What courses to take at 40 years old. Change profession in adulthood

Yes, it’s a problem... So much has been written, filmed and shown on this topic! I myself know how people become different with age. It’s like at 16 - we have Napoleonic plans, we are young, and it seems that we are borrowing everything in the world. And we get angry when our elders tell us...
Now we ourselves are “seniors”, we know so much that it’s enough for an entire academy of sciences, we actually know how to do everything and can move real mountains. But now the young “boys” and “girls” are calling the shots, and they think that we are old nags. Here is the real situation: I read posts on the “People” forum. One day, three people immediately turned to forum members for help with computer problems. Of course the young people responded. And when I read their answers, I was amazed. Such answers are worthy only of "losers".
I have already found a job. Strangely enough, they value “old people” there - the company is very serious, and “boys” are not held in high esteem there. Okay, I'll work. But I chose this job in order to also do real work.
Therefore, colleagues, there is nothing to be afraid of our “golden” age - now is the time to show young people how to work! The country is literally inundated with young “specialists” with purchased diplomas. What can you trust such a person? Finally, the country again began to make missiles, planes, tanks, submarines... Once again our fleet sails all the oceans, the army began to be staffed with contract soldiers, they remembered science. And who will do all this at each specific workplace? The shortage of qualified personnel is our reality! For many decades, our country has trained truly the best scientists, engineers, and workers. This is the "gold fund" of our country. But these people inevitably grow old, and young people are not interested in living by science or technology. Any creative process is a whole life that takes a lot of time. Anyone who has ever created something can say that the work takes much more time than allotted for it. This is a whole life! Which young person would risk decades of life for a moment of success?
This, colleagues, is why we are so valuable. Let's start valuing ourselves too. Understand that this is not the easiest milestone to overcome. And a job change is just in time!
Yes, those around us are accustomed to the fact that we are “gray mice” and do not expect such changes from us. But you have to prove to yourself that this is not so. And our age is not a hindrance to us, on the contrary, it is an advantage!
I found a job, and most likely I will soon forget about this forum. But for eccentrics like me, I started a forum on my website. The topic is not the easiest - invention. Maybe I have only now “grown up” to such tasks and questions, although I have tried to deal with them all my life. This is what explains my frequent job changes. I earn money to spend it on “hobbies”... I won’t write details yet, but the prospects are interesting.
Sorry for writing so much on a small topic. In fact, the topic is very large, but most people do not realize it.
If anyone is interested, go to the “People” forum in Yandex, where I often write posts and give links. It may not be possible to provide direct links here - that’s why I’m writing this as hints.

Good luck with your work!
Dmitry Ushanov, "Black Hole".


By the age of 40, a person often manages to make a career, his life becomes orderly and stable. But at the same time, justified reasons may appear that force you to radically change your profession. Such changes can be prompted by deep dissatisfaction with the current job, job reduction, as well as some personal reasons.

If you decide to change your profession in adulthood, try to follow some rules. First, don't make a decision under the influence of a negative moment. Did you quarrel with a colleague? Have you been deprived of your bonus? There is no need to demonstratively slam the door and go into the unknown. Keep your current job until you develop a clear plan of action.

State your desires. It’s great if your skills and abilities allow you to move into a related profession or industry. For example, a manager can start his own business, a musician can teach vocals, a military man can head a security agency, an IT specialist can develop websites. It is much more difficult if you want to radically change your field of activity. In this case, it is important to soberly assess your abilities, skills and strengths.

Start preparing for a new profession. Learn, update your skills, improve your qualifications. It is better to do this while you are still working in your old profession. Go to evening or Sunday retraining courses, trainings, and educate yourself.

Find an opportunity to practice a new profession. Having practical experience when looking for work as an adult is taken for granted. If you don't want to shock new employers, take care of an internship and work at least a little in a new profession.

Stop being afraid. If you are well prepared, you will be a completely competitive specialist, and you should not be afraid to leave your favorite place. Your best bet is that you will spend the rest of your life doing meaningless work and receiving a meager salary.

Be inspired by the positive examples of some famous personalities. Paolo Coelho's first book was published when he was 41 years old. Christian Dior created his own fashion house at the age of 42. Housewife Susan Boyle, at the age of 47, took part in the show “Britain's Got Talent” and became one of the most sought-after and popular singers. Actress Katherine Joosten, who received a prestigious Emmy Award for her role in the TV series Desperate Housewives, worked as a nurse until she was 60 years old. She took acting classes at the age of 42, and then received refusals for more than 10 years after unsuccessful auditions.

It turned out that the level of competence of people is unevenly distributed by age. It would seem that the older a person is and the longer he has been engaged in his profession, the higher the competence should be, the better the results and the louder the success?

However, this is not observed in all professions. Perhaps only in some areas of art: in painting, music, sculpture, literature, partly in directing, in crafts, martial arts, and even then under the condition of continuous practice and close involvement in the real industry.

In all other professions, there is a completely different distribution of competencies by age, with the peak occurring between 30 and 40 years. At this time, people are actively immersed in real projects and are less involved in management.

After 40 years, many people move from direct professional activities to managerial ones, which inevitably reduces their competencies.

Some people at the age of 30–35 create their own business, as a result of which they have to improve marketing, sales, accounting, and business organization. There is less time left for professional growth.

Individually, this age range of competency distribution varies greatly by industry. There are industries, such as software development, where the rate of change is so high that the peak of competencies falls in the range from 25 to 35 and does not grow much because technologies, tools and frameworks are actively changing. There are industries where the rate of change is lower, so the peak of competencies moves closer to 40–45, sometimes to 50, which is already rare.

But one way or another, there is a significant number of people over 45, 50, 55 years old who have a serious problem: they have changed many professions, but all these professions are outdated to one degree or another. As a result, such people are in a kind of illusion.

They continue to think that they are still professionals in these industries. Compared to novice amateurs - yes, but for the requirements of the modern market - no longer!

That means back to school! 45, 50, 55, 65 - this is the range when you can and should acquire, open up new horizons and opportunities. Why and why is this necessary?

Why study

Bad news first

If you are professionally illiquid, then an unpleasant prospect awaits you. You can continue to service increasingly simpler processes, and most likely within 10-15 years you will be laid off. It is difficult and almost impossible for you to compete with the next generation in the 35-45 age range. Moreover, the robots are advancing. Therefore, we will not discuss further why this is necessary: ​​it is already clear. Let's talk about the benefits of getting a new profession.

Good news: we have a lot of them!

1. Oddly enough, people do not get dumber with age, but get smarter. This is a proven fact. You can learn 10-20 times faster, especially in complex subjects and skills. Yes, teenagers will beat you at computer shooting games, but they won't even come close to understanding the complex concepts that you will intuitively understand instantly. Why? Because your erudition, contextual spaces, ability to operate with categories and connect concepts are several times higher at this age. And they will continue to increase if you take care of this in advance.

2. You read faster and, most importantly, understand faster. If it takes a young person several years to enter the profession, it will only take you a few months if you do it with the same intensity. Many people over 45 are afraid to study because they are used to thinking that it will take a very long time.

Children take a long time to learn, but adults learn 100 and 200 times faster. Now you don't have to be afraid.

3. You see new opportunities faster when you connect with new knowledge. Why? Because opportunities are the other side of problems, and you see them and are able to recognize them more and better precisely because you are more experienced and sophisticated in life. The problem with new startups is that they quickly gain expertise in technology, but they do not have knowledge of life and understanding of problems. Therefore, new knowledge will give you 10–20 times more opportunities than young people.

5. Intensive education dramatically reduces the likelihood of age-related dementia, which is too early to think about before 40, and after 55 it’s not too late. More details about this can be found in the presentation of my TED talk “Non-drug approaches to active aging.”

6. New learning means new contacts, new horizons, new meanings, new countries. Children and household problems in the past.

The second youth has arrived - the time to discover the world, gain new sensations, new experiences. Everything is just beginning.

Feel yourself young again, a student again, leave the constraining role of an experienced person. Experience is there to help you, not limit your ability to grow.

What to study

The general approach relies on two simple criteria.

1. What do you like, what do you have a passion for?

People often make mistake No. 1: you get excited about many things that you know and have experienced. But there is a lot of everything. There is much more that you don’t know and that could possibly embarrass you much more. To avoid making this mistake, you need to read more different industry press, go to events in different areas that are far from your everyday life.

Mistake #2: Choosing a profession. A profession is just a tool for achieving and realizing your desires and ideas of success. Therefore, first you should understand what the picture of success looks like, the experience you want to gain. What does the role you want to play look like? Once you understand this, everything becomes much easier with the choice of profession.

2. What will develop promisingly and intensively within 5–8 years?

The calculation is simple: it will take 5–7 months to study, about 7–9 months to enter a new field and get to the forefront (remember that you do this faster than young people) and about 5 years of unlimited professional, social and financial growth. Then, most likely, either a transition to a higher level - management and business - or another change of direction.

First of all, I went to the career guidance center, where, after a two-hour test, they announced to me the professions that suited me: sales manager, dog handler, director and logistician. Not a bad spread, right? What a versatile personality I am, it turns out!

I must admit, the pictures seemed most rosy to me (well, gray hair in a beard, a demon in a rib - you understand). But as soon as I started surfing the labor market in search of possible vacancies, all illusions about my brilliant future in a new field crumbled in an instant. And the most important stumbling block was the point “requirements for applicants”.

How to find a good job when you are over 40?

The decision came completely by accident, and not at all from the direction I expected. But I’ll talk about this a little later, but for now I’ll tell you what other difficulties I encountered, and what you should think about before deciding to radically change your profession.

What job should you not look for after 40?

  1. Don't throw everything away, take a time out . Sometimes it’s not the chosen profession that makes you sick, but the work in general. Well, you're tired! So the best option would be a vacation, and you can have a good rest and think about everything soberly. Maybe after lying on the beach for two weeks, you will want to skip to work and you will no longer have any desire to change anything.
  2. If thoughts about change still haunt you, think about it. Maybe you are not satisfied with the type of activity, but with your team or pay? You should not engage in self-deception, otherwise you will simply exchange an awl for soap. Who knows, what if it’s best to change companies rather than change professions?
  3. Decide what you want to do , and learn about all the pitfalls. Otherwise, difficulties may discourage any desire to continue doing something. At this age, defeat is much harder to deal with, I know from myself.
  4. Look for some educational courses in this profession , they will help you gain basic skills. In addition, as far as I remember, many employers really value certificates for completing such courses, since they provide the knowledge that is really necessary for work.
  5. It would be great if the chosen area is related to your previous activities . This way you will learn a new job much faster, and your experience will become a beneficial advantage over young people.
  6. Be prepared for the fact that retraining will take a lot of time and money, so take care of your financial cushion in advance. Also an important factor will be whether your loved ones are ready to support you, since changing a profession is a very difficult step, and you may need help.

How I changed my profession at 40

As I already said, the decision came completely spontaneously and unexpectedly. I made my favorite “ministerial” poppy seed cake (I love baking, to be honest) and invited my friend over for tea to chat and complain about what kind of creeps employers are and how hard it is to find a job at 42 years old.

In a leisurely conversation over some goodies, it turned out that my guest’s daughter would be getting married in a week. So she asked me to bake a birthday cake, since they both simply adore my flour “masterpieces.”

Of course, I happily agreed! It was very exciting. I pulled out a notebook with the most proven recipes from the bins. I spent a long time surfing the Internet. And on the eve of the celebration, I created something three-tiered, covered in fragrant glaze and decorated with my signature candied flowers. To be honest, I was shocked by myself.

At the wedding, all the guests were delighted with the cake. But imagine my surprise when within a week 3 people called me asking me to bake something similar to order! So my love for sweets turned into a source of income.

My husband supported me very much in my endeavors, for which I am immensely grateful to him.

True, after a couple of months I felt that my skills were still not enough, and therefore I signed up for special confectionery courses. So now I can make chiffon sponge cake, mascarpone cream, and even make mastic figures with my own hands.

Now I have an appointment for a month in advance. I finally feel like I'm just enjoying what I'm doing. The income, however, is still a little less than at my previous job. But no amount of money can buy happiness!

When people ask me what I do for work, I proudly answer that I don’t work, but do what I love!

So, if we return to the question of whether it is difficult to find a job at this age, I will answer: work may be very difficult, but a favorite activity is quite possible. And when you are happy with what you do, then there will be money.

I hope my example will inspire you and help you not to be afraid of change. Anything is possible at any age! If, of course, you really want it.

Some women, having reached the age of 40, realize that their professional activities are not successful. The ideal option is to change profession, but fear of change for many becomes the main barrier preventing self-realization. It is possible to radically change your life at this age; it is often a successful step; the main thing is to approach its implementation correctly.

Changing profession at 40 for a woman: main reasons

There is a widespread belief that it is quite difficult for a woman to find a job after 45 years of age. This becomes the key reason why ladies, having reached this age, try not to notice the symptoms that indicate unfulfillment in the professional sphere.

Highly paid professions for women: executive director, pharmacist, lawyer, management analyst.

A forbidden topic for the majority leads to psychological imbalance, the woman becomes depressed and irritable. This is reflected in her appearance, relationships with colleagues and loved ones.

If work does not bring pleasure or money, then you should think about changing your professional activity.

When is it worth changing your profession?

The following symptoms indicate the need for changes in the professional sphere (one of them is enough to think about changes):

  • Work is not fun. Just the thought of having to go to work causes irritation. There is no interest in professional literature and acquiring additional knowledge, there is constant psychological discomfort.
  • Feeling of unfulfillment. A woman may feel out of place and realize that she is not growing professionally.
  • Constantly increasing responsibilities. A woman copes with her direct responsibilities so quickly that they begin to load her with additional work without increasing the remuneration for this. Employers can take advantage of the employee's conscientiousness and responsibility.
  • Low wages. If there is insufficient means of subsistence, a woman’s wages are lower than the market average, and financial issues become key, then she should immediately choose a new job.

How to change a profession at 40 for a woman: basic steps

Despite stereotypes and fears, it is possible for a woman to change her profession after 40 years. To do this you only need to take a few steps:

  • Awareness. To change something in life, you need to honestly admit to yourself that your current activity is not suitable for you. Psychologically, this step is quite difficult, because any person tends to resist change. For further stages to be successful, it is important to cast aside fear and begin to implement your plans.
  • Compiling a list of knowledge and skills. This list should be approached realistically and responsibly. It will help you decide on the possible direction of your profession in the future.
  • Make a choice. To do this, you can make a list of known professions, discard those that are not suitable for age, knowledge, and that are scary to take up. From the remaining ones, determine the most promising ones. You can also contact career guidance specialists.

How to change a profession at 40 for a woman: making a choice

There are a lot of options for changing professional activities. You can choose one of two available options: adjacent or dramatic changes. The first ones are more suitable for those who are afraid or do not want to change direction. In this case, it is enough to take specialized courses. They will help expand your knowledge base and allow you to obtain the appropriate certificate. This is appreciated by employers, and the experience present will be useful.

To choose a new profession, value your capabilities and desires. Make a list of what you would like to do.

What to do when there are drastic changes?

If you decide that the best thing for you is to completely change your occupation, then you should think carefully about what you are interested in doing and compare it with your own capabilities, skills, and knowledge. In some cases, obtaining a second education will help. But you need to understand that this requires time and money.

Options when looking for a job are:

  • Mastering male professions. This division is very conditional. There are a number of interesting jobs here, such as being a driving instructor or working as a taxi driver.
  • Remote work on the Internet. Its advantages are the opportunity to try your hand without the need for immediate dismissal (this option is especially good for a pregnant woman). Now there are a large number of offers on the Internet that may interest a woman. In most cases, age doesn't matter at all.
  • Mastering new directions. Many companies prefer to hire employees without work experience, conducting training themselves. This option is suitable for many women after 40-45 years.
  • Retraining (for example, as a manicurist). To do this, you can take training courses. These investments will quickly pay off; today this is an extremely in-demand profession.
  • Opening your own business. There are a sufficient number of options for what to do, it depends on knowledge, skills, and talent. For example, you can open educational courses for children or adults, bake cakes to order, sell handmade products, etc.

A great option to change your profession is to turn your hobby into your own business.

Women over 40 are valued by employers, offering them good options for positions and professions.

Lady boss: is it possible to build a successful career?

Some women are afraid to change their profession after 40, because they are not sure that they will be able to achieve any heights in it. And at this age you want not just to work and earn money, but to have a certain status. Psychologists note that women are more likely to succeed in the professional field after 45 years than men. There are several reasons for this:

  • Having experience. At this age, the applicant has significant work experience and knows various aspects of activity, which can be useful in related professions.
  • Responsibility. Women are more responsible, they are good performers, they can be trusted with almost any job. This quality is highly valued by employers.
  • Patience and perseverance. Women do not give up halfway, they see it through to the end, even if various difficulties arise in the process.

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