Unusual DIY crafts for March 8th.

The arrival of spring in itself is long-awaited and evokes joyful feelings. And the presence of a gentle and beautiful women's holiday this season - March 8 - evokes even more positive emotions! Flowers and sweets are sold everywhere, there are long lines in shops, not only in those that sell cosmetics and jewelry, but also in craft stores. After all, it’s no secret that giving gifts is very pleasant, and if they are made with my own hands, then it’s doubly pleasant. Such a gift will definitely be unique and memorable.

In this master class I will show 10 options on how to make crafts for March 8th with your own hands with step-by-step unique photos. Such crafts will be a wonderful gift for your mother, grandmother, friend or colleague.

Spring women's holiday implies the presentation of gifts to all representatives of the fair sex. We have been following this tradition since childhood, when we started giving gifts to our mothers and grandmothers in kindergartens. After all, a gift made by children's hands is always highly valued and evokes only positive emotions.

At the same time, the process of making such gifts has a beneficial effect on the child himself, as it develops fine motor skills his hands, contributes to the manifestation of imagination and creative self-realization.

DIY crafts for mom on March 8

Sweet gift - candy grapes

In this master class we will make such a sweet gift.

For this we need:

  • candies;
  • wire;
  • scotch;
  • scissors and pliers;
  • artificial grape leaves.

To give the candy the shape of a grape, use double-sided tape to glue one tail to the candy.

Using pliers, make a loop on the wire and screw on the candy.

Secure with tape.

We begin to collect 3-4-5 candies into a bunch.

Now we begin to collect a bunch of grapes.

We wrap the twig with green adhesive tape.

We attach the leaves.

All that remains is to decorate our gift - a low-tall basket is best for this.

Our candy grapes are ready!

Box “Dear Mommy” using decoupage technique

You can make such a box with your own hands as a gift for your mother using the decoupage technique. It is necessary to prepare suitable decoupage cards or napkins in advance.

We will need an empty box, we took a metal tea box.

We cover it with acrylic primer.

These decoupage cards can be ordered online.

We tear the map into uneven fragments.

Place it in water for a few seconds.

We transfer it to a transparent film (file) face down.

And carefully apply it to the box.

Cover the top with a brush with PVA glue.

When the box is dry, coat it with clear varnish.

Chocolate maker “To Mommy on March 8th”

A beautiful chocolate card, where you can put your sweet surprise, will complement the main gift in an original way. In addition, the chocolate bowl can also be used as an envelope for money, or you can put tickets for a concert or trip into it.

If you give just sweets, then after they are eaten there will be no memory of the gift, but if you present them in a chocolate bowl, then after the tea party there will be a memory of the gift. beautiful postcard and a sea of ​​pleasant impressions. Your beloved mother will be pleasantly surprised by an unusual handmade gift.

To make a chocolate maker using scrapbooking technique, we will need:

  1. Thick white cardboard;
  2. Blue paper with polka dots;
  3. A sheet of paper in a box;
  4. Glue;
  5. Ruler;
  6. Awl or sharp scissors;
  7. Scissors;
  8. The inscription “To Mommy”;
  9. Decorative paper flowers;
  10. Stamens;
  11. Gauze;
  12. Hairspray;
  13. Pastel purple and blue;
  14. Half beads;
  15. Ribbon;
  16. Double-sided tape;
  17. Pendant "Heart".

To begin, draw a diagram of the chocolate bowl on a checkered sheet of paper, or print it out on a printer. This master class has a ready-made template. The dimensions of the postcard correspond to a standard chocolate bar.

Place a ruler along the fold line and draw the awl firmly to mark the fold lines so you can easily bend the cardboard.

Glue the chocolate bowl together.

Glue the chocolate bowl together. Glue a small strip of tape on the bottom to prevent the chocolate from falling out.

Let's start decorating the front side. Trim to required size cardboard with a pattern, cut out the inscription.

Now you need to tint the edges of the decorative cardboard. Use the sharp edge of a pair of scissors to rub together the blue and purple pastels. Dip a dry cotton swab into the pastel and rub it along the edges of the picture.

Cut a piece of gauze, spray it with hairspray and scrunch it up.

Twist the stamens together and glue them to gauze. Plant decorative paper flowers on the glue, add an inscription, and decorate the whole thing with half beads.

Using a ribbon, tie a metal heart to the gauze, tie a bow, and burn the edges of the ribbon with a lighter so that they do not fray.

Make a bow at the bottom of the card and decorate it with half beads in the shape of a flower. Hide the edges of the tape under the back of the cardboard.

Using thick double-sided tape, glue the decor to the chocolate card. Thanks to this tape, a space is created between the card and the decor, and the finished product looks more interesting and voluminous. WITH inside Glue thin satin ribbons to the edges of the card so that it can be tied.

Now you can write the warmest and most sincere words for your mother, put a chocolate inside, tie it on both sides and the gift is ready!

DIY gift for grandmother on March 8

DIY paper teapot

This teapot will be a wonderful gift for your mother or grandmother. Every housewife has beautiful plates and a salad bowl in her arsenal, in which she serves delicious holiday dishes to the table when guests arrive. An ordinary tea party with visiting friends is a completely different matter. It does not provide for the use of plates with appetizers and meat dishes, so it will not be possible to surprise guests with beautiful dishes.

What do you usually serve tea bags in? In a box or on a platter? This master class will tell you original idea unusual and beautiful presentation of tea bags.

You will learn how to make an extraordinary paper stand for tea bags. It is made in the form of a teapot. Interested? Then quickly prepare the necessary material:

  • a piece of wrapping paper with a bright print;
  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors;
  • pen (pencil);
  • stencils in the form of a teapot and a small cup;
  • heat gun;
  • ruler;
  • braid, openwork flowers, bows and other ready-made decorative details.

First, take a sheet of cardboard and cover one side with brightly colored wrapping paper. To securely connect these materials, use a glue stick.

The result is a sheet of thick cardboard with a print in the form of roses.

Now prepare your stencils. Images can be found on the Internet and printed on a printer. If you know how to draw well, then draw the silhouettes of a teapot (teapot) and a small cup yourself.

Trace each stencil 2 times, placing them on the colorless side of the cardboard.

Cut out the blanks and cover them with wrapping paper on the other side.

You get these 4 parts that are needed for subsequent work.

Cut 2 strips from the remaining cardboard. One should be 5.5 cm x 15 cm in size, and the second should be 2.5 cm x 9 cm.

Cover each blank with wrapping paper with a picture of roses, and then fold it twice.

Now you need to assemble all the parts into a single structure. First glue the stripes using a glue gun. Apply glue to one of the parts of the teapot and fix the curved strip, as shown in the photo. Glue a narrow strip to the cup.

Glue the second part of the teapot and cup to the strips symmetrically to the first.

You get 2 blanks with deep “pockets”.

Now the cup needs to be glued to the teapot.

The main work is done, all that remains is to decorate the stand. You can use pieces of braid, bows and flowers.

Glue bows to the central part of the craft, flowers to the lid of the teapot, and place strips of braid on the bottom and top of the teapot.

This is what the finished craft looks like.

You can put napkins in a large “pocket”, and tea or coffee bags in a small one.

Or this option: in a large “pocket” place tea bags with different flavors and coffee in sticks, and in the small hole of the cup there will be bags of sugar.

This original stand for bags of tea, coffee and sugar will become a real decoration for a tea ceremony. It will cause surprise and genuine interest among guests, and the tea drinking process itself will become twice as enjoyable.

Crocheted potholder for grandmother for March 8th

Another gift for grandma in the same red and white colors is an elegant potholder, which can also serve as a napkin for hot dishes, decorate the kitchen, and make it more comfortable. The potholder is knitted in two colors with single crochets using elongated loops. Leftover yarn can be used for knitting.

Materials and tools:

  • inexpensive Karachay yarn in two colors;
  • hook number 3.

Abbreviations used in the text:

  • RLS – single crochet;
  • Dc – double crochet;
  • VP – air loop;
  • runway – air lift loop;
  • DC – double column.

We start knitting with the Amigurumi sliding ring. We work with red yarn.

1 row. We place the free end of the thread in the left palm, and wrap the working thread around the index finger of the left hand. Insert the hook into the ring, pick up the thread and knit a loop, securing it to the ring.

2nd row. 3 runways, 15 SSN. Pull the ring tightly by the free end and knit a connecting loop into the third air loop rise.

In this row, together with the runway, you should get 16 CCHs. Next, we knit the entire fabric with single crochets.

3rd row. 2 RLS, * 1 RLS, DC (i.e., we knit 2 RLS in one loop of the previous row)* Repeat the pattern between the stars until the end of the row. The increase in the following rows will always occur above the last of the doubled columns, which will divide the circle into 8 sectors. We finished the row with a connecting loop.

4 row. 2 runways, * 2 sc, US. Repeat until the end of the row. We finished the row with a connecting loop.

5 row. 2 runways, * 3 sc, double the fourth column. Repeat until the end of the row. We finished the row with a connecting loop.

6th row. 2 runways, * 4 sc, double the fifth column. Repeat until the end of the row. We finished the row with a connecting loop. When knitting a connecting loop, change the color of the yarn to white.

7th row. We knit with white thread. 2 runways, * 5 sc, 1 US. Repeat until the end of the circle. We finished the row with a connecting loop.

When knitting a connecting loop, change the color of the yarn to red.

8 row. We knit with red thread. 2 runways, * 6 sc, double the seventh column. Repeat until the end of the circle.

We finished the row with a connecting loop. When knitting a connecting loop, change the color of the yarn to white.

9 row. We knit with white thread. 2 runways, * 7 sc, double the eighth column. Repeat until the end of the circle. We knit a connecting loop and change the color of the yarn to red.

10 row. We knit with red thread. 2 runways, * 8 sc, double the ninth column. Repeat until the end of the circle. We knit a connecting loop and change the color of the yarn.

11, 12, 13, 14 rows. We knit with white yarn.

We double one column in each sector. Otherwise we knit similarly to the previous row. Each sector should have 14 single crochets. When knitting the connecting loop of the fourteenth row, change the color of the yarn. We cut the white thread and fasten it. We won't need it anymore.

15 row. In each sector after the double stitch we knit 2 sc, the next stitch we knit with an elongated loop into the stitch of the thirteenth row, the next – into the stitch of the twelfth row, the next – into the stitch of the thirteenth row.

On each of the eight sides of the polygon there are two groups of loops different lengths. Between them we knit two sc, after the second group of loops we knit 3 sc. We finish the row with a connecting loop.

16th row. We continue to knit 15 sc each with red thread, doubling the sixteenth stitch. We knit this way in each sector.

17th row. We knit in the same way, doubling one stitch.

18th row. We finish knitting according to the same pattern, only after finishing the last circle, we knit a loop. We collect 16 VPs and, closing them in a ring, tie the ring with twenty single crochets.

Now you need to lightly steam the product using a damp iron, giving it a finished look. The potholder is ready.

The master class was prepared by Svetlana Chalkina

DIY crafts for a friend

If you want to give your girlfriend some jewelry or a scarf with flowers, but you think it’s not very interesting, then take it and make it yourself! Such a gift will be individual and will definitely not leave your friend indifferent. And you can put a piece of your soul into it, and at the same time show your imagination and love for your friend. In this master class prepared by Anna Moiseeva, we will crochet an easy necklace!

In order to knit such a necklace we will need:

  • blue, light blue, white thread;
  • hook 1.75 mm;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • chain.

To knit such a product, it is better to take thin yarn. The thinner the better. Our necklace will consist of 7 circles. 1 of them will be the largest and will be located in the center. The remaining 6 are 2 sets of 3. The sets will be the same.

Let's start knitting from the central one, that is, from the largest circle. We knit 12 sc in a slip stitch with blue yarn. We close the circle with a joint and tighten the ring.

We knit 1 row with blue yarn, adding every 2 stitches in the row. Closing the row, change the thread to white. We perform a row, adding every 3 loops of the row.

And we just have to knit the last row. In it we make additions every 5 loops of the row. The central circle is ready.

The next circle will consist of only 4 rows. First, we form a slip loop with blue yarn and work 12 sc into it. We will consider this to be the first row.

Then we change the thread again, but now to white. Add through 2 loops. Once again we change the thread to blue and knit a row, making increases every 3 loops of the row.

We knit 1 more exactly the same circle. We just have to connect the last 2 circles. These are the smallest parts of the necklace.

Again we knit 12 sc in a slip stitch with blue thread. Then we change it to blue. We perform a row with an increase through the loop.

We knit the same circle again. Now we just have to assemble the necklace. To do this, you first need to lay it out to understand how to sew the parts together.

Then we sew 2 smaller circles to the central large circle. Sew on different sides.

And then we sew others onto these parts. And at the end we sew on the smallest circles.

The last step will be the chain. We attach it to the loops of the circles. The crochet necklace is ready!

Craft - surprise “Candy message” for March 8

When there is no desire to give close friend a banal gift, the kind that others can give, your head is wracked with thoughts and wild fantasies, but nothing wise comes to mind, you can follow simple advice. The most best solution in your situation - prepare a gift with your own hands! For example, you can give a gift “Candy Message”. It requires little investment and half an hour of free time.

In order to make this gift, you need to purchase a vase for candies and the candies themselves, which, naturally, must be tasty and beautiful in appearance. You can also use a decorative box, a satin bag, a basket for small items, and more as a candy dish (instead of a vase).

Also, to make a gift you will need several short satin ribbons of any width (or thread) for winding scrolls and paper “scrolls” for wishes. Chains and beads, as well as various decorative elements, can be used as decoration and addition.

You need to write wishes on the paper prepared for the scrolls, wrap the paper and tie it with a ribbon or thread. The number and size of the scrolls should depend on the size of the vase and the number of candies. The color of the ribbons should be in harmony with the color of the candies and vase or be neutral.

Candies must be placed in a candy bowl, and scrolls with wishes should be beautifully placed between and on top of the candies. The gift is ready - stylish and fast!

Champagne with sweets

A traditional and at the same time banal gift for colleagues and teachers on March 8th is wine, champagne and sweets. In order not to change its essence, but to surprise with its design, you can create a unique bouquet of sweets or decorate the bottle in this way.

This one gift will contain champagne and goodies at the same time. It doesn’t matter what kind of candy you choose for this, chocolate or caramel, if you know the taste preferences of the woman to whom you will give such a bouquet - great! Well, if not, then it’s okay, take the most common ones and believe me, such a bouquet will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

To work you will need colored corrugated paper, cardboard, a plastic yogurt jar, scissors, tape, ribbons for decoration, thread, champagne and 7 sweets.

Making a bottle skirt. Cut the corrugated paper to the width of the circumference of the bottle, two heights of the skirt. In this case, one edge should be 2 cm shorter.

Fold it in half and stretch the paper wide along the fold line. Using a short edge, glue the skirt to the neck of the bottle with tape.

We wrap the long edge with thread to match the paper.

Using a lid of a suitable size, draw a circle on the cardboard - this will be the base of the cap. We use a yoghurt jar to make the top of the hat.

We wrap the blanks in paper and glue them together.

We cut out rectangles measuring 5 cm by 8 cm from corrugated paper, rounding the upper edges with them. Using your fingers, we stretch the petals wide along the upper contour, creating a gentle wave.

We begin to wrap the petals on the candies. One flower will need 5-7 petals.

We combine the blanks into a product. Tie a ribbon to the hat and glue a candy flower. Additional decoration if desired.

Glue flowers to the skirt in any order.

Petals made from green corrugated paper will look beautiful with flowers. Decorate the neck of the bottle with a lace veil. The original gift set is ready.

A classic gift set for a woman can look like a real work of art. Such a gift will not leave any woman indifferent.

DIY postcards for March 8

As for the postcard, which does not require too much effort to make, you must use cardboard for its base, and the design can be done as appliqué, decoupage, scrapbooking or origami. It doesn’t matter what style such a card will be in, the main thing is that it should evoke tender feelings, be spring-like, bright, preferably with some flowers and contain kind words congratulations. Usually there are no difficulties with materials for such a gift.

A fluttering and weightless butterfly landed on a card intended to congratulate loved ones on their birthday. wonderful holiday– International Women's Day. This gift is quite possible for a child to make if he is already a schoolboy. Mom will be happy to receive this elegant product, and the child’s efforts will be appreciated. Since the card was made for congratulations on March 8, you can get a little creative and make the central figure not quite ordinary.

Let the butterfly’s wings remain chic and spreading, bright and eye-catching. But let the body itself be made in the form of the number 8. This is the main highlight of the proposed present. Not everyone will dare to play with a simple insect figurine like this, but the result will be truly beautiful.

To create the same bright and unusual postcard prepare:

  • thick cardboard base;
  • plasticine for creating a background, design, inscription and additional decoration;
  • a toothpick that will allow you to draw on plasticine and also attach small balls.

Making a greeting card with your own hands

Take everything you need for work. A big plus is the brightness of the plasticine; the brighter and more attractive the color of the material itself, the more expressive the postcard will be. Selecting shades of plasticine is already half the success.

To begin, very carefully apply juicy green plasticine to the surface of the cardboard. Try to make the layer very thin, smooth the pieces into different sides. It doesn’t matter that the light surface of the cardboard will show through. This way we will create an unusual, slightly aged effect. In general, the craft will look harmonious.

Make a thin purple sausage. It should be long enough to form a number 8. Glue the ends together to make a ring, then cross over to create the desired piece. Make wings from bright orange plasticine. Knead the pieces of plasticine in your hands, then press them on both sides with your fingers, while simultaneously giving the wings a suitable carved shape.

Start assembling a beautiful insect. Of course, we only use the silhouette to decorate our wonderful card. Stick a figure eight in the center. Adhere to it on both sides of a pair of wings. Now we see a butterfly in front of us.

Roll out oblong white droplets from white plasticine. Make pairs of droplets of different sizes. These parts are intended to decorate the wings. Stick a few on each side.

Also, use a toothpick to glue red balls along the edge of the wings. Above the image of the insect, write “Happy Holidays!” In this case, there is no need to indicate March 8, because the number eight already appears on the postcard, so it is immediately clear what holiday the craft is dedicated to. Stick patterns on the corners to make appearance finished.

A beautiful gift does not have to be expensive. The main thing is to do it from pure heart and don’t spare your imagination. Pack the gift beautifully, tie a bow, and now present it with in beautiful words to your loved one.

Greeting card with roses made of plasticine

On postcards dedicated to the International women's day, it is customary to depict flowers. This is the most desired and most beautiful gift for the fairer sex. And even if you don’t know what to give, flowers will always help out, it’s a win-win option.

But in this lesson, prepared by Elena Nikolaeva, we will not talk about how to choose a beautiful gift, but how to make it with your own hands. We offer an unusual three-dimensional option - a postcard decorated with a bouquet of plasticine. The central buds are roses, the additional branches are blue cornflowers. The card looks gentle and rich at the same time.

Materials for the postcard:

  • thick cardboard;
  • multi-colored plasticine: red, yellow, green, blue and white;
  • thin toothpick.

How to make a beautiful greeting card with your own hands

There is a canvas in front of you. It doesn't matter what color it is. Pay more attention to its density and size. Choose the size for your craft, as well as the background color that will perfectly match the buds in the bouquet.

Fill the background completely with bright plasticine. Since you need to independently apply bright plasticine in a thin layer to the surface, the color of the cardboard is not initially important.

A beautiful bouquet can be made rich and beautifully complemented with simple wildflowers, such as cornflowers. Florists often do this. For small graceful branches, prepare thin green threads and green leaves, small blue beads.

First glue thin green twigs with leaves under one side of the card.

Then press down each leaf with a thin needle to make the surface more realistic and textured.

Collect small cornflower flowers. To do this, combine 4 blue balls together, press with your fingertips to get petals. Insert a white ball into the center. Attach the resulting flowers to ready-made branches.

Make 10-20 blue wildflowers. Stick in different places. Press the white bead in the center on top with a toothpick, and also press down each blue petal.

Now move on to the rose leaves. They should be much larger. Make green flat droplets. Draw veins on top with a thin tool.

Assemble several combinations of thin green threads and the resulting carved drop-shaped leaves.

Glue green leaves randomly over the field branches.

For beautiful roses prepare red plasticine. Cut small pieces from the block.

Press and smooth each piece so that you get a flat, oblong petal.

Start twisting the petals into spirals to form beautiful red buds.

Form 3 buds. This will be enough to fill the picture.

Attach all the rose heads to the bouquet. Now you have a wonderful flower arrangement.

To make the inscription “Congratulations!”, stick a pink stripe somewhere on the side. Make an engraving with the sharp end of a toothpick.

If desired, fill the empty space with small multi-colored plasticine balls to create a rainbow-colored picture overall.

Beautiful greeting card ready with a bouquet of plasticine flowers.

Handmade gifts for any occasion are highly valued and arouse interest and tenderness towards them. Of course, you can’t say for sure that any woman will be happy with some small gift that you make with your own hands. After all, many people expect chic and elegant gifts from their other halves. In such cases, a homemade gift can be given as a complement to the main and exquisite one.

Photos of new handmade crafts are published here. You will find new gift ideas for your mother, grandmother, sister, friend, as well as master classes with step by step description work. They will help you do original crafts for exhibitions and competitions in kindergartens and schools. You can submit your work. We are waiting for your photos in 2019! The most beautiful pictures will be published on the website, the authors will receive diplomas.

From paper

What can you give to your mother, friend, school teacher, or kindergarten teacher on March 8th? For example, beautiful bouquet that will never wither. Or original postcard made with your own hands. Making such gifts will bring the joy of creativity to their creator, and the result will delight loved ones.


"Crocuses" as a gift for the teacher. Trotskaya Anna.
Flowers are made from corrugated paper yellow with green leaves, glued to a skewer. .

"Unfading Bouquet" Solodovnik Anya Valerievna.
I present to your attention a bouquet of flowers.
For the flower you will need 5 squares of the same size (4 - 6 cm) and a skewer wrapped in corrugated paper.
The number of flowers depends on the size of the vase. I have added other types.
You can dilute the bouquet with flowers that you like.

Video on how to make these paper flowers:

More souvenirs and crafts for an exhibition in an elementary school:

"Flowers for Mom." Maryukhno Ulyana.
Flowers from double sided paper folded using origami technique, corrugated wrapping.

"Meadow of Flowers" Shvets Karina, 9 years old.
The picture is made of paper. The background is printed, the rainbow is made of triangular modules. Flowers technique applique with beads.

"Lily". Shvets Karina, 8 years old.
Made of paper in the shape of a ball. .

Video, step by step:

“For you, dear.” Korshunov Ivan.
Cart with . Material: paper, cotton swabs, toothpicks, polyurethane foam.

"Bouquet for Grandma." Abramova Varvara Sergeevna.
Roses and petals were made from colored paper. The base of the vase was taken from a toothpick jar, covered with plasticine and then with millet. Covered with nail polish.

Video on how to make paper roses, step by step:

Topiary “Spring mood”. Timofeeva Anna Fedorovna.
The topiary is made using the “

"Holiday tea party." Timofeeva Anna Fedorovna.
A decorative teapot for tea bags and a cupcake for sweet “surprises” are made of cardboard and wrapping paper.

"Spring mood." Trofimova Polina, 5 years old. Cherepanova Anastasia, 14 years old.
Our work is made from paper napkins and tree branches. You need to fill a tree branch with plaster in a pot. Glue the made ones to a ball made of paper or foam. Decorate with braid.

"Forget-me-nots for mom." Oleksandra Gritsenko, 6 years old.
The work is made of paper in the shape of a ball, flowers are cut out in different sizes and glued to the base.

"Alice's Bouquet" Tokar Alisa.
The flowers are folded using the origami technique, like kusudami.

Applications with voluminous flowers - .

"Magic Flower" Bilokoz Dasha.
Using the origami technique of squares, fold the sides to the middle, and then cut off the top corner of the part.

"A souvenir for mom." Shvets Karina, 9 years old.
The work is made in the form of a figure eight triangular modular paper. Decorated with flowers and decorative stones.

"Vase with flowers." Solodovnik Igor.
The vase is made of felt, paper flowers are glued to a cardboard base. A simple and beautiful DIY gift.

"Flowers for Mom." Sementsova Natalya.
Paper applique.

"Bouquet for dear mother." Mingulova Milana.
Corrugated paper, bamboo sticks.

"Blossoming tree" Maryukhno Maria.
The tree is made using applique technique. The flowers are glued together with several layers of figured circles. Centers in flowers - stripes are twisted and glued.

"Calla lilies." Datsynka Veronica.
Bouquet made of paper. Flowers are bent squares. The middle is rolled yellow paper, which is glued into the middle of the flower. Decorated bouquet in wrapping paper.

"Bouquet of flowers." Vinogradova Arina.
The work is made of colored paper, cardboard, and cotton pads.

Vase with flowers. Polyakov Elizar, 9 years old, 3rd grade student at the Sharapovsky school in the Chekhov urban district. Homeroom teacher Aksenkina Olga Borisovna.

The flowers are made of colored paper. Mimosa with small pom-poms made of yellow threads.

“Flowers in a vase. Hyacinths made of corrugated paper." Senior group No. 5 MBDOU No. 267 of Izhevsk. Teacher Kochurova G.V.

"Girl Spring" Teamwork"Paper World" mug.
The girl's face is drawn in pencil, flowers are cut out of paper, glued together and glued to her hair.

Minin Alexander Sergeevich.
Craft made in kindergarten on the topic: “Souvenir shop.”
Wicker painted with gouache green. Flowers made of colored paper and PVA glue.

"Spring flowers". Filatova Maria.
The work “Spring Flowers” ​​was made using the paper-plastic technique, the materials used were crepe paper, lilac and green, braid, ceramic vase, skewers, toothpicks.

"Gifts for beloved mothers." Group "Romashka".
The guys decided to please their mothers and prepared bouquets of flowers from colored paper.

"Flowers". Kochekova Irina Vasilievna.
The work is made of colored paper using the origami technique.

Video on how to make snowdrops from paper using the origami technique:

"Vase with daffodils." Kartoeva Rayana, 10 years old.
For work you needed: corrugated paper, a cup, plaster, cocktail straws, ribbon.

"Bouquet of crocuses" Elena Batrakova.
The flowers are made from candy and crepe paper. The basket is made of tape reels and corrugated paper, decorated with ribbon.

"For lovely ladies." Pavlikova Dasha.
Paper bouquet. The flowers are made in the form of corrugated hearts glued to a skewer.


Beautiful handmade cards are so cute! Here you can use any technique - drawing, scrapbooking, quilling, add elements from fabric or foamiran. You will get beautiful three-dimensional 3D postcards.

"Postcard - handbag." Timofeeva Ulyana, 10 years old.
The base of the card is made using the origami technique, decorated with flowers using the quilling technique and decorative elements (lace napkin, glue half-beads, satin ribbon, paper twigs).
You can put a congratulations card and a little sweet surprise in this bag!

A camera made from candy and a can of coffee -

From tapes

"Box family values" Khuzhina Karina.
Multi-colored satin ribbons, tape base, decorative elements.

Video from YouTube on how to make a box from a reel of tape and satin ribbons:

"Bouquet for Mom." Novgorodov Kirill.
The work is done in satin.

Master class “Eight from ribbons” - .

"Sunflower". Ratnykh Misha.
Fake made from ribbons and coffee beans.

"Pencil holder." Lazarenko Violetta 10 years old.
For the work you needed: paper towel rolls, cardboard, green and purple ribbon, glue, rhinestones for decoration, ladybugs for decoration, flowers made using the origami technique.

Two more master classes on ribbon crafts were prepared by Elizaveta Dranichnikova.

Souvenir magnet «Basket with tulips"

Required materials:

  1. Beige felt – 12*10 cm.
  2. Satin ribbons (5 cm wide) in pink, blue, yellow and green - 50 cm of each color.
  3. Magnetic.
  4. Decorative flower – 1 pc.
  5. Satin ribbon (width 0.5 cm) – 15 cm.
  6. Braid for decorating the edges of the basket.
  7. Lighter or candle.
  8. Scissors.
  9. Thermal gun + rods.
  10. Basket template (print on plain paper).
  11. Cardboard for the base.

So, draw or get a basket template from the Internet. Trace on cardboard. Cut it out.

Transfer the cardboard blank to the felt. We will need two copies of felt baskets.

The basket blanks are made. A little later we will glue them together. Now we need to make flowers to see how many pieces will go into our holiday basket. To do this, take satin ribbon(5 cm wide). Mark 5*5 cm squares. We will need 3 squares for one flower. In total, the basket can accommodate up to 11 tulips.

Fold the square in half diagonally. Hold the edges with tweezers.

Fold again, connecting the lower and upper corners.

And in half again.

Cut off the bottom tip. We process it with fire. Then we also glue together the back part of the leaf using a lighter (after trimming it with scissors). Turn out the petal.

Glue the felt to the base on both sides. We decorate the edges with braid.

We prepare leaves for our multi-colored tulips. Take a green satin ribbon (5 cm wide). Prepare 6 cm long pieces.

Cut each piece in half vertically.

Fold lengthwise. Cut at an angle and glue the edges together with fire.

Take petals of the same color. Apply glue to the inner side of the leaf first. Attach the second leaf. Then glue the third leaf, closing the bud. Glue the edges of the first and third leaves together. It turns out to be a tulip bud. Lubricate the bottom of the bud with glue and place it in a green leaf.

Place the buds in a basket. First and second row. To give a more spring mood, you can add a decorative butterfly.

We make a loop from a satin ribbon (0.5 cm wide) and glue it in the center. Glue a flower or half bead to the center of the bow. We decorate our spring basket with tulips with a bow.

WITH reverse side glue the magnet and our souvenir is ready for March 8th! A refrigerator magnet in the shape of a basket with tulips will be a wonderful gift for any representative of the fair half of humanity!

Painting using kanzashi technique “Spring mood”

Master class on how to make beautiful panel with flowers made from ribbons as a gift on March 8th. The craft is simple and accessible for beginners, but children should do it together with adults, since the edges of the ribbon need to be scorched over a fire.

Required materials:
1. Satin ribbons (width 5 cm) of at least 7 colors - 50 cm of each color.
2. Green satin ribbon (width 2.5 cm) – 2 meters.
3. Stamens (of different shades) – 8-10 threads.
4. The basis for the picture (white cardboard, plastic, etc.) – A3, A4 format.
5. Braid for edging (if there is no frame) - for the entire perimeter.
6. Centers (half beads) for flowers - 7-10 pieces.
7. Decorative element (plastic, wood) “Ladybug” - 1 pc.
8. Decorative element “Butterfly” - 1 pc.
9. White felt or fabric for cross stitch – 20 * 20 cm.
10. Scissors.
11. Thermal gun + rods.
12. Lighter.

Take felt or embroidery fabric, cut out 7 circles (diameter 3 cm). The number of circles depends on the number of flowers in the picture.

Preparing the petals. There should be a sufficient number of them. Take a green satin ribbon (2.5 cm wide). Cut strips 5.5 cm long.

Fold each strip in half. Cut out the petal shape. Heat the edges, forming folds.

We connect the edges at the bottom of the petal using a hot glue gun. The leaves are ready.

Let's start production flower petals. Take a satin ribbon (5 cm wide). Cut into 5*5 cm squares.

Fold the square in half diagonally, wrong side inward.

Fold in half again.

We cut off the ends and solder them with fire. This is what the leaf should look like.

For each flower we will need 11 petals.

Glue the petals onto the felt circle, starting from the center.

Now take three strands of stamens. Fold them in half. Apply a little glue to the bottom of the threads. Twist to secure the shape.

On the back side of the flower (on felt) we glue the stamens. We place a center (bead, half-bead, cabochon) in the center of each flower.

We prepare all the flowers in this way.

Let's get started painting design. Glue 3 green leaves into the lower right corner. Please note that we apply glue to the bottom of the leaf. We will need the top one to glue the next leaf under it.

Place the first flower.

Add leaves and flowers to checkerboard pattern, forming a bouquet.

This is how the bouquet turns out. The more greenery, the richer our flower arrangement will look.
Glue it ladybug. You can go to the bottom edge, you can plant everyone’s favorite insect on one of the flowers.

We create a frame around the perimeter of the painting.

It seemed to me that there were not enough flowers, so I cut out 2.5*2.5 cm squares from a 2.5 cm wide lilac ribbon.

I sewed a thread through the middle and pulled it together in the center. The result was another petal, but for a different flower.

We form a couple more flowers. Glue the butterfly.

Our picture is ready. This gift is perfect for any spring holiday and decorate the interior.

"Flowers for mom." Sugatov Nikita.
The work is made of tights, violet leaves are painted with acrylic paints for fabric.

Video on how to make beautiful flowers from nylon and wire:

“Cosmetic bag for a friend.” Popova Svetlana.
Crochet, ribbon embroidery.

From threads, embroidery

Tulip for mom. Master class

I'll give it on holiday
Tulips for mommy -
Slender, beautiful,
Like a mother's smile!

Material for making a tulip:

  • and green,
  • Boxed and regular cardboard,
  • skewer,
  • Sewing pins,
  • Files or bags,
  • PVA glue,
  • Hot glue,
  • Scissors,
  • Stationery knife,
  • Pencil,
  • Ruler,
  • Brush.

Description of the work step by step

Using a pencil, draw flower and leaf templates on regular cardboard and cut them out. Photos 1, 2, 3

On the cardboard, draw a 16x16 cm square and a 17x4 cm rectangle. Cut out the shapes.
Place the square and rectangle into a file or bag. Wrap the square tightly with pink thread. Apply PVA glue to the threads with a brush and let the glue dry. Photo 4

Wrap the rectangle with green threads. Apply PVA glue to the threads too and let the glue dry. Photo 5

When the glue dries, cut the threads on the side and remove the cardboard. It is better to cut threads with a stationery knife or scissors with thin ends. Photo 6

The result is 2 pink squares and 2 green rectangles. Photo 7, 8

Attach cardboard templates to squares and rectangles made of thread with pins.
Cut out all the tulip blanks. Photo 9

Glue the petals of the pink blanks with hot glue. The result was a small and a large flower.
Glue a small flower into a large one. Glue the skewer with green thread (the skewer can be coated with PVA glue completely or just the ends), you get a tulip stem. Glue the flower onto the stem. Photo 10

Glue leaves onto the stem. Photo 11

A soft pink tulip for mom is ready.

"Flower pots." Puzynin Maxim.
Twine, wire, flowers.

"A gift for mom." Sorokin Artyom.
Corrugated paper roses. The bicycle parts are wrapped with colored thread.

"Bouquet for Mom." Kalinina Karina.
The picture is embroidered with a cross and satin ribbons.

"Gift for Mom." Sheshukova Ulyana.
The pillow is made of viscose fabric, decorated with sewing and cross stitch.

"For my beloved mother." Ledyaev Alexander.
The picture is embroidered with a cross and satin ribbons.

"Sun good mood for my mom." Malyshev Artyom, 10 years old, Serpukhov - 15.

To make such a cute sun you will need:
1. Yellow cardboard in the shape of a circle - 2 pcs.
2. Yellow threads - two shades.
3. Rhinestones and pompoms for the eyes and nose.
4. red fabric for a smile.
5. Glue “moment”, scissors.

I hope my sunshine will cheer you up!

"Snowy Owl" and "Summer Mix" in . Galina Egorova.

From foamiran

"Peony for mom." Mingazova Vilena.
Foamiran, skewer, glue, stamens, wire, corrugated paper.

"Spring Bouquet". Popova Svetlana.
Foamiran crocuses.

"Orchid". Mirgazetdinova Rizida.
Foamiran, wire, tape, beads, foamiran.

"For mom." Fattakhova Alsou.
Flower. Materials: foamiran, felt, wire, stamens, glue.

"Asters in a flowerpot." Kharina Julia, Kirsanova Taisiya.
The composition is made of foamiran material. It is cut into strips and screwed onto toothpicks. Then the flowers are formed into bouquets.

“Volume postcard for March 8th from foamiran.” Sycheva Polina, Storchak Marina.
Postcards for March 8 are modeled from foamiran, cardboard, ribbon, and rhinestones. For flowers, strips are cut and twisted into a bud. Then the postcard itself is modeled.

From beads

Beading is a popular type of needlework, and gifts made from beads are simply wonderful! By March 8, you can weave flowers or jewelry (earrings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches).

"Violets". Troshkina Elena, 11 years old.

"Magnet for mommy." Grichukh Polina.
The work is woven from beads on wire.

“An unforgettable gift for Mom!” Cherepanova Anastasia.
My work is made of colorful beads, several sticks, a small container, wire and thread. The petals themselves are made of beads different colors, and the stems are made of wooden sticks, which are wrapped in green thread. This beautiful vase was made from an ordinary container, which I decorated with knitting threads and decorated with a couple of beads.

How to make simple flowers from beads:

"Bed of beaded flowers." Motina Svetlana Sergeevna.
I made the work “Bed of Beaded Flowers” ​​from beads. Congratulations to all women on March 8th.

Set of beads and phone case. Olga Zakharova.

Made from fabric

"Tulips". Petrova Ekaterina.
Cotton fabric, filler.

Felt phone case from Olga Zakharova.

"Grandma in the window." Garkushin Nikita.
The souvenir for March 8 is made of nylon, ice cream sticks, and fabric.

Magnet – frame with photo “Carriage” –

"Kitty." Yanysheva Daria.
Viscose napkin, padding polyester, acrylic paints.

March 8th is a holiday, which, according to the current situation, is already for many years traditions, began to symbolize for us the final and irrevocable victory of spring over winter and the awakening of nature. And since it is marked on the calendar as “International Women’s Day,” it is on this day that men from almost all over the world congratulate their close women, showing them signs of attention and giving them all kinds of pleasant gifts. What could be more touching and nicer than a gift made with your own hands? By investing our strength in this matter, we thus express our exclusive attention and convey love. Such gifts are often given only to truly close people, so it is impossible to approach this issue superficially, because you want the person not only to appreciate the gift giver’s ability to do needlework, but also for such a gift to be truly relevant and useful, as much as possible. All this turns the choice of a gift into difficult task, which we will be happy to help you solve! So, let's look at what you can stop at.

  1. Poem. There are few things that can touch the heart of a girl or woman like a poem written from the heart! Both the beloved, the mother and the daughter will be happy with such a gift.
  2. Knitted crafts. You can knit a cute, useful thing like a bright scarf; although it takes some effort, the effect will be many times greater!
  3. If you love gadgets, then a very cool option would be a photo frame with a story loaded into it, which relates to some bright moments of the woman or girl you are gifting.
  4. Photo collage. There is simply a huge field for creativity here! Choose a subject, find the necessary photos for it - and go ahead! With patience and ingenuity, you can create something touching and beautiful.
  5. Bake a cake. This task is not for the weak! If you decide to do this for the first time, be prepared to go through a long process of trial and error. But you want the Giftee to enjoy the taste? Then go for it!
  6. Flower pot. This is a fairly easy to make and cool gift option.
  7. DIY postcard. By showing enough ingenuity and putting love into your creation, you can make an excellent, memorable gift.
  8. Dinner for two. This is a very romantic option, just for couples in love. Few girls can remain indifferent to the efforts of their man in the culinary field!
  9. DIY baking. In recent years, tools have become available that can make anyone a wonderful, exclusive cake or cookie. Any woman will definitely like this.
  10. Candles. Great idea! It’s easy to implement and carries some pleasant overtones. You can play with color and shape - as much as your imagination allows.
  11. Fruit basket. By approaching the issue with love and creativity, you can make such a delicious beauty out of a fruit basket that any girl will simply melt!
  12. Spa holiday. Having stocked up with all the necessary supplies, you can turn your girlfriend’s evening into a real spa relaxation. Important point: an appropriate environment and atmosphere of relationship is required.
  13. A bottle of wine. By showing your imagination, you can decorate it so beautifully that your woman will keep it as a souvenir!
  14. Mug with application. Very simple, easy to make and nice. Mothers and grandmothers will be especially happy.
  15. Paper bouquet. Believe me, if you decide to do it yourself, get ready for the fact that you will have to work hard! But rest assured, your lady will definitely appreciate these works!
  16. Bead painting. Lesson for at least a month if you decide to do it for the first time. But it’s not that difficult to master; perseverance is important.
  17. Knitted toy. Another option if you are not looking for easy ways. But the option is so valuable that it will definitely make a proportionately different impression!
  18. Breakfast in bed. This is probably just a necessary attribute on March 8th. So make it original!
  19. Bracelet. You can weave a bracelet for your beloved, taking into account her tastes and preferences.
  20. Music mix. Knowing the musical preferences of your loved one, you can make a selection of current music just for her that she will listen to while driving her car.
  21. Theatrical performance. If you are artistic and know that she will like this, then go ahead and write a script! This can be an unforgettable gift.
  22. Household chores. You can take over all her worries for one day, freeing up time for her to take care of herself. But remember - this cannot be the main gift, but only as an appendage to something else!
  23. Letter. In our age, a letter on paper is unusual in itself, but properly presented and with some touching content, it is a ready-made gift!
  24. Traveling together. You don’t have to buy a tour to the Maldives, you can organize everything yourself!
  25. Quest. If your girl is playful and adventurous, she will definitely like it. By the way, if you want to propose, now is the time! This sentence will remain in your memory for the rest of your life.
  26. Bookmark for a book. If your lady loves to read, then a touching bookmark made with her own hand will definitely please her.
  27. Massage. You can take lessons and, as an addition to the main gifts, give her a nice massage!
  28. Topiary. A very cool craft in the form of an artificial tree that can be decorated for this holiday.
  29. Pillow. Any girl or woman will love this original handmade pillow!
  30. Notebook. You can decorate a beautiful notebook in an unusual way - and it will turn into a cute gift.
  31. Photo album. If you make a selection of some important moments and photos for the recipient, you can arrange it in a beautiful photo album.
  32. Flower garland. If you decorate your home with a garland of flowers made by yourself, your girlfriend will be in a festive mood!
  33. Wall newspaper. If you want to congratulate your mother or grandmother, the entire male part of the family, you can give everyone the task of making some kind of craft or card, and then put them together and turn them into a wall of congratulations!
  34. Candy in a bottle. You can fill a decorative bottle with your partner's favorite candies.
  35. Table setting. Another good addition to other gifts for March 8th.
  36. Chocolate. Showing imagination and curiosity, you can make chocolate with your own hands. Needless to say, this would be a great gift?
  37. Wrappers for sweets. Any delicious sweet can be presented as exclusive in this way. Don't thank me for the idea.
  38. Painting. You can try yourself as an artist and depict something symbolic for your recipient.
  39. T-shirt image. Knowing your girlfriend, you can come up with an exclusive gift for her without making any extra efforts. Implementing such an idea now is as easy as shelling pears.
  40. Soap. You can cook it yourself - there are more than enough recipes on the Internet, and there is a lot of room for imagination.
  41. Quilling. With this technique, you are sure to make the best card possible.
  42. Paper cake. You can make a paper cake with a surprise hidden inside each piece! Thus, the gift itself can be turned into an interesting game.
  43. Board game. You can design and make it yourself board game, which will be a fun time for both of you!
  44. Smartphone case. You can make an exclusive case with your own hands; it will be a pleasant and necessary accessory!
  45. Photoshoot. You can organize this action yourself or involve a professional in it. In both cases, a sea of ​​positivity is guaranteed.
  46. Felt crafts. You can make a wonderful composition from multi-colored felt.
  47. Vase. With your own hands you can make a wonderful vase for the recipient in which she will place your bouquet.
  48. Package. Any gift can be wrapped beautifully and meaningfully - this in itself is significant.
  49. Cards. You can make a wonderful little book and fill it with bonus cards to make shopping more enjoyable for your girlfriend.
  50. Candies with candy wrappers. You can insert some forfeits into your girlfriend’s favorite candies. Contents – we think for ourselves! You can see for yourself what she likes more: a game of wishes or riddles!
  51. Brooch. By demonstrating simple skills, you can easily make a beautiful brooch for your girlfriend.
  52. Suspension. You can make an interesting pendant with your own hands, even with a surprise if you try!
  53. Apron for the kitchen. It's not difficult to do in principle. And also - it allows you to fully express your creative potential.
  54. Keyboard stand. You can make the cutest craft in the form of a cat or other animal.
  55. Mittens. This accessory is simply necessary in our latitudes, and if it is also lovingly sewn with your own hands, then this makes them just a wonderful gift.
  56. Solid perfume. You can also try yourself as a perfumer. All necessary materials It’s not difficult to find, the effect of the gift will be incomparable!
  57. Laptop case. If your woman is a modern, active lady, then a cool laptop case will be very useful for her.
  58. Portrait frame. Here everything is limited only by your imagination. One thing is clear - you will definitely like such a gift.
  59. Indoor slippers. A very cute, homemade gift. Upon learning that they were made by your hands, the girl will experience pure delight.
  60. Belt. If you have the makings of a fashion designer, try making her an original belt.

Summarizing the above, I would like to say that choosing a gift is always a pleasant task. And if you decide not only to choose but also to make it with your own hands, you are guaranteed a double dose of positivity. Bright gifts for all women, Happy March 8th!

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Today’s post is entirely devoted to the topic “Do-it-yourself gifts for March 8th,” because such a gift is always the best due to its originality.

I turned to Yandex and it found 146 million results for this query, which indicates the enormous popularity of the topic. Today we will touch on only a small part of the information presented on the World Wide Web! And we’ll start the review with the thing in which we usually receive gifts on March 8th...

DIY gifts for March 8th: the best ideas

You can’t even imagine what you can do for this wonderful day!

How to make a paper bag for March 8?

you without special labor you can make a paper gift bag using the elegant models that we offer this collection.

It's simple: choose a ready-made template for the handbag you like, print it on paper (as thick as possible). Now all you have to do is cut out the resulting stamp and glue it strictly according to the instructions. The handbag is ready.

By the way, it is not necessary to choose a template with a ready-made design. There are also clean layouts; your child can design them.

As a result, we get original and practical items for gifts.

More interesting option paper handbag is this model:

Of course, you won’t go to the store with these, but it’s just right for giving a gift for International Women’s Day.

Wonderful tulip pencil holder

This gift is also easy to make with your own hands. you will need the following materials:

  • thick cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

At the first stage, we draw a template for our future pencil and cut out the details from it.

Next, bend the template along the dotted lines.

Now you need to connect the sides with high-quality glue.

At the final stage we glue the bottom. This pencil holder can be given as a gift to teachers and kindergarten teachers.

Bookmark for a book - a simple and necessary gift

Also obtained from paper material. I will offer two of the easiest options to make. So, we need thick cardboard, preferably colored, bright wrapping paper, scissors, glue and everything else you want to decorate your craft with.

First option. We cut out a 10x10 centimeter square from our cardboard. Fold it diagonally 2 times. After this, cut the finished figure into 2 parts, as shown in the picture.

The resulting corner needs to be glued and decorated with sparkles, rhinestones, beads, ribbons or some kind of applique.

Manufacturing second option even students can bookmark junior classes. First, a 10 cm strip with a width of 6 cm is cut out of cardboard. It is folded as shown in the pictures.

The ends of the resulting “envelope” are either left as they are, or cut out in a semicircle or in the shape of a heart. We connect the two halves using applique.

I think girls will like this bookmark.

Elastic band-kanzashi

They can diversify and decorate the everyday hairstyle of those with beautiful long hair. But you don’t have to buy hair ties in the store; you can make a unique thing yourself. It will be much more interesting. The beauty you see in the photo is made from scrap materials.

To sew an elastic flower we need:

  • cardboard;
  • textile;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • rubber;
  • beads;
  • needle.

So let's get started. First, we make 3 types of cardboard circles with diameters of 5, 6.5 and 8 cm.

We apply the templates obtained in this way onto the selected fabric base, outline it with chalk and cut out the details - 5 circles of each type.

1) Now take one circle and fold it in half (see picture).

2) Repeat the procedure one more time, folding the previously obtained semicircle in half.

3) Now we have in our hands a part that resembles a petal. We need to stitch it from the bottom with the needle forward.

4) By analogy, we make petals from the remaining 4 circles of this type and collect them on our thread. Having finished, we tighten the thread and we get such a cute flower.

5) In a similar way, we make flowers from all the circles.

6) We connect the resulting 3 flowers together.

7) A regular one is sewn onto the large lower flower.

8) Decorate the small top flower in the middle with a bead of a contrasting color or a pebble.

A great gift for mom - a photo frame

Despite digital technologies, conventional photography is still popular. Agree, it’s nice to look at pictures on photo paper. And if they are, then it becomes double pleasure. Perhaps this is why a gift for March 8 in the form of a hand-made photo frame, which literally anyone can make, is relevant these days. The technology consists of two steps. It is also universal in terms of giving: it can even be used as a children's gift.

First you need to prepare a paper base - it should be dense, so it is better to prefer cardboard. You determine the size yourself, as well as the shape - the future frame and holes for pictures. The latter can be made completely different: a rectangle or a square, a rhombus or a circle, in general, any other shape.

Are you ready? Now use your imagination to design the base. The base of the photo frame can be wrapped with ribbon or colored fabric strips, or decorated with beads, buttons, shells or pebbles. By the way, any of these decorations can be painted over with gouache or watercolors, choosing an interesting color scheme.

When making a photo frame, do not forget to immediately decide on the issue of mounting - will it hang on the wall or stand on the table?

Double surprise - double the joy

A woman will be doubly pleased to receive a sweet gift if it is presented in an original frame. Even ordinary candies. For example, in such an amazing heart-shaped frame that resembles a pink bouquet.

To make it you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • white hard cardboard;
  • double-sided red or burgundy origami paper in A-4 format;
  • candies that are to be framed;
  • a regular toothpick;
  • glue stick;
  • narrow transparent tape;
  • ruler and compass.

In the first stage, we prepare the base: carefully cut out a heart from cardboard - 20 cm in diameter is enough. On its reverse side we draw two straight lines - one divides the heart in half, the second is its height. We mark the intersection of lines with a dot. We take a compass and draw a circle 5 centimeters in diameter (marked with a dotted line in the figure). Stepping 1 cm down from the center, draw an arc - a diameter of 4 cm. The result is a figure like an oval.

Using this sketch, we also cut out the inner oval circle.

The next stage of work is preparing roses using the quilling method. We cut 30-centimeter strips of paper, half a centimeter wide, and screw them tightly onto a toothpick. It is necessary to produce 40 pieces.

We slightly loosen the resulting spirals so that they “move apart”, and glue the free end to the parallel side.

From the resulting blanks, we select 28 pieces and make “petals” from them, squeezing closed spirals on one side. Then, from the remaining ones, we select 3 pieces and prepare “eyes” - the spiral is compressed on both sides. In addition, you will need 6 more “closed” spirals.

We put these details on our heart - decide for yourself how. Try it different options, and only after deciding, glue the roses to the cardboard.

Fur keychain is a cute and pleasant thing

To make a fur keychain, we need a small piece of fur, it’s great if it’s an arctic fox, a piece of leather or leatherette from old bag or gloves. You will also need fishing line, which is used when weaving beads, or strong threads, and a standard key ring. Tools include scissors and a needle.

  1. A piece of fur is folded with the fur inward, and the edges are stitched. Just leave a hole to turn the workpiece inside out.
  2. We use an identical method to make a leather strap. If you want to make a thinner strap, you can immediately sew the workpiece on the right side, bending its edges.
  3. We pass the strap through the ring.
  4. We need one more leather piece. Cut out a rectangle
  5. We also sew it by folding the right side inward. We fix the strap in it.
  6. The base of our bag needs to be folded inward with its edges.
  7. We return to the fur blank: we tighten it with threads on the base.
  8. Now you decide whether or not to use decorative elements and move on.
  9. Let's move on to the final stage. We place the fur ball in a bag and sew it on, at the same time attaching beads in case of decoration. Upon completion of the work, we hide the end of the fishing line (or thread) in a bag. Our keychain is ready.

Origami - beautiful and touching

It’s quite easy to prepare holiday flowers for your mother or grandmother with your children. The Japanese technique of origami comes to our aid. How and what to do is clear from the following diagrams.

Useful videos

Since I was not able to cover many ideas, I decided to finally link to useful videos, which I wanted to write about in today’s review.

If you are interested in creating a topiary, a small original tree of happiness, then watch this video:

If you watch this video, you will quickly learn how to sew without sewing.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

It’s better to prepare gifts for March 8th with your own hands in advance, but if you just now remembered about the holiday, choose simple master classes from our selection.

Original ideas and simple handicraft techniques will help you make surprises for friends, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, granddaughters, work colleagues and other women you want to please. Don’t be afraid to give handmade crafts to bosses, doctors and teachers. Such things are in price today, and if you think about the packaging, the gift will become even more valuable.

What to do on March 8 for colleagues

Let's start by making simple and small gifts for colleagues on March 8 with our own hands. If the team is large, then you can make small souvenirs for everyone, and come up with something more substantial for close friends and bosses. But here it’s up to you - take into account the relationships in the team and traditions.

Win-win option- coasters for cups. The easiest way to make such useful things is from felt. You can make several of these in one evening. You can do the same.

For colleagues with whom you have a closer relationship, sew felt keychains. This useful and cute accessory will appeal to women of any age.

Every girl needs a pincushion, even if she doesn't do needlework. The bright one will help keep dangerous needles in order.

A simple and very effective decoupage technique is also useful in making beautiful and useful gifts by March 8th with your own hands. If you need something inexpensive and easy to make, we recommend making it from blanks.

For large numbers of employees, try . Ideal for beginners.

You can give it to the team leader and let her hang it at the entrance to her office. Perhaps this accessory will improve the mood of both the boss and the employees called to the carpet.

Amuse your colleagues with delicious food. Wrap it beautifully in cellophane and give it to everyone on March 8th. They look like the real thing, but no one will get better from these!

From adhesive tape sleeves it turns out. The finishing is done with napkins. If there are no bushings, the base can be assembled from cardboard. In principle, this decor is suitable for any box.

Small coffee shops will help out when you have a lot of girlfriends. Sew one for each girl and complete it with a suitable design.

For your most beloved friend, you can spend more time knitting and threading. Delight is guaranteed, just don’t forget to take into account the size of your girlfriend’s gadget.

If mom long hair, then please her with a hair clip or hoop. Universal.