the event so much that every year there are more and more people who want to invite Santa Claus to visit.

And so, in last days December 2017, after a hard day, two pairs of our guys - Roman Makhnovsky with his wife Olesya and Viktor Durnev with Natalya Donova - turned into fabulous New Year's characters, hurried to the children, who were waiting for them.

All families prepared for the arrival of Santa Claus: children aged from one to twelve years were in New Year's costumes and beautiful outfits, and in the room there was Christmas tree, around which a round dance was traditionally performed. For the most part, the children easily made contact, recited poems, sang songs, and participated in games. It was a little more difficult with the little ones - they were a little afraid of Santa Claus and were very shy. But our guys, who took part in New Year’s “tours” not for the first time and, having gained extensive experience in communicating with children, easily found common language. They prepared their congratulatory program in advance, came up with questions and competitions, but children are unpredictable people, and they often had to improvise.

Durnev Victor:
“We have been performing a New Year’s duet together with Natalya Donova for the second year now. Together we thought through our congratulations and tried to make the program as varied and interesting as possible for the children. of different ages. First, they greeted the owners of the house in a poetic form, got acquainted with the small members of the family, and established contact with them through simple questions. Then the “New Year’s challenges” began: guess riddles, play games, recite a poem or sing a song. And if the child has difficulty with the task or is simply embarrassed, we involve the parents. And now we all sing in chorus, dance, and dance in circles. And in one family we were met by a boy of about twelve. It’s clear that you won’t surprise him with a round dance and children’s riddles. I had to come up with tasks for him on the fly. For example, who can do push-ups on the floor faster? And then he danced a break-dance for us and played the guitar, which undoubtedly deserved his gift. By the end of the evening we already felt tired, but it couldn’t be compared with the positive experience we got from interacting with the children. I’m sure our event called “Hello, Grandfather Frost!” will last for more than one year."

Makhnovskaya Olesya:
“For two years in a row, my husband and I have been congratulating the children of our fellow energy workers in the form of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. We know how the children anxiously await our arrival, how thoroughly they prepare for this, so we wanted to give each child an unforgettable experience from our visit. I had a magic briefcase with me, which contained telegrams with congratulations for the children from forest animals. It was just not so easy to figure out who this telegram was from. And the kids, together with me, guessed what kind of animal sent it. And Santa Claus was interested in whether the children ate porridge well this year, and measured their height in mittens. It was very interesting for the kids to find out how many mittens they could make. After which Santa Claus made a promise to eat even better in the future, and next New Year he will come and be sure to measure how many mittens the child has become taller. In addition, the children themselves showed us their talents - they sang, danced, and recited poems. As a reward for their efforts and as a lasting memory, we issued personalized certificates of commendation from Santa Claus “For good deeds and good behavior” and solemnly presented them to each child. Not only children, but also their parents were happy with such gifts. Of course, seeing the happy smiles on the children’s faces, we were happy too.”

No matter how modern and advanced our young generation is, Father Frost is perhaps the only good fairy-tale character in whom children want to believe and really, really look forward to it. This means that next year the Youth Council guys will again put on costumes, fill bags with gifts and set off to carry out an important task - to give joy to children.

(Natalia Malyutkina)

I am the real Santa Claus
I brought you news
That the New Year is on the way
And soon it will be on the doorstep!
Are you waiting for a miracle? There will be a miracle!
After all, Santa Claus will not forget:
Everyone gets a gift,
Carefully packed in a bag,
Tied up, packed brightly,
After all, everyone is now waiting for a gift,
Miracles and fairy tales for January.
And I give all this to you!

* * *
(Svetlana Wiederhold)

In his workshop, in the hut,
I was preparing for the New Year:
Three firecrackers, two firecrackers,
For the people to celebrate.
For everyone's joy - handfuls of laughter,
Plus a keg of success,
A scoop of big events,
Five pinches of discovery
There are hundreds of fairy tales children's sleep,
There are a million drops of friendship,
Grains of truth, kindness
And spiritual beauty.
Accept my gift,
Happy New Year, friends!

Dedmorozov's congratulatory card
(Slender birch tree)

Children, children, stand in a circle,
Fun, laughter, joy,
To have enough sweets,
House full of toys
Books, rattles,
Eat porridge
And listen to mom.

Happy New Year, children!
(Irina Gaidamachenko)

Good Grandfather Frost
Congratulates loudly:
"Be happy, friends,
And live long.
May the New Year give
You have a lot of health.
Happiness, joy in every home
The Christmas tree will bring it to you!”

Grandfather Frost
(Anastasia Kulish)

Glass pattern on your window:
Here I am, Santa Claus ran by in the breeze,
Let the frost sting your cheeks, ears, noses,
After all, my mittens are stroking you.
I brought a bag of gifts under the tree,
Let's all say: "Hurray, Santa Claus!"
I congratulate you, my children,
Let no evil ice live in your hearts!
Great health, friends and warmth,
I tell you this, children, lovingly...
This year has flown by unnoticed for us -
Your smiles made me rich.
I saw you again, I came to you again,
Through the storm and snow I found your tree,
We lit the lights, sang a song, friends -
Now it's time for me to go home!

From Santa Claus
(Violetta Ogarkova)

The Snow Maiden told me,
That you are really waiting for me,
And the roads are all Metelitsa
Covered with white snow,
On a magical fairy sleigh
I immediately rushed to you.
Let it seem mysterious
My arrival, because I tried,
May this holiday be joyful
Was mysterious, magical,
And I covered all the roads,
And the trees are white with snow.
Came and made everyone happy
The best holiday is New Year,
Have fun, dance and be happy!
Your gift is waiting for you!

Congratulations from Santa Claus
(Maria Savitskaya)

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
I brought you gifts.
I brought you a lot of laughter
A sea of ​​happiness and success!
Happy New Year,
And I wish you all
Live in happiness for a long, long time,
Don't bother in vain,
Much health and happiness to you,
And live without bad weather!

Congratulations from Santa Claus
(Yuri Kozlov)

Happy New Year,
In the year two thousand eight,
I, friends, wish you all
Increase your image!

So that the year of the mouse is not nasty,
And so that conflict does not arise.
Keep your teeth in order
And behind them is their own language.

In the Year of the Rat, don’t be deceitful -
You will avoid holes in your pocket.
You should gnaw more now
Raw vegetables and cheese.

Eat lemons, oranges
Sew yellow dress...
Be active in the year of the rat,
Don't be lazy - catch mice!

Crispy Desire
(Svetlana Kruchinina)

On the snowy path, crispy
The song of footsteps creaks quietly,
The real Santa Claus is coming,
Coming from the valley of snow.

He is a treat for us from blizzards and blizzards,
He will bring ice candies,
It will leave a frosty pattern on the windows
Wish for next year:

“I wish you, dear ones, happiness,
Health is a huge snowdrift,
Bad weather will drown in smiles,
Love and laugh all year long.

Always kindness and attention
Warm each other's hearts
As a gift - a snowstorm for you out of happiness
And a whole blizzard of joy!!!”