New Year's competitions for children. New Year's competitions for children and adults: interesting, funny and cheerful, active Gifts for a sports lady

New Year's poems

Simeunovich Mira, Russian language teacher at the school “Knez Sima Markovic”, Belgrade, Serbia.
Purpose: material is assigned to children (and teachers) primary classes, to parents who love to read poetry. May be interesting for teachers additional education, to all curious teachers.
Description: Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention my own New Year’s poems, which are my poetic debut in Russian. I composed poems on the eve of the New Year for my students in Serbia, aged 11–12 years (fifth and sixth grade), who are studying Russian as a second foreign language. Because New Year- the funniest, most joyful of holidays, I wanted to create a new festive mood for children during this wonderful time. I wanted to bring back the fairy-tale atmosphere and delight the children with a sense of magic.
Target: creating a festive mood
Tasks: develop children's interest in reading poetry, as well as fairy-tale characters; promote the formation of positive emotions and New Year's mood; expand vocabulary; cultivate respect for holidays; develop attention, memory, imagination and creativity.

White fluffy snow curls through the fields,
Gentle snowflakes dance across the hills.
Lungs, dry, falling and spinning,
They are waiting for the New Year and having fun together.

The snowman stands high on the hill
Small children look at him.
And the stars in the sky twinkle in the distance,
It’s as if they are inviting: “Dance with us!”

The month danced in nightly celebration,
Lighted the way for grandfather with a bag.
The Christmas tree sparkles, the snow on it is dry,
The whole world woke up under the bright moon.

Little Nadya is flying on a sleigh,
He makes his mother and sisters happy.
And their brother Kolya plays in the snow,
Doesn't like to skate on slippery ice.

Vovka, Dimka, Lenka, everyone came out to play,
Meet Grandfather Frost at the Christmas tree.
We played together and went to the Christmas tree,
Santa Claus's sleigh is eagerly awaited.

And our Katya runs to her mother,
He is in a hurry to show his beloved a snowflake.
She disappeared from the palm of her hand as if in a dream,
All that's left is a drop of water in your hand!

I caught another one to show my dad,
Be the first to tell him about the snowflake.
Fingers are frozen, but eyes are shining,
She realized that new ones were flying towards her from the sky.

The Snow Maiden is nearby, Santa Claus has come,
He brought gifts and joy in a bag.
The bag is filled with various toys,
There's also candy and a piece of cake.

Santa Claus greets the children with a smile:
“Come together - it will be more fun!”
“Happy New Year, children! - exclaims the grandfather,
May you all be healthy for many, many years to come!”

Take gifts, there is one for everyone,
We expected miracles from Santa Claus.
Each box contains a piece of magic
And a piece of a fairy tale from a childhood dream.

The Snow Maiden-granddaughter delights children,
Presents gifts with Grandfather Frost.
Laughter and joy are everywhere, voices are heard.
Suddenly our guys look to the skies!

Santa Claus and his granddaughter flew into the sky,
Their sleigh disappeared in a snowstorm.
They waved their hand and said: “See you!”
We’ll be back in a year, dear children!”

Let's see off grandpa home, children,
It's time for us to part with our beautiful granddaughter.
When the forest is covered with snow again
Again we will expect miracles from the Father.

Dear colleagues, happiness and success to all in the New Year!!!

How quickly time flies!
It would seem that just recently my daughter and her friends were small, trusting girls who loved to run and jump and believed in Santa Claus. And now they are already 12-13 years old, they have turned into laughing girls, still just as naive and sincere, those who love holidays and entertainment, but now we spend holidays on a wider scale and a little more seriously.
I would call this year's pre-New Year's meeting of bosom girlfriends

New Year's magic

Let's start in order.

The first magic act

Is it possible to bake a cake without using an oven, only with the help of skill and imagination? Yes, if you like a non-standard approach to preparing delicious treats and are not afraid to get dirty. The first magical action of our New Year's holiday takes place in the kitchen and the magicians will need aprons and hats. We are starting to create

Cake "Mountain of Gems"

. packaging of ready-made sponge cakes
. 500 g sour cream
. 1 cup sugar
. 20 g gelatin
. vanillin
. pre-prepared jelly of 3-4 flavors and colors (Alena and I prepared the jelly the day before, we settled on lemon, apple, orange and raspberry)

To begin, I asked the girls to break two sponge cakes into small pieces (the third one should be kept whole).

After the biscuit pieces are ready, you need to cut the jelly into cubes (the girls cut the jelly with teaspoons right in the same bowl where it was prepared).

While the magicians were busy preparing the ingredients, I prepared the cream. To do this, soak 20 grams of gelatin in 10 tablespoons of cold water for 10 minutes. Then dissolve the gelatin in a water bath until the grains are completely dissolved and let the mixture cool slightly.
Beat 500 gr. sour cream with 1 cup of sugar, add vanillin. Pour a little sour cream (literally a couple of spoons) into the gelatin and, without stopping whisking, pour this mixture into the cream in a thin stream.

The preliminary preparation is completed, now we need to work together and quickly, because... Sour cream gelatin cream hardens quite quickly.

I prepared a deep salad bowl in advance and lined its bottom and sides with cling film.

The ingredients prepared for the cake should be laid out in layers: first pieces of biscuit, then jelly different colors. Pour sour cream over both layers (if necessary, you can level the cream with a teaspoon so that it covers all areas).

Then again pieces of biscuit, jelly, cream.

Cover the last layer with a whole sponge cake and press down lightly.

Place the finished cake in the refrigerator until the cream completely hardens.

I deliberately decided to do this competition first so that while the cream was setting we could enjoy other activities.

Second magic act

Snowman made from a sock

Idea taken from here:
Some of the explanatory photographs are also from the website of the author of the idea.

. rice
. white socks
. colored socks
. spout blanks
. leg-split
. buttons
. glue

Take a sock white, cut off the heel and toe parts (you should get a rectangle).

Turn the sock inside out and tie one end of the rectangle tightly with twine or a rubber band.

Turn the sock inside out again. Pour rice into it, lightly compact it and tie the other end of the sock. The snowman's body is ready!

Now you need to prepare the snowman's outfit. For this we need colored socks with a pattern. Cut off the toe and heel of the sock and stretch it over the snowman's body.

Draw the body with string or twine over the patterned sock in two places.

The toe or heel part can be used in the form of a cap. By tying the hanging part of the cap with twine, you can create the appearance of a pompom. A felt or fleece flower will perfectly decorate a hat.

Glue on black, brown or blue button eyes and carrot noses. You can brown the snowman's cheeks with blush.
If desired, you can decorate the snowman’s outfit with a flower.

The girls really enjoyed working with rice and socks. For this competition, I bought not only white socks, but also bright children's tights and mittens, everything came in handy.

This is the snowman Alyonushka made

And this is a group photo of the snowmen creators with their pets.

Third magic act

Young chocolatiers

Have you ever dreamed of making chocolates according to your own recipe? In the New Year, dreams come true and I decided to give young beauties a try at being a chocolatier. We put on our aprons and handkerchiefs again and went to the kitchen.

To create chocolate masterpieces we needed:

  • 200 g dark chocolate
  • 100 g white chocolate (or any other)
  • 50 g butter
  • a handful of hazelnuts (walnuts will also work)
  • handful of prunes
  • a handful of dried apricots
  • cookies broken into small pieces
  • cornflakes
  • waffle crumbs

I prepared the ingredients for the chocolatier's work in advance - chopped nuts, prunes, dried apricots, broke up cookies and wafer crumbs, and put everything in bowls.

But we all carried out the process of melting chocolate together.

The first option for creating chocolate creations

Place the butter in a small saucepan and break the chocolate into small pieces (the girls liked this job).
Pour water into a large saucepan and carefully place the saucepan with the chocolate and butter in it. Make sure no water from the large saucepan gets into the saucepan with the chocolate. We built a water bath.

Heat water in a large saucepan to a boil and let the chocolate and butter melt. Don't interfere. When you see that the chocolate has melted, stir the contents of the saucepan with a spoon.

Remove the saucepan with the chocolate mixture from the large saucepan and add the desired ingredients to it (in our case, the girls decided to add nuts, dried apricots and cookies to the chocolate).

Lightly wet your hands with water and begin forming balls of chocolate mixture. It is convenient to place the balls on cutting boards previously wrapped in baking paper.

The second option for creating chocolate creations

After the first version of the candies was ready, we melted another batch of chocolate and added raisins and almonds to the chocolate mass and rolled all the candies in wafer crumbs.

The candies went into the refrigerator to harden, and I understood the meaning of the expression “all in chocolate” :) It was fun and very unusual!

Fourth magic act

Cake tasting and tea party

In the meantime, the sour cream has completely frozen and it’s time to give my hardworking girls tea and cake. I covered the cake dish with a wide, flat plate and turned it over. This way the whole cake ended up on the platter. All I have to do is remove the cling film and decorate the cake with whipped cream and confectionery sprinkles.

The girls paid tribute to their culinary creation. The cake really deserves the highest degree of praise, it is very tender and pleasant to the taste, light, not too sweet, and the colored splashes of jelly give it a very piquant taste.

Fifth magic act

Decorating a candy gift

While the girls were having tea and talking, the sweets in the refrigerator froze. All that remains is to wrap them in candy wrappers and pack them. I decided to use food foil as candy wrappers. I gave each girl a sheet of foil and invited them to pack some candy (previously, all the candy was divided equally, the girlfriends received the same number of candies of different flavors). It was decided to simply wrap the candies in foil, which is how truffles are usually packaged.

But finding New Year's children's books whose plot is not related to Father Frost or Santa Claus is not easy. Many people cannot imagine the New Year without Santa Claus, however, more and more parents around the world, and even more so parents who choose the Montessori path, tell their children the truth that in fact this character does not exist and gifts are put under the tree by mom and dad . Santa Claus is such a tradition. And you can follow it, or you can agree that the anticipation of the New Year and its celebration is a wonderful time that we spend with our family and give each other love and warmth.

We hope our selection will help create a magical atmosphere of this special time, which adults can plunge into together with their children, without focusing on Grandfather Frost and fairy-tale characters.

New Year's books for children from birth to three years old

At this age, we need to give our child the most accurate reflection of reality. The main questions that interest the baby: “What is around me and what is it for?” That's why special attention Pay attention to the illustrations: they must be believable - let's leave Santa flying through the sky on reindeer for later. The texts are small and understandable, giving an idea of ​​winter, the holiday and its attributes.

Thick pages, bright photographs, short texts- what a one-year-old baby needs. Look at the pictures and study the objects together:

  • “The world is around me. New Year. Photobook" (Tatyana Koval)
  • “The world is around me. Multicolored New Year. Photobook" (Tatyana Koval)

Older children, 2–3 years old (and after three too), love to look at wimmelbooks and books with a lot of details that need to be found, shown and named, and at an older age they write stories about characters.

  • “Once Upon a Time in Winter” (Elena Zapesochnaya)
  • picture book “Once Upon a Time in the City” (ROSMEN publishing house)
  • "Winter adventures. Stories based on pictures with stickers" (Elena Zapesochnaya). To some extent, this is a version of the famous “Winter Book” by Rotraut Berner adapted to Russian realities. It contains stickers of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, which the parent can remove.
  • "Winter. Finders and Developers" (Bianca Minthe-Koenig, Hans-Gunther Döring). We draw the attention of parents: since this is a translation, on one of the pages there is a mention of mistletoe potion. This is typical of German culture and unusual for us. You can tell your baby about this.

Poems to create a special winter mood:

  • “Snow Bunny” (Olga Vysotskaya)
  • “Winter Fun” (Evgeny Migunov)
  • “It was in January” (Agniya Barto)
  • “Soon, soon New Year!” (NosyCrow)

A list of useful books for children under 3 years old from Montessori teachers will help you choose books according to the child’s age and interests

New Year's books for children from 3 to 6 years old

At this age, children are increasingly interested in the plot. They are interested in answers to the questions “why” and “where”. They still enjoy exploring the world around them. And as soon as parents support them in this, children will discover a lot of new things.

Therefore, I wanted to start the list with books that reveal the secrets of everyday things. For example, how does a snowflake appear and how is it that snowflakes always have six sides? Where does snow come from and why does it crunch underfoot? Why is ice slippery?

  • "Snow. Winter Miracle" (Mark Cassino, John Nelson)
  • “A Book about Snowflakes” (Olga Dvornyakova) Will be of interest to both 5-6 year old children and older ones. Everyone will take something different from it.

Winter stories can be truly fascinating, whether we are talking about the lives of animals or two little brothers Chuka and Gek.

  • “Who spends the winter how” (Yulia Smirnova)
  • “Chuk and Gek” (Arkady Gaidar)

At about 5 years old, a child begins to clearly distinguish reality from fiction. During this period, you can start reading fairy tales. In December, fairy tales will help create a New Year's mood:

  • “Moroz Ivanovich” (Vladimir Odoevsky)
  • “The Tale of the Little Christmas Tree” (Marina Aromstam)
  • “Snow Globe” (Olga Fadeeva)
  • “Christmas tree, cat and New Year” (artist Maria Pavlova)
  • "One Winter's Night" (Nick Butterworth)

  • “Winter Poems and Tales” (artists Lydia Gladneva, M. Afanasyeva, V. Pertsev)
  • “Winter Poems” (artist V. Belousov)
  • “Frost and sun. Poems by Russian poets about winter” (artist Vladimir Kanivets)
  • “Winter Sorceress” (artist Elena Drobotova)
  • “It’s a lot of fun in winter. Snow stories for kids" (Mikhail Yasnov)

Closer to 5–7 years of age, children begin to become interested in the origins of the New Year and the traditions of celebration in different countries. This is a good opportunity to talk about how “Santa Clauses” have their own distinctive characteristics in different cultures.

  • “How children around the world celebrate New Year and Christmas” (Pavla Khanachkova)
  • "Santa Claus and his brothers. Winter Wizards of Russia" (Olga Kolpakova)

You can learn about the history and traditions of the holiday in an unusual way- through the detective story “New Year. A terribly complicated matter” (Yakov Akim, Viktor Dragunsky, Anton Zolotov).

And of course, December is a wonderful time to create with your own hands that magical holiday atmosphere that will be remembered for a lifetime.

  • "Simple Snowflakes"
  • “Flags for the Christmas tree. Set of flags for the Christmas tree” (artist Maria Pavlova)
  • “New Year’s decorations” (Tatyana Kozhevnikova).

Creative tasks, games for indoors and outdoors, useful ideas for preparing for the New Year for 5–6 years and older:

  • “Entertainment. Winter. Exciting activities for children and parents" (Nina Surova, Philip Surov)
  • “Wonderful time. Winter" (Ksenia Dryzlova)

New Year's books for children from 6 to 12 years old

At this age, children ask questions: “What is the reason?”, “What will happen if?..”, “What would I do?” Young researchers are increasingly interested in the world of relationships between people. Any story will become a reason for discussing good and evil, justice and mercy, love and friendship. Along with this, children continue to enthusiastically study how the world works.

How did our ancestors celebrate the winter holiday? Which traditions have survived to this day, and which are being revived or have only appeared now? Why do we celebrate both Christmas and New Year? Answers to these questions:

  • "Christmas tree. One hundred years ago"
  • "Christmas tree. The latest edition for gifts in poetry and prose"
  • "Christmas tree. Ancient fun" (A. Smirnov)
  • "Story Christmas tree"(Alexander Tkachenko)

The world of people and relationships is much more complex than the world of nature and technology. How to find your place in it, how to distinguish good from bad, how to understand your experiences, what friendship, love and justice are - all this can become a topic for discussion while reading New Year's stories and fairy tales:

  • “Sparklers” (Nikolai Nosov)
  • “How to arrange a holiday” (Anna Remez)
  • "Christmas in northern ice"(Marina Aleshina)
  • "Visiting polar bear"(Oleg Bundur)
  • “The key to the Christmas tree chest” (Ekaterina Medvedeva)

  • “Christmas Girl’s Doll” (Yulia Nasvetova, Lidiya Avilova)
  • “The Journey of the Littlest Snowflake” (Elena Pervushina)
  • “The Wonderful Doctor” (Alexander Kuprin)
  • "The Little Match Girl" (Hans Christian Andersen)
  • "The Snow Queen. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" (Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Hans Christian Andersen)
  • “Father Frost is calling us, or the Story of Droplet, her friends and how important it is to find your talent” (Irina Danilova)

For children who want to decorate their home for the holiday with their own hands, offer:

  • “A miracle with your own hands. New Year's toys» for 7–9 years (artist McLelland Kate)
  • “A miracle with your own hands. Magic Birds" for 7–9 years (artist Ingram Zoe)
  • “Snowflakes from paper “Winter”. Cutting set" for 10–12 years old (A. Zaitseva)

Celebrating the New Year at home with your family can be made interesting and unforgettable if everyone takes part in preparing games, riddles and tricks with a set of 50 brochures “New Year with your family” (Natalia Krupenskaya). Will be of interest to children aged 6–9 years.

We hope this review of children's New Year's books will be useful. Share in the comments your favorite books that you especially enjoy reading with your children on New Year's Eve.

Illustrations: Montessori.Children

Experienced parents know that tickets for the right Christmas trees run out at the beginning of December. The Village talks about proven events that are worth going to with your children - to get in the New Year mood or to have a good time during the long holidays.

For the little ones


New Year's marathon "Christmas Factory" in Skazka Park

In a couple of weeks, Skazka will launch a large-scale New Year’s program that will run until mid-January: guests of the park will enjoy an outdoor skating rink and ice shows, a troll cave and circus performances, winter master classes and reindeer and dog sledding. For a while winter holidays the park will become one of the residences of Father Frost. Children will also learn how the New Year is celebrated in different countries and take part in a New Year's quest in the castle Snow Queen and will become clowns at the “ChudElka” in the “Clownarium”.

“The Nutcracker” at the ZIL Cultural Center

IN Cultural center ZIL actors from the Stein Drama Theater and the Children's Ballet Theater will show their favorite fairy tale, the action of which takes place just before Christmas. The performance will begin in the foyer of the center: they have prepared for children interesting program with the participation fairy-tale heroes, master classes where you can make your own New Year decorations or sweets, and communication with Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

"The Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka"

At the Museum of Cosmonautics, children will be told about how the first space heroes Belka and Strelka set off on a journey to wind the clock and bring the New Year closer. The show includes free admission to the museum and a tube of real space food.

Performance "Little Santa Claus"
in "Fanny Bell's Little House"

A chamber performance for only 35 people with small miracles, when some of the most simple materials- paper, felt, rustling fabrics - a whole performance is born. The performance is based on the story of the same name by Anu Stoner and is designed for the youngest spectators - from one to four years old.

"The Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka"

“Rock Yolka” from Kids Rock Fest

In early January, the Kids Rock Fest project organizes three big performances: rock, indie rock and rockabilly bands will perform their hits at the Glastonberry club on Dubrovka. For children, the organizers are preparing several interactive zones: rock workshops, a dance battle, a “children’s dressing room,” a fear room, face painting and a New Year’s market.

Performance “My Dear Snowman”

in the center "Sreda"

“My Dear Snowman” is another performance for kids. In a kind magical story based on a fairy tale by Kate Westerlund, your most cherished dreams come true and miracles happen: for example, a snow cat becomes real. The performance will be shown at the venue on Tsvetnoy, and it lasts only 45 minutes - the children will not get tired.

"Save the New Year"

at the Rise of the Machine Museum

At the Museum of the Rise of the Machines, they are organizing a cyber-Christmas tree with giant three-meter-tall transformers who will fight for the Snow Maiden with a robot villain, bright decorations and costumes, magic tricks and a disco with Santa Claus.

Performance “The Moomin Christmas Tree”

in "Theater.doc"

Theater project " Game readings” tells about a family of Moomins who are going to celebrate their first Christmas. How did this happen? They just slept through all the previous holidays. Now they need to learn how to decorate a Christmas tree, cook a festive dinner, wait for the first star and make wishes.

Performance "Findus and Mechanical Santa Claus"

Sven Nordqvist's New Year's tale about how Petson assembled a mechanical Santa Claus, and he suddenly came to life - this is a story about miracles that happen very close by. It is better to buy tickets for this performance now - everything for December shows is already sold out. All New Year's performances of "The House of Fanny Bell" have been collected in a separate section - you can choose your own.

For preschoolers

"Miracles and Kurales"

"Tales of the Sky" at the Moscow Planetarium

The story of “Tales of the Sky” will take children to the Far North, to the home of an old shaman. He will tell Chukchi tales about how stars appeared and the Milky Way came into being. The performance will be shown in the Big Star Hall, and the narrators will be the heroes of the children's musical theater "A-Ya".

Performance “Miracles and Kurales”

at the Musical Theater

On New Year's Eve, the Musical Theater releases the premiere of a children's musical based on the fairy tales of Lewis Carroll: based, of course, on Alice in Wonderland, and also colorful scenery, bright suits, spectacular special effects and good music that will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents.

"Story of the Year"

“Scientific Christmas tree Wow! How?"

at the Russian Academy of Sciences

At the Academy of Sciences, the project “Wow! How?" is organizing a huge New Year's laboratory, in which real scientists and even Santa Claus will conduct experiments. In interactive thematic zones children will become physicists, chemists, geologists and architects of the future, and at master classes they will make New Year's decorations, learn how various ultra-modern devices work, and assemble a large rocket. The organizers even prepared a scientific gift: it will contain sweets, a toy from a science show by a crazy professor, and an educational book “How the Earth Works.”

Performance “Story of the Year”

at the Meyerhold Center

The Antique Circus project will show a story about different seasons, based on the fairy tale of the same name by Andersen. Each performance of the "Antique Circus" is a mixture of theatrical production and elements of circus acts: tricks, illusions, attractions, plus stunning light and musical accompaniment, immersing children and adults in an unusual atmosphere.

Immersive New Year's performance “The Mysterious Forest” at IRRI

At the Institute of Russian Realistic Art, children will stage their own shadow play under the supervision of the Golden Mask winners, directors Vyacheslav Ignatov and Masha Litvinova. It all starts with working on the play and making puppets and scenery. Then, as in a real theater, there will be rehearsals and a big performance for parents. The performance will traditionally end with a Christmas tree and gifts.

For younger schoolchildren and teenagers

"Findus and Mechanical Santa Claus"

Duration of the holiday
2 hours
red, green, white, purple, blue, pink
New Year tree, paper, gingerbread, glass garlands, wreath, banners, fresh flowers
“Penguins” cookies and cupcakes, “New Year’s Dream” cake, “Herringbone” straws, “Santa’s Hat” mousse, New Year’s milk
Themed entertainment
games: “Dress up the Christmas tree”, “Candy relay race”, “Sweet tree”, “Hold the red nose”, “Fill the Christmas stocking”, “Santas and reindeers”, “Make a gingerbread house”

As a rule, the first sprouts of disbelief in the New Year's miracle and the existence of Santa Claus himself as the main wizard in the soul of a six-year-old child begin to sprout from the seeds of school conversations. After all, for sure, in the student body of class 1-A, there will be a very developed Petya Semochkin, who will enlighten his “dark” classmates on the fact that their tanks have been clogged for several years in a row New Year's tales. He will also advise you to remove meters of Christmas pasta garlands from your ears and name several killer arguments that, in his opinion, should be looked for at home, in the closet. All this, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, and other relatives who are not indifferent to the New Year's magic, we are telling you only in order to develop together with you a strategic plan of action for the next few weeks that remain before the New Year.


It is forbidden:

Hide New Year's gifts in the closet!

Never hide gifts that you have prepared for your child on behalf of Santa Claus in an accessible (or predictable) place.

And the magical New Year will be irrevocably ruined! After all, Petya Semochkin was right! Gifts under the tree are quietly left by parents, not the mythical Santa Claus!

Don't send letters to Santa Claus!

To a six-year-old child, it still seems like a real miracle that under the Christmas tree in New Year's Eve he finds exactly the gift that he asked for from Grandfather in a touching, such a sincere letter.

But if suddenly he finds this letter carelessly thrown (in printed form!) on his mother’s dressing table, his disappointment will know no bounds!

Give your little skeptic a whole theatrical performance at this stage. For example, take the letter (together with the child) to the “Santa Claus Correspondence Reception Point” (such as before New Year holidays there will probably be several in each city).

And then, by chance, come here just at the moment when Santa Claus himself will pick up the correspondence received by his assistants for the week.

Only one question suggests itself: how to find out, after carrying out all these plausible manipulations, what the child asked from Grandfather? We can only advise one thing: show miracles of resourcefulness (read the letter when the child falls asleep), deduction (guess what the letter is about by comparing snippets of conversations with the child), and simply parental intuition (children’s desires cannot be completely a secret behind seven seals for truly loving and caring parents).

Discuss the plan for a future event in the presence of the child!

If a child suddenly witnesses how his mother ordered the arrival of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden over the phone (the Internet) (and the amount of payment for the trip also appeared in the conversation (letter)) what kind of miracle can we even talk about?

Need to:

Tell your child fantastic (real!) Christmas stories.

Prepare properly for this stage of the “ideological New Year’s work.” Bring home discs with the best New Year's films and cartoons, buy bright books with modern “evidence” of New Year's magic, tell stories from your childhood (richly embellishing them with incredible, wonderful details).

Reduce Internet access as much as possible!

It sounds almost impossible, but it's worth a try. After all, it is the Internet that gives the child answers to a number of interesting “New Year’s” questions!

Come up with an unexpected scenario for the New Year's holiday!

The child is confident that New Year's Eve, as always, Santa Claus will knock (ring) on ​​the door, they will let him into the apartment, he will demand a poem and give a gift? This means that it is simply necessary to abandon this course of events! Let Santa Claus appear, for example, like this.

If you order Santa Claus the climber, who will enter not through the door, but through the window, you don’t have the opportunity (they don’t provide such services in your city, or it’s too expensive, or you just live in a country, one-story house), play out an enchanting “land” appearance the main New Year's wizard.

Well, your task will be to shout in time during the party: “Come here quickly! Look!

And now - let's discuss all the key points of organizing an unexpected New Year's holiday.


Invitations for children's New Year's party

Sending invitation cards to your child's friends is exactly where you should start preparing for the holiday. After all, all other stages of party planning depend on the actual number of participants in the event, entertainment program to the menu. A little about invitation cards. Of course, for an extraordinary holiday, invitations should be designed unexpectedly. You can achieve this effect by making your own postcards. Not without your parents’ help, of course! After all, you are the main coordinator and generator of holiday ideas!

Postcard "New Year's cap"

To make such an invitation you will need:

- a cardboard blank 10 by 10 cm (if you find one with a confetti pattern - very good, if not - stick circles from colored paper onto a sheet of white cardboard yourself);

- red cloth (a meter will be enough);

- white lace braid (up to 1 cm wide, or - padding polyester fibers);

- scissors;

- glue.

To begin with, we will cut out the red fabric and sew the caps, then we will cover the cap with padding polyester, or use white lace braid from the same padding polyester to make a pompom.

The cap is ready!

Carefully glue the cap to the cardboard blank cut with curly scissors and sign the invitation card!

Postcard "New Year's Fantasy"

This invitation card is not at all difficult to make.

Materials and tools needed to create such a miracle:

- white cardboard (pack of 20 pcs.);

- green polypropylene (thickness 0.2 cm);

- embroidery fabric (or burlap);

- scissors, glue.

If your child’s friends are creative children (for example, they all go to club classes together “ Skillful hands”, or simply grow up in intelligent families in which the concept of good aesthetic taste is instilled from birth) such an invitation card will not only be appropriate, but will also be highly appreciated!

And we do New Year's card So:

Fold a sheet of A4 cardboard in half;

We glue a piece of green polypropylene (of appropriate size) onto the front side of the postcard, using rubber glue for this purpose;

Cut from white cardboard New Year's ball and decorate it with a sea wave (carefully cut it out using a blade or a construction knife on drywall);

We make a hole at the top of the front side of the invitation base and use burlap tape to tie a ball with a wave to it.

Postcard “Christmas candy”

For such an invitation you will need: several sheets of ordinary standard size photocopier paper, a couple of meters satin ribbon pink and several plastic miniature snowflakes (to match the ribbon). The invitation text is located on inside"sweets". Just imagine: a child unfolds an unusual letter in which his name is indicated, and there is an invitation to test the theory of the probability of the existence of Santa Claus. By the way, about the text, since we mentioned it. We serve it like this:

“Dear _____ (name)! I invite you ___ (date and time) to my home on a very unusual occasion. We're throwing a special new year party, where, as mom says, we will be provided with evidence of New Year's magic. Which ones are still a mystery to me! Waiting for you! Let's be surprised together!"

The intrigue is created, my dear little and adult friends! It's time to start giving it material shape!


New Year's holidays (especially their children's version) require that everything around look bright. After all, everyone knows that an abundance of rich colors not only lifts the mood, but also stimulates the immune system.

The room where you are going to receive your young guests should look something like the photo.

Christmas tree

At the holiday, the guys should have this traditional New Year's attribute (or better yet, two, but small ones, so that your guests can reach the top of their head, decorated with a huge red bow!). As you may have guessed, you will need to approach the decoration of the Christmas tree in an extraordinary way. For example, make it a “Sweet Tooth Dream”, decorating it with huge candies!

And also, in addition to the Christmas tree (developing the sweet theme of the party), order a creamy candy floor lamp from the pastry chefs, which will certainly cause a wave of applause from not so adults junior schoolchildren.

Wreath on the door

In recent years, this festive attribute of Western countries is increasingly appearing on the doors of the Slavs. And what's wrong with that? It's beautiful! And you can make it together with your child from scrap materials!

Or is it even possible (if we’re talking about the absolute originality of our holiday) to lure Santa Claus to our house with these real, sugary, sweet candy wreaths. He will definitely like it!

Welcome Banners

Garlands with a welcome message for dear guests can be made from old Christmas cards. This combination will not only create a colorful New Year’s frame for the inscription, but will also evoke some nostalgic mood!

Fresh flowers

Children are like flowers too! Despite the cold and icy wind outside the window, they bloom and smile! Decorate the house with compositions of fresh flowers (installing them in decorated winter style vases) and thereby once again emphasize the aura of magic around your holiday! Everyone has snowflakes and icicles, but you have flowers!